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The Bible set out for family reading by Isaac and Jacob. Biblical legends

In searching of love. Adolescence is a time when young people strive to assert their independence, begin to work or study seriously, and sexually recognize themselves as a man or a woman and begin to get acquainted with the world of the opposite sex.

However, this time is also characterized by the fact that we are not yet sure of our own identity and the role that we have to play in life. This happens because in early youth we are, as it were, at the upper stage of childhood and the lower stage of adulthood. Sometimes we feel like adults, and sometimes, especially during times of crisis, difficulty or illness, we still feel strongly dependent on our parents.

Since adolescence is the time when the physical development of the body is completed, and also significant psychological changes occur that shape our appearance as a boy or girl, then we begin to perceive the opposite sex with great interest. In the field of sexuality, this is the period when a person discovers his sexual essence, his masculine or feminine qualities. Until recently, it was not customary all over the world to go on dates and spend time alone with a member of the opposite sex before the wedding day. If young people were allowed to meet, it was only in the presence of an accompanying person, who was supposed to keep an eye on them and not allow them to “cross the line.” The most that a young man could allow himself was to kiss his beloved’s hand before parting; closer relationships were considered permissible only after marriage.

What choice will you make?

What would you do if your ten-year-old brother asked you to let him drive his father's car when you drove through the center of Moscow? He really wants this, and besides, he has all the physical attributes for this - eyes, arms, legs and ears, and he is quite tall for his age. He is very confident in himself, begs you not to worry, says that he will do a great job. But you know very well that this is not The best way for him to learn to drive: it is dangerous both for his life and for the lives of other people. If you really love your brother and care about the welfare of others, you will under no circumstances allow him to drive a car in the city center, and if you agree to teach him how to drive, then, of course, you will choose a suitable place that is safe for both him and for others, and under your direct supervision. Don't you think that this story is very directly related to the topic we are discussing? How often in life are we like this ten-year-old boy, thinking that we are already “adult” enough to accept independent decisions, including in the sphere of love and sex? And doesn’t this sometimes lead to the fact that we find ourselves involved in relationships for which we are not yet completely ready?

Sex and love are not the same thing

Chastity these days- not such a common virtue. With hearts racing and pulses pounding, teenagers discover sexuality as if approaching a mysterious deity. Everything here is new, unknown. However, we must understand that in sex people are looking not just for physical intimacy, but for achieving something deeper, more permanent. Sex and love are not the same thing. But how are they different? It is true that sex is one of our natural needs, but the role it will play in our lives, how important it will be for us, is a matter of our free choice. Abstinence is a way of life unique to man.

Animals are in a state of complete dependence on sexuality. A person with his freedom of choice is inherent in a state of potential sexuality. There are millions of people who have chosen the path of celibacy, often for religious reasons. However, no one can live life without love. It is also necessary as food. Although no one has died from lack of sexual experience, studies of the needs of newborns have shown that without the love expressed in maternal caresses, children's development is significantly slowed down. In the absence of love, life has no meaning; such a state leads people to despair and even suicide. Everyone needs to be loved. And if love leaves, people begin to desperately look for something that could replace it. But sex in itself cannot replace love.

If you are entering into a relationship intimacy, hoping that this will lead to love, then you will undoubtedly be disappointed. There must be love first. With love comes trust, responsibility, devotion, and only then - sex. It is often said that sexual attraction can be experienced in isolation from love, that love without sex does not exist, or, if it exists, it still does not have much meaning. However, do not forget that in most of our relationships with people we do not experience any sexual attraction, and love for parents and friends does not become less deep because of this.

Biblical stories are always interesting because we, ordinary people, open our eyes to the truth thanks to the great wisdom encrypted in them. Thus, God teaches us the main truth of life, through the comprehension of which a person will find salvation in eternity.

And now, before we analyze the Old Testament story about Isaac and Rebekah, who will give birth to twin boys, let us immediately focus on the fact that the name Isaac is translated as “laughter.” He was the son of the prophet Abraham and was born when he was 100 years old. His mother Sarah was 90 years old at that time and had no children. One day she couldn’t help but laugh when she heard God’s prophecy about the birth of her son. And he was born, eight days later he was circumcised and three years later weaned. Abraham was very happy about this event and even threw a big feast, at which Abraham’s other son, born from Sarah’s (Hagar’s) maid Ishmael, mocked Isaac, after which Hagar and her son were kicked out of the house.

