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How to get a personal medical record and how much will it cost? How to make a medical book: where you can apply for it and receive it officially, as well as how much it will cost to obtain it. What is a personal medical book?

Almost every third citizen needs to obtain a health certificate to register at work. It indicates the state of his health and is considered a completely official document; it indicates the results of the tests taken and the date of delivery. It will not be difficult for those who need it to obtain such a book. These employees include people working in service industries. To get a job in children's, medical institutions, catering and trade enterprises, it is necessary to pass a medical commission, after which a health certificate is issued. Such a document confirms permission to work.

Who needs a health certificate

Personal is a guarantor of the health of an employee who, according to his duties, serves various segments of the population. How to get a health certificate and who needs it? Workers who are involved in the following sectors of work are required to draw up such a document:

1. Trade enterprises.

2. Enterprises - and canteens.

3. Food industry enterprises - meat processing plants, dairies, bakeries, etc.

4. Enterprises responsible for quality drinking water.

5. Enterprises engaged in the production, transportation, storage and sale of medical products.

6. Preschool, school and educational institutions, up to institutes.

7. Sphere of public utilities and consumer services.

8. Medical and preventive institutions - sanatoriums, etc.

For many who need it for the first time, the question remains of where to get a health book and why it is needed in general.

Why is it needed?

All enterprises that require the presentation of a health certificate are obliged, when hiring a person, to require it along with the rest of the submitted documents. Any serious organization will not take the risk of employing an employee without a medical record, even if he has excellent recommendations, extensive experience and high qualifications. Examination and examination by doctors, the results of all tests and permission to work - everything is reflected in the health book. How to obtain such a document? To do this, you need to collect a certain package of documents:

1. A document that confirms your identity - a passport, driver's license or military ID.

2. Application for a book.

3. Photograph (3x4).

4. Certificate of fluorography.

5. Issue of vaccinations and laboratory examinations.

Before receiving a sanitary certificate, you will also need to pay for it, that is, pass the sanitary minimum. You also pay for the hologram, study guide and the book form itself. After collecting all the required documents, it is worth making photocopies of your passport or other identity document, fluorography certificates and vaccinations.

If you don't know where to start

When you need to start applying for a job, but have no idea how to get a health certificate, or even where to start the process, you need to contact any medical institution, which is located at the registration address or closest to the place of residence. But any such organization must meet certain requirements - be it a public or private clinic:

1. Qualified personnel must be present.

2. A license is required.

3. Equipping with the equipment necessary for passing and performing tests.

4. Availability of official forms of medical records that comply with Russian legislation.

The question of where to get a health certificate has practically been resolved. The institution issues a special form and a health book in which all examination results are recorded. Laboratory tests that must be completed in medical institutions are most often paid for, unless they are paid for by the employer.

What are the features

What do you need to know and what do you need to get a health certificate? After payment for the medical book is made, it is necessary to undergo examinations. For this purpose, a referral is issued, and the person goes to see various specialists. Most often, such procedures do not take much time; in a couple of hours you can visit all the doctors. The test results will be ready no later than the fifth day, it all depends on what tests are needed.

According to the standard procedure, the following are examined:

1. See a dermatologist.

2. See a venereologist.

3. See a therapist.

4. Blood test - often “general”, “for sugar”, “according to the formula”.

5. Culture for various intestinal infections.

6. Culture for helminths and enterobiasis.

7. Fluorography of the chest.

8. Certification of the sanitary minimum.

All this must be completed before receiving a health certificate. The clinic will inform you when you can come and receive it after the examinations have been completed. If any diseases or abnormalities are eventually found, a course of treatment is prescribed, after which the examination is carried out again. Only after this will the book be issued.

In what cases do you not receive a book?

There are cases when, after receiving tests, a person is diagnosed with an infectious disease that he did not suspect. The medical institution has no right to admit such a patient to workplace. Only after undergoing treatment and complete recovery can he be examined again and receive required document with permission to work. Such standards are uniform, and it does not depend on where you get a health book - in Novosibirsk or Moscow, the rules are the same for everyone.

