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Ergoferon - instructions for use for children. Ergoferon - instructions for use (tablets, solution), analogues, reviews, price of the drug. Can a child take it, and at what age? Which is better: Ergoferon or Kagocel? Contraindications and overdose

From the experience of my children, I can say that if a cold is treated with Ergoferon, the symptoms go away much faster. Apparently, strengthening the immune system plays a role here. So now, at the first sign of a viral infection, treatment begins quickly, and the result usually does not take long to wait.

Advantages Efficiency, composition safe for the body

Flaws No


I went on vacation and on the third day I got sick, I was very upset because it was a winter resort and leisure and I'm sneezing. I remembered that I took Ergoferon with me. I started taking it almost immediately according to the regimen and the next day I already felt an improvement. There was no limit to the joy. Who wants to be sick for the entire vacation?

Advantages quick effect

Flaws No


Before defending my thesis, I fell ill like a child (I caught a nasty virus). High temperature, cough, terrible body aches, lay flat. A friend brought Ergoferon and with its help got me out of bed in three days. Plus, there are no side effects or complications after the illness. Ergoferon works great, since then I have been taking it myself and everyone... Before defending my thesis, I fell ill like a child (I caught a nasty virus). High temperature, cough, terrible body aches, lay flat. A friend brought Ergoferon and with its help got me out of bed in three days. Plus, there are no side effects or complications after the illness. Ergoferon works great, since then I have been taking it myself and recommending it to all my friends/relatives.


When the child was sent to kindergarten at the age of three, constant illnesses began, it is clear that in a group the virus is easily transmitted from one to another. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, they began to give Ergoferon for prevention in courses, take it for three months, take a break for one month. Of course, I don’t believe in miracles, but the child stopped getting sick, which means the drug... When the child was sent to kindergarten at the age of three, constant illnesses began, it is clear that in a group the virus is easily transmitted from one to another. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, they began to give Ergoferon for prevention in courses, take it for three months, take a break for one month. Of course, I don’t believe in miracles, but the child stopped getting sick, which means the drug is working.

Advantages the drug works


I had never been treated before, I suffered from diseases on my legs, but one of these times the disease gave serious complications and made me think. Now I have found Ergoferon for myself, you can carry it with you and start taking it if you feel slightly unwell. It always helps, and it’s good that with any cold or flu. Now it has become... I had never been treated before, I suffered from diseases on my legs, but one of these times the disease gave serious complications and made me think. Now I have found Ergoferon for myself, you can carry it with you and start taking it if you feel slightly unwell. It always helps, and it’s good that with any cold or flu. Now I started taking it as a preventive measure and the results were not long in coming; I began to get sick much less often. Pleasant-tasting lozenges are always with me now.

With a job like mine, it’s absolutely forbidden to get sick. It’s impossible to work remotely, and every day I miss significantly worsens the financial situation of the entire company. Therefore, during epidemics, since I tend to catch viruses out of nowhere, I am treated with Ergoferon. Once it was recommended to me in a pharmacy, now I have no doubt... With a job like mine, it’s absolutely forbidden to get sick. It’s impossible to work remotely, and every day I miss significantly worsens the financial situation of the entire company. Therefore, during epidemics, since I tend to catch viruses out of nowhere, I am treated with Ergoferon. Once it was recommended to me at a pharmacy, now I buy it without a doubt. The price is normal for me. I'm recovering quickly. There are no side effects. The disease is not severe, which allows you to go to work. It's just the perfect medicine for me. I recommend!

