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From the depths, the leading Maxim Kalashnikov. Maxim Kalashnikov, Sergey Buntovsky Independent Ukraine. Project collapse. "Doomsday" of the West

Maxim Kalashnikov (real name - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kucherenko, December 21, 1966, Ashgabat, Turkmen SSR, USSR) is a Russian journalist, public and political figure, futurist writer and publicist. Secretary of the Central Council of the Rodina Party: common sense" Member Federal Council"Parties of Cause".

Born in Ashgabat in the family of Odessa journalist Alexander Vasilyevich Kucherenko. Since 1978, he lived in Odessa, where his father became a correspondent for Pravda in the Odessa, Nikolaev, Crimean and Kherson regions. In 1983 he graduated from school No. 35 and then entered history department Odessa University.

From 1985 to 1987 he served in the ranks Armed Forces THE USSR. He served in the ranks of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, ending his service in July 1987 with the rank of senior sergeant.

In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

From 2006 to 2009 - work in the online magazine RPMonitor.

Since 2009 - work in the web magazine Globoscope and the magazine “Supernova Reality”.

Since 2012 - member of the General Council of the WPP "Party of Dela", producer of Internet television Roy TV. Regularly published in the open electronic newspaper FORUM.msk.

On September 11, 2010, he was elected Secretary for Strategic Development of the Central Council of the Rodina: Common Sense party.

Books (21)

Forward to the USSR 2!

Severe and cruel trials await all earthlings.

Ahead is a series of turbulent decades. In this world, the powerless, hastily cobbled together “Russia” of the 1991 model must perish.

But in this historical storm, an unexpected opportunity paradoxically opens up for the Russians: to create the USSR-2.

Orc's Wrath

Ride the lightning!

Russia is increasingly becoming a redundant, bankrupt country. In today's world, the Fifth World War has begun, which is stubbornly hidden under the name of globalization.

And this war is no longer waged by America, but by a special civilization of new nomads hidden behind the facade - the Eternal Reich, which seeks to establish a New World Order with the division of people into castes of masters and slaves. In this war, Russia is doomed to a new redistribution and slaughter.

Mobilization economics. Can Russia do without the West?

Maxim Kalashnikov is one of the most sought-after publicists modern Russia. His works are distinguished by their brightness and depth, they contain a lot factual material, which is absent in the books of other authors writing on these topics.

In the book presented to your attention, M. Kalashnikov discusses whether Russia can withstand the economic war that the West has unleashed against it. As an example, he takes the economic model that existed in our country under Stalin - the “mobilization economy.” Of course, now the conditions in our country are different, the author writes, but many aspects of this economy are quite applicable in modern Russia.

He dwells in detail on industrial and financial areas“mobilization economy” does not ignore the political measures necessary for its existence.

Future humanity

The book “The Future of Humanity” is an attempt to reveal the code of human communities from the time of the Stone Age to the society of tomorrow, Neurosocial.

Unravel the secrets of power from different eras and penetrate into the realities of the coming century of the great Neuro.

Genocide of the Russian people

They kill us - slowly, thoughtfully, with taste. We are being wiped off the face of the earth.

Every year, the population of Russia - its indigenous peoples - is steadily declining, and this process is about to become irreversible. In half a century, less than half of us will remain. In another half century, there won’t be any left at all. This is genocide. We are doomed to extinction. Or - still not? Only a miracle can save us. And not just one. How to create these miracles? How to survive in a hostile world? What to do?

Putin code

Putin hid his plans for a long time and hid himself, like Mars behind dust storms. We were blinded by the returned anthem of the Empire and heaps of beautiful words, beautiful TV stories and the Standard Bearer of Victory and the revival of greatness. But - away, you evil creatures! The Putin code is split. And its decoding lies before you, in this book.

Baptism by fire. Volume 1. Invasion from the Future

Lightning-fast, crazy wars in the “psycho-thriller” style. Operations beyond the realm of possibility. Daring innovations. New weapons and attacks on the enemy’s psyche. The weak, beating the strong despite all analytical calculations.

All this is a strategy for the battles of the future. Wars in the cruel Age of Change approaching humanity. Total war of the Future in the context of a global crisis, starting with the collapse of the industrial order and the departure of the “post-industrial intertime.”

For the first time, “aliens from the future” burst into our reality in the 1930-1940s. They appeared after that too. What did they command us for the 21st century? This is discussed in the first book of the “Baptism by Fire” series.

National projects: first year of implementation

The press service of IRGOMS reports that on May 14, 2007, the Development Institute civil society and local government and the Modern Humanitarian Academy published a collection of articles “National Projects: The First Year of Implementation”, which contains materials describing the implementation of priority national projects in 2006 and the tasks of ensuring their implementation in 2007.

All these materials are combined not only thematically, but also methodologically, which allows us to consider national projects as a factor in the modernization of Russia on the basis of the new social policy of the state: investment in people and improving the quality of life of people.

