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How to make bird food with your own hands. We make a bird feeder with our own hands - photos, drawings and original ideas for making it from wood and scrap materials. Wooden feeder with flat roof

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DIY bird feeder - examples and ideas

You can make a beautiful bird feeder from scrap materials. Let's consider several ideas for original feeders made of wood, plastic bottles, cardboard, juice bags, as well as dimensions, drawings and photos of finished products.

Don’t let the birds die of hunger in winter - prepare a beautiful feeder for them with delicious treats. Enjoy the cheerful and joyful chirping of little titmice or sparrows.

During the cold season, it becomes increasingly difficult for birds remaining to winter to obtain food. Heavy snowfalls, icing and frost are a real threat to birds. Due to a lack of calories, many birds freeze without waiting for nice days. Their only hope remains man. Even a few bread crumbs from the table or a handful of cereal can save the life of funny little birds.

It is quite easy to please bullfinches, tits, and sparrows with tasty delicacies. To do this you need to make a simple feeder from wood or other available materials and periodically add grain or bread crumbs to it. You can make an original feeder at home. A variety of available materials are suitable for this, for example, plastic bottles, cans, five-liter bottles, cardboard boxes, plywood scraps, imitation timber and much more. A beautiful and reliable feeder can be built even from wood. To do this, you need to prepare a drawing and select suitable scraps of wood or wooden planks.

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands?

A homemade feeder can be made from various available materials. For this you can use wooden planks, plastic bottles, boxes, ceramic cups and many other suitable materials.

How to make a bird feeder for kindergarten with your child?

A children's bird feeder, made together with your child, will be an excellent craft in kindergarten. This will help teach your child to care for others from a young age, and will also turn out to be a fun and interesting activity. An original feeder, decorated on its own, will perfectly complement your garden plot. Just imagine how pleasant it is to watch small feathered friends chirping happily while enjoying the delicacy prepared for them.

If you want to make a feeder for kindergarten with your child, be sure to consider his age. It is better to choose for kids simple options homemade feeders so that the child can participate as much as possible in the process, developing his own imagination and hand motor skills. Older children can take part in creating more complex crafts, made, for example, from plywood or wooden planks.

Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

You can make a bird feeder from plastic bottles in a matter of minutes. Suitable for this 1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle of mineral water or lemonade. To make a feeder for tits and sparrows from a bottle, you need to mark the hole with a marker and carefully cut it out using sharp scissors. A soft wire or cord should be tied to the neck of the bottle, with which you can hang it on a tree branch.

A self-filling or hopper bottle feeder is also suitable for birds. To make a bunker feeder, you need to prepare two bottles of the same volume. You should also mark a hole on one of them, cut it out, and then cut off the upper part along with the neck. You need to pour grain for the birds into the second bottle, then put the first one on it and turn it over. After this, the grain from the second bottle will be poured into the first as the birds peck at it.

Bird feeder made from a canister or mayonnaise bucket

You can make a bird feeder from scrap materials at home. For these purposes, you can use a plastic canister or mayonnaise buckets, as in the photo below. The shapes and configurations of feeders can vary greatly. Ideally, they should all be covered, so that winter time the grain was not covered with snow.

Feeder from plastic bottle for birds should not have sharp edges so that the birds do not cut their paws while dining. After cutting the holes in the bottle, the edges can be covered with electrical tape or adhesive tape. The windows in the bucket should be large enough. Such feeders should be mounted higher on tree branches or in other places where birds would not be within easy reach of cats.

Original feeder made from improvised means with photo

The onset of cold weather is a great reason to shelter at home and do some handicrafts. Even making DIY birdhouse or a simple feeder can be a fun and enjoyable activity for family members. There are many options for feeders. Here are a few ideas that can be easily brought to life using simple materials at hand.

Simple bottle feeder with wooden spoons

Simple and convenient feeders can be made using plastic bottles and wooden spoons from kitchen sets. This design is quite convenient for birds, because the spoons serve not only for additional grain collection, but also act as convenient perches. To make such a feeder, you need to prepare through holes in the bottle so that the spoon is positioned with a slight slope. On top of the spoon you need to make additional holes through which the food will be available to the birds. The level of the grain should be above the spoon, so as it is consumed, the food must be added to the bottle.

Tin can feeder

To make such a feeder, you can use any tin can, preferably with a plastic lid. A coffee or cocoa can is perfect for these purposes. How to make a feeder from a jar, clearly visible in the photo. Plastic cover V in this case acts as a barrier for grain, preventing it from spilling. The bottom of the jar can also be removed. To secure the can, you can thread a thick cord or wire through both holes.

How to make a bird feeder from a juice box

Milk cartons And juice well suited for creating a feeder. Such packaging can be easily cut with a regular knife or scissors and does not become limp under rain or snow. To make a feeder from a juice box, you just need to mark a hole with a marker and cut it out with a kitchen or utility knife.

Using a similar scheme, you can perform cardboard bird feeder, cutting out the necessary parts and gluing them with PVA glue. However, cardboard construction is not the best option. It quickly becomes limp under the influence of moisture, so it is not used for long, and even then mainly under a canopy.

