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How does alcohol work? Why do drunks have red noses Changes in the nose of people who drink

It is easy to recognize a frequent drinker by external signs. If he regularly drinks alcohol, he will experience certain changes in his appearance: first of all, his face gives away the alcoholic. People suffering alcohol addiction, look much older than their age. This is caused by wear and tear of the body's cells and all internal organs, resulting in many deep wrinkles appearing on the face.

How to identify an alcoholic by facial features?

The face of an alcoholic is distinguished by the following features:

  • Uncharacteristic color. The face of a drinker is red (immediately after drinking alcohol) or blue-violet (2-3 hours after drinking alcohol). The color change occurs due to the regular intake of ethanol in the body: blood pressure rises, blood vessels dilate and the skin becomes scarlet. The face may be covered with spots - this consequence occurs due to sudden jumps in blood pressure, as a result of which capillaries burst and red spots form at the sites of their ruptures. After some time, such areas of the skin acquire a violet-blue color.
  • The lips of an alcoholic are pale due to damaged capillaries.
  • Oblong shape. The typical face of an alcoholic is oval in appearance. This is caused by constant tension of the frontalis muscle.
  • Severe swelling. The appearance of edema is caused by kidney and liver diseases that develop due to the regular intake of alcohol in the body.
  • Due to excessive load, the organs simply do not have time to process ethanol and remove excess liquid, as a result of which the alcoholic’s face becomes very swollen.
  • A big nose. Its size increases and the shape of the nostrils changes significantly. As a result, the alcoholic has a constantly swollen and red nose.

The face changes greatly under the influence of alcohol. In 1 year of excessive drinking, a person ages by an average of 5 years, and the aging process in women occurs faster than in men. The life expectancy of alcoholics is several times less than that of non-drinkers, and is no more than 50-55 years.

Is it possible to return to the previous appearance?

To get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes, you first need to stop drinking alcohol: it is useless to take any measures until the person stops drinking. To achieve a positive result, it is important to take the following measures in combination:

  • Have a full rest. Prolonged sleep will help restore strength and normalize the functioning of all body systems.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It will help cleanse the body of toxins and normalize water balance. Useful mineral water without gas, green tea, compotes and natural juices, cucumber, tomato and cabbage pickles.
  • Resort to the help of medications. Helps reduce intoxication Activated carbon. Tablets are taken at the rate of 1 piece. per 10 kilograms of human weight.
  • Spend more time outdoors. You should perform simple physical exercises or take long walks, which will help normalize blood circulation.
  • Eat well. Temporary dieting will help correct facial problems. You should avoid fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods. It is important to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Treat problem skin with decoctions medicinal herbs. It is recommended to prepare an infusion of chamomile and freeze it in an ice tray. The resulting ice cubes should be wiped over the affected areas of the skin several times a day.
  • Apply a potato or cucumber mask to the area around the eyes. Potatoes or cucumbers must be cut into thin rings or grated and wrapped in cheesecloth. The resulting layers or mass are applied to the area of ​​skin under the eyes every day.

Taking the above measures daily will help eliminate puffiness and bags under the eyes and return your facial skin to a healthy color.

For many of us, alcohol, although not a way of life, is often regarded as a means of relaxation and relaxation. You should not think, however, that long-term and regular consumption of alcohol only leads to problems with the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system. They are just too far away. First of all, your skin and face suffer: the so-called “alcoholic’s nose” appears, your face swells, and your gaze becomes meaningless.

Reading the face

You and I know that a person’s appearance depends on his health and condition. This is probably why we can easily guess whether we are facing an alcoholic or not. What signs indicate to us a person’s craving for alcohol? Of course, this is indicated to us by the bright red or purple nose of a heavy drinker. But he's not the only one.

This is interesting: in our country, alcoholic beverages began to be consumed under Prince Vladimir. However, our ancestors at that time were for the most part indifferent to alcohol and allowed themselves a glass or two extremely rarely. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, the first taverns began to open, but even at that time our ancestors were still strong in spirit. Russia was taught to drink by Peter the Great, who himself loved to drink and got his entourage drunk.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to changes in the circulatory and cardiovascular systems: the vessels become less flexible, their tone is impaired, as a result of which the face looks wrinkled and acquires a bluish or reddish tint.

