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We make a crossbow of reverse design. Make a crossbow at home. How to make a crossbow at home. How to make a trigger mechanism How to make a crossbow at home

A copy of an ancient crossbow is a very interesting thing both in terms of appearance and when shooting from it. Now let's talk about how to make a crossbow at home so that it really looks like an ancient weapon. Nowadays, there are many modern crossbows, but their cost is quite high, and you want to hang a working copy of an ancient crossbow on the wall in your bedroom.

Now let’s look step by step at what is needed to create a wooden crossbow. Few tools are needed.

  1. Well sharpened knife.
  2. Drill.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.

Preparation of material, or How to make a crossbow from wood

In order for the product to look and shoot like a real weapon, it must be made from suitable wood:

  1. Poplars.
  2. Ash.
  3. Pines.
  4. Duba.
  5. Maple.
  6. Acacias.

These trees are perfect.

A crossbow consists of two main parts - the bow and the stock. If we are making a weapon with a power of up to 20 kilograms, for the bow we need to find an even branch five centimeters thick and a meter long. If the power of the crossbow is planned to be more than 20 kilograms, then it is better to take a blank 10 centimeters thick and a meter long. For the crossbow stock, select a branch with a diameter slightly thicker than the bow blank. If there are branches on the sawn material, under no circumstances should they be completely cut off. You just need to shorten them so that the length is from three to five centimeters. If you cut off the knots completely, they will immediately crack and the workpiece will be damaged.

Drying harvested wood

Before making a crossbow with your own hands, you need to ensure that the material dries gradually. To do this, you need to cover the cuts with varnish so that moisture does not escape through them too quickly. We also cover the cuts on the knots. If this is not done, then due to rapid evaporation the wood will crack, and this is undesirable. After this, the blanks should lie for a month in a dry and dark place. The longer the wood dries, the better.

Primary processing

The material is ready, we can start. Let's start with the onion. We examine the annual rings of the tree. Where they are thinner, the northern side, that’s what we need. In this place the structure of the material is much denser. Now you need to cut the workpiece in half and take the north side for the product. After everything is done, the tree needs to be allowed to lie for another week so that the remaining moisture comes out.

Making a crossbow bow

We begin making a bow, during which we will see the structure of the tree and learn how to make a crossbow at home using ancient technologies. So, let's get started, we need to cut off the layers of the tree where its core is present. If you leave it, there is a risk that longitudinal cracks will appear. Then we measure the middle of the bow and begin to cut off the excess material, making the bow. When processing, you must ensure that its shoulders are the same. We check for bending all the time. As soon as the shoulders begin to bend even a little, you need to make a test bowstring.

A test string is a strong rope with one loop on one side and several on the other, located at different distances. They are needed to measure the bend of the bow arms. The more material is cut, the more they can be bent, while changing the loops to closer ones. By constantly pulling the test string, it is easy to see whether the bend is uniform after processing the bow. After all, if you look only visually, you can make a big mistake. The density of wood is not the same in all places, so a seemingly perfect bow may bend unevenly. Sometimes it happens that a thick section is a weak point, while a thinner section, on the contrary, does not bend. To avoid mistakes, you need to constantly check the onion. Only after studying all the nuances can you make a working copy, understanding how to make a crossbow with your own hands, and fully display the power and beauty of the ancient weapon.

Making a crossbow stock

In the front part of the stock you need to cut a two-centimeter depression where the bow will be located. After we mark 30 cm from the edge, the bowstring and arrow will walk on this surface. We level this plane if there are bends or branches on it. Afterwards, you need to measure out a place for a gutter 1 cm thick and 0.5 cm deep, then cut out holes for the bow and trigger mechanism. It is better to do this with a chisel or a carpenter's cutter, but to understand in detail how to make a crossbow, the drawings will help.


Let's take the simplest hold, called a nut. This is a cylinder that rotates freely on an axis. On one side there are hooks for the bowstring, on the other there is a stop for the L-shaped trigger. If the crossbow has a draw weight of up to 30 kg, the trigger can be made of wood. However, if the power is greater, it should be made of metal.

Making a bowstring

You need to take a board and insert pegs 1 cm thick. They should protrude 3 cm. From one to the other, we wind a nylon thread in a circle. When the thickness of all the threads is approximately 5 mm, you need, without removing them from the pegs, to wrap this skein once in a circle so that all the threads are tightly wound. After this, near the peg, we collect the two halves of the bowstring with our fingers and wrap it again, but much tighter, until the next peg. So, we will get a bowstring with two loops. A diagram on how to make a crossbow will help you understand everything. Everything is very clear on it.

