All about car tuning

Marinated goose with apples. I want to pay special attention! Goose pieces in a sleeve with potatoes

Goose is very tasty both fried and stewed, but the tastiest goose is baked in the oven. Don't be confused by the fact that the goose is very fat. Roasting a goose in the oven allows the fat to render out, leaving gourmets with dietary and very healthy meat. The benefits of goose meat are obvious. Dark-colored goose meat is rich in iron and copper. It contains selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins PP, A, C, group B, especially a lot of vitamin B2. Goose meat is recommended to be consumed to restore strength after serious illnesses. physical activity, to strengthen the immune system.

How to cook goose in the oven

Goose baked in the oven is quite easy to prepare if you know some cooking secrets. The main thing about goose baked in the oven is its uniform saltiness and soft meat, as if melting in your mouth.

  • processing the goose before baking

The goose carcass must be prepared in advance for baking in the oven. Defrost, wash, clean, remove the outer phalanges of the wings. Goose is a rather fatty bird, so it is better to trim off excess goose fat. Don't forget to remove the wen! If necessary, the goose should also be oiled and any remaining feathers removed.

  • how to cook soft goose

In order for the goose baked in the oven to be soft, it must be kept in the marinade. A clean goose carcass is rubbed with seasonings, salt, pepper and left for marinating. Before baking the goose in the oven, at least 12 hours should pass, and even better, marinate the goose for a day. A goose baked in the oven prepared in this way will be softer, more flavorful and evenly coated with seasonings. To speed up the process, some cooks inject a salty solution directly into the goose meat with a syringe, but this risks the fact that when the goose is baked in the oven, the juice will flow out through the punctures and the meat may become drier. You can try plugging the punctures with wooden toothpicks.

  • how to marinate a goose before baking

If you have little time, but really want to cook a goose baked in the oven, marinating the goose will help you. Try these quick ways to marinate goose for 6-12 hours:

  1. The easiest way to marinate a goose is to soak the carcass overnight in a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.
  2. The gutted goose can be thoroughly rubbed with coarse salt and black pepper, then poured with white wine and, wrapped in cling film, placed in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  3. Instead of wine, you can additionally rub the goose with a mixture of crushed cranberries and fresh herbs.
  4. Thoroughly salt and pepper the gutted goose and poke holes with a fork. Then grate with chokeberry juice and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Sprinkle the goose with salt and pepper, prepare a sauce of mustard and mayonnaise in a 1:1 ratio, add your favorite seasonings and coat the carcass inside and out, leave to marinate for 8-12 hours.
  6. You can treat a goose carcass with grill kits, poultry baking sauces, soy sauce, honey sauce, etc. and leave for several hours in a cold place so that it is well soaked.
  7. Wash the lemon and pour boiling water over it. First cut in half lengthwise, then into thin semicircles. Rub the goose inside and out with salt and pepper, place in a deep, wide pan, arrange with lemon slices, and pour in dry white wine. Cover with cling film and leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours. The same methods can be used for marinating turkey, duck or chicken.
  • how to cook lean goose

You will also need toothpicks to help the goose fat render faster. To do this, before baking or frying, you can make numerous punctures on the skin of the goose with a toothpick, but do not touch the meat!

  • how to bake a goose in the oven - tips
  1. At the beginning of baking, the goose in the oven should lie on its back, after 20-30 minutes you should turn it over onto its breast and at this moment you should reduce the heat. Every 10-15 minutes you need to baste the goose in the oven with the rendered fat, this will prevent it from drying out and burning. To prevent the fat on the baking sheet from burning and smoking, you should add a little water to it.
  2. Every 20-30 minutes you should change the position of the goose in the oven, turning it on its back or on its breast. 40 minutes before it is ready, you should place apples around the goose, which can be replaced with potatoes if desired, in which case you will also have a side dish for the meat.
  3. To check the degree of readiness of a goose, its carcass must be pierced at the very wide place. If the juice flows out clear, the meat is ready; if the liquid is red or pinkish, let the goose sit in the oven.
  4. If the goose has to spend a long time in the oven so that it does not become dry, it is recommended to cover its carcass with foil, which will need to be removed thirty to forty minutes before the end of baking to form a beautiful crust.
  5. When the baked goose is ready, transfer it to a platter and serve.

The cooking time for goose in the oven depends on its fat content and the age of the bird. The older the bird, the longer it takes to bake. The carcass must be baked until all the fat has been rendered, but no more, otherwise the meat will not be juicy. The approximate cooking time for goose in the oven is 2.5-3 hours.

