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Where should you not place a mirror in an apartment? We will install mirrors according to Feng Shui. Places favorable for placing mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui

It's hard to imagine a home modern man without at least one mirror. In addition to their direct purpose, mirrors are a link between the real and subtle worlds, as well as a conductor and amplifier of positive and negative energy. When used skillfully, they can bring a lot of good, but when used incorrectly, they can cause a lot of trouble and even misfortune.

Mirrors can visually enlarge the space and enhance the energy of the sector in which they are located. They can redistribute and correct the flow of Qi energy. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place mirrors in the house, according to certain rules.

Favorable places to place a mirror according to Feng Shui

In order for the aura in your home to be favorable, it is necessary for the Qi energy to smoothly go around the entire home in a circle, without bumping into obstacles and looking into all secluded places. Such barriers can be columns, corners or long narrow rooms.

It is beneficial to place a mirror in the hallway, since this room has an elongated shape and limited dimensions. The location in it will allow light. It is recommended to use large mirrors that will reflect the person in full height and leave some headroom. Because in Feng Shui it is considered unfavorable if only certain parts of the body are visible. While a person who sees himself fully is filled with inner strength that contributes to the development of potentials.

It is good if the mirror reflects a beautifully served or rich dining table with food, so it can be hung in an appropriate place. This will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the family.

A mirror placed on the outside of the bathroom door will help neutralize the outflow of positive energy from the house. It is considered favorable to install a large mirror in.

Feng Shui mirrors in the house allows you to symbolically restore missing sectors. It must be located in a place where the required area is missing.

A mirror located in the living room is considered a favorable sign. Especially if it reflects objects that are pleasing to the eye or beneficial. These can be beautiful paintings, flowers and photos of happy people.

Unfavorable places for mirrors

  • It is forbidden to install a mirror opposite a window or front door - this will interfere with the flow of positive energy into the house.
  • A mirror placed opposite the bed does not have the best effect on marital relationships.
  • If your desk is reflected in the mirror, the amount of work will increase, you will become tired and will not be able to cope with the workload.
  • Feng Shui does not recommend installing a mirror opposite a mirror. A corridor is formed that will contribute to inappropriate behavior, fears and depression among household members.
  • Do not leave dirty, cluttered places reflected in the mirror, for example, a garbage can or dirty dishes in the sink.

The first room that “meets” flows of positive energy (vital energy qi, bringing prosperity) is the hallway. Do not place a mirror opposite the front door, otherwise the energy that enters our home, including through it, will be reflected and go away.

Where then should the mirror be placed? Best of all - on the wall next to front door. A perfectly suitable place for a mirror is on the side wall of the hallway. In both cases, it will visually expand the space of the room, thereby expanding life prospects for family members. By the way, in the hallway, as a rule, there is an entrance to the bathroom. According to Feng Shui, along with running water, the home also leaves Vital energy qi, taking with it the well-being and health of the household down the drain. A picture with a beautiful landscape on the door from the hallway will help stop the leak.

Mirror in the kitchen and dining room

Feng Shui frowns upon mirrors in the kitchen. The explanation is simple: if the housewife sees her reflection during the cooking process, she will be twice as tired - remember the property of mirrors to double everything that is reflected in them? But in the dining room, a large mirror, which reflects the generously laid dining table (symbolizing prosperity), is simply necessary: ​​then the house will be a full cup, and its owners will be friendly with each other and confident in the future.

Mirror in the bedroom

Mirrors have no place in the bedroom: they accelerate the flow of energy circulating in the house and disrupt restful sleep, preventing you from fully resting and gaining strength. But it happens that we cannot do without a mirror in the room where we sleep - for example, in a one-room apartment. In this case, you need to strictly follow the rules of Feng Shui.

The bed should not be reflected in the mirror. When we sleep, we are defenseless, so during sleep we will lose our energy - the mirror will take it away. Of course, not all of it, but we will feel the losses in the morning, waking up broken and sleep-deprived. The worst thing is if the mirror reflects spouses lying in bed: this cools the relationship and leads to betrayal.

