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Quotes about love with meaning for a guy. Find a status about love for a guy. Beautiful statuses about love with meaning. VK statuses about love for a guy VK status with meaning about love for a guy

Beautiful statuses about love with meaning, short, for your page on VK or Odnoklassniki. Which will help you express your own feelings, as well as convey the emotions associated with love.

I'm too strong to cry for you, and too wise to keep hatred.

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.

- What to do with those who don’t love us? - It's better not to be with them.

For love to be happy, you also need money.

Moon- reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different ends of the earth, they certainly meet their gaze. (E. Safarli)

A person is inspired by happiness when his life is filled with the aroma of love.

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a huge world.

A touch of love can make a person a poet.

I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.

I went for a walk on the rooftops and thought about you...

“Being together and loving are not the same thing. Often it goes in parallel.”

The pleasure of love lasts only a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime

“In love, like in chess, you can’t lose your queen to save your pawns.”

Respect has limits, love never does.

“Fate never sends us unnecessary people.”

I have the most the best man in the world…

“This is not jealousy. This is me taking care of my happiness.”

A caring man is the most best gift any woman.

Even the strongest and most formidable is capable of being gentle.

You managed to find the key to my heart.

God created two of the most beautiful creatures in the world. This is the Earth and you.

You are my life and soul.

To be capable of true love is to become mature and have realistic expectations of the other person.

You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you.

I don’t play with love, I don’t enter into correspondence.

You are like the variable wind - you lie and smile at the same time.

There are two sins in relationships: breaking off living relationships and holding on to dead ones.

My world is forever in you!

Only yours.

Glances are the first tender notes of love.

I give you love and tenderness alone.

Memories are perfume for the soul.

All women are lovely, and what gives them beauty is the love of men.

Old love never rusts.

Above truth is Love. Above the law is Mercy. Above justice is Forgiveness.

The most effective cure for all ailments is love.

Dressed head to toe in Love... this is the only label that never goes out of style! Let's keep our love forever.

Jealousy is an acid that eats away love.

Even the one who is far away is nearby if he is in your heart.

The path of true love is never smooth. William Shakespeare

Two hearts - one rhythm, two souls - one feeling, two people - the same thoughts.

To forgive is to set a captive free and discover that that captive was You.

Europe is sleeping, Australia is falling asleep. It’s getting dark in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world are now reading my status.

From hatred to love there is one step.

If love kills time, then time takes revenge and kills love.

They were made for each other, but they were terribly stupid.

If it is not possible to come closer, people disperse further.

One Love - one Life.

Show her that she is the most needed of all, and you will see that she is the most tender of all...

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

There is no happiness without your love.

Excess of love strangles, lack of love kills.

Unspoken love is a heavy burden

Sometimes just one word is enough for happiness..."prints"

It is not beauty that decides who we love, but love that decides who we find beautiful.

Sometimes what you have been looking for all your life is found in an instant.

Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy...

Artificiality in love, various restrictions - it’s like killing or stopping a bird in flight. It won't be possible to stop her, but to kill her is to kill love.

True love is always mutual.
The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”... He thought and answered: “Beloved”...

To my dear, seven miles is not the outskirts.

My whole life is still ahead, but I loved and was loved.

When people leave, let them go.

You can love all your life and stop loving on Wednesday.

When a man and a woman are attracted to each other, no one can stop them.

People always destroy what they love most.

There is no immunity against green-eyed people

Hot love quickly cools down.

His smile makes you lose your balance.

Even someone who is far away now can be close if he is in your heart...

But again the word “But”... And again there is pain, tears and it’s all the same...

If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment but with you.

Don't get used to me. I'm not forever.

If you don't see the sun, don't cry - because of your tears you won't see the stars! R. Tagore

True love doesn't expect anything in return.

True love suffers in silence.

Love for all ages.

Love is tested not by time, but by relationships away from love.

To love means to live the life of the one you love.

Love conquers all.

Strength is in Love!!!

True love is a relationship in which there is no room for humiliation.

