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American pancakes recipe by Andy Chef. Coffee pancakes that will fix any morning. Fantastic pancakes from Chef Andy

Today we will learn how to fry airy and tender pancakes. Andy Chef offers several options for preparing them. If you are tired of ordinary pancakes and pancakes, quickly write down our recipes. Pancakes with kefir, milk, buttermilk and baking powder - choose any baked goods to suit your taste.

Master class from Andy Chef: simple pancakes

Breakfast is an important component of our daily menu. And often we don’t have enough time to prepare it. Try frying pancakes; the whole process will take you no more than twenty minutes. And your household will be well-fed and happy!

Advice! Serve pancakes with nuts, your favorite jam or fruit.


  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1/5 tsp. salt.


On a note! If you plan to serve the pancakes without topping, add more granulated sugar to the base.

American breakfast

Many people with a sweet tooth love American pancakes. Andy Chef advises mixing dry and liquid ingredients separately. And only then they need to be mixed. Then the pancakes will turn out tender and airy.


  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • salt;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.


Pancakes with kefir

Andy Chef makes Japanese pancakes using kefir. They turn out lush and airy. This delicacy will not leave your household indifferent, and they will definitely ask for more.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • ¼ tbsp. purified sunflower seed oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. soda

On a note! There is no need to extinguish the soda first; kefir will do this function perfectly.


  1. Beat eggs into a bowl and add granulated sugar.
  2. Grind these ingredients, then add kefir and then soda, stir.
  3. Sift the flour. Add it to the rest of the ingredients in portions.
  4. Now add sunflower seed oil and stir the base thoroughly.
  5. Fry the pancakes in a dry frying pan as described in previous recipes. Ready!

Oatmeal pancakes for those on a diet

We have already learned how to make pancakes from Andy Chef. What should those who adhere to a diet menu and are afraid of gaining excess weight do? Our next recipe is especially for them.


  • 130 g oat flour;
  • egg;
  • banana;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 130 ml nut milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

Advice! If you don't have ready-made flour, make it from oatmeal using a coffee grinder.


Baking with a surprise

Try frying pancakes filled with chocolate paste. They are so delicious that you can't stop eating them. Serve these pancakes with tea for an afternoon snack.


  • 250 ml milk;
  • 190 g flour;
  • egg;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • salt;
  • 100-120 g chocolate paste.


  1. Sift the flour a couple of times into a deep bowl.
  2. Add baking powder, granulated sugar, and salt to the flour and stir.
  3. Beat in the egg and mix again.
  4. Warm the milk to a temperature threshold of 37 degrees. To avoid overheating the milk, use a kitchen thermometer.
  5. Add milk in a thin stream to the pancake base.
  6. Using a whisk, without being lazy, stir the dough.
  7. Make round flat pieces from chocolate paste and place them on parchment paper.
  8. Place the pancake filling in the freezer for half an hour.
  9. Then heat the frying pan and grease it with olive oil.
  10. Place 2 tbsp in a frying pan. l. test on each other.
  11. Add frozen chocolate filling on top.
  12. And cover the filling with another 1 tbsp. l. test.
  13. Fry the pancakes on one side for just a minute, then carefully turn them over.
  14. Fry the delicacy until cooked on the reverse side.
  15. Place the fried pancakes in a stack on a plate.
  16. You can complement the taste of the delicacy with coconut flakes or your favorite syrup.

No matter how your morning turns out, there is a proven way to boost your appetite and mood. Acts quickly and reliably - PANCAKES. This is some kind of drug that I simply don’t have the strength to resist. I have both classic pancakes and earl gray tea (they were made during American Cuisine week), they were fluffy with berries. In truth, this is the best dessert you can come up with. You can prepare it in 15 minutes, you definitely have all the ingredients at home, and once they are on the plate, the real magic begins. How many sauces, berries and toppings you can use makes your head spin. It seems to me that I have tried everything: maple syrups, condensed milk, chocolate and caramel spreads, preserves and jams, honey and my own preparations. I made them with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and a dozen other variations.