Assembling the crossbow and pulling the string

First you need to attach the bow to the stock, then we mount the trigger mechanism, after which we tighten the bowstring. You can’t just tighten it, so you need to use a trial one. Next you need to draw the crossbow. When the bow is bent, we hang the bowstring. After which the trial is removed. That's it, the ancient weapon is ready. Here's how to make a crossbow at home using only basic tools.

Making a toy mini crossbow

For fun at home with children or for fooling around with friends, you can make a mini crossbow from scrap materials. What you will need for this:

  1. Two wooden skewers.
  2. Carpenter's chisel or knife.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Wooden clothespin.
  5. Glazing bead.

Scheme, or How to make a mini-crossbow from what you can easily find at home

  1. We take wooden skewers and cut off the sharp ends from them. After that we tie them together at the edges. This will be the crossbow bow.
  2. We take a glazing bead and mark two segments on it equal to the length of the bow of our miniature weapon. Then we cut off these two parts and connect them together with tape. This is the crossbow stock. We wrap the onion with tape in front.
  3. After this, we pull the bowstring onto the crossbow.
  4. We pull it back and see at what distance to install the hook. They will use a clothespin, or rather, its spring and one half of the wooden part.
  5. We cut out the necessary grooves on the crossbow stock so that it replaces the missing part of the clothespin. Let's assemble our hook.
  6. The crossbow is ready, press the clothespin on top, thereby opening it, pull the string together with the arrow and clamp it. To shoot, press from above again.

We figured out how to make a mini crossbow, and now we can go further and create a weapon out of pencils.

Create a crossbow from pencils

To do this you need to take:

  1. Four pencils.
  2. Seven rubber bands.
  3. Ballpoint pen body.
  4. Scotch.

Shall we get started?

  1. First you need to take pencils and connect them two at a time. You can use rubber bands or tape. This will be the bow and crossbow stock.
  2. In the front part of the bed we wrap the bow from below.
  3. On top of the stock we tape the body from the handle, this will be a guide for the arrow. It can be made from the shaft of the same pen.
  4. Now we put one elastic band on the ends of the bow, and tie their edges with thread or tape to make a solid bowstring. Now we grab the bowstring with the inserted arrow, launch it into the guide from the handle body and release it.

Here's how to make a crossbow out of pencils that shoots great.

Let's start creating a paper crossbow

This requires:

  1. A4 sheets - 9 pieces.
  2. Popsicle sticks - 4 pieces.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Durable nylon thread.

How to make a crossbow out of paper that will shoot pencils?

  1. Place three sheets of paper lengthwise in front of you. We bend from left to right. Cut in half along the bend line. This makes six sheets, the width of which is 10.5 cm and the length of 29.7 cm. We divide them into two piles of three sheets each.
  2. Using a pencil, roll one and then a second stack of sheets into tubes. Their length should be 10.5 cm, and their diameter should be slightly thicker than a pencil. To prevent them from unwinding, we secure them with tape.
  3. We insert a popsicle stick into one end of the tubes a third of their length. We break off the protruding part. From the free side we insert a whole popsicle stick, also a third. These are the arms of the bow. Now you need to bend them in half in the center of the paper tubes.
  4. We take five more sheets of paper, twist them with a pencil, this will be the crossbow stock.
  5. We tie the arms of the bow to the resulting tube in front. They need to be evenly wound in front of the product bed. Here's how to make a crossbow at home from paper. Now he needs a hook, a trigger and a guide.
  6. We tie the thread to the arms of the bow and pull it to understand where the hook will be. Having decided, we cut through the bed in this place. Then we cut off a piece of stick 3-4 cm in size and insert it into the hole so that it protrudes 5 mm from above and acts as a trigger from below.
  7. And the final touch. We make a tube 3 cm long so that a pencil can pass through it freely, and tape it to the front of the crossbow above its bow. This is a guide for the stele. That's it, now you can tighten the bowstring, put, for example, a pencil in the guide and shoot.

Here we looked at creating a copy of an ancient crossbow. However, it was also interesting to create throwing weapons from scrap materials, as they say: on your knees. From paper, they even showed how to make a crossbow from pencils, and a mini-weapon that turned out to be quite powerful for its size. So you should look at the world more broadly and always improvise, this is the only way to achieve excellent results in matters worthy of admiration from the people around you.

Make a crossbow with your own hands, you won’t regret it!