One born in love cannot be weak. Samurai proverb

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You need to love not for words, but for actions.

Love is for two.

You can't lock up love.

Love is not about finding the “right” person, it is about creating the “right” relationship.

Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

When I look at you, I forget all my sorrows...

Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved!

Love, like a tree, is strong, but susceptible to various “insects” - insults and quarrels.

The art of love... is largely the art of consistency.

My behavior is the result of your attitude.

Sometimes love has meaning in life

A man must find the right purpose in life, and a woman must find a man with the right purpose.

If faith dies, love dies.

Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

If they love, then not only with their soul or heart, they love with their whole body.

Tenderness and Love are healing tools that are suitable for everyone and never cause allergies.

The soul, like a cherry, has ripened to love...

She drove away his cold, and he cooled her heat.

Even the most faithful and loving person will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels coldness and indifference towards her.

Relationships are a couple's dance. Both partners must catch the rhythm.

You are made for each other!

Different things Love and Infatuation... The first is Eternity... The second is Seasonality...

Lovers invent each other. Those who love will know.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.

In overcoming difficulties, a smile has more power than sighs.

Your desires are my weakness.

Love requires faith, faith requires firmness.

Only sincere love knows how to forgive.

You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel...

You are like a string in my life that combines all octaves and notes...

“Love can lift you to the skies and smash you against the rocks with the same composure.”

You can fake a smile, but not happiness.

A loved one is the one whose pain hurts you more than your own.

The mirror has two faces.

Love those who put a smile on your face

The extinct fire of love needs to be rekindled from the coal...

Walk with me through life... that's all I need for the journey.

A good memory is the basis of friendship and the death of love.

The more people I get to know, the more I love computers!

I may be different, but I will always remain yours.

Love is the only feeling that does not depend on anything.

Love knows no pride.

Love is laughter and joy, not reproaches, and not a cage, and not the desire to possess.

Love can do a lot, but money can do everything.

Love is will love me too

Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.

Love is true between souls, not their bodies.

I am your most independent dependency!

I am like the wind between the wings, always nearby and always invisible.

A person is not perfect until someone falls in love with that person.

Gone love does not return.

Only true love can withstand all tests.

Dear men! Remember! From frequent changes of holes, any nail will bend!!!

One love, one heart, one destiny.

You look at him... And he looks at you...

“Someone’s hope always lives in friendship between a man and a woman”

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent.

“Read my status and think about me”

To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Your love is calm in excitement and comfort in sadness.

In the necessary there is unity, in the doubtful there is freedom, in everything there is love.

Sometimes pride destroys everything! Even strong love and close friendship.

My friends, family and love are not negotiable - they are perfect, period.

Sometimes you get into relationships, and sometimes relationships tie you down.

He who loves many knows women, He who loves one knows Love.

True love is like a masterpiece: there is only one, but there are many fakes.

Love is, first of all, a gift.

When people ask me about my life, I talk about you.

Love is the wisdom of a fool and the folly of a wise man.

It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone. Marilyn Monroe.

Love is blind, but family life is a brilliant oculist!

Love and loved…

Love takes away pride, but gives wings.

To love means to stop comparing.

Love turns dead ends into freeways.

The one you love is not the one you will die without. And the one without whom there is no reason to live

Love is not subject to reason.

The best way to fight temptation is to give in to it.

Love is a powerful source of human activity.

A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal. We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself.

Love is the energy that moves life.

If you knew how few you were... .

They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.

This section contains beautiful, meaningful, short statuses about love for your page on VK or Odnoklassniki.
Only by loving, giving oneself to another and penetrating into him, a person opens himself, opens another, opens a person.
The experience of love is the only answer to the question of what it means to be a human being, and only love can serve as a guarantee of mental health.
For most people, the problem of love is first and foremost how to be loved. In fact, being loved is much easier than loving yourself. Love is an art and you need to be able to master it just like any other type of art.
Love is always an action, a manifestation of the strength of human nature, which is possible only under conditions of complete freedom and never due to coercion.
Love cannot be a passive manifestation of feeling, it is always active, you cannot “fall” into a state of love, you can “stay” in it. Erich Fromm.