And mirrored ceilings are absolutely unacceptable in the bedroom, also because of the threat to family happiness. Thanks to them, the illusion of the presence of someone else is created, and on an energetic level this can create the preconditions for adultery and the collapse of a marriage.

Where should you not place a mirror?

Do not place mirrors opposite each other or end-to-end in a corner. This arrangement has a bad effect on the psyche of the inhabitants of the house: it forces them to commit rash acts, make ridiculous mistakes and experience bouts of irritability, melancholy, fear, and hostility towards loved ones.

Do not place mirrors opposite the windows: positive energy will not be able to penetrate into the room from the street and bring prosperity, health and family happiness to the inhabitants of the house. But if you place the mirror at an angle so that it reflects a beautiful landscape, then, on the contrary, household members will feel elation and a surge of strength. Hanging mirrors on interior doors is also not recommended. They will impede the flow of positive energy, which can cause illness among family members, material problems and deterioration in relationships. You should not place a mirror opposite the place where the child does his homework: it will not allow him to concentrate and will cause anxiety.

Important Tips

  • Buy at least one large mirror for your home, in which a person is reflected at full height. Moreover, there should be a little space left above your head - for further “growth” (spiritual, career, etc.). The fact is that large mirrors charge us with positive energy, give us a creative impulse and lift our spirits. And if the mirror does not “see” us entirely (“cuts off” the legs or the top of the head), over time this is fraught with diseases of the part of the body that is not reflected. This rule applies to mirrors in which household members are reflected many times a day. We don’t look at small ones so often, so they are not so dangerous.
  • Pay attention to what will be reflected in the mirror. In order for positive energy to bring well-being to the home, only what pleases the eye or is beneficial should fall into the “field of view” of the mirror.
  • Under no circumstances should you decorate your home with mirror tiles. By breaking a person's reflection into pieces, she thereby breaks his happiness and luck.
  • You cannot hang mirrors without a frame. With its help, the streams of positive energy falling on it are focused and rushed in the right direction.
  • Make sure your mirrors are clean and wipe them regularly. On their surface, in addition to dust and other material contaminants, negative information settles, and if it is not removed, disagreements and scandals may begin in the family.
  • Get rid of cracked mirrors immediately, even if the damage is very minor: negative energy accumulates in cracks and chips, which, when reflected, attacks the home and its owners.
  • If the mirror breaks, do not despair: a bad omen will not work if you properly dispose of the fragments. First, run them under running cold water - this will remove information about you and your family. Then put them in an opaque bag (you can’t let anything in your house continue to be reflected in them) and take them to the trash.

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This interior detail most often has practical benefits for residents, and besides, such a piece of furniture is capable of managing energy.

For example, a mirror opposite a window can repel the favorable Qi energy flowing inside the house, mirroring it and interrupting its flow. That is why experienced specialists recommend that you approach the placement of such a detail in the interior of an apartment or house very seriously.

Mirror shape

Mirrors play an important role in decorating a house or apartment. It is known that the well-being of a family living under one roof, even the health of its members and harmony in their relationships, depends on the flow of favorable Qi energy. This invisible living energy passes through the entire house, so it is necessary to ensure that its flow is powerful and penetrates into every room and into every corner of the home.

In this case, absolutely all troubles, failures and lack of money will bypass your home, and you yourself will forever forget about any illnesses or illnesses. Harmony and tranquility will reign in the house. In order to competently direct the flows of Qi, as well as close the negative flows of Sha, mirrors are needed.

The shape of the mirror can be absolutely any: round, rectangular, square. Of course, greater preference is given to those models that have rounded corners or even a round or oval shape.

Flows of Qi energy, as you know, do not like sharp corners in any of their manifestations, this applies not only to reflective surfaces.

A round mirror reflects Shu energy very well, while positive Qi does not dissipate, but circulates along the rounded edge of such a mirror, remaining and accumulating in it and concentrating its power.

It is important to note that the presence of a frame on the mirror will also have a positive effect on the quality of Qi transmission. A border or frame is a powerful barrier for any energy, thereby allowing it to be stored inside the mirror surface and sealed.