  • stuffed goose

Very often, a goose baked in the oven is stuffed. The goose is stuffed using various fillings (apples, prunes, porridge, etc.). Each country has its own characteristics of preparing and serving Christmas goose baked in the oven. So, in Germany it is usually served with red cabbage, dumplings and gravy based on the juices of the roast. In Sweden, roast goose is served with Brussels sprouts and apple mousse. In Russia, goose, as well as turkey, duck or chicken, are cooked not only on Christmas, but also on New Year or for various celebrations.

Now, having mastered the simple subtleties of how to cook a goose in the oven, you can start baking the bird, using the filling to your liking.

Goose baked in the oven - simple recipes

A whole baked goose is holiday dish! It is better to send the New Year and Christmas goose whole into the oven for baking, first rubbed with spices and stuffed with garlic and lemon.

Goose baked in the oven

  • goose carcass,
  • 5 cloves of garlic,
  • ½ lemon
  • salt,
  • seasonings: black pepper, Bay leaf, sage and oregano,
  • empty glass bottle or jar.

How to cook goose baked in the oven recipe:

Rinse the goose thoroughly. Mix salt and pepper, you can add other seasonings, and rub the mixture over the entire carcass inside and out. The bird must be left in the cold for at least three hours, or even overnight, so that the skin dries out and turns out crispy when baked.

Cut the garlic into slices, lemon into half rings. Pierce the skin over the entire surface and stuff with lemon slices and garlic slices. Place a bay leaf, a few pieces of garlic inside the belly and place the bottle. This is necessary for the carcass to keep its shape. Connect the edges and sew up the hole.

Grease a casserole dish, baking sheet or mold with vegetable oil and place the bird with its back up. Place in a cold oven and light the fire. Bake the goose carcass for about two to three hours (220C), periodically basting with rendered fat. Let the finished goose stand for half an hour in the cooling oven, then you can take it out.

Baked goose with prunes and apples (simple recipe)

  • goose - from three to five kilograms
  • freshly ground black pepper - at your discretion
  • 300 grams of prunes (preferably pitted)
  • kilogram of yellow sweet and sour apples
  • table salt - to your taste
  • two large onions

How to cook goose with prunes and apples:

Goose prepared according to the recipe with fruit filling turns out incredibly appetizing and juicy. Prepare the goose carcass for baking. When you are done with all the preparations, remove the core from the apples and cut them into large slices, and cover the prunes with warm water and set aside for a while (about fifteen minutes). Peel the onion and chop it into thin half rings, then transfer to a bowl with fruit. Salt and spices at your discretion. The prunes should have softened by now, so drain excess liquid from them, rinse a little and dry well, placing them on a paper towel. Then cut into cubes and combine with onions and apples. Now thoroughly mix all the above ingredients with your hands and stuff the goose with the finished filling. Take a thread with a long, thick needle and sew up the hole in the bird or pinch the skin with toothpicks.

To prevent the meat from turning out bland, mix table salt and black pepper in a separate bowl, add your favorite spices if desired. Then rub the finished product over the game and wrap it in foil. However, you shouldn’t put the dish in the oven right away - keep it at room temperature for about fifteen minutes. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, then place your masterpiece in it. The goose is baked for at least 2.5 hours. A few minutes before cooking (about ten), open the foil to allow the bird to brown.

Goose baked with apples and prunes

  • 1 goose,
  • 250 grams of prunes,
  • 5 apples
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of wine/milk/water/broth,
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon,
  • 1.5 tablespoons mustard, salt and pepper

How to cook goose baked in the oven with apples and prunes recipe:

First, soak the prunes in hot water and set aside. Mix salt, pepper and mustard. Coat the goose with this mixture. First outside, then inside. No oil or honey is needed here. Because of the honey, the goose will turn black, there will be too much oil, because the goose is already extremely fatty. They put the goose aside.

Peel and core the apples and cut into large pieces. On average there were 12 pieces. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon. Drain the prunes and mix with the apples. Place apples and prunes into the goose. If suddenly there are not enough apples and prunes, cut more, the main thing is to stuff our bird tightly and completely. Sew the goose tightly.

After which there are two ways of development of events. If you have a goose cage that will easily fit your goose, use it. If there is no goose rack, then you need to make a sealed house out of foil, into which we pour a glass of liquid (milk, water, broth, or even better wine), and then place the goose on a baking sheet. Pinch the walls so as to seal the house as much as possible.

