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November 11th is the name day. Church calendar (saints). What to give for women's name days in November

From the ancient Greek name Andreas, derived from andros - “man”, “man”; There is also a translation of “courageous”, “brave”, “courageous”.

  • - from the ancient Greek name Athanasios, derived from the word athanatos - “immortal”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Basileios - “royal, royal.”
  • - from the Latin word victor - “winner”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Eugenios, derived from eugenes - “with good genes”, “noble, from a good family.”
  • - according to the Arabic and Turkic versions - “prophet”, the Arabic form of the name Abraham, translated from Hebrew - “father of nations”, “ancestor”
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Kyrillos, derived from the word kyrios - “lord, master, lord, Lord” translated from Persian - “sun”.
  • - from the Greek name Kosmas - “blacksmith”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Leonidas - “like a lion”, “descendant of a lion”, “son of a lion”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos - “conqueror of nations.”
  • - from the Roman family name Paulus - “modest”, small”, “insignificant”, “junior”.
  • - from the Greek name Timoteos - “who worships God.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Philippos - “lover of horses.”
  • Women's name day on November 11 according to the church calendar

    • - a variant of the male name Agapius (Agapit), derived from the Greek agape - “love”.
    • - female uniform from Anastasius, derived from the ancient Greek name Anastasios - “resurrected”.
    • - from the Hebrew name Hannah - “mercy”, “grace”, “strength”, “courage”.
    • - from the Hebrew name Miriam - “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”.

    Name of the day November 11 – Elina

    Elina is a Greek name, translated as “Greek”. It is believed that it came from the Greek name of the same name, since the Greeks called themselves Hellenes. The name also showed that the person lived during the times of “Hellenism.”

    People living during this period were considered aesthetes, experts and connoisseurs of painting and art. Then the sages of antiquity worked: the scientist Archimedes, the mathematician Euclid, the philosopher Epicurus. Many works of that era are still of artistic value. The capital was Alexandria. Ancient historians called Alexandria “the pinnacle of grace” and “perfection.”

    The name Elin contains a matrix in which the period of unprecedented prosperity of Alexandria, the emergence of new schools of painting and the discovery of new heights in natural sciences. Elina has a hard time with herself - after all, she has so many abilities, but one life is not enough to realize them. However, this name is considered to pass from incarnation to incarnation. Perhaps Elina once lived during that very period of “Hellenism” in Alexandria and is now the bearer of the cultural tradition of that era.

    To recover from stress, on the night of Elina’s name day it is useful to burn sandalwood incense and imagine how the smoke carries away problems.

    Key made of white metal - silver. Such keys are often sold together with other jewelry on bracelets and necklaces. Elina always needs to have the key next to her or in front of her eyes, as it reminds her that there are no obstacles that she cannot overcome, and there are no doors that she cannot open.

    Seeing asters in a dream on the night of a name day is good luck, only if they are not black or yellow. Flowers of these shades, especially fields of black and yellow flowers, predict that Elina is unable to cope with the situation, she is tormented by unjustified but terrible nightmares or fears and, alas, a period of weakness of will lies ahead.

    Dreams come true for Anastasia, Anna, Afanasy, German, Kirill, Maria, Timofey.

    Geranium on November 11th dreams of changes in your personal life in the future. White geranium predicts the birth of children for those who strive to have a child. For creative people, white geranium promises inspiration and a period of falling in love. Red geranium flowers on November 11 promise reconciliation in the family and a long period of happy life.

    Name day, or angel's day - ancient Orthodox tradition. This is a special day when the patron saint whose name is given to a person at birth or baptism is venerated. The church calendar contains a list of the names of holy saints for each day of the year. Sometimes there are very few of them, and sometimes vice versa. Many people celebrate their name day on November 11, because this day is represented by 17 male names and 3 female ones.

    The meaning of the holiday

    Today people increasingly congratulate each other on Angel's Day or name day. Many of us do this without thinking about the essence of the holiday, succumbing to fashion trends. But for a believer it means a lot.

    Name day is the day of spiritual birth and finding a holy mentor and patron. When performing the Sacrament of Baptism and naming, the soul that has come into the world is connected through a personal name with the name of God. When a baby is given the name of a saint, it is assumed that this is how the Church guides the child along the true path, and the life and exploits of the heavenly mentor will be an example to follow.

    It is the duty of every Orthodox Christian to know about the life of his prayer book and intercessor and to honor his memory. To do this, those who celebrate their name day (women's or men's) on November 11th need to attend a service in the church, bow to the icon of the saint's namesake, and thank them for their help.

    On this date, it is customary to selflessly help other people (especially those in need), treat godparents, relatives and neighbors with festive baked goods - loaves, pies, pancakes.

    The choice of a name for a child is taken responsibly in all religions. In Christianity, over 2 thousand years, the tradition of naming a boy or girl in memory of the holy righteous has been strengthened. It is believed that this is how a person receives a patron and assistant in life.

    The calendar recommends that girls born at the beginning of the second ten days of November be given ancient Christian names that are widely known throughout the world: Anastasia, Anna, Maria.

    1. Venerable Martyr Anastasia of Rome (Thessalonica).
    2. Venerable Anna of Bethim.
    3. Venerable Blessed Mary of Hidan.

    Anastasia: origin of the name

    The beautiful, sonorous name Anastasia came from Ancient Greece. It is generally accepted that this is the feminine form of the masculine Anastasy or Anastas - “resurrected”, “risen”. There are also such interpretations as “high”, “immortal”.

    The patron saint for Nastya, born in November, is the Venerable Martyr Anastasia of Rome (Thessalonica). Her memory is celebrated on November 11.

