All about car tuning

How to do chip tuning of an engine and give a new life to a car. Engine tuning: do-it-yourself chip tuning and flashing Chip tuning basics

You need to start with the right approach to business and passion. Without this, it is impossible to reach the level of those who approach the firmware of each car with responsibility, as if the car were theirs. This distinguishes a master from a craftsman, who is forced to perform monotonous work from bell to bell.

  • Availability of basic diagnostic skills. The minimum level is the ELM327 auto scanner.

  • High quality light.
  • Multimeter, oscilloscope.

The list is not complete, but it is enough, for example, to flash the Priora ECU. There is no need to be scared - everything is worth the money and pays off.

Become an ADACT-enabled chip tuner

Order a SenseLock key

Required to purchase more than 5 firmware.
Price - 2000 rubles with delivery.

Make money from chip tuning

After receiving the key, you will be able to buy any number of firmwares. Install them for your clients!

What qualities will help a chip tuner?

  • Equilibrium. The work of a chip tuner with a block can be compared to the work of a heart surgeon. Accuracy and the ability to concentrate on a task will help you carry out chipping correctly.
  • Stress resistance. Chip tuning is a responsible and at the same time monotonous procedure that will have to be repeated day after day.
  • Ability and desire to learn. Automakers release new models every month - the firmware must be calibrated for each individually.
  • Customer focus. Ability to find an approach to each client.
  • Mindfulness and self-reflection. Don’t take anything for granted and analyze mistakes in detail. Mastery comes with experience.

Buy high-quality software, firmware and get down to business. Do not promise the impossible to a client for the sake of a one-time benefit - a reputation is built on honesty. In addition, seeing delight and respect in the eyes of a client when his car “goes” with your help is priceless.


You need to start with the right approach to business and passion. Without this, it is impossible to reach the level of those who approach the firmware of each car with responsibility, as if the car were theirs. This distinguishes a master from a craftsman, who is forced to perform monotonous work from bell to bell.

Where to start learning chip tuning? Chip tuning involves some basic knowledge and concepts that are necessary before starting work.

Chip tuning equipment for beginners

  • Basics of auto electrics. At a minimum, be able to install the radio in the car yourself and check the sensor with a multimeter.
  • Ability to solder and work with soldering station. Working with thin traces and wires should not be a problem.
  • Ability to read automotive electrical and electronics schematics.
  • Ability to use a multimeter and oscilloscope.
  • Availability of basic diagnostic skills. The minimum level is the ELM327 auto scanner.
  • Understanding the principles of engine sensors and their impact on vehicle performance.
  • Knowledge of technical English. 70% of manuals are written in English, and Google translator will not give the correct result.

Equipment for car chip tuning

  • Soldering Station, soldering iron, high quality soldering accessories.
  • A huge number of tweezers, grippers, scalpels, adapters, screwdrivers.
  • High quality light.
  • Optics. Magnifying glasses, glasses, microscope (at least USB).
  • Laptop. Preferably with a 4 hour battery. It is also useful to have a spare working computer.
  • Cables for ECU firmware, flasher adapters and various accessories.
  • Diagnostic equipment. Delphi DS150 and ELM327 are suitable for training, but after that you need to purchase a more serious scanner.
  • Laboratory power supply 3-16v. 2-3 A.
  • Multimeter, oscilloscope.
  • Radio components: resistors, capacitors, wiring, etc.
  • Programmers for chip tuning and positioning tables. Specific models and quantities depend on which machines are planned to be dealt with as a priority. There are no universal solutions. All have advantages and disadvantages.

The list is not complete, but it is enough, for example, to flash the Priora ECU. There is no need to be scared - everything is worth the money and pays off.

Many car owners are looking at the opportunity to do engine chip tuning. But still, compared to the general mass of car owners, this is a drop in the ocean, because most drivers still do not know what engine chip tuning is, what it is and what it is needed for. This is what we will talk about next.

Joy knows no bounds

The first few months after purchasing a new car, the new owner is overwhelmed with happiness. He enjoys the beauty and shine of the new body, the smell of the interior, and the calm rumbling of the engine.

At the same time, the driver Special attention devotes time to a break-in period, while the engine is not yet producing its maximum parameters and is only “getting used to” with the rest of the mechanisms.

But time may pass and after 5-10 thousand kilometers nothing changes - the engine does not show the expected dynamics, fuel consumption remains at high level, the maximum speed is limited by the firmware, acceleration from zero to hundreds remains the same “stupid”.