Place the goose in the oven for 2 hours and 30 minutes. We cook for the first hour at a temperature of 200 degrees, then reduce it to 180. After this time, we remove the foil. By that time the liquid will all have evaporated, but an incredible amount of fat will take its place. Pour this fat over the goose carcass and send it already opened to the oven. We have a long two hours ahead of us. Every 15 minutes we need to baste the duck with the fat that has been rendered from it. Moreover, for the first 60 minutes we cook it on the back, then for 30 minutes we turn it over to the breast, and then return it to the back. The main thing is to water the goose every 15 minutes! After two hours of exceptional attention to your person, our goose will be covered with a dense tan - take it out of the oven!

Goose baked in apples

  • goose 3-4 kg,
  • 10 apples
  • salt,
  • garlic to taste.
How to cook goose baked in apples:

Defrost the goose, sprinkle salt on the outside and inside and rub with squeezed garlic only on the inside. We cut sour apples like Antonovka into large squares, stuff the goose and sew it up with thread. Place halved apples on the sides. Then cover with foil and bake until beautifully golden brown.

Baked goose with apples and sauerkraut

  • goose 3-4 kg,
  • sauerkraut 2 kg,
  • 2-3 apples,
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

How to cook goose baked in the oven with apples and cabbage:

Wash the goose and wipe it. Then rub the top with spices and salt, be sure to pierce the goose in several places. We stuff the bird with cabbage, cut the apples into 4 parts and also put them inside and sew them up. In a clean duckling pan, fry the goose a little on all sides, close it and put it in the oven. To prevent the top of the goose from drying out, after about 25 minutes, pour over the juice that has accumulated from the dish.

Christmas goose baked with grapefruit

  • 1 kg portioned goose meat
  • 2 pink grapefruits (carefully peeled of all membranes, sliced ​​if possible)
  • 1-2 sour apples
  • ground black pepper
  • curry
  • rosemary
  • goose fat (about 100 g, cut into small pieces)
  • 50 g orange juice

Salt and pepper the goose meat, sprinkle with curry, place in a glass dish or goose bowl, top with grapefruit, apples, goose fat and rosemary, pour over the juice and place without a lid in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. When the meat is browned (about 15 minutes) and the fat has melted, pour the fat over the goose, cover with a lid, reduce the temperature to 175 degrees, put in the oven and simmer for about two hours, basting with the resulting fat from time to time.

The finished meat will literally separate into strings.
Unfortunately, the resulting sauce cannot be used, it is very bitter, but the meat is impeccably tasty.

Baked goose with sauerkraut, honey and apples

  • head of white cabbage
  • sauerkraut
  • bulb onions
  • half a kilo of apples
  • honey 2-3 tablespoons (or lingonberry/cranberry jam)

Dismember the goose without cutting off the fat. Fry until crusty in a frying pan over high heat, without adding salt, just pepper. Don't pay attention to the fact that the meat will be tough - we'll finish it by stewing. Place the goose fried with rendered fat in a patch or simply in a heavy saucepan with a ground-in lid. Add a little water and simmer with the addition of fried onions for at least an hour over low heat, until almost soft. Then pour the contents of two cans of canned food into the pan. sauerkraut and a small head of white cabbage. Salt and add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and 1/2 kg of apples, cored but not peeled - better than second grade. Simmer until the apples are completely soft. Now listen carefully. A goose is not a duck or even a turkey! Nevertheless, this method of stewing poultry is also applicable to those that are not a goose by definition. Honey can, after all, be replaced with sugar, or you can fork out for a jar of lingonberry or cranberry jam. Acceptable and desirable seasonings are: saffron, curry, dried pomegranate, barberry. I do not recommend oregano or oriental spices in general.

Recipe for Christmas goose with quince

On Christmas Eve, it’s good to know the recipe for making Christmas goose with quince. The prepared goose carcass must be salted inside and out. Prepare quince fruits: peel them, remove the seeds, cut into thin slices, add sugar, cinnamon, mix everything. Stuff the goose with this mixture, sew up the cut and simmer in the oven until done, periodically basting with the resulting juice. Serve the Christmas goose with whole quince, topped with pickled fruit.

Goose baked with cherries

  • goose fat
  • cherries
  • garlic
  • cherry wine or cherry juice
  • apples - 2 pcs.,
  • pears - 2 pcs.

The recipe for cooking goose with cherries would be more correctly called a recipe for preparing delicious goose in wine-cherry sauce with fruit. This kind of goose does not take very long to prepare (faster than duck) and will be very useful on Christmas night.

So, cut the goose carcass into large portioned pieces or take ready-made goose fillet (now sold in large markets in Moscow).

Stuff each piece generously with garlic: make small deep cuts with a knife and insert half a clove of garlic, cut lengthwise, into each piece. In addition, stuff the meat with pitted cherries. Thus, for each piece there will be approximately 3-4 garlic and 2-3 cherries.