Ergoferon has long become like a lifesaver for me, which prevents me from falling too far out of my working rhythm. Previously, in the winter, I would just get over it, and before I had time to feel good, I would catch an infection again somewhere, and everything would go in circles again. But now I know that it is best to take anaferon in advance for preventive purposes, then... Ergoferon has long become like a lifesaver for me, which prevents me from falling too far out of my working rhythm. Previously, in the winter, I would just get over it, and before I had time to feel good, I would catch an infection again somewhere, and everything would go in circles again. But now I know that it is best to take Anaferon in advance for preventive purposes, then the effect will be the most reliable, and you can spend the winter without illness at all

Advantages Price, quality, high efficiency

Flaws No


Previously, I didn’t even try to start any special treatment for a cold, I thought that everything should go away on its own. But then the treatment takes a very long time, and it doesn’t cost a lot of blood. You will definitely have a cough and a stuffy nose later. But if you take ergoferon, the symptoms do not last long.

Like most people, I sometimes get ARVI during the autumn-winter period. The penultimate time I was ill was severe and long. Either the virus entered my body is very insidious or my immunity is already useless. Therefore, I approached the next disease responsibly. I took Ergoferon strictly according to the instructions, from the first day, as soon as it was prescribed to me. As a result... Like most people, I sometimes get ARVI during the autumn-winter period. The penultimate time I was ill was severe and long. Either the virus entered my body is very insidious or my immunity is already useless. Therefore, I approached the next disease responsibly. I took Ergoferon strictly according to the instructions, from the first day, as soon as it was prescribed to me. As a result, thank God, I recovered quickly. This drug did not cause any complications. I really liked it)

As the mother of a small child, I can definitely say that Ergoferon should be at home. I discovered it for myself quite recently. Just a week ago we were in children's center on my birthday, in the morning we discovered that we were starting to have sniffles, our temperature had already started to rise, 37.2. We immediately went to the doctor. She strongly recommended taking Ergoferon... As the mother of a small child, I can definitely say that Ergoferon should be at home. I discovered it for myself quite recently. Just a week ago we were at the children's center for a birthday, in the morning we discovered that we were starting to have sniffles, our temperature had already started to rise, 37.2. We immediately went to the doctor. She strongly recommended taking Ergoferon so as not to worsen the situation and not go on sick leave. On the way home we stopped at the pharmacy, bought some and started giving it to my son according to the instructions. He doesn’t really like my pills, he usually refuses them, but he took these with pleasure, the taste is pleasant. In general, over the weekend we recovered and went to the garden. Now I bought a package just in case, let it lie at home, the ARVI season is approaching, we will meet it fully armed.

I believe that the drug Ergoferon should be in every home medicine cabinet, because I simply don’t know any analogues, the most important thing for me, as a mother, is that there is no problem in giving my child a pill, they taste good and quickly dissolve under the tongue, the baby constantly asks for them.

The drug is effective

Their Wikipedia is strange, but it has proven from its own experience that the drug is effective. I take it during the cold season to prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, I have not been sick for two years now, this is noticeable especially in damp weather. I used to wear handkerchiefs all the time, I just took antibiotics right away and my immunity was zero. Now... Their Wikipedia is strange, but it has proven from its own experience that the drug is effective. I take it during the cold season to prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, I have not been sick for two years now, this is noticeable especially in damp weather. I used to wear handkerchiefs all the time, I just took antibiotics right away and my immunity was zero. Now my health can be envied and if I get my feet wet, there will be no consequences, I tested it myself.

Not long ago I felt the effects of Ergoferon, but I can say with one hundred percent certainty that now I will be saved only by it. At work, everyone started getting sick because of the air conditioning; almost everyone had a fever. A colleague advised me to take Ergoferon every half hour on the first day, and then twice a day. I... Not long ago I felt the effects of Ergoferon, but I can say with one hundred percent certainty that now I will be saved only by it. At work, everyone started getting sick because of the air conditioning; almost everyone had a fever. A colleague advised me to take Ergoferon every half hour on the first day, and then twice a day. I’m not a fan of pills, but what’s more frightening is the possibility of being on sick leave for two weeks. So, after three days, my colleague and I were back in action, while the rest were snotty for another half month.

