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Play mario all bomb throwing games. Bomber games. There is life in the old dog yet

There are explosions and roars everywhere, and you run and collect gold coins - do you like to feel like you are in control of the situation in any situation? Bomber games are best opportunity not only not to be punished for your destruction, but also to receive pleasant bonuses! Arm yourself with a huge hammer or something heavier, and go ahead - the Bomber games will teach you how to use your combat advantage. Be careful, but don’t be a coward: only the brave conquer both the seas and the underground labyrinths filled with TNT!

Gordian knot

Do you remember how, as a child, your mother taught you not to solve problems using brute force? As a rule, these words meant that you should not hit the ear of a friend with whom you did not share a toy - especially if the conflict could be resolved with the help of words. But this phrase also has another meaning: any problem must be approached wisely, and not try to solve it by force.

There is definitely some wisdom in these words, but it is worth understanding that they are not always applicable. For example, Alexander the Great’s mother probably didn’t say to him as a child: “Sasha, drop your weapon and deal with your problems using your intellect!” Probably, if this idea had been persistently hammered into his head from a young age, he would not have become the creator of a great empire!

After all, the fact that he managed to gather such huge (especially for those times) lands under his leadership is nothing more than the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. The Phrygian king Gordius once tied a knot that no one could untangle. According to the Oracle's prediction, the one who would be up to the task would become the king of a huge empire. What could Alexander do with his claims to world domination? Settle in the temple where this knot was located and begin to unravel it on the long winter evenings?

The young commander did something much more brilliant. He simply cut the intractable knot - and all the sages of the world recognized: here he is, the man to whom the world will submit. Only he will conquer it not with diplomacy, but with the sword.

Explosive Journey

During your adventures during the game Bobmers, you will often remember Alexander and his way of dealing with troubles on the path of life. Almost every task in a game campaign can be solved in different ways, but these paths take different amounts of time.

You can go around for a long time, or you can create a nice explosion, and then go through the resulting gap and dramatically shake off the brick dust from your jacket. Which path will you choose? Surely, since you decided to play Bombers, you like to destroy what prevents you from passing!

Sweeping away obstacles

By the way, the skill of decisively dealing with what stands in your way can be very useful to you in life. How often do we lack simple determination to destroy what poisons our existence! We begin to delay for a long time, “stretch out the pleasure,” and as a result we cause a lot of pain to ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, most difficulties should be resolved quickly and easily. Once - I left my unloved job! Once - and stopped communicating with a friend who sets you up too often! One day I quit the boring table tennis club and instead went to the football section or signed up for hand-to-hand combat. The main thing is to act decisively and not procrastinate. Decisions must be made in the same way as you remove a bandage: once - and that’s it!

There is life in the old dog yet

The desire for destruction is one of the rarely recognized but real human needs. If everything annoys you and you want to throw a formal tantrum, there is no better way than to cause a little local destruction: tear a sheet of paper into small pieces, break a pen in half, knock over a chair.

But even such small destruction is fraught with real life, at a minimum, a mess, and in general can lead to damage to important and expensive property. It’s much better to take out your aggression online - fortunately, you can play games about Bombers as much as you like! No matter how many mines you detonate, one restart of the game will return everything to its original state.

So, if you come home from school tired, hungry and angry, it’s better not to quarrel with your mother - after all, it’s not her fault that your mood was so badly spoiled during the day! Sit down at your computer, load up your favorite Bombers and have a blast blowing up everything! Such a destructive charge will definitely bring you back to your senses, and you will again become safe for society.

Moreover, now you don’t have to get even more annoyed trying to find a suitable game all over the Internet. Best games We collected bombers on our website and even placed them on one page: in a word, we did everything for your convenience! The main thing is that you can play games about Bombers on our website completely free of charge, and you don’t even need to install them on your computer. Play directly from your browser - anytime, anywhere!

Description of flash game

Super Mario - Bomberman

Super Mario Bomb

Mario in an online game goes to battle with Luigi. You can use bombs to destroy your friends. You can play together.
Free game for two with immortal heroes. At the beginning of the game, choose one of the characters: Mario, his brother Luigi, the dragon or the mushroom. The second player can choose one of the remaining heroes.

In this flash game you will have to compete with your friends. All 4 heroes find themselves in a labyrinth. Place bombs cleverly and explode them in such a way as to clear the way to your rivals. Then place the explosives so that other players fall into your traps and are blown up. Deal with everyone and be the first to get out of the maze. Feel like an angry bomber!

Move around the map using the keyboard arrows. To place a bomb, press Spacebar. The second player can use the Enter and WASD keys.

Collect bonuses to use various techniques, such as invulnerability.

This game is worth playing together. Competitive spirit, fun, nostalgia and a great mood are guaranteed.

A roar, an explosion, the smell of acrid smoke, and lo and behold, the space around you is completely cleared! Whoever you are: an experienced sapper, a brave warrior or an enthusiastic treasure hunter, the main thing is to destroy absolutely all the obstacles that arise on your way. And what can cope with this better than a high-quality multi-ton bomb?!

Bomber games were invented specifically for those who cannot imagine their life without skillfully organized explosions. But for a total cleanup to be successful, it is absolutely not enough to plant explosives around the perimeter of the field and calmly wait for the result. You will have to apply logic, planning and careful calculation of the affected area, because you simply will not have a second chance to send your insidious enemy to the next world.

If you like exciting multi-way arcade games, then a fearless bomberman awaits you, who will explore intricate labyrinths and dark dungeons. On his way there are many difficult obstacles to overcome, and your task is to plant explosives so that they not only disappear from the face of the earth, but also do not cripple the main character.