Superman speaks Russian

Is the evolution of the Homo sapiens species continuing? Will we have to live in a world where there will be not just one type of intelligent being, as there is now, but several? And who will rule the Earth in the near future? An evil, intelligent beast who embodied the dreams of the Nazis and eugenicists, or a good Superman created in the Russian tradition?

Third Project. Volume 1. Immersion

Why is the history of our country full of strange disasters and suicidal steps?

Why did the “Third Rome” and “Northern Palmyra” projects fail? Why did the Kitezh project not develop? “Immersion” is about this, the first book - an investigation from the “Third Project” series.

Third Project. Volume 2. Transition point

The fall of the Soviet Union left us alone with a ruthless and harsh world. The flimsy Russian Federation, like an absurd, poorly tied raft, landed in a stormy sea.

But the overthrowers of the USSR unexpectedly discovered that they would not have to enjoy victory. Following the collapse of the Red Empire, the rapid destruction of the familiar world began. Humanity has entered a global storm - the Age of Change. The West, which only yesterday seemed an unshakable bastion of success and prosperity, is splitting apart. Several acute crises of a planetary scale, merging together, are leading the world to the point of a great transition. The crisis is engulfing the species “Homo sapiens” itself.

Will we perish in a global storm? Or will we fly forward with full sails? “The Transition Point,” the second book in the “Third Project” series, is about this.

Third project. Volume 3. Special Forces of the Almighty

“The defeated, plundered and humiliated Russian Federation must disappear. She has no place in the current world. She has no meaning or purpose for existence. But in place of the loser of the Russian Federation, Supernova Russia should arise! The one that will finally destroy the old world order and prepare a completely new future for all humanity!

Is it possible to build a new structure capable of fighting the Shadow Society and giving birth to new world- Neuroworld? Yes, all this is more than possible. The future is already among us. But for the new reality to triumph, we will have to become the Special Forces of the Almighty. Weave the web of our Brotherhood. To give birth to a new race of heirs to “Homo sapiens.”

This is the story of the third and final book of the “Third Project” series, “Special Forces of the Almighty.”

Battle for Heaven

Space "sentinels" countries and generators that make our missiles and fighters invisible... Attacks of winged robots in the Bekaa Valley and the murderous fire of "Cube" installations...

All this is not fantasy, but completely real story arable lands of the native country.

Tomorrow there was a war

In the book “Tomorrow there was a war,” written in co-authorship with Evgeny Osintsev, the reader will find an analysis of the prerequisites for an imminent war to redivide the world.

The global crisis has accelerated its possible onset, and Russia has completely lost its defense capability. The authors came to sensational conclusions regarding the most vulnerable place in the Russian Federation, where many gas pipelines running from Yamal to the European part of the Russian Federation and to Europe converge.

Baptism by fire. Volume 2. Fight of giants

After the collapse of the USSR, we found ourselves in a strange and ugly world, which today is unhealthy and unstable. A little more, and we will see the beginning of his agony and decay - if we have not already witnessed them. The USSR fell and fell into the clutches of a tribe of shameless and arrogant robbers, enemies of all development and progress.

We could win the Cold War of the 80s only on one condition: the USSR returned to space expansion. But even having knocked the Red Empire onto a non-cosmic development trajectory, the United States and its masters had to show remarkable efforts to defeat us. We will tell you further the history of this unusual war, friend reader. And let's see: did the Russians have a chance to set events in a completely different scenario? Black Bird Hunters

Having received a powerful development potential in the Stalin era, the Red Empire competed with the West until the last. This time is known as the Cold War, which we consider World War III.

In the 1980s, the confrontation between the Red Empire and the North Atlantic bloc intensifies, and in a series of peripheral battles the Russians prove their strength. We talk here about some of them, who fought not only on the battlefields, but also in science and technology.

At this very moment, the USSR has a chance of a victorious end to the Cold War and the US capitulation in the arms race. But why didn’t Moscow take advantage of these chances?

Broken Sword of the Empire

No, we did not lose the Third World Cold War! The Great Empire, the USSR, was ahead of the United States in the half-century arms race. She created examples of irresistible weapons. And it was not the Russians, but the Americans who should have collapsed from exhaustion.

In the depths of the military-industrial complex a huge reserve of fantastic technologies was accumulated, armies of the most talented people worked. The Russians could make a leap into a new civilization, before which the “Japanese miracle” would fade.

We didn't know what we had. Stupid rules hid from us all the splendor of the country's power.

The West did everything to kill the Empire from within. Our own degenerate leaders meanly hit us in the back.

Is everything really lost? No! Russian history is not over yet. We can still create a new Empire - a kingdom strong people and high technologies.

Red giant squadrons

“Did the Soviet Union lose the arms race at sea in the 1980s? No! The years of the Third World War, the Cold War, became the time of the highest naval power of the Russians.

It was still a hastily created power that did not have time to overcome many shortcomings. But the USSR Navy was the only force capable of resisting the US fleet on a global scale. The USSR Navy had its trump cards.

