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How to make an apple tree from beads. Beaded apple tree: weaving a tree with juicy fruits (video). Loop weaving of leaves

Weaving trees from beads is gaining more and more popularity. There are many diagrams and descriptions appearing on the Internet on how to create such beauty. We will also try to tell you how to make a beautiful apple tree from beads with your own hands using a step-by-step master class with a diagram and photo.

Tools and materials Time: 12 hours Difficulty: 8/10

  • beads No. 8 mother-of-pearl green;
  • beads with a diameter of 8 mm, peach color;
  • thin copper wire;
  • metal rod;
  • floral tape;
  • decorative stones;
  • flower pot;
  • gypsum;
  • pliers and wire cutters.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

To make the apple tree look as much like a real tree as possible, it is very important to choose the right color scheme of beads.

Step 1: cut the wire

First you need to cut a lot of pieces of wire. The length of each piece is about 25 cm.

Step 2: making leaves

Now we string 5 beads onto the wire and twist them into a loop at a distance of about 5-7 cm from the end of the wire (Fig. 1). Having retreated 0.8-1 cm, we make another similar loop. Having made 3-4 loops, replace them with a loop with one bead. In this way we make several loops (necessarily an odd number), leaving a free end of the wire 5-7 cm long.

Step 3: collecting branches

Next, bend the wire on the central loop and twist its ends together. One branch of the future apple tree is ready. Now we need to make about 100 of these branches - it is with this quantity that the beaded tree will look quite magnificent.

Step 4: Twist the branches into bundles

When the branches are ready, we begin assembly. By twisting the branches together, it is necessary to form bundles of 10-12 branches.

Step 5: Making the Base

Next, we collect the resulting bundles near the solid base. The solid base is ideally a rigid rod - a special metal stick for producing stems in beadwork or used for making artificial flowers. In the absence of such a stick, we advise you to use improvised means - you can take a wooden kebab skewer, you can use a pencil, in general, anything that comes to hand. By securing the resulting bundles of branches by winding, we form the very shape of the tree.

To make the tree trunk look natural, we wrap it with floral tape (adhesive, slightly corrugated paper in the form of a tape).

Step 6: fill with plaster

After this, it comes to planting the bead tree. Using plaster, secure the tree in a mold or flower pot, and then decorate it with any decorative stones.

We hope our master class and weaving pattern helped you and you got your own unique beaded apple tree, made by yourself, which now decorates your cozy home.

To make such an apple tree you will need:

The leaves turn out natural if you use more than one shade of green beads, but mix 2-3 shades of similar colors. It looks very beautiful if you mix green beads with round beads.

So, let's start making leaves. We cut a wire 45-50 cm long and string 6 beads onto it, bend the wire in half to make ends of the same length and twist the loop 5 turns. Then we string 6 pieces again. beads, twist the loop 3 turns. To make the leaves more natural, you need to make them so that they do not appear clearly opposite each other. When you have twisted the first loop from the central loop, twist the wire another 3-4 turns and only then make a second loop at the other end of the wire. Adhering to this scheme, you will get each subsequent leaf lower than the previous one.

The leaf should consist of a central loop and 5 side loops on one side and the other. In total, you will need 40-45 of these leaves.
Now we make twigs with apples. Cut the wire 50 cm long, fold it in half and string 1 round green bead in the center. Then we take a bead and put it on 2 ends of the wire at once. It should look like the picture. Then we string 6 beads onto one end of the wire and twist a loop under them 3-4 turns. We make a leaf on the second end of the wire in the same way.

When you make 2 leaves under the apple, twist the wire 3-4 turns and make a second, then a third leaf, etc. That is, the weaving pattern is then the same as on the leaves.
When all the branches are ready, we begin to assemble them into bundles. To make a bundle, twist 3 branches so that the branch with the apple is in the middle, and there are branches with leaves along the edges on one side and the other.