You have probably heard the complaint “I turn red after drinking alcohol” more than once. Indeed, many of us, even after drinking a small amount, become red as tomatoes. Doctors explain this reaction of the body to alcohol simply by the close location of the vessels and their reactions to ethyl alcohol. In addition, spots on the face after alcohol can appear as a result of intolerance to alcohol or an allergy to it, as well as if alcoholism has already entered the chronic stage and the person suffers from high blood pressure.

However, facial redness is not the only sign of alcohol abuse. When drinking alcohol becomes as natural and regular a process as sleeping or eating, the gaze becomes empty and meaningless. Excessive tension in the frontalis muscle can also be a sign of chronic alcoholism. After some time, the face takes on a slightly elongated appearance, and the eyes become wider due to the weakening of the orbicularis oculi muscles.

Chronic alcoholism leads to other changes: a gradual deepening of the nasolabial fold, sunken eyes, widening of the nostrils, thickening of the lips and hypertrophy of the neck muscles.

Don’t think that all the signs appear many weeks or months after you start drinking alcohol. Even drinking a large amount of alcohol once will allow others to think that this person is a drinker. Such conclusions can be drawn by seeing in front of you a rumpled and tired face that has a grayish tint, bags under the eyes and a purple tint to the eyelids.

Why do alcoholics have a red nose?

Of course, a red nose does not always indicate that its owner is a chronic alcoholic. And, nevertheless, a swollen, bright red nose can often be observed in people who are prone to alcoholism.

It is not difficult to explain the redness of a drunkard’s nose: after ethyl alcohol enters the body, red blood cells stick together, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Blockage of blood vessels on the nose often leads to micro-tears and micro-irruptions. Hence the characteristic color of the nose.

Redness of the nose: an aesthetic or medical problem?

Considering that a red nose often indicates an unsatisfactory state of the cardiovascular system, this problem is clearly of a medical nature.

If the redness of the nose in an alcoholic is caused by the formation of acne and pimples, the problem can clearly be attributed to aesthetics. Practice shows: whatever the reason for the redness of the nose in an alcoholic, there is only one way to solve it - a complete cessation of alcohol.

Is your nose itchy? - To drink. Is there a basis for this sign? Each of us knows that our nose itches when we drink. In most cases, our compatriots treat the sign as a joke, however, as you know, in every joke there is a grain of... jokes.

Our ancestors, trying to understand the surrounding nature, listened carefully to the signals given by the body. It was they who, our vigilant ancestors, first noticed that itching in the nose often made them drink, but not alcohol, but ordinary water.

Itching in the nose is very simple to explain - the work of the nervous system. Even with slight dehydration, the amount of fluid in the nasal mucosa decreases, which leads to its drying out and subsequent scratching. To eliminate itching, you need to drink liquid, which will restore the water balance and protect the nasal mucosa from drying out. Naturally, plain water or even tea can solve the problem, and not alcohol at all.

However, many of our compatriots claim that this sign really works, and a slight scratching of the nose suggests that booze is just around the corner. The reality of this is truly believable when you consider that many of us drink alcohol almost every day - even on days when our noses don't itch.

This is interesting. American and Japanese scientists have recently found that facial flushing after drinking alcohol is often observed in people who are at risk for esophageal cancer. As a rule, such manifestations are explained by heredity and the presence in the body of a special enzyme responsible for processing substances that enter the blood along with alcohol.

Visual signs of alcoholism, manifested by redness of the face, the appearance of spots, swelling and bruising of the face, a blue or red nose, allow us to recognize in a passerby a person who is partial to alcoholic beverages and cannot live without them. However, you should not think that we are talking only about chronic alcoholics - beer alcoholism is diagnosed in the same way. Therefore, you should pay close attention to your loved ones and, when the first such signs appear, begin to sound the alarm.

