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Biochemical research ast. AST and ALT are elevated on a Biochemical Blood Test - what does this mean. ALT or AST increased for no reason

It is a mandatory indicator included in the biochemical blood test. It, together with the ALT enzyme, is also called liver tests, but these indicators indicate not only liver disease.

Despite the prevalence of biochemical analysis, not everyone knows what an increase in the level of this enzyme indicates and how to decipher this indicator correctly. A doctor should be involved in decoding, since AST is considered in conjunction with other blood indicators.

AST - enzyme functions and purpose for analysis

AST, or aspartate aminotransferase, is involved in protein metabolism. It performs many important functions, one of which is participation in construction cell membranes, synthesis of amino acids.

Blood biochemistry helps to find out the AST level. This enzyme is considered specific. Its increase indicates disorders in certain tissues in which it is found in the greatest quantities. The largest amount of AST is found in tissues, muscles, and nervous tissue. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes in these tissues are more active, and the cells need constant renewal and maintenance of their structure.

As soon as the cells of these organs begin to break down, the enzyme is actively released into the blood, so its level in the blood serum increases. If the cells remain intact and function normally, then the AST level remains at a minimum level.

AST is found in the body in two forms: cytoplasmic and mitochondrial.

To release a cytoplasmic enzyme into the blood, it is enough to destroy outer shell cells, therefore, an increased level of this form of AST indicates less serious damage to cells and tissues than an increased level of mitochondrial AST, the release of which requires total destruction of the cell and its organelles.

Since a large amount of the AST enzyme is found in the tissues of the liver and heart, its elevated level most often indicates pathologies of these organs, although the condition of the body must be assessed taking into account all indicators.

More information about blood tests for AST and ALT can be found in the video:

Blood testing for AST is prescribed during pregnancy (biochemical analysis is done regularly to check the functioning of all systems and organs), in the presence of any diseases and the heart, as well as to check the effectiveness of their treatment.

An AST test is prescribed if any liver disease is suspected, with nausea, hepatic colic, and also upon contact with a carrier to check the integrity of liver cells.The level of AST is determined during various injuries and the chest to identify microdamages to the tissues of the heart and liver, as well as when taking various drugs that show a destructive effect on the tissues of the heart and liver (cancer drugs and strong antidepressants).

Biochemical analysis for AST: preparation and procedure

If myocardial infarction is suspected, the patient is hospitalized and carefully monitored. At first, this condition may be asymptomatic or accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest, pain radiating to the right hand. Treatment of this condition should begin as early as possible to avoid.Treatment is usually aimed at improving blood flow and blood supply to the myocardium and eliminating pain. In severe cases, angioplasty (replacement of a thrombosed vessel with a healthy one) is prescribed. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and timely treatment, serious complications can be avoided, and the AST level will return to normal.

When treating viral hepatitis, drug therapy is aimed at removing toxins from the body, improving the flow of bile, protecting and restoring liver tissue cells.

When treating myocarditis, it is important to limit physical activity, nutritious food, healthy sleep and bed rest for several months.If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, myocarditis ends with recovery, restoration of the heart muscle, and the level of AST in the blood returns to normal.

Serious diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer are difficult to treat. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. With cirrhosis, it is important to follow a diet and rest regime, give up alcohol completely, and also take all possible preventive measures to protect against viral infection. Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the characteristics of the disease and the presence of complications. Hepatoprotective drugs are often prescribed, and indicators are regularly checked.

Possible complications

A directly elevated AST level has no complications, since this is a consequence of the disease, the body’s reaction to it, and not the disease itself or its cause. Can lead to serious complications pathological conditions, causing elevated blood levels.