Season the pieces well with salt and pepper, sprinkle with coriander mixture, nutmeg, curry, ginger and simmer over high heat in a deep frying pan under a lid. After 15 minutes, reduce the heat slightly and simmer until almost all the liquid has evaporated.

Then pour in about three quarters of a glass homemade wine from cherries, and if there is none, then cherry juice and simmer for as long as possible until the liquid evaporates. 15 minutes after adding wine, add half a glass of pitted cherries (you can defrost cherries from a bag).

When the meat is ready, it will have a very beautiful appearance and can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

Place 2 apples and 2 pears, cut into quarters, into the same frying pan and let stand for another 5 minutes, no more, so that the fruits become slightly soft, but not “overcooked”. Serve the goose with stewed cherries and fruit.

Goose baked with potatoes and apples in the oven

  • goose fat
  • onion- 1 PC.,
  • apples - 3 pcs.,
  • parsley
  • potato

You need to prepare the carcass of a young goose. Melt goose fat and fry finely chopped onions (1 pc.) in it.

Peel and cut 3 apples into slices and simmer along with the onion. Next, add finely chopped goose giblets: liver, heart, stomach, as well as a bun soaked in milk, 0.5 cups of finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix the mixture thoroughly, stuff the goose with it, sew up the belly and neck, place on a baking sheet and fry in the oven with a small amount of fat, periodically basting with the resulting liquid.

When the goose is ready, place the peeled and cut into large pieces potatoes on a baking sheet and put them back in the oven until the potatoes are browned.

Goose baked on a bottle

  • apples
  • berries
  • greenery

The entrails and breast bones are removed from the goose, a bottle is placed inside, around which apples, berries, and herbs are placed. Everything is sewn up and set to bake.

Goose breast with oranges

  • goose breast
  • oranges
  • dry red wine
  • bouillon

This dish will perfectly decorate a holiday table - best of all New Year's. And it is not very difficult to prepare. Stores sell goose breasts, usually two in a package. Make a cut in the skin and rub the meat with salt and pepper. Fry the breasts on all sides until the skin turns a nice brown color.

Boil dry red wine in a frying pan, add black, coarsely ground pepper and broth. Place the breasts on a baking sheet and pour in the wine-broth mixture. Simmer at 200 degrees in the oven for about 15 minutes. Peel and cut oranges into slices, fry in oil. Remove the finished goose breasts and pour the sauce remaining on the baking sheet into a saucepan. Boil the sauce and thicken with starch diluted in water to the consistency of sour cream. Place orange slices into the prepared sauce. Serve breasts covered with sauce.

Goose baked in the oven, the best hunting recipes for cooking baked goose

Andrey Shalygin: Whether you caught a goose while hunting and cooked it right away, or whether you froze it until Christmas, or as a main dish for New Year, it doesn’t matter at all, housewives just need information on how to cook a goose in the oven.

Below we have prepared a lot for you good recipes, however, we will tell you in detail about the simplest and most accessible. In fact, goose is not a very enviable game from a culinary point of view, since (especially in the fall) it has a lot of bones, and as for meat, any store-bought chicken will have more. As they often say in the villages, there is only one piece of steel in those geese.

But it happens that the goose is purchased - then the carcass is so large that putting it in a regular oven becomes problematic. Moreover, It's very difficult to cook a large goose in a regular stove - it doesn't cook in the middle, it burns around the edges... Complete difficulties and troubles. It’s not at all difficult to cope with these problems, unless your husband wanted the goose to be a whole carcass. If the goose is purchased, then I think that a man, looking at the price of a store-bought carcass, will quickly agree to half, try to get rid of problems this way.

If there are no problems with this and you do not need to show the whole goose, then feel free to cut it into large pieces (quarters) - however, this must be done either with very good knives, for example, SAMURA. This should only be done with very good knives, because the goose has many fairly strong bones, which (especially if you take a frozen carcass) not every knife can handle, especially in women’s hands. The most convenient way to butcher a goose is with special kitchen hatchets.

Photo by Andrey Shalygin

Moreover, having cut the goose, you need to stuff it with lard and garlic, making thin deep cuts between the ribs and around the main bones, which can also be done carefully only with very sharp and good knives.

The secret to cooking tough wild goose evenly(to avoid dryness, stuffed with lard in the fall, and to fight off the smell of game - with garlic) and tender potatoes and apples, is that first, the stuffed goose is baked in the oven, laid in pieces, skin side down, wrapped in foil so that it doesn’t dry out, but is well baked and steamed (game is a bit tough).

