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Make an appointment with a gynecologist and infectious disease specialist. Infectious disease doctors. Appointment with an infectious disease doctor at the Family Doctor

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist

Work experience over 31 years

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

Gastroenterologist, hepatologist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in adults. Author of more than 40 articles in the field of gastroenterology.

Specialties: gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist, therapist

Work experience over 37 years

Moscow, st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 5, building 1

Moscow, st. Dybenko, 14, bldg. 1

Metro stations: m Krestyanskaya Zastava m Marksistskaya m Rechnoy Vokzal m Taganskaya m Taganskaya

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

General practitioner, gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist. Prevents complications from the gastrointestinal tract during long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and blood-thinning drugs. Engaged in the prevention and treatment of medicinal and toxic liver damage, as well as liver diseases against the background of metabolic disorders (against the background of diabetes, obesity). Has clinical experience in the therapeutic treatment of Barrett's esophagus. Author of 10 articles.

Kovaleva Tatyana Anatolevna

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Work experience over 24 years

Moscow, st. Priorova, 36

Registration Online The cost of admission is 3450 rubles.

Conducts vaccinations and prevention of infectious diseases, interpretation of tests for infectious diseases, dispensary observation of children in the first year of life from mothers with chronic infections(hepatitis, herpes virus infections). He has more than 100 publications, including more than 20 in peer-reviewed journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission, and is a co-author of 5 teaching aids and methodological recommendations, a method has been developed for the prevention of vertical transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses in pregnant women (RF invention patent).

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, therapist

Work experience more than 20 years

Moscow, Pyatnitskoye sh., 45

Moscow, st. Belovezhskaya, 57

Metro stations: m Molodezhnaya m Slavyansky Boulevard m Pyatnitskoye Shosse

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2300 rubles.

Pulmonologist, allergist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist. Diagnoses and treats diseases of the immune system, herpesvirus and HPV infections, allergic diseases, drug allergies. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia, respiratory failure, fibrosis, pleurisy, atypical pneumonia, bronchial asthma, alveolitis, tuberculosis, apnea and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Martishevskaya Evgenia Anatolevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: hepatologist, infectious disease specialist, pediatrician

Work experience over 26 years

Moscow, st. Kibalchicha, 2, bldg. 1

Metro stations: Alekseevskaya m VDNKh m

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2350 rubles.

Conducts consultations with children from 0 to 18 years of age (preventive and therapeutic), diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases, treatment and rehabilitation of children with infectious mononucleosis and other herpetic infections. Author of more than 20 published works (articles, brochures, methodological recommendations). Has a patent for the invention of the Russian Federation. As a pediatrician, he sees only children from 0 to 18 years old.

Agrinskaya Olga Vladimirovna

Work experience over 19 years

Moscow, st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 5, building 1

Metro stations: m Krestyanskaya Zastava m Marksistskaya m Taganskaya m Taganskaya

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

An infectious disease specialist is a doctor whose specific work includes the diagnosis, treatment and further prevention of infectious diseases, that is, those pathologies that are contagious to other people. Depending on the location of the pathological process and the routes of transmission of the infectious pathogen, several groups of diseases are distinguished:

  • Vector-borne infections - transmitted through blood, for example, through insect bites, blood transfusions, the use of reusable needles and medical instruments;
  • Infections respiratory tract– penetration of pathogenic microorganisms occurs through airborne droplets, for example, when talking with a sick person, sneezing, coughing;
  • Intestinal infections - the pathogen enters the body through the fecal-oral route, for example, through dirty hands, eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, poor-quality and not fresh food;
  • Contact infections - pathogens enter the skin and mucous membranes when using other people's hygiene and household items.

What diseases does an infectious disease doctor treat?

An infectious disease doctor treats and prevents diseases that are easily transmitted to others through contact, namely:

  • Salmonellosis;
  • Brucellosis;
  • Botulism;
  • Listeriosis;
  • Toxoplasmosis;
  • Malaria;
  • Chicken pox;
  • Adenoviral infection;
  • Influenza and parainfluenza;
  • Whooping cough, measles, diphtheria;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Meningitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • Typhus (typhoid and typhoid);
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Herpes;
  • Cholera;
  • Rabies;
  • Erysipelas;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Poliomyelitis and others.