What to do in such a situation?

If you have already fallen in love with the car and have no desire to waste your time on it, then you can do chip tuning of the engine. This will resolve the issue at minimal cost.

Why not

IN Lately such a fashionable procedure has become very popular among car enthusiasts.

There are more and more craftsmen who are ready to touch up the “brains” of almost any car - if only they have the desire and the money.

It would seem that this service solves many issues - engine power increases, fuel consumption decreases, and restrictions on the number of revolutions are removed.

But it's not that simple. There are many nuances that every car enthusiast should remember.

Before we move on to discussing chip tuning, let’s remember the history of its appearance.

This direction first appeared in the early 90s, when computer technology had just begun to develop by leaps and bounds.

In just a few years, computers began to perform complex tasks in all industries, including the automotive industry.

It was in those years that car enthusiasts first learned about the existence of such useful system, like an on-board computer.

The first software began to be created that made it possible to make adjustments to the operation of the car’s electronic system. In fact, this is where the era of “chipping” began.

The principle of chip tuning is very simple. A specialist uses a laptop and a special program to connect to the car’s electronic unit and make a number of changes to the system settings.

In this case, there is no intervention in the mechanical part of the car (only electronic adjustment). This is the main difference from the full one with an increase in its power.

How is this possible?

The task of controlling the engine is assigned to special controllers, the settings of which can be changed if desired.

As a result of simple manipulations, a specialist is able to:

  1. Increase motor power;
  2. Reduce gasoline consumption;
  3. Adjust the operation of the injectors and turbine.

In general, the range of possibilities is quite wide.

Such software “intervention” is especially relevant after the installation of gas equipment, when coordination of engine operation is required various fuels.

But in most cases, chipping is done to eliminate factory errors, increase power and reduce fuel consumption. Moreover, such flashing is available for all cars (the main condition is the presence of an ECU and the necessary connectors for connection).

We have already mentioned that competently carried out work on reflashing the engine allows you to make significant adjustments to the features of its operation. At the same time, every car enthusiast sets before the master some kind of specific task.

For some, the most important thing is to reduce fuel consumption, for others - to increase engine power, for others - to make the car more dynamic, but at the same time maintain the same consumption (or reduce it).

There are situations when the main task of flashing is to “demolish” the speed cutoff, which on many models is set at the factory. Consequently, the final result directly depends on the clarity of the task.

In what cases is flashing needed?

Many car enthusiasts decide on engine chip tuning just because it is fashionable. In fact, it’s better not to joke with the “brains” of the car and only get into them when it’s really necessary.

There are several situations when it is impossible to do without outside intervention:

  • firstly, after just a few months of operation, serious flaws were discovered in the engine firmware;
  • secondly, when converting cars to gas;
  • thirdly, in the case of converting the car to gasoline with a lower octane number (again for the purpose of economy);
  • fourthly, after getting rid of the particulate filter in the fuel system;
  • fifthly, after removing the catalyst (this is necessary when switching to a lower class EURO-2, where there are no such significant restrictions as in the case of EURO-3 or EURO-4);
  • sixth, to mask and remove gross diagnostic errors that were made at the factory;
  • seventhly, if necessary, remove speed, idle or speed restrictions (if any).

In principle, any of these reasons can lead a car enthusiast to think about the need for this type of tuning. If the problems have accumulated in a complex, then you cannot do without flashing.

Main stages

The procedure for reflashing the main engine parameters takes place in several stages.

First stage.

A PC is connected to the diagnostic connector and the main system parameters are read using a special program. A few seconds and before the master’s eyes are the parameters that were set by the craftsmen at the factory.

There are only two reading options:

  • on cars produced before 1997 with flashing, a number of problems arise, because there were no diagnostic connectors (in the form in which we know them today). But a good master is able to literally “pull out” the memory and perform reprogramming (although this is not possible in all models);
  • the second option is to use special software that can be used to make changes in the background. However, BDM software is the most popular.

The existing parameters are changed to those that interest the car enthusiast. This type of work is only for real professionals who have experience in setting up such complex systems.

For greater reliability, it is better to contact specialized companies that have the ability to use specialized software and experience working with each specific car firmware.

There are situations when qualified technicians, after reading the factory program, discover significant errors that prevent the engine from reaching its full potential.

