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"Christian State": the main opponent of "Matilda" was possessed by the devil. “An ideal state would be a monarchy within the borders of the Soviet Union, in which there is faith in God. The Christian state of Holy Rus' is losing ground

Name: Alexander Kalinin

Age: 35 years

Activity: leader of the unrecognized religious entity “Christian State - Holy Rus'”

Family status: married

Alexander Kalinin: biography

In 2016-2017, the organization “Christian State – Holy Rus'” and its leader Alexander Kalinin were in the top news. Orthodox radicals, led by Kalinin, declared a “holy war” on the film drama “,” increasing the number of “KhGSR” significantly. They talk and argue about them. They have opponents and supporters. Followers are ready to take decisive actions outside the law, as they demonstrated in September 2017.

Childhood and youth

There is no official information about the leader of the organization “Christian State – Holy Rus'”. There are several “biographies” of Alexander Kalinin circulating on the Internet. According to information from social networks, Alexander Vladimirovich Kalinin was born on February 25, 1984 in Lipetsk (according to Lipetsk media - in the satellite city of Gryazi), but soon moved with his parents to Norilsk. Nothing is known about Kalinin’s family and parents.

The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper lifted the veil of mystery over the person of Alexander Kalinin. Kalinin's youth was spent in the Norilsk-Talnakh region. After graduating from school, the guy went to work - the family was barely making ends meet. Alexander worked as a carpenter and renovated apartments as part of construction teams. But the guy didn’t show much diligence - he might not show up at the site for a week, so he wandered from one brigade to another.

The idea of ​​​​making false documents came to the mind of an enterprising young man when he was falsifying sick leave notes for himself, so as not to be fired from his job. According to the assistant to the chairman of the Norilsk City Court, Lyudmila Ushakova, the guy opened a “business” at home, making counterfeits on a desktop computer. Using fake sick leave, people were released from work and received payments.

When the scam came to light, a case was opened against 20-year-old Kalinin under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Forgery, production, sale of documents.” In January 2003, Alexander was sentenced to two years in prison, replacing the sentence with a suspended sentence. The guy repented, but the judges and law enforcement officers did not know that Alexander Kalinin had a more serious crime on his conscience - murder.


In May of the same year, Kalinin was again in the dock. He and two drug-addicted accomplices were accused of robbery and murder of a woman, Alexander’s neighbor. In the summer of 2002, the guy let it slip to his friends that he and his mother were visiting a neighbor who ran a company.

The woman did not open the door to strangers, but when she saw Alexander Kalinin on the threshold, she allowed the killers into the apartment. The attackers robbed the woman and then strangled her so as not to leave witnesses. The money was divided among three. At home, 19-year-old Kalinin explained to his parents the origin of the 25 thousand rubles in advance for the future renovation of the apartment.

The killers were found thanks to Alexander, who let slip about the crime. According to Lyudmila Ushakova, at the trial the guy did not admit guilt: he admitted to complicity in the robbery, but not to the murder. The accomplices insisted that the three of them killed. They went to prison for 12.5 years, Alexander Kalinin was given 8.5.

The judges considered Kalinin’s confession to be truthful, and the guy’s appearance (unlike his drug-addicted accomplices) turned out to be decent. Alexander's mother asked the court for leniency, talking about her son's passion for religious literature.

After his release from a maximum security colony, Alexander Kalinin left Norilsk and went to the Lipetsk region, where he went into business. In an interview with MK on September 17, 2017, Kalinin said that companies were registered in his name, and in Norilsk he received a higher legal education, but “at the moment he sold everything and left.”

Religious activities

Fame came to Alexander Kalinin after his story about the “invasion of the devil” and how he “saw a new path” appeared on the Internet. The blog posts and videos appeared in 2011, but were preceded by the events of 2010.

In his blog, Kalinin said that in 2010, when he turned 27, he vacationed with his bride Marina on the shores of the Azov Sea, in Ukraine. In the village, the couple met a woman who made money by painting henna on her body. The artist drew a lizard on Marina’s shoulder blade, but ruined the drawing. In response to the demand that the work be corrected, or she would not receive the money, the woman cursed Alexander Kalinin, calling him a thief and promising death within two days.