A bird feeder made of wood is a great solution for birds!

Homemade bird feeder made of wood- This is the most reliable and durable design option, which can also be made at home. Any person who has a hammer, a saw and, of course, desire can make it. To make a wooden feeder, you don't have to buy materials. You can simply take scraps of plywood, wooden boards, lining or other materials left over from the renovation.

The dimensions of the feeder are shown in the drawing. If desired, you can make a feeder with a smaller bottom size, for example, 250 x 200. If you have scraps of wood that can be used, be guided by their length.

So, the roof deck and the bottom of the feeder are made of plywood. To do this, you need to prepare three parts: the bottom - size 300 x 240 with a thickness of 3 mm, roof parts - 280 x 212. Crossbars, racks and other structural elements can also be made from wooden slats. If necessary, parts should be sanded and, after assembly, varnished or painted.

Assembling a wooden feeder is carried out in several stages:

  • Take a wooden piece for the bottom and use nails to attach four corner posts to it;
  • Secure the sides with nails, nailing them to the bottom and corner posts;
  • Place the crossbar strips on top of the posts and nail them;
  • Place the connecting rail and roof slats on the crossbars according to the drawing;
  • Build a roof deck;
  • Decorate the craft as desired, varnish or paint it.

The result of the work performed is a reliable and beautiful wooden feeder, capable of serving for more than one year. To protect the product from rain, leftover linoleum, waterproofing film or other moisture-resistant materials can be stuffed onto the roof.

A wooden bird feeder can vary in design and size. They look very interesting wooden crafts, decorated with paintings or wood carvings. Every person with certain decorative skills can decorate a wooden feeder yourself. Sometimes feeders are made in the form of a house, complementing it with windows and doors, constructing miniature fences and other decorative elements.

DIY bird feeder made from scrap materials

A few more original ideas for making feeders.

Easy to make and beautiful.

Ceramic cup feeder. Enjoy your tea!

The feeder is made from a 5 liter bottle and is beautifully decorated.

Bird feeders - original ideas with photos

Coconut feeder. It's simple.

A simple feeder can be made even from an ordinary coconut. Don't be afraid to use your imagination to please the birds. Any available materials can be turned into a real masterpiece!

Feeder made from a wicker basket.

Wooden feeder with a house. Two in one.

Feeders made from scrap materials

You can make a feeder from available materials. You can make it from a piece of ordinary wood, a saucer, or even a car headlight. The main rule is that the feeder should be comfortable. It should protect birds from rain and snow and be suspended above the ground at a safe height.

Feeder from a car headlight.

Don't know how to feed birds properly? Organize them a comfortable place, sheltered from rain or snow. Any materials are suitable for this. For example, see if you have an old car headlight lying around in your garage?

Feeder carved from a piece of wood. Unusual crafts made from logs.

What can you feed birds in winter?

When the first snow falls, it becomes quite difficult for birds to get food. Due to hunger and cold, many of them die without waiting for nice days. Snow and ice hide all remnants of edible food, while birds have to expend much more energy to naturally warm themselves than they receive from food.

To save our feathered friends from death, you can build a feeder and periodically replenish it with edible treats. You can feed birds in winter with bread crumbs and grains, such as oats, millet, wheat and barley. Birds also eat rice, pumpkin grains and seeds well. Tits love to eat pieces of lard that can be hung large piece straight onto a tree branch.

Food for tits and other wintering birds

In winter, it replaces larvae and beetles, which birds eat in natural conditions. However, when preparing such a delicacy, do not forget that it should not contain salt or any spices. You can secure pieces of lard by threading a strong cord through them or placing them in a citrus net. It is better not to give millet and fresh fruits to birds. Bananas, sour foods, brown bread and citrus fruits are also contraindicated for them.

Since not only tits strive to enjoy the treat, you can also pour universal food into the feeder. Great for attracting birds raw sunflower seeds, nuts, white millet, seeds of watermelon, burdock seeds, quinoa, thistle, dried rowan, ash seeds And maple. The latter are very fond of bullfinches, which also need winter bait.

By the way, you can build a feeder not only for tits and sparrows, but also for squirrels, woodpeckers and jays. You can store nuts and acorns for them, and put cones in the feeder. During the nesting period, birds can be added to their food crushed eggshells, coquina or crushed chalk. A supplement in the form of river sand or eggshells.

Generally bird feeders- a fairly simple product that does not require any special skills in manufacturing. You can build it from various available materials, involving even the smallest children in the process. You can install the feeder close to a window so you can watch the birds right from your home. However, it is better to hang it higher so that cats do not get to the birds.

Beautiful bird feeders

If you decide to build a beautiful and original bird feeder, we suggest you study designer products. Such bird feeders will not only delight the birds, but will also be an excellent decoration for your garden plot.

By the way, if you have a desire, you can always make original feeders yourself.

If you have wood carving skills, you can make a carved bird feeder, which will be an excellent decorative element for your garden.

Ceramic bird feeders also look very original.

Forged bird feeders with an original design.

What should a bird feeder be like?