Men's statuses about love

Many men, having fallen in love with a dimple, mistakenly marry the whole girl.

Choose not the one that appeared when you became strong and successful, but the one that was with you while you were a nobody...

A man should truly love only three women: the one who gave birth to him, the one who gave birth to him and the one who was born to him...

I got married recently, and, according to tradition, I carry her in my arms to the apartment, and then she says to me: “Vasya, we’ve already signed!” Let me climb on your neck!”

I asked Yandex.... where is my favorite? ......200 n**n*sites the window gave me.

Are you cold? - No.. - I’ll hug you anyway.

Folk sign. If a guy walks down the street with a bouquet of roses, it means they haven’t had sex yet.

Hello Valya? Yes) I’m here... Well, I built a house, planted a tree... Come...

Girls with small breasts are the happiest, because they are sure that they were not loved for their tits!

There are no boys who want stupid sex from girls! There are girls who have nothing else to offer other than sex!!!

For happy family life All you need is three words: “You’re right, my love!”

I thought it was my favorite. I did the math, honey.

I asked the wise man: “What is more important: to love or to be loved?” The sage answered: “What is more important for a bird, the left wing or the right?”

A real man is like a wolf: either alone or with one wolf forever! And running after sheep is the lot of rams!

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

A real man is one who does not delve into a woman’s past, but sees the future in her.

Have you noticed that the feminine “I’ll be ready in 5 minutes” and the masculine: “I’ll be home in 5 minutes” are actually the same phrase!!

A man's strength is not in how many women he slept with, but in how many he refused for the sake of one.

When she's not online, I look at our message history.

I sent the girl an SMS “This subscriber is asking you to marry him”...received the answer “Dear subscriber! There are insufficient funds in your account for this operation.”

The woman who cares about you is good, but the woman who cares about you is even better.

Darling, you are so touching... I could touch you and touch you

Take care of the one you love, so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got!

A kind little hippopotamus is looking for love, tenderness and... something to eat

There is money, there is a car, a lot of girls, night life!!! but for some reason I’m ready to give up all this and be only with her!

Guys, to understand a girl, you need to know that the female brain is like a browser in which 648 bookmarks are open at once... Always!

When you move your mouse over my page, you don’t know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart... so that’s why it constantly hurts!

Everyone said that we were not a couple... And I took her hand and said: we are not a couple. We are one...

I promise you to love and care, from now on to be together in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in sickness and in health, until the morning separates us.

Girl, you are so beautiful!! My watch even stopped!!!

Carry women in your arms - take care of your neck!

If I steal your heart, then you will steal my last name!

Love relieves stress, burns weight, pumps up your abs.

For some reason, out of 2 lovers, one is always a bitch.

A wolf in love is no longer a predator, a wolf in love is already a furry...

A woman is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! This is the aroma in the kitchen! This is the smile of the lips, the sparkle of the eyes! Mother of children... and a sweet fairy tale in a man's life!

The girl he loves looks best in the kitchen - barefoot, wearing his shirt, pouring him coffee.

    #101. When you love, everyone around you can hear the beat of your heart; when you hate, it reverberates only in your head; when you die, only you stop hearing it, but it remains with those who love you...

    #102. You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you. (Omar Khayyam)

    #103. I don’t need an ideal, I need you, harmful, jealous, but so beloved.

    #104. Love never asks, it always gives.
    Swami Vivekananda

    #105. If you don’t see any flaws in a person, then you’re in love, you idiot.

    #106. A person falls in love in the same way as falling down the stairs. It's an accident.

    #107. I need something like you, but only for it to love me.

    #108. A wonderful feeling is love. With its help, prisons and mental hospitals are filled.

    #109. Nowadays, perhaps, even love is made in China.

    #110. Or maybe you really need to be with someone who loves you, and not whom you love.

    #111. When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem like ladybugs to him.

    #112. Before you give it all up for Great love, think about what you will have left if love abandons you.