An excellent example, combining both a rounded shape and a frame, is a mirror in the shape of the Sun. Such a thing is capable of fully saturating even the largest room with Qi energy, but at the same time it itself is of modest size. You will certainly be surprised when you see how your room will change after the appearance of this item in it.

What you should definitely pay attention to is the presence in the house of at least one large mirror, such that it can accommodate the largest member of your family at full height.

A prerequisite is that there should still be room above the head; this is necessary for future growth, both physically and spiritually. If the house has at least one such mirror in any room, then small mirrors are allowed in all other rooms.

Bagua mirror shape

Separately, it is necessary to mention the Bagua mirror. Feng Shui highly values ​​this symbol as it is one of the most powerful. This type of mirror reflects and neutralizes negative Sha energy.

Bagua is an octagon made of wood, in the center of which there is a mirror. Eight trigrams are written around the reflective surface. These ancient symbols protect absolutely all areas of human life, from financial well-being to health.

There are two types of Bagua: pre-heavenly (Yin) and post-heavenly (Yang). The first designates the place of the male owner in the house, and the second - the female owner. These symbols also differ in the shape of the mirrors used in them. A convex Bagua mirror reflects all Sha away from itself, a concave mirror absorbs all negative energy inward, and a flat one has a neutral effect.

It is very important to follow the rules for placing the Bagua, as these mirrors have a powerful negative effect. The fact is that by directing this mirror, for example, at your neighbors’ home, you rid your home of the negative Sha energy, but transfer it to their home, so use this symbol with great caution!

Do not place such a protective mirror against your neighbors, it is best to direct the reflection in a neutral direction, where no one lives so that its surface reflects nature or emptiness.

Where to hang a mirror

The main task of mirrors is to direct the flow of Qi and make this flow very powerful, and also to prevent it from being accidentally blocked. Below we will look at good places for placing reflective surfaces, for example, the placement of a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui or in the living room, and also note those places in the house where weighing mirrors is strictly prohibited or simply not recommended.

Mirror in the hallway

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is almost always mandatory. The layout of most apartments and houses is designed in such a way that the main entrance, through which the actual Qi energy enters the home, is located either around the corner, or is directed only to a specific room.

Imagine, for example, an apartment in which the front door is located opposite the children's room, and the remaining rooms, kitchen and bathroom are located on either side of it. Of course, the children's room will always be filled with Qi energy; the flow of force entering the house through the front door will be very powerful. However, all other rooms of such an apartment will be completely empty and devoid of favorable Qi flows. In such a situation, a mirror in the hallway is exactly what is needed.

The mirror surface located opposite the corridor will bifurcate the flow of Qi that escapes from the front door.

The energy will enter those rooms and spaces where the mirror will be directed. In addition, the flow will receive an impulse and become more powerful and concentrated.

To more easily understand how this works, imagine a powerful river. It carries its waters along a certain channel and does not spread to the sides. In order to saturate any area on the side of the river with water, we need to dig a trench and make a diversion. It is in the role of such outlets that mirrors act.

Remember that the corridor is the beginning of the path of Qi in your home, so this place should be given close attention. It is best to place the largest mirror in the apartment in the hallway, since it is from here that the energy of all other rooms will be saturated with energy.

Mirror in the bathroom

The bathroom and toilet are considered a place where energy disappears. It is in these places that sewer drains are located, which are very often used by humans and through which positive energy flows.

The main task when arranging these rooms with mirrors is to prevent Qi from getting here, or to protect the rest of the house from negative Sha, which comes from the same drains.

Experts recommend hanging a mirror on either side of the door leading to the bathroom, while the door itself should always be tightly closed. Also, do not forget to close the toilet lid tightly. If we talk about the restroom, then Feng Shui allows you to hang a mirror in the toilet on the door on one or the other side, while its size does not matter significantly.

