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Phlox planting in the ground. Growing phlox in the garden. Phlox divaricata

Phlox are herbaceous crops belonging to the cyanaceae family. The plant genus consists of 85 species and over 400 varieties of bright flowers.

Translated into Russian, phlox means “flame”. The plant received such an unusual name due to the fact that the first wild species of phlox had a bright red hue.

General information

The birthplace of the culture is considered to be North America, which is distinguished by its harsh climate, thanks to which phloxes have become tenacious and unpretentious. Almost all plant varieties are perennials. However, among them there are annuals and subshrubs.

Phloxes have a lush, compact and bushy form, and thanks to their abundant and long-lasting flowering, they have become the favorites of many gardeners and the decoration of most garden plots.

Phlox varieties with photos and names

- an early flowering, light-loving variety of crop with lush and abundant flowering. Phlox bushes are not tall, lush with dense branching. The leaf blades are dark green, narrow, subulate. The inflorescences are large, of different shades. The flowering time of the crop occurs in May and lasts until the end of June.

- is a bright and beautiful shrub plant that blooms from June until the first frost. Phlox inflorescences have a variety of shades - from purple to yellow. The plant is divided into two varieties: star-shaped and large-flowered.

– the time of flowering of the plant occurs in mid-summer. This variety of phlox is used by breeders to develop new varieties. The paniculate phlox bush is compact, with dense foliage and large, bright inflorescences of various shades.

– this crop is of medium size and reaches a height of up to 40 centimeters. Phlox bushes have woody stems and dense, dark green foliage. The flowering time of the crop is in spring. Phlox inflorescences are blue or lilac. After flowering, seeds are not formed.

– this variety is compact and reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters. The leaf blades are long, dark green with pointed ends. The inflorescences are medium white in color with greenish spots towards the center. The petals overlap to form round, dense, spherical inflorescences. Phlox blooms in mid-summer and is resistant to diseases and pests.

The culture reaches a height of up to 55 centimeters and has green, elliptical leaf blades with a pointed end. The inflorescences are bright pink with red streaks closer to the center of the flower. During flowering, the flowers form dense balls with a pleasant aroma and extraordinary decorative effect. The flowering time of the crop lasts from July to October.

– the phlox bush reaches a height of up to 75 centimeters. The leaf blades are green, with a slight burgundy tint. The inflorescences are large, soft pink with a bright center and curly edges. The flowering time of the crop lasts from June to September.

– the bush reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters and has a diameter of up to 4 centimeters. The stems are compact, branched and not tall. The leaves are dark green, lanceolate. The inflorescences are hemispherical, scarlet in color with a pleasant aroma. Phlox blooms from July to September.

– an erect bush, characterized by compactness. It reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. The leaves are dense, dark green, pointed. The inflorescences are spherical, large, dense, light pink in color with grayish-white strokes in the middle. The culture blooms from July to September.

– this variety of phlox is considered one of the most exotic. It was released in 2016. The bush is compact and reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. The leaf blades are dark green, elliptical with a pointed end. The inflorescences are spherical, lush yellow-green. Since the buds do not fully bloom, it seems as if the phlox is double. Flowering time lasts from mid-summer to early autumn.

This variety is medium in size and has fragrant bluish-purple inflorescences. Phlox reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters and a width of up to 60 centimeters. The leaf blades are dark green, elliptical in shape with a pointed end. The flowering time of the crop falls in July and lasts until the end of August.

– this variety is characterized by winter hardiness and resistance to many ailments. It reaches a height of 90 centimeters and has lignified branches. The inflorescences are round-conical purple in color with a bright purple star-shaped center. Phlox blooms from July to August.

– Compact bush with strong, woody branches. The leaf blades are dark green, elliptical with a pointed end. Inflorescences are round-conical, dense. The flowers are salmon-colored with a white center and a purple center. Flowering time occurs in July and lasts until August.

- a rather capricious variety. The height of the bush is up to 80 centimeters and the width is up to 60 centimeters. The leaves are green, long with a sharp tip. The inflorescences are large, spherical with white and pink stripes. Flowering periods last from July to August.

– the bush reaches a height of 70 centimeters, has strong stems with dense foliage. Purple inflorescences with diamond-shaped petals. They are distinguished by their hemispherical shape, density and pleasant aroma. Flowering time lasts from June to August.

This perennial plant reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters and has woody, densely leafy branches. The inflorescences are spherical, velvety, dark purple in color with a persistent, sweet, pleasant aroma. Flowering time is from July to August.

– a herbaceous perennial, characterized by compactness, strength and dense foliage. The bush reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters. The leaf blades are long, dark green with a sharp tip. The inflorescences are spherical, white-violet, with a raspberry center and a pleasant aroma. The crop blooms from July to August.

- is a tall, durable, compact perennial with purple shoots and dark green leaf blades with a purple tint. The bush reaches a height of 80 centimeters. The inflorescences are spherical, bright crimson, star-shaped and have a pleasant aroma. The variety blooms from mid-July to the end of August.

– the culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, frost resistance and abundant flowering. The plant reaches a height of up to 70 centimeters and has dense, dark green foliage. The inflorescences are burgundy with light lighter touches. Flowering time lasts from July to August.

– the plant reaches a height of up to 100 centimeters, has strong, woody shoots and dense, dark green foliage. The inflorescences are large, spherical, dense, strawberry in color with a light center. The flowering time of the crop lasts from July to September.

– the variety is winter-hardy and reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters. The leaf blades are dark green, elliptical with a pointed edge. The inflorescences are hemispherical, white with crimson stripes on the leaf blades and have a pleasant aroma. Flowering time lasts from July to September.

Phlox planting and care in open ground

In order for phlox to grow normally, develop and bloom luxuriantly, they should be planted in a well-lit bed. In addition, it must be protected from drafts and wind, since the plants are quite thermophilic.

If the selected variety prefers shade, then it should be planted under bushes or trees. Light-loving varieties must be planted in the sunny part of the garden, as a lack of light will lead to the appearance of small and rare buds and their paleness.

You cannot plant phlox in lowlands and in areas with close groundwater. It is best if the bed is located on a hill.

The soil for planting plants should be nutritious and loose. Preference should be given to slightly acidic or neutral loams. Plants will feel perfect in them.

Most often, cuttings are used for planting phlox, which are planted in the garden bed in late April - early May. Also, some gardeners root them in September, in which case the young plants will bloom next spring. When choosing autumn planting, you do not need to wait until frosts begin. It is very important to plant phlox so that they have time to take root before the first cold snap. If these conditions are not met, the flowers will simply freeze.

There are also gardeners who plant phlox in the summer. However, it should be taken into account that this method is very problematic and labor-intensive, since the seedlings will need to be constantly monitored and the soil not allowed to dry out.

When planting phlox in the garden in the spring, you need to adhere to the following rules. Cuttings should be planted in a prepared area, maintaining a distance of 30 centimeters between bushes. However, if the varieties are tall, then they need to be planted at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other, as they will need a lot of space when growing.

Immediately after planting, you need to water the young phlox well. Abundant watering should also be provided for the first couple of weeks to allow the plants to take root and grow faster.

Watering phlox

Phlox love moisture very much, so they should be watered regularly. However, it is worth considering that waterlogging can negatively affect plants and lead to their death. The soil in the bed with phlox should be constantly moist. If there is a lack of moisture, flowers will slow down and may stop blooming.

When watering, it is very important to apply water exactly at the root, without getting on the leaves and stems. In extreme heat, the crop should be watered in the morning and evening. Once a week after watering, the soil must be loosened and weeds removed.

