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Growing and feeding strawberries. Spring and autumn feeding of garden strawberries. Fertilizers with humates and microelements

It is probably difficult to find a person who does not love the juicy, aromatic and sweet berry - strawberries. This miracle is grown in a variety of climatic zones, on different soils, using a variety of agricultural techniques.

However, few people know what fertilizer should be applied to strawberries in the spring.

When do you start fertilizing strawberries in spring?

During the summer season, strawberries are fed three times:

  1. in spring;
  2. after harvest;
  3. before preparing for winter.

The first fertilization of strawberries is carried out after spring loosening, at the very beginning of the summer season, when warm weather sets in (April-May) and the plant’s first leaves appear. In this case, all actions are aimed at stimulating the growth of leaves and shoots, so fertilizers must contain nitrogen (it is best to prepare organic matter).

Feeding strawberries with iodine is also very effective, which is especially important in spring.

The second time the strawberries are fed after the berries are set. At this time, new roots are formed and buds are laid for the next season, so fertilizers should contain potassium and useful microelements. Most often, at this stage of growing plants, mullein is used, and to saturate the soil with potassium fertilizers, ash is added to the soil.

Did you know? Strawberries have a lot of beneficial properties. For example, in terms of vitamin C content, only currants are ahead of it, and there is more folic acid in strawberries than in raspberries and grapes.

During flowering of the plant, to increase the yield, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution of zinc sulfate or boric acid. During spraying, beneficial substances are immediately absorbed into the foliage. This procedure is carried out in the evening, in calm and dry weather.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

According to experienced gardeners, spring feeding of strawberries in early spring will make it possible to harvest a decent harvest of this fragrant berry. But what fertilizers are best to use so as not to harm your health?

Organic fertilizers

No matter what fertilizers are invented in chemical laboratories, the best fertilizer for strawberries is manure and humus.

  1. Manure (mullein)- litter from premises with domestic animals, mixed with their excrement. Actively used to fertilize the soil. Manure is also the best fertilizer option if you're looking for something to feed your strawberries before they bloom in the spring.

    For 10 liters of water you need to dilute 2 cups of manure and add a tablespoon of sodium sulfate. All this is thoroughly mixed to a mushy state, after which the resulting mixture is watered on the ground under each bush (1 liter). You can also sprinkle manure under the strawberry roots and cover the top with a layer of earth (2-3 cm).

  2. Humus- completely decomposed manure. It is considered the best fertilizer for strawberries in the spring, as it provides the maximum concentration of nutrients in a form that is best absorbed by crop plants.
  3. Chicken droppings. It is a rich source of nitrogen. For strawberries, use a weak (20 parts of water per part of the litter) solution of this organic compound. The infusion is kept for 3 days and 0.5 liters of the mixture are fertilized for each bush. After it, the plant grows strongly and pleases with large fruits.

Important! Manure is used only in rotted form, since fresh material contains a lot of weed seeds that are ready to germinate on fertilized soil.

  1. Dairy products. They are successfully used for fertilizing, since strawberries love slightly acidic soils. In addition, milk contains calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, amino acids and other minerals. It is best to add sour milk to humus, manure or ash. In addition, diluted milk will help get rid of the tick.
  2. Bread. Many gardeners claim that there is no better way to feed strawberries in May than yeast. Yeast contains amino acids, proteins, minerals, and perfectly acidifies the soil. The strawberry roots are strengthened, the berry receives good nutrition and grows large.

    To do this, the bread is soaked in water for 6-10 days, after which the resulting solution is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. You can also use live culinary yeast: dilute 200 g of yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Then dilute the mixture in 9 liters of water and water each bush generously.

  3. Weeds. This feeding does not harm either strawberries or people. To prepare the fertilizer, weeds remaining after weeding are collected and filled with water. A week later, the resulting solution is poured over the strawberries. This fertilizing will help increase the number of fruits, have a positive effect on the taste of the berries and protect your strawberries from some pests.
  4. Ash. Wood ash for strawberries in the spring is a very effective fertilizer. It can be used as root and foliar feeding. You can sprinkle dry ash between the rows before watering or rain, or you can use it in a solution. To do this, dilute a glass of ash in 1 liter of hot water, then dilute the mixture in 9 liters of water and water it at the rate of 1 liter per 1 m².

