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Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Stary Belyayevo. Great consecration of the temple in the name of St. Joseph of Volotsk in the village of fork. Schedule of services in the church in the village of fork.

The basis of the architectural design of this two-tiered temple is the idea of ​​continuity of Moscow architecture from the most ancient Christian examples. Construction of the church began on May 24, 1999. In its lower basement floor there is a temple in the name of St. Joseph of Volotsky. His internal structure dates back to the ancient Byzantine cross-domed churches. The central and altar parts of the lower church are united by a rotunda following the example of the house church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the foundation of which is still preserved in Kyiv not far from the Church of the Tithes. The rotunda is surrounded on three sides by a vestibule. The architectural design of the temple allows it to have excellent acoustic properties. The upper three-altar church is supposed to be built in the style of the Moscow kingdom.

With the blessing of His Eminence, the Most Reverend Juvenaly Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna No. 1222 dated May 24, 1999, construction of the Temple began.
Initially, the entire temple was designed as a two-tier structure. This tradition manifested itself most clearly during the era of the Muscovite Kingdom and had a deeply symbolic meaning of the spiritual connection between the Heavenly and the earthly. With the construction of the basement floor, the construction of the lower church began in the name of St. Joseph of Volotsk. According to the project, the internal structure of the lower Temple goes back to the ancient Byzantine examples of cross-domed churches (St. Sophia and the Blachernae Mother of God in Constantinople, which differed from the basilica churches adopted by the Western Church). This tradition, in turn, goes back to the catacomb, that is, cave, underground cross-domed churches of the period of late persecution of Christians in the 3rd - early 4th centuries AD. It was these Byzantine architectural motifs that formed the basis for the interior design of the temple, located in the basement.

The central and altar parts of the lower church are united by a rotunda. This form has been known in Rus' since the time of the house church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the foundation of which is still preserved in Kyiv not far from the Church of the Tithes. Although rotundas were not widespread in Rus', the technique itself is not alien to our ancient architecture. The rotunda is covered with a flat dome and surrounded on three sides by a vestibule, also with vaulted structures in the ceiling. The dome of the rotunda, pierced by five arches, and the arches of the narthex made it possible to give this temple unique acoustic properties, completely conducive to community church singing, a “singing” temple.

Byzantine motifs determined and art style iconostasis, the images of which, on the one hand, express the visual techniques of Byzantine icon painting, and, on the other hand, go back to the traditions of Old Russian church painting of the pre-Mongol period. Matching traditional icon painting are temple chandeliers in the form of ancient Greek “oros” - hoops that became so popular in Russia in Lately in temple decoration. The internal structure of the upper three-altar church, the construction of which continues, is supposed to be done in the stylistic system already inherent in the Moscow Kingdom. Thus, the general spiritual symbolism of the entire church as a whole will express the continuity of Russian Orthodoxy from the Catacomb period and Byzantium to the present, expressing the pan-human significance of the Russian Church in Ecumenical Orthodoxy.


  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Stary Belyaev (parish church), under construction.
  • Church of St. Joseph of Volotsk (parish church), temporary.
  • Temple of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God at the Federal State Institution RNTSRR, under construction.


  • Archpriest Alexander Troitsky


The community of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Old Belyaev was created with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II on April 9, 2005 on Lazarus Saturday. Priest Roman Markov was appointed rector of the community. The geographical name “Old Belyaevo” was proposed by historians and local historians, who advised linking the name of the village, once located on the territory of the modern Obruchevsky district, with the name of the community. The village was called Dalnee Belyaevo (known since the 17th century, it received the name from the name Belyai or the surname Belyaev. In 1960 it became part of Moscow), March 30, 2008. The first prayer service was served on the new plot of land. From that day on, construction began on a temporary wooden church in honor of St. Joseph of Volotsk. The temple was built in five months and on September 8, 2008. the rector of the community, priest Roman Markov, received the Holy Antimension to perform the Divine Liturgy, and on September 14, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the temple of St. Joseph of Volotsky was consecrated by the minor priestly rank of the dean of the Andreevsky district of Moscow, Archpriest Anatoly Kozha.

On September 22, on the Day of Remembrance of St. Joseph of Volotsk, the patronal feast of the church took place. The attention of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to the holiday was especially pleasant, since with the blessing of His Holiness, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Ignatius, Bishop of Bronnitsky. At the end of the solemn religious procession, Vladyka addressed the believers with an archpastoral speech, in which he conveyed blessings and congratulations on the temple holiday from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.


in honor of St. Joseph Volotsky.