Sometimes it turns out to simultaneously increase torque, increase engine power and achieve a reduction in fuel consumption, which is a key point for many car enthusiasts.

Third stage.

At the last, third stage, all changes made to the controller parameters are “poured” back into the ECU memory. The principle of this manipulation is similar to that performed initially.

The time to complete the operation is no more than a few minutes. The most important thing in this whole process is that it is always possible to return to the original factory settings.

Questions and answers

Today there are many car enthusiasts who would like to do chip tuning of their car's engine, but do not dare. The main reason is many questions, but an almost complete lack of answers to them.

Let's look at those nuances of "chipping" that most worry car enthusiasts.

Question 1. Are the developers really software Are those at manufacturing plants more stupid than the craftsmen at service stations? After all, they can correct all the “shortcomings” that irritate the car enthusiast at once (not setting a speed limit, giving the engine maximum power, and so on).

In fact, the power parameter for the manufacturer is not as important as it might seem. Today, more than 90% of all cars produced on the assembly line are not capable of delivering maximum power. There are many reasons for this.

For example, the engine can deliberately “shut down” to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

In this case, the developer can make a tactically sound move and release two different models (at different prices) - one will have, for example, a power of 200 hp, and the other - 220. And this despite the fact that the engines are the same (only different firmware).

But in most cases, the reduction in engine power is caused by the need to comply with modern environmental requirements EURO-4 (in otherwise the car may not be put on the market). This is why most cars do not produce their real power.

In turn, for an ordinary firmware specialist (as well as a car enthusiast), EURO indicators are not important. Their main task is to make the engine more powerful, which can be achieved within a few hours. So the point is not at all in the intelligence of specialists, but in goals and objectives.

Question 2. Does interfering with the “brains” of the engine affect the service life of the latter?

Many car enthusiasts are worried that after tuning is completed, the engine will not be able to meet the deadline set by the manufacturer.

In fact, there is not a single study that would confirm or refute the fact of resource decline. And carrying out such experiments is too costly.

If you listen to logic, then working at full power will wear out the engine faster. But the question needs to be asked differently: will the car enthusiast notice this?

In modern cars, “millionaires” are installed, so hardly anyone will notice a decrease in service life by 50-100 thousand kilometers. The body will corrode and fall apart faster than a regular car will travel that distance.

But when contacting a specialized company (or even more so a private mechanic), you must remember that no one will give any guarantees (especially written) about the long “life” of the engine. Each car enthusiast decides to make changes at his own peril and risk.

Question 3. What about the factory warranty?

The most offensive thing for many car enthusiasts is losing the factory warranty. But in general, the format of the “guarantee” and the car is too extensible.

No one will notice the fact of interference in the “brains” of the engine when it is necessary to replace, for example, a windshield under warranty.

If, after the alteration, the engine itself has gone off the rails, then amateurishness will immediately be revealed, and the manufacturer will quite justifiably refuse to repair the damaged car under warranty.

As practice shows, the fact of interference is detected extremely rarely. But in any case, if you value the warranty, then it is better to wait until it expires, and only then, with a clear conscience, conduct experiments on your car.

Question 4. How much can you increase engine power?

If the main task of a car enthusiast is to increase power, then his question necessarily concerns the real prospects of chip tuning.

In the case of standard naturally aspirated engines, you shouldn’t expect any special miracles. The optimal increase in the parameter is about 12% (in some cases you can achieve 15%).

With turbocharged engines, things are much better. This way you can achieve a significant “increase” in power - by 30, or even 50% (with the special talent of the master).

Question 5

A service station worker has the opportunity to change many parameters - ignition timing, calibration parameters, excess air coefficient, and so on. But that’s not even the main thing.

A good master knows that adjusting one parameter can lead to changes in a whole group of other indicators.

Therefore, work should be carried out with the expectation of the final result, and not of changing any one coefficient.

The main thing is to find a “golden mean” when the implementation of one task will not lead to a deterioration in the performance of other systems.

Question 6. What's the point in reflashing a naturally aspirated engine if the increase in power is minimal?

Many car enthusiasts, after learning about the potential effect of “chipping”, refuse to waste extra money. But here we must not forget that the increase in power and torque are interconnected.

If the master managed to raise the “horses” by 1%, then the torque will increase by 5-7%. Thus, the car becomes much more dynamic and “brighter” in motion.

Question 7. Does the environmental component always suffer when increasing power?