Sacrifice and Faith

Thus, God testified to Abraham that the Messiah, the Savior of the world, should come from Isaac. Isaac grew up and was already 25 years old, but before his sons - two twin brothers - were born, his father Abraham received a command from God that he should offer his only son to Him as a burnt offering. So the Lord tested Abraham’s faith, and he passed this test with dignity, because he was confident that his God was omnipotent and would raise Isaac from the dead.

When Isaac was 37 years old, his mother Sarah died; she was 127 years old at the time. Abraham was a righteous man, and the Lord gave him long years of life. When he grew old, he called his senior servant Eliezer to him and gave him instructions to find a wife for his son Isaac in Mesopotamia. The servant loaded ten camels with various riches for the bride and went to Mesopotamia to the city where Nahor, Abraham's brother, lived.


When Eliezer stopped near the well, he immediately began to pray to God to show him a bride for Isaac. And he immediately decided for himself that whichever girl would tilt the jug and let him drink, and then water his camels, she would be Isaac’s wife.

After a while she came to the well very beautiful girl, whose name was Rebekah. She gave the traveler water to drink from her jug, and then began to draw water for his camels. After this, the servant gave her a gold earring and placed two precious wrists on her hands.

Rebekah, running home, told her family about everything that had happened to her. Then her brother Laban went to the source and invited the guest into the house. He invited him to rest from the road, and then unsaddled the camels and gave them straw. The servant Eliezer, before tasting the food offered to him, did not waste time and told why he had come to their region. And then he asked Rebekah’s parents to let her go with him. The girl agreed. Before letting her go, they asked him to let her stay with them for at least ten more days.

Shortly before the meeting, Isaac went out into the field to think and suddenly saw his father’s servant and a beautiful girl next to him. This is how Isaac met his wife Rebekah, whom he fell in love with and who was able to console him in his grief over his deceased mother.

Abraham was 175 years old when he died. His body was buried next to his wife Sarah in the field of Ephron. After the death of pious Abraham, God blessed Isaac.

Children of Isaac and Rebekah

Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah, who for a long time remained infertile (about twenty years). Then Isaac began to pray earnestly to his Lord, and He heard his prayers, and his wife became pregnant. There were two babies huddled in it at once. God told her that twin boys would emerge from her womb, from whom two nations would emerge, one nation would be stronger than the other, the larger would serve the smaller.

During the birth, Esau came out first - shaggy and red. And then his brother Jacob came out holding Esau by the heel. This is how the twins Esau and Jacob were born. Their father Isaac was then 60 years old.


The first son of Isaac and Rebekah, Esau, became a skilled hunter and trapper. Unlike his brother, Jacob was a meek man and lived in tents.

One day Jacob was cooking and at the same time Esau returned from hunting, who began to ask his brother to eat “red.” In exchange for lentil stew, Jacob asked to sell his birthright. Esau was so hungry that he almost died, and therefore he easily agreed.

Isaac and Rebekah's son Jacob

Esau was forty years old when he took two Hittite women as wives, and they were a burden to Isaac and Rebekah. The time came, and Isaac grew old, his eyesight became greatly weakened. Then he called his eldest son Esau and asked him to catch game and prepare a delicious meal in order to bless him before his approaching death. Rebekah heard everything, but she wanted her husband to bless Jacob. And she told her youngest son, while the eldest was not in the house, to bring two kids from the herd, from which she would prepare food.

The son of Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, said that he was a smooth man, but Esau was shaggy. If his father touches his hand, he will immediately understand who it is, and instead of a blessing he will receive a curse. The mother reassured her son, saying that his curse would fall on her. And then, putting Esau’s fine clothes on Jacob and tying the skin of kids around his hands and neck, she sent him with food to his father. He, having tasted the prepared food with pleasure, blessed his son with the words that God would give him plenty of bread and wine, and the tribes bowed down, so that he would be lord over his brothers, and the sons of his mother bowed down to him, those who curse him will be cursed, and those who bless him will be blessed .