Russian submarines and cruise missiles kept our enemies at bay constant voltage, and in 1987, Operation Atrina became a quiet triumph for the Navy of our Empire. History could have gone a completely different way.”

Let us draw attention to the fact that the Scythians, like their related Sarmatians, were an Iranian-speaking people. That is, their closest relatives today are Iranian Persians, Kurds, Tajiks, Pashtuns (plus some peoples in Afghanistan) and Ossetian Alans.

Origins of the Russian State

Now there are a huge number of versions and hypotheses about the origin of the Russian people and the first centuries of our history. It is impossible to say which of them is true. It is only clear that Russian history is much more ancient than Norman historians believed. Even in pre-revolutionary times, attention was paid to the fact that the term Rus' was mentioned much earlier than the beginning of Rurik’s reign in Novgorod. In the same way, the question remains unclear who the Rus were and what relation they had to the Slavic tribes known from the first century AD. Indeed, even in relatively late times Prophetic Oleg The difference between the Slavs and the Rus is emphasized by chroniclers. Option one: the Rus are Slavs. Then the question is, are the Rus a separate clan, tribe, or the name of people of a certain profession, such as the later Ushkuiniki?

Option two: the Rus are not Slavs. Then who? Germans? Perhaps, but not a fact.

Historians have counted in historical materials at least four direct and eight indirect indications that before Kievan Rus there was a certain state that bore the name Russian, headed by the Kagan. This Turkic title denotes the sole leader of a large state and corresponds to the European title of emperor. This emphasizes that the Russian Kaganate was an independent and quite powerful entity, capable of independently determining its policy. However, its exact location is still unknown. Some researchers believe that it was located in the north of the East European Plain, while some scientists believe that this state was located in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov.

According to E.S. Galkina (book “Secrets of the Russian Kaganate”), the center of this state was located in the upper reaches of the Oskol, Seversky Donets and Don rivers. Russian historian and philosopher Sergei Perevezentsev calls this state Alanian Russia and sees its origins in the Don. Donetsk historian and publicist Alexey Ivanov calls it the Russian Kaganate and outlines the borders of this state along the line Seversky Donets - Don - Sea of ​​Azov in the southeast and the Dnieper in the west. The modern capital of Ukraine was also part of this civilization.

For a long time, the prevailing version was that this was not a separate state, but part of the Khazar Khaganate. This assumption played a fatal role in the study of this civilization. IN Soviet time historical science I practically did not study the Khazar Khaganate. Naturally, no one studied the history associated with our territory. The Russian Kaganate is not studied in independent Ukraine either. But in Russia, articles and entire books are dedicated to this state. Even in pre-revolutionary times, attention was paid to the fact that the term “Rus” was mentioned much earlier than the beginning of Rurik’s reign in Novgorod.

Having compared all the available historical data with archaeological finds, we come to the conclusion that only the Saltov-Mayatsk archaeological culture can be the Russian Kaganate.

It was one of the most urbanized states of the early Middle Ages. Now 25 cities have been excavated, some of which were inhabited by up to one hundred thousand people. For that time, this was a huge population, because Paris at that time had only twenty thousand inhabitants, and in Kyiv, even in the 11th century, no more than forty thousand people lived. The cities of the Russian Kaganate were centers of trade and crafts. Pottery, jewelry, and metallurgy were especially developed. The Russian Kaganate was a trading and military state through which important trade routes passed from northern Europe to Byzantium and Asian countries. For example, one of them began on the southern coast of the Baltic, then went along the Dnieper, Seversky Donets, Don and ended in the North Caucasus. Another important trade artery controlled by the Rus was the well-known route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.” In addition, the Russian Kaganate had access to the sea and conducted active maritime trade. The main export goods were weapons, jewelry and slaves. Such activity could not but irritate the Khazar Khaganate, another military-mercantile state that sought control over trade routes. Apparently, relations between the two kaganates were very tense. Apparently, parity was maintained for a certain time, and the border ran along the Don.

According to archaeological data, this culture of the Kaganate was a mixed Alan-Slavic-Turkic culture. At first (from the 6th to the beginning of the 8th century) the Alan component dominated. Alans are an Indo-Aryan Iranian-speaking people, descendants of the Sarmatians and ancestors of modern Ossetians. It should be noted that our region has long been in the area of ​​settlement of Iranian tribes. First they were the Scythians, then the Sarmatians, Roxolans, Yasses, and Alans. It was from those times that the root “don”, meaning “river”, remained in our language in the names of water sources. So the names Don, Seversky Donets came to us from time immemorial. Then the Slavs began to populate the territory of the forest-steppe strip (now the northern part of Donbass). At the same time, the Iranians moved deeper into the Slavic lands. A symbiosis of Iranians and Slavs arises, and the Kaganate can well be called a Slavic-Iranian state. In addition, the Kaganate was inhabited by Bulgars, Ases and even people from Scandinavia. By the end of the existence of the Russian Kaganate, the Slavs constituted the dominant part of its population. And most importantly, they had a high social status. This can be judged by the fact that the found Slavic burials are, as a rule, rich graves.