    #113. What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

    #114. A person has no power over his heart; no one can be considered a criminal for falling in love or falling out of love.

    #115. The one who truly loves you is the one who secretly prays to God for you.

    #116. A woman would rather love a person she hates than someone she is indifferent to.

    #117. Separation will teach you to truly love.

    #118. Do not owe anyone anything except mutual love.

    #119. When they love you, you have no doubts; when you love, doubts haunt you at every step. Why do you have doubts? Don't love anyone.

    #120. Fools shoot themselves out of unhappy love. Smart people write poems and quotes. The smartest people don't fall in love.

    #121. A broken heart is a good sign. A sign that you've at least tried to love someone.

    #123. If you love me, then you are with me, for me, always, everywhere and under all circumstances.

    #124. Falling in love is a very brave act. You need to be able to trust someone with your whole being. This is extremely difficult and very brave.

    #125. Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.

    #126. Look into your beloved eyes, lying on his chest and remain silent about something in common.... This is it... Happiness...

    #127. When I hug him, I close my eyes, burying my head in his neck. and I understand that I don’t need anything else, just to never let him go.

    #128. Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

    #129. It’s nice when you wake up in the morning and see him sleeping next to you, and when you intend to get up, you feel him pressing you closer to him and asking: “Where are you going?

    #130. A loved one can never be replaced by anyone!

    #131. Trust is one of the main secrets of love... Don't trust other people's words... Believe your heart...

    #132. Take care of her... All your happiness is in her...

    #133. It blows my mind when I hear your name.

    #134. You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I’m like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

    #135. There is no need to waste yourself on just anyone. It’s better to accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself so that you can give it at the right time to the right person!

    #136. If you love someone, you should never hurt them. Never.

    #137. It’s an amazing feeling: to feel nothing when you see a person for whom so many tears have been shed.

Girls often want to post statuses in contact for their beloved guy. This could be a funny status about life and love, a status about loving your boyfriend to the point of tears, or even a status about broken love. This is a way to express your feelings to him and the courage to take them out in public. We are sharing a selection of different quotes and original statuses for all occasions.

Statuses in contact about love

Statuses about summer and love

Statuses about spring and love

Funny and cool statuses about love and guys

Quotes about love with meaning

Statuses about broken love

Sad statuses about love

Selection of a dating site

The best statuses about love for a guy

This section contains the most popular, universal and cool statuses for a girl in love.

  • Height, eye color and appearance do not decide anything in the end. The solution is a smile, laughter and a slight trembling when you hold your person’s hand.
  • Love is not shouting about your feelings to the whole world, but constantly thinking about only one single person.
  • They say love makes everything beautiful. But when you love, you see nothing more beautiful than your love.
  • The greatest happiness can only be found in the eyes of a loved one.
  • There is no music sweeter in the world than the sound of your favorite voice.
  • Everyone deserves my smile. Some are worthy of my friendship. But only you are worthy of my love
  • Love is not about a perfect person. This is about someone whose shortcomings incredibly make him better.

Beautiful and romantic statuses about love with meaning

Status quotes about love for a guy are an additional marker of your feelings for him. Try to show him your love by writing one of these phrases in your status.

  • And I wish I could find a higher roof, quieter nights, sweeter words, and you around more often...
  • Love is not being delighted with the smell of flowers given to you. It's hearing about 95 gasoline and not wanting to interrupt.
  • Love is cooler than a plastic surgeon - it rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart.
  • I love his scent, I love to hear how he breathes, I love to watch his gaze, I just love when he is near...
  • Love is the strongest of addictions: it affects the heart, the brain, the body, and the soul.
  • Love cannot be sought or found. She will come at the most inopportune moment, will not ask for consent and will turn your whole life upside down.
  • To talk about love is to lose your mind.

Statuses in contact about love

You can say it personally, or you can write a status about your love for him. Statuses for VK about love for a man - short phrases that fit under the profile name. Surely you can speak beautifully about your feelings yourself, but if not, here are a few phrases that may be suitable as a love status for a guy on VK.

