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What happens to the soul when a person dies. Scientists have found out how the dead feel: they are aware of everything and understand that they are “gone.” What awaits a person after death

What does a person experience when he dies? When does he realize that consciousness is leaving him? Will something unexpected happen as our lives come to an end? These questions have tormented philosophers and scientists for centuries, but the topic of death continues to concern every person to this day, reports

Death comes in different guises, but one way or another, it is usually an acute lack of oxygen in the brain. Whether people die from a heart attack, drowning or suffocation, it is ultimately due to a severe lack of oxygen to the brain. If the flow of newly oxidized blood to the head is stopped through any mechanism, the person will lose consciousness within about 10 seconds. Death will occur in a few minutes. How exactly depends on the circumstances.

1. Drowning
How quickly people drown is determined by several factors, including swimming ability and water temperature. In the UK, where the water is consistently cold, 55 per cent of drownings in open water occur within 3 meters of the shore. Two thirds of the victims are good swimmers. But a person can get into trouble within seconds, says Mike Tipton, a physiologist and expert at the University of Portsmouth in England.

As a rule, when the victim realizes that he will soon disappear under water, panic and floundering on the surface begin. Struggling to breathe, they are unable to call for help. This stage lasts from 20 to 60 seconds.
When victims eventually submerge, they do not inhale for as long as possible, usually between 30 and 90 seconds. After this, a certain amount of water is inhaled, the person coughs and inhales more. Water in the lungs blocks gas exchange in thin tissues, causing a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx - a reflex called laryngospasm. There is a feeling of tearing and burning in the chest as water passes through the respiratory tract. Then a feeling of calm sets in, indicating the beginning of loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen, which will ultimately lead to cardiac arrest and brain death.

2. Heart attack
Hollywood heart attack - sudden pain in the heart and immediate fall, of course, happens in several cases. But a typical myocardial infarction develops slowly and begins with moderate discomfort.

The most common symptom is chest pain, which may be long-lasting or come and go. This is how the heart muscle struggles for life and its death from oxygen deprivation. The pain can radiate to the jaw, throat, back, stomach and arms. Other signs: shortness of breath, nausea and cold sweat.

Most victims are in no hurry to seek help, waiting on average from 2 to 6 hours. It is more difficult for women, as they are more likely to experience and not respond to symptoms such as shortness of breath, pain radiating to the jaw, or nausea. Delay can cost your life. Most people who die from heart attacks simply don't make it to the hospital. Often the actual cause of death is cardiac arrhythmia.

About ten seconds after the heart muscle stops, the person loses consciousness, and a minute later he is dead. In hospitals, a defibrillator is used to make the heart beat, clear the arteries and administer drugs, which brings the patient back to life.

3. Fatal bleeding
How soon death from bleeding occurs depends on the wound, says John Kortbick at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. People can die from blood loss within seconds if the aorta is ruptured. This is the main blood vessel leading from the heart. Causes include a serious fall or car accident.

Death can occur within hours if another artery or vein is damaged. In this case, a person would go through several stages. The average adult has 5 liters of blood. Losing one and a half liters causes a feeling of weakness, thirst and anxiety and shortness of breath, and two - dizziness, confusion, and the person falls into an unconscious state.

4. Death by fire
Hot smoke and fire scorch the eyebrows and hair and burn the throat and Airways, making it impossible to breathe. Burns cause severe pain by stimulating the pain nerves in the skin.

As the burn area increases, sensitivity decreases somewhat, but not completely. Third degree burns do not damage as much as second degree wounds because the superficial nerves are destroyed. Some victims with severe burns reported feeling no pain while they were still in danger or engaged in rescuing others. Once the adrenaline and shock gradually wear off, pain quickly sets in.

Most people who die in fires actually die from poisonous carbon monoxide poisoning and lack of oxygen. Some people just don't wake up.

The rate at which headaches and drowsiness and unconsciousness appear depends on the size of the fire and the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air.

5. Decapitation
Execution is one of the fastest and least painful ways to die if the executioner is skilled, his blade is sharp and the condemned person sits still.

The most advanced decapitation technology is the guillotine. Officially adopted by the French government in 1792, it was recognized as more humane than other methods of taking life.

