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The Jewish mafia is a threat to humanity. Jewish gangsters in America Jews in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American mafia, which included many Jews, practically controlled all spheres of life.

At the height of Prohibition, Arnold "The Brain" Rothstein, a New York underworld boss, is considered by historians to be the first high-profile businessman in the American underworld.

Arnold Rothstein

When Rothstein was killed, Meir Lansky took his place. He became chairman of the administrative council of the Murder and Co. gangster syndicate.

On Lansky’s initiative, the gangsters split into specialized groups and did not invade other people’s property.

“Lepke” The accountant and his gang of two hundred gangsters controlled the entire clothing industry in New York.

The psychopath and sadist Arthur Flegenheimer, nicknamed “Dutch Schultz,” led a gang of one hundred thugs and collected tribute in black areas.

Irving “Waxy Gordon” Wexler competed with Lansky in heroin and cocaine smuggling. The battles between them were called the “Jewish wars.”

"King" Charlie Solomon controlled the Boston underworld.

Among the hitmen, the most famous was Harry Strauss, nicknamed "Phil from Petersburg", although in fact he was from Brooklyn. He usually strangled his victims with a rope. His services were widely used by various gangs. He counted up to four hundred victims.

Whatever crimes the Jewish gangsters committed, they always remained faithful to Jewish traditions. For example, Shmuel Levin, nicknamed “Red,” always wore a skullcap at home and tried, as much as possible, not to kill on Saturdays. When he had no choice, he covered himself with the tallit and prayed before going to the next victim.

Jewish gangsters generously donated money to the Jewish community and Zionist organizations, and protected Jews from attacks by anti-Semites. In the late 30s, they fought with the American Nazis, and grateful Jews did not forget this: at the funeral of gangster Samuel Morton, nicknamed “Marigold,” rabbis walked at the head of a funeral procession of five thousand. One of them explained to reporters that Morton was defending Jewish suburbs from pogrom raids.

And in 1933, Jewish gangsters decided to kill Hitler. Professional killer Daniel Stern was chosen for this operation.

The US Attorney General received an urgent message from the State Department that an assassination attempt was being prepared on Hitler, and the head of the FBI was instructed to immediately prevent it.

For four months in a row, FBI agents chased Stern across America, but although he was not caught, the assassination attempt on Hitler did not take place.

Before the formation of the State of Israel, all the underground Jewish organizations in Eretz Israel - Haganah, Etzel and Lehi - received from Jewish gangsters not only significant sums for the purchase of weapons, but also assistance in loading them in New York harbor.

In the summer of 1946, Haganah envoy Reuven Dafni arrived in Los Angeles. He met with one of the most famous and brutal gangsters in America, Benjamin Seagal, nicknamed “Bugsy Psycho,” and a conversation took place between them.

– Do you want to say that the Jews in Palestine took up arms and learned not only to shoot, but also to fight? – Bugsy asked.

Daphne nodded.

Bugsy looked him carefully in the eyes and asked:

– When you say “fight”, do you mean that Jews actually kill?

Daphne nodded again.

- Do they kill like murderers? – Bugsy did not let up.

Daphne nodded a third time.

“In that case, I’m with you,” Bugsy said and leaned back in his chair.

In total, Bugsy contributed a huge amount at that time, about fifty thousand dollars, for the benefit of the future Jewish state, but he did not hear about its creation: a year before, Bugsy was shot. Another Haganah envoy, Murray Greenfeld, also met with the Jewish gangsters. He recalled:

“About half past midnight, the strangest group of people I have ever seen in my life entered the living room. The men are all stocky, their heads grow straight from their shoulders, and their companions are entirely blondes. The men sat along one wall, the women along the other. The owner of the house asked me to state the essence of the matter, and when I stated the essence of the matter, he turned to the men and said: “Well, guys, now you know why you were called here and what you must do.” Then he looked at them and ordered: “Joe, you have five thousand; Max, you get five too; Harry, that’s ten for you...” and so on.

The owner squeezed almost a hundred thousand dollars out of his guests, stuffed them in a paper bag, and I walked with this bag through Baltimore at two o’clock in the morning until the hotel.” Meyer Lansky

On the eve of the UN vote on the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, Jewish gangsters offered to help the Yishuv representatives in obtaining a majority of votes by eliminating those delegates who were supposedly going to vote against.

Their offer was politely declined.

But there were also Jewish gangsters who made money from the enemies of Israel. Thus, in 1951, Arthur Liebow and Sam Stein were accused of conspiring to sell American military aircraft to Egypt during the War of Independence.

Meir Lansky also made his contribution to the creation of the Jewish state. He provided the future mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kolek, with a hotel for an evening to raise donations for Israel. At this evening, the gangsters collected more than ten thousand dollars, and Lansky also contributed a check for the same amount.

Lansky continued to finance the Jewish state after the end of the War of Independence: he transferred money through MAGBIT and purchased Israeli government bonds. At Lansky's insistence, his Italian gambling partners in Las Vegas and Cuba also purchased a significant stake in Israeli bonds.

In 1970, fleeing the FBI and the tax department, Lansky flew to Israel and spent two years seeking citizenship. But the Supreme Court rejected Lansky’s lawsuit against the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which denied him citizenship, and he voluntarily left Israel, ceasing to donate money to it and leaving behind him a long trail of the old dispute about whether the doors of the Jewish state should be opened to all Jews who knock on them.

In the vast majority of cases, Jewish gangsters were exemplary family men and wonderful fathers. They could kill and rob, but their children had to study and become doctors or lawyers. The children unquestioningly carried out their father's will, and thus the history of the Jewish mafia in America ended with the generation of their fathers.

Vladimir Lazaris

Without deviating from the facts, I decided to tell stories about some well-known Jewish gangsters of America in a lively and exciting way.

Benjamin Siegel - Bugsy, Arthur Flegenheimer - Dutch Schultz, Meyer Lansky - Kid, Max Hoff - Boo Boo, Abner Zwillman - Long - they were all gangsters and Jews. Their heyday came between the two world wars, and they, together with the Italians, made American crime organized, huge, powerful and deadly.

“We are bigger than the U.S. Steel,” Meyer Lansky, one of the main characters in our history and a long-liver, allegedly said. Perhaps he was right.

Arnold Rothstein was born in New York in 1882. His father, Abraham, a wealthy and respected clothing merchant, was a pillar of the Upper West Side's Orthodox Jewish community, a philanthropist and chairman of the board of New York's Beth Israel Hospital. He was called the Just One for his high principles and honesty in transactions.

Arnold was completely different. He never achieved the respect that his family had hoped for, but he met their expectations in another way: he was barely twenty, and he was already a millionaire, and all of America knew him.

With the introduction of Prohibition, Rothstein began to develop bootlegging. He laid the foundation for the huge profits of the Prohibition era by creating an organization that purchased high-quality liquor in England, transported it across the ocean and sold it wholesale in the United States. The idea was picked up - and soon many people were doing it.