There are no special prohibitions inside the plumbing unit itself. You can hang a mirror as large as you like in the bathroom, that’s even good. The only thing that is not advisable to do is use mirror tiles. Crushing the reflection with regular polyhedra always has a negative impact on a person’s internal Qi and can even change its charge to negative.

Mirror in the bedroom

If you are wondering where to hang a mirror in the house, then the worst place for this is the bedroom.

We will talk about the negative effect that a mirror hanging opposite the bed has below. But if you simply need to have a reflective surface in the bedroom, then try to hang the mirror so that it does not reflect sleeping people (as well as the bed), and its size is modest.

Mirror in the kitchen

The kitchen is considered a good place to place mirrors. The reflection of the dining area will, as it were, double all the dishes placed on the table and guarantee a constant abundance of food in the house. And a mirror, which allows you to look behind the back of the person who is cooking, ensures his peace and tranquility of all people in the house.

Therefore, you can place small mirrors above the work surface of the housewife and above the cutting table in the kitchen.

Mirror in the living room

The mirror will fit perfectly in the living room. This is one of those places in the house where it cannot cause any harm and brings only benefit. It will be great if the mirror reflects a beautiful painting on the wall that pleases your eye, or a luxurious vase, a beautiful living flower.

The reflection of the breathtaking landscape outside the window will have a very good effect on the energy in the house. But if you don’t see a beautiful landscape in your window, then it would be better to hang the mirror somewhere else. Remember that the mirror carries exactly what is reflected in it, and if it is positive energy, then you yourself will notice how your home will be transformed.

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Mirror in the office

Experts generally do not recommend using such strong guides for energy flows as mirrors in office spaces. There are too many different circulating forces in such places, and in such energetic chaos, a mirror will rather strengthen the negative Sha than help strengthen Qi.

If you still need a mirror at work, then place it inside the closet or use a pocket mirror that can be easily stored in a drawer or worn in clothes. A really bad idea would be if you placed a reflective surface in front of your workspace. The reflection of the workplace doubles your work, and you get tired faster, and the amount of work increases. It's also a bad move for anyone who craves more career recognition or increased earnings.

The best place to install a mirror in the office is the break room or any other place where you and your colleagues relax and do not work.

The mirror surface will improve the recovery function of your body and speed it up. You will replenish your full reserve of strength in much less time and do it better. Also, a mirror in the relaxation room will help relieve nervous tension and neutralize negative energy.

Unfavorable places to place a mirror

In this part we will look at the worst places to place a mirror. There are few such places, but if at least one mirror in the house hangs at such a point, then this upsets the energy balance in the entire house and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

If you already have a mirror hanging in any of the listed places, you need to wipe it thoroughly in order to remove any remaining negative energy. Then hang it in one of the most successful areas in the apartment, which we already talked about earlier.

Mirror opposite the window

A common mistake that Feng Shui considers unacceptable is a mirror opposite the window. Windows, like doors, are the entry points for the flow of Qi into the home. By placing a mirror opposite the window, you seem to create a barrier for incoming energy, reflecting it outward.

In turn, negative energy, reflected, enters the house, and then spreads throughout all rooms and premises.

Mirror opposite the toilet

Above in the article it was said that it is necessary to hang a small mirror on the door of the restroom on one side or the other. So why doesn't the reflective surface opposite the door work?

The fact is that a mirror installed in this way drives all the positive energy inside the toilet, from where it flows into the sewer. We independently “dig” a trench that carries our flow of favorable Qi out of the house.

At the same time, this arrangement of the mirror surface does not cover the negative Sha oozing from the sewer, unlike the example when the mirror hangs on the toilet door.

Mirror opposite mirror according to feng shui

Even children know that if you place one mirror opposite another, you can create an endless optical tunnel. Now imagine that a flow of favorable Qi will flow into such an infinitely long tunnel. This kind of thing should be avoided most of all.

Even when you accidentally direct Qi into the bathroom or toilet through mirrors, it does not flow there completely. Infinity, created by two mirrors, devours all Qi without leaving a drop. Avoid having one mirror surface reflect another (even partially).