Maybe it's really fast. But consciousness is not lost immediately after the spinal cord is severed. A 1991 study on rats found that the brain remained alive for an additional 2.7 seconds by consuming oxygen from the blood in the head; the equivalent number for humans is approximately 7 seconds. If a person falls unsuccessfully under the guillotine, the time the pain is felt may be increased. In 1541, an inexperienced man made a deep wound in the shoulder rather than the neck of Margaret Paul, Countess of Salisbury. According to some reports, she jumped from the execution site and was chased by the executioner, who struck her 11 times before she died.

6. Death by electric current
Most common reason death from electric current - arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest. Unconsciousness usually follows after 10 seconds, says Richard Trochman, a cardiologist at Onslaught University in Chicago. A study of electrocution deaths in Montreal, Canada, found that 92 percent died from arrhythmia.

If the voltage is high, then unconsciousness occurs almost immediately. The electric chair was supposed to cause instant loss of consciousness and painless death by passing current through the brain and heart.
Whether this actually happens is debatable. John Wickswo, a biophysicist at the University of Nashville, Tennessee, argues that thick, insulating skull bones would prevent sufficient current from passing through the brain, and prisoners could die from brain heating, or from suffocation due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

7. Falling from a height
This is one of the fastest ways to die: the maximum speed is approximately 200 kilometers per hour, achieved when falling from a height of 145 meters or more. A study of fatal falls in Hamburg, Germany, found that 75 percent of victims died within seconds or minutes of landing.
Causes of death depend on the landing site and the position of the person. People are unlikely to reach the hospital alive if they fall headfirst. In 1981, 100 fatal jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco were analyzed. It has a height of 75 meters, the speed when colliding with water is 120 kilometers per hour. These are the two main causes of instant death. The result of a fall is a massive contusion of the lung, a rupture of the heart, or damage to the main blood vessels and lungs by broken ribs. Landing on your feet significantly reduces injury and can save lives.

8. Hanging
The method of suicide and the old-fashioned method of execution is death by strangulation; the rope puts pressure on the trachea and arteries leading to the brain. Unconsciousness may occur for 10 seconds, but will take longer if the loop is not positioned correctly. Witnesses to public hangings often reported victims "dancing" in pain in the noose for several minutes! In some cases - after 15 minutes.

In England in 1868 they adopted the “long fall” method, which involved a longer rope. The victim reached speeds during the hanging that broke her neck.

9. Lethal injection
Lethal injection was developed in Oklahoma in 1977 as a humane alternative to the electric chair. The state medical examiner and the chairman of anesthesiology agreed to administer three drugs almost simultaneously. First, the anesthetic thiopental is administered to avoid any feeling of pain, then the paralytic agent pansuronium is administered to stop breathing. Finally, potassium chloride stops the heart almost immediately.

Each drug is supposed to be administered in a lethal dose, excessive to ensure a quick and humane death. However, witnesses reported convulsions and an attempt by the convict to sit during the procedure, meaning the administration of drugs does not always give the desired result.

10. Explosive decompression
Death due to exposure to vacuum occurs when the vestibule depressurizes or the spacesuit ruptures.

When external air pressure suddenly decreases, the air in the lungs expands, tearing the fragile tissues involved in gas exchange. The situation is aggravated if the victim forgets to exhale before decompression or tries to hold his breath. Oxygen begins to leave the blood and lungs.

Experiments on dogs in the 1950s showed that 30 to 40 seconds after the pressure was released, their bodies began to swell, although their skin prevented them from "tearing." At first, the heart rate increases, then sharply decreases. Water vapor bubbles form in the blood and travel throughout the circulatory system, impeding the flow of blood. After a minute, the blood stops effectively participating in gas exchange.

Survivors of decompression accidents are mostly pilots whose planes depressurized. They reported sharp chest pain and an inability to breathe. After about 15 seconds they lost consciousness.

One of the eternal questions to which humanity does not have a clear answer is what awaits us after death?

Ask this question to the people around you and you will get different answers. They will depend on what the person believes. And regardless of faith, many are afraid of death. They don’t try to simply acknowledge the very fact of its existence. But only our physical body dies, and the soul is eternal.

There was never a time when neither you nor I existed. And in the future, none of us will cease to exist.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter two. Soul in the world of matter.

Why are so many people afraid of death?

Because they relate their “I” only to the physical body. They forget that in each of them there is an immortal, eternal soul. They don’t know what happens during dying and after it.

This fear is generated by our ego, which accepts only what can be proven through experience. Is it possible to find out what death is and whether there is an afterlife “without harm to health”?