According to Kalinin, after 2 days “the devil possessed him.” The young man watched from the sidelines as the evil spirit that had taken possession of his bodily shell destroyed furniture, cut his hands and broke windows. When the bloodied Kalinin ran to the sea, he was tied up and hospitalized, but in the hospital ward he was not delivered “from the devil.” Therefore, Alexander went to the exorcist priest. After expelling the “demon,” he “saw a new path,” feeling himself to be an Orthodox Christian.

In 2013 (according to other sources - 2010), on the initiative of Alexander Kalinin, who “saw the truth”, the “Christian State - Holy Rus'” appeared. According to him, the task of the association is to consolidate the Orthodox society “for communication on spiritual issues” and “support each other in the regions.”

The leader of the “KhGSR” claims that the association did not set the task of “fighting any Matildas,” but “when this film appeared,” co-religionists and followers of the “Christian State” had to fight “this evil.” According to Kalinin, at the time of the release of the director’s film, there were “350 active people with families” next to Alexander, the number of which increased to 5 thousand by mid-2017.

Threatening letters were sent to cinemas in Russian cities that rented Matilda. “Orthodox” activists reported that if the film was shown, cinemas would start to burn. A link to Alexander Kalinin’s VKontakte account appeared on the official website of the KhSSR (currently not working).

In September 2017, Alexey Uchitel and State Duma deputies turned to the FSB of Russia with a request to check “KhGSR” and its leader for extremism. Earlier, this was requested by the Teacher, who was accused of covering up for terrorists.

In mid-September, two Russian film distribution networks contacted the police with complaints about threats from supporters of the “Christian State”. , the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, called the activists anonymous extremists because the organization, called “Christian State - Holy Rus',” is not registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The threat became known in early September. Cinemas in Yaroslavl, Bryansk and Yekaterinburg caught fire. On September 11, two cars burned down next to the office of the director’s lawyer, Konstantin Dobrynin. According to unconfirmed reports, the burned Mercedes belonged to a lawyer.

Personal life

Alexander Kalinin is married and has a growing daughter. According to the “priest” of the unrecognized religious entity “KhGSR”, the birth of a child pushed him to create a society.

The leader of the “Christian State” will not let the girl go to kindergarten or school, because there the child “turns from clean to dirty.” Alexander Kalinin intends to demand that officials organize an educational institution for the offspring of followers of the movement if two dozen families with children gather.

Alexander Kalinin now

Alexander Kalinin and three of his supporters were arrested on September 20, 2017. To the police, the leader of the “Christian State” explained that the messages to cinemas from “KhGSR” are not threats, but fear and a warning to distributors that indignant believers will commit a crime.

Kalinin indicated that “the Lord gave him the mission to relay the position of society,” but he himself would not go “to throw a Molotov cocktail.” The detained Alexander Kalinin was released after a conversation the day after his arrest.

The founder of "KhGSR" is sometimes confused with his full namesake - the president of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia". What the two Kalinins have in common is their first and last name.

Characteristic: Novosibirsk organization, the ideology of which echoes the teachings of the New Era groups. It also pursues political goals.

Contacts: According to his own statements, he actively cooperates with the Siberian Agreement association.

Specific activity goals: educational activities aimed at creating a new perfect society, uniting the “light forces”, promoting “vedopsychology” - the teachings of the president of the society Belousova, conducting psychotherapeutic consultations (in the absence of people with proper education and licenses in the organization).

History of the sect: registered March 29, 1996 Belousova Lyudmila Anatolyevna, who in the early 90s headed the “Leninist Socialist Party of the Working Class” (“Belousova’s Party”) - an extremely intolerant and extremist organization. Various kinds of lectures are regularly held (one of the topics is “Lenin - the genius of the era”), promoting the religious and philosophical concepts of “vedopsychology”. During the short period of its existence, the organization adopted a political appeal demanding the resignation of the president and government and the separation of Siberia from Russia. Orthodox symbols and icons are used, members of society declare their allegiance to Christian ideals, but the actually propagated teaching is anti-Christian in content. L.A. Belousova herself is extremely intolerant of representatives of the Orthodox Church; she believes that it is necessary to remake Orthodoxy, make it simple, understandable and convenient for everyone, without fasting, attending services, etc.