I was on a business trip and caught some kind of virus. In the evening I returned to the hotel, my head was pounding, my throat was sore, it hurt to swallow, my nose couldn’t breathe. This is at home raspberry jam and your favorite pillow, but here is a foreign city. You can’t even call a doctor, but you still need to find a clinic. Another plus is that work won’t wait. I went to the pharmacy... I was on a business trip and caught some kind of virus. In the evening I returned to the hotel, my head was pounding, my throat was sore, it hurt to swallow, my nose couldn’t breathe. At home there is raspberry jam and a favorite pillow, but here is a foreign city. You can’t even call a doctor, but you still need to find a clinic. Another plus is that work won’t wait. I went to the pharmacy and they recommended Ergoferon. They said to dissolve a tablet every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours, and in the following days take a tablet 3 times a day. At first I didn’t believe it. But, oddly enough, it helped. The next morning, my head was gone, and so was my throat. I was able to finish all my work on time and go home healthy.

Ergoferon is a homeopathic remedy that, according to the manufacturer, has an antiviral effect, relieves inflammation and allergy symptoms, and improves immunity.

Remember that the effect of homeopathic remedies, including Ergoferon, has not been proven!

Ergoferon is available in absorbable tablets and solution for oral administration. A homeopathic remedy was developed in 2011. It is produced by LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding. Ergoferon is not sold separately for children or adults.

The tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, they have a score and a chamfer. They are white or almost white, on the side where there is a mark the name of the manufacturer is printed on back side- name of the medicine.

The solution is a clear liquid.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is explained by affinity purified antibodies to the following compounds:

  • human interferon γ;
  • histamine;
  • monomeric transmembrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily.

According to the manufacturer, the drug exhibits antiviral activity, increases the body's defenses against pathogenic agents, and relieves inflammation and signs of allergies.

All active substances of a homeopathic remedy increase the activity of γ-interferon, histamine, and CD4 receptors, which are responsible for the body’s immune response. They regulate the biosynthesis of immunoglobulins. While taking it, a runny nose, coughing, sneezing quickly goes away, and the lower lumen expands. respiratory tract, the amount of bronchial secretion decreases, and the child’s general well-being improves.

According to the instructions for use, the homeopathic remedy is active against the following pathogenic agents:

  • influenza A and B viruses;
  • parainfluenza pathogens;
  • rotoviruses;
  • enteroviruses;
  • caliciviruses;
  • coronaviruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • herpes viruses.

In addition to the medicinal components, the tablets contain the following fillers:

  • milk sugar;
  • E 572.

The solution contains the following inactive components:

  • E 965;
  • glycerol;
  • E 202;
  • E 330;
  • purified water.

Indications for use

Children are given a homeopathic remedy for the purpose of therapy and prevention:

  • influenza A and B;
  • inflammation of the meninges caused by meningococcus and enteroviruses;
  • ARVI, pathogens such as rotoviruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses;
  • pathologies caused by herpes viruses;
  • viral gastrointestinal infections;
  • mouse fever;
  • taiga encephalitis.

In parallel with other medications, Ergoferon can be given to children for diseases caused by bacteria:

  • Far Eastern scarlet fever;
  • whooping cough;
  • pneumonia, including those provoked by atypical pathogens;
  • yersiniosis.

Ergoferon can be given to children with viral diseases to prevent the development of bacterial infections and the onset of superinfection.

If you give a homeopathic remedy before and after vaccination, this increases the effectiveness of vaccine therapy. The drug increases the body's resistance to acute respiratory viral diseases, including influenza, until immunity develops after the vaccine.

Instructions for use and dosage

At what age Ergoferon should be given to children depends on dosage form homeopathic remedy.

The instructions for use state that Ergoferon tablets can be given to children after they reach six months, the solution is allowed for patients over 3 years of age.

The homeopathic remedy should not be taken at the same time as food.

How to take Ergoferon for children for treatment purposes

Therapy should be started as early as possible at the first clinical manifestations of infection.