Nobody makes any special demands on feeders. However, consider the following points:

  1. A feeder with a roof will be better protected from snow and rain. This design will withstand natural precipitation longer, and it will be easier for the birds themselves to feed in bad weather conditions.
  2. Wood products are more practical and reliable. They are not afraid of moisture and can last for several years.
  3. By making a beautiful feeder with a decorative pattern, you can not only attract birds, but also profitably decorate your own garden plot.
  4. When making a feeder from a plastic bottle, you should avoid small openings and sharp edges. Remember that a high-quality feeder should be comfortable and safe for birds.

Unusual feeders made of glass and metal.

Bird feeder - time for good deeds

Every time we brush crumbs off the table or sort through cereals, we don’t even think that we can do a good deed and feed the little hungry birds. But it’s so simple - make a feeder and feed your feathered friends with simple and tasty treats.

In the winter season, the feeder with treats sometimes becomes the only source of food for tits and their fellows. When everything is covered with snow, it is not at all easy to get food.

Even a child can make a feeder on his own. Various available materials, packaging, drink containers, wooden boards or cardboard are suitable for this. Even pieces of simple lard, suspended on a thread from a tree branch, will become a delicious delicacy for tits. Having once discovered such a treat in your yard, your feathered friends will definitely invite their fellows, and in a whole flock they will delight you with their chirping, returning to you day after day for new portions of lunch.

Simple and beautiful plastic feeders.

2017-06-25 lev

Wild animals and birds that live in nature cannot count on someone helping them in the winter just like their domesticated “brothers.” However, many people understand this and try to provide all possible assistance during the winter cold.

Benefits for both you and the birds

Caring people understand well how difficult this time is for our little brothers, since starting in late autumn, it is becoming increasingly difficult for many of them to find food. Of course, with all the desire, it is not so easy to help those of them who live in the forest or in remote areas. However, if you live in a city, town or village, then everything is within your power. Today we will talk about bird feeders. It is quite possible to make them, and we are talking about using improvised means, old packaging and containers, as well as other materials that, in any case, would most likely be thrown into a landfill.

By the way, having “accustomed” the birds to your feeder located on the site, in addition to the feeling that you are helping them, saving them from hunger during a difficult time of year, you receive some kind of additional “bonuses”:

  • Birds will get used to your site and will begin to live in and around it more often. Thus, they will constantly delight you with their games, bustle and chirping, filling the surrounding space with vital energy.
  • Quite often it happens that in the summer birds return a kind of debt to you, destroying numerous insects and pests that live in almost every garden or vegetable garden.

Wood is a reliable material!

In today's article we have presented photos of many options that will help with ideas on how to make a bird feeder with your own hands. As a rule, in order to implement a project for such a feeder, you do not need complex designs and drawings.

Attention! You can feed birds not only in winter, but also in summer, especially if you live in a country house or in a private house.

Before we look at the basic ideas for making feeders, let's talk about some of the features of choosing the material, as well as the places where you can hang or attach such a homemade structure.

Selection of material and installation location

Before choosing a place for a feeder, it will be very useful to learn the most common types of birds that live in our latitudes.

1. Nuthatch; 2. pika; 3. small spotted woodpecker; 4. crossbill; 5. jay; 6. nutcracker or nutcracker; 7. bullfinch; 8. waxwing; 9. common grosbeak; 10. goldfinch; 11. siskin; 12. common oatmeal; 13. greenfinch; 14. great tit; 15. blue tit; 16. tufted tit; 17. Muscovy tit; 18. long-tailed tit; 19. titmouse.

It is traditionally believed that a bird feeder should have the shape of a kind of house, which would be somewhat similar to a birdhouse. And in fact, this configuration is optimal for organizing a place for feeding birds. Let's consider the advantages of this form:

  • The roof allows you to create protection from rain and snow.
  • This design, made of plywood or wood, is strong, durable and reliable.
  • It will not look alien, since we are talking about landscape design and the visual appeal of the entire site.

However, you should not be limited only to this form, and also to the fact that only wood can be used as a material. In fact, both the configuration and the material can be completely different.

The main thing is that the feeder meets the basic requirements:

  1. The material from which the feeder is made must be stable and not deform over time. In other words, a birdhouse made of cardboard or similar improvised means is not suitable. It simply will not withstand difficult weather conditions: rain, sleet, etc.
  2. At the same time, you can, as a last resort, make a small feeder from juice packaging or dairy products (kefir, milk, etc.). Tetra Pak and similar cardboard packaging are to a much greater extent, compared to ordinary cardboard, adapted to the effects of moisture. However, such structures cannot be classified as durable. On the other hand, they are quite suitable as a temporary solution, which, under favorable circumstances, can serve you throughout the whole season. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that a feeder made from a milk carton is suitable only for small birds, since large ones simply will not fit in it.
  3. From the previous paragraph, by the way, the following conclusion follows: the material must be strong and stable, since it must withstand not only autumn-winter bad weather, but also the weight of the birds themselves, some of which are quite massive. In addition, keep in mind that wear will also occur due to the constant impact of their claws, since they will, as a rule, sit in a cut-out opening (“window”).
  4. By the way, since we are talking about a window, an entrance (this technological hole can be called, in fact, whatever you want), then we need to understand that its edges should not be sharp, because, otherwise, birds can injure their paws on them.