Among the most common complications of cardiac and hepatic pathologies with increased level AST distinguishes the following:

  • Acute heart failure. Myocardial infarction with severe course may be complicated by heart failure, which is expressed in impaired contractility of the heart muscle. The patient experiences shortness of breath or suffocation, a severe cough, bluish skin, foaming at the mouth, and wheezing in the chest. In the event of such a serious complication, delay in seeking medical attention can result in death.
  • Hepatic coma. Hepatic coma can occur with active cell death due to viral hepatitis. Symptoms of hepatic coma are not always associated with pain; it often begins with a feeling of anxiety, an unstable emotional state, and apathy. Then there is confusion, hand tremors, and finally, increased body temperature, jaundice, and complete loss of consciousness.
  • Myocardial rupture. One of the most common complications of myocardial infarction. The severity of the complication depends on where the rupture occurs. Most often, a rupture of the wall of the left ventricle occurs, less often - of the right ventricle, and even less often - of the interventricular septum. The main symptoms are sharp pain, loss of consciousness, slow pulse, suffocation. In case of myocardial rupture, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise death is inevitable.
  • Cardiac aneurysm. An aneurysm can also appear as a consequence of myocardial infarction. It manifests itself in thinning and bulging of the wall of the heart muscle. Most often, this consequence requires surgical treatment, since the aneurysm can burst at any time.
  • Liver cancer. It often develops against the background of cirrhosis. Liver cells degenerate, which can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

Many patients, when undergoing tests, wonder if the presence of AST is detected in the blood, what it is.

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    Characteristics of the enzyme

    AST in the blood is a special enzyme that is directly involved in the daily metabolism of vital amino acids. The full explanation of this term is aspartate aminotransferase. Moreover, ASTs are classified as specific enzymes. An increase in its content or excessive activity may indicate the presence of certain pathological conditions in the body. Great content This enzyme has been observed in cardiac muscle, important liver tissue, sensory neurons of the brain, and elastic muscle tissue of supporting skeletal muscles. This is caused high level the course of important metabolic processes and the need of various cells to adapt to maintaining their structure. This special enzyme helps cells in their difficult mission.

    As long as the structure of important cells is intact, the amount of this enzyme in the blood plasma is minimized and is within acceptable limits. When the integrity of important cells is violated, AST increases significantly; it enters in excess into the general systemic circulation. This pathological phenomenon is recorded as a sharp increase in the activity of this enzyme.

    In a detailed biochemical blood test, the enzymatic activity of the blood plasma is assessed, and the content of the important element AST in the blood is also determined. For this purpose, good venous blood is taken by puncture in a standard amount of 20 ml. During its thorough centrifugation, the plasma is separated from the elements, which are subsequently susceptible to various chemical influences. In this way, enzyme activity in the blood is determined.

    Reasons for ordering a detailed activity analysis

    A blood test for the activity of the enzyme in question is a mandatory procedure in the presence of the following types of pathologies:

    • various diseases of the heart and circulatory system, acute and chronic;
    • pathologies in liver activity;
    • varying degrees of poisoning and intoxication;
    • damage to the kidney area in combination with failure;
    • the presence of unwanted infectious pathology;
    • all kinds of purulent-septic conditions;
    • jaundice various shapes manifestations;
    • presence of autoimmune diseases;
    • for allergic skin diseases, it is also possible to prescribe this analysis;
    • when undergoing preoperative preparation;
    • For objective assessment dynamics and effectiveness of treatment of the liver or heart;
    • in the presence of injury with the assumption of possible contusion of the heart or liver.

    All these are objective reasons for prescribing a biochemical analysis.

    Normal indicator

    During the analysis, the average AST level in the blood should not exceed 31 U/L for females, 45 U/L for men. The AST parameter in a child varies depending on his full age:

    • from the moment of birth, this value is quite high in infants - up to 140 U/l;
    • in children under 9 years of age it should not be higher than 55 U/l.

    The accuracy of the analyzes performed also depends on the condition of the equipment that a particular laboratory has.

    What is a lipidogram and blood lipid spectrum - analysis breakdown

    External signs of increase

    Without conducting thorough tests, the presence of specific symptoms can determine the excess of AST levels:

    • emerging nervousness;
    • periodic insomnia;
    • general weakness of the body;
    • the presence of unpleasant skin itching;
    • lack of appetite and gradual weight loss;
    • some discoloration of stool and darkening of urine;
    • visible swelling;
    • yellow spots appearing on the skin;
    • periodic nausea;
    • slight increase in temperature.