Thanks to feeding strawberries in the spring with folk remedies, the fruits are juicy and large.

Did you know? Daily consumption of strawberries strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the immune system. These berries help fight insomnia and also protect against viral diseases. If you have enough strawberries in your diet, you can avoid iodized foods.

Fertilizing strawberries with mineral compounds

There are two types of mineral fertilizers:

  1. highly mobile- differ in absorption rate (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen);
  2. low mobility- act much more slowly (boron, iron, copper, manganese).
In spring, fertilizers are applied to strawberries to increase the yield. For this purpose use:
  • ammophoska mixed with ammonium nitrate(2:1) in a liquid solution, norm - 15 g per 1 m²;
  • nitroammophoska- plants growing on clay soils especially need this fertilizer;
  • ready-made complex fertilizers, which include potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen (“Kemiroy Lux”, “Ryazanochka”).

Mineral fertilizers play an important role in obtaining a good harvest: with a lack of nitrogen, the fruits grow small, lose their taste, and their foliage becomes too pale.

To produce sugar fruits, strawberries need potassium. In addition, if it is deficient, the plant gradually withers and may disappear by autumn.

Important! It is not recommended to feed strawberries with urea in the spring, since urobacteria are still at rest and the fertilizer will not be absorbed.

What is better: mineral fertilizers or organic matter?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is better to choose organic or mineral fertilizers for strawberries, since both have a positive effect on growth and fruiting.

Mineral fertilizers, for example, are quite effective and have a good effect on the size and taste of strawberries: the berries grow large, sweet and beautiful. But they must be used carefully, strictly following the instructions. An overdose will negatively affect not only the harvest, but also human health. In addition, mineral fertilizers are not recommended to be used later than 2 weeks before fruit ripening.

Organic fertilizers will not provide large berries, but are absolutely safe for people. In addition, organic matter can be added in almost any quantity, since plants take as many useful substances as they need.

Important! Any fertilizer must be kept in the recommended ratio and prepared from high-quality ingredients-with an excess of fertilizers, strawberries will begin to grow rapidly, and the flowers and fruits will be frail and late.

Features of feeding strawberries in spring

Feeding strawberries in the spring is a mandatory procedure, but not everyone knows how to properly feed young and mature strawberries in the spring.

How to properly feed young plants

Young strawberries planted in the fall may not be fed at all in the spring, or you can use the following solution: Take 0.5 liters of manure or chicken droppings per bucket of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sodium sulfate and pour the resulting mixture under each bush, 1 liter. This norm cannot be exceeded.

Feeding adult strawberry bushes

Strawberries, which have been growing for several years, also require special care, because the soil is depleted and the plant has nowhere to take nutrients from.
How to feed mature strawberries in the spring? To fertilize it, you can use the same solution as for young plants, only before fertilizing, when loosening the soil, sprinkle the ground with ash (2 cups per 1 m²).

Experienced gardeners use another method: A bucket of nettles is filled with water and left for 3-7 days. This solution is an excellent biofertilizer. They spray strawberries with it at the beginning of the formation of the bush and after harvesting.

You can also feed with a solution mullein (1 part), water (5 parts), superphosphate (60 g per bucket) and ash (100-150 g per bucket). The resulting solution is poured into grooves made along the beds 4-5 cm deep. The norm is a 3-4 meter bucket of fertilizer. After the procedure, the grooves are covered with earth and watered with water.

In the second year you can replenish the soil ammonium nitrate (100 g per 1 m²), and in the third year of life, strawberries are fed with a mixture superphosphate (100 g), potassium chloride (100 g) and ammonium nitrate (150 g). This mixture is enough for 1 m².