On the 1st day, the patient should be given 8 tablets according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours, 1 tablet every half hour (5 tablets in total), then 1 tablet 3 times at equal time intervals. Starting from the 2nd day, give the drug to the patient 1 tablet three times a day. Continue therapy until the clinical manifestations of the disease disappear.

The tablet must be kept in the mouth until it completely dissolves. Parents should know how to give Ergoferon to a child if he is small and is not able to take the medicine correctly on his own. If he is under 3 years old, then 1 tablet must first be dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. boiled cooled water and give the resulting solution to the baby.

Ergoferon to children 3 years of age and older can be given in solution according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours, the homeopathic remedy is given 1 tsp. every half hour, then during the first day you still need to drink the drug 3 times at equal time intervals. The next day, give the medicine to the child 1 tsp. three times a day. This dosage regimen should be maintained until the patient recovers completely.

The solution should be kept in the mouth before swallowing to increase its effectiveness.

If necessary, against the background of a homeopathic remedy, you can take other antiviral medications and drugs that eliminate signs of infection. For example, to normalize the child’s temperature, you can give Calpol. There have been no reported cases of incompatibility of Ergoferon with any medications.

Prevention: Ergoferon dosage regimens

In order to reduce the risk of developing a viral infection, Ergoferon can be given to a child either 1-2 tablets or 1-2 tsp. per day. The duration of the preventive course can vary from 30 days to six months.

How often to give Ergoferon to children should be decided by a pediatrician, since this is a medicine and only a doctor can assess the advisability of prescribing it and select the correct treatment regimen. But remember that no normal pediatrician will prescribe a medicine whose effect has not been proven.


Before starting therapy, you need to find out whether Ergoferon can be given to children, since the drug has restrictions on its use. It is prohibited if diagnosed:

  • intolerance to active and additional ingredients (regardless of the release form);
  • intolerance to fruit sugar is a contraindication for taking the syrup, as it contains maltitol;
  • galactosemia, impaired absorption of monosaccharides and lactase deficiency are contraindications for tablets, as they contain milk sugar.

The syrup should be given with caution to a patient if he has been diagnosed with diabetes.

Adverse reactions

In case of physiological intolerance, taking the drug can cause an allergy; in this case, you need to interrupt the therapy and go to the hospital so that the pediatrician adjusts the treatment regimen.
You should also consult with him if you experience any unwanted effects that are not described in the instructions.


  • stomach upset;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

A specific antidote is unknown; the victim is prescribed medications to eliminate the signs of poisoning.


The cost of Ergoferon depends on the form of release and the pharmacy markup. The average price of 20 tablets is about 300 rubles.


There are no complete analogues of Ergoferon for children on sale; there are only medications that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  • Agri for children. Russian homeopathic remedy, which is available in lingual tablets and granules, approved for patients over 3 with ARVI. This is a cheap analogue of Ergoferon for children, the cost of the drug is about 50 rubles.
  • Oscillococcinum. French homeopathic remedy that is used for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. For kids, first dilute it in water. The price of the drug varies from 380 to 1340 rubles.

Doctors often prescribe Anaferon, Arbidol, etc. for colds.

What is better Ergoferon or Anaferon for children?

Anaferon is a Russian homeopathic remedy, the therapeutic effect of which is explained by antibodies to human γ-globulin. The drug is produced in lozenges and drops. Anaferon can be used in the same cases as Ergoferon. Its main difference is that it is allowed to be given to children over 1 month old. Anaferon tablets should first be dissolved in a small volume of water. For patients younger age You can give a drug for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in a solution, developed specifically for children from 1 month to 3 years.
Otherwise, both products are similar.

Which remedy is better Ergoferon or Kagocel for a child?

Kagocel is a Russian antiviral drug that is available in tablets. It is allowed to be given to children over 3 years of age for the treatment and prevention of influenza. The medication is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to its composition. It is impossible to say for sure which drug is better, since both of them can provoke allergies. If the patient is over 3 years old and is able to swallow a tablet, both medications are allowed. It is better to give homeopathy to children under this age.