    It is advisable to pay close attention to these signs; you should not ignore them, because they can indicate some kind of pathology. Diagnosed on early stages the disease is much easier to cure than its later form.

    Causes of pathological manifestations

    To find out the increase in AST, you need to familiarize yourself with its established values. Increased AST in the blood is a signal of probable dysfunction in the functioning of one or another internal organ.

    If the enzyme in the blood is elevated repeatedly, then this pathological condition may have the following reasons:

    • the presence of any serious injuries to the heart muscle;
    • acute myocardium at the initial stage of development can cause this condition;
    • myocarditis of autoimmune or infectious properties;
    • the presence of fatty and alcoholic hepatosis can provoke an increase in the level of this important enzyme in the blood plasma;
    • latent cirrhosis of the liver can cause an influx of these enzymes into the bloodstream;
    • if an unpleasant malignant tumor has metastasized to the liver;
    • chronic failure of an important cardiac muscle of a pronounced nature;
    • in the primary stage of cancer in the liver or in important bile ducts;
    • if the liver and heart are affected by a malignant form of insidious myeloblastic leukemia;
    • violation of the integrity of important muscle tissue (it is directly adversely affected by generalized myositis and crash syndrome).

    If the AST level is not much higher than the permissible norm, then no apparent reason there is no cause for concern here. A high content of the AST enzyme means its growth is 2 times greater than normal. Detection of norm violations involves re-determining the AST level so that specialists can accurately verify the presence of pathology.

    AST may be elevated in the presence of the following conditions:

    • after a recent injury accompanied by bruise of skeletal muscles;
    • in case of a burn;
    • after severe heat stroke;
    • after intoxication with poisonous mushrooms.

    There are 3 stages of increasing enzyme levels in the blood:

    • moderate degree, when the enzyme indicator is exceeded 5 times;
    • average increase, when an increase in AST content is stated to be 10 times higher than the established norm;
    • severe degree, when there is an increase in the level of the AST component by 10 times or more compared to the established norm.

    The main reason for the increase in AST levels may lie in damage to the heart muscle during a heart attack. In this case, the necessary research is carried out at regular intervals of 1 hour. Any dysfunctional changes indicating an excess of the norm speak in favor of a heart attack.

    All this concerns an increase in the AST rate, but a decrease in the level of this enzyme may indicate the presence of a severe form of liver damage.

    In women carrying a fetus, there is a slight increase in AST levels. This phenomenon occurs quite often; it is not a signal of the presence of any serious illness.

    Additional diagnostics

    In some cases, the following additional tests may be required:

    1. 1. Find out the level of ALT: if it is elevated much more than the AST enzyme, then there is a possibility of liver damage; if less, then one should assume myocardial infarction.
    2. 2. Analysis for troponins - enzymes special for a heart attack. Even a slight increase in this component in the first hours after an attack may indicate possible necrosis of the heart muscles; everything returns to full normal after 7-14 days.
    3. 3. The special MB fraction of creatine phosphokinase is an enzyme important for skeletal and cardiac muscles. It can be observed in certain dynamics.
    4. 4. Important parameters of fat, pigment, and carbohydrate analysis are taken.
    5. 5. A general clinical analysis of urine and blood, urine biochemistry may be required to see the most complete picture of internal processes.
    6. 6. Complete ultrasound examination of liver, kidney and heart activity.

    All this is required to clarify the cause of the appearance of pathological signals. Determination of AST levels is carried out in conjunction with the analysis of another important enzyme: ALT. The presence of accurate data on the exceeded level of a particular enzyme will help to clarify the localization of the inflammatory process, its severity and make a primary prognosis. In the medical field, there is the term de Ritis coefficient - this is the average AST/ALT ratio. Normally, this value is within the established limits of 1.33. With diseases of the internal motor, the heart, this value inexorably increases, and with liver pathologies it falls.

    Level normalization methods

    An increase in AST is not an autonomous disease. This indicator is a signal of the possible destruction of important internal organs. It is necessary to begin diagnosing these organs and provide timely treatment if pathology is detected. Tissues that are put in order will be able to improve many disturbed functions of the body, including optimizing the content of AST.