Doctrine: Belousova’s teaching is called “vedopsychology”. This is a Gnostic system with elements of occultism and magic. A distinctive feature of Belousova’s teaching is the use of generally accepted words, concepts and terms in a very special, extremely specific, non-traditional sense, often distorting their original meaning beyond recognition. This forces adherents to unlearn the generally accepted meanings of words and makes them dependent on the system of worldviews and terms invented by the author of “vedopsychology,” which, in turn, provides additional control over their consciousness. This is especially true for terms and concepts adopted in Christianity and Hinduism. Thus, the supreme god of Belousova’s pantheon is called “Lord”, lives on the Sun and represents the “Universal Mind”. He gradually evolves and progresses, which leads to the emergence of new revelations due to changes in his plans. “God” is a being subordinate to him, this is Jesus Christ, who is also the “Creator” of the visible world according to the plan of the “Lord”. The intentions of the “Lord” regarding created things are called their “karma”.

The desire to create an earthly paradise is declared, where everyone would be happy and live well. Russia needs salvation, for which all spiritual, political, and economic forces should be united. Preventing an environmental catastrophe and resolving the spiritual and social crisis in the universe is part of Russia’s “karmic task,” which has a special purpose. Its main essence is to give the world a “New Revelation” - a new creed that will replace “outdated” Christianity and other world religions and will meet the needs of modern man. “Vedopsychology” is part of such a “revelation”.

There have been cases of organizational intrusion into family relationships. Belousova attempted to provide services for “psychocorrection of family relationships,” which led to the destruction of several families.

The hype raised in the media around the so-called. The “organization” “Christian State “Holy Rus'””, which actually consists of 2 (in words - TWO) people and is just a fake of the Russian special services, is logically inexplicable. First, the fake intelligence services promoted the obscene movie, and then the media promoted the fake intelligence services, selling it to the average person as “Orthodox terrorism.” Although this whole phenomenon taken together is a very dangerous phenomenon. And I personally started saying this when it had not yet become mainstream - in January-February, and the interview with half of the “organization” Miron Kravchenko has been on my channel since April.

I also saved a video where the other half of the “organization” Alexander Kalinin talks about how they met the FSO general, he gave them a pass to the Kremlin so that they could attend services in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, and then explained that in fact the President Putin is a sincere Orthodox man, but he cannot cope alone with the pack of liberal traitors around him, and he needs the help of Orthodox people. Since then, Sasha and Miron, with the support of the security officers, have become “Holy Russia”.

The story of CHSR is not unique. This is a proven technology of the Russian special services.
Its essence is that a simulacrum of an “organization” is created, actually consisting of 2-3-4 people who broadcast goals and objectives that directly fall under Art. 280-282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But no one touches them. On the contrary, they are beginning to be invited to various media (including state media) and presented to society as a terrible threat, from which one can only be saved by rallying around the state. At the same time, there is actually no organization, and all accompanying events are carried out by the same special services.

Most of all, the “KhGSR” of two people resembles another simulacrum created by the same special services several years ago - the organization “Cathedral Ukraine”.

It also consisted of 2-3-4 people, and these were leftists from Ilya Ponomarev’s entourage, portraying “nationalists” who demanded the annexation of the South of the Russian Federation to Ukraine. The “Organization” began to operate 1-2 years before the Maidan in 2012-13 - and they talked about it everywhere then - on NTV and on Rossiya, and on Rossiya 24. It was “headed” in Ukraine by Dmitry Korchinsky, and in the Russian Federation by Ilya Ponomarev’s lawyer, Masha Bast (Evgeny Arkhipov). In the Stavropol region, the “head” was a criminal released on parole. People from Arkady Babchenko, to the entourage of Pussy Riot, and in the Stavropol region - local pagans were involved as extras at certain events in Moscow.

As a result, by the beginning of the Maidan, Russian society had already formed a “conviction” about plans to secede its south from the Russian Federation by a “powerful organization of radicals” supported by Ukrainian terrorists. And the real “one and a half people” who were shown then on all channels, and for whom it was not difficult to stitch up a criminal case, were not touched even with a finger.

