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Long-term stagnation. Stagnation - what is it, speaking in simple words about the economy. Types of stagnation and the prerequisites for its occurrence

What is stagnation in the economy? This is a rather subtle and at the same time complex process that requires deep and detailed study.

Stagnation in the economy is, in simple terms, a period of long-term stagnation in the economic activity of a particular country. (Stagnation in Russia, stagnation in England, stagnation in the USA).

What stagnation in the economy is is now clear, but what are its causes.

Is it possible to avoid this phenomenon? Is it really dangerous? Are there ways to deal with this situation?

If we talk specifically about our country, then the stagnation of the ruble may result in the fading of all business activity in Russia.

It doesn’t grow (but it doesn’t fall either, which is important). There is no visible progress or regression; life in the economic sphere seems to be at a standstill.

It doesn’t even float with the flow, but stops at one point.

Against the backdrop of this phenomenon, a sharp jump in unemployment occurs. Crime immediately increases, and more social problems appear.

Important: inflation, rising prices for essential products - all these are negative factors that make it possible to simply and in detail explain what stagnation in the economy is and why it is not desirable.

From the history

This phenomenon was first discussed only in the 20th century. To be specific, at 30 years old.

The situation took place in American economy. The description of the process is clearly given by the outstanding economist of the time, Murray.

He called stagnation the stagnation of centuries. There were also methods for resolving and getting out of this situation.

Then they listened to him, in America they agreed with the country’s deficit in order to increase spending on the most necessary things. The path was right.

Stagnation was forgotten at the beginning of the next decade. Murray's method was and is still used in different countries peace.

Murray explained to America and the whole world why the economic crisis cannot be allowed to progress.

It could lead to a recession in the manufacturing sector. Then the gross domestic product will fall sharply, which is extremely undesirable.

The economy of a particular country may simply collapse. This is the collapse of the entire state, the collapse of the ordinary life of ordinary people.

Important: Murray argued that stagnation, if not “cured” in time, will affect every person without exception. His theory also states that a successful economy will always come to this sad process. This is a fact that has been proven over time in different parts of the globe.

About the causes

To better understand what stagnation in the economy is, you need to understand its causes.

Experts say that this phenomenon does not arise due to any one problem, but rather a complex of “national ills.”

So, here we go:

  • bureaucracy grows;
  • the state is conducting an ineffective economic policy generally;
  • legislation on business entities is too “raw”, needs to be finalized, revised, or is absent altogether;
  • there is no normal interaction on economic and financial issues with other world powers;
  • extensive way of development of production activities;
  • lack of innovation in the production sector, outdated equipment, lack of measures to improve production;
  • curtailment of research and development programs and ideas.

Important: The emergence of a process can be influenced by something that a person could not foresee - natural disasters, force majeure, wars, crises in other countries. But this is a separate story, which, if it happens, is quite rare in comparison with the standard reasons for stagnation.

Any of these problems in itself is global, but taken together they resemble a time bomb.

Sooner or later, the ruble will stagnate (speaking of Russia in particular).

In real terms, normal GDP growth is about 3 percent per year. The lower the growth, the slower the country develops.

Over time, the difference increases and after 20 years it is 25 percent compared to developed countries.

In 20 years, Russia's GDP will lag behind world powers by almost 50 percent.

This is the current level of Montenegro. The lives of ordinary citizens could actually get worse.

This is a stagnation period in the life of Russia. And we already experienced a recession in 2014-15.

Important: To ensure that such a phenomenon does not occur in the country’s economy, great attention must be paid to the financing of science and design innovations, in particular. Only improvement of the production sphere of activity will help to avoid a dangerous phenomenon, or make it less painful for the country as a whole and each of its individual citizens.

About phases and signs

Let's start in order. Stagnation - what is it? in simple words we've already figured it out.

Now you need to understand when the process occurs and what stages it consists of.

Any stagnation, including the stagnation of the ruble, has four periods:

  • increase;
  • stop;
  • decrease;
  • completion.

In a country (if we are talking, for example, about Russia) the ruble is already stagnating if:

  • inflation occurs. And it is significant. And it prevents the economy from developing. At the same time, jobs are at risk, there are more unemployed in the country, more crime, and mortality increases;
  • revenues are declining and are practically not collected;
  • production seems to stop. Factories and enterprises may operate, but they do not develop, the number of products they produce does not increase, and there is practically no sales;
  • no, there are fewer of them;
  • falls;
  • ordinary residents of the country are becoming poorer; they can no longer afford large purchases. Money is kept at home rather than in business, they are not invested in business and real estate, life comes to a standstill.