Deadlines for receipt

There are situations when you urgently need to get a medical book. To do this, you need to go to the medical center. institutions that have permission from Rospotrebnadzor to process and issue such documents. There you can already agree on expedited issuance. There is no chance that the book will be fake or illegal; all such documents are registered in a special register for issuing medical documents. Also in many cities there are specialized centers where training in professional hygiene is provided. Therefore, the question of how to obtain a health certificate in Chelyabinsk is resolved quickly and professionally.

Why are lectures needed?

Consists of two logical components:

1. Listening to a lecture.

2. Certification of acquired knowledge.

Only those persons who have fully passed a professional medical examination can be admitted to this training; do not forget about this before receiving a health certificate in St. Petersburg. All results are entered into the sanitary record; payment for such certification is made by the employer or by the employee himself.

What is the cost of the issue

The cost of the book will depend entirely on the area of ​​employment, so for the food group the price of issuing a book will be more expensive than for those who will work at an industrial enterprise. Also, the cost of the book is influenced by the number of examinations and tests performed, as well as the medical institution itself where the examination was carried out. As the rules require, the employer must pay the costs of obtaining a health certificate or provide its employees with health certificates. But this is not always a fact, so if you pass the commission yourself, you should not contact dubious companies.

What kind of protection does the book have?

Only after a medical examination has been completely completed and the document has been filled out, it must be certified by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. The document will be considered completed only after the certification result has been received and testing has been passed. On the twenty-seventh page of the document there will be a proper stamp, which is certified by a hologram, which is its complete protection. Only after this is the book registered and given a number.

Is it possible to detect a document forgery?

Some workers, not understanding the full responsibility of their employment, try to circumvent the law and make their task easier. They can order a health book over the phone or from an online store, which is fake. The cost of this service will vary from five hundred rubles to two thousand. Such a document can be produced within two hours; naturally, all analyzes will be fake. But in this case it will be too early to rejoice. Any specialist who comes to the enterprise for an inspection can easily distinguish a fake from a real document.

No need to take risks

Do not forget about your responsibility to the people you will encounter in the process of work. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for a health certificate only to specialized medical centers and institutions. Thanks to the registration of the book, the employer will be aware of the health status of his subordinates, and the employee himself will be calm.

The law is the same for everyone

In 2012, in Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development adopted an order on the procedure for issuing sanitary records, which clearly and step-by-step describe each stage of examination and testing in the laboratory. The timing and frequency of repeated tests and medical examinations are also indicated - depending on the profession, but at least once a year.

A personal medical record is the same document as a license or passport. She carries within herself officially certified information about the health of its owner.

To work in some areas, you must have a health certificate. Russian legislation strictly regulates this issue. And therefore, when applying for a job, your employer will tell you how to get a medical book. Its absence will entail liability for both the employee and the employer.

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Purpose of the book

A personal medical record is an official document of the established form. The medical book is legal confirmation of human health and the absence of dangerous diseases.

In addition to data on medical examinations completed, the medical book contains information about results of passing hygienic certification. The information contained in this document directly depends on the employee’s field of activity.

For a number of categories of workers, Russian legislation provides compulsory medical examination with receipt of a medical book. These requirements are contained in articles and Labor Code RF.

If the results of the examination are negative, the employee may be given a conclusion about professional incompetence, which will deprive him of the right to continue his professional activities. But getting permission to work is not the main thing. The main task is prevention and timely detection of the disease

The book is designed according to special rules, which are also approved by law. It has 12 sections. The filling requirements are specified in the order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 dated May 20, 2005

List of professions

There are a number of professions and areas that require a medical book by law. In the Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2000 No. 1100/2196-0-117, you can find out who should have such a medical examination.

The document will be required for those who:

Professional activities for workers in the above areas are permitted after passing the necessary medical commission and obtaining a health certificate.

Design and cost

Only those who have the right to obtain a personal medical record have the right to centers of hygiene and epidemiology, or from an organization licensed by this department. This could be a community clinic, a specialized center, or a hospital.

Many people are interested in how to make a medical book for free; this, unfortunately, is impossible. You will have to pay, the only question is the cost, which may vary.