Schedule of services

1.08.16. Monday. Finding the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

2.08.16. Tuesday. Prophet Elijah 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

6.08.16. Saturday 18.00 - all-night vigil

08/07/16. Sunday. 7th Sunday after Pentecost. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/09/16. Tuesday. The martyr and healer Panteleimon. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/10/16. Wednesday. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria” 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/13/16. Saturday. Forefeast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Prayer for the Assumption Fast. 18.00 - Vespers, Matins - removal of the Cross.

08/14/16. Sunday. 8th Sunday after Pentecost. Origin (wear) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The beginning of the Assumption Fast. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy, blessing of water. Blessing of honey.

08/18/16. Thursday. Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 18.00 - all-night vigil

08/19/16. Friday. TRANSFORMATION OF THE LORD GOD AND OUR SAVIOR JESUS ​​CHRIST 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy. Procession. Consecration of fruits.

08/20/16. Saturday. 18.00 - all-night vigil.

08/21/16. Sunday. 9th Sunday after Pentecost. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/26/16. Friday. Celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/27/16. Saturday. Forefeast of the Dormition Holy Mother of God. 18.00 - all-night vigil.

08.28.16. Sunday. 10th Sunday after Pentecost. DORMSION OF OUR HOLY LORD AND EVERVIRVING MARY 8.30-confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/28/16. Sunday. 18.00 - Matins. Order of burial of the Holy Shroud

08/29/16. Monday. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/31/16. Wednesday. Icons of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa”. Martyr Flora and Lavra 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy, PRAYER FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR

Additional Information

  • there is a Sunday school;
  • catechetical discussions are held.


Address: Moscow, st. Academician Chelomeya, ow. 3B

Nearest metro: Kaluzhskaya

  • On September 23, the Church of St. Joseph of Volotsk in the village of Razvilka in the Vidnovsky deanery greeted with joy and excitement Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, who arrived to perform the rite of the Great Consecration.

    The Church of St. Joseph is located next to the Moscow ring road in the southern part of the village of Razvilka. Construction of the church began on May 24, 1999 with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly, when Bishop Tikhon of Vidnovsky performed the ceremony of laying the foundation of the temple, in the co-service of the clergy, in the presence of the temple community, students and teachers of the Orthodox gymnasium in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov, as well as future builders of the temple and residents of the village. The temple and the gymnasium, whose destinies were closely linked from the very beginning, began to be built on the same site almost simultaneously. Construction of the gymnasium was completed in 2002. Currently, more than 300 children from grades 1 to 11 study at the gymnasium, the clergy provides care for teachers and students, and pupils of the gymnasium participate in divine services.

    The first service in the Joseph-Volotsk Church took place on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7, 2002. It was an unusually joyful day for all members of the community - both for the residents of Fork, and for the students of the gymnasium, their teachers and parents. The service took place in the lower chapel of St. Joseph of Volotsk, whose internal structure dates back to the Byzantine cross-domed churches. The walls of the upper part of the church building had not yet been built. Divine services were being held in the lower church, and construction was in full swing upstairs.

    On August 29, 2004, when the school building was almost completed, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna visited the church and the gymnasium, and performed a prayer service for the beginning of the new school year for all teachers and students. The Bishop presented the icon of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia as a gift to the gymnasium.

    On May 14, 2006, Archbishop Gregory of Mozhaisk performed the Divine Liturgy and consecrated the crosses on the domes of the church.

    Since mid-2008, for a number of reasons, construction was suspended for some time. And only two years later, with the support of the General Director of Mezhregiongaz OJSC K. G. Seleznev, work in the temple resumed with new, special force. The interior decoration was done, heated floors were installed, and the walls were painted. The paintings of the temple were done by icon painters from the LiK workshop of the St. George Church in the city of Vidnoye.

    On March 24, 2012, the consecration of the bells took place, which, thanks to the help of donors, were cast in Kamensk-Uralsky. The temple has found its voice.

    With the assistance of the administration of the Leninsky district and the Razvilkovsky settlement, work was carried out to improve the territory.

    In August 2012, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, a particle of the holy relics of St. Joseph was transferred to the temple from the Joseph of Volotsk monastery.

    Today, the Joseph-Volotsk Church is one of the largest and most spacious in the deanery. The height of the temple inside from the floor to the dome is 28 meters, and the bell tower rises 35 meters high.

    The architectural solution represents a kind of chronicle, a hand-made book in stone about Russian history - the history of a Christian country that accepted the faith from Byzantium, carried it through the centuries and raised its holy men - the New Martyrs and Confessors, who shone in the Russian land.