All over the world there are a sufficient number of documented stories of people

Scientists are on the verge of proving life after death

An unexpected experiment was carried out in September 2013. at the English Hospital in Southampton. Doctors recorded testimonies of patients who experienced clinical death. The head of the research group, cardiologist Sam Parnia, shared the results:

“From the early days of my medical career I was interested in the problem of “disembodied sensations.” In addition, some of my patients experienced clinical death. Gradually, I collected more and more stories from those who claimed that they flew over their own body in a coma.

However, there was no scientific evidence of such information. And I decided to find an opportunity to test her in a hospital setting.

For the first time in history medical institution was specially refurbished. In particular, in the wards and operating rooms, we hung thick boards with colored drawings from the ceiling. And most importantly, they began to carefully record, down to the seconds, everything that happens with each patient.

From the moment his heart stopped, his pulse and breathing stopped. And in those cases when the heart was then able to start and the patient began to regain consciousness, we immediately wrote down everything he did and said.

All the behavior and all the words, gestures of each patient. Now our knowledge of “disembodied sensations” is much more systematized and complete than before.”

Almost a third of patients clearly and clearly remember themselves in a coma. At the same time, no one saw the drawings on the boards!

Sam and his colleagues came to the following conclusions:

“From a scientific point of view, the success is considerable. General sensations have been established among people who seem to...

They suddenly begin to understand everything. Completely freed from pain. They feel pleasure, comfort, even bliss. They see their dead relatives and friends. They are enveloped in a soft and very pleasant light. There is an atmosphere of extraordinary kindness around.”

When asked whether the experiment participants believed that they had visited “another world,” Sam replied:

“Yes, and although this world was somewhat mystical for them, it still existed. As a rule, patients reached a gate or some other place in the tunnel from where there is no turning back and where they need to decide whether to return...

And you know, almost everyone now has a completely different perception of life. It has changed because man has passed through a moment of blissful spiritual existence. Almost all of my wards admitted that, although they did not want to die.

The transition to another world turned out to be an extraordinary and pleasant experience. After the hospital, many began working in charitable organizations.”

On this moment the experiment continues. A further 25 UK hospitals are joining the study.

The memory of the soul is immortal

There is a soul, and it does not die with the body. Dr Parnia's confidence is shared by the UK's leading medical luminary.

The famous professor of neurology from Oxford, the author of works translated into many languages, Peter Fenis rejects the opinion of the majority of scientists on the planet.

They believe that the body, ceasing its functions, releases certain chemical substances, which, passing through the brain, really cause extraordinary sensations in a person.

“The brain doesn’t have time to carry out the ‘closing procedure’,” says Professor Fenis.

“For example, during a heart attack, a person sometimes loses consciousness at lightning speed. Along with consciousness, memory also goes away. So how can we discuss episodes that people cannot remember?

But since they clearly talk about what happened to them when their brain activity was turned off, therefore, there is a soul, spirit or something else that allows you to be in consciousness outside the body.”

What happens after you die?

The physical body is not the only one we have. In addition to it, there are several thin bodies assembled according to the matryoshka principle.

The subtle level closest to us is called the ether or astral. We simultaneously exist in both the material world and the spiritual.

In order to maintain life in the physical body, food and drink are needed to maintain Vital energy in our astral body we need communication with the Universe and with the surrounding material world.

Death ends the existence of the densest of all our bodies, and the astral body's connection with reality is severed.

The astral body, freed from the physical shell, is transported into a different quality - into the soul. And the soul has a connection only with the Universe. This process is described in sufficient detail by people who have experienced clinical death.

Naturally, they do not describe its last stage, because they only fall on the one closest to the material substance level, their astral body has not yet lost contact with the physical body and they are not fully aware of the fact of death.

The transportation of the astral body into the soul is called the second death. After this, the soul goes to another world.

Once there, the soul discovers that it consists of different levels intended for souls of varying degrees of development.

When the death of the physical body occurs, the subtle bodies begin to gradually separate. Subtle bodies also have different densities, and, accordingly, different amounts of time are required for their disintegration.

On the third day After the physical, the etheric body, which is called the aura, disintegrates.

In nine days the emotional body disintegrates, in forty days mental body. The body of spirit, soul, experience - casual - goes into the space between lives.