Being a loner by nature, Arnold did not want to become part of an enterprise that he could not control himself. But Prohibition was too big a piece for him - or anyone else - to swallow on his own. After that, he turned his talents to drug smuggling, which was completely unorganized before Rothstein took it up. By sending middlemen across the ocean to Europe and the Far East, and controlling purchasing operations in the United States, Rothstein turned this branch of crime into a business machine. By 1926, he was the financial master of the entire flow of drugs into the United States.

Beginning with Rothstein, American Jewish underworld bosses openly smuggled and wholesaled opium and other drugs into the United States. In the twenties and thirties, Jews fought with the Italians for dominance in this area of ​​criminal trade. The Italian mafia took over during World War II. The reason for this was the Nazis. When the Germans began to exterminate Jews in Europe, the criminals who supplied goods to America also came under attack.

According to those involved in the opium business, since the Jews left the scene, the quality of the product has deteriorated. Jewish dope was purer and cheaper than that of the Italians, who diluted their drug with chemicals. One of the drug dealers, who worked in this area for a long time, noted another difference between the Jewish and Italian drug mafia of the pre-war period: “The Jews were businessmen. They wanted to make a buck on you today and tomorrow, and so on - a buck a day. And these chumps wanted a chervonets today, but tomorrow they could strangle you for fifty kopecks.” And this is evidenced by the Italian!

Rothstein's life of crime, of which he never spent a day in prison, ended in 1928 when he was shot to death over a gambling debt at New York's Park Central Hotel. A detective came to the dying Rothstein in the hospital and asked: “Who shot you?” Rothstein replied: “I won't talk about it. I’ll figure it out myself.” But he never got around to doing it.

At the time of his death, Rothstein's net worth was three million dollars.

After Rothstein's death, no one was ever able to rule the bottom of New York alone, as he did. Various criminal areas were divided, some of them went to his Jewish students. Bootlegging became the lot of Arthur Flegenheimer, Benjamin Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, who united in a gang known as the Bugsy and Meyer Gang.

Arthur Flegenheimer, better known as Dutch Schultz, was born in 1902. He was not Dutch: his parents, Hermann Flegenheimer, a saloon and stable owner, and Emma Noah Flegenheimer, were German Jews. His father left the family when Arthur was fourteen, and in order to support her family, his mother began working as a laundress. Arthur contributed to the well-being of the family - he joined a gang and became a burglar.

Religious traditions were observed in his family. However, during his arrests, Arthur called himself either a Jew, a Catholic, or a Protestant.

His friends nicknamed him Dutch Schultz because of his blue eyes, light brown hair and stocky build, which reminded him of a gang killer in the Bronx at the turn of the century. Arthur liked the nickname and wanted to continue to be called that way. “It was short enough to make headlines. If they called me Flegenheimer, no one would have heard of me,” he said.

The Dutchman was one of the most stingy and cold-blooded gangsters of the Prohibition era. He did not evoke sympathy or respect from almost anyone, including “his” people. He paid his associates as little as decency allowed, and could fly into a murderous rage when someone asked for more.

Lucky Luciano called Schultz one of the most stingy - almost a miser. “A guy with a couple of lemons and bucks, but dressed like a pig. He boasted that he never spent more than 35 bucks on a suit, and he had two pairs of pants. For him, success is buying a newspaper for two cents and reading about himself there.”

Schultz thought differently on this matter: “I think only idiots wear silk shirts. I have never bought one in my life. A sucker will spend fifteen to twenty bucks on a shirt. A normal guy will take a good shirt for two bucks.”

According to Schultz’s favorite lawyer, Dixie Davis, there was only one thing that really infuriated Schultz: “You can insult Arthur’s girlfriend, spit in his face, push him, and he’ll laugh. But don't steal a dollar from his accounts. If you do that, you’re considered dead.”

The Bugsy and Meyer gang was created in 1921 by two of the most famous figures of Jewish organized crime of the 20th century - Benjamin Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky.

At the time the gang was created, Siegel was fifteen years old and Lansky was nineteen. Lansky was born in 1902 in the Polish town of Grodno and came to the States with his parents. Siegel was born in 1905 in New York and grew up to be a cinematic gangster - handsome, hot-tempered, ambitious and violent. He received the nickname Bugsy (Mad) because when he got angry, he seemed to go crazy. Siegel hated this nickname, and no one dared call him that to his face.

The resulting alliance was formidable: Lansky's brains and Siegel's brawn. Lansky later liked to claim that the gang did not kill anyone, that they acted like businessmen and sought only efficiency. “It was a pure business, we were... well, like the Ford company.” Shooting and killing is an ineffective way of doing things. Salesmen who sell Fords do not shoot salesmen who sell Chevrolets. They try to beat them with prices.”

Joseph Doc Stetcher was born in Poland in 1902 and came to Newark at the age of 10 years. His record includes arson, robbery, fraud, smuggling and murder. He worked with Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel, other Jewish gangsters.

Lansky later chose Stetcher to lead the construction of the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas and represent the gang's interests there. Stetcher also sponsored Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, who allowed Lansky and his associates to build and operate a casino on the island.

Despite the fact that accusations against Lansky rained down, they could convict him only in 1963. Stetcher was deported rather than sent to prison.

Stetcher never became a US citizen, but he refused to go to Poland or Russia. In addition, the law prohibited deportation to communist countries, so Stetcher, as a Jew, was advised to return to Israel, which he did in 1965. Doc rented an apartment at the Sheraton Hotel on the coast of Tel Aviv and enjoyed his vacation. A car with a personal driver was waiting for him every day. At the age of 70, he took a 23-year-old girlfriend who was studying at Tel Aviv University.

Doc enjoyed Israel, and the Israelis found him funny and noble. His generosity attracted the attention of Agudath Israel, an ultra-Orthodox political party. One of its leaders, Rabbi Menachem Porush, persuaded Stetcher to invest $100,000 in building homes for Orthodox Jewish couples. Instead of spending the money on these purposes, Porush built a kosher hotel in Jerusalem.

Stetcher quarreled with Porush because of this, and the matter went to court. Stetcher said he donated money to charity. A rather funny situation developed: a famous American gangster was robbed by a rabbi. But Stetcher won the case, and Porush was forced to return the money.

Meyer Lansky also went to Israel, hiding from American justice. In 1970, he wanted to become an Israeli citizen. After a lengthy trial, Lansky's request was rejected, and he was expelled from the country in 1972.

The Lansky trial generated a lot of debate in Israel. Golda Meir was told that Lansky was the unofficial leader of the mafia, so if he had stayed, Israel would have become a haven for bandits. Golda knew nothing about Lansky and not much about American crime, but she had heard a lot about the mafia. This is what played a decisive role in the fate of Lansky in Israel.

"Mafia? - asked Golda. - No mafia in Israel!”

Golda grew up in the States and knew that if Israel gave shelter to a crime boss, it could have undesirable consequences for American Jews. She also feared that if Lansky settled in Israel, the Nixon administration, which demanded his extradition, could cancel the supply of bombers and fighters...