Call me old-fashioned, but I love kitchen traditions, when you get together in the kitchen on a day off, cook pancakes without haste, brew your favorite tea or coffee, lay out beautiful plates with napkins and have a measured breakfast, making plans for the coming days. This is a truly powerful way to recharge yourself with positivity, and also eat delicious food.

Coffee pancakes are another way to brighten up your morning. They obviously differ in coffee taste and density. They are so heavier, more serious. But that's their beauty. And let’s voice the question again - pancakes and our pancakes are completely different things, tastes and textures. Don't be confused)

In a deep bowl, mix flour (240 g), instant coffee powder (1 tbsp), sugar (2 tbsp), baking powder (1 tsp), and a pinch of salt. Mix everything well, it is important to achieve homogeneity.

Melt butter (30 g) in a small bowl. I just heat it in the microwave for 15 seconds.

Pour butter, milk (250 ml) and one egg into dry ingredients.

Beat with a mixer or whisk. The dough should not be too liquid.

Heat a non-stick frying pan, do not grease it with oil. Carefully pour a tablespoon of batter into the pan. When bubbles and holes begin to appear on top, it means you can turn it over.

Fry on the second side until golden brown. Transfer to a plate and make the next pancakes.

I already wrote about sauces, choose your favorite and generously pour on top. A knife, a fork, a mug of warm drink and here it is, a perfect morning.

Since Maslenitsa week has begun, all blogs, Instagram and other social networks are filled with photographs of pancakes, pancake cakes and everything pancake-sweet. I will not give in to the mass movement, but today I will tell you a recipe for amazing pancakes with the taste of Earl Gray tea.

For those who haven't read my previous pancake recipes - no, these are not Russian pancakes! What they have in common is only their shape, nothing more. They are not at all greasy (at least check with a paper napkin), very air-porous and tender.

But in this recipe we use Earl Gray tea as a flavoring agent, and the taste is very good, a must do for lovers of different flavor unusual things!

First of all, take the milk, pour it into a saucepan, add a tea bag (if you, like me, are an Earl Gray fan, take two bags). Heat the milk with the bag on the stove until small bubbles form and then let cool for 10-15 minutes. An important point - instead of tea, you can use any other flavoring - mint, coffee, cocoa, and so on.

While the milk mixture is cooling, combine all the dry ingredients and mix well. This is important, not just move the fork a couple of times, but stir for 1-2 minutes so that all the ingredients are evenly and correctly distributed in the future dough.

So, the milk has cooled, squeeze the bag well, break the egg and mix. Then pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until smooth. Look here, the dough should turn out thick, something like sour cream. If this is not the case, add flour one tablespoon at a time.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Lubricate with oil, just a little bit. To do this, I oil a paper napkin and just wipe the bottom with it. This is quite enough. Pour in a tablespoon at a time and cook until large bubbles appear over the entire surface. Then turn over and cook for about a minute.

I can say with confidence that these pancakes are my favorite. Firstly, they are easy to flavor - there are hundreds of options, without compromising the consistency of the dough. Secondly, they will easily last a couple of days in a closed container - and isn’t that great?

The texture is very delicate, they are porous, absorb sauces well and are generally ideal for breakfast or any other meal.

Try it with chocolate, caramel, and honey sauces. It’s good to sprinkle with fresh berries or puree, you can sprinkle with ground nuts or seeds. In general, it’s time to write a book - 100 ways to eat pancake!)

By the way, this week there will be many more American recipes for you, and at the end there will be a competition with a good prize, keep a close eye on the blog and Instagram (@darkzip).

  • Butter – 30 g
  • Flour – 150 g
  • Baking powder – 7 g
  • Salt – 3 g
  • Vanilla
  • Cream 20% – 215 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Trimoline – 35 g

Do you know that my first recipe on the blog was about pancakes. At that time I had absolutely no understanding of cooking, but I was firmly convinced that what they showed in American films was definitely not grandma’s pancakes. That's how it turned out. We can say that pancakes are a whole philosophy of breakfast, hundreds of sauces and fillings, different shapes and tastes. And for almost two years I was pleased that I had an excellent recipe for these pucks.