What is better to give Ergoferon or Arbidol to a child?

Arbidol is a Russian medicine, the clinical effect of which is explained by umifenovir. The drug reduces the duration and severity of the viral infection and the incidence of bacterial complications. It is commercially available in powder from which a suspension is prepared, tablets, and capsules. As an antiviral and immunostimulating agent, it can be given to children from 2 years of age. Children younger than this age are best treated with homeopathy.

What is preferable: Tsitovir or Ergoferon for children?

Tsitovir-3 is a Russian drug that can be used to increase the body's defenses during viral infections and to suppress ARVI pathogens. The medicine is commercially available in syrup and capsules. In the absence of contraindications, it can be given for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections to patients older than one year. In other cases, it is better to give preference to a homeopathic remedy.


Buyers' opinion

Mothers give Ergoferon to their children for both treatment and prevention. I like that they drink it with pleasure. It has been noticed that the flu goes away easier with it and complications do not develop. Although, without a homeopathic remedy, we often had a viral infection accompanied by pneumonia.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion about Ergoferon

Unlike other pediatricians who often prescribe Ergoferon, Dr. Komarovsky does not believe that viral diseases require any treatment at all. He claims that a homeopathic remedy is no more effective than a placebo. According to the famous pediatrician, the patient needs to be warmly dressed, given water, rinsed with sea water-based preparations, regularly clean the room where the patient is, and after 5 days he will recover.
Although Ergoferon can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, it should not be given to children without prior consultation with a specialist, since a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis and decide on the advisability of using a homeopathic remedy.

Ergoferon provides antiviral, immunostimulating, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects on the child’s body. Ergoferon for children is allowed to be used from 6 months. In the fall, when work immune system the body is weakened, Ergoferon becomes an indispensable assistant, capable of relieving the child of the symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Ergoferon refers to homeopathic medicines. main feature Ergoferon consists in the composition. It is based on three types of antibodies: to gamma interferon, histamine and antibodies to CD4. All of them have antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. Another advantage of the medicine is its antiallergic effect.

Thanks to its antihistamine properties, Ergoferon helps eliminate swelling of the nasopharynx and reduces the inflammatory process during ARVI.

Indications for use

Ergoferon is allowed to be used for:

  • Prevention and treatment of influenza viruses of various origins;
  • Use in complex therapy required to combat complications after illnesses;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • Adenoviruses;

Ergoferon has a number of advantages compared to other drugs. The safety of the components protects the child’s body from harmful influences, but do not forget that the use of the drug should be started only after the appointment of the attending physician, who will select the optimal dosage taking into account the health status, age and weight of the child.

Instructions for use

The attached instructions for Ergoferon indicate the following recommendations:

  • For prevention, it is recommended to take 1 tablet once a day. The duration of treatment can be from 1 to 6 months, it will be determined by the doctor taking into account individual characteristics body;
  • If primary symptoms of the disease occur, it is recommended to take 4 tablets every half hour in the first 2 hours. Then throughout the day you should take three more tablets, also calculating the time intervals. Starting from the 2nd day of treatment, the medication is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet, until recovery occurs;
  • Infants (from 6 months) need to dissolve one tablet in a tablespoon of water. For better absorption of the medicine, it is recommended not to combine it with food.

Ergoferon is approved for use in combination with other antiviral drugs in the form of suppositories, suspensions and tablets.

The drug has a number of advantages:

  • The components included in the composition protect even small growing organisms;
  • Antiallergic properties can ease the course of the disease;
  • The drug can be used for prevention and in the later stages of the disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, Ergoferon has a number of contraindications:

  • The child must be at least 6 months old;
  • The use of the drug is prohibited if there is a problem with the absorption of glucose in the intestines;
  • Ergoferon is contraindicated for use if it is detected in a child (due to the glucose content of the drug).