Do you have an interest in medieval culture? Do you want to get a fashion accessory or amaze your friends with an exclusive souvenir? Have you decided to give an unusual gift to a loved one? Then you can easily make a magnificent crossbow right at home! This particular type of sporting weapon is now rapidly gaining popularity, and people are happy to purchase it for themselves as a souvenir, a catchy design element. Why do you need a bow, what to do with it? Here are just a few of the most common ways to use a crossbow.

  • An excellent solution is to use a crossbow at shooting ranges. Here’s what an archery fan says: “You can organize accuracy competitions with friends, have fun shooting at targets, and organize role-playing games. A bow is always useful for such a hobby; it will help you develop attentiveness, the ability to concentrate, and react quickly.”
  • Nowadays, crossbows are increasingly used for hunting. It is enough to load an arrow into such a bow and shoot accurately to become the happy owner of a partridge or hare.
  • Crossbows are also in demand as sporting weapons. There are professional athletes who regularly take part in competitions and constantly train. They also often make bows with their own hands.
  • The bow can be made the central detail of the interior. Designers note its versatility: “The crossbow looks amazing in any room. In the corridor he has a particularly menacing appearance, greeting everyone who enters the house. In the hall, it emphasizes solemnity and emphasizes the character of the owners. In the bedroom, the bow hints at a passionate relationship and the power of love. In the kitchen, a crossbow can easily be hung next to a painting dedicated to hunting, which depicts game.”
  • More and more often, people buy and make crossbows with their own hands in order to please their acquaintances, friends, and colleagues with an unusual gift. Such a souvenir will be surprisingly original, will definitely come in handy and will evoke vivid emotions. It is especially appropriate to give a gift to a man.

Now that you know how useful onions are and how they can be used in different ways, it's time to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of making them. How to make a crossbow at home, what do you need to know so that it looks good, shoots well, and can become a worthy weapon, souvenir and accessory? We'll find out very soon. The algorithm and useful recommendations will help you.

Making a crossbow with your own hands

You will need to choose your wood well. You can’t take coniferous trees, too old, dry branches. A crossbow consists of three main elements. It is necessary to make a high-quality trigger mechanism, stock and arc. Act strictly according to the algorithm, do not confuse the steps. You will succeed!

  • You need to make an arc. It is advisable to take yew, hazel or ash for her. The board should be smooth, without cross-layers and knots. Make the thickness approximately 2 cm. The piece of wood needs to be dried, kept for several days, and then cut evenly. The length of the arc is approximately 75 cm, the width can be made about 4 cm, the arc should gradually become thinner towards the edges. The thickness at the edges is 1.5 cm.
  • Now you need to make a stock. For it you will need hardwood, which is quite hard. Take a board of such a size and shape that it is comfortable to hold in your hands. Remember that you need to make a special groove on one edge where the arc will be inserted.
  • It's time to machine the groove for the arc. You need to make a hole for fastening from a rope at a distance of ten centimeters from the cut groove for the arc. Now insert the arc into the groove, and then secure it there with a rope. Now attach the bowstring to the ends of the bow using the cuts made for this. Draw the string as you would when shooting. You need to designate a point that is as far away as possible. Now determine the optimal size of the crossbow - it should be equal in length to your forearm.
  • A responsible task is making the trigger mechanism for your bow. Previously, pin-type locks were made. You will have to become familiar with the distinctive features of such a mechanism. When you have already made a mark at the point of maximum tension of the bowstring, you need to drill a hole through there. A transverse recess must be made in the stock, in its upper part. Then attach the lever to the bottom of the crossbow. Most often, the axle is made of wood and attached with wire.
  • Now the stock and lever need to be folded together. Secure the elements with rope. The lever should move on the axis with minimal friction.
  • Now you need to make a small pin, thanks to which the string will be pushed out of the bow. The pin should be round, it is better to make it from oak. The pin will fit into the recess of the lock freely without getting stuck due to the fastening. When the lever is raised, the plane of the stock and its top edge should be level. It is the pin that will push the string out.
  • You will need to make a special groove for the arrow. The recess runs from the top hole of the lock to the leading edge. The gutter should be laid at a shallow depth, about the size of a quarter of an arrow.
  • Then it's time to process the details. You need to go over all the elements with sandpaper. Sometimes parts are coated with egg white, having previously dissolved it in water.
  • Secure the arc in the groove using a strong rope. See if the lock works well. All elements must be finally adjusted so that the mechanism is as strong as possible.