In addition to the material, as well as manufacturing technology, you need to understand that the place in which you install or hang the bird feeder is also important point. Thus, if possible, it is necessary to avoid installation in places where birds will have difficulty accessing. We are talking about dense branches and other similar places.

In addition, pay attention to ensuring that the feeder is located in a place that is difficult to reach for cats, which, as you know, are excellent hunters, living in large numbers in villages, dachas, as well as in cottages and private housing estates.

Advice! Place the feeder in an open space, in places easily visible to birds.

Popular ideas

Let's look at the basic ideas on how best to make a bird feeder with your own hands, looking at “live” examples of how many people have implemented their projects. There can be many feeders, and there are countless options for making them. However, they are all made for the same purpose. So, here are the main types of structures of this kind.

A dispenser is a very useful device for feeding birds. In addition, the bottle can be hung vertically “upside down”

Wooden house

It is quite possible to make such a design yourself. There is no need to have any specific skills or knowledge. As a rule, in such work, improvised or unnecessary boards, pieces of logs and many other wooden elements are used. Taking planks or veneer as a basis, the main task is their strong connection.

By the way, wooden bird feeders can be used not only for feeding yard birds. Similar designs are also used in chicken coops, when feeding chickens and other poultry. However, this, as they say, is a completely different story.

Plywood feeder

This design can be made with your own hands right at home. You don't need any special tools or conditions for this. In this case, of course, you will have to find drawings of the feeders. On the other hand, you can make a drawing with dimensions yourself, since there is nothing particularly complicated in its development. For additional ideas, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with photos and examples of finished work.

Hopper feeder

This type of construction, so to speak, “migrated” from agriculture. One of its main advantages is that it allows one to exclude “discrimination” of some bird species by others. You yourself have probably noticed that often a flock of birds, for example, sparrows or tits, takes an advantageous position in the immediate vicinity of food (seeds, bread crumbs, grains, cereals, loaves, etc.) or even in the feeder itself and strives to prevent other birds from accessing such a valuable resource.

Therefore, limiting the area where feathered friends can feed becomes an important task. Therefore, in such cases, homemade bunker feeders, also known as anti-passerine feeders, can be useful.

Feeders made from plastic bottles

A canister feeder is also a great option.

This type of design is extremely simple, so everyone, including children, can make it themselves. In order to make it, you just need to cut one or two holes in the bottle in order to pour bird food inside, and, in fact, so that the birds have the opportunity to get inside. Of course, you need to be careful in doing this, since the holes should be, if possible, as even and symmetrical as possible.

Interesting! If you have the time and desire, you can further decorate the feeder with natural materials or apply inscriptions.

Let's take a closer look at the features of carrying out work when there are bottles of different sizes. The fact is that the most common starting materials in such cases are:

So, if you use the first option, then you can choose two types of designs. In the first case, we are talking about making holes in both sides of the bottle. They may have different shapes: round, rectangular or square.

In the second case, you can make a special canopy that would cover the hole, protecting it from snow. In order to make it, you just need to cut a U-shaped hole, leaving one side (top). After this, this section of the bottle is bent upward, thus forming a kind of visor. This, by the way, can also be done on both sides.

To make it more comfortable for the birds, you can make two small holes under the main openings and insert a long stick into them for them to perch on before getting inside. As for the lower edge of the main holes, for greater safety it is advisable to cover it with adhesive tape or several layers of electrical tape. A cloth adhesive plaster will also work. In this way, you can make your own feeder from plastic containers of relatively small volume.

Even easier, you can make a feeder from a 5-liter bottle. The fact is that the walls are often straight, which allows you to cut a more even hole. Plus, more seeds and crumbled loaf can be placed in such a container, and it is more convenient for birds to fly inside. To make this you will need a knife or strong scissors.

If the plastic bottle is attached horizontally, then holes can be cut in place of the bottom and neck. If you plan to fix it vertically, then you can cut 2, 3 or even 4 holes on different sides if you are working with a bottle that has a square or rectangular cross-section. This, by the way, will allow several birds to fly in and feed at once. For round bottles, you can cut 2-3 holes. By the way, based on a large bottle with a volume of 5 liters or more, you can also make a bunker feeder.

On a note! It is advisable to cut the holes at a height of at least 5 centimeters from the bottom, maybe a little more.

Attaching such a feeder is quite simple: you can tie it either by the neck or by the handle, which is integral part lids using twine or thin wire. This is if we talk about vertical options. When fixing horizontally, it is best to make 2 parallel small holes (they can be made using a knife or other sharp object), passing the wire or rope through them, which is necessary for fastening.

In any case, this option is very affordable, since almost everyone has unwanted 5-liter water bottles at their disposal. Photo examples show various options how this can be done.