Before flowering begins, strawberries are fertilized with microelements: In a bucket of hot water, stir 2 g of boric acid, a glass of ash, 2 g of potassium permanganate, and a tablespoon of iodine. After the mixture has infused, the strawberry bushes are sprayed with it (in the evening).
Spring feeding of strawberries plays an important role in obtaining a harvest - it will help the plant recover faster after winter and form ovaries.

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At the beginning of the dacha season, in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the strawberry bushes are fed for the first time. In this case, fertilizing should stimulate the growth of young leaves and shoots, and therefore contain nitrogen. We will tell you in the article why fertilizing strawberries in the spring is important and how to do it in different ways.

Features of spring fertilizing of strawberries

In the first year of growing strawberries, you don’t need to feed them - the fertilizers that were applied during planting will be enough for them. In subsequent seasons, the crop must be fed in a timely manner. What and when? It depends on the age of the strawberry. In the second and fourth years it should be mineral and organic fertilizers; on the third - only mineral ones.

Tip #1. Fertilizers should be applied directly under the bushes, adding two centimeters of soil, and between the rows to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Then water the bushes thoroughly.

You can also carry out three foliar feedings:

  1. On young leaves.
  2. During flowering.
  3. According to the ovaries.

What are the benefits of yeast feeding of strawberries?

Spring feeding should not be neglected

Relatively recently it became known that yeast perfectly fertilizes all types of plants. They contain ¾ water and ¼ dry matter. In addition, they contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nitrogen, potassium and phosphoric acid. Proteins contain amino acids, fats contain saturated and polyunsaturated acids.

Strawberries fed with yeast receive much needed cytokinin, auxin, thiamine, and B vitamins. In addition, this berry is enriched with all macro- and microelements - copper, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, so it develops and bears fruit well.

You can feed strawberries with yeast twice a season. One 5-liter bucket is enough for 10 bushes. A pack of yeast weighing 1 kilogram is diluted with 5 liters of water. 0.5 liters of the mixture is poured under the bush. Fertilizing with dry yeast is done as follows: 1 packet and 2 tablespoons of sugar are diluted in a small amount of warm water and the mixture is added to a bucket of water. Leave for 2 hours.

Iodine as a spring fertilizer for strawberries

Regular iodine can prevent some strawberry diseases if just a few drops are added to the fertilizing solution. Iodine is an antiseptic, therefore it is able to prevent the occurrence of various bacterial diseases and rot in plants. For watering and spraying, use a 10% alcohol solution of iodine.

Strawberries are fed with iodine in early spring to stimulate growth and to prevent gray rot and powdery mildew.

The crop is also sprayed over the leaves with iodine solution. The iodine concentration for foliar feeding should be less, otherwise the plant can be burned.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with saltpeter

Strawberries need nitrogen fertilizers for good growth and flowering, as well as for producing bright red large berries with excellent taste. If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves will become pale and the berries will turn out small and tasteless. Nitrogen is found in ammonium nitrate and urea (urea). Nitrate here acts as a fertilizer together with ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate.

Tip #2. If you don’t have time to add the necessary minerals one by one, you can use nitroammophoska.

Strawberries are fertilized for the first time in early spring. A solution consisting of ammonium nitrate and urea (1 tablespoon), diluted in 10 liters of water, is poured under each strawberry bush (0.5 liters). We must remember that an excess of this fertilizer leads to a loss of sugar in the berry.

  • Potassium fertilizers are also important for strawberries. They increase its shelf life, improve its taste, and increase its sugar content.
  • In spring, strawberries need to be fed with potassium nitrate, wood ash, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate. Suitable for this are so-called fertilizers - mineral substances that need to be mixed into the soil to saturate the soil with nutrients. Inorganic fats are:

nitrogen: with ammonium nitrate, urea;

potassium: with potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.

During the second spring feeding, strawberries can be fed with the following fertilizer: 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water. You can feed strawberries at the roots, or directly on the plant using liquid fertilizers.