The bow is rightfully considered the most popular simple homemade weapon. Its improved modification with mechanical tension retention, that is, the crossbow, is also very popular. You can make a crossbow with your own hands without much difficulty according to the drawings, and it is the most convenient, powerful and accurate throwing weapon.

What materials are suitable for making a crossbow?

For designing and assembling a crossbow, available tools are suitable. You can assemble a crossbow at home from junk in the garage. Its main materials are

  • wood for making a frame
  • metal arc
  • thin steel cable for the throwing part

Fasteners can be made from bolts and glue, or wooden pegs and rope. For the manufacture of crossbow bolts, thin and even sticks and aluminum for the tip are suitable.

Required elements and tools

To make a crossbow at home you will need:

  • A board with the dimensions of the desired dimensions of the crossbow;
  • plywood for adjusting the stock;
  • car spring;
  • a thin steel cable, such as from a motorcycle brake lever.

The main structural elements are a frame with a stock, arms with a bowstring and a trigger mechanism. The frame is any wood turned into the desired shape. You should take a long board, which is enough to cut out the shape from the butt to the shoulders of the crossbow. The stock is cut to fit the owner's shoulder. A guide for projectiles should be provided on top. It can be cut into the wood itself, but it is more convenient to glue plywood on top.

IMPORTANT! The tools you will need are a jigsaw or any other sharp object for turning wood, glue, rope, a hacksaw and several large bolts to connect the structure.

After making the base, you can move on to the throwing mechanism. Most often, an old car spring is used for a crossbow bow. A section of the spring of the required length is sawed off. A string of cable 1.5-2.5 mm thick is stretched between the ends of the arc. The arms are fixed to the frame and fastened with bolts. After this, the main part of the crossbow is ready, all that remains is to make the trigger mechanism and prepare the shells.

Drawings and dimensions

There are several types of crossbow trigger. All of them are designed to release the bowstring when the trigger is pulled. It is not difficult to assemble the lever with your own hands, just follow the given drawing. It should be noted that the given dimensions can be increased or decreased to assemble more or less powerful weapons and for your own convenience.

Step-by-step instructions for making a crossbow

A crossbow at home is made in stages from the following elements:

  1. Crossbow stock;
  2. guide;
  3. bow and shoulders;
  4. bowstring;
  5. trigger mechanism;
  6. shells (bolts).

How to make a bed

The stock is cut from a solid wooden beam. It is advisable to choose viscous, moisture-resistant, smooth and aesthetic wood species. These include beech, oak, ash, birch and oak. In principle, any type of wood or board can be used, since the choice of material for this part is purely aesthetic. The optimal dimensions are approximately 3 cm thick and 90 cm long.

A recess for the bow is cut out in the front part of the stock. At a distance of 8-10 cm from the edge, a hole is drilled for attaching the bow. A bolt is then inserted into it, to which the throwing mechanism is tied with ropes. At the back of the crossbow, the butt is cut to the shape of the owner’s shoulder, for ease of aiming and accurate shooting. You can carry out optional additional decorative work to make the shape of the crossbow look more attractive.

REFERENCE: For ease of aiming, an aluminum or wooden cross is screwed onto the front of the stock. It should be screwed on top of the bow fixed to the stock. Additionally, the scope can hold the crossbow's arms, which will slightly increase the power.

Guide chute

A guide for throwing bolts should be placed on the top edge of the stock. It should be at least smooth, and ideally slippery. Modern crossbows use fiberglass and metal linings. At home, you can use plywood with a recess to fit the diameter of the bolts. The standard shape is a semicircle, but when working with plywood, you can make a triangular notch, which is somewhat simpler and will increase accuracy. Cutting corners are carefully ground.

Spring shoulders

The choice of shoulder material depends on the desired power of the crossbow. If the product is made for a decorative function, old skis are suitable for the shoulders. For a historically accurate product, a branch of a strong and elastic tree, ideally hazel, has been pre-dried for at least 4 months.

If you want to assemble a crossbow at home that you can not only show off, but also use for sport shooting and even hunting, you should use a metal bow. A popular and affordable material is car spring. It has optimal flexibility and elasticity, providing excellent tension and high shot power.


The crossbow string must be both strong and thin. To ensure a powerful shot, it is recommended to use a thin steel cable. Overclocking it will require less energy, and its durability will be sufficient for long-term use with a reserve. Attachment to the shoulders can be used standard, with tying.

IMPORTANT! if you plan to use the crossbow for shooting at long-range targets and hunting, it is better to prefer a block system.