Now, it’s probably worth considering the origin of the term Rus, Russian. The root “rus” is of Indo-European origin and means “light, white.” It has retained this meaning in the language to this day. For example, in the words “fair-haired”, “fair-haired”, “brown hare” and so on. In addition, this term denoted a noble or dominant family. It is quite natural that this word was used equally by two branches of Indo-Europeans - Iranians and Slavs. Perhaps the spread of the self-name of the “Saltovo people” as “Rus”, “Rus” is connected with the name of the current Seversky Donets, which, according to the Arabic source “Khudua-al-Alam”, was called the Rus River, that is, a bright or clean river. Perhaps, from the name of the river, the inhabitants of the Kaganate began to call themselves that. There is a version that the Kaganate got its name from the Alan people of the Rukhs, descendants of the Sarmatian tribe of Roksalans (light Alans) and Ases.

Probably, the Rus were not originally Slavs, but were assimilated by the Slavs, leaving them their name. This is not the only such case in history. Let us recall, for example, the Bulgarians, a Slavic people who received their name from a tribe of nomadic Turks.

The Russian Kaganate died in the thirties of the ninth century, when its territory was captured by the Magyars (Hungarians), who roamed here until the end of the ninth century, and then went west. After the defeat of the Kaganate, part of the remaining population moved north into the forests and assimilated among the Slavic tribe of northerners. Perhaps thanks to this, the toponymy of our region has been preserved. Some of the fugitives moved to the Dnieper region under the protection of the surviving Kyiv.

But the fate of the third group of people from the Kaganate is especially interesting. These were probably the remnants of a professional squad. They ended their campaign in the Baltic states. Some researchers believe that the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea became their new homeland, some historians claim that the Rus settled in Prussia, where they, together with local tribes, form a tribal union called Russia. In addition, there is a version about the island of Saaremaa as a new refuge for the Rus. Be that as it may, all researchers agree that the new state was in the Baltic states. At this time, the Slavs were actively developing these territories. They needed an ally in new lands. Naturally, they paid attention to the tribal formation, which was close to them in language and culture. So, perhaps the Russian Rurik, invited with his retinue to Novgorod, was not a Scandinavian, but a native of the Russian Kaganate.

From time immemorial

Since the Svidomites strive in every possible way to lengthen the history of Ukraine, in order to understand when the first ideas about the existence of a separate Ukrainian people appeared, we will need to plunge into the depths of history. Starting with the legends of deep antiquity, we will gradually reach our troubled times.

Perhaps today there is not a single person in Ukraine who has not heard about the Trypillian archaeological kulgura.

Scientists write monographs about Trypillian people, writers write novels, and PEOPLE claiming to be the Ukrainian elite collect collections of Trypillian ceramics. The cult of Tripoli has literally already taken shape, although for several decades Tripoli was considered just one of many archaeological cultures, of which quite a few were discovered on the territory of the country. Yes, Trypillian culture is of certain interest to historians and archaeologists, but it became fashionable only thanks to the political situation, namely the order to create ancient history Ukrainian people. After all, almost everyone who now writes on this topic directly or indirectly (as far as decency is enough) declares the Trypillians to be the predecessors of the Ukrainians. Probably, these would-be historians and their patrons are driven by the same inferiority complex as the nationalist who shouted to me about the antiquity of Kyiv, or the nouveau riche who invents aristocratic ancestors for himself in order to gain the respect of others. In addition, "being related"

With the Trypillians, Ukrainian nationalists also seek to prove their difference from the Russians.

What are the peculiarities of Trypillian culture, that they rush around with it like a sack? If you believe the enthusiastic articles in the domestic press, you might think that this is the oldest civilization on earth, which mastered agriculture and gave the world its first cities. Yes, of course, the Trypillian archaeological culture is a notable historical phenomenon. For the first time in middle lane Agriculture and metal smelting have become widespread in Europe, but there is no reason to talk about the Trypillians as something extraordinary. Firstly, writing never arose in the Trypillian era, and it is with its appearance that most modern researchers associate the birth of civilization. The second sign of civilization is the emergence of cities, that is, settlements where the source of income for the majority of residents is crafts and trade. Trypillian settlements, despite the fact that some numbered up to two thousand houses, remained typical villages. Residents raised cows and horses, cultivated the surrounding fields with bone hoes, and then learned to plow with oxen. Craft and trade for Trypillians were clearly a secondary occupation. When the soil around the settlement was depleted, the Trypillians left their homes and migrated to new lands. The Trypillians were not pioneers in agriculture and metal processing - here, unconditionally, the palm belongs to the inhabitants of the Middle East.

In the middle of the third millennium BC, the Trypillian civilization died out, leaving no successors. The only thing left of them is the ashes of cities with shards of painted pots lying in the black soil.