    The five-domed brick temple combines the features of Byzantine and Old Russian architecture, two-tiered. The upper temple is five-altared. Metropolitan Yuvenaly called the temple "an open book" Orthodox faith"starting with the chapel dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and ending with the central chapel dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh and the lower church, located in the basement - the basement dedicated to St. Joseph, Abbot of Volotsk.

    Metropolitan Yuvenaly performed the Great Consecration of the Church and the Divine Liturgy in the co-service of Archbishop Gregory of Mozhaisk, Bishop Nikolai of Balashikha, deans of the Vidnovsky, Podolsky, Yegoryevsky, Lyuberetsky, Dmitrovsky and Istrinsky church districts of the Moscow diocese, as well as the senior priest of the Novodevichy Convent, Archpriest Sergius Gudanov and the clergy of Vidnov deanery.

    During the service, two ordinations of clergy from the Vidnovsky deanery were performed: Deacon Peter Zorin to presbyter and reader Svyatoslav Malkin to deacon.

    At the end of the service, the dean of the churches of the Vidnovsky district, Archpriest Mikhail Egorov, addressed Vladyka with a greeting:

    “Your Eminence, dear Lord! Today a feeling of joy fills my heart. The joy that today is a holy special day - the completion of many years of work to build this majestic house of God. The joy is that we, together with the entire Vidnovsky land, together with the entire parish of this church, meet you, Your Eminence, your closest assistants, Vladyka Gregory and Vladyka Nikolai, as well as in the person of the deans of the Moscow diocese, and we pray in this temple together with The Lord is with you at the rite of consecration and at the divine liturgy. During today's service, I was repeatedly reminded of the words of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky, who said that God does not lie in power, but in truth. Construction of this temple began in 1999. It suffered a lot, many events took place during the period of its construction - joyful and sorrowful, sad. Just recently, six months ago, I remembered how many people, looking at this temple, which had not yet stood in such beauty, said: “You will never finish building it. You have taken on a task that you cannot bear! With the truth of God and the blessing of God, after less than two years from those words, we pray and serve Your Eminence and rejoice that the temple is completed. We rejoice that the rite of great consecration was performed by your archpastoral hands, and that the community of Orthodox Christians, of whom there are a great many here, from young to old, will live here fully church life. On this day, dear Vladyka, accept words of gratitude for today’s holiday, for all that help and your archpastoral care when we endured various trials in this church. The Lord did not abandon us in all these trials, and the grace of God through your prayers strengthened us. Vladyka, it is a special joy and honor for us that you have chosen today as the day of the great consecration of this temple. Yesterday the Orthodox Church celebrated the memory of St. Joseph of Volotsk - the patronal feast of this temple. Yesterday also, Your Eminence, you had your birthday and today you are sharing your joy with us. Allow me, dear Vladyka, to congratulate you and present from the community of this church, from all those who prayed with you today, the image of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Joseph of Volotsk with particles of holy relics, so that when praying before this icon, Vladyka, you remember us in your saints prayers. May you have many blessed years!”

    In his welcoming speech, addressing Vladyka, the head of the Leninsky district, Sergei Nikolaevich Koshman, said:

    “Your Eminence, dear Vladyka Yuvenaly, Your Eminence Vladyka Gregory, Your Eminence Vladyka Nikolai, Your Eminence Father Nikolai, Father Sergius, dear parishioners, residents of the village of Razvilka and guests of our church! Today is truly a great and great holiday for our settlement of Razvilkovskoye - the great consecration of the temple in honor of St. Joseph of Volotsk. It must be said that this temple is truly becoming the center of spiritual and educational activities of the Razvilkovskoye settlement. With this temple, the revival of the settlement as a convenient, comfortable and modern village begins. It must be said that this temple is the largest in the Vidnovsky deanery. It is especially dear to us, dear Bishop, that it was built with your blessing. And today you share this great holiday with us. We are happy that recently secular and spiritual authorities have been working hand in hand for the revival of Russia. I am convinced that this great mission of the Russian Orthodox Church will be continued, will be fully accepted and will be so important and useful in our lives. Dear lord! In our Leninsky district, we are constantly working to restore churches, we are building new churches. Very soon the churches of the state farm settlement will open. Lenin, settlements of Gorki Leninskie. And all these are ours Orthodox churches will in all respects serve us, our society, the revival of the best, brightest and Orthodox traditions. Once again, congratulations on this great holiday of the consecration of our temple. I wish you health, happiness and all the best!”