Soil for phlox

As mentioned above, the soil for phlox should be loose and nutritious. It is best if it is slightly acidic or neutral loamy soil. When the soil becomes acidic, it should be limed.

The plant bed is usually prepared a year before planting. To do this, carefully dig up the ground by adding manure, wood ash and compost. If the soil is dense and clayey, then peat should be added to make it lighter. If the soil is too loose, you need to add turf and compost to it.

Phlox transplantation

Before replanting, you should prepare the bed in advance, dig it up and add the necessary components to the garden soil. Then you should dig up the bush, carefully shake off the root system from the ground and transfer the phlox to a new planting hole, taking care of drainage in advance. The bush must be placed vertically, with the roots straightened. Then the hole must be filled with soil, compacted, mulched with peat and watered.

The plant will need about a month to acclimatize. It is best to replant in the spring, so that the plant not only has time to take root during the summer season, but also acclimatizes better.

Kobeya is also a representative of the Sinyukhidae family. It can be grown when planted and cared for in open ground without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Feeding phlox

Phloxes are very fond of organic and mineral fertilizing, for this reason they should be applied 6 times per season, starting from May and ending in September.

  • The first feeding consists of organic matter , or rather, manure and wood ash diluted in water. You can also add ammonium nitrate to the solution.
  • The second feeding is also carried out with liquid manure. , but with the addition of superphosphate and potassium salt. A month later, organic fertilizers are applied again.
  • Autumn phlox should be fed phosphorus-containing and potassium fertilizers so that the plants overwinter safely.

Phlox blooming

The flowering of phlox depends on the variety. Some plants bloom from June to August, and others from June until the first frost. Inflorescences are usually spherical, hemispherical and spherical. They are distinguished by their density, pleasant aroma and extraordinary decorativeness, for which gardeners love phlox.

Colors can be completely different - from white to dark purple. In addition, there are bicolor and double crops, as well as phloxes, which change their shade depending on the time of day.

Pruning phlox

To rejuvenate the bush and give it the desired shape, it needs to be pruned from time to time. Before the onset of frost, you should cut off the entire above-ground part of the plants, leaving only 5 centimeters of shoots from the ground.

If a gardener wants to get low-growing and voluminous phlox bushes, he needs to pinch the tops of the plants from time to time, starting in May. However, it should be noted that such molding will delay the flowering process by a couple of weeks.

Preparing phlox for winter

To prevent phlox from freezing after pruning, with the onset of cold weather they should be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches.

The cover can be removed in the spring, when the threat of frost has passed.

Reproduction of phlox by layering

To propagate by layering, you should bend the lower shoots from the mother bush, press them to the ground and cover them with soil, while leaving the tops on the surface.

When they take root, they can be dug up and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Phlox propagation by dividing the bush

Bush division is a simple and not labor-intensive method. It can be produced both in spring and early autumn. However, spring transplantation is considered more successful.

This method of propagation can only be applied to adult phloxes that have reached the age of five. To carry out propagation, the bush should be carefully dug up so as not to damage the root system. Then you need to divide it into parts, carefully separating the root collars.

After the procedure is completed, the resulting divisions can be planted in a permanent place of growth.

Growing phlox from seeds at home

The seed method is the most time-consuming, so it is used extremely rarely. Seed material is sown in a container with soil using a mixture based on soil, sand and humus to a depth of 2 centimeters in early autumn.

The container with future plants is left outside, covered with dry leaves so that the seeds undergo natural stratification. In the spring, when it gets warmer outside, the container with the seeds should be brought indoors for the seeds to germinate.

After the seeds germinate and the young plants have several leaf blades, they can be transplanted into open ground.

Propagation of phlox by cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, you can use leaf, stem and root parts of the plant. To propagate the crop using root cuttings, in May the plant should be dug up, strong sections of the root system should be selected and divided into 5-centimeter sections. Then they need to be planted in a container with an earth-sand mixture at an angle.

In order for them to take root faster, they should be regularly moistened and the temperature in the room gradually increased, bringing it to 25 degrees. The resulting seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Stem cuttings

To prepare stem cuttings, you should take developed shoots and divide them into parts with two nodes. The top cut should be 3 centimeters higher than the first node, and the second cut should be under the second node.

In order for the cuttings to take root better, they should be placed in a root solution for an hour. The lower leaves must be removed, and a small cut must be made under the lower bud, and then planted in the ground for rooting.

For better germination, you need to cover the container with film and put it in a warm place to create a greenhouse effect. The rooting procedure can be carried out both in spring and autumn.

Leaf cuttings

Propagation using leaf cuttings is carried out in early summer. For this purpose, cut off the lower part of the stem with a leaf and a bud.

The resulting cuttings are buried 2 centimeters into the ground and germinated in a greenhouse, providing them with regular moisture and ventilation.

In the fall, the cuttings will germinate, and next spring they can be planted in open ground.

Diseases and pests

The most common pests that attack phlox are slugs, nematodes, earwigs and cruciferous flea beetles.

If the plant has been infected by nematodes, the flower will begin to dry shoots and curl inflorescences . To destroy the insect, you should cut off the affected parts of the crop and lime the soil. If phlox is severely damaged, in order to prevent its death, it is necessary to completely cut off the bush and use the root system for propagation by cuttings.

If the crop is attacked by caterpillars and slugs, they must be collected manually and destroyed. You can also treat phlox with special insecticides to combat these pests.

In addition to pests, the crop is susceptible to diseases such as phomosis, powdery mildew and spotting.

When a plant is infected with Phoma, it is observed yellowing and curling of leaf blades . In advanced cases, the foliage turns brown and the stems begin to crack . To eliminate this disease, the crop must be treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture four times, observing intervals between sprayings of a week.

A disease such as powdery mildew is a disease of fungal etiology and manifests itself white coating on leaf blades . To eliminate the disease, the plant can be treated with Bordeaux mixture or Fitoverm. To avoid this disease, young shoots should be sprayed with a weak solution of manganese in the spring.

For spotting, yellow and brown spots begin to appear on the leaf blades . To get rid of the disease, experienced gardeners advise treating the plant by spraying it with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


As you can see, growing phlox in your garden is not at all difficult.

If you follow all the rules for caring for a crop and choose the right place for planting it, then the bright spherical inflorescences will decorate the garden with their decorative effect and fill the air with a pleasant aroma until autumn.