Urea for proper strawberry fertilization This fertilizer is suitable for all types of soil. Urea (urea) ensures a healthy harvest due to its high nitrogen content. When using it, the main thing is to follow the dosage. If you add more than necessary, the berries may become tasteless and watery.

If the dosage is exceeded, strawberry leaves curl and turn dark brown.

Nettle contains potassium (34%), magnesium (6%), calcium (37%), vitamins A, B, E, K, phytoncides, tannins, organic substances. All of them are useful for the full development and growth of strawberries. They are easily digestible. Vitamin K is involved in photosynthesis and improves plant immunity.

Nettle is used in the form of an infusion - fermented plant mass. How to cook it? Young nettle leaves and stems should be placed in a (non-metallic) barrel, filled with water and left to ferment for a week or two, stirring daily without fail. The resulting mixture is diluted with water: half a liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. This mixture is poured over strawberries.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

You can prepare the following solution: for 10 liters of water, take 3 grams of potassium manganese and 2 grams of boric acid and add the fertilizers used during planting. It is good to feed strawberries with this mixture before flowering. When the first flowers appear, the amount of ingredients should be halved by adding 2 grams of potassium sulfate to the mixture.

When to feed strawberries

In three years, strawberries completely deplete the soil on which they grow. Therefore, to ensure a good harvest, you need to either feed the plants or transplant them to a new place. Read also the article: → “”. The first option is preferable, as it takes less effort and time. The approximate portions of fertilization on sod-podzolic soils for strawberries are shown in the table:

Soil supply Compost (manure), t/ha Nitrogen (N), kg in/ha Phosphorus (P2O5), kg d./ha Potassium (K2O) kg d./ha
Low 60-80 50-60 100 80-120
Average 40-50 30-40 80-60 50-80
High 30 10-20 40 25-40

If your strawberries are more than 3 years old, then they need to be fed three times to ensure a good harvest:

  • when the first leaves appear;
  • when the buds appear;
  • when the ovaries appear.

The most suitable time for the first feeding - depending on the climatic region - is mid-to-late April.

First of all, remove debris from the beds - branches, leaves, etc. Spread manure, chicken droppings or mullein in a very thin layer around the roots of the seedlings (the soil should be visible through the top dressing), and cover the top with soil fertilizers 2 centimeters high.

The third feeding is carried out before the berries set. During this period, the best feeding is an infusion of weeds. It is done like this: weed the beds, chop up the weeds and fill a bucket with them; fill them with water and let them brew for a week in a warm room; Strain the mixture, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and water the strawberry bushes at the root (1 liter per bush). Some gardeners add yeast to this feeding (200 grams per 10 liters of mixture). But you should not do this, since this will not particularly affect the growth of the berries, but the soil will become rocky.

How to feed strawberries with folk remedies

Fertilizing the soil is the most necessary for the plant, both before planting and during growth, and is a mandatory care item

In addition to ready-made industrial fertilizers, summer residents use folk remedies to fertilize strawberries. Everyone knows how important organic material is for plants - manure humus, chicken droppings, peat, herbal infusions and even food waste. All these fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is needed to make strawberries large, sweet and juicy.

Tip #3. Chicken manure is used in liquid form: 1 liter of manure per 10 liters of water. This solution must be infused for three days, otherwise the plants can be burned.

Strawberries can be fertilized with fermented milk products - for example, whey. Milk contains more than 19 beneficial amino acids, as well as minerals, calcium, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The most beneficial environment for the development and fruiting of strawberries is slightly acidic soil. And it is in this sense that fermented milk products are the most correct solution, since they create such soil. They are recommended to be used together with manure, humus and ash. It is good to spray strawberries with milk - this will repel pests from them - aphids, mites.

Fertilizers from bread have a very good effect on the growth and development of strawberries. They are prepared simply: dried bread is soaked until fermentation in water - ripening will occur after about 6-10 days. This solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Yeast will create favorable conditions for strawberries to grow. In addition, the yeast fungus acidifies the soil, and the berries receive the necessary nutrition and become large.