To do this, rollers are welded to the ends of the arm arches, between which the bowstring is wound. The roller system significantly increases the acceleration of the bolt, thereby increasing the power of the shot.


Organizing the trigger mechanism is the last stage of making a homemade crossbow. The standard release option is the lever type. The moment you press the bracket, the pin holding the bowstring lowers and the bow fires an accelerated projectile. It is recommended to assemble this mechanism strictly according to the above diagram.

This video shows in detail the manufacturing process with all the subtleties:

Types of homemade crossbows

A crossbow is a weapon with a long history, and throughout its existence, mechanical weapons have had many modifications. The most effective and interesting ones are still used today.


In modern crossbows, to increase their power, an improved type of bowstring fastening on rollers is often used. In the standard version of the reversible bow, the projectile was fired with acceleration corresponding to the elasticity of the shoulders. When using a block trigger mechanism, acceleration increases many times over and, accordingly, such crossbows, even homemade ones made at home, are suitable for hunting and sport shooting.

Repeating crossbow made of wood

Repeating crossbows first appeared in China. Their specificity is in the original guide and in the simplified charging mechanism. The power of such a crossbow is much lower than that of a standard one and it is not suitable for accurate shooting, much less hunting. It can be assembled as an original wooden craft. The projectiles used are lightweight, without feathers or tips.

The bolts are placed in a cell above the stock and fall onto the guide as they are used. The trigger mechanism is an ancient goat's foot system, where cocking is accomplished by simply pulling a lever.


Underwater crossbows are structurally almost no different from conventional ones. Due to its design, any crossbow can be used for underwater hunting. For more convenient operation under water, the guide can be covered with half a plastic pipe, and you can also use bolts with harpoon tips.

Mini crossbow for a child

Mini crossbows are smaller copies of weapons. They are usually made for fun and for children, using less durable materials, such as paper projectiles, rubber bands instead of strings, etc. Due to their design, the power of a crossbow directly depends on its dimensions, so mini-crossbows are significantly weaker in terms of shot power. You can also use a spring mechanism instead of a bowstring, but it will not be a crossbow.

How to make crossbow arrows (bolts)

When all the elements are manufactured, assembled, installed and fixed, the crossbow is ready for shooting. All that remains is to prepare shells for him. Crossbow bolts are a shortened version of arrows. They are distinguished by a length of about 30 cm and a short tail. It is not necessary to make a tip; it is enough to sharpen the ends of the bolts.

But for repeated use and increased penetration power, the sharp tips can be wrapped in aluminum. Another simple option is to buy ready-made crossbow bolts, which are sold separately and are inexpensive.

Is a crossbow suitable for hunting?

Most self-assembled crossbows have a tension of 30-40 kg, which allows them not to be considered a weapon and still be used for hunting small game. The crossbow can be used for shooting birds. When hunting small game such as hares and foxes, a shooting license will be required. Once you receive it, you can register your crossbow without any problems. A crossbow is not effective for hunting large game.

In this video you can see with your own eyes how accurate and powerful a crossbow is:


The main purpose of a crossbow is sports shooting. It can also be collected for the purpose of reconstructing historical scenes. Assembling and using for legal purposes a crossbow with a tension force of up to 42 kg is permitted in Russia without restrictions. It should be noted that the law prohibits the sale of uncertified crossbows with a tension force of more than 42 kg, but there is no liability for their manufacture, storage and transportation.

Each of you, since childhood, knows what bows are and what they look like. Let's say even more. You've probably tried to make a bow yourself more than once, and then, holding a homemade weapon in your hands, chased cats through the trees and scared the girls. Some people ran with a bow, while others found it easier to make a slingshot, especially since the principle of their operation is almost the same. Moreover, even a girl could make a slingshot.

How to make a simple crossbow with your own hands

For this all you needed was a suitable stick and an elastic band. Then they tied an elastic band in a forked stick, took a small pebble and went to hunt sparrows. To successfully shoot from a slingshot, you had to take a small pebble, place it in the center of the rubber band, pull it with all your strength and quickly release it, in a similar way to shoot from a bow.

photo. Homemade crossbow

Today we just cheerfully remember our childhood fun, homemade weapons that brought so much joy, although in adulthood we replaced toy bows and slingshots with more modern and serious weapons - crossbows, hunting or sports bows. Let's just say that the design is practically the same, only more advanced, with many important elements, sighting and block mechanisms.

