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Essay on the topic of small homeland. Essay on the topic “My small Motherland.” How to express your love? Why you need to love your small homeland

Every person has a very close and dear place where he feels calm and at ease. There is no person on earth who does not feel love for their small Motherland, since everyone should have their own pier where they can stop for a while and take a break from worries and problems. I also have my own place where I can calmly spend my free time and not think about various matters and problems.

In my grandmother’s village there is that secret place where I can even breathe calmly. I really like to come here sometimes and be here alone, because then you can think about your deepest dreams. How nice it is to be on the river in summer! The sun is shining, the birds are singing... All this is my small homeland, which no one can take away from me. Evening comes, and all nature begins to play with completely different colors, which are very pleasing to the eye. In the valley beyond the river, there is a large meadow where storks roam carefree, who, like me, believe that this is their native corner. Night falls imperceptibly, and the huge sky begins to fill with the enchanting light of stars that burn very brightly and beckon.

I also really love visiting the village in winter, because at this time there is indescribable beauty here. It’s very pleasant to sit near a warm stove and know that there is bitter frost and blizzard outside... I always try to come to the village during my winter holidays and spend at least a couple of days here, since there are many interesting activities here: sledding and skiing, ice hockey local kids and just walks through the fresh and frosty forest. It’s just that when I rest like this, I gain new strength, which is enough for me until the end of the school year, and I’m ready to master all the sciences again, without even getting tired.

We all must protect and love our little Motherland, since we have only one. It can be different: a small house in the village, its own street in the city, but all this is very dear to our hearts. Sometimes I can’t visit my native places and then I miss them very much. It happens that I even dream of them in my dreams.

I really value my native place, which I was lucky enough to have. All my life, I will visit my family and favorite places, because I simply cannot live and breathe without them. All people are simply obliged to treat these places with special care and affection and never forget about them, since by doing this we are simply betraying our little Motherland, which raised us and sent us on a long voyage, but it is waiting for us to return to our native land. harbor. She will definitely meet us.

Essay My town is my small homeland

My city is not very big, but that makes me love it no less. It is not large in population, but it has proud title cities. It is still growing and being built. I think if you want, you can describe it around its entire circumference in just a couple of hours, even less. And then, this time takes into account all the traffic jams that may occur on the roads.

And my favorite city is very green. This is what some people call it – the Green City. This is because we have a ton of trees and other plants. Residents plant and cultivate them themselves - old-timers even organize entire front gardens under the windows of their houses. Despite the fact that our houses, for the most part, are multi-story and quite high, some even try to cover them with beautiful and blooming ivy. At the height of flowering, this is an incredible sight. And the residents themselves are so happy about it - just open the window, and you will immediately touch the green stems and can even smell the wonderful and sweet smell of flowers. This is probably one of the most important reasons why they try so hard - each of them loves their city, beauty and plants.

And I can really call my city a small homeland. After all, this is where I grew up, learned something for the first time and went to school. As I already said, it is quite small, and therefore no higher educational institutions it does not, despite the fact that it is considered scientific. Yes, this is another one interesting fact about him. Initially, when it was just being built, it was a closed scientific city, where diligent scientists worked for the benefit of science, studying atomic particles. This fact of history has had a very strong impact on our city - the flag has an image of an atom on it. An incredible coincidence, isn't it?

Despite such a seemingly dangerous type of activity, our city is very clean and safe. There are no harmful chemicals or similar substances observed in the area - the research center very wisely fenced off all its experiments with a large and strong fence, moving in its location right behind the largest highway. In fact, no one even goes there except the hardworking workers. Therefore, residents find it funny if one of the visitors glances sideways in surprise at the clean and safe town, explaining this by saying that they thought that it would be worse here, in terms of ecology.

I love my city very much. After all, my city is my childhood. After all, my city is my small Motherland.

Option 2: Short essay

My Motherland is my little world, where I feel comfortable and warm. Every citizen of our country has a place where he feels very good and comfortable. Love for our small Motherland can be expressed in different ways, but I prefer to very often visit this corner dear to my heart, once in which I feel like I’m in a fairy tale. In the village, my grandmother has her own house, where this small Motherland is located, which I love very much and will never betray. The village is very nice in the summer, as here you can relax and gain new strength for the school year.

It’s especially good here in winter, as all nature freezes and waits for something mysterious and unpredictable. In winter, I really like to go to the forest, where it is somehow especially breathable. Together with the local guys we play hockey, ski and sled. We should all remember our native places and visit them whenever possible. After all, our small Motherland is waiting for us, and we must not let it down. A person has one homeland, she loves us like her own mother and takes pity on us, like her own children.