And then, when he is almost ready, the foil is unrolled and potatoes and apples are placed around the goose. with fruit (dried apricots, prunes, everything to taste) and all this goes back into the oven until the goose and apples with fruit and potatoes are completely cooked.

Photo by Andrey Shalygin

Again, when everything is ready, you will again need very sharp (preferably made of real Japanese steel) knives to cut the goose so that pieces of lard, pieces of garlic and pieces of fruit are visible on the cut. But there is another secret in thinly slicing a goose - a cross cut makes meat significantly more tender when biting, completely eliminating any toughness of the game in thin cross-laminated pieces.

Now Your task is to use sharp and thin knives to separate all the bones from the meat, arranging the meat in portions on plates and symmetrically topping it with baked potatoes, apples and fruits, pouring lingonberry sauce over the edges and serving fruit in rosettes. If the goose was shot from a smooth bore, then you will even need good knives that are not afraid of encountering lead, or even more so, modern tungsten shot.

Photo by Andrey Shalygin

With this serving and cooking method, absolutely any goose will be tender, and no one will understand whether it was bought in a store or caught on a hunt. And the result and quality are always guaranteed, since the dryness and toughness of the game will be removed by stuffing and proper thin slicing, the smell will be removed by stuffing with garlic, there will be no undercooking, since the goose is cooked in pieces and on its own separately from apples and potatoes, and the beauty of presentation and combination baked potatoes, poultry, fruit, apples, garlic, lingonberry sauce... a small half of a goose will feed at least 4 people.

And no one will have to saw the dry reinforcement of the skeleton of the poor bird, laid out in the middle of the table, threatening to stain everyone sitting around.

Photo by Andrey Shalygin

Previously hunting recipes:

Goose baked in the oven, rosy, with a crispy crust! ? Goose is not the easiest bird to cook. But there are several secrets with which you can prepare this delicious dish for Christmas, or any other holiday. Cooking goose with apples The process is not fast, but following all the recommendations you will get amazing results!

Recipe for goose with apples

  • Goose – 5 kg
  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of poultry
  • - taste

How to cook goose with apples

Before cooking, the goose must be gutted, washed and trimmed off excess fat. Cut the wings to the outer phalanges - they will burn (or wrap them in foil when baking). Pour warm water into an enamel bucket or any large container and add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Soak the goose in salted water for 3 hours - the meat will soften, become soft and well salted. Then rub the goose with salt (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 kg of bird) and garlic. Leave the grated goose in the refrigerator overnight.

Before baking, remove the goose from the refrigerator. Peel the apples, cut them into slices, and remove the core.

Rub with a mixture of spices - it can be ground pepper, barberry or ground sumah, sage and others to your taste.

Stuff the goose with apples and bake in an oven preheated to 250°C for about 30 minutes. It is better to take a deep baking tray. After this, reduce the temperature to 180°C, pour the melted fat over the goose, and bake for another three hours.

To check if you're ready goose stuffed with apples you need to pierce the leg - if the juice that comes out is clear, then the goose is ready, if it’s pinkish or red, cook it some more.

When it comes to a recipe like goose with apples, I immediately remember the cartoon about Nils and his friend, Martin the goose, whom the hostess planned to roast and serve, it seems, even with apples.

Most often, goose is baked for Christmas. It is this bird that is the culinary symbol of the bright holiday.

But this does not mean that you need to wait for this particular celebration to bake a goose. If you have the desire, and most importantly, the goose itself, then you can roll up your sleeves and begin the sacred rite this very minute. There is no other way to describe the fascinating, albeit lengthy, process that results in the birth of a magnificent and tasty dish - goose baked with apples.

Subtleties of cooking

When buying a goose, you need to imagine the volume of your oven, because it may happen that the bird refuses to fit into it. Then the preparation of the intended dish will be in jeopardy.

If a goose is fattened on a private farm, it will most likely be large and well-fed.

Preliminary processing

  • If the goose has already been plucked, all you have to do is remove the remaining feathers (hemp) and fine hairs (fluff). To do this, rub the goose with flour and then scorch it well on all sides over a gas burner. If you have an electric stove, you can do this with a blowtorch. Believe me, you should not skip this step, as it will be very unpleasant to find on your plate a portion of meat with a crispy crust, from which the remains of feathers or fluff stick out.
  • Wash the singed goose thoroughly in several waters, then pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Remove the entrails (if they were not removed previously). Be careful not to accidentally get crushed gallbladder, otherwise the meat will be irrevocably spoiled. Because although the bile is washed off, its corrosive cinchona taste remains on the meat almost completely.
  • Then you need to prepare the carcass for baking. Bare the neck of the carcass, gather the skin with an accordion, and chop it off at the base. Now the skin can be sewn up so that fat and juice do not leak out during baking.
  • Next in line will be the wings. Cut them down to the first fold.
  • Then trim the legs down to the knee joint.
  • If the goose is overfed, then it is necessary, if possible, to remove the layers of fat in the lower part of the carcass, as well as inside the goose itself.