By suffering greatly for our departed loved ones, we thereby prevent their subtle bodies from dying at the right time. Thin shells get stuck where they shouldn't be. Therefore, you need to let them go, thanking them for all the experiences they have lived together.

Is it possible to consciously look beyond life?

Just as a person dresses in new clothes, discarding the old and worn ones, so the soul is embodied in a new body, leaving behind the old and lost strength.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 2. Soul in the material world.

Each of us has lived more than one life, and this experience is stored in our memory.

Every soul has a different experience of dying. And it can be remembered.

Why remember the experience of dying in past lives? To look at this stage differently. To understand what actually happens at the moment of dying and after it. Finally, to stop being afraid of death.

At the Institute of Reincarnation, you can gain the experience of dying using simple techniques. For those in whom the fear of death is too strong, there is a safety technique that allows you to painlessly view the process of the soul leaving the body.

Here are some testimonials from students about their experiences with dying.

Kononuchenko Irina , first year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

I watched several deaths in different bodies: female and male.

After natural death in a female incarnation (I’m 75 years old), my soul did not want to ascend to the World of Souls. I was left to wait for my husband, who still lived. During his lifetime he was for me important person and a close friend.

It felt like we lived in perfect harmony. I died first, the Soul exited through the third eye area. Understanding my husband’s grief after “my death,” I wanted to support him with my invisible presence, and I didn’t want to leave myself. After some time, when both “got used to it and got used to it” in the new state, I went up to the World of Souls and waited for him there.

After natural death in the body of a man (harmonious incarnation), the Soul easily said goodbye to the body and ascended to the world of Souls. There was a feeling of a mission accomplished, a lesson successfully completed, a feeling of satisfaction. A discussion of life immediately took place.

In case of violent death (I am a man dying on the battlefield from a wound), the Soul leaves the body through the chest area, where the wound is. Until the moment of death, life flashed before my eyes.

I’m 45 years old, I have a wife, children... I really want to see them and hold them close.. and here I am... it’s unclear where and how... and alone. Tears in the eyes, regret about the “unlived” life. After leaving the body, it is not easy for the Soul; it is again met by Helping Angels.

Without additional energetic reconfiguration, I (the soul) cannot independently free myself from the burden of incarnation (thoughts, emotions, feelings). A “capsule-centrifuge” is imagined, where through strong rotation-acceleration there is an increase in frequencies and “separation” from the experience of embodiment.

Marina Kana, 1st year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

In total, I went through 7 dying experiences, three of them violent. I will describe one of them.

Young woman, Ancient Rus'. I was born into a large peasant family, I live in unity with nature, I love spinning with my friends, singing songs, walking in the forest and fields, helping my parents with housework, and babysitting my younger brothers and sisters.

Men are not interested physical side love is not clear. The guy was wooing her, but she was afraid of him.

I saw how she was carrying water on a yoke; he blocked the road and pestered: “You’ll still be mine!” To prevent others from getting married, I started a rumor that I was not of this world. And I’m glad, I don’t need anyone, I told my parents that I wouldn’t get married.

She did not live long, she died at 28, she was not married. She died of a severe fever, lay in the heat and was delirious, all wet, her hair matted from sweat. The mother sits nearby, sighs, wipes him with a wet cloth, and gives him water to drink from a wooden ladle. The soul flies out of the head, as if it is being pushed out from within, when the mother comes out into the hallway.

The soul looks down on the body, no regrets. The mother comes in and starts crying. Then the father comes running to the screams, shakes his fists at the sky, shouts to the dark icon in the corner of the hut: “What have you done!” The kids huddled together, quiet and scared. The soul leaves calmly, no one is sorry.

Then the soul seems to be drawn into a funnel and flies upward towards the light. The outline is similar to clouds of steam, next to them are the same clouds, circling, intertwining, rushing upward. Fun and easy! She knows that she lived her life as she planned. In the World of Souls, laughing, the beloved soul meets (this is unfaithful). She understands why she passed away early - it became no longer interesting to live, knowing that he was not incarnated, she strove for him faster.

Simonova Olga , 1st year student at the Institute of Reincarnation

All my deaths were similar. Separation from the body and smoothly rising above it... and then just as smoothly upward above the Earth. Mostly these are dying of natural causes in old age.

One thing I saw was violent (cutting off the head), but I saw it outside the body, as if from the outside, and did not feel any tragedy. On the contrary, relief and gratitude to the executioner. Life was aimless, a female embodiment. The woman wanted to commit suicide in her youth because she was left without parents.