In addition to the extremely unpleasant smell of fumes, an alcoholic is also given away by his appearance. Often signs of alcohol abuse leave their mark on the face of a person who regularly drinks alcohol. This article describes in detail how to recognize an alcoholic by his face.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The face of an alcoholic: reasons for changes in the appearance of a drinker

“The face of an alcoholic” cannot be hidden with cosmetics

It is quite simple to identify a drinking person, because the so-called “alcoholic’s face” gives him away. Even Small child knows that he has a blue nose and a swollen red face. It is much more difficult to rationally explain why exactly these signs appear. Unfortunately, there is too little truly reliable information about the changes that occur in the body of a person who abuses alcoholic beverages. But if you immediately weed out a number of erroneous opinions on this topic, you can understand the reasons for such strong changes in the appearance of a drinking person.

What is the “face of an alcoholic”?

The face of an alcoholic is comparable to an active battlefield. Moreover, the point here is not so much in the large number of fights taking place on the street, but in the body’s continuous struggle with alcohol toxins. When ethanol enters the human body, the pressure in the blood vessels increases and the pulse becomes more frequent. And most of the blood goes not only to the arms and legs, but also to the head.

It is for this reason that there is always a blush on the face of a drunk person. If a person begins to abuse alcohol, his blood vessels cannot withstand such a heavy load and are damaged. As a result, blue and red bruises appear, and oxygen does not reach some areas of the face at all. It is for this reason that most alcoholics have a blue nose and a purple face.

Swelling from drinking alcohol

To understand why the faces of alcoholics begin to swell, it is necessary to understand how alcohol affects the human body from the other side. To remove hazardous substances, it needs to consume a huge amount of water. It is necessary not only for carrying out chemical reactions, promoting the breakdown of ethanol, but it also flushes out harmful substances and dead cells of blood vessels, brain, and nerve endings from the body.

The water-electrolyte balance in the human body is quite fragile and as a result of the loss of even a small part of the usual amount of fluid, severe dehydration occurs, and the body, in turn, tries with all its might to compensate for this deficiency as quickly as possible. An alcoholic suffers from very strong thirst and drinks huge quantities of water. However, it is absorbed by the body rather slowly, and thirst and dry mouth haunt the alcoholic for a very long time, never stopping for a minute.

As a result, one day there comes a time when too much water accumulates in the body. The body “remembers” about recent dehydration and, to prevent it from happening again, stores all the water it received during the previous period. Lately. This leads to swelling of the legs, arms and face.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of a female alcoholic, because a woman’s metabolism differs quite greatly from a man’s metabolism. This is due to the fact that in female body The fluid reserve is several liters less than in a man’s body. For this reason, dehydration in women is more pronounced and occurs much faster, as a result of which, in the morning, the face of a once charming girl may not look as attractive as the day before.

Other signs of alcoholism

There are other signs of alcoholism that leave their mark on the face. One of the most characteristic of them is constant pressure frontal muscle, while all other facial muscles are relaxed. As a result, the face appears drooping and oblong. The nasolabial fold deepens in the upper part, while its lower part smoothes out and becomes less deep. Very noticeable folds form at the inner corner of the eyes, causing the eyes to look more sunken. The nostrils widen, the lips become thicker and are constantly closed as a result of the teres oris muscle relaxing. Wrinkles cover the entire glabella and run in an oblique direction. The neck muscles hypertrophy. With the development of alcoholism, the characteristic features"faces of an alcoholic"

All of the above changes in appearance human caused by very serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which were provoked by alcohol. But other diseases that have nothing to do with drinking alcohol can manifest themselves in this way.

I cited interesting statistical facts about drinking and non-drinking countries, and in this I will touch a little on the sad consequences of immoderate libations.

Scientists in Britain, a country with pronounced alcohol problems, have found that the longest alcohol hangover occurs at the age of 29 - it can last up to 10.5 hours. An increase in the duration of a hangover is associated with “fatigue” of the body. At the age of 19-25, people feel great after drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages, but over time, the immune system weakens and the body takes longer to process toxins.
During the study, 65% of respondents admitted that they had to go to work in a state of alcohol intoxication. According to them, they felt the worst at 10 am. Every tenth admitted that under the influence of alcohol he wrote various kinds of revelations on social media. networks, or called mobile phone, which he later regretted.