Jewish gangsters highly respected their parents. Most kept their mothers blissfully unaware of their shady dealings and treated them with respect and tenderness.

Meyer Lansky adored his mother. He remembered how joyfully she sacrificed herself for the sake of her children. As a boy, he swore that when he grew up, he would become very rich - “and for the rest of her life she would have all the best.” Having achieved success in the criminal world, Meyer moved his parents into a beautiful apartment with a maid in a prestigious part of Brooklyn. When Meyer's mother had retinal surgery in the late 1930s, he hired a nurse to stay with her around the clock in the hospital. The nurse recalls that Meyer took “extreme participation” in his mother’s fate. He visited her every day, sat at her bedside, talking to her for hours. Before he left, he always asked the nurse if his mother needed anything else. When the mother was transported home, he agreed with the nurse to stay with the patient until she finally recovered. He continued to visit her at home every day, speaking with her in Yiddish. Sometimes he called home so his children could talk to their grandmother. The nurse who cared for Lansky's mother was struck by the warm relationship between mother and son.

Meyer later settled his mother in a secluded apartment by the sea in Hollywood. He visited her regularly, remaining a devoted and loving son. The oath he took as a child was fulfilled.

Chicago gangster Samuel Nails Morton (born Markowitz) was the leader of the Dion O'Banion gang. Morton led a luxurious lifestyle and loved horse riding. One fine Sunday morning in May 1923, while riding in Lincoln Park, Morton lost his grip in the saddle and fell to the ground. The horse got nervous and hit him on the head with its hoof. The wound turned out to be fatal.

Morton's comrades wanted retribution. Led by Louis "Two Guns" Alteri, a pathological killer and Morton's closest friend in the gang, they broke into the stable and stole the culprit of Morton's death. They took the horse to where their leader had died, and each put a bullet in its head. Then Olteri called the stable and said that they had taught the devil a lesson, adding: “If you want a saddle, come and get it.”

The gang gave a lavish farewell. The funeral procession stretched for two miles, with six limousines carrying flowers. Five thousand Jews, including rabbis, paid tribute to Nails.

Local reporters were shocked. Why did so many law-abiding Jews want to say goodbye to the gangster? When all the details that only insiders knew were revealed, it turned out that Morton was an ardent defender of Jews and opposed anti-Semitism.

The United States entered World War I in 1917, and Morton enlisted in the 131st Illinois Infantry. Neils rose through the ranks, soon became a first lieutenant and received the French Croix de Guerre for bravery: being wounded, he captured a German machine gun platoon.

For some, he was a glorious soldier. For others - a defender of Jews. But for the police he remained a gangster.

The feeling that they had a responsibility to protect the Jewish people led Jewish gangsters to fight American Nazis and their supporters in the 1930s. The Great Depression and the growing popularity of Hitler and the Nazis in Europe provoked a rise in anti-Semitism in America. Members of the Nazi Bund were active on the West Coast, especially in Los Angeles. They were few in number, but they were a nuisance to the Jewish community. In the summer of 1938, Mickey Cohen had a chance to serve time in a Los Angeles prison. He was reading a newspaper while awaiting trial when Robert Noble, a local Nazi, and his accomplice were brought in for questioning. Cohen knew who Noble was, and Noble knew who Cohen was. The police made a mistake by putting an anti-Semite next to Mickey and leaving them alone.

Both Nazis tried to escape, but Cohen grabbed them.

“I started banging their heads together,” Cohen recalls. - These two couldn't do anything with me. I worked hard on them. They climbed onto the bars, and I tried to remove them from there. They shouted so loudly that people thought it was a riot. Prison warden Bright, hearing the scream, ran into the cell with a group of policemen. He tried to open the door, but it did not budge. Those two guys were all hanging on the bars and screaming: “Why did you put us in a cell with this animal?” By then I had returned to my corner and picked up the newspaper. When Bright opened the door, I was sitting and reading. He walked up and asked, “What happened here, you son of a bitch?” I answered him: “What are you asking me? I sit and read. Those two guys started a fight with each other. I don’t know what came over them and I didn’t want to disturb them.” To which Bright told me that I was lying. I didn't know who those guys were, I only knew that they were against the Jews. But I dealt with them, and I felt good. Nobody paid me for this. This is my patriotic duty. There is no money in the world that could buy such things.”

Probably the most notorious story related to the Nazis concerns Bugsy Siegel. In 1938, Goebbels and Goering visited Mussolini and stayed in Rome at the villa of Count Carlo Di Frasso and his wife Dorothy.

Dorothy Di Frasso met Siegel in Hollywood and they began an affair. The Countess brought Siegel to Rome at the same time that two high-ranking Nazis arrived there. When Siegel found out about who he lived next to, he wanted to kill them. The Countess exclaimed: “You cannot do this!” Not understanding it quite correctly, Siegel replied: “Easily. It’s easy to organize.”

Siegel put the idea aside when the Countess told him that her husband would be blamed for the assassination attempts. According to Siegel's friends, he very much regretted that he did not kill Goebbels and Goering then.
The godfather of the Jewish mafia was named Arnold Rothstein

No matter how influential the Jewish mafia is in certain segments of society, its control over society is, of course, not limited to just these sectors. Its influence can be found in almost every area of ​​American society. The same applies to Canada and Europe. "THE FIRST JEWISH PRESIDENT" Do you want to know the truth? Barack Obama today is Israel's best friend. John Heilemann In order to make it easier for it to achieve its goals, the Jewish mafia works in a certain unified way. For decades, this mafia corrupted and weakened American society, both economically and morally, while the Jewish-controlled Wall Street, Federal Reserve, media and government continued to deceive the people again and again. Perhaps the most tragic aspect of the Jewish Mafia's actions was that it successfully deceived the United States into fighting for Israel. It cost America millions of lives, trillions of dollars, and years of suffering for the survivors. Without a doubt, unless something is done that radically changes the power structure and limits the influence of the Jewish mafia in Washington, then America will come to complete economic and moral bankruptcy. As we look at every segment of society to identify the control exercised by the Jewish Mafia, we must not forget that this huge crime syndicate rarely acts alone. Without the greed of criminal non-Jews, the actions of the Jewish mafia would be much less effective. For the most part, the same can be said about the victims of the Jewish mafia. As long as there are greedy, dishonest and naive people, the Jewish mafia will have many victims. The Jewish mafia continues to gain strength, day by day, without encountering any difficulties at all.
In recent decades, they have been careful and led from behind to avoid any publicity. But today, this mafia attracts attention to itself every day, as if to say that they no longer care about the fact that people understand that they control everything. The Jewish-owned New York Magazine even recently published an article admitting that Obama is America's first Jewish president. This is exactly what I argued until recently. The arrogance displayed by the Jewish mafia is justified to a certain extent. In the end, they continue to deceive, exploit and profit from the goyim again and again, covertly and with impunity. Indeed, it seems that the Jewish mafia has managed to bring everything and everyone under its control. This arrogance has taken deep roots in Israel's ruling circles. No one can criticize the Jewish mafia that has seized control of the media, the banking system, Wall Street, the federal government, the education system or corporate America without facing insults, threats and smears. No one can even raise the issue of the Kosher Jewish Mafia tax without being branded an anti-Semite. In fact, by simply posting this article, I have officially cut off any possibility of ever getting a job in corporate America if I happen to end up working there. Since I work in the financial industry, publishing articles exposing the Jewish mafia certainly did not help my business at all. In fact, by telling the truth that few dare to speak, I sacrificed a huge part of my business. But, aware of the consequences, I still chose this path. And this is what you call freedom? Welcome to the United States, a country that claims to offer you democracy, freedom, a free market economy and the pursuit of happiness, but in reality only offers you fascism, brainwashing and exploitation by corporate America and the Jewish mafia.

