All about car tuning

Wedding ideas. Festive and entertainment program “Whistle... Script to whistle everyone up for children

Sports festival scenario

" All hands on deck!"

Goal: Involving students in active leisure activities.


  1. To develop the creative imagination of students through sports objects, giving them an image and a playful character in a role-playing game.
  2. To cultivate personal qualities in children: courage, perseverance, a sense of self-confidence.
  3. Improve skills in overcoming obstacles in running; help strengthen muscles, develop speed and agility.

Location. Gym.

Time: 50-60 minutes.


Gymnastic benches



Tennis balls



Plastic basins


Musical accompaniment

(The number depends on the number of teams).

The class lines up.

Leading. Hello guys! Look, today our gym has turned into the deck of a large ship. Before a long journey, you need to do some training. Our ship has all the training equipment to perform various exercises. Any sports games can also be held here. Good physical training is very necessary for sailors, since long sea voyages cannot be done without dexterity, strength, and endurance.

Guys, who are the cabin boys?

(Joons are young sailors trained in maritime affairs.)

What is called a guy?

(Guys - sailor collar.)

Let's divide into teams and tie ourselves a guy. Each team chooses a captain and a name for their team.

Let me introduce you to the members of our jury.

Guys, we will start our competition by raising the flag.

(The anthem plays, the children raise the flag.)

"Naval Exercises"

Leading. The morning on the ship begins with building a team and performing drills.

  1. Forming in a line, submitting a report on the team’s readiness for naval exercises.
  2. Walking at a marching pace.
  3. “Emergency work” (hurried work on the ship by the whole team) - ordinary running with a gradual increase in pace, with the transition to walking with obstacles (walking on a gymnastic bench, walking “snake” between pins).

Leading. Now we will rest a little and breathe in the fresh sea air

"Smell of the Sea"

The presenter invites the children to imagine that they are near the warm Indian Ocean. Children listen to the sound of the sea. The muscles are relaxed, the eyes are closed, breathing is smooth. After each exhalation, you need to slowly inhale the air, trying to smell the sea.

"Relay race with riddles"

Before the game starts, children are told what topic the riddles are dedicated to. Children line up in columns. Two assistants stand 10 meters ahead of each team. At the leader’s signal, the first players of both teams perform pull-ups with both hands simultaneously on the gymnastic bench on their stomachs, stand up and run to the assistants, who ask them a riddle. If the player guesses the riddle, he receives a green square, if he doesn’t guess, he gets a red square, in any case, the player returns back and passes the baton to the next participant, who does the same, and the baton continues. The team that finishes the run first gets one point. Next, the leader counts the squares. The team that gets the most squares gets one point.

Leading. Every sailor must be able to do everything on the ship.

Competition for young sailors.

  1. "Scrubbing the deck " At a distance from the starting line, flags are placed 2 m from one another. Teams line up behind the starting line, opposite their reference point. The first numbers of both teams are holding a mop and a tennis ball in their hands. At the signal from the leader, the first numbers, using a mop, dribble the ball, going around the flags, to the control landmark - the bucket. They put a ball in it and return back, bending around the landmarks like a snake. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
  2. “Boatswains” competition “Washed and hung to dry.”Teams line up behind the starting line, the first participants have a basin with things and clothespins in their hands. There is a clothesline stretched in the middle of the hall. At the signal, the first in the column run to the clothesline and use clothespins to hang up the clothes, go back, pass the basin to the next player, etc. Whoever does it faster is the winner.
  3. "Raft Crossing"Teams line up behind the starting line; the first participants have two small boards in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, he places one board on the floor in front of him, stands on it with his feet, then puts the second board and climbs onto it, etc. until the landmark. Then he takes the boards in his hands and runs back, passing them to the next participant. The team that finishes the crossing first wins.
  4. "Crossing in hoops."Each team lines up one at a time behind the starting line. The first players have gymnastic hoops in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the first members of each team put on a hoop and run to the finish line. The first player remains behind the finish line, and the second, without removing the hoop, returns and repeats the task with the third player, etc. The team that finishes the crossing first wins. WMD: the hoop should be on your waist during the game.
  5. "Tug of War."The rope is located along the hall. Participants take hold of the rope in a checkerboard pattern. The middle of the rope should be in the middle of the hall. At the signal from the leader, the teams try to pull the rope over the control line.
  6. "Cokes Competition"

Leading. Dear sailors, I ask you to answer the questions. Who is the cook? (Cook on the ship.) What is the name of the kitchen on the ship? (Galley.) I ask the crew cooks to come to me. The mood and health of the team often depends on the cook. Now our cooks will demonstrate their skills to us. There are signs on the table with the names of those products that are needed to prepare cabbage soup, fry scrambled eggs and cook compote.

Product name plates:for cabbage soup – meat, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, herbs, Bay leaf, salt, sour cream; for scrambled eggs - eggs, butter, salt; for compote - dried fruits, sugar.

Leading . While the jury checks how our cooks coped with the task, I invite the audience to answer questions.

Quiz for the audience.


  1. Who is the flagship? (The commander of the fleet, as well as the ship where the commander is located.)
  2. What is a formation of warships called? (Squadron.)
  3. What is the name of the interior living quarters on a ship where the sailors are located? (Cockpit.)
  4. What relationship did the first cosmonaut Yu.A. have with the sea? Gagarin?

(Yu.A. Gagarin was a naval aviation pilot.)

Leading. I thank the audience for their answers and ask the jury to announce the results.

Leading. All we have to do is build our own little boat and give it a name.


Each participant receives a colored sheet of paper. Together with their helpers, children make boats out of paper.