Most often, this is inevitable and the craftsmen immediately admit this to car enthusiasts. In most cases, the ignition timing changes.

If you make this parameter higher, the power will also increase, but the amount of harmful emissions will increase significantly. Although, few people care about this, except, of course, the environmentalists themselves and traffic police inspectors.

Question 8. Is the work expensive?

There is no single tariff, because everything depends on the chosen car service and the make (model) of the car. If you find a single craftsman, he can do the job for a thousand rubles.

By contacting a specialized company, the costs will be much higher - up to 10-15 thousand rubles (for cars with a volume of up to 1.6 liters) and up to 30-40 thousand rubles (for cars with a volume of 1.8 and above).

It is also impossible to say unequivocally that the quality of work in a qualified service will be higher - it all depends on the talent, experience and skills of the specialist.

As for the guarantee, neither one nor the other party will give it.

Question 9

After carrying out a number of events, the car enthusiast (which is quite natural) wants to see real changes in the dynamics of the car and other parameters. But many are disappointed because they don’t notice any special changes.

The only thing that can be checked is the absence of restrictions on the number of revolutions, an increase in acceleration dynamics and an increase in power (most often this is immediately noticeable).

If more accurate information is needed, then qualified services have specialized stands at which tests are carried out.

Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that there are real changes in the dynamics of the car.

Question 10

As practice shows, this is possible. But to achieve maximum results is possible by installing a special corrector - a small electronic unit that is connected between the pedal position sensor and the electronic control unit.

In this case, the signal increases in power and is sent directly to the vehicle's ECU.

By installing such a corrector, you can forever get rid of the annoying “dullness” of the car when you sharply press the gas pedal.

Question 11. What is the difference between chip tuning of a gasoline engine and chip tuning of diesel engines?

In reality, there are no key differences. The steps for performing the firmware are the same in both cases. The only thing that changes is the adjustable parameters.

For example, in a gasoline engine, the ignition timing is adjusted. In the case of a diesel engine, the injection angle requires changes.

But here the specialist himself decides which parameter to adjust and which one is better left untouched.

Question 12. Is there a difference in tuning turbocharged and naturally aspirated engines?

There are some subtleties in tuning turbocharged and naturally aspirated engines.

In the first case, the main task of the master is to change the boost pressure data, and in the second - the fuel supply parameters and ignition angle.

We have already mentioned that when correct setting you can increase the power of a turbocharged engine by almost 25-50%, and atmospheric - on 6-15% .

In addition, the volume of injected fuel is adjusted, which makes it possible to reduce the “gluttony” of the vehicle by 10-20% .

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on all of the above, we can make some preliminary conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of engine chip tuning.

The advantages of flashing include the ability to increase engine power (and with it torque), make the car more economical, improve dynamic characteristics, remove speed and speed restrictions, achieve faster acceleration, and so on.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Firstly, to perform such work you will have to pay a certain amount (if we are talking about a specialized service, then the costs will be very significant);
  • Secondly, you will have to sacrifice general environmental parameters;
  • Thirdly, there is always a danger of falling for an unscrupulous technician, after which the engine quickly fails. And then there are much more serious costs.


If you have already decided to chip tuning your car, then you should clearly know a few things - why are you doing it, who will do the work, and what do you want to get as a result.

At the same time, you need to be clearly aware of the risks that flashing your car’s engine carries. This is the only way to ensure the success of such a risky undertaking.

FAQ for Beginners:

Question: What is the point of tuning?
Answer: Let's imagine that the engine is a pump for pumping air. Each factory engine has its own volume and design features. For example, let's take 2 engines, this is 8kl. engine 2111 and 16kl. engine 2112. If we take logs from each of these engines and analyze them, we will see that 16kl. Engine 2112 consumes more air than 8kl. 2111, maybe not in the entire speed range, but at least at high speeds the 2112 engine consumes more air. Accordingly, a car with engine 2112 will drive faster and accelerate faster. Because engine 2112 has higher air consumption (4 valves per cylinder), instead of 2 for engine 2111. Thus, when we install tuning hardware, camshafts, a receiver, a throttle, a direct-flow exhaust, we bore the cylinder head channels, increase the engine size or install a turbine, we thereby achieve two factors: greater air consumption by the engine and better throughput. The more air the engine consumes, the higher its power and torque. For example, factory 16kl. the 2112 engine consumes about 320 kg of air/hour, the turbocharged engine already consumes about 900 kg of air/hour.
Bottom line: more air>more power, less air>less power.