The goose is a large bird. And in the inept hands of the housewife, its meat can turn out to be tough and undercooked. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-marinate the goose carcass, thereby making the meat more pliable, which means the cooking time will be significantly reduced. You can marinate a goose dry or wet.

  • For the dry method, rub the goose carcass inside and out with a mixture of salt, pepper and herbs (of your choice). Wrap the goose prepared in this way in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. If you are preparing the dish in the cold season, then the carcass can be taken out to the balcony or in the entryway.
  • If using the wet pickling method, prepare the marinade first. Its composition can be anything. Most often, water acidified with vinegar is used for this purpose, to which pepper, garlic, cumin, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaf are added. Instead of vinegar, you can use white wine diluted with water.
  • A good marinade is obtained from the mixture soy sauce, honey, vegetable oil, garlic and herbs. Spices add piquancy to poultry meat, honey makes the crust crispy and crispy, and soy sauce is a good meat tenderizer.

Dip the carcass into the chosen marinade and leave for 1-2 days, just as in the first case. To marinate the meat on all sides, turn it over to the other side several times throughout.

Remove the goose prepared in this way from the marinade and leave on the table at room temperature for at least half an hour. During this time, the surface of the carcass will dry out, which will allow you to get a golden brown crust during baking.

By the way, some housewives recommend making shallow parallel cuts on the skin before putting the goose in the oven. This simple technique will allow excess fat to easily melt away and make the skin thinner, which means it can be baked well.

A goose can be stuffed with anything: porridge, potatoes, cabbage, but it turns out the most delicious with apples.

  • Use sweet and sour apples. The fruits should be ripe, but still firm. Then during the baking process they will not soften and turn into puree.
  • If the apples are small and not wormy, then they can be put into the carcass whole. Cut large apples into several wide slices, immediately removing the core.
  • The filling can be slightly sweet, with a slight sourness or spicy. It all depends on what ingredients you mix the apples with. Most often, parsley, cilantro seeds, black pepper, cranberries, and garlic are added to apples. The filling will have a richer taste if you add quince to the apples.
  • To prevent the filling from falling out during baking, the hole in the carcass must be sealed with toothpicks, skewers, or sewn up with harsh white thread.
  • The wings and legs must be tied, pressed to the body using twine. Then the carcass will become more compact, and the juice from the tips of the wings will not drip to the bottom of the oven.

Roasting goose with apples

  • The goose is placed on a baking sheet with its back down.
  • The baking container must be deep, as during the cooking process the carcass will release a large amount of fat, and it may overflow.
  • If the goose is fatty, then it can be placed on a wire rack and baked on it. Then be sure to place a baking tray with water under the grill. During the baking process, the water will evaporate, creating more humidity in the oven. It will prevent the meat from drying out and the goose will turn out juicy. Also, water will not allow fat dripping onto the baking sheet to burn, and there will be no smoke in the kitchen.
  • The baking sheet with the goose should be placed in a well-heated oven, the temperature in which should be in the range of 200-220° so that the carcass warms up as quickly as possible. After 15-25 minutes, the temperature should be reduced to 180° and baking continued.
  • The cooking time for the goose depends on its weight. Housewives have experimentally established that it takes approximately 50 minutes for every kilogram of weight. That is, if the weight of the carcass is 2.5 kg, then it needs to be baked for at least 2.5 hours. To prevent the top part of the carcass from charring during this time, it is recommended to cover it with foil.
  • If your oven gets too hot, you can bake the goose in foil. It will not allow the goose to overcook and dry out. But in this case, you need to open the foil half an hour before the end of cooking so that the goose is covered with an appetizing crust.

And now - a few recipes.

Goose baked with apples in the oven: a simple recipe

Calorie content of the dish: 13245 kcal, per 100 g: 320 kcal.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt;
  • young parsley - 2-3 sprigs.