  • It's easy to die for love. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.
  • Love is a disease that is transmitted only to two people. And no one else has a chance to get infected.
  • Love does not recognize pride. Pride destroys love.
  • Love is the best feeling a person is capable of.
  • Love is the key to the castle that guards happiness.
  • Don't chase love - you still won't have time. Don't run from love - you still can't escape.
  • If your happiness depends on the happiness of another person, this is love.

Statuses about summer and love

Summer is a wonderful time for love. And if your relationship began during this period, or the height of feelings happened in the summer, post something from this.

  • The best summer of your life, when all the nights and all the roofs of this city are yours alone.
  • Summer love is the hottest, easiest and most selfless.
  • Every sparkle of summer fires is the love of two people. And ours is the brightest.
  • To get wet together in the summer rain, to the skin, to trembling, to ringing laughter - The best way fall in love
  • Love that appears in summer has no boundaries.
  • Hiking in the mountains, walks in the forest, fun on the beach - summer seems to be created for people to fall in love with each other at first sight, with the first laugh, with the first smile.
  • Summer love may not last long. But it will definitely be the brightest!
  • Summer lovers are masters of the world. Nights and days, rains and heat, the city and nature - everything at this time exists only for them.

Statuses about spring and love

In the spring, a lot of couples are formed - and more remain together than those who got together in the summer. If your relationship has just begun, or if you both feel passion with the arrival of spring, express it. yourself. Here are some beautiful statuses about love for girls:

  • In spring, all nature wakes up. The snow is melting, leaves are appearing, the sun is getting warmer, flowers are blooming. And along with them, our hearts thaw, blossom and wake up to love.
  • How can you not fall in love when there is such a bright sun nearby, such ringing drops and such beautiful eyes?
  • The smell of spring is intoxicating. When you take off your warm clothes, you rejoice at the first sun and the first greenery, love itself is in the air - and not to follow it means to be a fool.
  • It's not just cats who are drawn to love in the spring. It's just that only cats communicate this loudly!
  • Isn’t a wonderful way to wake up from winter - to see the first spring sun and immediately fall in love with someone...
  • Falling in love in spring is an excellent cure for vitamin deficiency: your eyes glow, your cheeks turn pink, and you have more energy!
  • Falling in love in the spring is not a whim or a coincidence. This is a necessity, this is what helps you feel alive after a long cold winter.
  • Every heart wants Spring... A cozy and gentle sunset... One, but shared silence with someone... Beloved eyes now, and not once... Every heart wants Warmth... And there’s no need for anything here age, time of year...No matter how cold Life is...Where there is Love, there is Warm weather

Funny and cool statuses about love and guys

Sometimes it’s worth pinning your boyfriend in public. Do it in a kind way by making jokes about your relationship. Set a cool status about loving a man.

  • We are like Leon and Matilda: I am small and a little mischievous, and he is big and strong. And he’s there all the time because he loves you.
  • You, of course, are very lucky with me, and I am too with you. But you have more with me.
  • Falling asleep and waking up happy is so easy. It turned out that all you need is for you to be nearby, and happiness won’t disappear either.
  • Are we quarreling? - Yes! Are we annoying each other? - Yes! But we can’t live without each other anymore.
  • I will give myself with love to good hands. So that there is no pain and no boredom. So that the soul would be filled with happiness forever. And all this lasted always, endlessly!
  • True love is when he is angry with you, but at the same time says: “I love you and will not give you to anyone!”

Quotes about love with meaning

Sometimes you don't need to write long letters to express your feelings. Don't believe me? We prove: here are short statuses about love with meaning.

  • To love is not to swear eternal fidelity, but to quietly make a person happier every day.
  • When you love, you don’t give your whole world to a person, and you don’t demand it from him. No sacrifice: you just create new world together, hand in hand.
  • Love is not about beautiful breasts and an athletic torso. This means that even her pasta is the most delicious, and he brews tea perfectly.
  • It is unknown what is more valuable in love: the person himself or what we become next to him.
  • The best cure for any ailment is a handful of affection from a loved one, a pinch of warm words and an armful of care.
  • Love is not about moving mountains and crossing oceans. It's just never hurting someone else.
  • When you love one person, you pass by hundreds of others so that you don’t even notice them.