It will be more expensive in a private medical organization, but the queue in the corridor is much shorter. approximate cost medical books amount to 2-5 thousand rubles. Its price also depends on the region where you live - in Moscow and the region the amount reaches 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of the question makes you wonder who pays for the inspection - the employee or the employer, and is the enterprise obliged to do this?

Costs for obtaining your personal medical document in accordance with the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are entirely the responsibility of the employer. But it is not always the case. Sometimes an employer allocates an amount for a medical examination and then deducts it from the employee’s first one.

Or, before starting a job, the employee is informed about the need to have a medical book and is warned that all costs are borne by him. Everyone decides independently at whose expense to pass the commission, but it is worth remembering that The Labor Inspectorate deals with issues of Labor Law. You can always ask for help.

Stages and deadlines

If you are faced with the requirement for a medical book for the first time and have absolutely no idea how to apply for it and where to get it, you can contact your therapist, he will give you the necessary directions. If you decide to undergo an examination in a private center, then be sure to inquire about the availability of permission for such activities.

The center or clinic will tell you what you need to obtain a health certificate. Usually this is a passport, a photo and the form itself. Buy medical record form You can, for example, in a stationery store, a post office, a clinic, or at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Sample of a health certificate form:

Photos (2 pcs.) must meet certain requirements: light background, matte paper, size 3x4 cm, head size 2.1-2.6 cm, and the distance from the top of the head to the edge is up to 4 mm.

Next stage - passing the commission and passing all the tests you need. Here you will need a passport, vaccination certificate, photographs, and, if available, a certificate of fluorography.

And in conclusion - obtaining an opinion, a medical book with all the necessary stamps and a hologram, if necessary, passing hygiene courses and certification.

The processing time may take up to 3 weeks. It takes on average 3 days to receive test results. This depends on the capabilities and workload of the laboratory.

Now the medical book has changed and is in use new form. Information about the owner is printed in the department where it is issued. In the regions, employees are allowed to enter this information by hand. All data is certified with stamps. The hologram is glued to the photo and a mark of completion of any courses. Fill out the book at the place of inspection.

What must be certified by a stamp?

In addition to the mandatory medical examination need to get tested. Their number depends on the type of activity:

  1. Main list for those who work with industrial products, as well as for hairdressers and cosmetologists, it is enough to donate blood for RW and a smear 2 times a year.
  2. For school employees and those who work with products In addition to the main list, you will have to be tested for typhoid fever and intestinal infections when applying for a job and once a year for helminths and enterobiasis.
  3. The third list has been compiled for health workers. In addition to the above tests, they will need to be tested for HIV, staphylococcus, HBS and HCV.

Tests are taken annually. Blood for RW and smear must be taken 2 times a year if you work in kindergarten or manger, then 4 times a year. The shelf life of some tests does not exceed 2 weeks, so you should not delay the commission.

What should be in the medical record:

After examining the doctors and confirming to them that you are healthy, The doctor stamps the medical record and puts his signature indicating the date.

Validity and renewal

There is no deadline for how long a permit is issued. But the medical examination and tests will need to be retaken. All basic tests are taken twice a year. The frequency of medical examination depends on the type of activity. It is possible to renew your medical book as long as there are empty pages left.

For industrial enterprises You need to confirm your ability to work and update your medical examination only once a year, and for sellers once every six months.

How to recognize a fake?

  • To begin with, pay attention to external characteristics: dark blue color, gold embossed lettering, size 9.7x13.5 cm.
  • Then open the document itself. Pages with all personal data, as well as a photograph, are located horizontally. A hologram must be pasted onto the photograph and stamped Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.
  • The book is stitched with a security thread for stapling official documents.
  • On page No. 2 there is a unique number consisting of 7 digits. It is contained in state register. And if you wish, you can send a request to the department to check whether this medical book was issued or not.
  • Strict accounting paper with watermarks.
  • Pasted on the mark of the passed certification square hologram.
  • The background of all pages of the book is a special blue drawing– mesh with rings.

Watch the video on how to distinguish a real medical book from a fake one:

Accounting for books

The Labor Law provides an explanation of where the medical record should be kept.

After passing the commission, the certificate is transferred to the HR department. It is stored there until the employee leaves. The employer can fill it out in your medical record only the date of employment and position. The name of the employing organization is indicated when issuing the book.