Most of us know firsthand what a hangover is. Pulsating headache, nausea, weakness, dry mouth, severe thirst, chills with a feeling of heat, possibly vomiting, dizziness, changes in blood pressure and heart failure are physically manifested symptoms. The mental background of a person who is not drunk is a feeling of guilt and depressed mood, depression.
The hangover usually lasts no more than a day, but it can last longer. How a hangover will manifest itself depends on the state of the body and its ability to break down alcohol. There is an opinion that a hangover occurs only after a serious amount of alcohol has been consumed. This is wrong. For some people, all it takes to hate the morning is to drink a fairly modest dose of alcohol in the evening. The smaller a person’s liver, the more severely they suffer from a hangover. The typical female liver is smaller in size than the male liver. Therefore, the breakdown of alcohol in women occurs more slowly and suffering lasts longer.

In fact, three main factors provide us with hangover torment. The first is poisoning of the body, which occurs due to the breakdown of alcohol with the subsequent formation of poisons, which, in turn, cause the formation of new toxins. This process is launched especially “effectively” by vermouth, tequila, rum, and whiskey. All the same British scientists recognized brandy as the most dangerous (no, not whiskey...). Most easily excreted from the body alcoholic drinks, and among the strong ones, vodka does the least harm to the body; it causes a lighter hangover.

Disruption of brain cells is the second factor that provides us with the mental consequences of yesterday's fun. As a result of the breakdown of alcohol, acetaldehyde appears in the body, making the nervous system hypersensitive. Then even dim light and quiet sounds greatly irritate a person. He may experience an unreasonable feeling of shame and guilt - “adrenaline melancholy.”

The third factor is dehydration, which is not associated with a lack of water, but with its improper distribution in the body. Bags under the eyes are clear proof of this. Remember the joke: “Where is the money? - In bags. Where are the bags? “Under the eyes.”

Speaking of visible under-eyes: What is the secret to the characteristic blue nose of drunkards? Alcohol, entering the blood, interacts with red blood cells, which, as is known, deliver oxygen to tissue cells and take away carbon dioxide. In the normal state, red blood cells are covered with a thin fatty membrane and have a small electrical charge, due to which they repel each other and do not stick together. Alcohol dissolves the fatty membrane and removes the charge. As a result, red blood cells stick together into so-called “bunches of grapes” of 5, 100 or even 1000 pieces, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. The “bunches” clog small vessels, which, when dying, turn purple. With regular libations, not a single living capillary remains in the nose and the nose turns blue.

Unfortunately, in addition to the blood vessels in the nose, grapes also easily destroy small vessels that supply blood to neurons in the human brain. For each of the 15 billion neurons, we have only one vessel, without a reserve. And a neuron lives only from 7 to 9 minutes after the supply vessel is blocked. 1 liter of beer kills up to 6,000 nerve cells, and 100 grams of vodka - 7,000. A wrinkled brain covered with ulcers is the reason for the degradation of experienced alcoholics.

A hangover is often mistakenly confused with the concept of withdrawal symptoms. The misconception is that withdrawal is not a direct consequence of the use of psychoactive substances, in particular alcohol, but, on the contrary, with a sharp cessation of them after long-term use. A well-known folk joke about O.R.Z. - “very abruptly stopped”, succinctly describes the essence of abstinentia (abstinence), often accompanied by delirium (delirium - madness, delirium) - “delirium tremens”.

Signs indicating the threshold of delirium tremens are silent motor agitation with automatically repeated actions (often from professional activities), with mild hallucinations and delusions, as well as heat bodies. Delirium tremens is characterized by the presence of visual hallucinations, realistic, multiple and moving. As a rule, these are bedbugs, cockroaches, beetles, flies, less often - cats, rats, mice. Sometimes patients see large animals and people with a fantastic appearance. Characteristic are visions of snakes, devils, as well as deceased relatives (the so-called “wandering dead”). Visual illusions and hallucinations can be either single or multiple and scene-like. Delirium tremens sometimes disappears within 3-5 days without treatment; less often it lasts for 1-2 weeks. Recovery often occurs after deep, long sleep. The condition may worsen in the evening and improve during the day.