After clinical studies, it was proven that side effect is only individual intolerance to the components contained in the medication.

Analogs and prices

The cost of Ergoferon in Russia averages 300 rubles. This medicine has a unique composition, but on the modern pharmacological market there are many analogues that have a similar effect. Particularly popular are: Anaferon, Kagocel, Ingaverin, Arbidol, Amiksin, Viferon suppositories. Below is a list of the most popular ones:

  • different from Ergoferon. The drug does not contain antibodies. Instructions: Contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, as well as for pregnant women. The price varies from 250 to 270 rubles per package;
  • . The active ingredient of the drug is vitaglutam, the spectrum of action is similar. Dosage of the drug: 7 capsules of 60 ml for children, and 90 ml for adults. Price – approximately 470 rubles;
  • . The central component is umifenovir. Instructions: in addition to influenza and ARVI, this drug treats bronchitis and pneumonia and is used for prevention. Available in capsules and tablets, separately available for sale for children from 3 years of age. Average price - 260 rubles;
  • Amiksin. The active ingredient is tilorone. Instructions: Contraindicated for use by pregnant women and children under 7 years of age. The most expensive medicine among those listed, the cost is 700 - 750 rubles;
  • . The main active ingredient is interferon. Instructions: recommended for viral diseases, flu, ; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract and herpetic skin infections. Available in the form of candles. average cost from 230 rubles;
  • has an almost identical composition to Ergoferon, as well as a similar spectrum of action. Allowed for use by children from 1 month. The price is approximately 200 rubles.

Anaferon is an effective homeopathic medicine with anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Capable of quickly and also blocking the activity of viruses. After taking the drug, the activation of cellular immunity begins, due to which the disease goes away in a milder form. The drug promotes the production in the child’s body, which activates cytokines and blocks the manifested intoxication of the body during the course of the disease. Anaferon is approved for both adults and children from the age of one month for treatment and prevention during the ARVI epidemic.

Anaferon helps strengthen the immune system, allows you to get rid of cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, etc. in the shortest possible time. The medicine can be purchased without a prescription, in the form of lozenges, in packs of 20 and 40 pieces.

Which is better: Anaferon or Ergoferon?

Parents, in search of a suitable medicine for their child, were faced with the question of what is better: Anaferon or Ergoferon? Both drugs are common on the pharmacological market and are sold in every pharmacy. Despite the similarity in composition and spectrum of action, some differences are known.

The main difference between Ergoferon and Anaferon is their effect on the body. Due to the fact that Ergoferon contains antibodies to histamine, this drug has antihistamine (anti-allergic) properties, which are as follows:

  • After taking the drug, the spasmodic fibers of the bronchi relax, the tone decreases;
  • The capillaries located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity are tightened, as a result of which nasal congestion decreases and swelling of the mucous membrane decreases;
  • The duration of rhinorrhea (discharge of mucus from the nasal passages) is reduced;
  • Sneezing and coughing become less intense;
  • When antibodies enter the body, they enhance the functioning of the cells responsible for protecting against viruses.

After comparing the two drugs, it should be noted that Ergoferon provides:

  • Antiviral activity of cells;
  • Helps the body fight existing diseases, and can also be used for prevention;
  • Compared to Anaferon, which gives a clear result only in the first day of the disease, Ergoferon is able to fight viruses in late treatment;
  • The drug is able to eliminate bacterial complications after viruses such as influenza, bronchitis, meningitis;
  • Ergoferon also prevents the development of edema of the respiratory tract due to its antiallergic effect.

It is worth noting that Anaferon is prescribed to children from the age of one month, Ergoferon - from 6 months. Both drugs described are safe to use in the fight against viral infections, as well as for prevention, each of which has its own advantages. The use of the drug should be started only after the appointment of the attending physician, who will select the appropriate dosage based on data on the child’s health condition.