Leading. The training session has come to an end. You all coped with the proposed tasks “excellently”. Sea voyages await us ahead. And now the floor is presented to the chief judge of our naval exercises. To determine the winning team.

Summing up, presenting certificates. We will end our exercises with a ceremonial lowering of the flag. Music plays and the children leave the ship.

All hands on deck!

Host: They say that every person has three youths: youth of the body, youth of the heart and youth of the mind. Unfortunately, they never match. This is what the wise think. But we are sure that our participants in the festive and entertainment program “Whistle to the top!” all these terms will definitely coincide.

So, are you ready to celebrate? (Yes!)
Ready to play? (Yes!)
Are you ready to have fun? (Yes!)
Then “Whistle all up!”

(Music of the sea sounds. Two presenters enter the stage).

Captain. Half-hearted! Raise the sails! Give it up!
Sailor. Will not give it back!
Captain. Where is the team? Just don’t say that absolutely everyone feels bad!
Sailor. No, everyone is still fine!
Captain. ABOUT! Earth! Where does this bring us?

Sailor. Comrade captain, I don’t know. But they greet us well. Ah-ah-ah! Yesterday the radio operator gave the “sos” signal, he missed the girls.
Captain. Let's whistle everyone here! You need to get to know the locals. And, as always, you need to surprise with something. Does anyone do the splits here?
Sailor. Oh, so our boatswain should be released.
Captain. Does he sit on it?
Sailor. Ha! He's laying it on him!

Captain. Yes?! No, this is too much, maybe we can start with a song?
Sailor. Exactly. Let's invite Elena Zueva to the microphone. Who will surprise you, will surprise you!
Captain. And at the same time he will congratulate you on the holiday.

Musical number2.

Captain. We had great fun. It's time to start the program.
Sailor. How?
Captain. Not how, but cook! Dinner is breakfast, and lunch is on schedule. Cooked?
Sailor. Yeah!
Captain (trying). What is this?

Sailor. Borsch.
Captain. Okay, add sour cream and go overboard! To feed divers. What will we eat?
Sailor. Holiday specialty "Die Hard".

1 competition

Host: Are there not only hot, but strong heads among those present?

(two participants come out)

Following on from the above, each of you is truly a tough nut to crack. In the fight for the right to hold the title “The Most Impenetrable”, you need to defeat our “nuts”, the role of which will be played by questions from various fields of knowledge. We will now find out how “strong” they will be for you.

(meeting the participants)

Finish the famous line by S. Yesenin “I go out alone...”
1) To work. 2) On the road. 3) On the bear.

Mayakovsky wrote a poem...
1) Okay. 2) Satisfactory. 3) Excellent, Konstantin.

In Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" there is a line "My uncle is the most honest..."
1) I hated it. 2) Rules. 3) Fired.

What breed was the dog in A.P. Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog"?
1) Spitz. 2) Scottish Shepherd. 3) Dachshund.

Which of the great commanders was a passionate fisherman and, jokingly, said: “Our business is to catch fish and capture cities”?
1) Mikhail Kutuzov. 2) Alexander Suvorov. 3) Peter the Great.

From what fairy tale is the phrase: “Eats for four, works for seven”?
1) "At the command of the pike." 2) "The Frog Princess".
3) "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."

Who was called the “White Man” in Rus' in the old days?
1) Snowman. 2) Brownie. 3) Village chief.


Presenter: The strongest intellectuals are greeted by ___________________________________________________ __________

Musical number 3.

Captain. What's happened?
Sailor. Divers have surfaced!
Captain. For more?
Sailor. We thought so too. And they’re like, let’s swear and hit the head with scuba gear!
Captain. All hands on deck! Let's fight with the whole world! Let's have the next competition.

2 competition

Host: Yes, “This world was not invented by us...” - Alla Pugacheva sang at one time. I advise you to smoke a “peace pipe” with the divers, and for our viewers to take part in the world competition “A Little Thread from the World.”

(challenge 5 participants)

Host: Of course, each of you truly deserves to win the “world” competition and we will have to peacefully determine the winner. Here is a chest, it contains various items, let's tell fortunes a little. Without looking, you put your hand into the chest and take out what you grab onto. What will be in your hand and predict the outcome of this venture. So, as they say, let's play and tell fortunes.

Contents of the chest.
wallet - significant income;
key - new offices and premises
copyright - http://site
notepad - successful business development;
candy - sweet life.
harmonica - fanfare of the winner and the opportunity to perform a hit.

(Whoever gets the “accordion” becomes the winner of the nomination. The winner is awarded a prize and invited to congratulate everyone on the holiday).

Captain. Eh, what else can you surprise people with on holiday?
Sailor. We have a hold full of stars.
Captain. When did you catch it?
Sailor. No, artists!
Captain. Ah-ah-ah! Great! But it must be done beautifully.
Sailor. Sings (dances) for you __________________________________________

Musical number 4.

Great sea adventure "All hands on deck!"

You say: what kind of sea adventure is this? We live in the city, and our child saw the sea only last summer. So what? Imagine that you are at sea. On a beautiful sailboat.

Where we conduct it:
It is best to arrange it somewhere in nature. But you can do it at home too.

Who we spend it with:
With children four to eight years old. If there are a lot of children, this is very good. It is better to spend such a holiday by dividing the children into teams. Adult participation is encouraged.

For a birthday or just to keep the kids busy.

What do we need:
It’s good if you have a naval cap or peakless cap. If not, there is a way out! To celebrate a name day, it’s great to dress everyone up in striped vests. Well, if you don’t have vests, then anything striped will do.

You also need to decorate the holiday place with colored flags, as they do on ships.