It would be better for people to fucking wake up and finally understand where the sources of rot and disintegration of the world and white collar crime are. Until they do, things will only get worse, I guarantee that. Whenever someone mentions the crimes of the Jewish mafia, criticizes their control over the media, banks and government, most Jews, fearing the rise of anti-Semitism, consider it their duty to protect the name of the Jews. Some of them start screaming racism when they see the words "Jews" or "Jewish" in the same sentence with words like crime, control, deceit, manipulation or any other non-complimentary things. Often, these accusations (of racism) come from the lips of the Jews themselves. In other cases, they come from goyim who have been brainwashed by Jewish-controlled media, pop culture, education and other factors that shape social norms. Although there are Jews who courageously stand up to the Jewish mafia, unfortunately, in most cases, their accusations are aimed specifically at Zionism. Whenever authors dare to tell the truth about ethnic cleansing in Israel, 9/11, Wall Street fraud, media control and corruption in Washington, they feel the need to replace the word "Jews" with the word "Zionists" for fear of being branded anti-Semitic. . However, using the word "Zionists" in such cases is often misleading because it implies evildoers who deceive and commit crimes in order to strengthen Israel or support ethnic cleansing carried out by the Israelis. The problem is that most of the crimes committed by the Jewish mafia have little to do with Zionism, the protection of Zionist or religious interests. The Jewish mafia consists of Zionist Jews and non-Zionist Jews. It includes both Judaic Jews and atheist Jews.

Finally, the Jewish mafia includes non-Jewish goyim who were recruited through the temptation of money and power. Just as not every Jew is a member of the Jewish mafia, crimes committed by Jews are not always inspired by the Zionist or religious-Jewish agenda. Wall Street and commercial banking scams, media control, and workplace discrimination are not necessarily the result of a Zionist conspiracy. So I want to encourage people not to be afraid to link Wall Street and the Fed scams, media manipulations to the Jewish Mafia, because Zionism is not a prerequisite for fraud. When I talk about Jews and their criminal activities, I do not mean Judaism or Jews as a race (for those who are of the opinion that the Jewish people are a separate race). I mean the solidarity and cohesion that is responsible for the inner workings of the Jewish mafia. I mean a single Jewish network that connects both Zionist Jews and non-Zionist Jews. Whenever we see a community of Christians or Muslims, blacks or whites, who have committed large-scale fraud or some other sophisticated criminal offense, we usually do not think of the villains as a tight-knit group of people related along national or religious lines (of course with some exceptions). Therefore, in such cases, the perpetrators are defined as individuals and not as members of a particular race or religion. In contrast, when Jews take part in criminal activities, many observers portray the activity as a Jewish conspiracy. The reason for this is that no other group of people even comes close to the Jews in terms of interaction and cooperation. It is part of Jewish culture, uniting religious and non-religious Jews.

In some respects, the common work of Jews joining forces in criminal activities also has its origins in the Talmud. In other cases, these criminal acts have nothing to do with the Talmud. As a result, when someone points out the control of society by the Jewish Mafia, people should not be fooled by hiding guilt under the racial or religious mask that the Jewish Mafia always uses. We must focus on the criminals, their motives and actions. However, I would like to urge all Jews who consider themselves honest people to first recognize the disproportionate, extremely high share of Jewish participation in large-scale criminal activity, as well as the existence of the economic, political and social control of the Jewish mafia over the population. Further, these people should speak out against the countless crimes of the Jewish mafia, and not deny the facts and the penetration of criminal groups into all spheres of life, in order to deflect criticism of the crimes of this mafia. This is the only mechanism by which an honest and noble Jew can distance himself from any connection with the Jewish mafia. Otherwise, even the most innocent Jews who do not accept the facts and protest against the control and investigation of the crime of the Jewish mafia will be viewed in the same light as the criminals themselves, even if in fact they were used by the mafia, exactly just like the other 99%. I know that there are many honest, hardworking and noble Jews. Now is the time for them to come forward and distance themselves from the Jewish mafia before they are branded as its collaborators. When a Jew denies the role of the Jewish mafia in the suffering and exploitation of people, crimes against them, hoping in this way to protect the name of the Jew, then he will be considered an accomplice to these crimes, even if he himself suffered at the hands of the Jewish mafia. Attacking police and not just criminals makes the attackers complicit in the crime. This is a very important point that needs to be especially emphasized.

In my opinion, most people became anti-Semitic because no one likes to be used, deceived and controlled. No sane person would argue that anti-Semitism has existed for many centuries only due to religious reasons. In real life, anti-Semitism is a natural response to constant crimes by the Jewish mafia and its exploitation of people. The Jewish mafia has played the same tricks throughout history. The USA is simply its latest victim. “Anti-Semitism is nothing more than the antagonistic attitude of non-Jews towards Jews, caused by the Jews themselves. Jewish groups have thrived on the oppression and rejection they have always encountered in the world... the main reason for this is their use of enemy images that they create in order to maintain solidarity." - Albert Einstein, quoted from an article published in Collier magazine on November 26, 1938. Mike Stathis

After Moscow schoolboy Sergei Gordeev carried out an execution at school No. 263, as a result of which he killed a geography teacher and a policeman, and seriously wounded another policeman, bloggers discovered a “Jewish trace” in this case. The blogosphere was rocked by a wave of posts that directly pointed out that Sergei Gordeev is a Jew, that his photo shown by all the media is not real, and also that the Jewish community is now actively exonerating Sergei from punishment for what he did. In this regard, having read the information from these posts, as well as taking into account my personal knowledge about Jewry and Judaism, I decided in this post to analyze what could actually be behind the first school joke in the history of Russia. I have summarized the information I have, analyzed it, and now I am sharing with you the results of my blogging investigation into the causes of this tragedy.

There is no point in repeating the chronology of the execution, because everyone already knows it by heart. So let's get straight to the point.

So, what do we have as a result of blogger investigations at the moment:

1. The real photo of the shooter is being hidden from the public. Moreover, instead of a real photo of the shooter, the media provided the public with a photo of another teenager with the same first and last name, but who had nothing to do with the shooting.