In the cold season, children's season begins colds. Children who are in children's groups (kindergartens or lower grades of school) are especially susceptible to them. Ergoferon helps to fight viruses and prevent diseases. This is a homeopathic medicine, children are allowed to drink it from the age of six months. The medicine relieves inflammation, having immunomodulatory properties. It can be used as prescribed by a doctor. But you should not give your children any medications on your own, without the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Main active ingredients:

  • Antibodies to interferon gamma;
  • Antibodies to histamine;
  • Antibodies to CD 4.

All antibodies are affinity purified. One tablet contains 0.006 grams of each component. Or 0.12 grams per 100 milliliters of solution, similarly.

In addition to the main composition, the tablets include: magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and microcrystalline cellulose. And the solution includes: glycerol, anhydrous lemon acid, distilled water, maltitol and potassium sorbate.

Thanks to these components, the use of the drug has a number of effects:

  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Stimulates immunity;
  • Fights viruses;
  • Has antihistamine properties.

Swelling in the nose and throat also subsides, and other symptoms of ARVI decrease. Antibodies recognize foreign objects in the body, helping to initiate the processes of removing pathogens.

What is it released in?

Most people believe that there are two types of medicine. This is Ergoferon for children and tablets for adults. They think that these are two completely different drugs, with different dosages of medicinal substances. This opinion is wrong. In fact, Ergoferon is produced in a single dosage. It is suitable for both children and adults.

  1. Tablets - they are produced in 20, 40 or 100 pieces per package. They can be white or almost white. The shape is flat-cylindrical, there is a mark and a chamfer. On one side the name is stamped in Latin: ERGOFERON, on the back it is written: MATERIA MEDICA.
  2. Oral solution - approved for children over 3 years of age. It is produced in bottles of 100 milliliters. The solution is transparent or almost transparent.

The drug in all forms is sold packaged in cardboard box. Included in the package detailed instructions on the use of Ergoferon.

In what situations does it help?

The drug was developed to treat viral infections. It is also effective for preventing colds. In addition to these cases, Ergoferon for children is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • If your baby is exposed to influenza strains A or B;
  • For diseases caused by adenovirus, coronavirus, . The causative agents of these infections are not vulnerable to the action of antibiotics;
  • If the disease was caused by a herpes virus. It could be chickenpox, herpes zoster, etc.;
  • The drug is also approved for use in the treatment of bacterial infections (including pneumonia, whooping cough, yersiniosis). But as an additional drug and only with complex therapy;
  • If your baby gets meningitis, which is caused by meningococcus or enterovirus;
  • This drug can be given for tick-borne encephalitis;
  • During treatment of hemorrhagic fever (even with renal syndrome);
  • For intestinal infections that were provoked by adenovirus, calicivirus, enteroviruses or coronaviruses.

How to give Ergoferon to children correctly

It is optimal to take the drug 30 minutes before starting a meal or half an hour after finishing it. But during illness, the daily routine may be disrupted; if it is not possible to take the drug during the recommended period, then it can be given at any time during the day, but not during meals.

The tablets are designed to be swallowed, so older children should place them under the tongue and dissolve them slowly. If a child drinks a solution or tablet diluted in water, the liquid should not be swallowed immediately. It is recommended to hold it in your mouth for ten to thirty seconds.

The instructions for use for children indicate the following method of treatment:

  • At the first symptoms of a cold or ARVI (nasal congestion, headache, lethargy) you should take the drug immediately. In the first two hours, give your child one tablet every thirty minutes. In total, you get 4 tablets over two hours. Then during the rest of the day you need to take three more tablets. Make sure you take them at regular intervals. If you drink a solution, then take five milliliters of solution according to a similar scheme;
  • On the second and subsequent days of illness, adhere to the following dosage regimen: 1 tablet or 5 milliliters of solution three times a day. Drink the drug until all symptoms disappear completely.