Bird feeder made from a milk or juice carton

5 minutes - and a new feeder from a juice bag is ready

Everyone has juice or milk boxes. We usually throw them away. The manufacturing technology is extremely simple, and in some ways resembles the previous one (with plastic bottles). So, if you want to make a bird feeder from a juice or milk carton, your sequence of actions could be as follows:

  • We outline future holes using a pen, marker or felt-tip pen.
  • Carefully cut them out using scissors or a sharp knife.
  • Cover the bottom side of the opening with tape or adhesive tape.
  • We make small holes for the rope or wire at the top of the bag.
  • We hang the resulting feeder from a tree branch, lilac or other places.

The easiest and fastest option from a milk carton

By the way, in some cases you can put a weight on the bottom or attach to it in the form of a piece of brick or something similar. This will minimize swaying in the event of strong winds. This applies not only to paper boxes, but also to plastic bottles.

Remember! In some cases, you can attach the feeder to the wall.

Using a shoe box

By the way, a bird feeder is made from a shoe box in a similar way. Of course, the fact that it is made of cardboard does not allow such a feeder to be durable. On the other hand, some boxes are made of fairly durable and moisture-resistant cardboard. Moreover, you can additionally cover the cardboard with tape, which will further increase its protection from the effects of bad weather conditions. This will increase the life of the feeder to some extent, although, in any case, it will not be as durable as its counterparts made of wood, cardboard and even plastic.

The manufacturing technology itself is extremely simple and does not require any special instructions. You just need to make the necessary slits on the sides of the box and also secure the lid. This can also be done using tape.

Other options

Of course, all these types of feeders are the most common and popular. However, it makes sense to talk about alternative options. The first of these is a feeder made from tableware.

By the way! You can also make a drinking bowl from the dishes, which is also very important for the birds.

Such original products are made from cups and saucers. If you add a deep plate, you can make both a feeder and a drinker at the same time. Some craftsmen make feeders from old buckets, usually plastic. They turn out to be large, which somewhat limits the possibilities for their installation, which, of course, is a certain disadvantage. The advantage is the same: the size of such a product is quite large. This allows you to pour in more food. In addition, several birds can feed at the same time. We must not forget about the strength of this design.

(17 ratings, average: 4,18 out of 5)

Making a bird feeder with your own hands is a fun and rewarding activity, especially if you have kids helping you. After all, surviving the winter cold is very difficult for our feathered friends. Sad statistics show that out of 10 birds, only 2 birds survive to see spring sunny days. And, having placed the original bird feeder with your own hands in a square, park or on your own personal plot, you will save more than one bird’s life from hunger.

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands?

Arranging food station for birds in your garden or summer cottage, you kill two birds with one stone: you save the birds from hunger in the winter and protect your harvest from numerous pests in the summer. Our feathered brothers are effective fighters against midges and other harmful insects. Birdies will delight you with cheerful chirping, loud trills or funny games and fuss around food, and all this is fascinating to watch.

By showing a little imagination and making an original bird feeder with your own hands from scrap materials, you will decorate your garden with an extraordinary accessory! So what do you need to have on hand to make your own bird feeder? Materials that can be used are empty cans, wine bottle caps, plastic cans and bottles, cuttings of branches, unnecessary pieces of plywood, roofing felt and boards, unused dishes (cups and saucers, mugs, teapots, decorative glass bottles), metal or nylon mesh and other household rubbish. For fastening and decoration, rope, fishing line, various chains, ribbons and nylon tapes, and wire will do.

Despite the variety of materials, all designs can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Sturdy and durable birdhouse-like feeders made of wood.
  2. “Disposable” feeders made from cardboard boxes do not require any costs, but they will not last long.
  3. Easy to manufacture, designs made from plastic cans, cans or bottles.
  4. Feed suspended on threads.

What to use for feeding?

Experiencing a significant lack of food in the cold months, pichugas will eat everything you offer them with great pleasure. For complementary feeding, use any ground cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, millet and millet - everything will be eaten. Grind any nuts and grains; add a little honey to the seeds of pumpkin, melon, watermelon, quinoa, thistle, hemp, sunflower, and quinoa.

At the titmouse feeder add small pieces of lard or chicken, boiled and finely chopped egg. Any dry berries and fruits will not be left without attention, especially viburnum and rowan bunches.

When setting up a dining room for birds, you must not forget to regularly fill the feeder with a nutrient mixture, since birds, getting used to feeding in one place, are ready to fly quite a long distance for food. And not finding food in the usual place, tired and hungry, they may die. Do not use rye bread, roasted nuts, cereals, grains and seeds, salty foods, citrus fruits, or fresh rolls for bait. Such products will harm birds.

When selecting material for making a feeder, you need consider a few points:

How to make a bird feeder accessible and safe?

Feeders need to be placed in open, easily visible areas, that is, in places accessible to birds. Bird feeding areas should not be provided in dense branches, highly windy areas, or in areas where cats can reach. Bird feeders, mounted on a tree trunk or branch, or on the walls of outbuildings at a height of about one and a half meters, are easily accessible to birds, it is convenient to add food to them and they are inaccessible to domestic predators.

Most of us think of a bird feeder as a small house or birdhouse. This form is an ideal solution for organizing poultry catering.

Whatever material you choose, the design must include:

Lightweight bird feeders made of plastic or cardboard can be easily weighed down by placing a piece of unnecessary linoleum or plywood on the bottom.