Many of our body's functions continue to function for minutes, hours, days, and even weeks after death. It's hard to believe, but incredible things happen to our body.

If you are ready for hard-hitting details, then this information is for you.

1. Nail and hair growth

This is more of a technical feature than an actual feature. The body no longer produces hair or nail tissue, but both continue to grow for several days after death. In fact, the skin loses moisture and pulls back slightly, revealing more hair and making your nails appear longer. Since we measure the length of hair and nails from the point where the hair emerges from the skin, it technically means that they "grow" after death.

2. Brain activity

One of the side effects modern technology is the erasure of time between life and death. The brain may shut down completely, but the heart will still beat. If the heart stops for a minute and there is no breathing, then the person dies, and doctors declare the person dead even when the brain is technically still alive for several minutes. During this time, brain cells try to seek out oxygen and nutrients to support life to such an extent that most often it leads to irreparable damage, even if the heart is made to beat again. These minutes before complete damage can be extended, with the help of certain medications and under the right circumstances, to several days. Ideally, this would give doctors a chance to save you, but this is not guaranteed.

3. Skin cell growth

This is another function different parts our body, which fades away at different rates. While loss of circulation can kill the brain in minutes, other cells don't need a constant supply. Skin cells that live on outer shell Our bodies are accustomed to receiving what they can through a process called osmosis, and can live for several days.

4. Urination

We believe that urination is a voluntary function, although its absence is not a conscious action. In principle, we don’t have to think about this, since a certain part of the brain is responsible for this function. The same area is involved in regulating breathing and heart rate, which explains why people often experience involuntary urination if they get drunk. The fact is that the part of the brain that keeps the urinary sphincter closed is suppressed, and very large amounts of alcohol can turn off the regulation of breathing and heart functions, and therefore alcohol can be really dangerous.

Although rigor mortis causes the muscles to stiffen, this does not happen until several hours after death. Immediately after death, the muscles relax, which causes urination.

5. Defecation

We all know that during times of stress, our body gets rid of waste. Some muscles just relax and an awkward situation occurs. But in the event of death, all this is also facilitated by the gas that is released inside the body. This can happen several hours after death. Considering that the fetus in the womb also performs the act of defecation, we can say that this is the first and last thing that we do in our lives.

6. Digestion

7. Erection and ejaculation

When the heart stops pumping blood throughout the body, the blood collects in the lowest place. Sometimes people die standing, sometimes lying face down, and therefore many people understand where blood can collect. Meanwhile, not all muscles in our body relax. Some types of muscle cells are activated by calcium ions. Once activated, cells expend energy by extracting calcium ions. After death, our membranes become more permeable to calcium and the cells do not expend as much energy to push out the ions and the muscles contract. This leads to rigor mortis and even ejaculation.

8. Muscle movements

Although the brain may die, other areas nervous system may be active. Nurses have more than once noticed the actions of reflexes in which the nerves send a signal spinal cord, and not the head, which led to muscle twitching and spasms after death. There is even evidence of small movements of the chest after death.

9. Vocalization

Essentially, our body is filled with gas and mucus supported by bones. Rotting occurs when bacteria begin to act and the proportion of gases increases. Since most of the bacteria are inside our body, the gas accumulates inside.

Rigor mortis leads to the stiffening of many muscles, including those that work on the vocal cords, and this whole combination can lead to eerie sounds emanating from the vocal cords. dead body. So there is evidence of how people heard the groans and creaks of dead people.

10. Birth of a child

It's a terrible scene to imagine, but there were times when women died during pregnancy and were not buried, leading to the coining of a term called "posthumous fetal expulsion." Gases accumulating inside the body, combined with softening of the flesh, lead to expulsion of the fetus.

Although such cases are very rare and the subject of much speculation, they have been documented in the period before proper embalming and rapid burial. All this seems like a description from a horror movie, but such things really happen, and this makes us once again glad that we live in the modern world.

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When a person dies, this is the worst outcome of the disease. For every patient, the topic of death is unpleasant and can even be painful, because no one wants to die, especially from a disease. The patient's family always tries to support their loved one, but often this can only push away negative thoughts and experiences for a short time. How does a person feel when he dies? This issue has been discussed by many generations of doctors, scientists and even esotericists.

What emotions does a person feel before dying?