It is interesting that in the project “KhGSR”, although indirectly, some of the same persons are present as in “Conciliar Ukraine” - the same D. Korchinsky - who is the real author of the idea of ​​​​the “Orthodox Caliphate”, which he formulated five years ago.

In the Russian Federation, he is on the Federal Wanted list for war crimes in Chechnya, which did not stop the FSB from ensuring his arrival in the Russian Federation in 2005 at the Nashi camp on Seliger, where he conducted training on combating the “orange plague.”

All this is in my video. I have known both participants of “KhGSR” for several years. I met Miron Kravchenko in Kyiv in 2015, where he hung out in the “union of enslaved peoples of Russia.” It is clear that what I am saying is not a secret for those “who are supposed to”. It’s no secret to them and much more.

Among the same fake projects of “organizations” of 1.5 people, others can be named, for example: - The “Alternative” Movement of Oleg Melnikov, or - “Dmitry Dyomushkin - Leader of Russian Nationalists”, which only causes laughter among serious people, at least something understand the topic. This series can be extended further.

The problem is different - in the inflating of the big fly in the minds of Russians to monstrous proportions through the efforts of the media. After all, this is the main content of this technology.
But you can just catch a fly with a slipper...

However, these films are still watched on TV, and no one organizes religious processions for the ban on Soviet film classics, for insulting the monarchists and the royal family. But it was “Matilda” that was chosen as an occasion that pushed into the background the economic crisis, the confrontation with the United States, the presidential elections, and the war in Donbass. For the ninth month now, Russia has been trying to force a discussion on whether, when describing the events of 130 years ago, it is possible to portray the heir to the throne as a man with his own passions and desires. Therefore, it is worth figuring out who is inflating the all-Russian conflict from the film and awakening the seeds of obscurantism. Natalya Poklonskaya, apparently, became only a formal initiator and the storm is already continuing without her active intervention. After all, puppeteers are much more influential. So, this is what life correspondents found out. ru. The campaign against the film "Matilda" began with the proposal of the social movement "Tsar's Cross", which, according to some sources, is associated with the oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, who, in turn, is the owner of the Orthodox channel "Tsar-Grad". The publication found out that “The Tsar’s Cross” specifically attracted the attention of State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya to the film. According to Porozhnyakov, they turned to Poklonskaya because she “is their like-minded person and has established herself as an admirer of the royal family.” The “Royal Cross” movement is not registered as a legal entity. It is only a public page on the VKontakte social network, created in October 2016, that is, shortly before Poklonskaya filed a collective complaint. Little is known about Alexander Porozhnyakov. On his VKontakte page, he indicated his place of work as another monarchist organization - “Double-Headed Eagle”. Among the two organizations in Moscow, called the “Double-Headed Eagle,” one is engaged in the development of Russian historical education, the second was founded by retired general Leonid Reshetnikov, chairman of the board of the Tsargrad channel. The organization’s website is registered to his daughter Alexandra, who is friends with Porozhnyakov on Vkontakte. It is significant that figures from “fraternal Ukraine” also had a hand in the heightened passions, who were suddenly terribly overwhelmed by the idea of ​​​​the Tsar’s integrity and for some reason it was they who rushed to express the opinion of the Russian majority with particular aggressiveness. On behalf of the people, one of the leaders of the “Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine,” Yuriy Kot, suddenly began to speak, who during the three years of his life in Moscow had never been seen in any kind of monarchical actions or love for august persons. It turns out to be an amazing thing. The political forces of Russia as a whole are calmly and even with some kind of misunderstanding looking at the turmoil around “Matilda”. But political outcasts and clowns from among the Ukrainian emigrants are constantly jumping on behalf of the Russian people and trying to escalate the situation, take it “weakly”, “are used to wiping themselves off”, as their compatriots from Galicia once tried to provoke direct confrontation. This is exactly what nationalists in Ukraine are trying to achieve today. Another Bandera member, Pavel Kazarin, literally the day before spoke on Channel 5, owned by Poroshenko, with an incitement call - to organize a “Maidan” in Moscow, and then take Crimea. Previously, his family supported the coup in Ukraine and left the peninsula. According