You can buy such small arms at any specialized store, but our desires do not always coincide with our financial capabilities. Therefore, we are not at all surprised that many fans of shooting with crossbows and bows want to make homemade small arms with their own hands. Despite the fact that this is not so simple, since you need to have the correct crossbow drawings, it is much more economical. Well, if you feel that you can make a crossbow yourself, then why not try it!

What is needed to make a homemade crossbow?

Bows differ from crossbows in their design; they are a little bulky and inconvenient to transport, which is why most hunters give their preference to the second weapon option. But if you decide to make a crossbow with your own hands and are ready to get to work, even now, we must stop you. After all, in order to make such a weapon, desire and hard work are not always enough; you need to be at least a little prepared financially and technically.

It is also not enough to take the first drawing you come across and start drilling, cutting, planing, sharpening a crossbow from scrap materials. Believe me, the result may bring little joy, because as a result, the crossbow may turn out to be either too heavy, not very convenient, or may not meet your requirements and dreams at all.

So, what do you need to make your dreams, which would satisfy you? First of all, decide which model you want to make. After all, today there are many options for crossbows that differ in their design, features and characteristics. Then you need to think about what available materials you will make it from.

photo. Homemade crossbow made of wood

How to make a crossbow trigger at home, a sight, a rod, a lock, a reel, a crossbow stock for a crossbow with your own hands - required parts and spare parts for a crossbow

Well, now you need to remember something about crossbows. So, what does a crossbow consist of:

  • bed;
  • guides;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • tension device;
  • bowstring;
  • arrows.

In addition, such small arms differ in the level of tension of the shoulders:

  • crossbows with a tension level of about 20 kg. These are models used for recreation and entertainment;
  • crossbows with a tension level of up to 20-55 kg. The target range of such devices is about 60-80 m;
  • crossbows with a tension level of more than 55 kg. In such devices, the tension of the bowstring is performed using special devices called cocking.

According to the type of shoulders, crossbows are:

  • block;
  • straight;
  • classic.

The stock in crossbows can also be of different types:

  • traditional;
  • ancient type;
  • sports type.

Having a basic understanding of crossbows, you can make a choice of design drawings for small arms. But before that, we recommend that you pay attention to one more important detail, namely your technical capabilities. Of course, you can make a crossbow with your own hands from scrap materials, using wood and metalworking equipment. Such machines are necessary to produce important parts that require machine work.

Image of a handmade crossbow

How to assemble a crossbow: an antique wooden medieval crossbow or a homemade modern six-shot combat crossbow according to the simplest schemes with proportions and dimensions

As a rule, making a crossbow begins with a stock, and for this you need to select wood. The wood used to make the stock must be strong, not splinter or warp. Birch, beech, walnut, and ash are considered excellent options. There should be no problems with choosing a tree.

A wooden board with a thickness of about 30 cm is suitable as the starting material for the stock. Next, you need to decide what dimensions the stock should have. How to choose the right size can be seen in the table.

The stock is measured starting from the trigger to the points located on the back of the butt. We will also give an example of a table of different sizes in order to correctly make a bed, taking into account the parameters of your own physique.

Arm length
Stock length up to
middle of the back of the head
butt, cm
Pupil height above
collarbone, cm
Vertical bend from the extension of the aiming line
to the upper ridge of the butt, mm
Chest Width
depressions, cm
Lateral removal of the butt from

vertical aiming strip, mm

at the neck at the back of the head in the heel of the butt of the head in a sock in the sock in the sock of the back of the head butt
42 38-40 23 42-44 66-70 50-52 18 6
41 37-39 22 41-43 65-69 48-49 17 5,6
40 36-38 21 40-41 64-68 46-47 16 5
39 35-37 20 39-40 63-65 44-45 15 45
38 34-36 19 37-38 60-62 42-43 14 4
37 33-35 18 35-36 58-59 40-41 12 35
36 32-34 17 34-35 57-58 38-39 10 3
35 31-33 16 33-34 56-57 36-37 8 2,5
34 30-32 15 32-33 55-56 34-35 6 2
33 29-31 14 31-32 53-54 32-33 4 15

After you measure your body, according to the table, you can choose the most suitable sizes for the bed. If you take into account all the nuances, then the bed will suit you in the best way.