A whistle should be a mandatory attribute of the holiday, because everyone remembers catchphrase: "All hands on deck!" And any whistle will do. It can sound at the beginning and at the end of competitions.

It would be nice to collect everything “sea”:

  • anchors
  • compasses
  • map
  • globe
  • bell (sea bell)
  • steering wheel,
  • captain's cap (sailors call it - mitsa)
  • lifebuoy (can also be an inflatable beach one)
  • cap

All of them, real or souvenirs, will help create the atmosphere of a sea holiday.

For competitions you will need two sheets of whatman paper, markers or paints with brushes, a rope or any thick rope (the length depends on the room in which you are holding the party). You will also need two basins of water, two paper boats, two pairs of swimming goggles.

And to hold such a maritime festival, a real adult JURY is simply necessary.

Let several moms and dads judge children's competitions. For convenience, immediately provide the jury members with sheets of paper with the names of the competitions and pens to record the results. The holiday can lead "sea wolf", who would be successfully played by someone's dad. Dress him in a vest and any suitable cap on his head. Don't forget about the sea anchor "tattooed" on your arm. This will add a special charm to the presenter.

Key words of the holiday:

Let your birthday begin with a cheerful naval command: “Whistle up everyone!” Remember the words from the vocabulary of a real sailor:

  • wardroom,
  • galley,
  • deck,
  • stern,
  • anchor,
  • ladder,
  • boatswain,

At the beginning of the competition, you must intrigue the kids. Let the “sea wolf” tell the children that in order to become a real sailor and go to sea, they need to show their strength, dexterity and ingenuity. The presenter's text can be invented by you, but you can also use a template:

"All hands on deck! Attention attention! I, the Thunderstorm of the southern seas and oceans, Captain Bilbow, came (and sailors do not swim, but WALK!) here on my ship “Conqueror of the Sea” to check whether you, brave sailors, are ready to go to sea. Difficulty and danger await you, but I am confident that you will overcome them with honor!”

1. Divide into teams.
If there is an unequal number of participants in a team, parents are allowed to participate. Have each team shout sea slogans like:

We are a team of sailors

We are not afraid of storms
Let the sea rage zealously
We are constantly on watch

Who is more courageous than us?
Who isn't afraid of AWOL
We go to sea willingly
After all, we are sea wolves

Time limit: 5 minutes.

2. Choose a captain.
The trick is to let every kid be the captain. You can choose a captain for each competition. Just pull out a piece of paper with the word “captain” from your cap. Attention! We select a captain for each team.

Time limit: 3 minutes.

3. Water competition.
Each team receives a basin of water in which a paper boat floats. Each participant takes turns blowing on the boat in the basin so that it floats to the opposite shore. The team whose members complete the task faster wins.

4. Draw a ship.
Give each team a piece of Whatman paper. Let the children draw their own ship and come up with a name for it.

Time limit: 10-15 minutes.

5. Sea song competition.
Each team remembers as many songs as possible related to the sea. And, of course, he fulfills them.

Time limit: 10 minutes.

6. Tug of war.
To make it more interesting, we repeat several times.

Time limit: 10 minutes.

7. Competition of land swimmers.
Designate a start and finish for each team. The relay participant must put on swimming goggles and move quickly, making swimming movements with his hand (show them to the children first). The funnier the movements, the better.

Time limit: 10 minutes.

It is very important to reward correctly. Of course, you will have a winning team. For this, you must have a prepared diploma (you can draw such a blank with marine attributes).

For example:

But what about the team that didn’t win?

And she should also be given a diploma. It may not contain the words “became the first,” but the kids honestly deserved the rest.

Don't think that's all. Each participant must leave the party with some small gift. Since we have a marine theme, the prizes must be nautical: boats, fish, seahorses, souvenir anchors. Children really like these trinkets.

And then everyone goes together to the wardroom to feast on real sea food - naval pasta (if it’s a birthday, then it’s still better - a cake in the shape of a ship) and take pictures.

If you decide to bring to life the idea of ​​a seaside wedding, first of all you need to take care of decorating the interior, because you need to create the image of a beautiful ship with scarlet sails that will take lovers into the vast expanses of life towards a romantic dream and happiness. Of course, it is not necessary to paint the walls of the house in the color of a blue wave, however, it is quite possible to hang the corresponding drapery. Buy some cardboard ships and decorate with them. festive table. They will perform an aesthetic function and create a mood. Choose a tablecloth for the table to match the drapery. It is quite natural if the bride’s dress is also made in a nautical theme. Offer the groom a small anchor as a tie pin.

At such a wedding, the host turns into a sailor, and the entire festive program becomes a kind of sea voyage. This is how you can conduct this journey.

The host greets the newlyweds with the words of greeting: “Well, our dears, today is the day in your life when it has changed dramatically. For a long time you sailed separately from each other on different ships and in different seas, but now everything will be different. Today, another ship - now your common one - sets off on a difficult voyage across the endless sea. So don’t let the endless expanses of life scare you, don’t let Bermuda Triangles come across your path. May strong storms and the ninth wave pass your ship. We wish you to always stick to the same fairway and never run aground. Wishing you quiet harbors and hospitable marinas!”

After the welcoming speech, it is necessary to perform one wonderful maritime tradition - breaking a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship setting sail. Therefore, prepare in advance both the bottle and the “side of the ship” against which you will break it. An ordinary house wall will do, preferably that part of it that is away from the windows.

Host: “According to the old maritime tradition, let’s break this bottle for good luck. Let the foam from champagne remind you of sea foam, and its spray remind you of the salty spray of the sea. They say that storms harden the crew. So let the winds and waves break against the side of your ship as easily as this vessel will now break! Happy sailing!