About the types

It is a big mistake to assume that the stagnation of the ruble in Russia can be the only problem. After all, this is, first of all, a process that affects all areas of life.

Modern economists and political scientists talk about 2 types of process:

  • monopolistic;
  • transitional

Monopoly occurs when a separate monopolist appears in the state in each area of ​​economic activity.

Other manufacturers simply have nothing to do in such a market, so that they do not introduce, no matter how hard they try, they cannot reach the same level as the monopolist.

Important: In order for a monopolistic process to not arise in the economy, the state must be interested in preventing the emergence of a monopoly.

This is not only about production, but also about any other field! If the state puts obstacles in the way of a monopoly, it will be extremely difficult and even impossible for it to emerge and survive.

The ruble stagnated in Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Just then we were moving from one economic model of governing the country to another, completely new for us.

We must understand that Russia will experience stagnation in the next 20 years.

In terms of welfare, we will descend to poor countries.

This is the current forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development of our country.

GDP will grow only 1.8-2 percent per year. This is extremely little for us.

Only by the beginning of the 30s will this figure be slightly increased, but even then this will not be enough for the healthy development of the country and the infusion of investment into it from abroad.

Overcoming stagnation will be possible only with the introduction of a number of innovative reforms that will have a positive impact on the production sector.

To avoid ruble stagnation in Russia, we need GDP growth of at least 3.5 percent per year.

Important: in order to prevent transitional stagnation of the ruble (as was the case in Russia), it is important to take care of a smooth transition from one economic model of state management to another. The process may last for many years, but it will be less painful than a sudden and not always justified change in such management.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Summarizing the previous sections of the article, I would like to note that the culprits for the stagnation of the ruble (in Russia, for example) can be searched for a long time and endlessly.

Of course, this process is allowed due to:

  • ineffective government;
  • controversial tax policy;
  • stagnation of the banking sector;
  • economic sanctions against Russia;
  • and other reasons that we talked about earlier.

However, any such process has a beginning and an end. There is no need to talk about the duration of this phenomenon.

To minimize the consequences of this economic process, an ordinary person needs:

  • start saving money “for a rainy day” now, preferably in foreign currency;
  • have a backup job or at least a part-time job;
  • master an in-demand working profession or skill;
  • try to reduce your own expenses;
  • don't take much.

Important: atbe like this simple things, while there is time, and the crisis has not arrived. Experts recommend, as an alternative, to pay attention to Agriculture, work on the global web, creative activity, own .
Stagnation is a phenomenon that can be prevented or its consequences made less severe for different segments of the population.

So, let's begin:

  • a state may request assistance from the international community;
  • the country must expand its horizons, figuratively, of course. Entering new markets will be very useful;
  • innovations must be introduced into production on an ongoing basis;
  • the state must stimulate the development of science and technology;
  • the country must take care of regular modernization of the production sector and avoid the slightest stagnation in this matter;
  • the state should not be drawn into international and regional conflicts;
  • the currency must be stabilized.


Ruble stagnation in Russia can be quite dangerous. At least because:

  • the rate of production drops sharply;
  • trade declines;
  • investments are no longer received in the required volume;
  • business activity is falling;
  • inflation is only progressing;
  • unemployment is rising;
  • social security reaches a minimum.

Stagnation of the ruble will certainly lead to a recession. This is an inevitable consequence that will also need to be experienced.

A recession occurs when the level of GDP is very low. But all this is far from critical and with proper management it will certainly pass.

A recession is characterized by:

  • a sharp increase in unemployment among the economically active population;
  • outflow of investments;
  • rising prices;
  • the national currency depreciates;
  • devaluation occurs.

This period is important for the country to understand what mistakes were made and how to avoid them in the future.

Any recession ends sooner or later, stagnation recedes, and a new round in economic development begins.

Stagnation of the economy and dreams of power

Stagnation is a certain stage in the economy of any country, characterized by a lack of impulses for development, stagnation in the sphere of finance, trade and production.

The Latin term stagnum “standing water” most accurately reflects the essence of this phenomenon. Stagnation is protracted and is accompanied by a gradual decline in living standards.

Causes and characteristics of the phenomenon

Stagnation is an alarming signal foreshadowing a future crisis. Every state faces this phenomenon, since economic development follows a certain cycle. After the recovery stage, a stage of stagnation begins, during which there are no breakthroughs in the field of science and technology, there is no growth in production, and there is a lull in trade and business activity.