Statuses about broken love

If you get emotional because of a quarrel or breakup, it is better to update your status rather than write kilometers of messages to your young man. Maintain your dignity, but don't be shy about your feelings.

  • Lies and deception are a crack through which, like water, love flows away.
  • A request for forgiveness has an expiration date. She is needed like air at one moment, but at another, like a dead person, she will no longer help.
  • It is important to understand in time that your person is dear to you no matter what. Otherwise, someone else will understand it before you.
  • Those who take everything too seriously are capable of loving the most.
  • When they love, they forgive, but when they forgive for too long, they stop loving.
  • Killing love is easy. It's hard to kill her memory.
  • Sometimes the loss is the only way understand how much you love a person. How you need him. How do you appreciate it? How you don't want to be without him. But it is at this moment that it becomes too late to understand.

Sad statuses about love

Love is not always the fairy tale we would like it to be. As a bonus, we attach several sad statuses about love.

  • Nobody cries when they stop loving someone. But everyone cries when they stop loving him.
  • You fall in love and think that now there will be more happiness in your life. But a little later you notice that all that has been added is another addiction.
  • Loved ones are forgiven everything. But they don’t always remain loved after this.
  • No bouquets, no gifts and no words will relieve the pain that can only be caused by those closest to you. Because love is not about gifts and vows. Love is about respect and care.
  • When you receive a rose, you don't throw it away because of the thorns on the stem. So a person cannot be thrown out because of his shortcomings.
  • As long as the heart loves, the mind will always find reasons to justify it. But as soon as the heart stops loving, every reason ceases to matter.
  • True love is not the one that will survive long separation, but the one that will survive long intimacy.

Love is a feeling that, in addition to joy and happiness, causes worry, confusion and even uncertainty. Sometimes it is so difficult to convey your emotions to your loved one in order to show the depth of your feelings. Whether it's simple love or for real deep feeling, ready-made romantic statuses are suitable for any situation. From the list above, you will definitely select the lines that you will want to write to your loved ones.

Love has no meaning, which is in everything we do. She moves the world, completely changing the course of life and giving us happy moments.

I breathe you, I live by you, my dearest and dearest!

My love for you is like air, which is invisible, but without it it is impossible to live.

Loving hearts are warmed by trust and comfort. Let there always be trust between us, beloved, and let comfort come with it.

The best of the best! The most affectionate and kind! You warm my soul even in the cold!

I look at you, my love, and I see us. This is what it is – Love!

I love my life because you are in it.

My love for you recognizes no obstacles. If necessary, we will overcome any obstacles together, jump over fences and penetrate walls.

With you, any problem is not a problem, but bad weather is a sunny day. I feel your concern! Thank you for being there!

Sometimes it seems to me that we are like a pair of swans. Without you, I am not me, without me, you are not you! Let it be like this forever!

Beloved and mysterious, simple and mysterious... You are all made of contradictions! That's why I love you!

Beautiful statuses about love

Love is not a bird in a cage. She flies around the world, not paying attention to the weather, people’s moods, hustle and bustle... Love flies to each of us!

Love me like a bird loves the sky,
How snowfall cannot live without snow!

It's easy to fall in love, but to love with all your heart is not so easy!

They speak about Love only with a capital letter, or are silent at all!

Love will melt the ice of the soul,
Will overcome all obstacles!
And there will be happiness and love
Our most valuable reward!

They talk about love, sing, write, draw, sculpt... But I keep silent more, it’s safer!

Love is like a freedom-loving bird because it does not tolerate control. Love is like a fish that can easily slip through your fingers if you squeeze it too tightly. Love is built on trust, and this is the only way to make it stronger.

Vanity, vanity... And so every day, every year... Stop, look around, listen, because love is hidden somewhere nearby!