    Addressing those gathered, Metropolitan Yuvenaly said:

    “Dear Sergei Nikolaevich, brothers archpastors, dear Father Mikhail, honorable fathers, beloved and dear brothers and sisters! After what we have just heard, we can repeat again and again: “Who is the great God like our God?” You are God and work miracles” (Kathisma 10. Psalms 70-76). We can call the creation of this house of God a miracle of God. Yesterday we celebrated the memory of our reverend and God-bearing father Joseph of Volotsk, and today, as if we were a spiritual gift, we bring him this holy temple, dedicated to his holy name. Today we consecrated six thrones of this temple. And when we think about the name of the consecrated altars, we can say that it is a kind of open book, telling about the piety of Holy Rus'. One of the thrones is dedicated to the Protection of the Mother of God, which reminds and will remind that the intercession of the Queen of Heaven remains over all Christians. I would like to remind you that today you heard the words of the Apostle Paul. They are just right for our time and testify to the faith of Christ, which is indestructible. The Apostle Paul, who zealously preached the Holy Gospel and experienced many misfortunes both from near and far, testified: “They say about us that we are dead, but here we are alive.” Isn’t it so, beloved, in the last century they talked about the dying Church, which was persecuted and thought that the time was coming when it would be swept away from the face of the Russian land. But our blessed time testifies that our Church is alive, faith is alive in the hearts of our people. And she will, according to the promise of Christ, remain until the end of the age. And continuing the thought of this holy open book, I would like to say that when there is a patronal feast day here in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, teachers and educators of the Slavs, we will remember with gratitude how through the Church both book art and the preaching of the holy Gospel came to us . When we celebrate the memory of our venerable and God-bearing father Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh, the Wonderworker of All Russia, and the venerable Joseph of Volotsk, we will resurrect in our memory the great patriotic covenants that these holy ascetics put into the hearts of our people in past centuries. And when the memory of the holy Royal Passion-Bearers and the holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia comes, these words of the Holy Apostle Paul will ring especially vividly in our hearts, because they did not abandon the Church and God in the face of suffering and martyrdom. They left this land in the belief that the Church would live, that the Lord would be with us at all times. Great mercy has been given to us today, beloved brothers and sisters. I would only like to say that it is not enough to be baptized, it is not enough to call oneself Christians - one must constantly kindle the holy Orthodox faith in one’s heart. And this is possible by visiting the temple of God and praying in it, by participating in the holy Mysteries of the Church of Christ, which prepares us for the Kingdom of Heaven, and in this life gives strength and courage to follow the path that Christ commanded, loving our neighbors and God and believing in this is the purpose of your life. We thank the Lord that He has given us this unspeakable joy today. A joy that is different from worldly joy. A joy that the world cannot give. This God's joy- to see today this magnificent temple and all of you who filled it. I want to wish that you love this church, that you gather here for prayer more often. If you cannot stand in the temple for a long time, come, make the sign of the cross, venerate the holy icons and receive a blessing for the day on which you visit the temple. Especially on your memorable days, and when you want to remember your family, loved ones, dear ones, living and deceased. Let the temple of God be a near and dear home for you. I cannot find words to thank everyone who donated for the construction and decoration of this temple, who created this beauty with their own hands, who, like St. Joseph of Volotsky, fought for the truth of God and the purity of Orthodoxy during the construction of this temple. I would like to wish you to live here in unanimity, love and harmony. I congratulate all the awardees. These are rewards for all of you, dear brothers and sisters. Remembering today’s Gospel narrative, which you heard during the Divine Liturgy, everyone experiences that he has certain gifts, which the Lord called talents. And if a person has many talents, then he should give more, compared to those who have less. The construction of this temple was the fulfillment of God's will, for the whole world was building this temple and everyone, and various organizations that could give from their wealth, fulfilled their sacrificial feat. May the Lord reward you all for your good deeds with His mercy, grace, generosity and love for mankind. AND God's blessing may he be with you all. Amen".

    In recognition of the work on the construction of the temple, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was awarded: CEO GAZPROM MEZHREGIONGAZ LLC Seleznev Kirill Gennadievich and the benefactor of the church Turbin Valery Vladimirovich - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, dean of the churches of the Vidnovsky district Archpriest Mikhail Egorov - Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, rector of the Joseph-Volotsk Church of the village of Razvilka priest Sergius Efimov - medals Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, Deputy Head of the Leninsky Municipal District Varenik Illarion Valerievich - Patriarchal Charter.

    A number of benefactors and church employees were awarded diocesan medals and blessed certificates by Metropolitan Juvenal.

    And everyone who came to the holiday on this day received memorable gifts: books about the construction of the temple, a film prepared by the diocesan studio “Hodegetria” and an icon of the patrons of the temple - St. Sergius Radonezh and Joseph Volotsky.