So, through the efforts of many myth-makers from history to last decade a cult of the proto-Ukrainians-Trypillians was created.

Only now, in the words of one of our ex-prime ministers, they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. After all, what evidence can be found for the idea that Ukrainians are the heirs of the Trypillians? Apart from the fact that some of the Trypillians lived on the territory of the Right Bank of Ukraine, there are none. I repeat once again:

PART of the Trypillians lived on the territory of modern Ukraine.

The center of this civilization was on the lands of modern Romania, and we had a remote periphery. Outskirts, to put it simply. It is not for nothing that serious sources call this culture Tripoli-Cucuteni, after the names of the villages near which ancient settlements were first excavated at the end of the nineteenth century. Who forgot: Trypillia is located in the Kiev region, and Cucuteni, accordingly, is in Romania, near Iasi.

The kinship of peoples can be judged by their language, but the Trypillians did not have a written language, and therefore their language is unknown to us.

How can one claim that two languages ​​are related without having the slightest idea about one of them? And in general, the first historical mentions of the Slavs will appear more than two thousand years after the death of the Trypillians. To believe that some kind of continuity has been maintained all these long centuries is as naive as the statement of some politicians about hands that did not steal anything. By the way, according to the most probable version, the Trypillians belonged to the pre-Indo-European population of Europe, most likely to the Sino-Caucasians. One of the most authoritative researchers of Tripolye M.Yu. Videiko notes that the skulls of Trypillians belong to the “Armenian” anthropological type. So, Ukrainian nationalists concerned about issues of racial purity (and they are the ones who most often create semi-schizophrenic stories about Tripillian proto-Ukrainians) should think about it.

By the way, if we are looking for ancestors in the depths of thousands of years, then it is probably better to pay attention to the Scythians. This warlike people created the first state on the territory of the future Southern Rus', in the proper sense of the word, which opposed the Greek cities on equal terms. The Scythians carried out military campaigns of thousands of kilometers, making world history.

During its heyday, the Skolot (that’s what they called themselves, and the Greeks called them Scythians) state occupied almost the entire Black Sea region. In the third century before Christ they were significantly displaced by the Sarmatians, and for six hundred years our land geographical maps began to be called Sarmatia.

It was during the reign of the Sarmatians that the first Slavs entered the historical arena.

Let us draw attention to the fact that the Scythians, like their related Sarmatians, were an Iranian-speaking people. That is, their closest relatives today are Iranian Persians, Kurds, Tajiks, Pashtuns (plus some peoples in Afghanistan) and Ossetian Alans.

] Author: Maxim Kalashnikov (Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kucherenko). Artist G. Zhivotov. The book is published in the author's edition.
(Moscow: Forum, Crimean Bridge-9D, 2000. - Series “Great Confrontation”)
Scan, OCR, processing, Djv, Pdf, Txt format: ???, provided by: Mikhail, 2012-18