Now that all the branches are collected in bunches, we begin to form large branches of the tree. We take a thick wire and screw our bundles to it, forming them so that the branches are fluffy. We secure each screwed bundle with an adhesive plaster, gluing it in thin strips.
I ended up with 5 large branches. Now we twist them into a tree, trying to place them so that the crown of the tree is as fluffy as possible.

When the tree is collected, we plant it in a suitable container. To plant, dilute alabaster 1:1 with water and be sure to put foil on the bottom of the pot so that it does not burst when pouring.
When the alabaster dries, you can begin to coat the trunk. We dilute alabaster with PVA glue to the consistency of sour cream and, using a brush, apply the mixture to the entire wood frame. When the first coat is thoroughly dry, apply a second coat to the entire frame. After the second layer has dried, the trunk must be painted with brown paint. We plant the moss on PVA glue and glue 3 apples on top of the moss onto the “moment” glue.

Carefully straighten the branches and adjust the apples so that they hang down. We paint the sides of red apples with yellow paint, and the sides of green apples with red. Now the apple tree is ready.

An apple tree made of beads can become a magnificent decoration for your home, because every time you look at it, you will remember with a smile warm spring days, a light, almost imperceptible breath of wind and bright sun rays warming the earth after the winter cold and cold. Most people primarily associate this amazing tree with spring and, probably, every person has a picture of a beautiful blooming apple tree or bright apple tree in their memory.

Before starting our small master class, we need to prepare all the materials and tools for work:

  • acrylic lacquer
  • acrylic paint
  • flexible but rather thick wire
  • thin silver wire
  • thread or brown yarn
  • beads: light green, yellow, white and pink.

Let's start creating a blooming apple tree from beads.

First you will need to string about 30 cm of light green beads onto the wire. For beginners, we can recommend using a spinner, as it will help you complete this task faster.

Then you need to separate 7 beads from the resulting chain and, stepping back from the tip of the wire about 6 cm, bend your “working thread” so that there is only 1 bead on the bend.

After this, you need to secure this bead by twisting the wire once.

Moving the remaining beads close to the “top”, you will need to make two turns.

Now you will have to use the circular weaving technique, the scheme of which is that we need to gradually move the required number of beads to form a tight turn, as with French weaving.

And in the photo the finished leaf looks like this:

After twisting the wire, you will need to step back about 4 cm and make another leaf. In this case, the weaving pattern will remain the same. Then you need to make exactly the same leaf in the middle. And then you will continue weaving the leaves on the other side.

In order for your tree to be thick, you will need to weave about 60 of these branches.

Now our master class will tell you how to make flowers for an apple tree. First, you need to string beads onto the wire in the following sequence: thirty white beads, five yellow, thirty white, five yellow, thirty white, five yellow and eighteen pink.

Then you will need to make 3 loops of pink beads, so that their base is at the same point.

After this, you will need to twist the wire about 1 cm and make a loop of 5 yellow beads.

Then you will need to weave 5 loops consisting of 6 white beads.

Next, you need to form a flower so that the yellow loop is in the center.

Having done this, you will again have to twist the wire and then weave two more such inflorescences.

Now you need to screw an inflorescence to each branch.

Then you will have to weave several large branches consisting of 3-5 such small branches. They will need to be attached to thick wire and wrapped with thread.

Next we need to cover the tree trunk with plaster and make a stable base for it.

It is worth noting that you can create a base of any shape with your own hands. For example, you can take a shallow bowl and cover it with cellophane and pour the plaster solution into it. In addition, you can make a small depression in the plaster under the pond.

Once the wood and its base are completely dry, you can cover them with acrylic paint. Look what a wonderful beaded apple tree we have made:

In order to master such a fascinating science as beading, you can also watch a short video that will help you weave an apple tree.

Greetings to all readers of Alena Kravchenko’s blog. My name is Olga Andreeva. Tell us about yourself. I live in Transnistria, in the city of Tiraspol. Our region is wonderful, beautiful, sunny. The city is located on the banks of the Dniester River, surrounded by greenery.