Mirror opposite the bed

Feng Shui experts believe that if a mirror is installed in the bedroom and a sleeping married couple is reflected in it, then the mirror surface acts as a third partner in their relationship. This certainly entails betrayal, quarrels and discord in any relationship, no matter how strong they are.

The mystery of sleep is a rather sensitive thing, and placing such a powerful conductor of energy as a mirror next to you when you and your spirit are defenseless is not very wise.

If you can’t get rid of the mirror in the bedroom and there is no way to remove it, throw a thick piece of fabric over its reflective surface at night so that it completely covers the entire area.

Mirror opposite the front door

A mirror opposite the entrance is strictly prohibited by Feng Shui. It was said earlier that the front door is the mouth of the Qi River in your home. By placing the mirror opposite these energy gates, we simply send all the positive force back out, and the negative Sha penetrates into the home without any difficulty.

The situation is absolutely similar to the case when the mirror hangs opposite the window.

What can you put in front of the mirror?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. What to put in front of the mirror?

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings purely positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive flows of Qi and feed its main flow.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

You should not place talismans and various Feng Shui objects in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

How to throw away a mirror correctly

What should you do if the mirror is cracked or broken and needs to be thrown away?

First, it should be noted that a cracked mirror does not mean the arrival of terrible misfortune in the house. On the contrary, this means that it has already absorbed enough negative energy, and its service life has therefore expired.

In order to safely throw away a broken mirror, you must first collect all its pieces. Rinse them under cold running water to remove all your marks on it. It is very important after this procedure not to look at your reflection and try not to be reflected in the fragments at all, since you will again leave a piece of yourself inside.

Wrap the remaining mirror in a thick cloth and then safely throw it away.

Is it possible to sell a mirror using feng shui?

Selling a mirror is a very risky step, because while it is in the house, it becomes saturated with your energy and the energy of all family members who were reflected in it, so experts do not recommend doing this.

A mirror can be used both against you and against the person who buys it.

If you do decide to sell a mirror from your home, follow the disposal instructions - wash the mirror surface with cold water, and then wrap it in a cloth.

This will at least wash away your energy a little.

As noted above, a mirror opposite the window is not the best idea for placing this powerful energetic piece of furniture in the house. Therefore, try to avoid the mirror reflecting the window or door. This rule especially applies to the front door.

It is also important to ensure that other reflective surfaces (for example, tiles or a mirror vase, etc.) follow these rules. It is especially bad if the reflective surface of any object greatly distorts reality, then the negative effect of incorrect placement can be even greater.

Avoid decorating your home with items and decor that are overly reflective or shiny. Traditionally, Feng Shui avoids glossy and mirror surfaces.published

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is a key point of philosophical teaching. It attracts, transmits and distributes qi energy. Entering a house, a person lets an energy flow into it, which is subsequently distributed throughout all rooms. But he will be completely uncomfortable in a cramped and cluttered hallway. It can easily be converted into negative and will go through all rooms with this quality. Efforts to arrange the entrance will be in vain, and residents will be haunted by fatigue and apathy.

The mirror is a mysterious object that can illusorily recreate the missing space

A mirror is a mysterious object that can illusorily recreate missing space. In order to direct the energy flow in the right direction, you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. You cannot take mirrors from loved ones or friends, or buy them from acquaintances. They have already accumulated enough negativity, which will negatively affect not only the interior of the home, but also the well-being of household members
  2. The surface of the mirror must be kept perfectly clean. Dust and pollution will disturb the balance of the home and increase problems
  3. Engravings and inscriptions must also be absent. Information from the surface of the mirror will be transmitted distorted and the energy will be distributed incorrectly
  4. Surfaces must be free of cracks, amalgam damage and broken frames. Energy will flow through them
  5. Frames must be metal or wood. You should avoid mirror tiles and panels. They negatively affect qi energy
  6. Fragmented surfaces cannot be used. They will divide the reflection into pieces, separate them visually

Decorating the hallway according to the rules of Feng Shui

Mirrors should not be placed opposite windows if there are any in this room. They are not found in standard apartments, but in individual buildings such planning of the hallway is possible.