Hatred and reconciliation

At the same time, the first son of Isaac and Rebekah, Esau, returned from hunting, prepared food, came to his father, and then, learning that Jacob had received a blessing by cunning, was indignant and hated him for it. It was then that he decided that he would kill his brother as soon as his father died. Rebekah, having learned about this, invited Jacob to run to her brother Laban in Haran and live with him for a while until his brother’s rage passed. And when he forgets the insult, she will send for Jacob. Rebekah was afraid of losing both sons at once.

A lot will happen during this time, but in the end the brothers Esau and Jacob will meet with tears in their eyes and reconcile.

Birth of twins Esau and Jacob. Isaac and Rebekah did not have children for a long time. Finally, God heard their prayers: Rebekah gave birth to twin boys. The first was born red and shaggy, he was named Esau [“hairy”, “shaggy”]. The second one came out holding his brother by the heel, so he received the name Jacob [“heel-holding”, “cunning”. The expression “to hold by the heel” meant “to defeat someone”].

The children have grown up. Esau became a skilled hunter, and Jacob became “a meek man, living in tents,” i.e. a shepherd. The father loved Esau more - he was a respectful son and always shared the game he caught with Isaac. And the mother was after her youngest son, who was with her all the time.

Esau cedes his birthright. One day Esau came home from an unsuccessful hunt, tired and hungry, and Jacob had just cooked a delicious lentil stew. When Esau saw her, he exclaimed: “Give me something red to eat, this red one, for I am tired.” But the cunning and quick-witted “mama’s boy” said that he would treat his brother only if Esau sold him his birthright. The eldest son had this right: after the death of his father, the property and power of the head of the family passed to him. Moreover, the covenant that God made with Abraham was also to apply only to the firstborn son as the father's heir.

The simple-minded Esau, who was born a little earlier than Jacob and was therefore the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebekah, decided that his brother was joking. In addition, he was exhausted from hunger and fatigue. Therefore, Esau easily agreed to Jacob's demand, and when he said: “Swear to me now,” Esau swore that he was giving up the birthright. Only after this did Jacob give him some lentil stew and bread. Esau ate, drank and left, not attaching any importance to his oath. Jacob, on the contrary, was sure that from that moment it was he who became the heir to all his father’s wealth.

“The voice is the voice of Jacob, and the hands are the hands of Esau.” Isaac grew old and blind. When he realized that death was not far away, he called Esau to him and said: “Now take your tools, your quiver and your bow, go into the field and catch me some game. And prepare for me the food that I love, and bring me something to eat, so that my soul may bless you before I die.”

Father's blessing [wishing well] had great power. Therefore, Rebekah, who overheard Isaac's conversation with Esau, decided that her favorite should receive this blessing. When Esau went hunting, Jacob’s mother told Jacob about his father’s words and suggested: “Go to the herd and take me two good kids from there, and I will prepare from them for your father the food he likes. And you will bring it to your father, and he will eat, to bless you before his death.”

Jacob doubted: “My brother Esau is a shaggy man, but I am a smooth man. It may happen that my father will feel me and I will be a deceiver in his eyes and bring a curse on myself, not a blessing.” But his mother persuaded him and prepared him favorite dish Isaac, put Esau's clothes on Jacob, and wrapped the skins of kids' goats around her pet's arms and neck.

And so Jacob took the food, bread, with a sinking heart he went in to Isaac and called himself Esau. Isaac was surprised that the eldest son returned so quickly and said: “Come, I will feel you, my son, are you my son Esau or not?” Jacob had to approach his father, who felt him and said: “The voice is the voice of Jacob, and the hands are the hands of Esau.” Still doubtful, Isaac ate ​​and drank and asked his son to kiss him. Jacob obeyed.

Isaac smelled Esau's clothes, his doubts disappeared, and he blessed his son.

Jacob left his father, and soon Esau returned, prepared a dish from the game he had hunted and took it to Isaac. Then it turned out that Jacob had already received his father’s blessing by deception. Esau burst into tears and began to beg his father to bless him too, but it was impossible to correct Isaac’s mistake: the blessing was given only once. In terrible anger, Esau decided to kill his deceiving brother, but was afraid to do this while his father was alive.