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“Russia begins with a small homeland”

"Small Motherland, small Motherland,

Our spring and love,

The bitterness of rowan and the sweetness of currants,

Autumn's frowning brow...

No matter how much reading has been completed

Years, kilometers and lines,

Our little Motherland is always with us

Our blessed source"

K. Zubareva

I was born and live in Russia. This is my homeland.But there is also such a thing as a small homeland, that is, the place that you love most, which you consider native. For me and my parents, the “small” homeland is Sokolskaya land, namely the village. Mamontovo. This is the place where I spent my childhood. This is family, relatives and friends. This is mom, who is the most precious person in the world. These are mother's hands - the embodiment of tenderness. These are toys, fairy tales, the street, the forest, clouds in the sky and much, much more, which form my first idea of ​​the Motherland, of the world in which we live. I love my village and consider it one of the most beautiful corners of our Motherland. Most recently, the collective farm “True Path” operated on the territory of the village, but now it has fallen into disrepair. There is no work, young people are leaving. The village has become a village for pensioners. Now there is a school in the village, but if it is closed, several more families will be forced to leave the village. It is difficult to talk about the fate of my village. In the recent past, one could be proud of his successes and deeds. But today everything is different. Only one thing remained unchanged: people and nature devoted to their native land. Although here and there you can see stumps sticking out in the clearing, which were once tall birch trees.
Old houses spoil the view. Many have already been erased from the face of our village.
I love my village, it is very beautiful with the forests surrounding it. The beautiful birch tree is especially good and luxurious. Light emanates from her, she smells like the Motherland. The dear land shines with all its might for me and my fellow villagers, it shines with its love. My village is connected with nature by a strong connection. And this invisible chain has already held my little heart together and infused its breath into it. I listen to the voice of my native land, I remember it, I feel it.
It's winter now. With her charms she stirred up nature and made it freeze. There is a mysterious silence all around. Place your palm on the trunk of a clean, tall birch tree, and you will feel how white fire will pierce you with thorns, snow crystals hidden on the bark. And the aspens breathe witchcraft power.
All reservoirs and puddles were covered with a shiny crust of ice. It's fun for the village kids - there is somewhere to go ice skating. Daylight hours are shorter in winter. Before you have time to look back, it becomes dark. That’s when it’s interesting to watch the village as its small huts are illuminated by the stars.

We are looking forward to the end of winter. January can be distinguished by the pre-spring cries of crows and the fights of sparrows. In February, the first drop sings its song from the rooftops.
Little by little the snow light will disappear into the sky and into the soil. The earth will sigh. When spring breaks out after a snowy winter, all the people in the village will become worried, and everyone will be faced with the question: how will this time of year go this year? And what is the air in spring! A rustic spring miracle is snowdrops. They are beautiful. They barely peek out, but they greet spring warmly.
Another miracle is birch sap, playing with the power of life. If you carefully cut a branch from a birch tree and make a “cleaner” for the pipe, then a drop of sap will collect in the cut place and sparkle in the sun like a diamond. You just need to heal the wound afterwards.
The weather in spring is different: warm during the day, but frost creeps in at night.
When the sun warms up, the water in the reservoirs melts, and the frogs come to life, you never cease to be amazed at the croaking of the fidgets. Summer is coming.
A herd of motley, black cows is grazing in a clearing, chewing juicy grass. Somewhere here my little cow is feasting on it. Oh, and the milk will be delicious in the evening! Grasshoppers chirp cheerfully in the grass.
By evening, the sunset promises something amazing. Pink elephants in the sky trumpeted the coming night. She will embrace all those sleeping with her canopy, their souls will fly on a date to the distant stars.
But soon, soon there will be confusion, soon there will be separation from summer, the autumn rain will rustle across the earth. Swallows will begin to move out of the barns.
The forest is full of sounds. The grasses are already drying out at this time of year. Hidden power lives in autumn. It multiplies and lives up natural wealth.
The air in autumn is special. You go out into the street and you won’t breathe.
Autumn lay down like a yellow tigress, but soon it will groan and run away to its chambers. The first frost means that winter is already on the doorstep.
One evening I admired how the disk of the moon was reflected in a puddle, and a birch branch moved along it; it seemed to me that I was in another world, a certain time ceased to exist for me. An unforgettable feeling!
Soon white fluffy snowflakes will begin to fly from the sky, birch logs will light up in the stove, the howl of the wind will again be heard from the brick “throat”, shaggy smoke will cover the short day. And it will be like this forever, even if I don’t exist.
You can talk about your native nature just as endlessly as you can about the people living in the countryside. They have different characters, different views on life. A lot of evil has appeared in our village. But kind and good people they are trying to expel him, disperse him. It's a pity that they don't always succeed.
From the threshold of my parents’ house, I have been walking along the studied path to school for nine years now. And there my teachers meet me. It’s difficult for them now to keep love for us children in their hearts; they have a lot of worries and troubles. But my mentors do not leave their posts; they move around with us in everyday life, trying to paint it with colorful paints.
Our rural children can turn into celebrities: dancers, singers, readers, actors, poets, artists. You know how great it turns out! Many of us participate in amateur art shows that take place at school and in the House of Culture.
And what wonderful old people we have in our village. In the evenings they sit on benches near the house. And they know everything about everyone, they give a forecast for everything: people, the weather, and the harvest. When they get tired of talking, they start singing old songs. And where did their old age go? Their eyes burned with fire, their legs began to dance. Well done!
I want to bow to people, who are becoming fewer and fewer every day. These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. If they had not won, then we would not be alive today. I understand with my mind and heart that the fate of my village depends on me and subsequent generations. Personally, I will do everything possible for the good of my Motherland.
Beautiful, prosperous life for you, man, it will be dead if it is not inspired by the power of its native land. The greatest things begin from small things: a mighty river from a stream, a fruit-bearing tree from a sprout, a famous person from a foolish child.
A person has one homeland. Each of us cherishes that corner of the earth where we grew up and where we became human. Each of us remembers our small homeland. Probably this is where the Motherland begins.