The most original bird feeders are grain ones

To make it you will need a mixture of raw grains, seeds, nuts and bread crumbs. We will make the base of the feeder with our own hands from thick cardboard and nylon thread, using scissors and a thick needle. Adhesive backing made from oatmeal, mixed with egg and honey, or from gelatin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (not cereal), 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of honey, leave for 30-40 minutes. At this time, we cut out the base for the feeder from cardboard in the form of hearts, stars, and any other geometric shapes.

To attach the delicious treat to the branches, use a thick needle to thread a thread, lace, braid or ribbon through a hole in the cardboard blank. Apply the swollen adhesive mass to the base and roll it in the prepared grain mixture. Place in the refrigerator to harden and after a few hours the treat for the birds is ready!

With a gelatin base, the manufacturing process is even simpler. Mix the finished nutrient mixture with a warm gelatin solution and pour into silicone baking molds. Having inserted a loop for fastening on the branches, we send it to harden in the refrigerator.

An original solution for such feeding would be old dishes. We leave the food prepared in any way to harden in mugs or a teapot that has become unusable. We tie the fastening thread to the handle of the product. We hang treats on the trees and watch the birds feast.

Cardboard box feeder

How to make a feeder with your own hands from a candy box or parcel, milk or juice. Having placed the edges of three candy boxes inside each other in the form of a triangle, we glue or use tape, thread any lace or ribbon through the roof and fasten it to the tree. The feeder is ready. Designs made from bags of any drinks will last a little longer, since they have a laminated layer inside and outside, moisture-proof. Using a knife or scissors, cut out an entrance, a round or square hole in one of the sides, slightly above the bottom of the box. A rope is attached to the top for hanging on a tree. The feeder is ready in a few minutes.

Similarly, you can make a feeder with your own hands from plastic containers: bottles, canisters, cans.

It is easier to secure a plastic feeder with wire. And to protect the birds from injury, seal the entrance hole with tape or tape. With a little more time, you can make a basic bunker feeder from plastic bottles. To do this, two through holes are made in a one and a half or two liter bottle: the first at a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom and the second in the center of the container, perpendicular to the first. Two wooden spoons are inserted into these holes. Holes on the wide side of the spoons expand to release feed. It is convenient to pour food into the feeder through the neck of the bottle; under the weight of the grain mixture, the plastic feeder is not afraid of gusts of wind, the food remains dry and accessible to the birds for a long time.

Having insulated a one and a half or two liter container from the inside with yarn or sisal, you will know how to make a birdhouse from a bottle.

A little more time and skill will be required to make a bird feeder from plywood.

It can be with a gable or flat roof, open or with a bunker compartment. To make even the simplest feeder, like a birdhouse, you will need a drawing that can be found on the Internet or calculate the design yourself. Tools needed: hammer, jigsaw, nails, glue, sandpaper. In addition to plywood, you will need a block.


The plywood feeder is hung by a rope threaded under the roof or a hook screwed into the roof. The service life of such a structure will be extended if it is coat with varnish or oil paint.

Classic dining room made of wood

However, with a little imagination and ingenuity, you can create a real masterpiece!

The minimum tools you will need are: a hammer and nails, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Cutting boards can be combined with slabs or branches, preserving the tree bark; small twigs or straw will decorate the plywood roof of the feeder in an original way. The roof of a wooden feeder can be mounted either on four support posts or on two flat supports located opposite each other. In addition, a feeder with two supports can be two-level or bunker. And, having certain skills and appropriate equipment, the sides of the birdhouse dining room can be made of any shape.

Making a double-walled feeder does not require an exact drawing of the bird feeder and adherence to exact dimensions. But there is unlimited scope for creative thought.

The assembly of the structure occurs in the same sequence as the plywood feeder. The bottom is fastened to the supports, then the sides and the roof. Since the bird feeder made of wood is quite heavy and durable, it can be installed either on support pillar, and hanging it by a wire or rope on the branches of a tree.

For the convenience of small birds, titmice and sparrows, thin branches-perches can be attached parallel to the sides. And by cutting out round “windows” in the walls and threading a knitting needle or metal pin through them, it becomes possible to diversify the birds’ table with apples, pieces of pumpkin or lard.

The ideal solution for “remote” food points, especially near birdhouses, is dispenser installed inside a double-walled structure. One of the bunker options is with glass or plastic sides. On the inside of the walls, vertical grooves are cut, not reaching the bottom by about a centimeter, into which side panels made of glass or plastic are inserted. The food will spill out through the gap as the birds eat it.

A feeder that is easier to make, in which a plastic bottle serves as a hopper. Cut off at both ends, it is hung with wire in the center of the feeder a couple of centimeters above the bottom. To make it easier to fill the hopper with nutrient mixture, the lid of the feeder is removable.

Without the opportunity to frequently replenish provisions in the feeder, a filled bunker will well preserve bird treats and allow the birds to remain full for a long time.

By placing a birdhouse made with your own hands from scrap materials next to the dining room, you will provide for tits and other small birds both housing and food.