Rebekah learned that Esau intended to take revenge on Jacob, and persuaded Jacob to go to Mesopotamia to her brother Laban, who continued to live in Haran. Jacob had to remain there until the anger of the hot-tempered, but easy-going and simple-minded Esau cooled down.

Gustave Dore. Vision in a dream
Jacob's stairs

Jacob's Ladder. Jacob said goodbye to his mother and father and went to Mesopotamia. More than once he had to spend the night under open air, and one day, after spending the night in a gloomy, rocky desert on the slope of a nameless mountain, he had a strange dream. Jacob dreamed of a ladder, the lower edge of which stood on the ground, and the upper edge touched the sky. Angels descended and ascended along this ladder, and at the very top of it stood God and said: “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants.” And God repeated all the promises that he gave to Abraham and Isaac.

Jacob woke up in horror and exclaimed: “How terrible this place is! This is nothing less than the house of God, this is the gate of heaven.” He realized that the place where he slept was sacred and named it Bethel. [Hebrew Beth-El]. And he decided, upon returning home, to give God a tenth of his property.

Jacob marries Leah and Rachel. Rebekah's brother greeted his nephew warmly. Jacob lived in his house for a month, helping with the housework. Finally, Laban inquired what payment Jacob wanted for the work. It must be said that Laban had a large family: several sons and two daughters. The eldest, Leah, was blind and ugly, but the youngest, Rachel, was extremely pretty, and Jacob fell in love with her at first sight. Therefore, he answered Laban’s question: “I will serve you seven years for Rachel, your youngest daughter.” Laban decided that such a deal would be beneficial for him and agreed.

Seven years flew by like a few days for Jacob in love. And so Laban arranged a wedding feast. And when Jacob woke up the next morning, he saw that Laban had given him his wife instead of Rachel. eldest daughter Liyu. To the reproaches of the angry Jacob, Laban calmly replied: “In our place they don’t do that, to give the younger one away before the older one.”

But Laban did not want to quarrel with such a diligent worker as Jacob was, so he promised to marry Rachel to him if Jacob worked for another seven years. Jacob was so in love with Rachel that he agreed. This time, Laban did not postpone the wedding for long - a week after the first, the second was celebrated. So Rachel also became Jacob's wife [in ancient times, among many peoples, including Jews, a man could take as many wives as he could support. This custom is called polygamy or polygamy].

Birth of Joseph. Jacob loved Rachel, but was indifferent to Leah, whom he was married to by deception. God felt sorry for Leah, and he made it so that Rachel had no children [this was considered a great misfortune]. Leah gave birth to five sons and a daughter. Only then did God remember Rachel - and she had a son named Joseph.

After the birth of Joseph, Jacob decided to return to his native land, but Laban persuaded him to stay a little longer and work for pay. Jacob was a careful and skillful manager, and his wealth [numerous herds] began to grow quickly. “And the man became very [Very] and very rich, and he had a multitude of flocks, and female servants, and menservants, and camels, and donkeys.”

Laban's sons, and then Laban himself, began to envy Jacob's wealth. Then Jacob decided to secretly go to his homeland. He feared that his wives would not approve of his plan, and began talking to them from afar. Jacob pointed out that their father began to treat him badly because God, having taken Laban’s flocks, gave them to him. Last night, an angel of God appeared to their husband and commanded him to go to the country where he was born. Leah and Rachel approved of his plan, they also had their own grievances against their father. All that remained was to wait until Laban went to shear the sheep and leave with all his goods. The prudent Rachel, secretly from her husband, took with her the statues of her father’s household gods, because... their possession secured the right to imama.

Laban gives chase. Laban learned of Jacob's departure only a few days later and gave chase. Seven days later, Jacob was overtaken, and his father-in-law attacked him with reproaches for stealing daughters, property and even gods. The indignant Jacob, who knew nothing about the theft of the household gods, invited Laban to search all his property, promising that Laban could kill the thief if one was found. Laban searched all the tents and found nothing, since Rachel sat on the camel, placing little gods under the saddle, and declared that she was sick and therefore could not get off. Then Jacob, in turn, began to be indignant at his father-in-law’s behavior. Laban stubbornly insisted: “These daughters are my daughters, these sons are my sons, and these cattle are my cattle, and everything you see is mine!” But God forbade him to harm Jacob. They entered into an alliance and parted amicably. Laban kissed his daughters and grandchildren goodbye and went home.