Use of mirrors

Feng Shui Mirror is a special item that should be used with caution. The use and correct placement of mirrors in the apartment. A mirror is not always and not everywhere good.

Let's first look at its properties:



Recreates missing space

Creates the illusion of a large room

Redistributes Qi flows

A mirror can be a great corrective tool. Qi energy is drawn to the water and moves after it. And if we keep the bathtub and toilet open, then all our good luck flows into the sewer.

The best remedy in this case is mirrors, large mirrors (the size of a door), hung on the outside and inside of the bathroom door. On the one hand, the mirror reflects Qi, preventing it from flowing out of our home, and on the other hand, it does not allow negative energy from the toilet and bath to enter our home.

But it often happens that the toilet is located opposite the front door or the door to another room, then a large mirror is contraindicated. The mirror opposite the front door will reflect the incoming Chi back to the street.

If your toilet and entrance doors are opposite each other, hang small round mirrors (d = 5-6 cm) on the outside and inside of the bathroom door at the navel level of the main family member. The product is very effective.

A mirror can visually expand the space, complementing missing corners, but from the point of view of Feng Shui, this is only a visual effect, although this technique can work if you believe in it.

Do not use mirror tiles, as they symbolically cut the reflection and the people reflected in it. A good mirror is of such a size that a person is completely reflected in it and still has a little space above his head (this is growth potential).

Heads and legs cut off with a small mirror lead to diseases of these parts of the body.

The Bagua Mirror is a round mirror (straight, concave or convex) surrounded by a ring of early sky trigrams, a very powerful Feng Shui protective tool.

The idea is that with the help of a mirror you attract a negative object and hold it with the help of the forces of nature, since the early sky bagua symbolizes the protective forces of nature.

In early sky bagua, the trigram "Father" sky, three solid lines, the strongest yang is located at the top, and the trigram "mother" earth, three broken lines, the strongest yin is located at the bottom. In the late sky Bagua, the trigrams are arranged in a different order and do not have protective properties. But the bagua mirror greatly offends the one at whom it is directed.

Therefore, the Chinese try to use it only to protect against negative forms and never point it at neighboring houses or neighbors’ windows. Instead of a bagua mirror, you can use auspicious animals: Kirina or turtle. These animals can also protect against the influence of negative forms, spirits, etc.

With the help of mirrors, you can redistribute energy in space and direct the flow of Qi in the direction you need. For example, opposite the front door you have a kitchen, and on the right is a corridor leading to the living room and living rooms.

Surely, in such an apartment, all the guests first go to the kitchen to eat something, and it is difficult to gather them all in the living room. This is not surprising, since qi, upon entering the apartment, also rushes straight to the kitchen and reluctantly turns into the living corridor.

Hang a large mirror on the wall perpendicular to the wall with the front door on the left side so that the mirror reflects the corridor leading to the living room and living rooms.

In this way, the flow of Qi will be redirected towards the living rooms and, perhaps, you and your guests will eat less.

Mirrors in the bedroom are acceptable as long as they do not reflect sleeping people. If a sleeping couple is reflected in the mirror, then other sexual partners will interfere with their relationship.

The mirrors in the bathroom are very good. Let there be more space.

Mirrors in the kitchen are used in two places:

1. So that the table with food is reflected, then the family’s wealth doubles

2. So that the housewife, looking in the mirror, sees everyone entering the kitchen, then she will feel calmer and more confident.

Mirrors are perfectly acceptable in the living room. It’s very good if you have a beautiful landscape outside your window and you hang a mirror on the wall adjacent to the window so that all the beauty outside the window is reflected in it.

If there is a dump outside the window, then with the help of a mirror you will attract this garbage dump into your home.

Always remember the rules for placing mirrors in the apartment:

1. Do not hang mirrors in front of doors and windows

2. The main member of the family should be fully reflected in the mirror

3. A mirror in front of the bed is unacceptable.

4. Don’t point the bagua mirror at your neighbors

5. Let only pleasant things be reflected in mirrors