    We need to recognize the fact that ANT is not obvious reason the occurrence of a disease is its consequence. Therefore, identifying and eliminating the true cause of the disorders will help prevent an increase in enzyme levels, which will lead to the normalization of daily enzyme activity.

    Any recorded case of an increase in AST may be a reason for promptly seeking qualified help from experienced physicians. This very harmless signal may hide severe pathological conditions that will manifest themselves after quite a long period of time.

    A properly selected diet can play an indirect beneficial role in restoring normal AST levels.

    The principles of such a gentle diet are the complete exclusion of everything too fatty, heavy fried, high-calorie, and sweet. The basis is low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits, peeled vegetables, and lean meats. Also, do not forget about maintaining a systematic drinking regime; it is recommended to use complex herbal infusions, aromatic green tea. You can make a collection of dried milk thistle, burdock and dandelion roots.

    To strengthen the body's immune forces, you can begin systematically taking an invigorating contrast shower. Regular relaxation breathing exercises will help put your thoughts and body in order. Not worth taking independent decision about the introduction of this or that set of exercises, it is better to give this right to the attending physician: he knows exactly what will benefit the patient in this or that situation.

The indicator aspartate aminotransferase, or abbreviated as AST, AST, AST (all abbreviations are identical and denote one concept) is one of several enzymes that takes part in the daily synthesis and metabolism of amino acids contained in membrane cells and tissues.

AST is not found in all organs of the body, for the most part, these are the liver, heart and skeletal muscles, since the largest number of metabolic processes occur in these tissues.

The normal AST level is quite low, from which it follows that its increase in the body indicates damage to any organs of the body. In the process of dying, the cells are destroyed, and the AST enzyme comes out of them and enters the blood, increasing in quantity in the blood.

Important! Analysis of the AST enzyme helps to identify and recognize cell death in the liver and heart. If other organs are damaged, the indicator does not increase.

AST norm indicator

The normal level of AST varies depending on the gender and age category of a person. Factors that increase the concentration of AST, in the vast majority of cases, are diseases and pathological processes.

The concentration levels of this enzyme in the human body are given below (Table 1):

Table 1 Normal AST values

Reasons for the increase

An increase in the quantitative indicators of AST occurs:

  • For burns,
  • Extensive destruction of muscle tissue,
  • Injuries,
  • Acute myocardial infarction, at the initial stages of development. Based on the value of the indicator, we can draw a conclusion about its scale,
  • Viral and chronic hepatitis,
  • Pancreatitis,
  • Damages from hepatotoxic poisons,
  • Alcoholism,
  • Closed and open heart injuries,
  • liver cancer,
  • When metastases from malignant tumors enter the liver,
  • Liver tumors,
  • Cholestasis, with interference in the bile ducts (stones, tumors),
  • Autoimmune diseases,
  • and other pathologies.

In the event of a heart attack, AST becomes five times higher in the blood, and remains at this level for 5 days, but ALT increases slightly.

If, after 5 days, the AST level does not fall, but rather increases, this indicates an increase in the area of ​​death of myocardial tissue.

Attention! If you detect any symptoms or indicators, consult a doctor immediately! Heart and liver diseases do not allow time to procrastinate.

An increase in AST also occurs when liver tissue dies, and the higher this value, the larger the affected area.

How much can AST increase?

There are three levels of increase in AST concentration in the body:

  • Minimum– occurs when fats are deposited in the liver and consumed separately medicines(aspirin, barbiturates, antibiotics, potent drugs against tumors),
  • Average– up to an average increase in the level of AST growth in the blood, leads to myocardial infarction, liver cirrhosis, individual species cancer, alcohol addiction, consumption of large amounts of vitamin A, lung damage, muscle dystrophy.
  • High– an increase occurs to maximum values, which is typical in severe forms of disease: with extensive liver damage, viral hepatitis, the use of certain medications and narcotic drugs, as well as with the death of a large tumor.

Types of liver damage

Note! The highest level of this enzyme in the body is observed during extensive tissue destruction. More accurate diagnoses and nuances of therapy will be prescribed to you by your attending physician.