to Kazarin, the conditions for his return must be accompanied by no less upheaval in the Russian Federation itself. “The stakes are on maximum disorganization, destabilization, on the new 91st year and so on,” Kazarin said. Bandera’s ideas turned out to be very consonant with the newly-minted “Orthodox” organizations and monarchists who openly promise acts of violence against civilians. Again, on behalf of the people. The leader of the organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'” Alexander Kalinin bluntly stated: “If they show a film in a cinema, tomorrow the cinema will burn down.” And what a coincidence! It turned out that surrounded by the leader of the “Christian State - Holy Rus'” movement, whom the church hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church had already disowned, suddenly a close assistant was discovered who had clear connections with Ukrainian right-wing radicals dreaming of the collapse of Russia. His name is Miron Kravchenko. In the Ukrainian media, Kravchenko is called a Russian nationalist. He was friendly with representatives of the Right Sector and was photographed without hesitation against the backdrop of their symbols. In 2015, this character participated in the founding conference of the Anti-Putin Information Front in Kyiv and spoke at the press conference “Lessons and results of the Kyiv Maidan: the possibility of implementing a revolutionary scenario and civil war in Putin’s Russia.” On the Ukrainian side, the Ukrainian radical Dmitro Korchinsky, arrested in absentia in Russia, took part in it. As Kalinin later explained in an interview with Pskov Province, Kravchenko then hesitated on which side to fight in Ukraine, and ultimately chose the “Christian State”. It seems very likely that Kravchenko has already been introduced by the “Ukrainian brothers” and is carrying out a “mission” to undermine the internal political situation in the Russian Federation. It is very, very reckless to ignore this probability. The bug is small and stinky. This has been proven more than once in Ukraine. What do we end up with? The games of obscurantists in Russia are closely linked with the actions of Ukrainian nationalists, who unexpectedly sang in the same choir with some representatives of Ukrainian emigrants. The unspoken alliance dresses up in the garb of Orthodoxy and patriotism, but in reality it is regality. Their goals are clear - to undermine the situation in the country, to pit the Russian people against each other over utter nonsense. After all, if these mummered monarchists were true patriots of Russia, whose love for the country would truly be expressed in the desire to make it modern, stable and prosperous, then they would look for heroes among other people. But they raise to the shield precisely Nicholas the Bloody, who plunged Russia into a series of unrest and revolutions, who, under the tune of England, sent the country to the fronts of the First World War. They do not remember the millions of soldiers who died in this war, nor the Russian officers. Of course, the actions of obscurantists and their backup dancers on Facebook this time will not lead to any Maidan. Russian society, unlike Ukrainian, is still too monolithic, and it is not going to satisfy the wishes of a handful of monarchists. But no one is saying that they are going to undermine such a country in a couple of weeks. While they are accustoming us to violence on the part of some activists, they are passing off throwing Molotov cocktails as the opinion of believers. What happens next, you know from Ukraine. Alexey Belov

The leader of the organization "Christian State - Holy Rus'" Alexander Kalinin said that the "telephone mining" of schools, shopping centers and other objects, which swept across the country and caused the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, is a "public campaign" against the film "Matilda". Life tells who the leaders of the “Christian State” were before and how they are connected with Ukraine and the nationalists.

Recently, an organization still unknown to anyone - and it is not known whether it is an organization at all, or just an online community, since no actions have been listed since its creation since 2010 - in recent days it has appeared on the front pages of all Russian newspapers as the Russian analogue of ISIS * ( which, by the way, is directly hinted at by the name). Information about the number of its members is contradictory, and there is almost no information about its leaders. Nevertheless, a certain picture can be created based on existing information.

As for the leader of the organization, Alexander Kalinin, just a couple of years ago he did not at all wear a thick beard, so successful for journalists, making him look like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, preferring a symbolic beard and rather fashionable clothes. And in 2012, the man who is now represented as the leader of Orthodox fundamentalists, did not wear a beard at all and had just, after clinical death, “discovered Jesus Christ”(the wording is quite in the Protestant spirit).