Many years of scientific research have proven that when a person dies, negative feelings do not always arise. It is generally accepted that people often experience fear, horror and a sense of powerlessness due to the fact that nothing can be changed. Each person, due to his character, attitude towards the disease and even the disease itself, behaves differently when he dies.

There is a study carried out in America that was based on a long description of what people who were terminally ill and in the process of dying felt and thought, in order to compare their notes and understand what a person feels as death approaches. This study also involved healthy people, who for a certain period of time (several months) had to imagine themselves as sick and write down how a person feels when he dies, in the opinion of the subjects, their attitude towards life and towards a fictitious disease. The results were somewhat unexpected. People who were actually sick were much more positive about the situation.

They were often more romantic and meaningful, doing good things and being kind to others, because they wanted to do something good for others before they died and leave without regret that their life was not meaningless. But the fake patients were not so optimistic. The most frequently used words in their entries were “fear,” “pain,” “horror,” and “resentment.” Thus, we can understand that our judgments about how a person feels when he dies may be incorrect. Even prisoners sentenced to death penalty, often feel more positive emotions a few minutes before the execution of the sentence.

Not in the sense that they are happy about what is happening. During the time that they have before the execution of the sentence, people think about the meaning of life and religion, about their own family and the world and are ready to describe exactly what a person feels, what thoughts and sensations he experiences when he dies. The same thing happens with seriously ill people who know that death from a disease is inevitable - they begin to feel the world and their own experiences in a completely different way.

Clinical death

As a rule, patients who experience clinical death spend a long time in the intensive care unit or at home (if the person is suffering from cancer). The human body is exhausted and often the condition that precedes death is coma. In a coma, the patient cannot feel any emotions because he is unconscious. Therefore, no one knows what a person feels during clinical death after a long illness, since the survival rate among such patients is practically zero.

But sudden clinical death also happens, when before this the person was fully conscious.

Important!! Shamans and some esoteric practitioners try to achieve precisely this state, which is similar to clinical death, in order, as they claim, to communicate with the gods or the dead.

People who have experienced clinical death say that when they died, they felt a feeling of complete serenity and calm. Some claim that they saw everything that was happening, as if they were watching from the outside and also do not note any negative or painful sensations.

How does a person feel when he dies from cancer?

Everyone knows that cancer is a pathology that greatly depletes a person, and treatment is long, persistent and often cannot help. How do patients feel when they die? Often this is severe pain. Relatives of cancer patients note how much their loved ones have changed during treatment. During the period of illness, when a person’s strength decreases every day, the body ceases to be as strong as before, the attitude of patients towards themselves, towards their illness, family and in general towards everything that happens, largely acquires a negative connotation. But the closer a person gets to dying, his thinking and feelings change.

Intense pain changes behavior, and constant use of potent drugs can to some extent reduce negative thinking. Such patients begin to reason that dying is the only relief. Some patients can tell exactly when death will occur and this is completely inexplicable. People say how you feel when you die and know when it will all be over. And often this turns out to be true. Patients who say when exactly they will die know how much time they have left and perceive it as something positive when they can manage their time. Quite often, such patients are in full adequate consciousness and try to communicate more with their family. Often they remember past events and say their last wishes and advise something to their relatives. Everyone knows how everyone behaved famous Mikhail Zadornov, when he learned that his days were numbered...

The approach of death for these patients is an inevitability of which they understand and realize that they need to properly use the remaining time when there is still such an opportunity.

How does consciousness fade when a person dies?

It is no secret that people do not die in a second, just like, for example, turning off the light and the light bulb goes out instantly. When the process of extinction just begins, all processes begin to slow down and in the end a “shutdown of all systems” occurs.

  • Blood pressure slows down and decreases. A decrease in heart rate gradually leads to the fact that a person’s consciousness begins to become cloudy;
  • When the pressure becomes too low (and often not even detected by machines) due to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to maintain normal pressure, the person loses consciousness and feels nothing. But this does not happen abruptly, but rather gently, as if the patient had fallen into a very sound sleep;
  • A person’s breathing stops, carbon dioxide and metabolic products accumulate in the blood, which leads to the heartbeat stopping;
  • After the heart has stopped, the human brain functions within a few minutes, and at this stage it is still possible to carry out resuscitation measures that can bring the person back to life. Scientists and clairvoyants agree that it is in this state that a person can see himself from the outside;

How the human psyche can protect itself before death

Those who have encountered sick people may have noticed that prolonged lying down, severe illness, pain or prolonged infection can change a person’s behavior beyond recognition. Often patients begin to behave differently than usual. They may start talking (saying phrases that are completely meaningless), and may not recognize loved ones or even themselves. This behavior can often be found in patients when they are practically in a state before dying. This behavior has a term that is known as “encephalopathy” and occurs not only in mentally ill people.