​Similar articles​​it is necessary to systematically combat weeds, especially perennial ones. Weeds must be removed along with their roots, not only from the beds themselves, but also from the paths and passages between them.​ ​The second feeding is carried out in mid-May; it is best to feed with a solution of fermented mullein (1:15) or a solution of chicken manure (1:25), you can also feed with a solution of ammonium nitrate 20-30 g. for 10 liters of water.​​We monitor copyright infringement in relation to our materials, therefore the use of materials is permitted only with the written consent of the site administration.​ To prevent this from happening, you should sprinkle them with snow up to 65 cm thick, then they will withstand frosts down to -35°C. In the fall, even before frost, you can sprinkle them with fallen leaves.​ ​If the selection of varieties is made taking into account the height of the bushes, the color of the flowers and the flowering time of the phloxes, then the garden will delight with its beauty for five months.​During the season, it is necessary to fertilize phlox three times. The first one is produced in May. Take half a bucket of humus or compost, add one tablespoon of urea and mix thoroughly. All this is poured under the bush of the plant. The next group is loose-grass phlox. Their flowering begins a little later than that of groundcovers, but also early. These include, for example, splayed phlox. It blooms very luxuriantly, has a violet scent and, depending on the variety, different colors of flowers: white, violet, lilac. Spring planting, replanting and dividing begin after the soil has thawed. In central Russia this is the end of April - beginning of May. It is more reliable to navigate the timing by looking at the plants themselves. It is optimal to start work from the moment the shoots grow until they reach 10 cm in length. During this period it is still cool and the soil is well saturated with moisture. With an increase in average daily temperatures, phlox grow quickly and are more damaged during transplantation, which leads to a delay in flowering by 1.5 - 2 weeks and a reduction in its duration. ​It is advisable to prepare the soil in advance, for spring planting - in the fall, for autumn planting - at least 2 weeks in advance, so that it has time to settle well. The area is first cleared of debris and perennial weeds. Coarse river sand, compost, lowland peat, humus, lime (250-300 g/m2), and mineral fertilizers are added to heavy clay soils. The soil is dug up repeatedly, achieving a uniform fine-lumpy structure. Sandy loam needs to be made more moisture-intensive and nutritious. For this purpose, clay, turf soil, compost, humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the plantings.When choosing a place to plant phlox, Phlox is one of our favorite flower crops. It seems that these simple, but such cute flowers have always grown in our gardens. Rod​In autumn, as soon as the soil freezes​

- Third feeding of phloxes.​Caring for phlox plantings​

Phloxes are cut from mid-April to September. Cuttings of healthy plants are taken and planted in the soil at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other.

Nature takes good care of plants, and if you want to grow phlox in your garden or dacha, planting and care will be your responsibilities. In fact, phloxes are not capricious plants and grow well in any soil, but they bloom and grow well only in loose, sufficiently moist, breathable, nutritious soils.​

​During budding, a second feeding is done. One or two tablespoons of mineral fertilizer, which is intended specifically for flowering plants, are diluted in a bucket of water. The third feeding is carried out after the phloxes bloom; phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used for this. For example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted in a bucket of water, one tablespoon each.

The third group is bush phlox; they come in tall and short varieties. The first of them are the most popular with us. Phlox paniculata, for example, can be of various colors, and its flowers are collected in lush inflorescences. The white phloxes of this variety are especially beautiful.

In spring, phloxes are divided into larger parts. Before planting, it is better to store them in the refrigerator, and after planting, cover them with agril (lutrasil). In the spring, plants are more sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil and are susceptible to diseases. But at this time, almost all broken off parts (shoots, pieces of rhizomes), planted in the ground and covered with film or non-woven material, with sufficient moisture, take root.​

On clean sand, having determined the location and configuration of the flower bed, soil is selected over its entire area to a depth of 45-50 cm. The bottom is lined with clay with a layer of 15-20 cm. Then pour prepared fertile soil, compact it and water it abundantly. After this, the flower bed should rise above the surface of the site by approximately 15 cm.

​We should remember the growing conditions of their wild relatives. They are found in areas with a temperate, warm and very humid climate, where there is often no snow in winter and the average temperature is around +4OC. As a rule, these are meadows, river floodplains or forest edges, with loose, not overheated by the sun, moist soils with sufficient organic matter.​

​phlox​​at the very surface of the soil, cut off all phlox shoots. Cut stems are removed from plantings because pests or diseases may remain on them.​

The third feeding (at the beginning of June) is carried out with the same solution, but with the addition of 15-20 grams of potassium salt (or 20-40 grams of ash) per 10 liters of water.

​mainly comes down to applying fertilizers, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, pest and disease control. In spring, phloxes begin to grow early, so caring for phloxes should begin in early spring.​

​Dividing the bush is an easier way. Dividing and planting in the fall is allowed, but no later than mid-September, otherwise the plants simply will not take root. It is recommended to take cuttings and divide phloxes every 3-4 years.​

​To plant perennial bush phlox, choose areas in the garden that have a slight slope or with a completely flat surface so that melt or rain water does not stagnate for a long time. The height of the flower beds should not be more than 10-15 cm, and if groundwater passes almost at the very surface of the soil, the flower beds should be made a little higher. It is important that snow accumulates in the flowerbed with planted plants in winter, otherwise they will die.​

​The powerful root system, large mass of stems, leaves and flowers of phlox require a large amount of moisture. If there is not enough of it, then plant growth is weakened, the leaves turn yellow, and the flowers become smaller and pale, and cease to be bright.

​The spotted phlox is also tall. It is sometimes confused with paniculata. However, its inflorescences resemble the shape of a cylinder, the stems are covered with purple specks, and it blooms much earlier. Summer planting of flowering plants allows you to be absolutely sure of the variety of the plant. After which the inflorescences should be removed and the plants shaded. In hot, dry weather, they are watered and sprayed both in the evening and in the morning. For better survival, it is advisable to use drugs such as Epin, Kornevin according to the instructions.​

​When planting phlox in autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied directly to the root zone in holes, while nitrogen-containing and complete complex fertilizers are best used in the spring.​

​And what should be the growing conditions and the best location of phlox in our garden? One of the main requirements is the possibility of abundant watering of plants. Even in places with close groundwater, during periods of prolonged drought, phloxes suffer greatly from drying out. The second most important condition for their successful culture is high soil fertility.​

In areas with little snow in winter, above-ground stems should not be pruned in the fall. This work is postponed to early spring.​ ​ - Fourth feeding of phloxes.​

​Main biological features of phloxes​

​Growing phlox from seeds requires patience. You must first freeze them and sow them in winter in prepared soil, removing the snow. The seeds should be sprinkled with sand or prepared soil on top and covered with a layer of snow. Approximately 70% of the seeds germinate. In the spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place, but only when a couple of strong leaves appear. After 10 days they can be fed.

Phloxes bloom poorly and grow in heavily shaded places, and they prefer light. Under the canopies of large trees they are forced to fight for light, food and moisture. It is recommended to plant them among bushes - in light openwork partial shade. Choosing a good place to plant phlox and caring for them throughout their growth will allow you to get beautiful bushes with gorgeous flower heads.​

Of course, the amount of water that needs to be applied to phlox is not always the same; it depends on the soil and the weather. But on average it is recommended for 1 sq. m pour out one and a half to two buckets of water. In dry weather more is possible. By the way, if you need to transplant phlox in the summer, then the soil at the planting site must be very well moistened.

Everyone talks about the unpretentiousness of phlox, and yet in order for them to delight with the beauty and duration of their flowering, it is necessary to create good conditions for them. First of all, planting or replanting phloxes should be done on loose soil well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Two more important conditions: maintaining sufficient soil moisture and systematic fertilizing during the growing season.​


​How to choose planting material.​ Plantings can be located both in open areas and in partial shade. The best places will be protected by bushes or rare trees with light shade during hot afternoon hours, especially for dark-colored varieties. In such places, snow accumulates better, and phlox suffers less from sudden temperature fluctuations in winter.​

​It is necessary for more snow to accumulate above the phloxes in winter, because... in the north it helps to better protect them from frost, and in the south it increases soil moisture. The snow above the phloxes does not need to be compacted. The fourth feeding is carried out at the end of July with a solution of only mineral fertilizers: superphosphate 15-20 g, potassium salt 15-20 g. or ash 30-40 gr. For 10 liters of water.​

​, which, as already mentioned, consist in the superficial location of the root system of phlox and the annual increasingly higher location of growth buds - leave an imprint on their agricultural technology.​

Phloxes are beautiful flowering plants. There are about 70 different species, they differ in the color of the flowers. They have a wonderful subtle aroma and are easy to care for. In recent years, phlox has become very popular among gardeners.​

Phlox transplantation. Phlox transplant time

Bush phlox are fairly resilient plants, but their growth depends on the soil. It is very important to keep it moist throughout the growing season. Even on fertilized but dry soil, plants grow short, have few inflorescences, small flowers, bloom early and soon finish flowering.​

Phlox is a flame

​Phloxes should be watered using the sprinkling method, i.e. from a watering can, and not from a hose, because a stream of water washes away the soil from the rhizomes. Watering is usually done in the afternoon, towards evening, so that the water is absorbed into the soil and does not evaporate. After watering, the soil near the phloxes must be loosened so that a crust does not form.