For employees of the organization not having a medical book, a fine is imposed, both on the organization and on its employee. It is also possible for a legal entity to be subject to disciplinary or criminal liability.

Control over the availability of medical books and the validity of the medical examination - employer's duty.

It is worth remembering that a personal medical record is an official document. Its presence is required only for some areas of activity. The registration process should be taken seriously. Purchasing a medical record illegally may result in administrative or even criminal liability.

The employer also needs to remember this when hiring a new employee in order to avoid fines or deprivation of the right to work. Usually, fines for organizations reach 20 thousand rubles. Also, by accepting a person with a false document, you are endangering both yourself and those around you.

A medical record is a necessary document for employees of companies involved in the production, sale, storage and transportation of food and drinking water, treatment and educational activities, as well as consumer and public services.

To obtain a new medical record, you must undergo a medical examination and certification.
Depending on the category and type of activity, as well as profession, a grocery or industrial medical book is required.
Each type of medical book has its own list of mandatory medical examinations and tests.

Grocery medical book

(for most specialties)

Production time: within 5 working days
Certification validity period: 2 years
Test validity period: 1 year

Industrial medical book

Production time: within 5 working days
Certification validity period: 2 years
Test validity period: 1 year
Mandatory list of inspections and tests: therapist, fluorography, dermatovenerologist, measles and diphtheria vaccinations, ENT, dentist, typhoid fever test, LHC analysis, staphylococcus test, test for I/worms and protozoa.

Very often, illegal medical records are issued by employees trying to avoid queues, paperwork and unnecessary expenses. However, such actions are punishable not only by administrative, but also by criminal liability (imprisonment for up to 4 years). It is worth remembering that not only the employee, but also the employer will be punished for using illegal medical records. Conclude a service agreement with MobilMed and you will save yourself from unnecessary problems associated with registration and verification of the authenticity of medical books.

Registration of a medical record in "MobilMed" - guaranteed quality

The MobilMed company has been a leader in the issue of processing medical documents in Moscow for more than 10 years. Our clients are large companies that trust us, and we, in turn, strive to provide individual approach to everyone who applied. Registration of a medical record in “MobilMed” means:

  1. Guarantee of high-quality and legal registration
    A medical book issued by MobileMed has two levels of protection against counterfeiting: state and private (hologram with 15 levels of protection). When registering, all rules established by Rospotrebnadzor are observed.
  2. The fastest and most comfortable passage of the commission
    We have no queues. The layout of our centers allows you to quickly move from one room to another, thereby minimizing the time for medical examinations. The whole procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Prompt production
    Registration of a medical record takes 3-5 days. At this time, clients receive a standard receipt indicating that the medical book is in the process of being produced in one of our centers.
  4. Convenient service
    Each patient is assigned an individual barcode, which allows tracking all stages of registration of medical records. You will be notified via SMS that your medical book is ready.
  5. Own delivery service
    The new medical book can be delivered free of charge to your place of work.
  6. Discounts
    All our new clients receive discount cards after their first application. For patients registered through groups in in social networks or on our website, we also provide a 15% discount on obtaining a medical record.

All inspection data is stored in our database. In case of loss of a medical record, prompt restoration is possible without the need to retake tests and undergo examinations.

Registration procedure

If you need a new medical record, you can contact one of the MobilMed medical centers. You must have with you:

  1. Passport
  2. Matte photo 3x4 (1 pc.)
  3. Vaccination certificate (if available)

A personal medical record is one of the most important documents for permission to work. The owner of this document has the right to work. A medical record should be issued in specialized medical centers licensed to this type activities. Only in this case will you be insured against falsifications (counterfeits). The list of examinations and analyzes required to obtain a medical certificate depends on the specific place of work and profession and is regulated by current legislation.

To register an LMC you must:

  • provide identification document
  • have with you 1 matte photograph 3x4
  • undergo an examination by a therapist, dermatologist and venereologist
  • undergo testing for the presence of helminths and enterobiasis
  • submit bacteriological culture for intestinal infections
  • undergo chest x-ray
  • carry out the necessary vaccinations
  • undergo professional hygienic training and certification.