    Anastasia was left an orphan in infancy and was raised by the Roman Christian Sophia, abbess convent. The girl dedicated her life to God and accepted monasticism. At the age of 20, she was subjected to severe torture with demands to renounce her faith. This did not break Anastasia’s spirit; she stoically withstood all the torture, and the persecutors in a rage beheaded the courageous girl. The saint has been revered by the Christian Church since ancient times; many churches were built in her honor.

    Prayer in front of her icon gives support in moments of sadness and sorrow, when you need to strengthen faith, in moments of hesitation and doubt. It helps to recover from women's ailments, diseases of the joints and spine. Saint Anastasia of Rome is sometimes called the Roman and is confused with the martyr Anastasia of Rome, whose memory is revered on April 28.

    The Story of Venerable Anna of Vithima

    The name comes from the Hebrew word "hana", which translated means “God’s mercy” or “grace.” Statistics say that more than one hundred million women around the world bear the beautiful name Anna; it is truly international.

    In the calendar, the day of remembrance of saints with this name occurs more than 40 times a year. The Venerable Anna of Vithima takes care of the girls named in her honor, born between the 4th and 11th of November.

    The saint lived in Constantinople. She was a righteous Christian who wore men's clothing for many years and was called Euthymian. This saved her from the persecution to which female nuns were subjected. Living in the Bethim monastery as a monk, she set an example for the monks with unshakable faith, hard work and fervent prayer. She became famous during her lifetime as a miracle worker.

    The icon of St. Anna of Bethim is a personal icon for all Anyuts who were born during this period. People turn to her for support in difficult times, healing, and help in family matters.

    The name Mary is very ancient; in Christianity it has a special meaning, because this was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. It is believed to be derived from the Hebrew Miriam.

    Translation has several options:

    • Rejected.
    • Sadness.
    • Bitterness.
    • Holy.
    • Desired.

    Orthodoxy has its own interpretation - “lady”. However, everyone is free to choose the meaning that is closer to them.

    Revered blessed Mary of Khidanskaya, who is the patron of all Mashas born from October 12 to November 11. The monk lived in the 4th century in the village of Khidana (Türkiye). Being the niece of the recluse and ascetic Abraham, she was raised as a true Christian. At the age of 27, Mary committed the sin of succumbing to the temptation of a dissolute life. However, with the help of her uncle's admonitions and prayers, she repented and spent the rest of her life in prayer, helping people. Seeing sincere repentance, the Lord endowed her with the gift of healing people. They pray to Blessed Mary of Khidanskaya for deliverance from temptations and harmful attachments, and for finding peace of mind.

    For girls named after these saints, it can be a good gift for name day an icon with their image. It should be remembered that the day of the angel, November 11, should not be used as a reason for partying. Believers should visit the temple on this day and devote time to prayers.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    How to name a child based on his date of birth? When should an adult celebrate his angel day? The answer to these questions can be found in the name day calendar. It contains baby name options and other interesting and useful information.

    Character of November birthday people

    All those celebrating in November are under the auspices of Mars - one of the most aggressive and active planets solar system. And therefore they distinctive features- cool temperament and rebellious character. November girls are distinguished by this from birth. A correctly chosen name will help smooth out these character irregularities!

    female names

    Ancient church customs are designed to improve human life. That is why when choosing a name for a child, you should turn to the calendar. He will tell you what women's name days are in November.

    According to this calendar, in November 2017, 35 female names celebrate Angel Day. Three representatives of the fair sex have the second one at once:

    • Arina (translated from Greek as “peace”);
    • Irene (Greek for “peace”);
    • Matryona (from Latin can be translated as “venerable lady”, “mother” or “mistress”).

    Name days are celebrated in November female names Aza (“consolation”) and Pelageya (“sea”), they celebrate the day of the angel on the third.

    The fourth of November is the name day of Anna (“courage”, “grace”), Glykeria (“sweet”) and Elizabeth (“honoring God”).

    On November 5, Euphrosyne’s name day (“joy”), on the seventh, Matryona’s, and on the ninth, Capitolina’s (“born on the Capitol”).

    On November 10, four women celebrate their name day - Anna, Neonila (“young”), Praskovya (“the eve of the holiday”) and Fevronia (“radiant”).

    Women's name days in November are celebrated by Agatha (“kind”), Anastasia (“resurrected”) and Maria (“serene” or “bitter”) on the 11th.

    The twelfth name day is Alena (“spiritualizing”), Elena (“chosen one”) and Ilona (“bright”).

    Angel Day on the 14th is celebrated by Elizabeth, Ulyana (“happiness”), Agrippina (“sorrowful”) and Juliana (“curly”).

    November 16th is a holiday for Evdokia (“blessed”), Svetlana (“bright”) and Photinia (also “bright”).

    Alexandra (“courageous”), Claudia (“lame”), Nina (“queen”) and Seraphima (“fiery”) celebrate their name day on November 19.

    And the 20th is Elizabeth’s holiday again.

    Women's name days in November at Evstolia (“the good one”) and Matryona; they celebrate this day on the 22nd.

    November 23 is a holiday for Olga ("saint"), and November 24 is for Stefania ("diadem"). Anna celebrates her name day on the 27th. Victoria (“victory”) celebrates on the last day of November.

    What to give for women's name days in November?

    As on birthdays, it is customary to give gifts on name days. True, this is where all the similarities end. Gifts on Angel's Day should be more individual and spiritual. In order to please the birthday girl, you can go to church shop. There is a large selection of gifts that are good for the soul. For example, personalized icons, vessels intended for holy water, beautiful candles of various shapes.

    We must not forget that best gift- this is a book! On a name day, you can give the Life of a saint bearing the same name. A Prayer Book is also suitable - a collection of prayers for literally all occasions. It contains prayers, canons, akathists, rules for Holy Communion and many others! The most important criterion when choosing a gift is its benefit to the birthday girl’s soul.