The period of stagnation is characterized by the following features:

  • low or zero GDP growth rates;
  • a decline in the country's competitiveness in the foreign market;
  • “creeping” inflation, rising prices;
  • decrease in wages, increase in unemployment;
  • gradual decline in living standards.
At the same time, a certain pattern can be traced - the longer the period of economic recovery, the higher the likelihood of the onset of a stage of prolonged stagnation. The main reasons contributing to stagnation:
  1. incompetence of the government's economic bloc;
  2. bureaucracy and corruption in government structures;
  3. absence or imperfection of legislation in the field of economic and financial activities;
  4. deterioration of industrial equipment, low labor productivity;
  5. insufficient funding for new scientific and technical developments.
Incorrect government policy in the economic sphere leads to a decrease in production potential, a drop in demand for goods and a lack of competitive products. This creates conditions for stagnation in almost all sectors of economic life.

Types of stagnation and ways to overcome it

Economists distinguish two types of stagnation:


The emergence of stagnation in the economy is facilitated by the creation of large monopolies that eliminate the main engine of economic development - market competition. As a result, monopolized industries face reduced investment, underutilization of production capacity, and wear and tear of equipment.

There are several ways out of this situation. This is the renewal of production through the introduction of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, reducing production costs, adjusting laws in order to provide financial and legal assistance to small businesses that create healthy competition for monopolies.


A striking example of transitional stagnation is the Russian economy of the nineties. During this period, there was a transition from an administrative management system to market economy. The government's actions led to high rates of inflation, total deficits, a sharp decline in production capacity, and the liquidation and bankruptcy of enterprises. There was a crisis of non-payments in the financial sector.

In such a situation, a way out of stagnation is only possible in the long term. The main ways of stabilization are the restoration of trade, financial and industrial relations, investments in human capital(in the field of education and career guidance), attracting investment, financial assistance to scientific and technical fields, increasing the standard of living and purchasing power of the population.

Stagnation is a state of the economy that gets its name from the Latin “stagnatio” (stillness, stop). The essence of this term is that the economy, after a progressive state, enters a period of stagnation in which significant changes do not occur. This period of time can last from a month to several years. It is accompanied by rising unemployment, a decline in living standards and business activity.

Stagnation - what is it in simple words?

Nowadays, each of us has heard about stagnation at least once. Many people, due to ignorance of this term, may not fully understand the meaning of an article or news. Explaining the essence of the concept in simple words is not so difficult. After certain events, the economy seems to “sleep,” which leads to crisis phenomena.

This term is also found in other industries. In psychology, stagnation means a slowdown in the cultural development of society or the deliberate infringement of a certain class of people who wish to expand their horizons. Such actions are typical of authoritarian regimes.

In the field of ecology, stagnation means difficulties in the supply of oxygen to water bodies. But still more often this concept occurs in an economic context. Stagnation will never give positive results, since the economy must develop and move to a new stage.

Types of stagnation

Modern economists distinguish two types of stagnation.


Monopoly is characterized by the pressure of sellers or producers on the market specific country, which band together to suppress competing organizations and establish control over pricing. As a result, the lack of competitors leads to a slowdown and then to a stop in development. Manufacturers do not focus on the quality of their product, trying to increase turnover and increase its quantity - the client will already buy the offered assortment.

One of the most striking examples of monopolistic stagnation is the Great Depression of the US economy in the 30s of the last century. Overproduction slowed development and led to decline economic system, poverty and poverty reigned in the country. Monopolists were in power and received full government support.


The consequences of incorrect management decisions, from which no government is immune, add up over time and develop into transitional stagnation. It is identified with capital outflow and minimizing production rates. After the collapse of the USSR, almost no state (former member of this association) managed to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon. Stagnation of large production capacities, a stop in scientific development, the outflow of specialists abroad, a decrease in business activity - these and others Negative consequences spread in all former countries Union. Previous logistics connections between production sectors were disrupted, and as a result, the products produced were of low quality and uncompetitive.

Advice: whatever the period of stagnation, when looking for solutions to overcome it, the specifics of the region must be taken into account.


It is important to predict a crisis in development, but stagnation is one of those phenomena for which one cannot prepare. Impossible in simple language name 2-3 reasons for stagnation, determine its approach based on news reports or government decrees. Unfortunately, you can only see it when it has already arrived.

Circumstances that may appear on economic development and lead to stagnation:

  • bureaucracy;
  • corruption;
  • conservatism when making management decisions;
  • lack of funding for the scientific field;
  • work in government bodies of persons with insufficient qualifications;
  • insufficient regulation of the country's regulatory framework;
  • wear and tear of production facilities;
  • deterioration of international trade relations;
  • wrong political course.


The results of stagnation are obvious - a decrease in household incomes, unemployment, and lack of innovative development. This situation leads to discontent, which develops into revolutions, strikes, and changes in power.