After this procedure, guests can take their seats. The host, who will act as a boatswain on your wedding ship, should at this moment introduce his entire team, that is, those who will help him during the evening. In this case, the witness is announced as a navigator, the witness as a pilot, the groom's parents as helmsmen, the bride's parents as skippers, and the guests, respectively, as cabin boys and sailors. We will leave the captain's position vacant for now, but we will hold elections soon. There are two candidates. The first, of course, is the groom. And although they say that it is unfortunate for a woman on a ship, the second candidate for the post of captain of the ship is a bride.

It's time to move on to toast and the feast itself.

Pilot witness: “A huge amount of wine was found in the holds of the ship that we just launched. Well, let’s not neglect the situation, let’s uncork them, get some overseas snacks, fill the ship’s mugs and drink to the fact that this happy ship has a happy voyage.”

Toasts, of course, can be anything, but it will be better if they also match the theme of the nautical wedding.

Witness-navigator: “Dear (names of the bride and groom)! May your voyage turn into a wonderful journey to unknown shores. May only a fair wind blow you! If you want to anchor in a quiet bay, do not deny yourself. If you want to rush towards the elements, don’t refuse either. At first you will have to get used to the sea motion and to each other. Remember that a real sailor can withstand a storm of any strength and is not afraid of any pitching. Avoid icebergs along the way to avoid the fate of the Titanic. Be careful not to run into underwater rocks. You may be chased by various scary sea monsters. Groom, protect your bride from their encroachment. And you, bride, make sure that your groom does not turn into one of these monsters. Remember that the most important thing on a ship is the team.

From now on you are one crew. No one but yourself will throw you a lifeline. Let's drink to the fact that you will never need it, and the supplies of your ship's holds will never become scarce. Happy sailing!

After the first toast, you should choose a boatswain's mate from among the guests. This can be done in a playful way. Even before the start of the feast, a boatswain's whistle is attached to the bottom of one of the chairs with tape. At the presenter’s signal, let the guests try to rummage under their chair, under the “bottom” of one of the “boats” there will be a whistle, with the help of which the boatswain’s mate thus chosen will call the sailors to order or silence, and help guide them. Guests generally love it when they are entrusted with various “important positions,” so believe me, they will be happy to fulfill any role offered to them.

It's time, however, to drink to the groom. The boatswain’s toast could be something like this: “Today is your last day as a groom, tomorrow you will become a real sailor. We wish you to become over time a sea wolf, tempered by winds and adversity. Carefully monitor your crew - helmsmen, skippers, cabin boys and sailors, do not allow yourself to be commanded, because this is unworthy of a sea wolf. We wish you not to lose the fairway even on the darkest night, to guide the ship along the map. A family ship has its own special law. We wish that you and the Law will always be in agreement. We wish you fewer riots on the ship. And remember, at sea the man is in charge.”

Now you can offer the guests, the old pirates, to give the young ones part of the treasures that were won in battles in the Caribbean, that is, simply give the newlyweds gifts. You can collect money in a special treasure chest. To the fees Money You can return to the fund of the young for their long and distant voyage throughout the celebration in one form or another (auction, lottery, etc.). Gradually your chest will be filled with piastres and ducats.

Don't forget about the bride. The third toast is for her:

“A woman is usually not accepted into a naval crew, but for such a smart and beautiful woman we will make an exception. Let's drink to the hope that sailing in the company of such a woman will turn into a pleasant journey full of romance. Let's drink to the love that our bride represents and that we hope will steer your family ship."

After the toast to the bride, we'll play a little. Let's choose the head of the ship, that is, the captain, from the newlyweds. To do this, we will invite them to compete in navigation. You will need a fairly long bath, half filled with water, and two small sailboats. However, boats made from thick paper are also suitable, but in this case they should be of different colors. One sailboat is given to the groom, the second to the bride. Now you can announce a competition between the newlyweds for fortitude. The sailboats are launched into the water, and at the command of the leader, the bride and groom must each “drive” their ship from the beginning to the end of the bath. You are only allowed to use the strength of your lungs. Whoever gets the boat to the finish line first will become the captain. The loser is appointed, accordingly, as assistant captain.

When the elections are over, the host reads out the orders appointing the bride and groom to new positions. An order for the captain can be drawn up as follows: “In the name of all water elements(name) is appointed to the post of family captain. The captain's responsibilities include: maintaining discipline on the ship and not letting other crew members go down, especially his assistant; conduct a monthly cash audit in order to identify illegally hidden money in the form of nest eggs; provide your assistant with everything necessary for life at sea - life jackets, canned food, fresh water and good spirits; do not leave the ship for more than an hour, except when earning money; ensure that cold beer and snacks to go with it are never served on board the ship; Regularly watch football and hockey matches on TV with your favorite teams. Signed: Chief Naval Commander, Admiral Neptune."

For the assistant captain, you can compose the following order: “In the absence of the necessary fortitude for a leadership position, appoint (name) to the post of assistant captain of the family with the obligatory fulfillment of the following points: provide the captain of the family with the necessary amount of tasty and healthy food, prepared from those canned goods that he obtained; every morning to raise the family flag over the kitchen at the same time as the captain is raised to perform his official duties; do not leave the ship for more than an hour, except for shopping, beauty salons and hairdressers; ensure that the captain's beer is always cold; do not interfere with the captain’s regular viewing of football and hockey matches of his favorite teams. The captain's assistant has the right to complain to the captain about the lack of money, and also the right not to let him go home if he appears after midnight with a strong smell of rum. The order was signed by the naval commander-in-chief, Admiral Poseidon, and its violation is punishable by divorce.”