Question: Why do I need to calibrate the firmware after tuning?
Answer: Each factory fuel-injected car has firmware stored in its electronic control unit, which has been calibrated in accordance with the engine configuration. That is, the firmware was calibrated in accordance with engine volume, camshaft parameters, camshaft phase, receiver design, throttle assembly design, exhaust system, injector performance, etc. The engine is controlled by firmware, ignition timing, mixture composition, idle. on the move, etc. And when we install, say, tuning camshafts and a receiver, we thereby radically change the intake system and engine gas distribution system. Thus, after tuning, we received new dynamic characteristics of the engine, this requires a new firmware calibration for our new engine configuration. Because factory firmware was configured to the factory configuration, and it will not work correctly with the new tuning configuration. There will be jerks and dips in movement, the car will not develop maximum power and maximum speed, idle. the progress will not be stable. In addition, running the engine on untuned firmware can cause prolonged detonation, such as burnout of valves, split pistons, damage to connecting rods and cylinder walls, in general, at best, engine repair, at worst, replacement.
Bottom line: before tuning a car, you need to find a tuner or have at least an initial level of knowledge yourself. And of course, have equipment for firmware calibration. Ideally, any installation of tuning hardware on an engine, for example a direct-flow exhaust, REQUIRES new firmware calibration.

Question: What equipment do I need to calibrate the firmware?
Answer: When we stuffed the engine with a bunch of custom hardware, camshafts, receiver, exhaust, etc., we only completed 50% of the work. None of this will go anywhere without firmware calibration. The remaining 50% is setting up all this stuff) So, for this we need a system that will allow us to set up the whole thing. By the word system, I mean the engineering engine control unit and the wiring to it to the engine sensors. An engineering control unit differs from a regular one in that an engineering control unit can calibrate the firmware in real time; this mode is called online. Those. you are driving, and the tuner sits next to you with a laptop, connected via an adapter to your computer and calibrates the firmware, receiving data in real time, such as mixture composition, ignition timing, intake air temperature, etc. and accordingly also changes these parameters in real time. There are a lot of systems for calibrating firmware online, these are January, Corvette, Megasquirt, Invent, etc. They have the same idea: configure the firmware online. Further, one engineer is not enough; you also need a broadband oxygen sensor to see the composition of the mixture in the exhaust manifold. A regular factory oxygen sensor will not be enough, it only sees a mixture composition of 14.7, which means that to burn one part of gasoline, you need 14.7 parts of air, and the SDC sees a mixture from 10 to 20, which is precisely the mixture range where 99% of engines operate. All this equipment requires firmware and programs that will allow us to set up the whole thing; without programs, any equipment is a bunch of useless metal and plastic. As a rule, when purchasing equipment, programs and firmware are always included in the kit, or are sold separately. This is the minimum set of customizers. There are also a lot of devices to make it easier to configure the firmware, in particular the EGT sensor, which is screwed into the exhaust manifold and allows you to see the temperature of the exhaust gases, this is necessary for setting the ignition.
Bottom line: for online calibration you need an engineering unit with wiring, a shdk, a set of cables for connecting/reflashing the unit, software and firmware. Well, knowledge of this whole matter)

Question: Where to start tuning, what to do first?
Answer: Before tuning your car, you need to switch to a system that allows you to configure the firmware online. The word system means an electronic control unit. For example, if your car comes with a Bosch 7.9.7 control unit from the factory, then before tuning your car you need to replace this unit with January 7.2, if you have a Bosch 7.9.7 or 7.9.7+ unit, then just buy January 7.2 and install him because The wiring between these 3 blocks is interchangeable. If you have a block, say, M74 with an electronic gas pedal, then here you need to perform the same actions, install a January 7.2 or 5.1 ecu but with replacing the wiring, because the wiring from the M74 does not fit any of the Januarys. Since any of the Januarys does not support e-gas, then accordingly you will need to switch to a mechanical throttle, and in general e-gas is a complete headache, it is more trouble than good. When you switch to any of the January ecu, you can already install hardware tuning. The first thing you need to do is install a 4-1 or 4-2-1 spider exhaust system or an insert instead of a catalyst, thereby allowing the engine to breathe better, this will play a huge role in further tuning. And then, when you already have a more serious engine configuration, you can easily contact almost any tuner to configure the firmware for you. In this case, you may have a normal January ecu (factory, not engineering), when the customizer configures the firmware for you on his engineering ecu, this firmware will work perfectly on your factory ecu. Correctly configured firmware during tuning is the key to success. By downloading ready-made firmware on the Internet for tuning the engine configuration, you make a mistake and engage in masturbation; the car may drive, but not the way it should. There will be jerking, jerking and dips while driving, increased consumption. The firmware is configured individually for each engine - this is another key to success. Free free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. But good and tasty cheese can be bought at a cost.
Bottom line: first we switch to the January 5.1/7.2 ecu, then we install the spider exhaust, and then the camshafts/receiver/throttle and finally four turbines for each cylinder)