Next, you can begin the process of making the stock. First of all, we recommend that you create a template from paper. To do this, you need to draw a bed on paper according to the measurements taken. But if this seems too complicated or unclear to you, you can use ready-made stock options, the drawings of which are presented on Internet portals.

photo. Homemade arrows for a crossbow

Next comes the turn of making the arms of small arms. It is necessary to select the right material. You can make shoulders from an old, long-decommissioned sports bow; if you don’t have one, textolite or fiberglass will do. True, from such materials only arms with a small tension force are obtained; in the future you can use such a crossbow only for entertainment purposes. An old, unnecessary car spring is considered an excellent option. It can be found at any car junkyard or in a neighbor's garage. In addition, if you are not too lazy to go to the store, you can buy fiberglass, carbon fiber or other composite materials to make shoulders.

It is worth saying that shoulders made of fiberglass or composite materials turn out good. If you decide to make a crossbow with your own hands from scrap materials, then a car spring would be the best option for the shoulders.

Drawings of a crossbow, what a crossbow can be made from - a crossbow from a saw, board, plywood, bow and other materials. We make a crossbow with specified characteristics

So, you already have an idea about the types of crossbows, you can say that you are technically and physically prepared, you have collected all the necessary materials at hand and are ready to start working right away. So, let us help you a little by providing the necessary drawings for making a crossbow with your own hands, which will have the following characteristics:

  • weight up to 3 kg;
  • dimensions 960*820 mm;
  • tension force up to 40 kg;
  • target firing range is approximately 100 m.

Let's start making the mount. To the part as in the figure, you need to attach the stock and shoulders of the crossbow:

The part needs to be cut out of a metal sheet, which will have a thickness of 2.5-3 mm. Then it needs to be bent and welded with a welding machine. We insert two bolts into the hole in the center of the fastening element and at the end of the stock of the crossbow structure. You need to weld a stirrup to the fastening element as in the picture to make it easier to tighten the bowstring.

The stirrup can be bent from wire having a diameter of 6-8 mm.

To make the shoulders you will need a car spring 6 mm thick.

On the wide part of the shoulder you need to make 4 notches, slightly semicircular. These will be the holes for the bolts that will allow you to attach the arms to the mount. Drilled holes can weaken the arms and cause them to become deformed. Let us give you an example of a drawing of the shoulders and deck of a crossbow device:

photo. Crossbow drawings

A stock taken from small arms will reduce the time and costs of making a crossbow. The main thing in this is the correct selection of the size of the bed. If there is a trace left from the trunk in such a stock, then it can be hammered in with wooden blocks using epoxy glue. In addition, if you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, then you can use wooden parts to make the under-barrel pad and butt. The buttstock must be attached to the guide and serve as the basis for the trigger device. We present to you the drawings of the butt:

The crossbow that we propose to make yourself is a block one, so to make it you will need drawings of the block mechanism:

Also in your work, drawings of block elements and individual parts will greatly help you:

When making homemade small arms, you must remember to process the bowstring and arrow guides. Precise finishing of such elements will ensure maximum shooting accuracy.

The guide lines must be processed very carefully, because they must be perfectly smooth and straight. The guides will also need to be polished. You can see the dimensions of the groove for the guides for the arrows in the presented drawing.

The crosspiece to which the shoulders are attached must be installed at the end of the stock. You can make a cross from aluminum or wood. The sighting mechanism consists of a rear sight and a front sight. You can make a crossbow with an optical sight, although for this you will need to include an aiming bar in the design of your homemade weapon. After you have made it according to the drawings, you will have to make its vertical and horizontal adjustments. The presented drawings are suitable for making a crossbow, which can be made from any available material.

photo. Ready homemade crossbow

It is worth saying that you can find options for drawings of a wide variety of crossbow models, block, recurve, on the Internet. Making them with your own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to have a great desire and no obstacles can hinder you in your endeavors. If you don't try, you will never know whether it is difficult to make or not. Therefore, we recommend that you don’t miss your chance, prepare the necessary materials, arm yourself with the necessary tools, print out all the drawings and start making a homemade crossbow with your own hands. Good luck to you!

Watch how to make a simple but powerful crossbow with your own hands video - the simplest six-shot crossbow from a saw:

The crossbow was invented by the Romans many centuries ago. Later they stopped using it in battles, but seven hundred years later the Europeans brought the weapon back into use, having modernized it well. You can try yourself in the role of a warrior now. If you can’t buy an expensive weapon, then we will make you happy. You can make a simple crossbow with your own hands at home.

A handmade homemade crossbow is made of wood, paper or metal. It all depends on what you have on hand at home and what you will use it for.

There are recommendations on how to easily assemble a block, spring, toy and repeating crossbow yourself, using step-by-step instructions and simple diagrams. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to use the hidden weapon of an assassin or arrange a battle with colleagues using a small wrist office crossbow made of cardboard.