Jacob sends messengers to Esau. Jacob decided first of all to make peace with his brother, whom he had not seen for many years, and sent messengers to Esau to report his return. They fulfilled the order and, returning, told Jacob that Esau was coming to meet him and leading four hundred people with him. Frightened, Jacob prayed, turning to God: “Deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I am afraid of him, lest he come and kill me...” Then he decided to appease his brother with gifts and sent three large herds ahead. When they met Esau, the servants who tended the flocks were supposed to say: “These are the cattle of your servant Jacob: this is a gift sent from him to our lord Esau; and here he is behind us.”

“From now on your name will be Israel.” The night before the meeting passed anxiously. In the evening, Jacob brought his entire large family across the river and was left alone. Suddenly, Someone appeared in the darkness and began to fight with him. They fought until dawn appeared. The mysterious stranger could not overcome Jacob and did not even manage to escape from his hands. In the end, he asked Jacob for mercy: “Let me go, for the dawn has risen.” But Jacob said, “I will not let You go until You bless me.” He asked: “What is your name?” He answered: “Jacob.” Then the stranger said: “From now on your name will not be Jacob, but Israel [“wrestling with God”], for you have fought with God, and you will overcome men.” Then he blessed Jacob and disappeared.

Meeting of brothers. The next morning Jacob saw a large crowd in the distance: it was Esau and his men coming. The frightened Jacob began to prepare for the meeting: he placed the maids with the children, then Leah with her daughter and sons, behind everyone - Rachel and Joseph, and he gathered all his courage and went ahead.

Seeing Esau, Jacob bowed deeply to him seven times. But it turned out that he was in vain to fear: Esau ran to meet him, hugged him, kissed him, and both began to cry. Finally, Esau released his brother from his embrace, drew attention to the women and children standing modestly to the side and asked: “Who is this with you?” Jacob answered: “The children whom God has given to your servant.” Then the maids and children approached Esau and bowed down. Behind them, Leah and her children and Rachel and Joseph bowed to Esau. Esau inquired about the intended purpose of the herds of cattle he encountered. Jacob said that all this was a gift to him. Esau tried to refuse: “I have much, my brother; let it be yours.” But Jacob knew how to persuade, and in the end Esau agreed to accept the gift.

Moved by the meeting, Esau invited his brother to go together to his native place. Jacob agreed for the sake of appearance, but said, shamelessly flattering Esau and calling him master and himself a slave: “My master knows that children are gentle, and my flocks and herds are milkable: if you drive them one day, all the cattle will die. Let my master go ahead of his servant, and I will walk slowly, as the cattle that go before me walk, and as the children walk, and I will come to my master...”

Jacob (Israel) still managed to see his decrepit father. Soon Isaac, who was already 180 years old, died, Jacob and Esau buried him.

Against the background of his peaceful and pious life, the life of his son Jacob, which was filled with many adventures and many sorrows, looks completely different.

The first thing we must understand about Jacob is the meaning of his seemingly immoral actions to inherit the promise of God. He is the youngest son, the promise belongs to Esau. Jacob, through some strange actions, becomes the heir of this promise. When he meets a hungry brother, he refuses to feed him just like that, but feeds him - neither more nor less - in exchange for the right of birthright, which, in general, does not quite seem like brotherly behavior. The second thing we see: he comes to his father, disguised as his brother, and brings his father’s favorite dish, which he received from his mother Rebekah. Isaac, doubtful, asks: “Are you my son Esau?”(Gen. 27:24). Jacob says: "I", - that is, here slyness turns into direct and open lies. Thus, at least two unseemly acts lie in the way of Jacob receiving the promises of God. Why, after all, does the Lord give him this promise, give him a blessing and call himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

We must understand that we cannot present the fullness of the Gospel moral requirements to the people of the Old Testament, because they did not have what Christians have. Therefore, we will try to get to the bottom of it. Esau was given the second name Edom (Red), he takes two foreign wives, who are a burden to Isaac and Rebekah. We see him as a rude and unbridled man who cares little about all the promises. I would be full.