Whatever idea you choose for making a feeder with your own hands, the birds will certainly thank you! Having tried your hand at making a feeder, you can also make a birdhouse with your own hands from scrap materials.

Bird feeders

Birds living in the wild need protection and care. It is especially difficult for them during winter: when it is frosty outside, it is so difficult to find shelter and food.

That is why caring people try to feed our younger “brothers” as much as possible. One of the ways that will not only help birds, but also decorate your garden is a feeder made from scrap materials.

In this article we have collected several of the most affordable options - based on descriptions and photographs, using already unnecessary items (plastic bottles or old dishes), you can easily arrange a place where flocks of birds will gather.

Material selection

After assessing the resources you have to create a feeder, you can choose an idea you like. However, it is worth remembering that not only its appearance, but such practical characteristics as stability.

That is why a good feeder must meet the following requirements:

Wear resistance and durability. Preference should be given to wood or plastic, which can withstand weather conditions without getting wet from rain and snow, or collapsing under gusts of wind.

In addition, the birds themselves often cause damage to the feeder - in search of crumbs, their beaks and claws scratch and tear fragile materials.

Proper size. Remember that if you cut out a small feeder, for example, from tetrapack, then large birds will not be able to eat from it, and small ones will start fights for space and shake out the food on the ground.

No sharp edges, protruding nails, etc. Birds are very delicate creatures, their feather protection and the skin on their legs cannot prevent cuts from sharp objects, so make sure that your feeder is not dangerous for them, especially if it is made of glass, plastic or planks!

Location and installation

Choosing the right location is extremely important!

Having chosen the most suitable position from the point of view landscape design, rate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, it will be too open, and then, in a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more dexterous than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Ideas for making your own feeder

There is a huge amount various types feeders - it all depends only on your imagination and available materials.

We will try to consider both the simplest and most original ideas.

House made of wood or plywood

Despite the apparent complexity, such a structure can be assembled with unnecessary boards, pieces of wood, glazing beads, plywood and, of course, special glue or nails.


The base should be a heavy, flat board. To make the walls and roof, you may need a drawing, however, you can get by with an eye.

A wooden bird feeder, depending on how much attention you pay to it, can become not only a place for birds to feed, but also an elegant decoration for your garden.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

This type of feeder is very easy to make and is perfect if you decide to involve children in the creation process. You need to cut one or two holes in the bottle so that you can not only pour in the food, but also access it without difficulty.

Of course, you should try to ensure that the cut edges come out neat and not too sharp (in addition, it is advisable to cover them with tape).

If you are using a small bottle (1.5-2 liters), then you can do it in two ways: cut a square or rectangular hole in the bottle, or prefer a U-shape so that you can bend a piece of plastic and make a visor.

If you decide to use a large bottle (5-6 liters, in which drinking water is usually sold), you can make a large side cutout. This will not only provide more food, but also give the birds room to maneuver.


To prevent the wind from ruffling a light bottle, it is worth placing a stone or a piece of brick at the bottom. This also applies to the next type of feeder.

Bird feeder made of tetra pack

You can also use juice or wine boxes to make a bird feeder.

To do this, you should follow the same technology as in the previous case: mark the location of the cut, cut it in shape, glue tape (or adhesive tape) along the bottom side of the opening, then make holes for a strong rope in the upper part of the tetra pack. All that remains is to hang the feeder in the place you choose.

Shoe box feeder

The cardboard from which the shoebox is made cannot be considered a durable material, but it is quite resistant to moisture, and if it is frosty outside, such a feeder can hang until spring.

The technology for making the feeder, as in previous cases, is also very simple: make four to six holes for the rope, slits on the sides and put a weight on the bottom for stability.


Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found at any dacha. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut out a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in the winter, halves of an orange, peeled from the pulp, are suitable for this. These feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate your garden!

Photo of a DIY bird feeder

How to make a bird feeder

Bird feeders are a great theme for both bird lovers and inventors of small architectural forms. How to do simple or sophisticated feeder from cardboard boxes, from plastic bottles, from tin cans, from a wooden block or mayonnaise bucket, as well as from cake packaging and everything else, what to feed tits and what sparrows eat, look and read, - ideas fly in the air and land on this page.

The cutest and most beautiful “cafe” for birds

What a beauty!

Master Class
1. Using a hot knife, cut the bottle in two places according to the mark. See for yourself what width of strip to cut, there are no exact dimensions.

Cut according to the basting

2.See the picture below. If you cut a wider strip, you will get a more squat figure; if you cut less, the product will be taller.

The height of the feeder depends on the height of the cut piece

3. At the bottom of the bottle, cut a hole for birds to land in, as shown in the photo. Don't forget to run a hot knife along the edge of the window so as to melt the cut and make it not sharp. The bird will sit on the edge of the window with its paws and should not cut itself.

To prevent birds from cutting their paws

Paint the bottom of the bottle with acrylic paint.
4.When the paint is dry, make two holes with a hole punch (or a hot nail) in the bottom of the bottle, on either side of the entrance to the feeder at the same distance.

A hole punch makes holes neater than a nail.