    Time for bloody flashes. Instead of a preface (7).
    Chapter 1. Pre-threat. Version by Mikhail Delyagin. How is 1939 similar to 1999? The secret springs of war. Hour of the wolf. A blow to Russia is a blow to China and Europe (14).
    Chapter 2. Count the number of the beast, or the New World Order. "Aliens." How Swift's terrible tale comes true (57).
    Chapter 3. Victory in a war that was forgotten. Korea: The Empire Strikes Back. 1951: air battle of Yalu. How tanks saved us from airborne invasion. Season of ghosts and the case of Beria, which still lives. Crystal dome over the empire. 1950s: clouds are gathering over us. Just one salvo that changed history (93).
    Chapter 4. 1956: a new phase of the third world war. Fronts - from Egypt to the “country of the Huns”. Waiting for the attacks of the "Snarks" and "Navajos". "Star Wars" - the first series. "Black ghosts" in the stratosphere. "Virtual war" of the early 1960s: the Russians are winning. Rocket campaign 1962: Pliev lands in Cuba. Death of Major Anderson. "Jupiters" leave Turkey. On the threshold of the “roaring sixties” (153).
    Chapter 5. “Vietnamese grave” for the American Air Force. December Battle of Hanoi. The wreckage of Phantoms litters the sands. The battle over the Barlev Line - Operation Caucasus against the Hordos plan. Middle Eastern Front: the first Russian-Israeli war. Massacre near Ismailia. They turn an inveterate pagan into a zealous Christian! (179).
    Chapter 6. Supreme air defense strategy. Killed victory: Tupolev’s dirty deed. What did the top-mast carrier Rog dream about in 1966? Sukhoi's semi-spacecraft, winner of aircraft carriers. Great comeback? (225).
    Chapter 7. Furor during the “Yom Kippur War.” Victories of Ardalion Rastov. "Gammon" is a long-range weapon. 1974-1979 - Yankees retreat. The milestone seventy-ninth is when the fiery arc of instability breaks out (236).
    Part three. BLACK BIRD HUNTERS
    Chapter 8. 1982: remember Lebanon! T-72s destroy Mercars. The Israeli front is falling apart. Missed victory on June 11. First encounter with spy robots. The mystery of the death of fourteen Bukovs. Russians in the Bekaa Valley. Rastov finds the answer. Uneven fight in the air (249).
    Chapter 9. “Patriot” loses. The "three hundred" family. Preparing for battles with hypersonic robots. S400. Sword against "Stealth": says the chief designer of "Almaz". Systems acquire “combat totalitarianism.” Cruise missile hunters. And again - the “Kumakhov lens”. Air defense beam weapon? Second life of old rockets (267).
    Chapter 10. In the face of the new Satan. Do we need an imperial order? A recipe from hoary antiquity. The Russians have no other choice! (294).
    Chapter 11. Burning skies above the armored legions. The Warthogs are shattered into pieces. From "Shilka" to "Tunguska". "Wasps" sting to death. Raid to the grave of the “limping goblin”: the hunt for the “Igloo” and the triumph of Kolomna. Man versus jet monster. Containment formula: the “scorched belt” plan. Cyborg fortresses of the empire and its all-seeing eyes. From nuclear anti-aircraft weapons to laser installations. Victory strategy - survival strategy (331).
    Chapter 12. Air Force of the Soviet Union-2000. Mig-Mfi: invisible and deadly. Raptor's rivals. Supersonic plus high-precision weapons are the solution to many problems. Fight for the sky: in the air, on land and at sea. The triumph of 1989 and the pursuit of the “black birds”. How to win " star Wars"at low level flight? The masters of invisibility. Could we have the largest stealth fleet in the world? (385).
    Chapter 13. The phenomenon of Rust in a historical context. How the Kremlin helped the Americans. So whose borders were leaky? Invasion from heaven in the 1980s. Damn August 1983 (440).
    Chapter 14. Air dreadnoughts of the empire that were not allowed to be born. Battlefields - Arctic, Europe, Pamir (455).
    Historical retreat. "Nuclear hammer" of the third Rome. Tsunami on the Mississippi. The best guardians of the world. A lesson for the future and expendable space bombers (463).
    Chapter 15. Russian “Satan”: three hundred ten-headed. What were the Yankees afraid of? Mobile, underwater, launched from an airplane. Gorbachev begins - Yeltsin finishes. Murdered in the cradle. Nuclear arsenals of the USSR-2000. How will NATO destroy the Russian Strategic Missile Forces? The need for invention is cunning. The power of neo-empire. Combat fantasy in Russian life. Fake UFOs, artificial auroras - this is how Americans are blinded. Jonathan Hay's secret mission? When determination matters as much as missiles (483).
    Chapter 16. The bitter prophecy of Sergei Nilus. Gvishiani's behind-the-scenes mission. Shadow of the Red Star Corporation. Mid-80s: anxieties and fears of the West. Secrets still hidden. Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the neo-empire. The highest law of the techno-empire (538).
    Geoeconomic retreat. Why is Russia “the wrong country”? If only they taught geography. Is it possible to live on the ruins of our country? Outlines of the Fifth World War: South versus West (583).
    Chapter 17. The power of the strong. A city in rock formations. "Kitezh Archipelago". Traces of a great civilization - the citadel of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building (620).
    Chapter 18. The Prophecy of Fayt Harlan. “Aliens” as an anti-civilization. Principles of the Order (640).
    Chapter 19. If there is no empire-corporation. How long does Russia have left to live? The threat of our days: an economic war to finish off the Russians (679).
    Chapter "number zero". War of 201... Years: dreams against the backdrop of the Belgrade glow. Aerospace tornado over Russia. The end of Russian history. Under American protectorate (720).
    Intermediate afterword (761).

Publisher's abstract: Air battles with “flying fortresses” and battles of rocket launchers with “phantoms”... The First Russian-Israeli War, the “star battle” of 1982 and the production of plasma “clouds” in space... Russian “oil city” in the sea to the southeast Saigon and the real Kitezh in the rock formations of Krasnoyarsk... Space “sentry” countries and generators that make our missiles and fighters invisible... Attacks of winged robots in the Bekaa Valley and the murderous fire of the “Cube” installations... All this is not science fiction, but a completely real story of our native country. The history of the Great Confrontation with the West, which lasted almost half a century. We will try to talk about it in this book - a continuation of “The Broken Sword of the Empire”.
We continue our search for Russian technocivilization high level, which was born under the rotten Soviet husk, and which the West tried to destroy by “blowing up” the USSR. We find her masterpieces and relics, we discover still living centers of our power. You will learn about what the aerospace forces of the Empire were supposed to be in 2000 and read about the Russian A-101 cruise missiles, the shame of the West. You will get acquainted with the plan for building a super-corporation country, which the United States was so afraid of. You will get to know the anti-world of the “strangers” among us and hear the prophecy of Veit Harlan, you will learn the mechanics of the current grandiose battle for world domination, begun by the new conquerors in the spring of 1999. After all, we wrote not only an essay on the Third World War, the Cold War of 1945-1991, but also give a forecast of the Fourth.
Just like a hundred years ago, today we are challenged. We are again faced with a choice: “Victory or death.” Russians can and must withstand the storms of the 21st century. Read about this in “Battle for Heaven”. And know that the next book is waiting for you. Its name is "Orc's Wrath".