2. The real shooter Sergei Gordeev is a Jew, from a purebred Jewish family. Dad is an FSB officer. Sergei Gordeev is transported everywhere wearing a mask, hiding his face from the public, apparently in order to make it impossible to compare the real and fake photographs of the shooter, as well as to prevent the possible visual identification of Sergei’s father from the photograph of his son.

3. The capital's Jewish community is actively trying to excuse the shooter from receiving adequate punishment. All actions involving the substitution of photographs, hiding the real photo of the shooter, placing Sergei in solitary confinement, monitoring the progress of the investigation - these and other actions unknown to us - take place under the strict guidance of the Jewish community.

Radical Jewish militant. His worldview and preparation.

Now let's talk. We cannot directly prove that the killer Sergei Gordeev is a Jew, we cannot prove this even from his photo, and all other information about Sergei’s nationality and religion is closed to us. However, we can safely make our personal assumptions that Sergei and his family are Jews, and we can rely both on the photo and on the actions of the shooter at the time of the execution and after it, as well as on the events subsequent to the execution related to with this case. First, let's look at the photo again.

Fake killer. Sergei Gordeev, who has nothing to do with the execution, whose photo was used by the media:

Classic Russian boy, isn't he? This guy even had to take a photo with a fresh newspaper in his hands, where his photograph was placed, to prove that he did not kill, he was not arrested.

And here is a photo of the real killer - Sergei Gordeev:

Can we say that this is a typical Jewish teenager? I think we can. It was this cold-blooded, ideologically, spiritually and physically prepared Jewish fighter who shot three people, killing two of them on the spot. And we can clearly see that it is the police who are taking him out:

So, we take as the basis for our analysis that shooter - Jew. But then, we must also understand that he is not only a Jew, but also a Jew, and not just a Jew by faith, but a radical Jew, well prepared both ideologically and spiritually. which, in turn, is part of the all-Russian Jewish mafia. The head of this family, Sergei’s dad, is a high-ranking FSB officer, and service in the state security agencies is not at all accidental for him, because they report that not only his ancestors, but also his wife’s ancestors - they were all security officers at all times of the existence of Russian intelligence and counterintelligence, under any of its names and under any political regime. Accordingly, this is where the Russian surname Gordeev comes from, because it is quite difficult to imagine a high-ranking security officer with a surname like Mikhelson. Apparently, the ancestors of Sergei’s father changed their last name at the initial stage of work in the Cheka. Surely, if not for this execution, Sergei would also have gone to work for the FSB, continuing the glorious traditions of his ancestors. Although it is not yet a fact that this execution will be an obstacle for Sergei if he decides to work for the FSB - the Jewish mafia will help here too.

And now I would like to briefly suggest what kind of ideological and spiritual training the Jew Sergei Gordeev could have undergone. So, you and I know very well that the Jews consider themselves God’s chosen, faithful and pure people, for whom people of all other nationalities and religions are considered goyim. Judaism teaches its followers that goyim must, at a minimum, be shunned and despised, and, at a maximum, destroyed. In the middle of this anti-goy philosophy is the concept of managing and manipulating goy peoples and individual goyim - with the goal of establishing complete control over them, with the goal of obtaining through this their personal and political-religious benefit. The ultimate goal of anti-goyim philosophy is complete control over the entire world, through the manipulation of goyim, as well as the method of controlling goyim peoples and their selection, which does not allow the strengthening of the genetic type of any one of the goyim peoples. It is for this purpose that the Jews introduce mixed marriages everywhere, while among themselves such marriages are strictly prohibited.

In order for us to imagine all the hatred of the Jew Sergei towards the goyim, I will give you as an example excerpts from the “Book of the Monk Neophytos”. This monk is a Jew, a former Jew, a former rabbi who was baptized and became a Greek Orthodox monk. In his book, he spoke about the secrets of Jewish life and philosophy. I quote an excerpt that concerns our Jewish murderer.

Monk Neophyte:“Usually at the age of 13-15, the first-born Jew is told the Talmudic rule that killing goyim is like killing mad dogs. Fathers of families, initiated into the secret, pass it on only to that of their sons whose secrecy they have experienced, while they oblige him to pass on this secret to his son in exactly the same way - under the same conditions and in the same form. And the main thing is to never reveal a secret to a Christian - even in the most severe disasters, even to save a life. The revelation of a secret is accompanied by the most terrifying curses on the one who reveals the secret.

When I turned 13 years old - the age at which the Jews have the custom of placing a wreath on the head of their sons, called wreath of strength- my father retired to me and spoke to me for a long time, instilling in me as a duty bequeathed by God - hatred of Christians, which should even go as far as killing them. Then he told me about the custom of collecting the blood of murdered Christians and added, hugging me:

“Behold, my son, in this way I have made you my confidant and, as it were, my second self.” After this, my father put a wreath on my head, and then explained to me in great detail this mystery of blood as the most sacred of the sacred and the most important rite of the Jewish religion. He told me: “My son! I conjure you with all the elements of heaven and earth to always keep this secret in your heart and not to trust it to your brothers, sister, mother, or subsequently to your wife, to any mortal in general, and especially to women! Even if God gives you eleven adult sons, then do not reveal the secret to all of them, but only to one - the one whom you recognize as the smartest and most capable of keeping this secret, just as I am doing to you now. You must carefully ensure that. this son of yours was committed and zealous to our faith.

Once again I order you: beware of trusting women, even your daughters, wife, mother, but only your son whom you consider worthy of trust.” And after this dedication the father exclaimed: “O my son! May the whole earth refuse to accept your corpse and spew it out from its bowels if you ever and under any circumstances, even in the most extreme necessity, reveal this secret of blood to anyone other than the one to whom I said, even if you become a Christian for profit or for other reasons. do not betray your father by revealing this divine secret that I revealed to you today

. Otherwise, may my curse befall you the very hour you sin, and may it accompany you throughout your life until death and forever and ever!” “The Father, whom I have gained in heaven and who is the Lord Jesus Christ, will turn away these curses from the head of the one who writes solely for the benefit of the Church and the triumph of Truth.”

Thus, you and I now understand perfectly well the environment in which the Jew Sergei Gordeev grew up. An excellent student, a purebred Jew, who inherited the secret of his Jewish ancestors from his father, well prepared physically. Sergei considered everyone around him to be goyim, showing the appropriate attitude towards them. For Sergei, absolutely all “infidels” were goyim, regardless of their age, social status, or position in society. The goyim who deserved to be destroyed were the geography teacher and the executed policemen. And (attention!) - Sergei shot these goyim precisely for Jewish reasons. But more on that later.