The human body and psyche are configured in such a way that when the body experiences excessive stress, and, for example, a long-term infection is an extremely difficult test for the human body, the body tries to protect itself and so-called “behavioral failures” occur. As a rule, after the body “comes to its senses,” a person does not remember what happened and is sincerely perplexed as to how this could happen to him. Alas, such manifestations of the psyche occur quite often.

Statistics on the manifestation of encephalopathy in patients with various diseases:

Infectious diseases Toxic manifestations Severe injuries Prolonged hyperthermia Shock conditions Agony
85% 60% 16% 8% 37% 5%

Interesting! Often, patients who have been diagnosed with mental disorders, registered in the mental health unit or hospitalized in psychiatric clinics, “come to their senses” a few minutes or hours before they die.

If before death there was a change in a person’s consciousness due to a disease (inappropriate behavior, aggression or hallucinations), before dying the person realizes that the disease has receded and can even communicate with his relatives and friends, and also tell how the dying person feels .


At all times, the topic of death seems frightening and creepy to people, but as research by specialists shows, this attitude towards the process of dying is revealed for the most part in healthy people who talk about how a person feels when he dies. Research shows how a person feels when sudden death- a topic full of mysteries and questions, while people who have been ill for a long time can readily tell what they feel, as well as evaluate what is happening.



After a loved one passes away, our consciousness does not want to accept the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and a living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider it as a small particle of Divine consciousness. On Earth the soul manifests itself through best qualities person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, ability to forgive. Creative abilities are considered a gift from God, which means they are also realized through the soul.

She is immortal, but the human body has a limited lifespan. Therefore, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Basic theories about afterlife

Myths and religious views of peoples offer their vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, "Tibetan book of the dead"describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of dying to the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Court

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, a Heavenly court in which one's earthly deeds are judged. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Heaven for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underground kingdom of Hades under the guardianship of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to their level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people were placed in Tartarus.

The judgment of souls is present in different variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had a deity, Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed to the paradise fields of the solar god Ra, where the rest were not allowed to go.

The souls of the righteous go to heaven

Evolution of the soul, Karma, Reincarnation

The religions of ancient India look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time she gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

The souls of loved ones who passed away earlier appear nearby. They look like living substances emitting light, but the traveler knows exactly who he has met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel awaits - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path the soul follows is illuminated by Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is a Guardian Angel. According to another, he is the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer using telepathy, without words, in the ancient language of images. He demonstrates the events and misdeeds of his past life, but without the slightest hint of condemnation.

The road passes through space filled with Light. Those who have experienced clinical death talk about the feeling of an invisible barrier, which probably serves as the border between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. None of those who returned comprehended beyond the veil. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

The religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, since a tempting demon may appear under the guise of a deceased relative. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate into our world.

Church condemns seances to communicate with the dead

However, such visits can occur on the initiative of those who left Earth. If there was a strong connection between people in earthly life, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and observe them from the side. People with high sensitivity sense this presence.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered energy emissions emanating from a dying body. The bursts were recorded on ultra-sensitive photographic film. Based on observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is usually called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

Doctor of Technical Sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which makes it possible to record fine-material radiation from the human body and obtain an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded energy processes at the moment of death. In fact, Korotkov’s experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component emerges from a dying person. The scientist believes that then consciousness, together with the subtle body, goes to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California

Adherents of the theory of many parallel Universes. Some of their options coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any living being (more precisely, its spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions reality, and each individual part is unaware of doubles from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of humans and the life cycles of plants, which die in the winter, but begin to grow again in the spring. Thus, Lanz’s views are close to the Eastern doctrine of personal reincarnation.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives at the same time.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of my work, I observed people on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is not formed by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science don't deny . Scientists, by the way, even called it exact weight– 21 grams. Having left this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

However, while remaining on Earth, we cannot voluntarily make contact with departed relatives. We can only keep good memories of them and believe that they also remember us.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed! All about how to learn to work with egregors and receive their power