Love can be destructive and creative, painful and healing. It can be so different that sometimes it is difficult to fully understand your feelings.

Love is such a wonderful word
It means so much to me!
Let love be endless
Like a serial movie!

Sad statuses about love

Unfortunately, love does not exist without partings, worries and difficulties. Beautiful words will help overcome loneliness.

Sometimes we want to change the past, but we must understand that the past has already changed us.

The rain is crying and I'm crying,
And it's spring outside!
Rain don't cry - wash me.
They brought peace to my soul!

In some ways, tears are more meaningful than smiles, because we give them to everyone, and tears only to those we truly love.

Kiss me goodbye. Let me remember this moment forever and leave hope in my heart.

Yesterday we were together, today we are apart, how unfair it is! But I love you!

I'm sad along with the weather. Autumn outside - autumn in my soul! You left in English - without saying goodbye.

It’s stupid and pointless to think about you, but thoughts return to the past - to where we are together!

There is not enough air in my chest from separation from you. How can I live without you, where can I get strength?!

It's better to be alone than to be with a person who makes you feel lonely when you're around.

I'm not ready to live with you all my life,
Let's part without unnecessary, lying words!

Statuses about love with meaning to tears

A person experiences the strongest feelings and emotions only after loving another person.

Every love story is a story about two people doing everything they can to make each other happy.

Loneliness is sadness, love is the harmony of sadness and joy!

You can’t love headlong! They love with all their heart and soul!

Love is not only the smile of a loved one and the tenderness of touches, but also the ability to hear and listen.

Don't reject love, it will still be there!

The soul not only sings from love, but also often cries from it!

Love does not live in a heart that is locked with a key!

When it's sad and cold, lovers are warmed by sunlight, a favorite blanket and true love.

They don’t talk about love, she will say everything herself!

It’s nice to be loved, but loving is responsible!

VK statuses about love for a girl

No girl will remain indifferent to a sincere love message on VK.

On the wings of love I fly towards you, my love! Don't break them, please!

You are a kindred spirit, and kindred spirits are very rare!

I love you, beloved, without demanding anything in return!

I am happy because I am in love with the one who loves me!

You are sweet as a dream and tender as the evening sky,
You are my happiness and joy, the most dear person on earth.

I have tears in my eyes from love for you, my sunshine!

We breathe with one breath,
We hear the same words together!
I love you and will repeat it
That I don't want to lose you!

My love for you is like a sweet dream. I’m very afraid to wake up and what if it’s really him!

Without knowing myself, I want to know you, my love! It's not so easy, help me!

Your love opens a second wind and gives a ray of hope!

Statuses about life and love

Some life statuses can inspire, others can challenge, and still others can force you to look at life from a different point of view.

You can live your whole life and not know true love, or you can live your whole life in one day of love!

Well, where we do not! This is the axiom of love!!!

Usually people don't know the true value of a relationship until it becomes just a memory.

For the sake of love and happiness, you must endure defeat!

Don’t let random people into your life, especially when it comes to love!

Say the most important words of love silently and life will show the result!

Negativity in love is a lack of personal dignity!

Life is an amazing book that we write ourselves. Some chapters are sad, others are long and romantic, but all of them are emotional and inspiring. Try to live life to the fullest so that you never regret any chapter.

Don’t give up and you will win on the path of life, and therefore in love!

The willingness to fight for your happiness is half the battle. First of all, you need to listen to your heart and try to find what will truly make you happy.

Statuses in VK about love to tears

There is nothing sadder than the indifference of a loved one.

True love can be found in completely unexpected places and situations. The only condition is an openness of soul and heart.

A man in love knows all the secrets of his beloved, because he has the key that opens her heart. He will never lose or throw it away!

I never believed in love. I thought it was just a fairy tale for children. Meeting my beloved changed my views. Now I believe not only in love, but also in fairy tales.

Love elevates, inspires and makes you forget about all your troubles. Love is the most pleasant addiction. You are my drug, my addiction, and I don’t want to recover from it.

Love is the air I breathe. I couldn't live without you. You hold a piece of my heart in your hands, which is why I need your presence so much.