It will be very interesting if the bride has the honor of becoming captain, then the guests will laugh at the list of her duties.

Let's not forget the parents of the newlyweds - our helmsmen and skippers. Let's give them the floor, let them congratulate their children, and drink to their shared happiness.

After that, we will give the floor to the young people themselves. The leading boatswain will invite them to sign the unwritten maritime law in order to seal the new relationship with an oath. The oath could be as follows: “We, the captain of the ship (name) and the mate (name), swear before all the elements of the sea and before our crew to fulfill all points of the harsh maritime law.” Here the leader can help the young people. He asks, for example: “Do you swear to be each other’s lifeline?” The bride and groom answer: “We swear.” “Do you swear to listen to the opinions of the helmsmen and skippers, your parents?” - “We swear!” - “Do you swear not to sail into foreign seas to foreign islanders and islanders?” - “We swear!” - “Do you swear to love each other even if you get seasick?” - “We swear!” - “Do you swear to raise your children according to the laws of the sea?” - “We swear!” - “Do you swear that you will teach them to swim before they learn to walk?” - “We swear!” - “Do you swear to live until the day when your grandchildren themselves become brides and grooms?” - “We swear!”

The host announces that the newlyweds are finally ready to fulfill their duties, and therefore it is worth celebrating such an event with a flurry of gifts. While the guests present their gifts to the newlyweds, during breaks you can read out “congratulatory telegrams” with the following content: “We are sending ten treasure chests. Signed: Pirates of the Caribbean"; “I’m looking forward to joining the ranks of heroic travelers. Signed: Sinbad the Sailor"; “No Scylla for you, no Charybdis. Signed: Odysseus"; “I transfer for lifelong use to (names of the bride and groom) Treasure Island. Signed: Captain Silver"; “We’re looking forward to our honeymoon. Signed: Aborigines who ate Cook."

Now that enough toasts have been said and the guests have had time to refresh themselves, it’s time to get serious about the competition program. Competitions, naturally, should also be related to maritime themes.

Let's assume that one of the crew members has fallen overboard and simply needs help. What for

does this need to be done? Yes, just inflate two life preservers, and as quickly as possible, because a person can drown. So, we choose two guests and give them a rubber circle. Whoever inflates his fastest will receive a prize.

Then the host announces a shark hunt. For hunting you will need two very ordinary fishing rods with hooks, two plastic fish with a ring, and as a reservoir you can use the same bath with which you chose the captain of the family. However, there may be more fish, but then the number of participants can be increased to 4-5 people, because hooking a fish with a small ring on a small hook is not so easy.

The caught fish is declared a “golden shark”, and the one who catches it can make a wish, but so out loud and always addressed to the bride and groom.

Now invite guests to imagine that a leak has opened on the ship, and the crew needs to be evacuated urgently. The situation is complicated by the fact that the ship has only two boats. Their role will be played by two chairs, preferably stronger ones.

The guests are divided into two groups. The captain gives the command to load into the boats. Guests can only stay on the chairs - sitting, standing, supporting each other. The boat that can support the most people without capsizing wins.

Invite the newlyweds to play too. Save a special competition for them, during which it becomes clear whose love is stronger. Prepare two small pieces of ice, place them on saucers and explain that an iceberg was discovered along the ship's course. There is only one way to avoid a collision with him - to melt him with your love, that is, with your breath. You can also use your hands. Let the young people take a piece of the “iceberg” and try to melt it. A separate toast for the winner.

The dance department can start like this: the presenter makes an announcement that although the ship should not stop, for such dear guests we specially moored to a beautiful island, and now everyone can go ashore and dance to their heart's content.

At this moment, it would be nice to inform the guests that the island was attacked by hostile pirates, and now they will have to shoot back. In fact, this ominous news is just an excuse to “launch” festive fireworks in honor of the newlyweds. Remember that it is best to entrust pyrotechnic items to the “gunners” - professionals from some serious company, otherwise the “fight” with the “pirates” may end in failure for some of the guests.

Of course, competitions may not be related to the maritime theme at all; it is not necessary to subordinate everything at the wedding to it. The main thing is to create an atmosphere and mood, and the guests themselves will imagine themselves as brave sailors.

After the entertainment, let's return to the table, because not everything has been said yet. It's time to toast the parents of the newlyweds. After a toast has been made in their honor, parents will need to present gifts, which can be accompanied by comic instructions that sound something like this: “The mother-in-law is obliged to monitor the cleanliness on the deck of the ship, keep her daughter-in-law under control, treat her grandchildren with tenderness and collect them in a bouquet. The mother-in-law is obliged to respect and even be afraid of her son-in-law, not to meet him without pancakes, and, unnoticed by others, to help her son-in-law save money for a new steamboat. The father-in-law is obliged to share money with his daughter-in-law at least once a month, to remember his grandchildren at least once a week, to remember his son at least once a day, who also traded freedom for lifelong questions about where he was. The father-in-law is obliged to feed, water, clothe, put on shoes, help with money, buy cars and houses, but only if the son-in-law cannot do all this on his own.”

Now it's time to hold the lottery. You will find instructions for how to conduct it in our section on competitions, just keep in mind that your lottery will have a marine twist, therefore, you must include in the list of items, for example, a toy anchor, a souvenir boat, a pack of dried squid.

Well, of the unsaid toasts, there was a toast to the guests. The host should thank them for their responsiveness, for honoring the wedding with their presence: “With such a crew, our ship is not afraid of even the most distant voyage. Now we are ready to sail even towards the ice of the Arctic Ocean. Thank you for helping to launch our ship, because without you it would definitely have leaked!”