Maxim Kalashnikov is one of the most sought-after publicists in modern Russia. His works are distinguished by their brightness and depth; they contain a lot of factual material that is missing in the books of other authors writing on these topics.

In the book presented to your attention, M. Kalashnikov discusses whether Russia can withstand the economic war that the West has unleashed against it. As an example, he takes the economic model that existed in our country under Stalin - the “mobilization economy.” Of course, now the conditions in our country are different, the author writes, but many aspects of this economy are quite applicable in modern Russia.

He dwells in detail on the industrial and financial areas of the “mobilization economy”, and does not shy away from the political measures necessary for its existence.

Maxim Kalashnikov


"Doomsday" of the West

Revelations of billionaire Rogers

Why don't liberals like Putin?

About the “resource curse” of Russia

Roads we don't choose

Is it possible for us to have an empire-corporation?

Mobilization economics for Russia

We need a secret state

Secret State Scheme

“New Russians” as the raw material of history

What will the “new year 1937” be like?

Special operation "hidden revolution"

We will have a new empire


Maxim Kalashnikov

Mobilization economics. Can Russia do without the West?


On the night of August 3, 2014, my friend and I were driving along the route Odoev-Belev-Kozelsk-Sukhinichi-Bryansk. Through the territories of Tula, Kaluga and Bryansk regions. On the way to Kozelsk, it was as if we had entered the world of either Stephen King, or Howard Lovecraft, or creepy Russian fairy tales. We drove in complete darkness along old, broken roads that had been built in the USSR and had not been repaired since then. In the ghostly light of the headlights, a terrible path floated towards us: either a wrinkled “washboard” of gravel, or worn, chipped concrete plates, then sections of the road are made of bad asphalt. An ash-gray ribbon crawled towards us, sometimes reminiscent of a lunar landscape. No lights. There are practically no road signs. Not the slightest hint of road markings. On the sides of the road there is inky darkness, not a light. Or a dense forest. Just one oncoming car for hundreds of kilometers. It seemed that we were driving in a world where people had disappeared completely.

But still, we saw patrols of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the deserted streets of small towns. One of them stopped us on a completely broken, wrinkled and pothole-strewn road. I checked the documents. The servicemen said that they were sent here to prevent the infiltration of terrorists from Ukraine.

We moved on. At times, the desolation and desolation of these places became eerie. In the light of the headlights, the worn and potholed road was crossed by either hares or foxes. The trees along the roadside seemed like onts frozen in thought from Tolkien's books. I thought: here, in the thickets, in places that were depopulated after the dismemberment of the USSR and “market reforms”, here, where there are plenty of empty villages and shutdown factories, the Bandera foresters might well show up. For example, in the middle of nowhere national park valley of the Ugra River. However, as in the forests of the Bryansk region. Here you can hide weapons and vehicles, dig caches. Satellite navigation will allow bandits not to get lost and to carry out sabotage or raids.

The prospect of the appearance of enemy gangs with bases just two hundred miles from Moscow as the war drags on and Novorossiya is destroyed is a very real prospect.

In another case, the same thing will be done after a demonstrative military reprisal against a zone of total corruption and crime, when Russia, like Iraq in 2003, will be declared an illegal producer of weapons of mass destruction, which we allegedly supply to international terrorism and the Latin American drug mafia. There will immediately be evidence that the Russians are supplying the Colombians with miniature submarines to transport heroin to America, and the Muslims with biological materials. They will tell us that we are accomplices of international terrorism, a nest of global corruption and crime, and sources of an environmental threat. And that we need to send troops onto our territory to solve the problem. Just like in Kosovo in 1999 or Iraq in 2003.

Do you want to know a possible list of reasons for a military invasion of Russia? If you please. Let's open the sensational report of the RAND Corporation "Conclusion on the degree of decline of Russia: trends and consequences for the United States and the United States Air Force" (January 2003):

1. The use of military force by the Russian Federation against neighboring states.

2. Theft of Russian nuclear weapons by terrorists.

3. Civil War in the Russian Federation and the use of weapons of mass destruction in its course, from nuclear to chemical.

4. Ethnic pogroms of Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis in the south of the Russian Federation.

5. Civil war, which will jeopardize the safety of the oil pipelines through which Caspian oil is transported to the West.

6. Large-scale environmental disaster (especially at nuclear power plants).

Let us highlight two points in particular:

7. Criminalization of the Russian economy could turn it into a haven for international criminal and terrorist organizations that could threaten the United States, Europe and Asian countries.

