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How to enable constant vibration on Android. How to remove vibration on an Android keyboard

Portable devices running the popular Android operating system are found in every home. To attract new users and surprise old ones, OS manufacturers come up with a variety of features - distinctive features that distinguish Android phones and tablets from competitors. Moreover, developers are trying to make even standard functions more convenient, simpler, and more interesting.

Let's take, for example, vibration (vibration mode). IN Android phone(smartphone, tablet) does not just vibrate when making a call, but is equipped with a special function - vibration response when you press the touch keyboard. When the user presses a virtual button, a slight vibration appears on the screen, enhancing the tactile sensation of using the keyboard.

This function was created for the good purpose of allowing the user to feel the touch keys being pressed. But for some, this “vibration feature” of Android is very annoying. Moreover, this function works when launching not only standard, but other applications created for Android.

You can enable or disable vibration on your Android phone or tablet in the settings. The system allows you to adjust the level of vibration and the operations during which the mode is activated.

Setting up vibration in Android: instructions for beginners.

  • Go to the “Menu” and select the “Settings” item, the logo of which looks like a regular nut. On the technical settings tab, go to the section with functions for changing the language, time and virtual keyboard parameters.
  • We launch the settings of any of the proposed keyboards where vibration needs to be set.
  • In the activated tab, move the “Vibration” indicator to “On” or “On”.
  • The vibration setting is complete.

That is, vibration on Android is configured through a menu in which you just need to find the device settings tab, go to the submenu of the selected keyboard and activate the vibration response. If all steps of the instructions are completed correctly, the vibration keyboard will immediately begin to function.

You can check whether the function is enabled or not from the desktop by launching the notification panel by swiping from top to bottom. When vibration is active, the corresponding logo appears on the panel.

What to do if you couldn’t set up the vibration mode? There may be several reasons:

  • The setting could not be enabled. This happens when the vibration function is not activated due to weak pressure or the screen freezing. Recommendations - reboot the device and go through the process of activating the vibration response from the beginning.
  • Energy saving mode is activated. When this option is enabled on the tablet, vibration does not work by default. To set your device to vibrate, turn off energy saving or change the function settings.
  • There has been a breakdown operating system Android. This also happens. The solution will be a regular or hard reboot of the OS (Hard Reset).

If you have installed the indicators correctly, checked all the settings, but the vibration does not work, contact the Android service - the vibration motor in the device may be damaged.

I welcome questions and suggestions in the comments to the article. Good luck to all!

When purchased, all devices have standard settings, and the vibration of the virtual keyboard keys is one of them. Many people simply do not know that it can be easily disabled through the device settings. Most users would gladly give up the response to clicks, because it is more likely to interfere, since you can already see which button the finger is pressing. And in silence, hearing constant vibration is absolutely terrifying.

The main thing is that to turn off vibration you don’t need to go into system files or set permissions; all operations are carried out using standard tools.

But in fact, everything is simple if you follow the instructions below. is famous for the heterogeneity of its devices, so some steps may not be the same.

1. First of all, you need to go to Device Settings.

2. Scroll to the Language and input line (Language and keyboard).

3. Click on the Virtual keyboard item.

4. Then select the one that is used for typing.

5. In the window that appears, go to Settings.

6. One of the items in the next window will be Vibration when pressing keys, and opposite it is a switch. By setting it to off, you will get rid of keyboard vibration. It is worth noting that in the same window you can disable the Sound when pressing keys.

Many Android users are annoyed by the vibration feedback when typing. How to get rid of an unnecessary function? A simple and understandable algorithm of actions will help you cope with the task yourself.

How to disable key vibration on Android?

Why do users often ask the question of how to disable key vibration on your Android keyboard? There are a huge variety of gadgets and devices designed to make life easier and make our lives more comfortable. An integral attribute of almost everyone modern man, which cannot be disconnected from the World Wide Web, is mobile phone. Nowadays, most often it is a smartphone. The most popular systems for such devices are android and ios. Since we use such gadgets quite often and always keep them with us, every little detail (starting with the keys and keyboard) matters.

We type a huge number of messages per day, so it is important that the typing process is as simple as possible, fast and does not cause even the slightest inconvenience (like vibration). Many Android users are annoyed by key vibration when typing and would like to get rid of it.

How to solve a problem like this? It's easy to disable key vibration on your Android. It's very easy to do and doesn't take more than two to three minutes. Moreover, this procedure also does not require special skills or knowledge, so it can be carried out by any smartphone user.

Algorithm of actions

There is a simple and clear algorithm of actions that allows you to disable the vibration response on Android, which does not involve downloading any programs or applications, and you do not need to log into the system or edit work files.

So, what exactly needs to be done:

  1. Open the android start menu, go to settings, open full list parameters by clicking on the “all settings” menu item.
  2. Find the “language and keyboard” option (“language and input”), click on the gear icon located opposite the “Google Keyboard” item.
  3. A list of options will then appear. Go below where you can disable the function by unchecking the “Vibration response of keys” item.

Ready! Now you will not be disturbed by vibration when typing on your Android smartphone and you will be able to quickly and easily type messages using a comfortable keyboard. If you want to return this function back, you just need to put a tick in the Android settings in the place where you were able to remove it.

Vibration on a phone or smartphone is extremely convenient. For example, you don’t want to miss an important call, but you don’t want to listen to the ringtone when the call takes place. What's the best way to proceed? You can use vibration. True, some users get tired of vibration, and since it is often turned on by default on the device, it needs to be disabled. Today you will learn how to do this.

An example on a device with a standard Android shell installed. We go to the menu where we find the “Sound Profiles” item.

Select a profile. IN in this case- "General". Click on the settings icon next to the profile.

Uncheck the box next to “Vibrate for incoming calls.”

We do the same with the “Vibration response” item.

We have already talked about that, including third-party ones.

The following will show an example on the device Samsung Galaxy. But since Touch Wiz is built on the Android platform, you won’t find much difference compared to the other shell. So, watch and remember.

Open settings and find the “Sound” section.

Here find the item “Vibrate on calls” and uncheck the box next to it, as shown in the following screenshot:

It would seem that you can end here, but don’t rush. The fact is that in this way we turned off vibration only when making a call. Therefore, we follow the menu and look for items that are somehow related to vibration. One of these points is called “ Feedback"(vibration when pressing soft keys and performing certain actions in the interface). Uncheck the box.