Minimizing production processes reduces costs natural resources. The only area that remains virtually unchanged is the entertainment industry. This trend is not surprising - against the backdrop of financial difficulties, people are trying to somehow “not lose heart.”

How to deal with stagnation in the economy?

To overcome the serious consequences of stagnation in Russia and bring the economy to a new level, the government must develop a new development program, revise the business strategy, find the causes of stagnation in the economy and carry out restructuring.

As a rule, to eliminate the causes that led to stagnation, the following measures are taken:

  1. fight against corruption in all echelons of power;
  2. simplification of management structures to reduce bureaucratic delays;
  3. acquisition of new technologies;
  4. search for new markets;
  5. development of the scientific sphere;
  6. intensification of foreign economic activity.

Important: The authorities of a certain state, which is in stagnation mode, must conduct a deep analysis and find the only effective strategy based on all economic components.

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Stagnation is a phenomenon that is characterized by a low rate or lack of growth in production and trade activities, a decrease in business activity and the standard of living of the population. These processes are difficult to stop, they can lead the country into a deep crisis, therefore, even at the moment such a situation is determined, the government must take measures to eliminate negative phenomena.

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IN modern world Economic issues come under close public attention. After all, the well-being of every individual or individual depends on the state of the organization of the national economy. legal entity. Therefore, even without being economists, many people are interested in what stagnation and recession are.

There are also many other categories worth considering. Each person will be able to understand their differences and navigate the economic reality surrounding them.

What is stagnation?

To understand the difference between recession and stagnation, you should consider each of these economic categories in more detail. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Stagnation is the phase of the economic cycle in which there is a slight increase in GDP (from 0 to 3%). This creates unemployment. The standard of living of the population is declining. There are no significant changes in the structure of economic organization.

At the same time, scientific developments and new technologies are not being introduced, and modern industries are not developing. During stagnation, there is no significant decline or growth.

Types of stagnation

There are several types of stagnation. If it is accompanied by significant depreciation money supply in circulation (inflation), this state is called stagflation. Often, the lack of GDP growth is not characterized by such processes. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as recession, stagnation and stagflation.

There are two main types of phase of slight economic growth (stagnation). Stagnation can be transitional or monopolistic. The first type arises as a result of a change in management organization (for example, from an administrative system to a transitional system).

Stagnation of the second type appears due to the high concentration of monopoly unions in sectors of the national economy. The type of stagnation depends on the reasons that caused it. They influence the ways out of such a situation.

Reasons for stagnation

When studying the question of what stagnation and recession are in the economy, one should understand the reasons for their occurrence. This allows you to understand the main differences. Stagnation can be caused by a number of factors.

These include wrong system political organization and management style, and an increase in bureaucracy. At the same time, the nature of production becomes extensive. The lack of innovation leads to significant wear and tear of equipment. Regulatory standards have also not been established.

To get out of such a situation will require significant efforts on the part of the state government. Often necessary outside help other countries. An action plan to increase economic growth must take into account all the characteristics of the organization economic activity.

What is a recession?

Delving deeper into the topic of what stagnation and recession are, we should consider the main characteristics and stages of recession. It also has a number of features. A recession is a stage of the economic cycle in which there is a decline in GDP and other indicators.

It happens slowly. The decline lasts for several months. At the same time, there is significant unemployment and the standard of living of the population is deteriorating. Investment injections are stopped. Without targeted action from the government, the process will be gradual and lengthy. Production is declining, fixed assets are wearing out.

Causes and consequences of recession

Many internal and external factors lead to the development of such a situation. When wondering what stagnation and recession are, a person must understand their development mechanism. If GDP not only does not grow, but also declines steadily, the economy may be entering a recession.

The reason for this may be a sharp increase in production in the previous period. Having exhausted its capabilities, the economic system will inevitably come to the need to reduce production. Sometimes this situation is caused by external factors, wars, international conflicts.

An increase in prices for raw materials on the world market can also reduce GDP growth. A recession can be caused by uncertain, weak investments or high level distrust of buyers and capital owners in the industry and production products. If the government does not take any action to improve the situation, an economic depression and crisis will occur.

Types of recession

Focusing on the concepts of stagnation, inflation, recession, one cannot help but pay attention to the variety of the latter. Its types are distinguished depending on the type of chart.

A V-shaped recession is characterized by a sharp decline in output. However, it does not reach the level of depression. The fall is characterized by one point. Then the indicators return to their previous level.

A U-shaped recession differs from the first type by a long-term unsatisfactory state of the economy. The type of graph in which the GDP level curve forms a W has two critical points. After the main fall there is a slight improvement. Then the numbers drop again. Then the graph reaches its previous level.