Attention! On the first day, it is prohibited to consume more than 8 tablets or 40 milliliters of solution.

Use of drugs for prevention

If the question concerns prevention, then the drug is taken 1 - 2 tablets or 5 - 10 milliliters of solution daily. The course should not be interrupted and can last from 1 month to six months.

Children aged 1–2 years (strictly up to 3 years) are given only tablets. One piece needs to be dissolved in a tablespoon, not too much hot water(must be boiled) and give the baby something to drink.

The exact dosage and how many days to take Ergoferon should be prescribed by the pediatrician, based on the child’s condition, contraindications and other circumstances.

There is still no clear opinion among doctors about the advisability of taking Ergoferon. The fact is that the drug stimulates the production of interferon, that is, the body “makes no effort” to overcome the virus. This can lead to subsequent viral infections becoming more severe and protracted.

Overdose in children

If the dose was much increased, the child may develop dyspepsia. This is a functional digestive disorder that includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. In such a situation, you should take medications that eliminate unpleasant symptoms. These could be antiemetic medications, anti-diarrhea tablets. But all medications must be prescribed by a pediatrician.


The drug has restrictions on its use, but there are very few of them. Among them are the following:

  • Infant age - until the baby reaches six months;
  • Intolerance to any of the components of Ergoferon;
  • Allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drug;
  • If the baby suffers from diabetes, then the drug should be given with caution, since it contains a little fructose. Don’t forget to warn your pediatrician about your child’s chronic illnesses and what other medications you are giving your baby.
  • Ergoferon, produced in the form of a solution, is prohibited for use by children under three years of age.

Side effects of the drug

Ergoferon is usually well tolerated by children and adults. Among side effects there may be an allergic reaction of the body to any component of the homeopathic remedy.

Allergies manifest themselves in the form of a rash, red spots on the body, swelling, tearing, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms. If alarming signs appear, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an analogue of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ergoferon has its strengths and weaknesses. If the drug is started in a timely manner and according to the instructions, the drug helps speed up recovery, and the disease itself will be easier. On the Internet you can find different reviews about therapy with this drug.

Benefits include:

  • The ability to take Ergoferon to prevent viral diseases. This is especially convenient in winter and autumn;
  • minimal restrictions on use and few side effects;
  • Ergoferon can be used as early as six months. But there are countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union, where admission is allowed only from the age of six.
  • The homeopathic remedy does not interact in any way with other drugs. This suggests that they can be taken together with different groups of pharmacological agents.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Low effectiveness if taken from 2–3 days of illness;
  • The cost of Ergoferon - parents buy it at a price of 300 - 350 rubles for a standard package. The drug has cheaper analogues.

What to replace

The domestic market also offers similar drugs with a similar mechanism of action. The most common include:

  • Kagocel – it does not contain antibodies. Medicine belongs to the antiviral group. It can be drunk by children from 6 years old. It even helps if you start taking it on the 2nd – 3rd day of illness;
  • Anaferon is the main analogue of Ergoferon for children. Increases the body's resistance and blocks viruses. Helps produce interferon in the body. Many parents do not know which is better Anaferon or Ergoferon for a child. Both drugs have the same mechanism of action. But Anaferon is allowed for infants from the age of one month.
  • Arbidol - it is produced in capsules and tablets and can be used by children from the age of three. It treats not only viral infections, Arbidol helps with bronchitis and pneumonia as an additional medicine;
  • Viferon is a rectal suppository containing interferon. Effective against viral infections, flu, hepatitis, herpes, etc.

There are many other analogues that come in the form of tablets, syrup, solutions or suspensions.


Ergoferon is intended to combat viral diseases. It is effective at the first symptoms of the disease. The product belongs to the homeopathic group. It is convenient because it can be given to very young children, up to one year old (starting from six months). The mechanism of Ergoferon’s work is based on stimulating the production of interferon, which helps cope with infectious agents. It is recommended to take Ergoferon only as prescribed by a doctor.