If the level does not increase significantly, this does not always indicate illness. The best check is to get tested and consult a doctor.

For what indications is the test prescribed?

Observing certain diseases in a patient, the doctor can send him for a biochemical analysis of AST:

  • Kidney failure
  • Injuries to the chest and abdominal cavity,
  • All liver damage
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • Infections,
  • Malignant tumors
  • In preparation for surgery,
  • Skin allergies,
  • Jaundice,
  • Chronic pancreatitis,
  • Long-term treatment with chemicals and antibiotics,
  • and other factors.

AST enzyme assay

Biochemical analysis helps determine the presence of AST in human blood. Blood for this enzyme is taken from a vein, in the morning and on an empty stomach. Blood is collected using a standard method.

Directly during a blood test, plasma is separated from the rest of the formed elements, after which, using chemical elements The amount of AST in the blood is determined.

Biochemistry usually gives results the very next day. A qualified doctor will easily decipher the test readings.

How to properly prepare for the analysis?

  • Stop eating 8 hours before the test, that is, the night before. Since the study takes place in the morning and on an empty stomach,
  • 24 hours in advance, give up alcohol, fatty and fried foods,
  • Stop physical activity and remain emotionally calm,
  • Before the analysis, you can drink only pure drinking water without gas,
  • It is recommended to stop taking any medications 10-14 days in advance. If this option is not possible, then be sure to notify your doctor.
  • In addition, you need to inform your doctor about allergies to any medications and about your pregnancy status.

It is unacceptable to take an analysis within 2-3 hours after certain procedures:

  • Rectal examinations,
  • Physiotherapy,
  • Fluorography,
  • Radiography.

What can affect the result?

  • Physical activity on the eve of the test,
  • Use of certain medications
  • The use of drugs such as echinacea and valerian,
  • Increased amounts of vitamin A,
  • Recent heart surgery.

Purpose of analysis

Aspartate aminotransferase analysis is prescribed to detect and determine the extent of certain diseases, including:

  • Liver damage analysis,
  • Detection of liver cell death (cirrhosis),
  • Detection of hepatitis,
  • In order to find out the causes of jaundice (damage to liver tissue or the functioning of the circulatory system),
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy,
  • Determining the effects of certain medications on the liver,
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The study of AST using biochemical analysis allows us to detect the destruction of cells (cytolysis) of the heart, as well as liver tissue. An increase in the AST index upon impact on other organs is not detected.

Important! The main task of the analysis is to detect tissue destruction, diagnose and identify diseases.

Reasons for the downgrade

A drop in the levels of these enzymes is quite rare. But with certain diseases, AST may decrease below 15 U/l.

A decrease indicates the following diseases:

  • Advanced form of liver cirrhosis,
  • Death of liver tissue (necrosis),
  • Lack of vitamin B6,
  • Decrease in the number of working hepatocytes,

When will additional tests be needed? In certain cases, the doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis without sending you for additional examinations.

In case of doubtful tests, they are sent to:

  • Determination of ALT indicator the same important enzyme in the blood, but mostly located in the heart. If ALT is increased more than AST, then destruction of liver tissue is likely, and in the case of lower corresponding indicators, a heart attack is possible.
  • MB reaction of creatine phosphokinase(an enzyme very important for the skeleton and heart muscles). Observe its dynamics.
  • Full ultrasound liver, kidneys and heart,
  • Testing for troponins. Post-infarction enzymes. Even if their increase in some hours after a heart attack is not great, this still indicates the possible death of the heart muscles,
  • Pigment and fat analysis is carried out, as well as carbohydrate research.

How to reduce

It is very important that the AST indicator higher than normal in the blood does not mean that this is a separate disease, but always follows the progress of some disease. So there are no comprehensive actions aimed specifically at reducing AST.

A high AST level indicates that the cells of the heart, liver or muscles are destroyed. Only restoration of damaged tissues can bring the AST condition back to normal. A qualified doctor can determine the damaged organ based on AST readings.

If the AST level is too high, then this is not a cause - but only a consequence of some pathology.