Now about the “Jewish community”. The fact is that this “community” is a separate, closed national-religious autonomy. This “community” has its own kindergartens, schools, and universities. This was done so that Jews living among the goyim received a separate, higher-quality education from them. Even at Moscow State University there is a special closed Jewish Academy, where only Jews study, and for free. The Jews also have their own special funds at synagogues, created to support members of their purebred tribe. Jews in Russia have a lot of their own specific things. But I'll stop at this: They also have their own bases for fire and physical training. One of the Alpha employees once talked about teaching for good money at one of the private shooting bases located in the Krasnodar Territory. This base was created by Jews on land they specially purchased for this purpose. The official status of this base is a private shooting and physical training school. Only Jews study there, and not only Russians; citizens of Israel often came to the base to study.

Alfovets taught the Jews shooting from various types of weapons there; in addition, according to him, hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting, and sabotage fighting skills were taught at the base. There are such bases in other parts of our vast country. Thus, it was not an offended child who went to shoot at a Moscow school, but a well-prepared one Jewish action movie

Besides, coolly Having shot a goyish teacher and a goyish policeman, the Jewish killer shot the second policeman - already on the threshold of the school, aiming at him through an optical sight. And this is already sniper training.

Motives for the shooting

So, above, we established that people at the school were shot in cold blood by the Jewish militant Sergei Gordeev, after which the “Jewish community” began to cover up the traces of the crime - use a fake photo, hide Sergei’s face, and prevent the media from accessing information concerning his family. In addition, the Jewish mafia simply hid Sergei's parents - only recently a lawyer was assigned to Sergei on their behalf. Sergei’s parents themselves are still in an unknown place and they don’t even answer calls from investigators.

Now we need to understand the motives for the shooting. As it turns out, everything is much simpler here. I did this - I conveyed all the information that I summarized above for you to competent people who study Judaism, Freemasonry and their influence on society and the world. So, all these experts unanimously told me the following version about the motives for this execution:

"The Jewish teenager was raised in a Jewish family in the spirit of radical anti-Gentile Judaism. In addition, his family occupied a high position in society. He studied at a school that is not purely Jewish, and which is under Jewish control. Most of the school's students and teachers are Russian, i.e. goyim. It was to such a school, and not to a purely Jewish school, that the boy was sent in order to feel like he belonged among the goyim, to understand and study their habits, customs, and mentality. Because firstly, a young radical Jew must know the enemy from the inside, and secondly, the guy would most likely follow in his father’s footsteps to work in the FSB, and for the FSB goyim are working material with which the future security officer Sergei should have been good familiar. As for the execution itself, most likely, having matured, Sergei began to quietly to propagate in school their entire Jewish anti-Gentile worldview, as a result, he ran into criticism from one or more Russian school teachers who tried to nip in the bud the incitement of national and religious hatred at school, as well as propaganda of the superiority of Judaism and Jewishness over other religions and nationalities. Most likely, in the course of these actions, one of the teachers - he intentionally or unintentionally offended the religious and national feelings of Sergei himself, maybe simply - called him a Jew, etc. and so on. Thus, the ideally prepared radical Jew Sergei, after being greatly offended by his goyim teacher, acted exactly as he was taught to do with goyim - he decided to kill him."

I believe that this version fits perfectly into the information that I analyzed above. So here are the motives for a mass shooting that the media will never talk about.

In addition, this version harmoniously fits into the information that the Jew Sergei was not going to kill a geography teacher, but a teacher of Russian language and literature. It was with her, in her lessons, that Sergei argued about what mercy, good and evil are. And it was to her that Sergei promised that he would prove his point of view on these life concepts. Therefore, I assume that it was she, the teacher of Russian language and literature, who, at the time of these very disputes, inadvertently offended the religious and philosophical feelings of the radical Jew Sergei, for which he decided to kill her. And the geography teacher he killed was an accidental victim. Although among the Jews the murder of a goy is always justified and cannot be a random victim...

So, we have completely figured out the motives for this murder. This murder is a Jewish puncture. Through Sergei's shots and the mortal wounds of his victims, information about the secret, closed life of Jews in Russia and their secret Masonic organizations began to leak into Russian society.

At the moment, the Jewish mafia is doing its best to delay and delay this matter:
1. Sergei's parents are hidden.
2. Sergei’s face is hidden, the media slipped a photo of another teenager.
3. Sergei himself is placed in solitary confinement, he feels well, partially repents of what he has done (this is necessary for the investigation), and looks like a psycho (they may declare him insane).
4. He was provided with his own lawyer.
5. The age of the killer is underestimated - in order for Sergei to be 15 years old at the time of the murder, he would have to go to school at the age of 5, i.e. they make him a child killer under 16 years old - then the punishment will be much lower.
6. The families of those killed, in order to silence them, were paid as much as 5 million rubles (instead of 1 million provided by law), in addition, the mayor's office will organize their move to new apartments and promises to take control of the provision of orphans with places in kindergartens and educational institutions .
7. Our half-breed president, within just three days, signed a decree on awarding the dead with titles and orders of courage.

Thus, The Jews have silenced everyone who needs it. The question remains with another Sergei Gordeev, whose photo was used in the media. However, considering that this guy did not sue the media and TV to protect his honor and dignity (and he would have won the case 100%) - we must assume that here, too, the Jewish award found its Russian hero.

So what happens next with all this? Most likely, the media controlled by the Freemasons will gloss over this incident and let it go, and then completely forget it. Sergei is recognized as a juvenile psycho and will be prescribed compulsory treatment, which the young killer will undergo in an elite psychiatric hospital with all the amenities. In this hospital he will continue his studies, and after being treated there for no more than three years, he will enter Moscow State University, a Jewish special academy closed to goyim. After graduation, Sergei will have all his data changed (like all his ancestors), after which he will join the FSB. It is there that, taking into account the accumulated experience, he will begin a real sabotage war on all fronts - against the goyim he hates. The Jewish-Masonic system has been working like a clock for centuries, and its stable and well-functioning centuries-old work is ensured by precisely such cogs as the radical Jew Sergei Gordeev.

About the terrible and boundless

Do you know what is the worst thing about this story? This is not even the fact of the execution of Jews. The worst thing is that the Jews, based on this fact, not only intimidated dozens of people, but also tried to make a Jewish shooter - Russian Orthodox murderer from a believing family. Jewish cynicism in this case is simply amazing.

On Malakhov’s program, a fake photo of the shooter hung throughout the broadcast, however, absolutely none of those invited to the transfer of hostages, Sergei’s classmates, even made an attempt to declare that the photo shown to the public was not their classmate. In addition, the former hostages stubbornly remain silent about what exactly Sergei told them during those 40 minutes that they were lying on the floor. And he told them, presumably, about his worldview and the superiority of the Jews over the goyim.

And all the media controlled by Jews excitedly told us that the Russian guy Sergei is from a deeply religious Orthodox family, in whose apartment all the walls are hung with icons.

Okay, hiding the truth is understandable. But forgery, deliberate disinformation and turning the tables on Russian Orthodoxy are already open Jewish anti-goy lawlessness. And now this is scary.

p.s. This post does not aim to incite interethnic and interreligious hatred, but was written with the aim of analyzing information coming from various Internet sources in order to understand the truth in this sensational case. When preparing the post, I used some of the content from my friends’ posts.