They say that when one door closes, another opens. Our meeting opened several doors for me: the path to happiness, love and inspiration.

Great philosophers tried to find the answer to the question of what love is. Some claimed that these were some special chemical reactions in our body. Others said it was a blessing from above. I haven’t found the exact answer, but I know for sure that if you really love someone, you will love them in any situation.

I want to share with you all the sad and joyful moments, ups and downs, every moment of your life.

Only the Moon can love the Earth the way I love you. If you don't see me for a while, I'm still there for you.

Statuses for boys about love

You are the reason for the smile on my lips and the joy in my heart.

If you want girls to like you, don’t tell them about love, but prove it with your actions!

He who loves will forgive everything! Be noble - don't be petty!

I'm not a sex symbol, but there's something in me too!

I'm sexy, but not in love!

Girls, do not rely on reciprocity if there is fog in your heart!

I’m a guy who’s passionate and doesn’t promise much... But who knows?!

Young man, don’t extinguish the spark of love right away! Wait, let the fire burn! And then make a decision!

The mirage of love is not about me! With me - an oasis of love!

Assertive in life, not decisive in love!

Statuses about broken love

Breaking up isn't easy. Sometimes the right words can help you get through this difficult period of life.

It didn’t work out for us, it didn’t stick together. What can I say now?! Maybe just take it and forget it?!

It's hard to say, "I'm sorry," but it's even harder to forgive someone when you're hurt.

A broken heart cannot be mended! It shattered into many pieces and hurts my soul!

Betrayal is cold!
From your dislike - frost!
From untruth - hunger!
From powerlessness - a lot of tears!

Yesterday we were together, today we are apart,
You won’t immediately understand what happened.
Hearts just got cold -
They couldn't burn endlessly!

You're on the other side - I'm on this one! They couldn’t build a bridge – that’s all!

Don't call me, I won't look back. I don't want empty phrases and indifferent eyes. Forgive and let go!

The ship of our love crashed into pieces on the pitfalls of misunderstanding!

“I love you!” they said to each other. What a pity that this beautiful word crumbled into five separate letters!

The necklace of our feelings broke off and rolled downhill like beads of tears!

Statuses about new love

My heart was in tears! And suddenly, a miracle happened. It stopped crying and smiled! This is new love!

The sun smiled, peeking out from behind the clouds! “Hello!” said your eyes. My heart was warmed by love again!

After the betrayal, love left. It seemed that she had left my heart forever. But an unprecedented miracle happened - your unexpected love came to me!

The birds began to sing for me again, and the dew on my eyelashes dried. The soul perked up from the anticipation of new and unfamiliar love!

Anxiety goes away! Hope has settled in a loving and beloved heart!

Adversity receded, and a new feeling took over the soul and body! This is true love!

You loved me for who I am! Without ever reminding me of previous heart failures!!!

It was difficult to return to life after the betrayal of a loved one, but you helped me resurrect!

One path split into two roads - one to nowhere, the other to hope. And this chance became our new love!

A new feeling is always better than cold oblivion!

Statuses about the meaning of life and love

If life seems to be dragging you down, you should never panic or get upset. Every day is given to a person for something. Remember, the more we fight, the better it gets!

Life is fleeting, but Love, if it is real, is immortal!

We're running, we're in a hurry... Stop! You hear the trams ringing and the rumble of cars, the buzz of a multifaceted crowd... And somewhere very close Love whispers: “I’m here, recognize me!”

Among the hustle and bustle of life, we found each other. Thank you, Love, for such a precious gift!

Seconds, minutes, years pass, seasons change... And only our love remains the same!

Life without love is like a day without sun!

I may forget something, but I can never forget our love!

Life is sometimes so careless and frivolous, but when love comes, life is filled with life!

Live, love, despite all the obstacles and distances!

Love is like tart wine. It warms, intoxicates, beckons into the distance and looks forward to a wonderful future!

Love opens up a whole world for us, so let's tell each other about our feelings, even if only as an online status.