Cooking method

  • Sear the young goose carcass, wash it, and dry it with a paper towel.
  • Rub salt inside and out. Tie the legs and wings with twine.
  • Peel half the apples and cut into thick slices. Fill the inside of the goose with them. You will need the remaining apples a little later. Sew the hole with thread or pin it with toothpicks.
  • Place the goose on a baking sheet, cover the breast with a piece of foil. Place in the oven. Bake for 2.5-3 hours.
  • When the goose is browned, pour 100-150 ml onto a baking sheet hot water. From time to time, water the goose with the released fat mixed with water.
  • Remove the cooked bird from the oven.
  • Place the remaining apples on a clean baking sheet, sprinkle with sugar and bake at high temperature.
  • Place the goose on the dish, remove the threads. Place baked apples around the carcass and sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Goose baked with apples in the oven with sour cream

Calorie content of the dish: 13150 kcal, per 100 g: 295 kcal.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • apples – 1.3 kg;
  • ground cilantro (coriander) – 3 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Cooking method

  • Rub the plucked, gutted and seared goose inside and out with a mixture of salt, pepper and cilantro. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Grease the carcass on all sides with sour cream.
  • Peel the apples and cut into thick slices. Place the birds inside. Sew it up with coarse thread or pin it with toothpicks.
  • Place the goose breast side up on a baking sheet. Pour 120-150 ml of water. Place in a well-heated oven. After half an hour, reduce the temperature to 180°, otherwise the carcass will burn on top. Periodically water it with water from the baking sheet. Bake the bird for about three hours.
  • Place the finished goose on a plate, remove the threads. Serve as a whole carcass or cut into portions and place them on a goose-shaped platter. Distribute the baked apples around the bird. Sprinkle everything with chopped herbs.

Goose baked with apples in the oven with garlic

Calorie content of the dish: 12829 kcal, per 100 g: 335 kcal.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • apples – 0.8 kg;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • dried thyme - a pinch;
  • dried marjoram – 0.3 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Singe the goose, wash and dry.
  • Prepare the marinade by mixing salt, pepper, half the herbs and oil in a bowl. Let it brew for 20 minutes.
  • Rub the goose with this mixture on all sides, as well as from the inside.
  • Cut the washed apples into slices, removing the core. Combine with chopped garlic and remaining herbs. Fill the inside of the goose with the filling. Sew up the hole. Tie the goose's legs and wings with twine or coarse thread.
  • Take two long sheets of foil and place them crosswise on a baking sheet. Place the goose on them. Pack well. Use additional sheets of foil if needed.
  • Place the baking sheet with the goose in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about three hours. Then unwrap the foil and continue baking for about another half hour, until an appetizing crust appears on the goose.
  • Place the finished goose on a plate or clean baking sheet lined with foil. Remove the threads. Remove the apples from the belly and place them beautifully around the bird.

Video: goose in the oven with apples – Recipe Collection

Note to the hostess

To prevent the wings and leg stumps from charring during a long stay in the oven, wrap them in foil in advance.

The carcass can also be baked in a sleeve. Just like in foil, the goose will cook in its own juices, so its meat will be soft and tender. The only negative: the fat rendered from the goose will remain in the sleeve.

For marinating, use a marinade of soy sauce, honey and spices such as curry, ginger, coriander.

Soy sauce can be replaced with mustard. It will not only improve the taste of the meat, but also significantly soften it.

A fragrant, tasty goose baked in the oven is a decoration for any festive table. The golden brown crust and fragrant meat soaked in apple juice will not leave any guest or family member indifferent.

This is a hearty and very tasty dish, a favorite dish in our family. Today I will share with you the best recipe, how to bake a goose with apples in the oven and a visual aid. A recipe with photos will allow you to better understand what your dish will look like after cooking.

Products for baked goose in the oven

To prepare baked goose in the oven we will need:

– Goose 3.5-4 kg;

– Salt 1 table. spoon;

– Black pepper 1 teaspoon. spoon;

– Garlic 6-7 cloves;

– Ground coriander;

– Sour apples 4-5 pcs.

In order for your goose baked with apples to be tasty and juicy, it must be too young and thin. Weighing at least 3 kilograms, and preferably 3.5-4 kg. After all, it will bake, some of the fat will melt and drain, which can cause the dish to become dry and unappetizing.

Goose carcass properly plucked and gutted. To bake a goose with apples, it is necessary that there are no giblets inside the carcass: heart, liver and stomach. Use them to prepare other dishes, if, of course, they were in the carcass you purchased. Housewives who raise geese at home usually remove all the insides at once.

Also, if possible, remove the lungs. Not everyone can do this. And, if you can’t remove the lungs without tearing up the carcass of the unfortunate goose, it’s better to leave them alone, it won’t spoil the taste. If you use frozen goose for cooking, defrost it in advance. Let the liquid drain. Then brush with marinade. How to bake a goose with apples using the mentioned marinade?