​But first, about the landing site. Phlox love good lighting, but prefer diffused light to the open sun. It’s good when, during the hottest time of the day, shrubs and sparse trees shade a flower garden with phlox. These same plantings will protect the flowers from the cold wind, which is contraindicated for them, maintain soil moisture, and in winter protect the phlox from freezing.​

Main groups

​Low-growing and border varieties are planted at a distance of 35-40 cm. 6-7 plants can be planted per 1 m2. Medium-sized varieties with a height of 70-90 cm are placed at intervals of 50-55 cm. For tall phloxes with a height of 100-150 cm, the distance from each other should be at least 60-70 cm. However, in each specific case this depends on the planned duration of use. In private gardens, with proper agricultural technology, phloxes do not lose their decorative properties for 6-7 years. However, in each specific case it depends on the planned duration of their use. In private gardens, with proper agricultural technology, phloxes do not lose their decorative properties for 6-7 years. However, with a very high agricultural background, this period is reduced to 5 years, since the rhizome grows very quickly, depriving the center of the bush of nutrition.​

A standard division of phlox in the fall should have 2-3 thick stems, cut at a height of 5-10 cm (preferably with several healthy leaves), well-formed large renewal buds at their base. The roots should be healthy, shortened to 15 cm, and the skin on the stems should be rough and greenish. You cannot purchase rotten, dried out, small, broken, moldy cuttings without noticeable buds of renewal, with swollen, cracked stem bases. The plant must be provided with a label indicating the variety.​

It is desirable that the site has a slight slope, then during the period of melting snow and prolonged rains the plants will not be flooded with water. Slopes where the soil quickly overheats and dries out are unfavorable for planting. In addition, here phloxes suffer from the wind, and in winter, when snow blows off the slope, they can freeze out. Places under the crowns of trees with a shallow root system (birch, willow, poplar, spruce, old lilac bushes) are also not suitable.

​belongs to a relatively small family of cyanaceae

Where to plant?

​Talking about caring for phloxes, it is necessary to dwell on some features of caring for low ground cover phloxes (f. subulata, f. Douglas, f. boreasis).​

​In mid-August, you can give the fifth feeding with the same fertilizers as in the fourth feeding, but only for​

Phlox transplant time

In this regard, we must remember

Phloxes are one of the brightest and most diverse plants in the palette of inflorescences. These flowers came to us from the wild and became the best decoration of the garden. And with the arrival of autumn, it’s time to replenish the variety of phlox in the garden, and therefore planting phlox in the fall best helps them to take root.​

​To obtain a slightly acidic, almost neutral posture, favorable for phlox, it is recommended to add horse manure (semi-decomposed) or leaf humus, various composts, bone meal, saltpeter, superphosphate to them before planting (about 30% of its volume) and ash.​

Phlox propagate by layering, cuttings, seeds, and dividing the bush.

How to plant phlox correctly

​These plants can be planted or replanted in late spring, early autumn and even in summer (but not in hot weather).​

In mixed flower beds, the distance between plants can be reduced if non-aggressive perennials (anthemis, bluebells, cornflower, rudbeckia, aquilegia, basil, carnations, lychnis) are planted nearby. Daylilies, hosta, astilbe, peonies, clematis need a large feeding area, and when planted closely, phlox quickly lose their decorative effect. In shady areas, the distances between plants should be slightly increased.​

​A standard planting unit of phlox when sold in the spring should have 4-5 strong colored (not etiolated) shoots from 1 to 6 cm long with shiny healthy tissues and well-developed, healthy roots shortened to 10-15 cm. Withered, with darkened roots, with broken or thinned, elongated or discolored shoots, divisions represent poor-quality planting material.​

A flower garden with phlox can be arranged on the east, southeast, southwest and west sides of the house. Plants will feel worst against the northern wall and in the shade of coniferous trees. They can live in such conditions, but it will be impossible to achieve full flowering.​

Phlox care: fertilizing with fertilizers

​Late flowering varieties.​

Maintaining humidity is a must

​that loosening should be careful, watering and fertilizing should be regular, and for the winter the phlox bushes need to be slightly mulched and mulched.​

​Phlox is translated from Greek as flame. Indeed, the phlox bush remembers the bright flame of fire fluttering in the wind. Many inflorescences of a wide variety of colors are collected in one large head with an amazing smell. Phlox bloom all summer, until late autumn, thanks to which many gardeners create beautiful compositions with the help of phlox. Today, a large number of different forms and hybrid varieties of these wonderful plants are known. However, they all originated from unremarkable species of the Sinyukhov family. Almost all types of garden phlox are perennials, the care of which is very simple. In order for phlox to take root in the garden, you need to choose the right site and prepare the soil.​

​It is better to apply mineral fertilizers together with organic ones, and to a depth of no more than 25 cm. Sawdust, moldy horse manure, and shavings are not suitable as fertilizer, since pathogens of various fungal diseases can begin to develop in the soil, and a lot of energy is spent on the decomposition of shavings and sawdust. amount of nitrogen.​


The easiest way is to divide the bush. After all, phloxes are still replanted every 5-6 years, because the bushes grow and flowering weakens. Therefore, it is easy to combine these two procedures.​

In the fall, you cannot delay replanting because the plants will not have time to take root well before the onset of frost and will die. Transplanting phlox in the fall is most favorable in the period from the last ten days of August to mid-September, it is then that renewal buds are formed on the rhizome near the stems. In autumn, phlox should be planted with stems, but inflorescences and clusters with seeds should be cut off.


​In garden centers, phlox is sold in containers or colorful bags in peat and sawdust, which protect the plant's roots from drying out. The container option is preferable, but it must be borne in mind that what we receive from Europe are mostly outdated, often undecorative varieties. In addition, imported plants take longer to acclimatize in our conditions and acquire the qualities characteristic of the variety only for 2-3 years. As for the planting material in bags, it often turns out to be dry, very weak, or with buds that have already awakened and broken off. It is possible to obtain full-fledged plants from it only after 3-4 years. This requires constant care and attention, since weak planting material is susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks.​

​This cold-resistant crop is also stable in the harsh regions of the northern part of Russia with short summers. Here phloxes are placed in areas protected from cold winds and open on the south, southeast and southwest sides, in raised heated flower beds, with reliable winter shelter. Preference should be given to varieties with a shorter growing season, that is, early and mid-early, abandoning mid-late and late varieties.​


Decorating the garden plot with phlox

​(granddaughters of breeder P.G. Gaganov) - after the end of flowering of the ground cover phloxes, they must be pruned, cutting off the shoots by about 1/3 -1/4.​

​All three last feedings are given without the use of nitrogen.​


Phlox, as perennials, practically do not need replanting, so it is important to immediately choose a place in the garden where they will feel best. The best option is a loose piece of soil in an open space. Soils that can become acidic or flooded with water at certain periods of time are not suitable for phlox. Sandy soils prone to drying out are also not suitable. In such soils, the bushes remain stunted, turn yellow and do not bloom. In relation to light, phloxes are photophilous, so you should not plant them in shady areas of the garden, especially under the canopy of trees.​

Phlox in your garden

The phlox flower takes root well in the spring, and therefore you can plant it in the soil quite early, almost immediately after it thaws, in a place prepared in the fall. Planted bushes need to be well watered and the ground mulched with weathered peat or humus. For the first 2 weeks after planting, the plants need to be watered abundantly at least once every 2-3 days.​

Choosing a place for phlox in the garden, planting

​As soon as the phloxes need to be transplanted, the timing should be combined with the time of dividing the bush. However, they already coincide. The division of the bush is also carried out either in the spring (in May) or in the autumn (August - September).