A timely prescribed analysis of AST indicators will warn in advance about the development of pathologies and diseases of the liver and cardiac system in the initial stages.

An increase in the level of this enzyme is not a separate disease, but only indicates the pathology of an organ in the body. Qualified doctors, based on the results, can determine in which organ the problem is located and at what stage.

There is no specific therapy if the level of these enzymes is elevated, since this is not a separate disease. An increase in this enzyme in the body leads to the destruction and death of certain cells of the body, liver and cardiac system.

AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is one of the enzymes involved in the process of protein metabolism. In addition, it is responsible for the production of amino acids present in cell membranes.

AST is a specific enzyme and is not detected in all organs. The maximum amount of this type of aminotransferase is detected in the heart muscle, liver cells (hepatocytes), brain cells and muscle tissue. The reason is the significant speed of metabolic reactions.

The level of AST in the blood plasma remains within the acceptable range as long as the structure of the cells containing the enzyme remains normal. When the integrity of cell membranes is destroyed, AST is actively released into the systemic circulation.

When is a blood test for AST prescribed?

Blood biochemistry for AST, according to accepted diagnostic standards, is a mandatory test when many pathological conditions are suspected. This:

  • heart disease occurring in chronic or acute form;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • any abnormalities in liver function;
  • poisoning or intoxication (alcohol or drugs) of the body;
  • kidney disease, accompanied by the development of renal failure;
  • purulent-septic reactions;
  • various types of jaundice;
  • deviations in the process of bilirubin metabolism;
  • symptoms of ascites;
  • signs of the development of portal hypertension;
  • encephalopathy;
  • diseases of autoimmune origin;
  • acute conditions abdominal cavity requiring surgical intervention;

  • cholelithiasis;
  • difficulties with the outflow of bile;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • malignant neoplasms with suspected spread of metastases;
  • in case of injury to the chest and abdomen, as well as in cases of suspected bruise of the liver and heart.

A blood test for AST is also prescribed:

  • during long courses of chemotherapy, as well as during the period of taking antibiotics and other toxic drugs;
  • as preoperative preparation;
  • in order to assess the dynamics and effectiveness of prescribed drug therapy during the treatment of cardiac and renal pathologies.

How to prepare for the test

To perform the study, venous blood is taken. To get the most reliable results, it is necessary to carry out preparation. Doctors give specific recommendations.

  • Since AST is an indicator of liver function, on the eve of blood donation it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that load the organ. These are fatty, fried and spicy dishes/foods. Sauces, creams containing a significant percentage of fat, as well as “fast” food are prohibited. The increased fat content disrupts the course of protein metabolism, accelerating the blood clotting period.
  • The AST blood test is performed on an empty stomach, i.e. on an empty stomach. The last time you are allowed to eat is 8 to 12 hours before visiting the laboratory.
  • Drinking sugary drinks on the morning of blood donation is prohibited. Only clean water without gases is allowed.
  • Smoking is also prohibited on this day.
  • Two to three days before the procedure, you need to completely eliminate alcohol-containing drinks from your diet. Even a small amount of alcohol taken on the eve of blood donation can completely change the clinical picture of the study.

  • The diet on the eve of blood donation should not contain protein and dairy products - eggs, fatty cheeses, dairy and fermented milk products. Significant protein content distorts test results.
  • On the eve of the day of visiting the laboratory, it is necessary to refuse significant physical activity, since this provokes an increase in many blood parameters. Before entering the office, it is advisable to sit for a short time and calm down.
  • You should stop taking any medications whenever possible. You also need to inform the doctor about all the procedures that were performed on the eve of the test - radiography, fluorography, ultrasound examination, etc.

If a high AST score is diagnosed in the absence of pathological symptoms indicating an existing disease, a repeat blood test may be prescribed. The results of the analysis can be distorted by:

  • reception sedatives herbal origin, for example, valerian tincture;
  • Taking echinacea also gives incorrect results;
  • intake of significant doses of vitamin A into the human body;
  • allergic attack;
  • catheter installation;
  • recent heart surgery.