5. Symmetrical holes must be made in the upper part of the bottle; twine will be threaded through these holes, with the help of which the upper and lower parts of the bottle will be connected and this beauty will be suspended.

Connect the bottom and top of the structure with twine

6.Color the top of the bottle and don’t forget the cork. Let dry.
7. The twine will be threaded according to the scheme:

The twine connects the top and bottom of the feeder, and the knots are pulled up through the hole in the plug

8Make a hole in the cork, take the knots and pull the two ends of the twine by the knots through the hole in the cork.

Thread the twine through the hole in the cork

9Decorative detail. Make additional holes, as shown in the photo, on the bottom and top of the bottle and fasten the parts with decorative rivets. This will additionally hold the parts together and give the appearance of a “branded item”.

Holes for rivets

Align the rivet holes at the bottom of the product with the same holes at the top

Rivets are especially decorative Raffia palm twine bow

And these bottles would also make funny feeders.

Minion Feeder

From cardboard boxes.

Any cardboard box with a hole cut out, hung, and filled with food is a feeder. For example, a box from Rafaelo or boxes from New Year's children's gifts, of which every home accumulates in abundance after the New Year.
We use milk cartons, paint and decorate with buttons and twigs. Glue with a glue gun using silicone glue. (I bought myself a glue gun at a hardware store, it was 3 times cheaper than at a craft store).

Milk carton feeder with buttons
Feeder from cardboard box
Box from Raffaello
New Year gift boxes

By the way, if there is no balcony, but only a window, then the cardboard device will be very useful; it will not break the window when you lower it outside the window onto the windowsill. I'm just afraid that in this house the neighbors are not happy about feeding pigeons so close to cars. The hole in the box should have been made small, then the pigeons would not have been able to feed on the windowsill, but the tits would scurry back and forth and delight the child and kitten with their bustle. And so it is It’s kind of boring to look at a pigeon’s butt sticking out of a box.

A girl hangs a feeder outside the window (So much effort, but you can only see the pigeon’s butt).

Bird bistros made from tin cans

Feeders made from tin cans
To prevent birds from cutting themselves, smooth the landing edge of the feeder.

Baby formula jars are very convenient for birds.

Lauren Martin, a French gardener, has created an entire feeding garden.

From plastic bottles - simple.

The simplest homemade bird canteen, which allows you to pour a full bottle of seeds, since the small hole does not allow the seeds to spill out.

The simplest bird feeder

We do this according to the scheme:

How to make the simplest feeder from a plastic bottle
Easy to do

From other available materials.

From cake packaging.

Cake for tits

Wooden bar idea

Bird bar idea

From plastic buckets for mayonnaise.

Bird bucket1 Bird bucket2

Wooden blocks

It’s quite difficult to do, but it looks very eco-friendly

Made from whole coconut.

When the holiday is over and the coconut pulp is eaten, the capacity of the coconut feeder will be filled with simple food in the form of seeds and the exotic restaurant will turn into a budget canteen.

Two options for one technology:

How and where to place fertilizer.

This is actually an important question. After all, we live among people and our interests or the interests of our feathered friends should not conflict with the interests of the people around us.
If the droppings of birds that we attract to our window or balcony regularly fall on the lower balconies or on our neighbors’ cars, expect trouble. Do we need it?
The solution to this problem is simple. There are a few things you need to know.
1 Feed pigeons only on the ground, away from parking lots, balconies and window sills, so that pigeon droppings do not cause damage to us and our neighbors.
2 Sparrows, unlike tits, do not fly away immediately as soon as they take food, they sit in the same place where there is food and poop there and throw the husks from the seeds there. Such a fellow will sit on the edge of a bottle or perch, take the seeds, peck them and throw the husk back into the seeds or nearby. The brat will spit all around. The tits are afraid of him and wait, sitting on the branches nearby, for him to eat. Therefore, the container with seeds should be hung away from the wall of the house, least look at how my neighbors did it in the video.

This is a brambling that has settled down; they spend the winter with us. These birds are like sparrows, they sit until they are full and try not to let the tits in, but the tits fly up, take a seed and put it on a branch to peck the seed from the seed.
2.Or place it inside the balcony so you can clean up after your guests.

Krmushka on the balcony
Tits love lard
Serious feeder
Titmouse on the window slope
Attach the feeder using a dowel
Feeder with a lid - very convenient for filling with seeds "Bread pipeline"

A child living in this house called this structure a “bread pipeline”

What do tits eat

Unroasted sunflower seeds, unsalted lard, fat, nuts (chopped, soft-fleshed, such as walnuts) and an exotic option - sawn coconut suspended on a string - are suitable for feeding tits.

What not to give to birds
You should not give salted lard, fried seeds, smoked meats, or rye bread.
Tits will not eat buckwheat, millet, or rice.
But sparrows will eat millet and crushed grains and raisins.

By the way, wild grape berries () on your balcony will also attract birds. An Alpine jackdaw flies to us, watch the video at the end of the article.
Lard treat

Treats for birds

Lard can simply be hung on a thread or cut into pieces and placed in a vegetable net; I made such a design on my feeder, which is also an observation deck for my cats in the summer.