​Late spring planting is fraught with the rapid onset of hot weather, which also will not give phlox the opportunity to develop well. Therefore, we must get down to business as soon as the ground thaws and is suitable for field work.​

Preparing the soil before planting phlox

​Before starting work, they make a breakdown on the surface of the prepared flower bed, that is, they determine the planting locations. The size of the planting hole should be larger than the root ball. The necessary fertilizers are placed at the bottom of the hole, mixed with soil and water is poured. If the plants are wilted, it is advisable to pre-soak them for several hours in solutions of growth stimulants. When planting, the roots are straightened to the sides and down. The rhizome is placed so that its top is 3-5 cm below the soil level. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

​The best planting material is obtained from cuttings in the second year of cultivation.​

​In the sharply continental climate of Siberia, the Altai Territory, and the Urals with cold, often little snow winters, phloxes are planted in well-lit, wind-protected places with the greatest accumulation of snow. For the winter, it is necessary to cover it with peat, sheets or non-woven material such as agril or lutrasil in several layers. In such areas it is also necessary to select varieties with earlier flowering periods.​

Planting phlox in spring

​and includes 50 species. Of these, the most common in culture

​It is more convenient to do this with a trimmer or bush shears. If the phloxes are very low, you can simply cut them with a lawn mower by raising the blades to the maximum height. The trimmings are raked with a fan rake with very light short movements so as not to tear the “turf”. In the same way, phloxes are cleaned in the fall during leaf fall and in the spring, when the snow melts.

Planting phlox in autumn

​Feeding should be done after rain or pre-watering.​

It is advisable to carry out this after each watering or weeding. When watering per sq. 15-20 liters of water are poured per meter.​

​The best time to plant phlox is early spring (April-May) and early autumn (late August - early September). Planting in spring begins very early, as soon as the ground thaws. The soil for planting phlox in the spring must be prepared in the fall - it must be loosened and fertilized with organic fertilizers. After planting plants in the spring, they need to be watered abundantly, since during the adaptation period they need increased moisture. As soon as the plants begin to grow, watering should be reduced slightly. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30-40 cm. Planting depth varies depending on the earthen ball with roots: the rhizome should be 3 cm below the surface in the soil.

Wintering phlox

​At first, phloxes take root, then they begin to grow intensively. It is recommended to feed them with a weak solution of slurry, mullein or ammonium nitrate (for 1 bucket of water - 20g of powder, for treating 1 m² of plantings). It is recommended to feed phlox bushes 3-4 times over the summer. Watering is carried out as necessary.

​Having chosen a bush, carefully dig it up, shake off the soil, and clean the root collars. Carefully, so as not to damage, we disassemble the roots that go to the stems and separate them from each other. Of course, if the bush is old, it will hardly be possible to do this. You need to take a knife or shovel and cut the delenka into several parts. Be sure to make sure that each part has eyes, roots and shoot buds.​

Finally, if you still need to replant phlox in the summer, then this should be done on a cloudy day, and the plant should be replanted with a large lump of earth.

Phlox propagation

​E. Konstantinov

​When to plant phlox.​

In the southern regions, for planting phlox, the most humid areas should be allocated, protected from drying winds in light partial shade, near trees, the wings of tall bushes, buildings, as well as near reservoirs. Here preference should be given to later varieties.

Phlox paniculata

Planting phlox in autumn

​If the turf of ground cover phlox is cut in this way, they can live for many years (up to 10 years or more). If the turf is not cut, then the long shoots will stretch to the sides, get tangled, and the lower ones may die.

​Since mid-August​

Selection of site and soil.

​In spring or early summer​


​Planting of phlox in the fall should be carried out at the optimal time; it should not be delayed, since late-planted plants do not have time to take root and freeze out in winter. Bushes for autumn planting are left with above-ground parts, shortening them. You shouldn't trim too much. Before planting, it is necessary to add root growth stimulants such as “Kornevin” to the soil. The roots should be carefully straightened. For the winter, the bushes can be covered with dry leaf litter and some containers.

​You can’t be late with planting phlox in the fall, otherwise the plants simply won’t have time to take root well enough. Plants are planted in soil with stems, after cutting off the top with inflorescences. It is not recommended to cut the stems to the very base. If desired, they can be made shorter after the first frost, since the leaves will no longer be alive.​

It is better to plant the separated parts of the bush immediately so that the roots do not dry out. The earthen lump should also not be shaken off completely. The plant takes root better if it is transplanted with a clod of earth. By the way, transplanting phlox in the fall requires cutting the stems to 2/3 or 1/3 of their height.​

Feeding and care.

​When planting, we must not forget that the root system of plants is branched and lies shallow, which means that the fertile soil from which the roots feed should also be in the top layer of soil.​

​(Based on materials from the magazine “Floriculture”, No. 4, 2002)​

​This can be done in spring, summer and autumn. Each term has its pros and cons.​

​How to properly prepare the soil.​

Caring for phlox plantings; fertilizing, watering, loosening, weeding

​(​ ​Such turf is short-lived, flowering quickly weakens. Some manuals recommend dividing these old phloxes every 3-4 years. Thus, the plants are saved, but their decorative properties are not restored immediately; at least a year is lost.​

Fertilizer fertilizing must be stopped so that the plants can finish growing before winter and do not allow secondary growth of side shoots. When watering, it is useful to add 2-3 grams of boric acid or several crystals of potassium permanganate to each bucket - these substances are used as microfertilizers.

​Do not plant phlox too deeply, since this type of planting creates a two-tiered root system and the growth of the above-ground part slows down greatly. Before planting, it is necessary to remove all rotten and damaged roots so that they do not become a source of infection for the plant. The area for planting phlox should be prepared in a couple of weeks by adding the mineral fertilizers listed above to the soil, with the exception of saltpeter - it is best used in the spring.