So, among the mafias, the most fused with state, financial, media structures, and most states, is the Jewish mafia. This is what makes it uniquely positioned among its smaller and younger competitors.

And in general, this is in the ancient traditions of the Jews - to infiltrate and infiltrate. In order to intercept the control levers. Ultimately, administrative ones. Kind of like it is now in Ukraine.

If they fail to do this for some reason, then they begin to undermine the state, organize a revolution in it or flash mobs that imitate and prepare it. This is facilitated by the almost complete control of Jewish network structures over finances and media space. In chaos it is easier to seize control. Or, while the natives are fighting among themselves for power, privatize everything that can be grabbed. As it was in Russia.

And this same Jewish mafia, to please its interests and the interests of our geopolitical enemies, is persistently trying to destroy my habitat.

Just look at Runet: not all Jews conduct anti-Russian and anti-Russian propaganda. Some are even the opposite. But 90% of anti-Russian and anti-Russian propagandists on the Runet are Jews. And how should I feel about the Jewish mafia and its attempts to deprive me of my habitat?

The Jewish mafia, and in general many Jews not associated with it, like to make a substitution: since you are against the Jewish mafia, then you are against the Jews and that means you are an anti-Semite. And then they smoothly move on to the Holocaust. This is about the same as if the Sicilians declared: since you are against our mafia, then you are against the Sicilian people.

But for some reason neither the Sicilians nor the Sicilian mafia say this. Unlike the Jews.

The analogy with Sicily is also that the majority of Sicilians, like Jews, have nothing to do with the mafia. But both of them will never openly oppose their mafia. At least for the most part. And even if both of them are sharply negative towards their mafia, they will never refuse to help it if an offer “that cannot be refused” follows. The mafia will find a way to achieve their consent.

And Jews also like to deny the existence of a Jewish mafia. Without even noticing it, they fall into complete anti-Semitism. Denying Jews the ability to organize into illegal communities. Jews recognize the presence of Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Chechen and even Russian bureaucratic mafia, but their own Jewish mafia does not exist! Thus, pushing to the conclusion that Jews are not smart enough and are organized against other peoples. And a little stupid.

The most rabid anti-Semitism exists!

By the way: the mafia, both Sicilian and Jewish, often feeds their population from part of their income. And sometimes he even protects him and restores justice destroyed by individual scoundrels who are not members of their mafia. For the image of noble dons protecting their herd population from adversary wolves.

And in general, the more the mafia closes with legal structures, the less they need to do atrocities with their own hands. The state does this for them.

So here it is:I have an equal attitude towards Jews. To each individual Jew (and non-Jew), as he deserves. Without singling them out from other peoples around me. Because he is an internationalist. But I have a bad attitude towards the Jewish mafia. And not just like that, but for the above reason. As soon as the Jewish mafia stops destroying my environment and begins to improve and protect it, I will immediately love both the Jewish mafia and its individual members. Because I'm a practical person. What is useful for me is also nice. And vice versa.

Yes, I sometimes criticize and sometimes even ridicule Jews for their prejudices, and Judaism with its stupidities. But even here I do not single out Jews and their religion from others. From time to time I do the same thing with Christianity, and with Islam, and even with the Russians as a nation. I break stereotypes of thinking.

And all because I'm a freethinker. Which is what I'm proud of.

But I don’t know anything about the “anti-Semitic inkwell,” so I’ll refrain from commenting.

This bandit ideology requires the development of immoralism, cunning, meanness, fraud, theft, satanic pride and the devilish desire of Jews for power, including world power. Judaism is a purely nationalistic religion - racist and chauvinistic, setting up for victory in any conditions and at any cost - up to the total destruction by Jews of all non-Jews, of all humanity. Of course, provided that the Jews themselves are not completely destroyed by the response of all non-Jews - all of humanity. And as history shows: sooner or later the time for sobering up comes for the criminal Judeo-mafia - the bandit kahal.

There is no internationalism in Judaism. Jewish fascists feed internationalism to others in order to hide the fact of the incessant struggle of Jews for world domination, a struggle waged by Jews always, everywhere, under any circumstances, every day and every minute with never-waning energy. The Jewish mafia - the bandit kahal - has been waging a continuous global and total war against humanity for centuries.

Schopenhauer also showed that Judaism is a vulgar, vulgar materialistic ideology that promises its followers material benefits and unilateral advantages to the detriment of other peoples. Preaching complete chauvinism, Judaism teaches Jews cohesion and tough mafia-criminal solidarity. Schopenhauer wrote: “If a Jew’s foot is stepped on in Moscow, then all the Jews from Moscow to San Francisco will scream in pain.” We, Russians, should learn from the Jews such strict nationalism and a complete rejection of internationalism!

The religious dogmas of Judaism, with a huge number of their prohibitions, completely isolate the internal spiritual life of Jews from external influences and make this spiritual life completely closed. Judaism reigns supreme over the minds of Jews and does not give them the opportunity to organically merge with the people among whom the Jews live, and, moreover, makes them always feel like strangers among any people and among any state. Everywhere, at all times in history, Jews, under the most beautiful and most terrible living conditions, recognized themselves as strangers in any country. Thus, Judaism is the guardian of Jewish national identity in the absence of its own state.

Judaism is a form of a Jewish state within any other state. This is a state within a state, and Jews are the “fifth column of Zionism” in any state.

This is the root of the irreconcilable hostility towards Jews on the part of all other peoples. This enmity cannot be identified with interethnic strife, which exists to a greater or lesser extent between different peoples of the world. This is fundamentally different from the distrust and dislike that, for example, the French have towards the Germans or the British. Hostility towards Jews contains special motives that occur only in relation to Jews.

It is a historical fact that people of all nations: French, English, Poles, Russians, etc., having settled on the territory of a foreign people, in the third or fourth generation easily integrate into the dominant national environment. For several thousand years, Jews everywhere have felt like a foreign body, unable to integrate and assimilate with the indigenous people.

Pseudo-liberals often advise the government to eliminate the very concept of “Jew.” It's as if it's a matter of terminology. Will the Jews, having lost their centuries-old folk term, become Russian people? Let us assume that Russian people begin to call a Jew Russian. Will this really cause him to cease to be a true Jew in his soul, in his beliefs and in his worldview? If a Jew so easily agrees to part with the word “Jew,” then he will part with the word “Russian” even more easily.

As for all humanity, it is easy to see that Judaism is a criminal ideology. No wonder. The Hebrew language itself is an ancient underworld slang derived from Arabic. And the word “Jew” in Hebrew thieves’ jargon means a rogue, a criminal.

It can be said without exaggeration that Jewish law has existed for thousands of years and continues to be to this day the main world forge of the entire gamut of crime that exists in the world.

Everything that is written in the Old Testament of the Bible (or other editions of the Torah) is not just the history of the Jews and their past. This is always their present and future. These are their Testaments, their rule of conduct for all times. Israel does not have a Constitution. The Torah and Talmud take the place of the Constitution. This is their legislation.