Holy Scripture very vividly depicts the scene of the sale, or transfer of the birthright. Esau says: “Behold, I am dying, what is this birthright to me?”(Gen. 25:32) - although, judging by the fact that he himself came from hunting, death, apparently, was not yet a prospect in the next few minutes or hours. He instantly agrees to a deal with Jacob and it goes on to say that Esau "he ate and drank, and rose and went"(v. 34). Let us add on our own behalf: he didn’t blink an eye because he had just eaten up his birthright, that he had eaten up the great promises of God, which no one on earth had. And Jacob was clearly concerned about the question of blessing. And in in this case he pursues not just some personal interest in becoming the heir of his father, Isaac, but he offers a deal precisely because here, now, the work of God’s salvation of humanity is being accomplished, and this matter is ready to fall into the hands of the unworthy.

Obviously, this was precisely what determined the actions of Rebekah, who invited Jacob to appear before his father instead of his brother. Let's not forget that even before the children were born, she received the revelation that " the bigger one will work for the smaller one"(Gen. 25:23). In response to her son’s fear of being damned if the deception was discovered, she said: “Let your curse be on me, my son, just listen to my words”(Gen. 27:13). Reverend Isidore Pelusiot compared Rebekah in this situation with the Apostle Paul, who said: “I myself would like to be excommunicated from Christ for my brothers, relatives to me according to the flesh”(Rom. 9:3).

Thus, the point is not that the birthright can be bought and God’s blessing can be obtained by deception, but that it goes to the worthy. The main thing in the actions of Rebekah and Jacob is the boldness of faith. Despite the fact that Jacob later suffered a lot precisely for this lie, for his deceit, his life was filled with many sorrows, but, nevertheless, the Lord accepts his boldness. Even Isaac, when this substitution is discovered, refuses to change anything and take the blessing from Jacob and return it to the one who was technically the firstborn son. However, let’s not forget that he had already sold his birthright, so he had no rights to claim.

Of course, Esau was not left completely without a blessing. But what we are talking about is precisely that the inheritance of the promise of God, which was given to Abraham, passes specifically to Jacob - Jacob becomes the heir of this promise and his descendants, and not Esau with his descendants, from whom another nation with its own history comes.

Isaac was forty years old when Rebekah became his wife. They had no children for twenty years, and then Rebekah gave birth to twins. The first child was all covered with red hair, and they named him Esau, and the second at birth held Esau by the heel, so he received the name Jacob, which means “cunning.”

With age, Esau became a skilled hunter, always wandering in the fields, but Jacob was meek, did not go anywhere, lived in a tent.

Isaac loved Esau more because he liked game, but Rebekah loved Jacob more.

Once Esau returned from hunting, tired, and saw: Jacob was cooking red lentil stew in a pot.

Let me eat red, red this. I'm tired.

I'll feed you if you sell me your birthright. After my father's death, I want to be the head of the family! - said Jacob.

What good is my birthright if I'm about to die of hunger?! - Esau shouted.

Well then, swear! - Jacob flashed his eyes.

I swear!

So the birthright was sold for lentil stew.


Isaac grew old, and the vision of his eyes became dull. He called his eldest son Esau and said:

My son, I have become old and am about to die. Go hunting, bring back game and prepare food for me. May my soul bless you before I die.

Rebekah heard these words and, when Esau went hunting, she said to Jacob:

Son, father wants to bless Esau. Well, run to the herd, bring two kids here, I’ll cook it, and you take it to him, and your father will bless you, not Esau.

If my father touches me, he will know that I am not Esau. Esau is all hair, and I am smooth. I wish I didn’t get a curse instead of a blessing! - Jacob was scared.

I'll take the curse upon myself, son.

Jacob brought the kids, Rebekah cooked them, and covered Jacob’s hands and neck with the goatskin. She took the rich clothes of her eldest son and dressed her younger son in them. Jacob went to his father with bread and food.