Thank you for the article

Any car plant that produces even the most inexpensive and low-power car out of the gate has the right to claim that the car fully complies with all declared technical specifications. It is by these criteria that the consumer chooses a car and pays money for it, thereby confirming that he is fully satisfied with all the parameters of the car. Nobody forces you to buy. You need a powerful semi-sports car - choose Mitsubishi Lancer 9, you need an off-road car, in which case the UAZ Patriot will help, a utilitarian city sedan - Ford Focus 2 and all issues are resolved. The consumer is happy, the plant is thriving, everyone is smiling.

The cure for tuning

Only there is a special disease, contagious and practically incurable, reminiscent of a craving for gambling. This is tuning of production cars. In order to devote yourself to tuning, it is not at all necessary to have the desire to prove that you can do it with your own hands better than at the factory. There are a lot of infections that cause this disease.

The first is total poverty. This concerns the territory of the former Soviet Union. In a metal garage, having a standard set of keys in your arsenal, making a Moskvich 412 a rally track star is the height of resourcefulness and ingenuity. The second virus is excitement. In this case, the person suffering from tuning mania will stop at nothing, will spend any money to add an extra couple of horses to the modest herd of Lada Priora, and will certainly emphasize this with external manifestations of indomitable power. The most severe stage of the disease is professional tuning. These guys know everything about cars, from torque curves to how mothballs affect the octane rating of gasoline. There is no cure for this, and we just take our hats off to them.

Among all types of car modifications, the most complex and knowledge-intensive process is engine tuning. The fight for every milligram of piston weight, for every hundredth of an atmosphere of boost pressure. We are not talking about any garage tuning and bastard files here. All we need here is a high-tech approach with a serious knowledge base, but we will talk about myth-ridden chip tuning for beginners.

Video about do-it-yourself chip tuning of a programmer

Basic concepts of chip tuning, or does it make sense?

The discrepancy between the positions of the manufacturer and the car owner is obvious. We want maximum power and torque from the engine, minimum flow fuel, a huge resource. And to do everything at once, to the maximum, with small investments. Developers of software for controlling car engine electronics see the situation somewhat differently. For them, the ideal engine is one that meets established standards for the emission of toxic gases, operates stably and smoothly in all modes, while consuming a minimum of fuel. At least we agreed on one thing with the manufacturer. Development engineers don't earn their salaries for nothing. They have behind them a huge amount of knowledge, experience and all the tools to implement any task. Their competence can only be challenged in isolated cases.

The electronic control unit (ECU) for engine operation contains all possible algorithms for the operation of fuel supply systems, air dosage, speed and torque limitation, written in software. All this is collected in a storage device and is perceived as a law that is not subject to revision. Each motor operating mode is tested in factory laboratory conditions, and any slightest change in the settings of this algorithm leads to incorrect operation of all existing systems. Do-it-yourself chip tuning is precisely aimed at changing these characteristics, especially those related to power and fuel consumption.

The photo shows ECU January 7.2 - electronic engine control unit

Chip tuning can affect such important processes and settings:

  • change in engine power;
  • changing the ignition timing;
  • amount of fuel injected;
  • injection time;
  • amount of air in the intake system;
  • deactivating or changing the operation of the exhaust gas toxicity control system.

There is more to list, but this is perhaps enough to understand the role that inept interference in a finely organized and calibrated engine control system can play.

Chip tuning of an engine with a turbine

Chip tuning in some cases may be the only method of correcting engine parameters. Take turbocharged engines, for example. It is simply impossible to influence the operation of the turbine in any other way. The supercharging mechanism is regulated only by software, program and controlled. In most cases, it will be enough to simply change the characteristics of the turbine, and they will already affect both the torque and the speed mode in which maximum power is achieved.