And the doubt about where my big Motherland, Russia, begins, disappeared.

My small homeland

What a lofty meaning is contained in one short word - homeland. And for each person this word contains something unique and something common, more significant. When thinking about our homeland, we think about that great, beautiful country in which we were born, we associate the concept of homeland with a complex and interesting, rich and sometimes tragic story native land. Love for our homeland is instilled in us from childhood - by parents, educators, teachers.

Stories about the most important events, outstanding personalities, their exploits and great deeds are passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, when thinking about our homeland, we think about the heroes of the past and present, and about famous writers, poets, artists.

Our homeland is also the people who surround us in Everyday life. People who were born in the same region are always somehow closer to each other, they will always be able to understand each other better, it is easier for them to find mutual language and become friends. Because, probably, they have one thing in common - the country in which they were born, and this is already a lot! Is this why people who find themselves in another country are so sincerely glad to meet a fellow countryman - anyone, even stranger from one’s home country, home town, home place.

Each of us has our own native corner - our own little homeland. This is the city, town, village, street and house where we were born, where we took our first steps, said our first word, learned our first joys and first grievances. It seems to me that now our little homeland is much closer, dearer and more understandable to us - the home of our parents, grandparents. Thinking about this homeland, we think about our earliest childhood. And in these moments I remember my mother’s hands, which helped me stand stronger on my feet, the familiar and unique smell of my grandmother’s pies, just taken out of the oven; lullabies and mysterious and interesting children's tales. From an early age, my parents instilled in me a love for my native nature. And now I will never pick a delicate flower or scare away the birds chirping on a branch. It is difficult to say which homeland is more valuable to a person - a small one or a large one. It seems to me that both big and small homelands are equally important, and I love them. Moreover, it is an inextricable whole. The whole world around us is all Motherland.

Safonov Stanislav, 3rd grade

Every person has a homeland. My small homeland is the village of Dubintsy. This is the place where I was born and raised. I really love coming there. There is indescribable beauty there, I remember how nice it is to sit near a warm stove and know that it is bitterly cold and blizzard outside. In winter I like to sled and ski, and in summer I like to play with a ball and ride a bike.

We all must protect and love our little Motherland, since we have only one. I value my native place very much.

Dolgaya Tatyana, 3rd grade

Homeland is the most precious thing a person has. Homeland is the place where a person was born and raised.

I love my motherland. I consider my homeland the best, because here I was born, my parents live here. We have beautiful nature. Trees grow in the forests and many animals live.

Onukhov Ilya, 3rd grade

My little homeland...

I call the factory and Chashniki my little homeland, because my family and friends, my grandparents, live here. My family is here, my friends are here. That's why I call the factory and Chashniki my little homeland.