The history of the crossbow

The main advantage of a block or simple crossbow compared to a bow is that there is no need for training or special skills. There is no need to use force to aim here. Due to the levers, the device helps to cope with the bowstring.

In past centuries, many officials and rulers considered the possession of these weapons a dangerous undertaking, as they were afraid of a riot. Therefore, the Weapons Control Order was soon issued, when crossbows were banned throughout Europe. But after the outbreak of hostilities with the Turks, the decision was canceled. Richard the Lionheart made it the main element in the equipment of his warriors.

Making a crossbow yourself is not so easy, but it is possible if you have basic design skills, drawings and a few power tools. You are required to comply with safety precautions, since you are, after all, creating a weapon. Therefore, it should not be directed at people, nor should it be given to small children.

Nowadays you will no longer need medieval spare parts in the form of animal bundles or special fibers; improvised materials will do. But this is enough to shoot at cans or bottles.

How to make a crossbow from wood

A wooden shooting crossbow made of PVC or plywood block type is the most famous option.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • take a piece of wood that will be the base, attach a metal plate or corners to the end;
  • take another block, smaller in size (about 5 cm wide, 2 cm thick), make holes on the sides, place it at the base, 10 cm from the edge;
  • in two 15 cm plates in the middle, make fastenings for springs, make a hole at the edge for installing the shoulders to the base;
  • on the other side of the plate, make holes for a roller, which is sold in any market. Repeat these steps with the other plank;
  • attach the shoulders to the base;
  • use small spring springs (they act as a return mechanism), attaching one end to the shoulders and the other to a steel plate;
  • Install rollers on the edges of the smaller beam, secure the part at the base;
  • create two guides from organic glass;
  • build a trigger mechanism from clothespins, rubber bands or something more powerful;
  • paint the device and place the butt in a place suitable for your hand.

How to make a crossbow out of paper? Even easier!

Making a paper crossbow from cardboard that also shoots is as easy as shelling pears. Paper weapons shoot arrows from pencils, pens, matches, Lego skewers or rulers. In general, anything that is light in weight and looks similar to real arrows. For production you will need:

  • 12-18 sheets of paper;
  • three spatulas or ice cream sticks;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • paper knife;
  • scotch.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • fold five sheets in half;
  • straighten and cut at the bend;
  • screw the halves onto a pencil and secure with tape;
  • put a 4 cm mark on the stick (spatula) and on the tube;
  • insert the spatula to the mark, then break off;
  • wrap the tube with tape for strength;
  • bend the sides of the crossbow;
  • take five sheets of paper and wrap them around a pencil;
  • attach the sides to the tube;
  • fasten the bowstring, tighten it and make a mark at the extreme point;
  • make a hole for the hook;
  • make a hook from a piece of stick and secure it in the hole;
  • cut one sheet in half, twist the tubes and secure in the descent area;
  • make another tube measuring 5 cm, insert it into the front part (it will be a guide).

How to make a mini crossbow for a child

A small children's crossbow will be an unusual gift for a child. The power is small, since the bowstring will be a simple elastic band. This will require a minimum of materials. It is done like this:

  • you need to connect three small boards together;
  • make the shoulders from metal and secure with screws;
  • cut off the gripping part from the clothespin;
  • the handle can be taken from a ski pole and installed using glue;
  • you can make a couple more shoulders for the elastic bands; bearings that are attached to a common plate are suitable for this;
  • for the pusher, take a small piece of wood, which is driven under the clothespin;
  • a groove is made for attaching the bowstring;
  • a bowstring is created from a strong elastic band;
  • for the trigger, just take a spare part from a children's pistol and attach a metal part to it;
  • connect the shoulders and the base;
  • attach the trigger mechanism with a screw;
  • fasten the elastic band;
  • secure the sight, if desired.

How to make a powerful crossbow for hunting or fishing

To create a real military weapon for hunting or fishing, more serious parts and diagrams will be required. What are the shoulders made of? Take a metal bow, make the stock out of wood, and make the bowstring out of elastic synthetic fibers.

The mechanism and fastenings made of bolts are the most difficult thing; only those who know how to work with metal can do it. But you can order the necessary spare parts in the workshop according to the drawings, and then assemble everything at home. But bolts and nods are easily made from wood or plastic, arrows with tips are made from wood or iron rods.

Not everyone can assemble a hunting or underwater crossbow. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to a master to be sure of the result.