The short feast should be replaced by a new series of competitions and games. Newlyweds can be involved in such a competition. The presenter takes out two ribbons with magnets tied at the ends and announces: “They say that a ring on your finger is a collar on your neck. Is it true? Now we’ll find out what our young people think about this. Come on, which of you will be the most patient family man?” The young people put the ribbons around their necks in the form of a collar so that the magnets hang down. Various small metal objects are laid out on the table - paper clips, needles, nails, etc. The most patient will be the one who picks up the most objects with his magnets.

Games can be very diverse. For example, organize team competitions to see who has the longest road to happiness. To do this, both teams take off their things, as far as decency and complexes allow, and tie them into one chain. You can arrange a strength competition among men: a slow dance is announced, the leader asks the men to choose beautiful women, and then says: “Beauty is a great power, isn’t it?” and invites the men to take the women in their arms with the condition that they do not lower them until the end of the dance.

Don't forget to escort the bride and groom from the wedding. At the same time, the newlyweds are usually showered with rose petals. In our case, we can “ring” them with a large lifebuoy, one for two.

Of course, it is best to hold such a wedding on a real boat near the shore, but it would also be nice to hold the celebration in the yard if there is a pool there. In the summer, it is quite convenient to organize a bikini wedding so that the holiday can turn into a wedding combined with Neptune's day. In this case, it is worth stocking up on a large number of not only strong drinks, but also soft drinks. And the presence of a swimming pool will allow you to transfer the competition and game program directly to the water, which will greatly diversify it.

You can have a real sea battle in the pool. Divide into two teams. One team will impersonate pirates; you can even put on bandanas and pick up inflatable rubber batons. The other team will naturally protect the treasure of the princess, that is, the bride.

Of course, the pool can be used as a track for timed swimming. The best swimmer receives a prize.

A themed wedding can easily be held as a carnival. At the same time, guests wear costumes related to the marine theme. Then it will be possible to organize a competition for the best suit, for the most extravagant attire, for the most memorable dress. In this case, everything depends on the desire of the guests, or rather, the degree of desire to deviate from the usual wedding traditions.

We hope your holiday in a maritime spirit will become one of the most romantic in your life.

Now you can celebrate your child’s birthday anywhere - in a restaurant, at an ice skating rink, in a swimming pool, at a hippodrome. Parents' imagination knows no bounds. So, imagine that a child’s birthday is celebrated at a bowling club. Most likely, in this case, a lot of children are invited (for example, the whole class), and one or two bowling lanes are paid for for a certain time. As a rule, a holiday in a bowling club begins with a small feast, and then moves to the gaming area.

This program takes into account the features of the holiday in the used club. The scenario is designed so that the children eat first and the first festive and congratulatory part is carried out by the mother or a professional animator. This scenario allows you to introduce any positive character into the role of the Host, depending on the wishes of the birthday person(s).

Number of guests - from 8 to 30.

# Props - blindfolds, “pirate” things - bandanas, face painting.

# Animators - Presenter, Chieftain, Pirate. (If there are fewer than 10 children, the role of Atamansha can be excluded.)

HOST: Today we have gathered with you for a wonderful holiday - a birthday (says the name of the birthday boy).

Come on, let's fill the glasses, I'll make a celebratory toast, and when the toast is over, everyone should quickly drink the juice. Whoever drank raises the empty glass above his head.

Pies, crackers, cake,

Balls, jam.

What kind of holiday is coming to us?

It's a birthday!

Juice is poured into glasses,

Take a quick sip!

ATAMANSHA (dressed like the Snow Maiden - kokoshnik, white cape, mask): Oh, they came, they made a lot of noise! Why are you making noise? Why did you scare away the whole neighborhood with your screams?

HOST: Oh, who are you?

ATAMANSHA: Me? Like who? Snow Maiden!

HOST: Snow Maiden, you say? Why did you come so early? Snow Maiden on New Year comes, and do you know what our holiday is?

ATAMANSHA: Which one? It's New Year!

HOST: No, the New Year is still far away!

ATAMANSHA: Well, what kind of holiday are you having?

The children answer.

ATAMANSHA: Birthday? Great! Do you feel sorry if the Snow Maiden has a little fun at your party? Are you greedy or something?

HOST: Okay, if you are the Snow Maiden, stay, just tell me where is Santa Claus? The Snow Maiden always goes with Santa Claus!

ATAMANSHA: Oh, the problem is, now there will be Santa Claus for you. Abra-mop-kadabra-moriki-loriki, dear friend, appear! And here he is...

A PIRATE appears in a Santa Claus costume.

PIRATE: Oh-oh-oh, kids, I’m your Grandfather Frost, I brought you gifts.

HOST: Well, what kind of gifts do you have here?

PIRATE (taking things out of the bag): Here is a rope to tie up naughty children. Here is a very sharp knife to tickle the heels of naughty children. Here is a belt to spank children on the bottom. HOST: Oh, and your gifts are bad. No, you are not Father Frost, and you are not the Snow Maiden. We will now test you on magical tasks. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are very smart and know everything!

The HOST asks riddles that the PIRATE and the ATAMANTHA cannot guess.

PIRATE: Well, you, chieftain, are so stupid, you have no strength.

HOST: Yeah, I knew that you are not the Snow Maiden, you are the chieftain of robbers!

ATAMANSHA (takes off her mask): Oh, well, we found out! I am the chieftain, yes. The most important among the robbers on earth. HOST (addresses the pirate): Who are you, admit it! Otherwise we'll drive you away!

PIRATE: Yes, I'm a pirate, a pirate! (Takes off his Santa Claus suit.) And not just any pirate, but the captain of the pirate schooner “Black Pearl,” and my name is Fierce Joe. So what are you gathered here, admit it?