Who are you, my son? - asked the father.

“I am Esau, your firstborn,” said Jacob. - I did everything as you ordered. Get up and eat, so that your soul may bless me.

You've got it figured out soon, my son! - Isaac was surprised.

“God helped me,” Jacob answered. - He sent the beast to meet me.

Come closer, my son, I will feel you to see if you really are Esau.

Jacob approached Isaac, and Isaac felt him.

“I,” said Jacob.

Well, give me the game, I will eat, so that my soul may bless you.

Isaac ate ​​and drank wine, and then said:

Come to me, my son, kiss me.

Jacob came up and kissed his father. And Isaac smelled the smell of his clothes.

I smell the smell, the smell of the field that the Lord blessed, this is the smell of my son. May God give you heavenly dew and rich lands, may you have a lot of bread and wine, may the nations serve you and tribes worship you, may your mother’s sons submit to you. Those who curse you will be cursed, those who bless you will be blessed!

Isaac blesses Jacob

Jacob left Isaac, and soon his brother returned from hunting. He prepared the food and took it to his father.

Get up, father, eat what I brought you, may your soul bless me.

Who are you? - Isaac asked.

I am your firstborn, Esau.

Isaac trembled and said:

Who then fed me and whom did I bless? My blessing - who got it?

Esau said when he heard these words:

My Father, bless me too!

Late! Your brother took my blessing by deceit.

No wonder they named him Jacob. He fooled me twice. The first time he deprived me of my birthright, and now he didn’t even leave me a blessing. But don’t you really have anything to bless me with, father?

I made him lord over you, and gave him all his brothers as slaves, I gave him bread and wine, but what can I do for you, my son?

Is it really possible, father, that you have only one blessing? - Esau cried.

Isaac paused and said:

Far from the rich fields you will dwell, far from the dew that falls from the sky. You will earn your bread with the sword and serve your brother. But the time will come - you will rise up and throw off his yoke from your neck.

Esau hated Jacob for this blessing.

The days of crying for my father are already close. And then... I’ll kill Jacob,” Esau decided.

Rebekah was informed of these words of his. She called Jacob and said:

Esau wants to kill you. Get ready and go to Haran, to my brother Laban. Stay with him until Esau calms down. Why should I lose both of you in one day?


Jacob went to Haran. He had to spend the night in the open air. He put a stone under his head and fell fast asleep.

Jacob saw in a dream steps from earth to heaven, angels walk up and down these steps, and God stands on them.

I am the God of Abraham your grandfather, and the God of Isaac your father. “I will give the land on which you lie to you and to your descendants,” said God. Thus Jacob became God's chosen one.

Where are you from, brothers? - Jacob asked the shepherds.

From Harran.

Do you know Laban?

And how is he?

Alive and well. And here is his daughter, Rachel, walking with the sheep. Better ask her.

Jacob at Laban

When Rachel approached, Jacob pushed the stone off the well and watered her sheep. Having learned who he was and where he came from, Rachel ran to her father. Laban immediately appeared, hugged Jacob, kissed him and led him into the house. And Jacob lived with Laban for a whole month.

Even though you are related, it’s not worth it for you to work for me,” Laban said. - Set your own price.

Laban had two daughters: the eldest, Leah, and the youngest, Rachel. Leah was short-sighted, but Rachel was both well-shaped and beautiful in face. Jacob loved Rachel very much.

If you give me Rachel, I will serve you for seven years.

Indeed, it’s better to give it to you than somewhere else. Live with me,” Laban allowed.

Seven years flew by like seven days, and Jacob said to Laban:

Give your daughter to me as my wife!

Laban gathered people, held a feast, and in the evening brought Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel. And in the darkness Jacob did not notice the substitution.

Why did you deceive me, Laban? - Jacob asked in the morning.

It is not appropriate to give away the youngest daughter before the eldest. Live with Leah for a week, and then take Rachel for yourself, only you will serve another seven years for her.

There is nothing to do, Jacob agreed.

Jacob did not love Leah, but Rachel did. However, Rachel was barren, and Leah gave birth to Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah.

Rachel was jealous of her sister, and a lot of time passed before she gave birth to a son.