In this case, there is no need to make changes to the fuel system control algorithm, because the engine must have an air flow meter, which will determine the oxygen consumption and adjust the fuel supply in an optimal way. But this is only if we did not make changes to the engine volume or the valve timing adjustment. Otherwise, the fuel supplied by the injector will simply not be enough for normal operation of the cylinder. Then you need to change the injectors to more efficient ones. The same applies to the gas distribution mechanism. This is precisely why the installation of home-made turbines on VAZ engines, which are not even close to being designed for such operating modes, looks ridiculous. You shouldn’t expect normal, correct output from such a turbine, and even more so the figure eight won’t “go crazy” from it.

Proper do-it-yourself chip tuning, or AvtoVAZ’s magic button

For those who like to tinker with electronics under the hood, VAZ has provided an excellent opportunity to implement such traction. The January 7.2 control unit, which is installed on Lada Kalina, VAZ 2115, Lada Priora, Chevrolet Niva and VAZ 2107 with an injection engine, now has several degrees of adjustment. To change settings, it is not at all necessary to connect to a computer and surgically make changes to the configuration programs manually.

The fact is that at some point extra kilobytes were discovered in the volume random access memory January. The 128 kilobytes installed from the factory were quite enough to program the control unit with two additional modes. On the optionally installed programmer January, the Sport and Economy algorithms were prescribed based on the standard mode.

The beauty of this system is that the unit can be controlled directly from the cab. To do this, it is not necessary to have deep knowledge of automotive electronics. Modes can be changed by simply pressing a button. Sports mode adjustments imply a speed limit of only 6500, and the radiator fan turns on when the antifreeze reaches a temperature of 101˚C. At the same time, the idle speed is set to 900 rpm, and fuel consumption is 1 l/h. In economy mode, the speed is cut off from 6200 rpm, and idle is reduced to 750 rpm. Of course, bench power measurements showed a fairly serious increase. Here it is, an engineering approach - the sports program gave an increase in power by 10.7 hp, and the economical one by 8.5 hp. You shouldn’t delude yourself too much about fuel consumption, especially in the city. But in operation, the car's dynamics increase noticeably, especially in sports mode. The price of such a tuned January is about 8 thousand, which is quite acceptable.

Don’t think that tuning laboratories have completely forgotten about the owners of faster cars. Like our January, devices are sold that change the characteristics of Hyundai Accent, the latest Volkswagen Passat, and Renault Logan engines. Such programmers are designed for those cars in which there is no need to completely change the firmware and reprogram the entire control system. For them, it is enough to simply make adjustments to the fuel injection controller. Greddy, HKS, Hypertec are the main players in this market. For more powerful cars, BMW E34 7-series, Subaru Impreza, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, the algorithm can be changed by Apexi and Greddy devices, and for the mid-sized popular sedans Daewoo Nexia 1.5, Chevrolet Lanos 1.5, Chevrolet Cruze, Lacetti, with a programming task The fuel system is handled by Crane, Electromotive and HKS devices. The price of such an implementation is about $300, but this toy is capable of changing not only the injection settings, but also intelligently managing the ignition timing, to the point that you can set a certain number of sparks per phase.

Before you roll up your sleeves and try to do chip tuning yourself, you should thoroughly learn the operation of the chipped engine and know exactly what you can expect from it and what you shouldn’t hope for. Only in this way will competent tuning of the motor using software produce results.

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Design solutions are used to tune the engine and increase its power, while many try to do chip tuning with their own hands. We'll tell you what you'll encounter and what you should pay attention to.


Translated, the word tuning means “tuning”. In the minds of many novice car owners, this should only affect the change appearance or the car interior, as well as the installation of additional parts and elements. The word "chip" was added to tuning relatively recently. After all, it is in last years Computer technologies are being introduced especially actively. They are now used everywhere and well-known automakers could not ignore them.

Almost all cars are equipped with a sensor system; there can be more than several dozen of them. The data must enter the electronic control unit, which not only carries out processing, but is also responsible for the full operation of the engine. Each ECU has its own program, chip and factory settings, which are calculated on average.

This is why car owners, learning more, install another chip or microcircuit. Such an engine upgrade will provide tangible results and a number of important advantages, and everything can be done with your own hands.