HOST: We are celebrating a birthday here (says the name of the birthday boy). He (names the date) has turned one year old, and there is a holiday in honor of this.

PIRATE: Come on, come on, I've never been to a birthday party. How does this happen?

HOST: First, we congratulate the birthday boy on his birthday.

PIRATE: How's that?

ATAMANSHA: I see you’ve been sailing on your ship for so long that you even forgot how your birthday is celebrated. Even I, although I am engaged in robbery and robbery with my robber friends, I like to celebrate birthdays. First you remember when you were born. So when were you born?

PIRATE: It seems like summer. When the leaves fall from the trees and the snow melts outside.

HOST: And you got everything mixed up - the leaves fall not in the summer, but... When, guys?

The children answer.

When does the snow melt?

The children answer.

That's it, and you're confusing everything!

ATAMANSHA: When your birthday is very close, you invite your friends to visit you. Guests buy you gifts, and you prepare them a delicious treat.

PIRATE: Why is that even necessary? They will come and eat everything. No, let them give away the gifts and screw them up.

HOST: How is this possible?

PIRATE: That's it. Hey, did you give gifts to the birthday boy? (<Обращается к кому-то из детей.) Ты подарил? Вот ты что подарил? А ты? Вот и брысь отсюда, нечего тут разъедаться, нам самим мало! А подарки мы сейчас с именинником делить будем!

HOST: Why divide this?

PIRATE: According to pirate laws, all the loot must be divided! HOST: But we are not pirates, but ordinary people.

PIRATE: Then how did you get on my pirate ship? HOST: How is it to go to a pirate ship?

PIRATE: That's it! This is all my pirate ship "Black Pearl". The chieftain and I are going to distant lands to carry out a pirate raid, rob about five ships and ruin two or three port cities.

And now you are all either my prisoners or my pirate sailors. And, I swear by the sea devil, you better agree to become my assistants, otherwise I will have to throw you overboard to feed the toothy sharks. And I will do so, it’s not for nothing that they call me Fierce Joe! I don't need extra people here. ATAMANSHA: That's right, throw them overboard! Are you crazy, take them as assistants? Then we will have to share our treasures with them!

PIRATE: Tsk! Keep quiet about treasures!

HOST: Wait, we need to consult.

The HOST consults with the children and decides that they need to agree with the PIRATE and ATAMANSHA and go on the journey with them, and then figure out how to win the treasure from the PIRATE.

HOST: Okay, we will sail with you on your ship and help you in the pirate business.

PIRATE: Great, take apart your pirate uniform.

For children, they paint mustaches or scars with face painting and tie bandanas.

PIRATE: Uh, team, line up! Newbies! They don’t even know how to line up properly! I will make real sea wolves out of you. But first you need to be initiated into pirates, and for this you need to pass tests. The first test is only for the birthday boy.
Birthday test
The test for the birthday boy is to jump to the ceiling.

The birthday boy is blindfolded, and someone stands behind him with a board. The pirate then asks the birthday boy to jump. He jumps, but, of course, doesn’t reach the ceiling. The pirate offers to jump again and again. At some point, a board is raised above the birthday boy’s head to such a height that he can reach it.
PIRATE: Well, your birthday boy did it well, well done, but what are you, the rest of us, good for? Maybe we should just leave him and leave the rest to the sharks? Let's check...
Competition "Sea Knots"
Children are divided into two teams. Each team needs to tie five knots as tightly as possible on a thick rope, and when the task is completed, the pirate checks the strength of the knots and then demands that the knots be untied.
First, children just need to walk along a narrow plank lying on the floor. Then do the same blindfolded. Then the pirate talks about how difficult it is to sail a ship between the reefs, and suggests that the children do it. Blindfolded children walk between bottles placed on the floor without touching them.
ATAMANSHA: Let me give you a task, but it’s more difficult. For example, can you shoot accurately at the target!
You need torn thick fabric and soft foam (or cotton) balls. The pirate and the presenter stretch the canvas, in which large and small holes are made.
First, one team plays. They need to throw balls through holes in the sheet, and the second team needs to dodge the flying balls. Those who are hit by the ball are out of the game. At the same time, for the second team, the boundaries of the field are strictly delineated, within which children can move. For example, for this purpose you can lay out a rope along the contour of the playing field. Try to keep the playing space not too large, otherwise it will not be interesting to play. Music turns on (something about the sea or ships, lasting 2.5 minutes). When the music ends, a count is made of how many players failed to “shoot.” Then the teams change roles. At the end of the game, it is determined which team was more accurate and which was more dexterous.

PIRATE: Let's come up with some kind of entertainment for me now, otherwise it's already boring! What do they do there at a birthday party? HOST: Everyone shouts in unison to the birthday boy: “Happy birthday!”

PIRATE: No, I won’t yell. It’s customary for us pirates to shout: “Halfway!” All hands on deck! A hundred anchors down your throat!”

HOST: Quietly, quietly! Let's, guys, congratulate our (says the name of the birthday boy). And at the same time we will show how it is done.

Game "Congratulations ball"

Teams stand opposite each other and throw a light ball to each other. A child from one team shouts out a wish to the birthday boy and throws the ball to a participant from the other team. The team that either couldn’t come up with a new wish or “lost” the ball loses. -

ATAMANSHA: Ugh, how boring it is to throw a ball!

PIRATE: Yes, it’s a good idea to fire cannonballs at the enemy! Come on, sailors, step onto the deck!
Children cling to each other, a pirate becomes the head of one “snake”, and the chieftain becomes the head of the other. You need to get to the bowling lanes, but along the way the “snakes” wiggle, bump into each other and intersect.