Sanitary bookThis is a document of strict accountability, which is necessary for employment and subsequent work in certain positions. The results of the medical examination and hygienic certification are entered into the sanitary book. We’ll tell you in the article where to get the book and why you need it.

What is a health book

In order to prevent the emergence and subsequent spread of various diseases, citizens working in certain positions are required to undergo medical examinations, the frequency of which is established by the legislator.

Data on the results of a medical examination are entered into a personal health book, which is usually kept in the hands of the citizen. However, some employers take medical books for themselves and give them to employees only during the next examination.

A sanitary record issued in accordance with all the rules is subject to mandatory registration in the Rospotrebnadzor database; therefore, the employer can check the validity of the document on the website of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

We remind you that forgery of a document is subject to criminal liability. Punishment in in this case could be as follows:

  • restriction of freedom or forced labor (2 years);
  • arrest (6 months);
  • restriction of freedom (2 years).

If a citizen uses a fake health book, knowing about it, then he faces:

  • fine (80 thousand rubles or in the amount of total income for 6 months);
  • compulsory work (480 hours);
  • forced labor (2 years) or
  • arrest (6 months).

Where to get a health certificate

The legislator establishes that employees whose activities are related to the sale, production or storage food products and drinking water, public utility services for the population and work with children, are required to obtain a health certificate from the centers of hygiene and epidemiology.

In addition, there are a number of medical organizations with which the centers of hygiene and epidemiology enter into agreements on the full registration of a medical record. The main requirement for such institutions is the availability of an appropriate license.

In these organizations, a citizen has the right to undergo all examinations in full, hygienic training and certification, and also receive an official sanitary book, the data of which will be entered into the register of Rospotrebnadzor.

On the official website of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of a specific region there is information about which medical organizations these agreements have been concluded with. For example, for the city of Moscow this information can be obtained by following the link.

Don't know your rights?

The sanitary book is not subject to free sale, but is issued only after completion of hygienic training.

The following documents are submitted to the medical organization:

  • application for issuance of a health certificate;
  • passport;
  • photo 3*4;
  • referral from the employer indicating the specific organization and position;
  • non-residents submit a registration document.

After studying all the documents, a representative of the medical organization creates a health record and refers the citizen to specialists for examination.

Sanitary book: design and contents

In order to issue a book, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Hygiene training for a citizen takes 3 hours in full-time form; correspondence form involves independent study of the issued manual.
  2. Passing a medical examination at an authorized organization.
  3. Hygienic certification. It is held in electronic form and includes taking a 25-question test. The certification procedure takes 60 minutes; a citizen can make no more than 5 mistakes. Persons who fail the test have the right to try 2 more times; each new attempt is allowed the next day.

The citizen himself does not have the right to fill out the book; this is done only by a medical professional who has the appropriate authority (usually a general practitioner, a representative of the center for hygiene and epidemiology).

The sanitary book consists of several sewn sheets under a thick cardboard cover. The document is protected with special holographic signs. At the beginning of the book, information about the citizen and the organization that issued it is indicated. The following sections follow:

  • about transferring to work in another organization;
  • about the presence of infectious diseases;
  • about vaccinations;
  • a doctor’s conclusion on permission to work based on the results of the examination.

The sanitary book must contain the signature of the owner and the seal of the organization that issued it.

How much does it cost to make a health certificate?

Hygiene training, which is necessary to obtain a book, is a paid service. A detailed price list can be found on the website of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in your region of residence.

For Moscow ( the cost of a sanitary book is as follows:

  1. Registration of the document - 151.04 rubles.
  2. Full-time hygiene training - 679.68 rubles.
  3. Hygienic certification - 202.96 rubles.
  4. Issue teaching aid in case of undergoing hygienic training via correspondence - from 77 to 110 rubles, depending on the future profession.
  • unemployed citizens who are registered with the employment service;
  • students who undergo internships at enterprises where a medical certificate is required;
  • employees of some Moscow organizations.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons cannot apply for benefits.

Thus, a health book is a document that confirms the health status of a citizen working at an enterprise. The list of professions for which citizens are subject to periodic and preliminary medical examinations when applying for employment is approved only by the legislator; The head of the organization does not have the right to independently demand that employees fill out a book.