This is just a small list of diseases treated by an infectious disease doctor.

When is it necessary to consult an infectious disease specialist?

There are a number of situations when a visit to the office of a specialist in this profile is mandatory. Consultation with an infectious disease specialist is necessary if you have:

  • Food poisoning accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature body and signs of dehydration;
  • Pustular rashes on the skin;
  • Rapid weight loss against the background of normal appetite;
  • Acute abdominal pain, cramps that occur after eating;
  • Iron deficiency anemia - can sometimes be the first sign of helminthic infestation in children;
  • Aches in muscles and joints;
  • The appearance of abdominal pain and confusion after eating poor quality foods.

At the first sign of food poisoning, you should immediately see an infectious disease specialist, since vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of many life-threatening infectious diseases. Delay in such situations can cost the patient his life, especially for young children.

Where can I find a good infectious disease specialist?

On our website you can quickly find a good infectious disease specialist without leaving your apartment. This is especially true if a doctor’s help is urgently needed and there is no time to travel to clinics. The numbers next to the doctor’s name are indicators of the infectious disease specialist’s rating; the higher this mark, the more experienced the specialist. The rating is based not only on the experience and length of service of the doctor, but also takes into account positive recommendations from patients who have already received qualified assistance and left their detailed impressions on the site.

✓ The cost of an appointment with an infectious disease doctor starts from 1340 rubles, ✓ current prices, ✓ discounts on appointments, ☎ addresses and contacts, ✓ patient reviews, ✓ When making an online appointment, the cost of an appointment is lower, up to 50%!

The service provides search services completely free of charge!
Discounts on appointments only apply when making an appointment through our All-Doc service!

Infectious agents are all around us. They are divided into pathogenic (especially dangerous) and conditionally pathogenic (with which we are constantly in contact). Any bacteria, viruses, fungi and prions that enter the body can cause infectious diseases. There are several routes of infection: through blood, skin or mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, by airborne droplets (through the air). It is clear that no one is insured against them, because you can become infected in public transport, in the store, in the pool or just on the street. Since many types of these diseases are deadly, at the slightest suspicion of infection (carriage of the virus or disease), you need to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist.

Who is an infectious disease doctor?

This is a specialist who diagnoses and treats infectious diseases. These include bacterial and viral diseases that affect various organs and systems:

  • ENT organs, lungs: sore throat, diphtheria, influenza, ARVI, viral pneumonia, histoplasmosis, tuberculosis;
  • Gastrointestinal tract: botulism, rotavirus, salmonellosis;
  • brain: meningitis;
  • liver: hepatitis A, B, C, D, E;
  • the immune system: HIV;
  • genitourinary organs: gonorrhea, syphilis, candidiasis;
  • skin: molluscum contagiosum, lichen, papillomavirus, etc.

This is just a short list of the most common diseases. In fact, there are more than a hundred of them. If you suspect an infection, you should urgently make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist or call a doctor at home.

What is he doing

All infectious diseases have an incubation period. This is the initial stage of the disease after infection, when the virus or bacteria is already in the body and the person is a carrier (infects others), but the disease does not yet manifest obvious symptoms. It may take several hours, or maybe 10 or more years, before the first clinical signs appear (for example, when infected with hepatitis C or HIV). An infectious disease doctor in Moscow deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by viruses or bacteria, and gives recommendations on quarantine, nutrition and daily routine during illness.

Why contact this specialist?

Some infectious diseases are deadly, many of them destroyed entire cities during mass epidemics. But if with Justinian or bubonic plague Although humanity managed to cope with smallpox and Spanish flu, influenza and tuberculosis are still a threat. Moreover, new infections have been added to the “old” ones. These are, first of all, hepatitis B and C, HIV, which turns into AIDS. To learn about preventive measures and methods of protection against these diseases, you need to make an appointment with a good infectious disease specialist in Moscow. He will talk about how to reduce the risk of infection through vaccinations, personal hygiene or condoms. And if the disease is already in the body, then an infectious disease specialist in Moscow will prescribe treatment to avoid complications.