I love my city very much, I was born here, raised two daughters, and now I’m helping raise my granddaughter. Although I am no longer young, I feel young at heart, especially next to my granddaughter. We create with her, fantasize, read fairy tales, play and walk. Grandma has no time to be bored right next to a perky and mischievous girl who makes us very happy.

I don't have much time because I'm working. But I really love doing handicrafts and creativity. It helps me relax, calm down, and take my mind off my problems. For me, creating something with my own hands is a kind of therapy. I love to knit, mostly with knitting needles, but I’m also gradually learning to crochet. We make different crafts for the home with the children. For the third year now I have been running my blog “Children and Grandchildren”, where I talk about our hobbies with children. We try a little of everything that interests us. There are so many exciting things, I want to learn a lot.

I thought for a long time whether to take part in this competition. Such serious and beautiful works have already been sent. But I decided to finish what I started and send my modest work to your judgment.

I will show you and tell you how I made the “Apple Tree” tree from beads. There are a lot of apple trees in our region. In spring, these trees bloom very beautifully, and in autumn they delight with their tasty and healthy fruits. I really love these trees. So I wanted to make an apple tree from beads.

Handicrafts use beads to make such beautiful jewelry and embroider pictures. This is an ancient craft. But even now it is very popular. The process is creative, it requires perseverance, patience, and the ability to concentrate on a small, painstaking task. But the result pleases everyone. Crafts made from beads can be given as gifts. A great handmade gift. You can decorate your home.

Beaded tree "Apple tree". Master Class

Necessary materials:

  • green beads of different shades
  • red beads 40-45 pieces
  • copper wire
  • steel wire
  • brown floral ribbon
  • acrylic paint brown
  • PVA glue
  • tassel
  • gypsum powder
  • scissors

Let's start making wood.

1. To make the tree leaves look more natural, mix beads of different shades together.

We weave twigs

2. We will need 39 branches. Cut 70 cm of copper wire for one branch.

3. We string 11 beads onto the wire and twist them into a loop, leaving 10 cm at the end. We step back 8 mm from the loop and make another loop by stringing beads. Having made 3-4 loops, string a red bead onto the wire, then 3 green beads and return the wire back to the bead. This will give us an apple on a branch.

And to the end of the wire we make more loops of 11 beads each. We also leave 10 cm at the other end. The branch is ready. We place one apple on one branch, on some you can make two.

4. Twist the branch in the shape of the letter Y. You should get 39 such branches.

Forming the tree crown

1. Let's start making branches. To do this, we connect our branches together, 2, 3, 4 pieces each. You get different branches. You should get three quadruple branches, seven triple branches and three double branches.

There are 13 branches in total.

2. We make even larger branches, connecting them two at a time. It turns out 5 branches and three pieces remain single. There are 8 large branches in total.

3. Cut 15 cm from the floral tape and wrap the apple tree branches with tape.

Apple tree trunk and branches

1. Making a trunk for an apple tree. We cut 45 cm from the steel wire (to cut it, we borrow a hacksaw from my husband), bend it in half, twist it, and we get a tree trunk.

2. Form the trunk. We took a double branch, cut off 15 cm of tape and tied it to the top of the tree. Next, we attach 2 more branches to the main trunk, one higher, the other lower (single and double). For each branch there is 15 cm of ribbon, for a total of 3 branches there is 45 cm of floral tape. The main trunk is ready.

3. We make two more side branches in the same way. For the first, we cut off 15 cm of thick steel wire and 15 cm tape, wind two branches in turn, one double, the other single. For this branch, 30 cm of tape is needed (2 x 15 cm).

4. We make the second branch in the same way, but we already use two thick wires of 15 cm each and three branches, a 45 cm ribbon for them. We wind the top to one wire, and just below another single wire. To the other - one double. We twist the branches together.

5. We tie one branch to the trunk with a 20 cm tape, and then another. The tree is ready. We straighten the wire at the bottom to make the tree more stable.

6. Now our tree needs to be planted in plaster. For 1 glass of water you need 1.5 glasses of gypsum. Pour the powder into water and stir until the solution resembles thick sour cream. They took a mold, placed the tree and filled it with plaster. The tree should stand straight, adjust if necessary.