Delirium usually occurs at stage III of alcoholism. But, do not be deluded by the range of the sad prospect before assessing what stage you are already at.

The first stage of alcoholism is a pathological craving for alcoholic beverages. Control over the amount of drink is lost, intoxication often manifests itself in severe forms, accompanied by amnesia. Abstinence is not observed at this stage, and mental manifestations during this period are associated with low mood, irritability, high fatigue and low performance, and signs of self-doubt. This stage of the disease can last 3–6 years.

At the second stage of alcoholism, dependence on alcohol increases and a withdrawal hangover syndrome occurs. This period is characterized by an uncontrolled and uncontrollable craving for alcoholic beverages. The patient may be in continuous drinking for many days. Working capacity decreases even more, and fatigue increases. A person’s character also changes: rudeness, deceit, and selfishness appear. Intellectual capabilities, like memory, ability to critical assessment are significantly reduced. There is an imbalance in the emotional sphere - a tendency to hysteria, incontinence. Stage 2 can last 7–20 years.

The third stage of the disease is considered especially severe. It is characterized by binges lasting more than 1 week and breaks followed by a period of drunkenness. Intoxication occurs very quickly with small doses of alcohol. All the symptoms of the second stage intensify, the withdrawal syndrome becomes pronounced. On the physical plane, chronic gastritis, kidney and liver damage, hypertension and alcoholic cardiopathy are manifested. Neurologically - vegetative dystonia, impaired tendon reflexes, polyneuritis. On the mental level - personality degradation. Increased excitability and a tendency to hypochondria take on the character of phobias.

Alcoholism affects men more often the cardiovascular system, while women more often suffer from liver disorders and gastrointestinal tract. Women susceptible to alcoholism begin to feel a hangover 3 years after the onset of the disease. In this case, mental disorders prevail over somatic ones. There are rare cases in medical practice when a patient drinks fractional doses of alcohol without taking breaks between binges. In this case, withdrawal syndrome simply does not have time to develop.

Despite the obvious harmfulness of alcohol to human health, there is constant debate about the dangers of small doses of alcohol. The view that there are, in principle, no harmless doses of alcohol is opposed to statements that drinking alcohol in moderation not only does not harm health, but also reduces the risk of premature death.
And again, the British are concerned: studies in which 14 thousand women took part showed that moderate drinkers are more likely to live to 70 years than those who do not drink at all or who abuse alcohol. “Small amounts of alcohol can indeed protect against heart disease, especially in post-menopausal women, but it is important to keep it in moderation,” says Natasha Stewart from the British Heart Foundation, a UK heart disease charity.
There is also an opinion that regular consumption of alcohol leads to the feminization of men and the masculinization of women, that is, in men the mammary glands grow, the pelvis becomes wider and impotence develops, and women become more “masculine” - their voice and character become coarser, facial hair appears.
Indicators of educational level are also very interesting - higher education received only 14% of convinced abstainers - and 37% of moderate alcohol drinkers.

Have you already determined the stage of alcoholism you are at? Is there anything that worries or scares you in this regard? Or maybe you are sure that 200 gr. Does a glass of vodka or a bottle of wine after work only strengthen your heart?

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Good day! Have you ever wondered why alcoholics' faces change? How does alcohol affect a person's appearance? No one will argue what influences it.

People are curious. We often look with keen interest at the glowing windows, trying to guess what kind of life is in full swing behind them, we examine the details of the clothes of the passengers sitting in the same cabin as us, and we constantly pay attention to passers-by in the crowd. Naturally, we draw our own conclusions: this person is completely harmless, but this one is an alcoholic, you need to stay away from him. How can you understand this if you can’t smell the alcohol? Elementary. People who are looking for the meaning of life at the bottom of a bottle have this literally written on their foreheads.

You need to know the enemy by sight

Alcoholism is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of our time, the scale of which defies the understanding of any sane person. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about the speed at which this unfortunate phenomenon is spreading throughout the planet. Doctors, researchers, biologists cite indestructible facts about the dangers of alcohol for the mental, mental, and finally, physical health... But the green serpent strictly takes over, winning the race to defeat the body against other harmful addictions.