​Phlox propagation by layering is also not a particularly complicated procedure. Even before flowering begins, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground, secured and sprinkled with a mixture of peat and humus. In the fall, the independent plant formed from the stem is transplanted to a permanent place. Medium loamy, close to neutral, loose and moist soils are considered the best for phlox. If you have to plant phlox in heavy clay or sandy soil, then you need to initially dig a hole for planting deeper and fill it with coarse sand or clay to compensate, and then fertile soil, where you must add cow or horse manure, ash, leaf soil and mineral fertilizers. ​

Phloxes have been widely used for a long time. In Soviet times, it was hardly possible to find a flower garden near a house in which these unpretentious flowers of various colors did not grow. The emergence of new varieties in recent years has given a new impetus to their popularity. Moreover, propagation and replanting of phloxes is not very difficult. Autumn planting, as well as replanting and dividing phloxes of early, mid-early and mid-flowering periods, is best done starting from the end of August, after the plants have formed renewal buds. This work should be completed in late September - early October. Late flowering varieties are recommended to be planted from mid-September to early October or in spring. Phlox should take root well before frost sets in. This is facilitated by mulching the plantings with peat or other insulating material in October to maintain a higher temperature in the rhizome zone.​

Feeding phlox, time of fertilization

​One of the misconceptions is that phlox grows well in any soil and a fertile layer of soil 15 cm thick is enough for them. Every year these plants form many stems, leaves, and flower caps, consuming a lot of moisture and nutrients. If they are deficient, they will use up the reserves accumulated in the rhizomes for some time, and then begin to deplete, forming thin, low stems and small, sparse flowers.​ ​Phlox​

​N. Ya. Ippolitova​When choosing liquid fertilizers, preference should be given to organic fertilizers, as they provide significantly

- First feeding of phlox. Since phloxes are perennials, they should be fertilized. There is no need to apply fertilizer in the first year, since the soil was already fertilized when planting. Next year, phloxes need to be fertilized. Fertilization is carried out in 3 stages - at the end of May, June and July. Organic fertilizers such as mullein are optimally suited for these purposes. You can also resort to fertilizer with saltpeter, but it is not advisable. Fertilizers are usually applied after rain or heavy watering of the area with flowers.​

​If you bought phlox in mid-autumn - in October or later, the bushes are dug (not planted!) into the soil to a depth of about 25 cm. The place for digging should be protected from strong cold winds. After the soil freezes, the seedlings need to be covered with peat and a dry leaf. When to replant phloxes and how to do it, it is now known. Now you need to decide how the phlox bushes will fit into the landscape design of the existing site.​

When planting a plant, you need to make sure that the root collar is a few centimeters below ground level.

​This is how the word Phlox is translated from Greek into Russian. Apparently, due to the bright red color of the flowers of wild species.​

​Plants adapt faster to a new location if the leaves are still on the stems. Autumn planting, carried out at the optimal time, allows you to get full-fledged lush flowering next year. In autumn, planting time (35-40 days) is much longer than in spring (10-12 days).​

Medium loamy, fertile, loose and moist soils close to neutral (pH 5.5-7.0) are considered the best for phlox. The development and flowering of plants has a very beneficial effect on the application of decomposed horse or cow manure, composts, leaf soil and ash in combination with mineral fertilizers and organic mixtures.​

​paniculata),​​, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences​

​best result. Organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied at the base of the bush, without dousing the leaves. After feeding, water the plants with just water to wash away fertilizers from the leaves and stems, which can cause burns to the plants.​

​Early in the spring, perhaps in the snow, the first fertilizing is carried out. It consists of 30-35 gr. ammonium nitrate, 50-60 gr. superphosphate, 40-60 gr. wood ash. This amount of fertilizer is applied per square meter. meter. If there is no snow on the site, then the fertilizer must be loosened to a depth of 3-5 cm.​

Phlox are very demanding when it comes to watering. They need to be watered at least twice a week, and only in the afternoon, when the heat subsides. After every 2-3 waterings, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil. Unfavorable natural conditions mean that phloxes can die in winter; these are winters with little snow, accompanied by severe frosts. If the snow thickness is small (less than 25 cm), the growth buds die; if the air temperature is around -15°C for 10-15 days, the rhizome freezes at a temperature of -20-25°C.​

​It depends on the variety. For example, subulate phlox is more suitable for alpine slides. But paniculata phlox can be used both as single plantings and in a group with other flowers. It can be either in the background, shading the planting of annual flowers, or together with perennial flowers: carnations, bells, rudbeckia and others.​ ​After finishing planting, the phlox should be watered, at least one and a half to two liters of water per bush. . Then, regular watering should be continued every 2-3 days for two weeks. When the plants are well established and begin to grow, you can reduce the amount of watering, but you need to mulch the ground around the planted phloxes with humus or sawdust.​

Phloxes are perennial plants of the cyanaceae family. They appeared in Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to selection, today there are about 1,500 varieties of phlox and about 60 species. The classification also divides phloxes into groups.

If the plants were obtained only at the end of October - November, they should be buried until spring. In this case, the bases of the stems with renewal buds are sprinkled with soil to a depth of 10 cm, and the burial site is marked. With the onset of stable frosts, phloxes are covered with peat, sheets or non-woven covering material in several layers, then with snow. In the spring, as soon as the soil thaws, the plants are dug up, trying not to break off the fragile shoots that are still growing.

Features of caring for low ground cover phlox

The root system of phlox is powerful, branched, reaching a depth of 25-30 cm. The bulk of the feeding roots are located in the soil layer up to 20 cm, so the area is cultivated to the depth of a spade bayonet, that is, approximately 30 cm.

​more precisely, numerous varieties and hybrids obtained on its basis, of which there are about 400.​​Return - to contents - Literature​

​On phlox plantings​

- Second feeding of phloxes.

Phloxes are bright, fiery bouquets in your garden. Take proper care of them, and they will decorate not only your garden, but also your life.​

​There are quite warm winters when snow fell in November, but melted in December or January, and then the cold came again down to -20°C. Left without snow cover, the plants begin to germinate during the thaw period and immediately die. When choosing varieties of phlox, it is better to give preference to domestic ones, which are more adapted to our climatic conditions. Moreover, there is a wide variety of these varieties.

​Although it is generally accepted that phloxes are unpretentious flowers, good care for them significantly improves their decorative qualities: the bush becomes more powerful, the flowers are larger, and the flowering period increases. If you carry out proper annual fertilizing, maintain the necessary soil moisture, and mulch it in a timely manner, then replanting phloxes will not be necessary for 5 to 10 years.​

Ground cover phloxes are the earliest flowering among them. For example, phlox subulate begins to bloom in May. It is called so because of the leaves, which have an awl-shaped shape. This group also includes phloxes of Douglas, lovely, Rugelli.​

Due to the fact that phlox is unpretentious, and their flowering and pleasant aroma are attractive, many summer residents plant these plants in their gardens. These flowers got their name due to their bright color, so similar to a flame. This is how the word “phlox” is translated from Greek. But, despite the fact that these flowers are not capricious, they make their own demands when planted in open ground. Caring for phlox in the spring also provides some rules.

Varieties of phlox

In total there are 65 varieties of this plant, and according to the structure of the stem they are divided into erect, creeping and ascending. Planting and caring for phlox in the spring depends on the amount of free space in the country house. If there is enough of it, then you can plant creeping species that, like a multi-colored carpet, will cover the ground.

Phloxes have the amazing ability to adapt to external conditions. This type of plant has not yet been fully classified, since it can be found both in the harsh conditions of Alaska and in the hot desert and humid climates of North America.

Most phlox - and in their appearance they differ only due to where they grow. For example, low-growing, moss-like phlox grows on mountain slopes and blooms in the spring.

There are species of this plant that prefer moist forests, and there are those that love sandy soil and sun. Naturally, it depends on the variety in which part of the garden and how to plant phlox in the open ground in the spring. Most often, summer residents plant shrubs that do not take up much space, but produce lush inflorescences with many flowers and a delicate aroma.

Place for planting phlox

To enjoy the flowering of your flowerbed for as long as possible, you should determine in advance where and how to plant phlox in the spring and prepare the soil:

  • The flowerbed should be protected from cold winds in winter. Although phlox are frost-resistant plants, it would be a pity to lose them due to a frosty and snowless winter with a chilly wind. They love to be covered in snow during frosty weather.
  • The site should have some shade in the midday heat, for example, from fruit trees. This will protect them from burnout. In the sun, these flowers feel good, but their flowering time is somewhat shortened, so feeding phlox in the spring is mandatory.