I recently visited (see review) and at the Shangri-La Tokyo hotel, had breakfast at the Italian restaurant Piacere (“delight”), and ordered mango pancakes. They turned out to be huge in size and had a fantastic taste and fluffiness. I haven’t eaten such yummy food for a long time, thick, doughy with a beautiful golden brown crust and bright mango sauce, I greedily cut off a new portion and instantly ate it. Probably, at that moment I could get into the book of records for the fastest breakfast on the planet. So, I knew I had to get this recipe for you (and myself, of course). I tortured the waiters for a long time and finally the restaurant’s press service sent me the recipe from chef Andrei Ferrero. Throw away all your pancake recipe notes, because today you'll get one that you'll definitely appreciate.

Here I tried my best for you and translated everything into exact grams. Try to follow the recipe and scales, then you will get a masterpiece. Let's start by melting the butter. I do this in the microwave. Cut into cubes, put into a cup and heat for 10 seconds until you get liquid oil. Someone will want to use vegetable. Try it, but only if you do it my way the first time. We will need 30 grams of melted butter, so take 32-35 in a cup.

Next, make PANCAKE MIX in the bowl. Simply put, a dough piece. In a bowl, combine regular wheat flour (150 g, I don’t recommend using any, it will have a significant effect on the taste), baking powder (7 g), salt (3 g). I also add the seeds of one vanilla pod. In addition to the smell and taste, you will get a bonus of speckled dough, it’s very beautiful. Mix everything well with a whisk. The trick is that we end up with 160 grams of pancake mix. You can make 2-10 servings and keep in a jar. And when you decide to make breakfast, you will measure out 160 grams and then follow the recipe. I find it very convenient. The only point is that you need to mix everything thoroughly so that there is a homogeneous mixture. To do this, we take a whisk, or you can even beat the dry mixture with a mixer for 2-3 minutes (this is if we are preparing for future use).

We will prepare the liquid ingredients in a separate cup. The whole point is that we want to get pancakes that are fluffy and crumbly in structure. Therefore, we don’t want gluten to develop too much in the dough. (It makes the dough more rubbery, which is good for pizza and pies).

Pour in cream (215 g, fat content 15-20%). You can use milk and even water, but damn, this is our breakfast, the most enjoyable meal of the day, is it really worth saving on taste and aroma? A small moment. When we have a jar of the mixture, it’s convenient to keep 200 g packs of cream in the refrigerator. Therefore, you can cheat a little and take the remaining 15 g with water. Next is melted butter (30 g). And break one medium egg. I got 53 grams. This is the only weak point (the size may be different for everyone), so we keep a couple of spoons of flour or mixture in reserve. And finally, the chef’s secret – trimoline (35 g). I have it in my store, it is also called invert sugar. It seems to be made at home, but I use a ready-made one. Trimoline is somewhat similar in appearance to candied honey. It is necessary to ensure that the product remains fresh longer and does not dry out. Therefore, you can replace it with honey (the thicker the better. If it’s candied, it’s generally great). Both trimolin and honey are sweet, it’s just that the former does not have a characteristic smell or taste, which is why confectioners use it. For me, the sweetness of trimoline was enough for the dough, if you are worried that it will be a little bland, add a couple of spoons of fine sugar or powder - it’s up to your taste. In the comments they ask about “removing trimoline and honey completely,” I’m afraid the texture will be different. Also, maple and other syrups will not work, at least I would not use them.

And then carefully pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture. You can pour in thirds and stir each time, but it’s better to do it all at once. Pour it in and mix it gently with a whisk. Again, we don’t need gluten, so without fanaticism, as soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, we stop.

If you have already made pancakes, then you understand the desired consistency of the dough. It is thick and falls off the whisk rather than dripping. We adjust the thickness and liquid with cream or flour (mixture). Why is it important to catch the thick state of the dough - this is the only way the pancakes will be thick, which is why we love them. Thin pancakes are a mistake.