Let's be honest, there are not many people on Earth who have never tried alcoholic beverages. But not everyone “awakens” a craving for them and the need to constantly “replenish” the reserves of fluid that poisons the body. Let's not figure out why people drink at all. Among possible reasons there will be:

  • stress;
  • nervous and mental stress;
  • "for company";
  • “doctors recommend”;
  • "to relax"…

By and large, latent alcoholics do not need a justification for drinking.

Remember the movie “Love and Doves”? One of the characters gave an excellent justification for his craving for the bottle: “I didn’t drink. I didn't drink! Although (looks at the calendar) there is a reason: the day of the storming of the Bastille has passed without a trace.”

Drinking? You will recognize him from a thousand

Neatness, youth, attractiveness and alcohol are polar concepts.

What is the effect of alcohol on a person’s appearance?

People with alcoholism look much older than their years, have skin problems, sparse hair, black circles under the eyes, swelling, swollen nose and lips. Appearance reflects not only the quantity and regularity of alcohol consumed, but also its quality and the time at which it was drunk. For example, beer and wine (both white and red) are beneficial in doses not exceeding 50 ml per day. But just 2 glasses of these drinks drunk before going to bed at night will result in a headache, somewhat inhibited reaction in the morning, bruises or bags under the eyes, and a “bruised” face.

If a person drinks “rarely, but accurately,” he will end up with severely inflamed eyes and swelling. Such signs pass relatively quickly if you do not “add fuel to the fire.” But the same cannot be said about changes in the appearance of heavy alcoholics. With regular visits of the green serpent, a person with alcoholism begins to quickly gain weight (beer alcoholism) or quickly dries out, young people develop premature wrinkles, the skin on the face becomes flabby, the nose and lips increase in size and turn red, the whites of the eyes may acquire a jaundiced tint, capillaries often burst.

Both women and men are subject to the “stigma” of alcoholism, and in terms of negative changes in appearance the weaker sex suffers more. It is important for everyone to know how alcohol affects a woman’s appearance.

When you judge a book by its cover

It is almost impossible to win, especially difficult to do without qualified outside help. And it turns out not only to be problems with internal organs, but also rickety nervous system and a noticeably deteriorated outer shell.

Love for a bottle is a problem that does not differentiate people by gender, social status, age or income. At one time, the unsurpassed “king of horror” Stephen King, the star of the Back to the Future trilogy Michael J. Fox, the eternal Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe, the singer – who was once offered a million dollars a night – Britney Spears, and a whole string of others were treated for alcohol addiction stars walking the red carpet. Soviet and Russian public figures also willingly downed a glass, setting a not very good example for their admirers. Among them are not only men (Andrey Krasko, Vladislav Galkin, Vladimir Vysotsky), but also

For example, quite recently in every Soviet home there was a lively discussion about the daughter of the Secretary General, Galina Brezhneva. Her rich personal life, spectacular outfits, and unacceptable (for Soviet women) frivolous antics never escaped her lips... Who was closely acquainted with the one and only princess Soviet Union Galina Leonidovna, spoke of her with respect. According to the recollections of old friends, this extraordinary woman was an exceptionally kind person with an open heart... But she died alone, left by her only daughter and numerous husbands, practically forgotten by these friends.

Protracted, severe alcoholism led her straight to the insane asylum. And here, with disheveled gray hair, tightly clenched cheekbones, swollen, wrinkled dark circles under the eyes, a wandering and almost meaningless gaze of senile eyes, in last days Throughout her life, she frightened the orderlies and the patients around her.

Alcoholic metamorphoses

Fatigue and dehydration of the skin

Any drinker knows what “sushnyak” is. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, given the dehydration of the body due to alcohol abuse. But few people think about the fact that the skin suffers from this dehydration: it becomes dry, cracks, flakes, loses its healthy glow, acquiring a pink-red tint or painful grayness.


Frequent rushes of blood to the head provoke the appearance of a pronounced red vascular network on the skin of the face, the so-called “stars”. Pores expand. Pigmentation appears.