  • The flowerbed should have access to watering or be located in a wetter part of the garden. If they are exposed to the sun for a long time without proper moisture, their lower leaves turn yellow and the inflorescences become small and faded.

If the summer is hot, it is better to water in the evening.

Soil selection and preparation

To have a brightly blooming flower bed with phlox, it is better to prepare the ground for planting them in advance. Caring for phlox in the spring is not too burdensome if everything has been done correctly in the fall. Since these plants have shallow roots and they are distributed in the arable layer of the soil, it is enough to add 2 buckets of humus with 1 tbsp. ash and mineral fertilizers per 1 m 2 during the autumn digging of the earth.

If the soil in the garden is clay, then it is better to add river sand to it, which will allow it to retain moisture during the hot summer. If the soil, on the contrary, is sandy, then you should add dry clay, ground to a powdery state.

It is also important to ensure that there is no stagnation of water in the soil before planting, otherwise the plants will die. To make it easier to care for phlox in the spring at your dacha, you can build an artificial hill or mound of soil and plant a flower bed on it. It is recommended to plant in April or early May; it can also be done at the end of August and September.

Propagation of phlox from seeds

It is good to plant annual varieties of this plant from seeds. For perennial species, this method of reproduction is unacceptable, as they most often do not retain their ancestral characteristics.

Phlox seeds should not be buried in containers for seedlings; it is enough to place them on top of the ground and cover them with film, providing good lighting. You can also use peat tablets.

Caring for phlox in the spring when growing seedlings requires daily spraying of the seeds and shaking the resulting condensate from the film. When sprouts appear, you can lightly add soil. It is best to plant seedlings at the end of March.

The risen sprouts can be transplanted in May, keeping a distance of 15-20 cm between them, which will provide them with enough space to form a lush inflorescence.

Propagation of phlox by roots

For perennial phlox species, root propagation is used. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to prepare the holes for the new “tenants” in advance. The plant can be divided both in spring and autumn. It is important to remember that in this case, phlox feeding in the spring is placed immediately in the prepared hole for the new plant.

Rhizomes can be divided in adult plants that are from 3 to 5 years old. They should be carefully dug up, the stems should be cut to 10 centimeters and the rhizome should be cut into several parts with a sharp knife. The soil in the holes must be moistened. The roots of the plant must be carefully distributed over the hole and then covered with earth. If the procedure is carried out in the fall, then next year the new seedlings will produce lush inflorescences.

Phlox can also be propagated by axillary shoots that form on the plant from July to mid-August. The shoot must be carefully broken off, leaving 1-2 internodes on it. Caring for phlox in the spring is the same, even if they were transplanted from cuttings in the fall. The main thing is to cover them from frost for the winter, then the flowering in the spring will be lush and bright.

Feeding and watering phlox

Phlox are very grateful plants, as they are not too demanding to care for. They respond with good growth and beautiful inflorescences even with minimal effort from their admirers.

Phlox feeding is carried out by adding humus or mineral fertilizers in the spring. They respond well to watering them with urea, and you can also pour in mown grass or bird droppings, let them ferment and water the plants.

It is important to loosen the soil, especially during the flowering period of phlox. As they appear, phloxes should be freed from weeds.

In hot summers, it is better to water the flowers additionally, especially in the evening, without allowing the soil to dry out. To avoid overheating, it is best to plant plants on the east, west or southwest side of the house or plot.

For northern territories with a continental climate, it is better to plant phlox on the side of the site protected from the wind, where there is a lot of light. Thus, caring for phlox in the spring in the Urals will be reduced to a minimum if you select a suitable place in advance and “feed” it.

Subulate phlox

The most common type of phlox that summer residents prefer to plant is the awl-shaped variety. It can grow even under the most unfavorable conditions, but for beautiful flowering and a bright aroma it is better to create an earthen hill with a good drainage of melt water.

Caring for awl-shaped phlox in the spring is not burdensome, but you still need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water on the ground, loosen the soil and carefully weed the weeds. These are the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which guarantees up to 5 years of dense and fragrant flowering.

Pests and diseases of phlox

Phlox rarely get sick, but still, if the flower bed is planted in the shade, they may develop rust. If a plant has been infected by a stem nematode, it urgently needs to be dug up before it spreads to neighboring phloxes.

Phlox decorate gardens with a variety of colors and shades. More than 60 types allow you to decorate areas in an unusual way. You should not propagate them in the summer, as they do not take root well. In contrast, planting phlox in the fall allows you to speed up flowering the following year.

Advice from experienced flower growers on how to plant plants in open ground, prepare the soil, fertilize and help the flower survive the winter will be useful to every gardener.

Features of planting in autumn

When to plant perennial phlox? Phlox are perennials that bloom luxuriantly for several years, but over the years the flowers become smaller, and the bush requires rejuvenation or replanting. Many gardeners like to experiment and change the appearance of their plot in spring or autumn. But at the end of summer, new ideas arise: what to change, what plants and colors to add. Therefore, transplantation of phloxes to another place is organized.

Despite the fact that this is a rather unpretentious flower, planting phlox in the fall has its own characteristics and some advantages:

  1. The bush does without additional watering. As a rule, autumn rains are quite enough for rooting.
  2. In autumn there is a longer period, which promotes vegetation and rooting and is equal to 30–40 days. In spring, flower growers use only two weeks.
  3. Plants planted during this period bloom the following summer. In contrast, spring propagation delays flowering in the first year.
  4. After flowering, it is easier to determine which varieties will be added or removed to create a unified image of the site.
  5. Plants obtained from cuttings take root better.

Based on these factors, it becomes clear that replanting plants in open ground in the fall is not only possible, but also provides a number of advantages. If certain agricultural technology tips are followed, better reproduction is obtained.

How to choose healthy planting material

Types of phlox

There are also popular varieties: Twilight, Karl Foster, Childhood, Smoky Coral, Ural Rocks, etc. Basic parameters of planting material:

  • rough stem skin;
  • two thick, developed stems;
  • large basal buds;
  • absence of rot and mechanical damage;
  • divisions with strong roots.

Preparation for landing

The roots are trimmed (about 15 cm are left). If the bush is replanted with an earthen clod, the phlox (color top) is trimmed. At least three intact leaves are left on the trunk, this helps prepare the plant for wintering.

Planting dates in autumn

Early and mid-blooming phlox begin to prepare for reproduction at the end of August. During this period, the renewal buds are already formed and the flower does not die after transplantation. When to replant late-blooming phlox? The bushes are moved to a new place in the second ten days of September.

Selecting a location

It is advisable to grow phlox in a loose, fertile area. Loamy soil with a neutral (or close to it) acidity level is suitable for them. Features of improving the structure of the earth are described in the next paragraph.

Soil preparation

Planting phlox and landscape design begins with choosing a site, which is prepared in advance, about a couple of weeks before the planned planting. It needs to be dug up so that the earth has time to settle and the flowerbed does not turn out to be buried in comparison with the rest of the area.

It is necessary to dig up the area to a depth of at least 35 cm, since the rhizome is located in the soil at a depth of 20 cm. Remove debris, plant roots, and perennial weeds. For this use:

  • compost;
  • coarse river sand;
  • aerated peat;
  • ripe humus (preferably made from leaves).

The approach to sandy soil is different. It is necessary to improve the structure, moisture capacity, and make the soil nutritious; for this purpose, clay, turf soil, lime or wood ash, and mineral fertilizers are added during the digging process.

Step by step planting process

Prepared planting material is planted according to the chosen scheme. The distance is selected depending on the size of the adult plant.