Whether the leader of the “Christian State” is related to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) can be judged by his joint photographs two years ago with the famous preacher of non-canonical Christianity and critic of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Joachim Lapkin from the Altai Territory, who introduces himself as a cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (ROCOR), which was repeatedly denied by the latter’s hierarchy.

The leader of the organization lives (according to his accounts on social networks and interviews) in the Lipetsk region, although in the photo he posted of “our temple” there is a car with the number 36 of the region (Voronezh region). Judging by the raised hand in the photo, one can assume that he has nationalist views/background, but this is too vague.

Of much greater interest - due to the presence of a well-documented political background - is the personality of Miron Kravchenko, who appears in recent statements of the “Christian State” both as its press secretary and as “the head of the organization for the Central region, Moscow and the Moscow region.”

According to information on the ArtPolitInfo website dated January 19, 2015, the current speaker of Christian fundamentalists began his career working with Penthouse, Male View and Bear magazines. However, already in 2004 he found himself in the ranks of Orthodox banner bearers.

For the first time in the media, a person with such an atypical name and surname for Russian nationalists was mentioned back in 2006, when on April 30 - May 1, nationalists attacked several nightclubs in Moscow, in which events of sexual minorities were announced. Few people remember these events now, however, the conflict was very large-scale - the number of participants on the part of the nationalists in each case was at least fifty strong young guys. At the Three Monkeys club, which they blocked on the night of May 1-2, 2006, it came to a mass brawl with the arriving riot police, and the Tematic club, where a similar event was planned, burned down - according to one version, as a result of deliberate arson.

Kommersant quoted on May 2, 2006, a statement by the head of the propaganda department of the Russian National Union (RONS, this organization called for attacks on gay clubs and led them on the spot) Miron Kravchenko about the goals of these actions: “We need to stop promoting this unnatural way of life. They (gays. - Note Life) must think about their behavior. We are Russian people, Orthodox, Christians!”

It is worth explaining that at that time RONS was the leading organization for working with far-right youth in the capital, having acted as a co-organizer of the “SKAzhi Oi!” concerts, popular among football fans, in 2005, and in the spring of 2006 - as the instigator of large public actions of ultras and skinheads against the Hare Krishnas , gays (including the dispersal of the gay pride parade on Tverskaya Street on May 27) and supporters of the legalization of marijuana. Since 2005, in the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region, RONS summer camps have been held for the capital’s far-right youth, where, under the leadership of the leader of the Spas group and the future “Cherkizov terrorist” Nikola Korolev, young men and women learned knife fighting, throwing grenades and handling a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The ideology of RONS by that time was expressed in a combination of radical Russian ethnic nationalism with real ultra-conservative religiosity, which was sharply opposed to the Russian Orthodox Church.

After on August 21, 2006, Korolev, together with his comrades (who also significantly distanced themselves from the Russian Orthodox Church and therefore became Old Believers) detonated a homemade bomb at the Cherkizovsky market, the Spas participants were quickly arrested, RONS, which appeared in connection with them, was subjected to pressure from the security forces and lost its position among the far right.

You can learn about Kravchenko’s further biography from the certificate attached to the mentioned publication on the ArtPolitInfo website: “In 2007<…>transferred to the Central Cossack Army (Central Cossack Army. - Note Life) MO (Sergiev Posad stanitsa Cossack society). He has the rank of esaul and was awarded insignia, including the medal of Archangel Michael “For bravery” and the award cross “For services to the Cossacks, IV century.” From 2007 to 2012, on the basis of the Cossacks, he was involved in organizing and conducting children’s and youth, Orthodox, military-patriotic camps, on the basis of which the creation of the “Cadet Cossack Corps in the name of Tsarevich Dmitry and Alexy” began (subsequently closed by the Russian authorities as potentially extremist community). Later he edited and laid out the military newspaper of the Sergiev Posad military village Cossack society."

These are those whose ataman Pavel Turukhin publicly called himself a “Russian Orthodox fascist”, on whose uniforms adorned eagles holding swastika-shaped “Kolovrat” (suspiciously similar to those on the Wehrmacht uniforms), and in the published newspaper “Bulletin of the Soldiers of Christ” it was called to hang “Soviet bastard accompanied by the singing of Horst Wessel."