Goose marinade recipe

Goose meat has its own specific, pleasant sweetish taste, so for marinating the carcass, you should not take a large amount of herbs. The usual usual seasonings are quite enough. If you have favorites, you can totally use them.

To marinate a goose for baking, you need to separate the garlic into cloves and peel it. Grind through a garlic press or chop finely. Mix garlic with ground black pepper, coriander and salt. You can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil or soy sauce to the mixture. This will allow the mixture to bind better and protect the goose skin from drying out during baking.

Thoroughly rub the goose carcass with marinade inside and out and leave to marinate. It is necessary for the goose to marinate for several hours. So it will pass through the taste and aroma. If you have a lot of time, you can rub the goose with spices in the evening and leave it overnight, putting it in a cool place. That's the whole goose marinade recipe.

We will use the simplest filling for our goose – apple. Juicy, sour, hard apples are best suited for baking. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut into four parts and remove the core. I prefer not to peel the skin, otherwise the apples will turn into puree when baking.

Stuff the goose tightly with apple slices. The number of apples given in the recipe is quite relative, because their quantity depends on the size of the goose and the size of the fruits themselves. You can easily take a lot of small fruits or 2-3 large apples.

Preheat the oven to bake the goose to 180-200ºC. Wrap the marinated carcass in food foil and place on a baking sheet. If you have a regular oven, like I do in principle, and it does not have a steam function, place a half-liter jar of water next to it on a baking sheet.

The evaporating moisture will prevent the goose from drying out too much. Heating will not cause the jar to burst if you avoid sudden temperature changes: place the jar of water on a cold sheet and only then place it in the oven. Bake the goose with apples over medium heat for 2-2.5 hours.

Check the heat strength from time to time, since the concept of medium heat is different for each housewife. But my advice is not to raise the baking temperature above 200ºС, otherwise the goose with apples will remain raw inside after being overly fried on the outside.

After 1.5 hours, check the degree of readiness of the goose by unscrewing a corner of the foil and piercing the fleshy part with a thin knife, preferably the fillet. If the liquid that comes out when pierced is bloody red, the goose is still raw. Continue baking.

If, when the fillet is pierced, the liquid is clear, the goose is almost ready. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, open the foil and leave the goose to bake for another half hour. This will allow a delicious, golden brown crust to form.

The recipe for baking goose in the oven with apples also assumes that , When the carcass is ready, remove it from the oven and transfer it to a plate. You can serve it to the table whole so that your guests can appreciate the beauty of your creation. Then pick it up and cut it into portions.

Secrets of goose juiciness when roasting

When baking a goose in the oven with apples, naturally, we want to get a tasty, aromatic, juicy dish. How to keep it juicy and prevent it from drying out in the oven. Here are some little tips for maintaining juiciness when roasting goose:

  • If the goose is not very fatty, you can add moisture and juiciness to it. Use a trick. Take a large syringe (20 ml) and, filling it with apple juice, inject into the meatiest parts of the goose: fillet and drumsticks. This will not only make the dish juicier, but will also add taste and aroma;
  • When wrapping the goose in foil, turn the shiny side towards the carcass;
  • Before putting the goose in the oven, preheat it to the required temperature. Hot air will fry the edges of the carcass and retain valuable moisture inside. If you put it in a cold oven, the goose will heat up slowly, which will cause the fat to heat up excessively and dry out the meat.

This is a tasty hearty dish, but the apples with which the goose is stuffed are not enough for a side dish. Supplement it with snacks of raw or salted vegetables. Boiled rice and buckwheat porridge go well with baked goose. Potatoes in any form, boiled, baked, or mashed, are perfect as a side dish for baked goose.

Don't forget how sauces bring out the flavor of a dish. Ketchup and red sweet and sour sauce go well with goose. Their sweetish taste complements the aroma of apples.

Baked goose in the oven with apples goes well with baked meat, 1000 Islands sauce; it can be made at home based on homemade mayonnaise. It is ideal if you decide to serve goose with country-style baked potatoes, and the herbs and vegetables included in its composition will perfectly highlight the taste of the meat.

You can also watch how to cook chicken with apples or quince and potatoes in the oven, also an equally tasty recipe...

This is such an interesting and satisfying dish. This is how chicken or goose baked in the oven with apples looks festive on the table, the taste and smell are wonderful. And preparing, as it turns out, is not at all difficult. Even inexperienced housewives will not experience any particular difficulties in preparing this dish. Try, cook with pleasure and delight your guests and loved ones with healthy delicious dishes. Now you know too. Bon appetit!