Game "The Most Accurate"

ATAMANSHA: You were uncoupling, I saw. I won't give you any prizes! Oh, where are we?

PIRATE: In a magical place - this is a training center for future pirates. Here, as on my ship, they throw cannonballs and hit targets with them.

ATAMANSHA: Oh, I’m also amazed at how interesting it is here! PIRATE: No, not in the sense that they hit - it means “knocked down.”

ATAMANSHA: How great! I-I-I-I, I’ll shoot down now!
You can hire a bowling instructor if necessary. He will explain the rules to the children and show them the movements.
The chieftain and the pirate are the first to throw the balls, everything turns out badly for them, and they, bickering, say that this is a competition for children. The chieftain grabs her back and says that she didn’t hit because her back hurts from the forest dampness and the cannonballs are heavy. And the pirate blames everything on his blind eye.

At first the balls just get knocked down. After 20 minutes the game changes a little. The pirate says that the children are too good at knocking down, that there is some kind of clever trick, so he suggests that the children knock down the balls blindfolded.
PIRATE (indignantly): I also want to try to shoot it down! There's clearly some kind of trick here! They can't be top scorers! They are clearly cheating (he goes to choose a ball for himself).

HOST: Are you also going to participate in this competition?

PIRATE: Of course, I'm an ace! No one can defeat me! Since I only have one eye, you should blindfold me with the other one.

Trying to throw the ball, the PIRATE lifts the bandage on his second, “blind” eye.

HOST: You're cheating! Look, guys, his second eye has excellent vision, and he was pretending to be here! Since you tried to break the rules of the game, we will exclude you from this competition.

Children throw balls blindfolded.

ATAMANSHA: For some reason I’m starting to be afraid of them - they’re throwing cannonballs! That's how they'll hit us. Joe, maybe we should leave before it's too late?

PIRATE: Are you going to leave the ship, chieftain? And if we leave, they will get the treasure! No, it won’t happen, I swear by all the gold of the seas! I came up with such a tricky task - they will never complete it.

Game "Where is the cow?"

Children can throw the ball only at the moment when the pirate says the word “cow”. The pirate confuses, he says, drawing out the words: ko-o-o-oza, ko-o-lobster, ko-ro-o-obka, ko-o-orova, ko-o-olobok, ko-rowa, ko-o -well, ko-ozha, kor-ro-zia, kor-o-o-oleva, cow, kor-lek, kor-sta, kor-nik, etc. d.

Game "Gate"

This is a variant of the well-known “Rucheyok”. 5-8 pairs of children stand near the path, holding hands. The child throwing the ball must throw it by running through the “gate”, and when returning, take the hand of one of the children, lead him along and stand at the end of the “gate”. The player left without a pair throws the ball.

PIRATE: By the way, not only we love to play bowling and throw cannonballs, but also the sea king himself! But it’s only difficult for him to do this, and now you’ll find out why.

Game "Sea King"

Before the throw, the player is helped to put on the costume of the bad sea king: fins and a swimming mask. You need to make a throw in these accessories, while loudly saying “gurgle-gurgle.”

By this point, as a rule, about an hour has already passed since the children are playing bowling. But before dessert, there are a few more interesting games.

ATAMANSHA: Joe, here is the cave in which the treasure is located. But how to get there? You probably need to know the magic words.

The children try to guess which ones, but nothing works.

ATAMANSHA: I came up with an idea, we need to throw a bomb! This is what land robbers always do. And then we don’t need a door, here - bam - there will be a hole! Only the bomb must first be made.

Competition "Bomb"

The first couple takes a balloon and inflates it. The second one wraps the ball in paper. The third one ties a rope and ties a knot, the fourth one ties a bow. Fifth - ties a string to the bomb - a “bickford cord”. Sixth - cuts out an uneven spot from red paper and sculpts it onto a “bomb” (“explosion”), then everyone shouts “Bamm!” and throw a “bomb” at the door.

Children enter the hall. In front of the festive table, a figure of a ghost-ghost made from a sheet is attached to a mop. In front of the ghost is a large bicycle, covered with a cloth on top. The arrow on the ghost points to the bucket.

PIRATE: Yes, I don’t want something either. Let's send the children ahead. If a ghost does something nasty to them, it will be their concern! ATAMANSHA: You came up with a great idea! Hey, who's brave here? You need to put your hand into that terrible bucket filled with terrible things and find a bottle with a message there.
The bravest of the children reaches into the bucket with his hand (the fabric is not removable, i.e. the child does not see what is there). The bucket is filled with starch solution. Small spider toys, boiled pasta and similar things are also thrown there. Among all this, you need to find the bottle, which contains a task from the ghost. While the daredevil’s hand is being washed, the task is read: “Old Flint sent three dozen ships to the bottom. All the treasure he obtained is stored here. But Flint’s curse hangs over the treasures, and only the smartest and most cheerful gentlemen of fortune can get them.”

To determine intelligence, you need to complete some kind of logical task or solve a crossword puzzle on a pirate theme. To determine gaiety, you need to come up with a dance of little goats, elephants, chickens, mosquitoes, etc.

After this, when all the ghost's conditions are met, a real pirate treasure appears under the ghost's sheet - prizes for all guests. A pirate and the chieftain are trying to steal a treasure from the children. Meanwhile, the presenter invites one of the children to scare the pirate and the chieftain. The children throw on the “ghost” sheet and, howling, go towards the pirate and the chieftain. They run away in fright.

Finally, everyone takes pictures for the ship's magazine, and the host announces the birthday boy as a real sea wolf. He is given themed gifts - for example, a geographical map of the world, a compass, a globe, a scuba diving set or a “Ships” construction set.