7. Make the trunk thicker at the base by coating it with a plaster solution using a brush.

8. When the plaster dries, remove the mold and begin painting the tree trunk with brown acrylic paint. My granddaughter helped me do this; she loves to paint and draw.

Made from beads, they are in great demand. These artistic compositions act as amazing interior decorations. They ennoble any home, and also, according to popular belief, bring good luck and joy to their owners.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to make a delicate and graceful apple tree from beads. It’s not difficult to make such a blooming miracle; you just need to devote enough time to this activity. An apple tree made of beads with a lush, strewn crown looks simply amazing. Be sure to try to create a similar decorative tree. It will delight the eye with its enchanting beauty and create a special coziness in your home.

What will you need to complete the craft?

In order to make a beaded apple tree, you need to prepare some materials and tools. Of course, you will need beads of several colors (including green (50 g), white (40 g), pink (10) shades). We advise you to purchase Japanese or Cheap Chinese and Taiwanese glass beads; you should not use them - they are not of high quality. In addition to beads, you will need two types with a thickness of 0.4 mm (for the branches) and 1 mm (for the trunk). To decorate the tree you will need thick woolen threads, building plaster, a wide pot with low sides and decorative stones. Once all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can begin making the product.

Apple tree made of beads: master class. Let's start work

Our tree will be dotted with small delicate flowers. Let's start making a craft like a beaded apple tree by weaving white and pink inflorescences. We take a piece of thin wire about 40 cm long. We string five white beads, move them to the center, and make a loop. We get the first petal. Using the same principle, we make three more petals at the free ends of the working wire. From three pink beads we make the center of the flower. Twist the remaining ends of the wire well. The first flower is ready. Using the same principle, it is necessary to make another 90 similar buds (three for each branch). We need such a large number of inflorescences to create a beautiful lush crown.

Making apple tree branches

After making all the flowers, you can start making the leaves. To do this we will use the circular weaving technique. We take a thin wire and cut a piece about 65 cm long from it. How is an apple tree made from beads? The scheme is as follows: string seven green beads onto a wire. Then we form a loop and collect sixteen more beads. Now we pass the working wire around the first small loop. You get the first leaf. Now we make another exactly the same leaf on one of the ends of the working wire.

Twist the ends of the wire several times. We take a white flower and carefully screw it to the workpiece. We weave two more leaves on the wire (by analogy with the first). Attach the second bud. We create two more leaves and attach a third flower. So, the very first branch of our apple tree is ready. In order for the tree to look lush and rich, twenty-nine more such blanks will be needed.

Let's start assembly

After designing all the branches, we begin assembling the parts. We take three blanks and fasten their ends together, and then screw in a thick wire. We fix the resulting branch with a thick brown wool thread. It will not only securely hold the parts together, but will also give the workpiece additional volume. By analogy, we fasten all the other branches. We form the resulting ten blanks into several large branches, and then decorate them with thick thread.

Apple tree trunk design

After making large branches, you can assemble them into a single whole, also fixing them with thick wire and thread on top. When creating a trunk, remember that your main task is to create a harmonious and as realistic image as possible. Branches should flow smoothly away from the trunk and not bend at unnatural or right angles. Their span should be approximately equal to half the height of the tree. After making the trunk, we decorate it with brown floral ribbon. We design the branches in the same way. That's all, the flowering beaded apple tree is almost ready.

All that remains is to place it in a pot and decorate the finished item with elements. We make a gypsum solution. Place the trunk of the apple tree in the prepared container and fill it with alabaster.

We advise you to install the tree as level as possible in the pot. A strong roll can make the thing unstable and, of course, significantly worsen its appearance. Now we leave the tree to dry. When the plaster has set, cover it with glass pebbles or sea pebbles. That's all, our amazing craft is ready. Now you know how to create an apple tree from beads. We hope you found the master class on making this charming tree useful. Success in creative work!