This is what is written in the Jerusalem edition of the Torah: “The Torah is the basis of the existence of the Jewish people and expresses the essence of the Jewish way of life...” (2, p. 7).

“The basis of the entire Torah is Chumash (the Pentateuch of Moses). The entire Chumash is recited in synagogues throughout the year, so it is divided into weekly chapters according to the number of weeks in the year. In synagogues, Chumash is read from a handwritten parchment scroll. But the connection between a Jew and this book is by no means limited to reading in the synagogue. He is required to study Chumash (as well as other parts of the Torah) daily, with each weekly chapter divided into seven parts - according to the number of days of the week, so that the Jew can study the corresponding passage every day.

According to Jewish custom, Chumash is not only studied, all one’s decisions and actions, and the entire course of one’s life, are measured against it. The word Torah itself means “instruction”, “guidance to action” (2, p. 8).

Judaic ideology is propagated in huge circulations and a huge number of media operate on its basis, many books, brochures and other publications are published.

Thus, the entire Jewish system of upbringing and education, all pedagogy is based on the Torah. Judaism is the basis of Jewish national ideology and national psychology. A little Jew enters the synagogue and leaves as a seasoned criminal and sadist.

Jewish synagogues are not just churches, they are schools and centers for training criminals based on the criminal ideology of Judaism, centers of the international Jewish mafia.

All Jewish national schools are based on the principles of Judaism.

Today there are many Jewish national schools in Russia. How do they work? Children are only Jews. Parents are only Jews. The teachers are only Jews. Textbooks are only Jewish. Russians (and all other non-Jews) are prohibited from entering these schools. Russian lackeys (experts in karate and hand-to-hand combat) are allowed to guard Jewish schools. The funding for these Jewish schools comes from the state budget, through the theft of Russian taxpayers. The Jewish educational system is closed to non-Jews. In these schools, the education system is built on the criminal ideas of “God’s chosen people,” contempt and hatred for non-Jews, the criminal seizure of all types of power and world domination. This is pure Jewish fascism.

There is not a single Russian national school in Russia. Try to create a Russian national school, where children are only Russian, parents are only Russian, teachers are only Russian, textbooks are written only by Russians. And so that Jews should not be allowed into this school. Try it! They will immediately label you as “fascists”, “Nazis”, “racists”, “Hitlerites”. Jews are allowed to be fascists, Russians are not.

The global liquidocracy is pursuing a policy of artificial separation between the elite and the crowd. Therefore, education systems for the elite and for the crowd are built in the opposite way.

In the West today, the entire school system is completely controlled by the Illuminati. The task of the Illuminati is to wean people from thinking independently, reasoning independently, being able to independently look for patterns and gain new knowledge. To make a person not an individual, but a person of the crowd, a herd animal. So that the brain of such a person can only work in tape recorder mode: record into the brain without critical processing and then play back.

In 1810 the famous Jewish Freemason Johann Gottlieb Fiete, head of the philosophical psychological department of the University of Berlin, formulated the basic principle of education for the crowd this way: “Education should aim at the destruction of free thought, so that after students get to school they will be unable ... to think or to act otherwise than according to the will of their teachers.”

The Foundation of the famous Jew Soros generally proposed to publish new school textbooks for Russia - a powerful tool for programming people’s consciousness.

Also, the strongest instrument of power and domination is the modern Mass Media. Today, all major media in Russia have been taken over by the Jewish mafia. The media today is a system of mass fooling, mass idiocy, a system of brainwashing and coding in the direction necessary for the liquidocracy.

Judaism as a diabolical ideology incites national, racial and religious enmity, insults and humiliates the national dignity of non-Jews. Judaism is an aggressive and immoral ideology that forms the ideals of evil, programs the consciousness of the Jews towards the path of crimes (in the name of their Jewish god Jehovah) and gives the Jews justification and justification for their criminal acts.

The criminal behavior of the Jews is the main reason for the hatred of the Jews by non-Jews.


Zionism is just a political organizational form of Judaism. Judaism is the spiritual content of Zionism.

Modern Zionism is a system of many organizations in all countries of the world, and the metropolitan state of Israel is the base and stronghold of these organizations.

One of the leaders of the Jewish communist sections under the Central Committee of the RCP (b), S. Dimanshtein, wrote in 1919: “Zionism has many faces. He sticks any theory on himself. He was Socialist-Revolutionary, Marxist - all shades. We could see him under any color. From this we can see how Jewish nationalism can adapt, what a master it is in this sense. No other nationalism of any people has reached this level; only the Zionists are capable of this” (4).

Today, international Zionism consists of large and small, open and secret organizations. The largest and most influential of all open ones is the World Zionist Organization (WZO), which has its branches in 60 countries. In 69 countries there is a Zionist organization under a non-Zionist guise - the World Jewish Congress. She is tasked with penetrating places where it is difficult or undesirable for obvious Zionists to enter. The large organization B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) has 2,000 Masonic lodges in 42 countries, which unites about half a million people.

Then there are hundreds of youth, women's, charitable, cultural and educational, trade union, socialist, religious, scientific, student, worker and other funds, committees, institutes, corporations, organizations, partnerships, conferences, councils, leagues. In other words, there are any levers and mechanisms for all occasions. Zionist headquarters, by pressing certain levers, activate the corresponding organizations that carry out the assigned task. A lack of understanding of the multifaceted essence of Zionism led to the fact that during Soviet communism there were many critics of Zionism. But it is important not only what is criticized, but the main thing is from what positions it is criticized. During the Soviet era, criticism of Zionism always came from the position of communism. A typical example is Yuri Ivanov’s book “Caution: Zionism” (5) or the book “CIA against the USSR”, published in twenty-five million copies. The authors of such books did not understand obvious things. They did not understand that communism is the brainchild and product of Zionism. It is not surprising that all such Soviet communist criticism of Zionism had little effect on the thinking part of the people. The thinking part of the people was sick of communism, and any criticism of the “opponents of communism” from the standpoint of communism caused a smile. And not only a smile, but even sympathy for the enemies of communism. In fact, these sympathies were unjustified, since the apparent struggle of Zionism with communism is just a Jewish game of controlled conflict.


The brutal essence of Judaism and Zionism is understood by most peoples of the world.

On November 10, 1975, at the XXX session of the UN General Assembly, historic resolution No. 3379 was adopted, in which ZIONISM IS RECOGNIZED BY THE WHOLE WORLD AS ONE OF THE FORMS OF RACISM. This is the assessment of the entire world community.

The liquidocracy all the time sought to cancel this resolution with the help of its lackeys. But we must understand perfectly well that decisions can be canceled, but facts cannot be canceled. The adoption of this UN resolution is a fundamental historical and legal fact! And the fact is that it is a fact. He was, is and will be. You can strive to silence it, hide it, hide it. But it cannot be canceled or destroyed!