Detailed instructions for the sequence of work:

  • a hole is dug of such an area that all the roots can be freely placed in it;
  • a layer of river sand is poured onto the bottom, this will improve drainage;
  • the top of the root is approximately 5 cm from the ground level, otherwise the rhizomes may freeze. With deeper placement, the development of the above-ground part slows down, since the root system is formed in two tiers;
  • the hole is watered abundantly with water, a handful of humus, wood ash + phosphorus fertilizers (1 tbsp) are poured into it. Planting material is placed in liquid soil;
  • The top is covered with excavated soil. There is no need to water additionally;
  • the earth is compacted and leveled, the created flowerbed should be 15 cm high.

In autumn, only potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Complex mixtures containing nitrogen are applied in the spring until May.

Expert advice! “Fresh manure cannot be used. The bush grows powerful foliage, but will not bloom.”

Competent feeding

Fertilizing in the fall is required. Complex fertilizer mixed with ash is scattered over frozen soil. In spring, a solution of mineral fertilizer (10 g per bucket of water) increases the intensity and duration of flowering.

Basic methods of reproduction

Plants are propagated in two ways: by dividing the bush and cuttings. In the first case, the adult plant is dug up completely. Using a sharp, clean knife, cut the rhizome to obtain complete planting material. The cut site is treated with ash, dried a little and only then planted in the chosen place. Otherwise, the root will rot or the plant will become sick.

The second way is that:

  1. the stem is cut from an adult healthy bush;
  2. cuttings no longer than 15–20 cm are cut;
  3. treated with a preparation that promotes the formation of roots and planted in a mixture of loamy soil and peat soil;
  4. Regular watering is organized to keep the soil moist;
  5. The cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

How to carry out regular care

Care in the spring after winter consists of fertilizing, watering, loosening the soil, and controlling pests and diseases. Planting phlox in the fall, including proper care, is not complete without watering. Phlox are plants that are afraid of both lack of moisture and excessive watering. Heavy daily dew can damage the flowers, but not provide the necessary moisture to the entire bush.

If there is not enough liquid, the root begins to dry out. To preserve precious moisture, loosening should be kept to a minimum. And in order not to damage the roots, flower growers mulch the bud around the bushes. This agrotechnical method preserves rain moisture, the soil does not become compacted, and the flower develops and blooms well.

Pruning phlox or puncturing involves regularly tearing off shoots of the plant. This technique delays the flowering period and promotes the formation of additional lateral shoots, since seed ripening is prevented by removing inflorescences and flowers. As a result, conditions are created for continued flowering.

There are two types of pruning. First: the stems are cut 5 cm from the soil surface, this allows nutrients to accumulate in the rhizome and protect them during frosts. The second method: cut off the above-ground part at soil level, which becomes a good prevention of fungal diseases.

Diseases and treatment

In spring, phloxes are affected by diseases and pests of flowering plants, as a result of which their decorative properties deteriorate. Often the cause is poor-quality fertilizers and planting material, placement in partial shade. Flowers suffer from: phomosis, leaf spot, powdery mildew, phlox nematode. This is especially evident in the spring-summer season with low temperatures and high humidity in June and July.

The most common is powdery mildew, which looks like cobwebby spots that affect the leaves. The disease begins to spread from the soil and eventually affects the entire flowering bush. As soon as affected areas are identified, they need to be cut off. Such systemic protection gives the desired result.

However, if treatment is delayed, a diseased plant infects others, which eventually die, so it is important to treat not only the bushes with fungicides, but also the ground around them, this will contribute to treatment and restoration of decorative properties. On a plant infected with a nematode, the leaves become thin and ribbon-shaped; it is better to remove such a plant along with its roots.

After this, you need to withstand a certain period - 3 years. Phlox and perennial flowers of this family cannot be planted in such a flower garden.

Every year in October, the land is treated with fungicides that kill pathogenic spores. This is also important to do in the spring, when the spores awaken.

Careful preparation for winter

To prevent the death of planting material, gardeners protect plantings from frost. For this purpose, rotted sawdust, various bulk materials of organic origin, and peat are used. They increase the temperature in the root zone and prevent freezing.

After the snow melts, the mulch is immediately removed, which allows access to the sun's rays, promotes good soil heating and the rapid appearance of leaves. In the future, the stems are cut off annually before wintering; this will prevent the bush from fungal diseases.

Florist advice! “Under no circumstances should they use plastic film or roofing felt; they do not allow air to pass through and provoke the death of the plant, since the roots are damped out.”

Common mistakes when growing

Despite the fact that phloxes are not exotic plants, the following problems arise:

  • High humidity attracts slugs, which eat the plantings. The fight comes down to using lime and wood ash around the bushes, which destroy slugs;
  • planting in an inappropriate location, strong shade or in a wetland. In the first case, the bush blooms weakly. In the second, the rhizomes rot and die;
  • excess mineral fertilizers or application of manure. The plant “fattens”, grows a huge mass of leaves and refuses to bloom;
  • deep planting of rhizomes also delays the flowering period;
  • untimely replanting of the plant provokes oppression of the plant;
  • By purchasing planting material not from a specialized store, you can introduce pathogenic fungal diseases to the site.

Proper planting of perennial phlox, selection and preparation of the site, healthy planting material, adherence to planting, care, watering, and fertilizing technologies guarantee abundant flowering that will decorate the garden, site and delight the owners.

Subulate, paniculate, Drummond, Canadian. Under natural conditions, they can be found in wet meadows and forest edges - where there is fertile, loose soil. For the plant to feel comfortable, it needs proper care. That is why many summer residents who want to decorate theirs with an amazing flower are concerned about when to plant phlox. In this article you will find the answer to this and some other questions.

When to plant phlox?

The spring months are considered the most favorable for these purposes. However, the answer to the question of when is the best time to plant phlox cannot be unambiguous. They can also be placed outdoors in summer and even autumn. Spring planting is most favorable for the plant because during this period it takes root much better. In autumn, this procedure is recommended to be done in the first half of September. This will allow the plant to strengthen and take root before the onset of cold weather. In summer, the most favorable time is considered to be the beginning of June.

How to plant a plant correctly?

Having dealt with the question of when to plant phlox, let's consider how to correctly carry out this procedure. The prepared bed should be watered thoroughly so that the soil is saturated with moisture 20 centimeters deep.

It is recommended to plant perennials in cloudy weather or in the evening when there is no scorching sun. Tall plants must be placed at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other, short ones - 40 cm. If necessary, the roots of the flower can be shortened by 1/3 with pruning shears. Their length should be about 10 cm. In adult bushes, the stems should be cut in half, and then the plant itself should be dug up. Excess soil must be removed and the rhizome divided into several parts by hand. As a rule, vegetative buds form at the base of the stem, which will subsequently give birth to new shoots. Without them, the plant root dies. Each young bush must have at least eight buds. When dividing, it is necessary to remove the old parts of the root system and immediately place the divisions in new holes. Vegetative buds should be sprinkled with soil about five centimeters. Then the phloxes need to be thoroughly watered. In the first two weeks, irrigation should be done every day, periodically loosening the soil and mulching it with peat. If, having decided on the question of when to plant phlox, you chose autumn, then the plant must be covered with chopped straw or small shavings for the winter. In May, it is recommended to feed the flowers with any nitrogen fertilizer.

Where to plant phlox?

The plant feels most comfortable in well-lit places. However, some flowers' petals may fade in the sun. The best option would be an area with light shade from bushes. At the same time, it must be closed from the wind so that the plant survives the winter well. The north side of the house is not recommended. Before choosing a place to place phloxes, think about what plants they will be in proximity to and how it will look visually.