A type L recession has a sharp fall and a long recovery period. Many factors influence the type of graph. It strongly depends on the set of measures that the country's leadership is taking to increase production rates.

The difference between recession and stagnation

There is a significant difference between the considered states of economic development. Stagnation and recession, the differences of which emerge from their definitions, should be understood somewhat more deeply. The recession, although characterized by more negative manifestations, indicates the beginning of the search for a new economic system. It adapts to existing this moment conditions. This process begins with a reduction in production.

Stagnation does not imply any development. The economy is mired in closed, unpromising production. Therefore, although both processes are considered negative, a recession is still better. It precedes development.

Stagnation does not imply any improvement. In this case, no development is observed. Manufacturing simply unwisely consumes existing resources to the point of exhaustion. That is why this state of the economy is dangerous and irrational.

What does recession and stagnation indicate?

To deeply study the question of what stagnation and recession are, we should also note the general probability of the state of the economy. If the government does not take any action to improve the situation, a phase of depression and crisis begins. Therefore, both of these processes cannot be left to chance.

The government is obliged to clearly monitor the main indicators of the country's economy and immediately take a set of actions to increase production levels. Also, both of these states of the economic cycle indicate mistakes made on the part of the governing bodies (for example, incorrect budget allocation).

Existing constraints require immediate identification and elimination. In this case, all details of the organization of economic activities of the state are taken into account. Only a comprehensive solution to pressing problems and competent production planning gives a positive result. Scientific developments and progress should not be hampered by any factors. This should be monitored by the relevant control authorities.

The term "stagnation" is almost always used in a negative context. No wonder. Despite all the delights of a lull in the economy, this state of affairs threatens to turn into a crisis for the state. What is stagnation in simple words?

Stagnation is a situation in the economy in which stagnation reigns in production and trade for a long time. From the outside, the situation may look controlled and even ideal: although there are no sudden ups and downs, there are no crises either. In fact, it's not like that. With stagnation, a future crisis is just brewing. After all, economic life needs impulses for development.

If we try to explain this phenomenon in simple language, we can draw a comparison with a person who, instead of solving the many problems he has accumulated, suddenly goes to bed. And as a result, he sleeps for so long that when he wakes up, he discovers that there are even more problems, and some of them have become insoluble.

The theory of stagnation was first developed in the USA in the 30s of the last century by economist E. Hansen. To describe the crisis situation in the country, he introduced the concept of “secular stagnation.”

Stagnation refers to phenomena that are only obvious when they are already happening.


Depending on the reasons for economic lull, researchers distinguish two types of stagnation:

  • monopolistic - based on the absence of competition (from which the monopolists benefit and the common people significantly lose);
  • transitional - associated with incorrect management decisions. Distinctive features- capital outflow, slowdown in production rates, slowdown in the development of technology and science. And then - the flight of specialists from the country, a decrease in the range and quality of goods produced in the state.

The two types of stagnation have a whole range of common reasons:

  • the rise of bureaucracy and corruption in the country;
  • conservative government afraid of change;
  • underfunding of science;
  • the sad state of technical capacity;
  • low level of qualifications of civil servants;
  • gaps in the country's regulatory framework.

One should not discount such reasons for stagnation in the economy as problems of a single state in international relations and a wrongly chosen political course.

The way out of the second type of stagnation can be called its transition into recession against the background of the arrival of new goods and services from abroad.

The most striking examples of stagnation in the 20th century were the stagnation in the United States after the Great Depression and the Russian example of the 80s - the end of the Soviet era and the beginning of perestroika.


The term “stagnation” is also used by environmentalists. This is what they call bodies of water into which the supply of oxygen is difficult. Stagnation does not bode well for a pond or lake: the organisms inhabiting them begin to die, the water turns into a breeding ground for dangerous microbes, and the water surface becomes covered with thick and viscous mud.

Economic processes are similar to natural ones. Stagnation in the economy leads to exactly the same consequences. Everything stops: the development of production, the growth of incomes of the population, the improvement of the quality of life and services. Problems are growing like a snowball. Mass discontent is emerging in society, which threatens to turn into real unrest. And for the country this is no longer a joke, but a signal - It's time to do something about the stagnation. Rebuild work, fight corrupt officials and unprofessionals, invest money in science and production. And also - more actively enter the global space, expand sales markets and become competitive.

The word “stagnation” comes from the Latin “stagno”, which means “stop”. Of course, sometimes such a pause is even necessary; taking a break from something can be useful. It is important to start moving again in time, because, as you know, it is life.