Dubinets Daria, 3rd grade

I really love my village, where I was born and live now. The Usveika River flows quietly and calmly. Nearby there is a forest with a lot of berries and mushrooms. The fauna is rich.

It is very beautiful here in the spring, when the gardens bloom. The air is so clean, fragrant, fresh. Every season is wonderful in its own way. This is a cozy, fairy-tale corner of my childhood.

Komosko Albina, 3rd grade

Every person has a place where he was born, grew up, where everything seems very dear and loved. My small homeland is the city of Chashniki. This is the city in which I was born, took my first steps, knew joy and happiness, sadness and resentment, love. My town is very beautiful. It stands on the Ulla River, which runs along the entire area. There are many lakes in the Chashniksky district, and one of them is located next to the school where I study. We have a lot of attractions. One of them is the Trinity (White) Church, located near the village of Cherey. It is very ancient and is included in the list of ten places in Belarus that, according to experts, should be visited first. In my small homeland, many talented people were born, such as Vasil Tyapinsky, Gennady Pashkov, Ales Shashkov, Anna Osipkova and many others.

I love my city because it is not like any other. I want it to be the cleanest, most blooming and comfortable, but for this we all must love and take care not only of ourselves, but also of everything that surrounds us.

Rogovskaya Elizaveta, 9th grade

I live in a green and beautiful country. It's called Belarus. Her unusual name speaks of the purity of these places and the unusual landscapes. They exude calm, spaciousness and kindness. And this makes you want to do something, enjoy life and admire nature. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in my country. They splash gently in the summer. In spring, their sonorous murmur is heard. In winter, the mirror-like surface attracts ice skating enthusiasts. In autumn, yellow leaves glide across the water. They talk about the imminent cold snap and the upcoming hibernation.

And all these wonderful transformations make your heart skip a beat. I want to admire these beautiful landscapes all the time. In every corner of my wonderful homeland you can find a lot of unusual things. You can visit various attractions and museums, but there is something more important and attractive. What I love most about my country is the friendliness of the local people. Belarusians are always ready to help each other. They willingly support each person easily and selflessly. Thanks to this, our country is always peaceful and quiet. Birdsong can be heard overhead, and lush green expanses lie nearby.

Kozlova Karina, 9th grade

For Russia, a village is a particle,
And for us it is our parental home.
And we are glad that we can be proud
Small Motherland, where we live.”

We were born in a country called Russia. We are Russians! Russia is a huge country. Russia has high mountains, deep lakes, deep rivers, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, swamps and fields. We can rightfully be proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people.

But each of us has our own small Motherland - that corner where you were born, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, the small Motherland is their native village, street or palisade near their house.

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

Small Motherland -

An island of land.

There are currants under the window,

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it there is a bench -

Affectionate little one

My motherland!

Our Talovaya village (Talovaya station) - the center of Talovsky municipal district The Voronezh region is located in its southeastern part, 166 km from the regional center. The village got its name from a ravine and a small river, along the banks of which there were thickets of willow grass. Bright Feature The district center has a radial-circular street layout, which amazes with its clarity of lines and beauty.The semicircle of the village's development is explained by the swampiness of its center.

Someone called her Talova

A short word, like a trill.

In the past the village had little

It has now become a regional center...

V.M. Kirichenko.

The Talovsky region is a small part of the Voronezh land, a land of protected feather grasses, artificial forests and reservoirs, endless wheat fields.

The Talovsky district gave many famous names to Russia. Many famous people who glorified our region with their work were born, raised, lived and worked here.

This is an academician, laureate Nobel Prize in physics

Pavel Alekseevich Cherenkov,

collector of Russian songs, creator of the first Russian folk choir, Honored Artist Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky,

A major contribution to the implementation of the long-term flight program of the MIR station, which worked in space for 17 years, was made by a native of the village of Abramovka, Major General Anatoly Semenovich Shishkin,

writer and journalist Evgeny Panteleevich Dubrovin,

People's teacher of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor Alexey Mikhailovich Ivanov.

The residents of Talovka keep the bright memory of the Honorary Citizen of the region, former first Secretary of the Talovsky Republic Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma Yuri Timofeevich Titov, who died tragically in June 2005.

8 Heroes Soviet Union, 5 Heroes of Socialist Labor were given by the Talov land of Russia. Among them is Pyotr Afanasyevich Trainin, who was awarded the Golden Hero Star twice.

We are proud and bow deeply to our fellow countrymen who glorified our village.