Do you see the vanilla specks?! Fairy tale, right?

The next secret is medium heat. Many literally get burned by this)) If the fire is strong, the product will quickly turn brown, but the inside will remain raw. Therefore, we turn the fire below the maximum mark, put a good frying pan with a thick bottom (it gives uniform, constant heating). If you have a non-stick coating like I do, you won't need oil. And this is the second reason why we are crazy about pancakes, they are not at all greasy. Previously, I made small pancakes with a diameter of 6-8 cm, just poured a tablespoon into the pan. But in Japan they were huge, larger than a compact disc (anyone else remember what a compact disc is?). The idea here is that the larger the pancake, the more tender it seems (less dry sides and more soft “middle”). So this time I measured out a ladle of dough. It turned out to cook one pancake at a time. Pour the dough into the center and it will spread slightly very slowly - this means the consistency is ideal. Now we wait for the bubbles to appear. They will appear faster at the edges, a little later in the center. And when you see at least 2-3 bubbles in the center, it means the pancake is ready. Turn it over.

Here is the approximate color of the crust when I turned the pancake over. Maybe a little lighter. We fry less on the second side than on the first. It is more convenient to work with a flat spatula. See how perfect the even crust is. These are not pancakes for you.

And look how thick they are, more than 1 cm. Experiment with the roasting time. Overexpose it and it will be dry; underexpose it and it will be raw inside. Once you understand the right moment, you will do them easily and by eye until retirement.

Place the finished pancakes on a flat surface and fry the next ones. I got 4 large pancakes, enough for two. I'll tell you how to make the sauce. Peel a medium mango and cut into 5-7 mm cubes.

And we place all the ugly trimmings in the blender bowl.

  • Butter - 30 g
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Baking powder - 7 g
  • Salt - 3 g
  • Vanilla
  • Cream 20% – 215 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Trimoline – 35 g

Do you know that my first recipe on the blog was about pancakes. At that time I had absolutely no understanding of cooking, but I was firmly convinced that what they showed in American films was definitely not grandma’s pancakes. That's how it turned out. We can say that pancakes are a whole breakfast philosophy, hundreds of sauces and toppings, different shapes and tastes. And for almost two years I was pleased that I had an excellent recipe for these pucks.

I recently visited (see review) and at the Shangri-La Tokyo hotel, had breakfast at the Italian restaurant Piacere (“delight”), and ordered mango pancakes. They turned out to be huge in size and had a fantastic taste and fluffiness. I haven’t eaten such yummy food for a long time, thick, doughy with a beautiful golden brown crust and bright mango sauce, I greedily cut off a new portion and instantly ate it. Probably, at that moment I could get into the book of records for the fastest breakfast on the planet. So, I knew I had to get this recipe for you (and myself, of course). I tortured the waiters for a long time and finally the restaurant’s press service sent me the recipe from chef Andrei Ferrero. Throw away all your pancake recipe notes, because today you'll have one that you'll definitely appreciate.

Here I tried my best for you and translated everything into exact grams. Try to follow the recipe and scales, then you will get a masterpiece. Let's start by melting the butter. I do this in the microwave. Cut into cubes, put into a cup and heat for 10 seconds until you get liquid oil. Someone will want to use vegetable. Try it, but only if you do it my way the first time. We will need 30 grams of melted butter, so take 32-35 in a cup.

Next, make PANCAKE MIX in the bowl. Simply put, a dough piece. In a bowl, combine regular wheat flour (150 g, I don’t recommend using any, it will have a significant effect on the taste), baking powder (7 g), salt (3 g). I also add the seeds of one vanilla pod. In addition to the smell and taste, you will get a bonus of speckled dough, it’s very beautiful. Mix everything well with a whisk. The trick is that we end up with 160 grams of pancake mix. You can make 2-10 servings and keep in a jar. And when you decide to make breakfast, you will measure out 160 grams and then follow the recipe. I find it very convenient. The only point is that you need to mix everything thoroughly so that there is a homogeneous mixture. To do this, we take a whisk, or you can even beat the dry mixture with a mixer for 2-3 minutes (this is if we are preparing for future use).