8. Military equipment and technologies from Russia falling into the hands of “aggressive regimes or terrorist groups.”

Another option is also possible, in which they will first kill the remnants of our military potential from the air, and then turn Russia into a bone of contention, into a new Verdun for European, Muslim and Chinese civilizations. Let them, they say, clash with each other in a fight for the Russian heritage, exhausting their strength, for the benefit of the United States and its true masters. (Those whom we called the Eternal Reich in The Third Project and Wrath of the Orc.) In this case, the United States will firmly hold the last oil reservoirs of the earth in the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea and the Russian Arctic.

This is the future of the Russian Federation if the current course of weakness and indecision continues. But the future of Ukraine, for example, is no more joyful. It also carries the same economic, man-made and demographic “bombs”. It, too, may fall apart, and a war between the dying Slavs and the arriving Muslims will begin.

This is probably the planid fate we need to avoid.

Today, many pin their hopes on Putin; They are trying to convince us that Putin is the second Stalin. But is it?

Let's imagine a picture from an alternative reality. So, Comrade Stalin, by hook or by crook, extracts foreign currency income. The peasants work hard on collective farms and give grain to the state so that Stalin can sell it abroad and receive marks/pounds/francs. For this purpose, three million prisoners cut down timber in Siberia and Karelia, and mine gold in Kolyma under incredibly difficult conditions. For this reason, furs, black caviar, manganese from Georgia and Ukraine, oil from Azerbaijan and Chechnya, anthracite from Donbass, ore from the Kursk magnetic anomaly, flax from the Pskov region, etc. are sent abroad. In general, as in the 1930s.

But Joseph Vissarionovich does not spend the funds received from this, covered with the sweat and blood of the people, on the purchase of equipment and technology, not on the construction of factories and universities, not on blast furnaces and not on new roads, not on training millions of new specialists in a wide variety of industries . No, he sends all these billions... to the West. That is, it puts the money received from the West back into its banks, buys bonds of Western states with people's income, in fact lending Russian money to the West. So that the West, receiving them in debt, can build its factories, ships, roads, universities.

At the same time, Comrade Stalin pumps part of the resulting wealth into the pockets of hundreds of nobles. And another part invests in the extraction of raw materials in order to sell more and more of them to the West. And the proceeds are again pumped to the West and into private pockets.

Enterprises of the USSR cannot take out loans from domestic banks, because the interest rates there are prohibitively high, and therefore are forced to take loans from Western bankers. Which issue them to Soviet factories from the same money that Comrade Stalin sent to the West and deposited them in the credit institutions there.

At the same time, from 1927 to 1939, Comrade Stalin made a thousand and one speeches dedicated to the need for a breakthrough in the development of the country and its industrialization. But nothing is being built. Neither Dneproges, nor GAZ and ZIS, nor Magnitka, nor Rostselmash, nor Uralmash are rising. There are only their projects-pictures. There is no electrification; the Kharkov, Stalingrad and Chelyabinsk tractor plants did not appear. There are no dozens of aircraft manufacturing factories - and only seven aircraft are made per year. Civil airplanes are bought in America, and the USSR Air Force continues to fly the Tsarist “Farmans” and “Newports” from the First World War. And if anything is being built in the Union, it is only oil harbors and port elevators for exporting raw materials abroad. Money is not invested in hundreds of research institutes, neither Physics and Technology nor MEPhI emerges.

At the same time, Comrade Stalin is developing frantic activity. Here he is on a boat leading a swimming school of sturgeon. Or - he leads a crane wedge, flying a U-2 in front. Or swims in the pool, showing off his torso to the country. Or kisses the boy Vanya on the tummy. And here he personally controls a fire truck to extinguish a burning forest. Here he is, having just emerged from the depths of the Gulf of Finland with the found sword of a drowned ancient Viking, rushing to ring Amur tigers, playing the piano and singing at a charity evening along the way. At the same time, all the radio stations and newsreels of the country enthusiastically talk about Stalin, Stalin, Stalin. The people continue to extract raw materials for pittance wages, and all those dissatisfied with the authorities - some to the wall, some to the prison.

I think that in this version of history, the Nazis in June 1941 would have been met with bread and salt by the people. As liberators. Hitler himself would have hosted the Wehrmacht victory parade in Moscow sometime in August.

Funny? Really. After all, we forced the imaginary Stalinist government to behave in the same way as the absolutely real government of Putin behaved in 2000–2012. Therefore, calling Vladimir Vladimirovich the second Joseph Vissarionovich is at least ridiculous. They are complete antipodes, complete opposites.

The power of “Putin Incorporated” is powerlessly floating with the flow. And new blows from the global crisis of 2014 or 2020 will inevitably overturn this regime.

But how to make sure that the Russian Federation does not collapse, like Soviet Union? This is what our book is about.

"Doomsday" of the West

Here is my first thesis: the West will sooner or later enter such a crisis that it will definitely try to sacrifice Russian Federation. The easiest way to do this is to cause the collapse of Putin’s Russia (fortunately, the system itself has fallen into insanity and organizational impotence), and then cause collapse and civil war in our space.

And now I will justify this point of view.

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