Further from the same Artpolitinfo certificate about Kravchenko: “In 2011–12, he was involved in organizing the Russian movement in the North, in Murmansk, on the basis of the local cell of the Great Russia party he created. Together with the organizations PNDO and New Force, he took active participation in the first “Russian March” in the region.

As for the unregistered “Great Russia” party of Andrei Savelyev, during its creation a significant part of the activists of Alexander Shtilmark’s “Black Hundred” joined it and, in general, this party demonstrated an orientation towards religiosity, choosing the labarum of Constantine the Great as its symbol. At the same time, even representatives of the nationalists subjected the “Great Russians” to a public boycott for the black uniform chosen by the party, which was suspiciously similar to the SS uniform.

As for the branch of the unregistered New Force party Valery Solovy, this is more interesting because, firstly, a number of its prominent activists - such as the artist Anatoly Pashinin and the head of the Belgorod branch Roman Strigunkov - joined Bandera's supporters during the Maidan. Secondly, because in 2012, the leadership of the Murmansk organizing committee of the New Force included Alexander Valov (well known as an ardent neo-Nazi and participant in street violence), who in September 2014 also emigrated to Ukraine and joined the ranks of the Azov regiment there.

It is in this context that Miron Kravchenko reappears in the public sphere.

The press conference "Lessons and results of the Kyiv Maidan a year later. The possibility of implementing a revolutionary scenario and civil war in Russia" will be held on January 30, at 15:00 (local time) in Kyiv, at the Rus Hotel<…>The event is being held by Russian nationalists, both in exile and those who came from Russia, as reported on January 22, 2015 on the ArtPolitInfo website. - Russian nationalists will speak at the press conference: Roman Strigunkov - an active participant in the Kyiv Maidan; Miron Kravchenko - publicist, coordinator of the discussion platform "Russian Club in Ukraine"; and Yuri Gorsky - editor-in-chief of Artpolitinfo.<…>From the Ukrainian side, the following are expected at the event: Dmitro Korchinsky, activists of the Azov battalion and the Right Sector* and other iconic figures of the ATO.

Apparently, around this time, photographs of Kravchenko that appeared the other day on the Internet (still with thick hair and a thick beard) were taken next to the Right Sector flag and representatives of the Russian-speaking Ukrainian Nationalists (RUN) organization, the peak of whose activity was for 2014 - early 2015.

On July 31, 2015, at the press center of the Ukrainian Information Service (Kyiv), a presentation of the Anti-Putin Information Front of Peoples took place, which was attended mainly by representatives of Caucasian national organizations, “Intermanland separatists”... and this “Russian nationalist”.

I suggest not using the term “Russian”, the phrase “Russian troops”, etc. After all, Putin only wants the occupation forces in Ukraine to be associated with the Russians (Russians). The use of this term plays along with the Kremlin propaganda: the President of the Russian Federation will play his favorite card - the card of “Russophobia in Ukraine”, which will further turn the Russian population against the Ukrainians, and therefore will allow the Russian troops in the Donbass to be replenished with yet another cannon fodder, - said at this event the already grown Cossack forelock Kravchenko, presented as the head of the Russian Emigrant Club.

That’s it, and just yesterday I created a party called “Great Russia”...

However, after some time, Kravchenko again found himself in Russia and revived his cooperation (at least at the information level) with Igor Artemov.

In conclusion, we can add a few words about the real influence of the organization, which journalists savor every day. According to its representatives (in general, only two are known - Kravchenko and Kalinin - which is somehow hard to believe for a structure branched across regions), thousands of people are members of it, but the videos on the organization’s channel hardly collect a couple of thousand views, and the page Kalinin on the social network VKontakte, even after the hype, has just over five thousand subscribers. The organization, which supposedly exists since 2010, has not held a single public event, nor has it reported on its participation in any prayer standing or religious procession (which, to put it mildly, is not typical in this environment). On the other hand, she is ready to take responsibility even for the recent “mining” of shopping centers in Moscow by telephone terrorists.

* Organizations are banned in Russia by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.