We will prepare the liquid ingredients in a separate cup. The whole point is that we want to get pancakes that are fluffy and crumbly in structure. Therefore, we don’t want gluten to develop too much in the dough. (It makes the dough more rubbery, which is good for pizza and pies).

Pour in cream (215 g, fat content 15-20%). You can use milk and even water, but damn, this is our breakfast, the most enjoyable meal of the day, is it really worth saving on taste and aroma? A small moment. When we have a jar of the mixture, it’s convenient to keep 200 g packs of cream in the refrigerator. Therefore, you can cheat a little and take the remaining 15 g with water. Next is melted butter (30 g). And break one medium egg. I got 53 grams. This is the only weak point (the size may be different for everyone), so we keep a couple of spoons of flour or mixture in reserve. And finally, the chef’s secret - trimoline (35 g). I have it in my store, it is also called invert sugar. It seems to be made at home, but I use a ready-made one. Trimoline is somewhat similar in appearance to candied honey. It is necessary to ensure that the product remains fresh longer and does not dry out. Therefore, you can replace it with honey (the thicker the better. If it’s candied, it’s generally great). Both trimolin and honey are sweet, it’s just that the former does not have a characteristic smell or taste, which is why confectioners use it. For me, the sweetness of trimoline was enough for the dough, if you are worried that it will be a little bland, add a couple of spoons of fine sugar or powder - it’s up to your taste. In the comments they ask about “remove trimoline and honey completely”, I’m afraid the texture will be different. Also, maple and other syrups will not work, at least I would not use them.

And then carefully pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture. You can pour in thirds and stir each time, but it’s better to do it all at once. Pour it in and mix it gently with a whisk. Again, we don’t need gluten, so without fanaticism, as soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, we stop.

If you have already made pancakes, then you understand the desired consistency of the dough. It is thick and falls off the whisk rather than dripping. We adjust the thickness and liquid with cream or flour (mixture). Why is it important to catch the thick state of the dough - this is the only way the pancakes will be thick, which is why we love them. Thin pancakes are a mistake.

Do you see the vanilla specks?! Fairy tale, right?

The next secret is medium heat. Many people literally get burned by this)) If the fire is strong, the product will quickly turn brown, but the inside will remain raw. Therefore, we turn the fire below the maximum mark, put a good frying pan with a thick bottom (it gives uniform, constant heating). If you have a non-stick coating like I do, you won't need oil. And this is the second reason why we are crazy about pancakes, they are not at all greasy. Previously, I made small pancakes with a diameter of 6-8 cm, just poured a tablespoon into the pan. But in Japan they were huge, larger than a compact disc (anyone else remember what a compact disc is?). The idea here is that the larger the pancake, the more tender it seems (less dry sides and more soft “middle”). So this time I measured out a ladle of dough. It turned out to cook one pancake at a time. Pour the dough into the center and it will very slowly spread slightly - this means the consistency is ideal. Now we wait for the bubbles to appear. They will appear faster at the edges, a little later in the center. And when you see at least 2-3 bubbles in the center, it means the pancake is ready. Turn it over.

Here is the approximate color of the crust when I turned the pancake over. Maybe a little lighter. We fry less on the second side than on the first. It is more convenient to work with a flat spatula. See how perfect the even crust is. These are not pancakes for you.

And look how thick they are, more than 1 cm. Experiment with the roasting time. Overexpose it and it will be dry; underexpose it and it will be raw inside. Once you understand the right moment, you will do them easily and by eye until retirement.

Place the finished pancakes on a flat surface and fry the next ones. I got 4 large pancakes, enough for two. I'll tell you how to make the sauce. Peel a medium mango and cut into 5-7 mm cubes.

And we place all the ugly trimmings in the blender bowl.