Chip tuning is essentially nothing more than fine tuning of all engine electronics. As a result, it is possible to achieve improvements in many characteristics, namely:

  • A reconfigured chip will affect the operation of the fan, which will affect the cold start and running modes. As a result, it is possible to reduce the acceleration time to 100 km/h;
  • Tuning will help reduce fuel consumption, as injection parameters will be improved and the ignition timing will be adjusted. On average, it is possible to achieve savings of up to 12%;
  • It is possible to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases, as constant monitoring will be carried out;
  • All on-board systems begin to operate in the desired mode, since the factory settings are usually designed to save resources. Engine chip tuning will allow you to use them to the maximum.

In some cases, it will be necessary to deactivate a number of systems to increase engine power. True, then fuel consumption may increase as the engine speeds up. Power increases from 5 to 30%.

Do-it-yourself tuning will give a special effect in cars with turbocharging, since the activation and pressure system is optimized here. As a result, torque gains a 40% increase and power increases by up to 30%.


First, you should think carefully again and decide whether you can do all the work yourself or whether it is better to turn to specialists who have necessary equipment and professional skills. One error can completely reset all factory settings and then they will have to be debugged again. That is why you should carefully read the procedure and buy some materials.

The first thing you need to do is select a high-quality firmware version so that problems do not arise in the future. For reconfiguration, you can use special programs. They are downloaded to a laptop, as it is more convenient to work with it. It will not be difficult to check the software. For example, you can use ChipTuningPRO, although a lot depends on the make of the car. You will also have to purchase a microcircuit. Usually this ROM 27S256 or ROM 27S512. The latter option is sold not only in specialized stores, but also on the Internet. You can also purchase them from auto repair shops that perform flashing. You should immediately take an interest in the panel; it should be of high quality. Its task is to protect the microcircuit.

You can’t do without it, which carries out the firmware. It is not very cheap, but it is possible to make such a device yourself or rent it. It is quite possible to find free software for Combiloader firmware, but you will have to pay for Chiploader. When connecting to a car port, you will need a K-Line adapter. It should also be suitable for a laptop, which it is advisable to still connect to an outlet while working.

Now all that remains is to sort out your acquisitions and start setting up.


First of all, you need to make sure once again that the engine does not have any problems and is working properly. Only in this case do we get to work.

The laptop must be securely fastened so that it cannot move during operation. We connect a programmer to it, which will make the entire work process easier. If necessary, use the instructions (they should always be at hand).

To get to the electronic control unit, you will need to remove the panel located under the center console (first the right and then the left). You must work carefully and remember that it is best to disconnect the battery before doing this.

There is a control unit under the left panel; to get it out you will need to remove the latch. The connector is removed from the socket, but you must be careful not to touch the contacts with a tool or your hands. Now you need to unscrew the fastening nuts to get the ECU itself along with the bracket, which is also secured.

To open the block you will need to bend the latches and remove the cover. Inside is printed circuit board. You will have to be extremely careful here, as electronic components are extremely sensitive to statistical electricity.

The ROM chip may have characters, but the number of outputs is 28. Before replacing it, you must mark the first output with a marker. When removing the chip, you must carefully press it upward. If it was soldered, then you should use side cutters to cut all the joints and then solder the panel. Only then can you install a new microcircuit, but at the same time prevent distortions through your actions.

Next, close the lid and return the control unit to its intended place, following the reverse procedure. To reconfigure, you will need to connect the laptop to the diagnostic port and make sure that the wires are securely fastened.

Now turn on the ignition and install, in accordance with the instructions, the engine calibration program. Typically installation takes 20–30 minutes. After this, turn off the ignition and other equipment.5

This procedure may have minor drawbacks. Although there are few of them, some will have to be taken into account:

  • The more you can increase the car’s power, the faster its resources will be used up, which means its service life may be shortened;
  • Incorrectly performed firmware will lead to the fact that exhaust toxicity will only increase, not decrease;
  • "Left" firmware leads to detonation or to the fact that the indicators will be replaced. As a result, the control unit begins to produce incorrect signals. You should carefully select standard programs so as not to damage all settings;
  • Do-it-yourself reconfiguration can lead to failure of the electronic control unit and the cost of restoring it.

Therefore, experts say that it is better to carry out chip tuning in a specialized auto repair shop or official dealer. When replacing and installing a new microcircuit, you should not throw away the old one, as it can come in handy if any interruptions with updates suddenly begin to occur.

However, for many cars, chip tuning will do more good than harm. On a positive note Do-it-yourself installation should mean that as a result, the car owner will better know the structure of his car and understand the problems that arise.