Normal blood AST indicator

In a healthy person, when taking a biochemical blood test for AST, the minimum content of the enzyme is detected. The acceptable range of indicators depends on the age category and gender of the patient:

  • In girls and women, the AST norm is 31-35 units/l. During the period of bearing a child, the level of the indicator remains normal. When it increases, there is a high probability of damage to liver and myocardial cells.
  • For men, the permissible spread of AST is 41-50 units/l. The reason is increased enzyme activity.
  • In a newborn baby, the AST level can rise to 70 units/l. The numbers will normalize later over the next few months.

  • For children under one year of age, the normal level of AST in the blood is no more than 60 units/l. At the age of 1 year – 12 years – not higher than 45 units/l.

Advice! A decrease in AST levels is not of prognostic interest and is not a sign of the presence of any disease.

Elevated AST readings

An increase in the blood AST level is considered a deviation, but only if it is increased more than twice. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several degrees of excess of the norm:

  • moderate. With an increase of more than five times;
  • average – up to ten times;
  • heavy - ten times or more.

Detection of elevated blood AST levels may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  • myocardial infarction in the acute period. Tracking the dynamics of the indicator gives an idea of ​​the extent of the process and the degree of recovery;
  • heart injury, in particular bruise;
  • myocarditis (regardless of the cause that caused it);
  • viral hepatitis in acute or chronic form;
  • toxic liver damage caused by taking poisons or medications;
  • hepatosis of alcoholic origin;
  • intoxications of an endogenous nature, provoked by infections or the development of a purulent-septic process of organs or soft tissues;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • cholestasis (stagnation of bile), provoked by the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the lumen of the bile duct - stones, neoplasia, congenital structural anomaly;
  • impaired renal circulation;
  • portal hypertension;
  • cirrhotic liver damage with preservation of healthy areas;
  • liver metastasis;

  • neoplasia of the liver and bile ducts;
  • damage to the heart and liver in myeloblastic leukemia;
  • destruction of significant volumes of muscle tissue, in particular myodystrophy, myositis, etc.

The most common causes of increased blood AST are liver and heart problems:

  • acute myocardial infarction. The growth of AST indicators increases until the formation of symptoms typical for the condition - pain syndrome, shortness of breath. If the doctor suspects the development of a heart attack, an AST test is performed several times in a row. An increase in indicators indicates the development of necrosis;
  • hepatitis of viral origin. The disease is characterized by destruction of hepatocytes, which contributes to an increase in AST levels;
  • cirrhosis and liver cancer. With the development of oncology and cirrhosis, destruction of liver cells also occurs and, as a result, the process releases a significant amount of AST;
  • myocarditis. Destruction of the myocardium caused by the inflammatory process. It may be caused by an infection or an allergic response to a medication. In some cases, the nature of the disease remains unknown.

Possible complications

An increase in the blood AST level itself does not pose a danger to humans. Severe consequences can be caused by diseases and conditions that cause its increase. Frequent complications include:

  • acute form of heart failure developing against the background of a passing myocardial infarction;
  • hepatic coma. The condition can develop as a response of the body to the active destruction of hepatocytes. Typical for hepatitis of viral origin;
  • myocardial rupture. The most complex and common complication of myocardial infarction. In the absence of medical care - urgent surgical treatment - there is a high probability of death;
  • cardiac aneurysm. Another complication of myocardial infarction. It also requires surgical intervention, since the destruction of the aneurysm can occur at any time;
  • liver cancer. The pathology most often develops against the background of chronic cirrhosis. The degeneration of organ cells that occurs can cause the formation of a malignant tumor.

Decreased AST levels

An increase in the blood AT level is only a symptom indicating the ongoing destruction of cells containing this enzyme (liver, muscle tissue and heart). For this reason, there are no drugs that reduce the rate.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed additional instrumental and laboratory tests to establish an accurate diagnosis. After this, drug therapy is selected. A decrease in AST will occur only after the disease is cured.

An increase in transaminase is a reason to contact your doctor to undergo a full medical examination. An increase in AST often occurs even before the onset of pathological symptoms, and therefore is an important diagnostic criterion. The interpretation of the results obtained should be carried out by a specialized specialist.