Early aging

Skin aging, accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles, is a natural and gradual process. But in people who drink, the nasolabial folds deepen much earlier and faster than in people who don’t drink. Expression wrinkles become deep and clear, blur from the eyes to the nose, and appear on the neck and forehead. After 1-2 years of systematic alcohol consumption, the eyelids become heavier and the eyebrow arches sag.

Baldness, hair loss

Poor blood circulation in the scalp leads to deterioration of the hair structure, thinning, loss of healthy shine, rich pigmentation, and fragility. Almost always, men who drink alcohol develop early bald spots, bald spots, and early baldness.

Brittle nails

“Washing out” vital vitamins and minerals from the body contributes to the deterioration of not only hair, but also nails. The nail plates peel and become brittle. Hangnails often appear on the fingers.

The appearance of edema

Swelling is one of the first visible changes in the appearance of a drinker. It can be global (cover the entire face) or local (appears as bags under the eyes). It is most often observed in people who look at the bottom of a bottle late in the evening, and persists for quite a long time.

Swelling also accelerates the appearance of wrinkles, contributes to the loss of firmness, elasticity and the ability of the skin to regenerate processes.

“Leakage” of the facial contour

Women take care of their own appearance much more than men, so they know how difficult it is to prolong the youth of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and keep the contour of the face toned and “fresh” for a long time. In people who drink alcohol, the oval of the face is always “blurred”, swollen, and not clear. Such a deficiency can no longer be corrected traditional methods, nor expensive creams.

Against the background of alcoholism, the effect of such “smearing” will appear earlier if there is a hereditary predisposition to “bulldog cheeks.”

Even having “tied up” with the green serpent, it is impossible to tighten the contour without special operations. A striking example of this is the “Soviet Brigitte Bardot”, film star Natalya Kustinskaya, who is overly addicted to alcohol after a series of tragic events in the family. In her latest interviews, the actress said that she had long gotten rid of a severe addiction and could not even stand alcohol-based medications. But she failed to recover from the rapid “floating away” of the contour. Face drinking woman remains forever.

Eyes “a la panda”

Swollen, flabby eyelids, narrowed, often watery eyes, painfully red even with slight strain, and deep black-violet circles in the area of ​​the organs of vision are not the most pleasant and integral signs that a person is friendly with the bottle.

Fitness problem

Famous boxer Michael Tyson personal experience I was convinced how sharply high-proof drinks turn steel muscles into flabby bodies. Often this metamorphosis is associated with the high calorie content of the poisonous liquid, which leads to the appearance excess weight. For example, beer contains large quantities of phytoestrogens and easily digestible carbohydrates, which contribute to gaining extra pounds. Therefore, the figure of beer alcoholics takes on the features of a female silhouette:

  1. Breasts appear.
  2. The buttocks are rounded.
  3. Hair growth on the arms and legs is reduced.
  4. The muscles become decrepit.

The “crown feature” of lovers of the intoxicating drink is a large, rounded, protruding belly.

At the same time, alcohol disrupts the entire daily routine, results in a loss of control over nutrition, reduces physical activity, leads to apathy, and a reluctance to improve oneself and maintain good physical shape.

Less often, the opposite effect occurs, and the person loses significant weight.

“Food set”: nose – potatoes, lips – dumplings

The classic red nose (so skillfully “played out” by Nikulin’s hero in Soviet comedy films) is by no means fiction and a terrifying fairy tale for drunks. This part of the face actually takes on an unhealthy red or brown tint due to dilation of the capillaries. This problem rarely lasts long. Coloring can appear or significantly intensify only with prolonged exposure to cold and hypothermia, or against the background of newly consumed alcohol. If you do not take it on your chest and stay warm, the redness may disappear quickly.

But besides this, deformation of the nose and lips occurs. They swell, become “fleshy”, and add roughness. general appearance. This pathology is especially noticeable in the fair sex.

Stooping, gait and coordination problems

It would be naive to assume that alcohol, which disfigures one’s appearance, leaves musculoskeletal system. Under the influence of this liquid poison, the very manner of moving, gesticulating, moving around changes. The basis of the basics disappears: “ correct posture“is the key to health,” and with it the desire to keep your back straight disappears. A stoop appears, steps lose stability, gestures and gait seem angular and uncertain.