Make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist in Moscow

Our website presents the best infectious disease specialists in Moscow. You can choose any doctor, find out more information about him and make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. No need to be afraid of infections and bacteria! The main thing is to quickly take action and help the body destroy them.

The functional responsibilities of an infectious disease specialist in a clinic include the treatment of diseases associated with the activity of viruses and bacteria. An infectious disease doctor in a clinic conducts diagnostics and finds out the causes of the disease. He is also fighting the spread of infection. The clinic's infectious disease specialist sees patients with obvious signs of viral infections. The name of the science is translated from Latin as “infection.”

Where can I find a pediatric infectious disease specialist?

A child's illnesses differ from those of adults, but may be of the same nature. Such patients are seen by an infectious disease specialist; there is a children's clinic in any district of the city. People consult an infectious disease specialist for diseases not only of a viral nature, but also of a fungal nature. You can find out the schedule of the infectious disease specialist at the clinic by phone, and also make an appointment.
To find out which clinic the infectious disease specialist sees children at, you need to refer to the catalog of medical organizations, which contains all the necessary information. In our catalog you can find:

  • is there an infectious disease doctor in the clinic;
  • how to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at a clinic;
  • working hours of the infectious disease specialist at the clinic;
  • how an infectious disease specialist works in a clinic;
  • Does the infectious disease specialist accept it for free?

This information is necessary for patients in need of immediate assistance. Available for children and parents free consultation infectious disease specialist

How to get an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?

The catalog of medical organizations must contain all the necessary data. The information is constantly updated and all responses provided to the request will correspond to reality. After this, the question arises of how to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at the clinic. The catalog contains all the hospital's contact information. By calling the number provided, the patient will be able to find out:

  • appointment schedule for an infectious disease specialist at the clinic;
  • how an infectious disease specialist’s office works in a clinic;
  • where an infectious disease specialist sees a doctor for free.

Having learned the infectious disease specialist’s work schedule at the clinic, the patient will be able to make an appointment and receive necessary help in short time.
Many people are concerned about where the free infectious disease specialist sees them. This information is also presented in the catalogue. Where the infectious disease specialist is located and how to make an appointment in Moscow for free, the pages of our catalog will answer.

A doctor who diagnoses and treats infectious diseases.

On our portal you can choose a paid infectious disease doctor from the best clinics Moscow and make an appointment with him online or by phone. Doctors' questionnaires with information about their work experience, education, as well as patient reviews will help you find a good paid infectious disease specialist.

Popular questions about infectious diseases

When is it necessary to see an infectious disease specialist?

Consultation and appointment with an infectious disease specialist are necessary for: malaise, weakness, nausea of ​​unknown origin, fatigue, elevated body temperature, etc.

Where can I find a good infectious disease specialist?

I'm looking for an infectious disease specialist, please recommend someone.

You can look at patient reviews of doctors in Moscow, choose the right doctor, find out where the specialist sees and check the infectious disease specialist’s office hours. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the application form.

Which infectious diseases department should I go to?

If you have any doubts about choosing a clinic, on our website you can choose the best one based on patient reviews and clinic ratings.

How is an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?

At the appointment, the doctor listens to the patient’s main complaints, studies the nature, frequency and intensity of symptoms. A thorough medical history is collected and studied. The specialist will be concerned about such data about the patient as the presence of bad habits, gastronomic preferences, cases of close contact with sick people, and recent trips to other countries.

After the interview, a physiological examination of the patient is carried out. Immediately after the consultation, the doctor will refer you for laboratory tests.

How to prepare for an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?

No special preparations are required before an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. The patient must remember that before laboratory tests he should: do not eat food 12 hours before the examination, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, stop taking medications (if the patient should take any drug, he must inform the doctor about this).

How does recording via DocDoc work?

Choose good specialist and you can sign up for him on the website, at mobile application or by phone.

Note! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.