It is advisable to feed strawberries with herbal infusions several times a season. In addition to nettle, burdock, mint, wormwood, and various garden weeds are suitable for this. It’s good to add onion peels to them. All this is put in a net and lowered into a barrel of water. Cover with a lid and leave for one to two weeks. The resulting infusion is poured under the roots of the strawberries. This fertilizer provides the strawberry bushes with the substances necessary for full growth and fruiting.

Experienced gardeners advise periodically spraying strawberry bushes with warm dandelion infusion (500 grams per 10 liters of water).

This helps to destroy pathogens and insect pests. As an alternative - garlic infusion (200 grams of garlic per bucket of water).

Benefits of mulch for strawberries

  • This is a very effective and economical way to feed strawberries. Its advantages:
  • firstly, there is no need to remove weeds from the beds;
  • secondly, the berries remain healthy and clean;
  • thirdly, the soil remains moist for a long time, so you can water the plants less often.

Fourthly, after rain a crust does not form on the soil, which means its looseness remains.

“Question-answer” section

There are many different fertilizers that you can either buy in a special store or use folk, time-tested methods. Question No. 1.

How to increase strawberry harvest?

Feed the strawberries with live yeast: 2 packs per 10 liters of water. Or humates. If they do not contain iodine, then add 10 drops per 10 liters of water. Today, bags of iodized humates are sold, the contents of which must be diluted according to the instructions. Iodine protects plants from insects. You can also mulch strawberry beds with well-rotted manure. Question No. 2.

What to do to prevent berries from lying on the ground?

To prevent strawberries from getting dirty, the soil around the bushes after flowering should be covered with fresh sawdust, then watered with a solution of ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water, and then watered with clean water. Question No. 3.

Why did the strawberries dry out?

First, when making the beds, put drip irrigation under the film, and only then plant the strawberries. Be sure to pay attention to ensure that the heart does not die, but also does not protrude too much. After planting, treat the beds with Epin. If the heart has dried out, new bushes can be planted in this place. It is advisable to trim the foliage after planting for better rooting without damaging the heart. Do not cover the top with film! a very popular berry among gardeners and gardeners. To get a good harvest of sweet berries, it needs to be fertilized, especially in the spring.

Let's take a closer look at: when is it best to fertilize strawberries for the first time, and when for the second; how to feed strawberries in spring and how to do it, what spring fertilizing gives.

After winter, strawberries begin a phase of active development. In spring, to build up vegetative mass, plants will need nitrogen.

For the development of the root system you need phosphorus. AND potassium needed for laying the generative organs of strawberries.

Some argue that the first fertilizing should be done immediately after the snow has gone. But this is not true, since in cold soil nutrients are not absorbed by the root system of plants.

First spring feeding of strawberries should be carried out when the soil is warm enough, approximately 10-15 degrees.

At this temperature, the root system begins to actively take up the added nutrients.

What is the best way to feed strawberries in the spring?

Some say that it is best to feed with organic fertilizers, others advise only with mineral fertilizers. It would be correct to choose the golden mean, because you will not get the desired yield with organic matter alone.

Also, excessive application of mineral fertilizers leads to the destruction of soil microflora, when microorganisms beneficial to plants die, and fertility is lost.

Only dosed use of mineral fertilizers with a combination of organic fertilizers will give the desired result.

Composition of fertilizers for the first fertilizing of strawberries in spring: 30 g of nitroammophoska, 25-30 ml of Viva Valagro - dilute everything in 10 liters of water.

Nitroammofoska first soak in water in a small glass until dissolved, then pour into a bucket.

Pour approximately 100-150 grams of prepared complex fertilizer under each strawberry bush. The next feeding is carried out at the beginning of the formation of berries.

Second feeding of strawberries in spring

Spring feeding of strawberries is carried out a second time 20 days after the first feeding. This type of fertilizing is necessary to enlarge the berries.

The bushes are already laying berries and blooming profusely. At this stage, it is not advisable to use mineral fertilizers; we will use potassium humate and wood ash.

Prepare the solution as follows: for 10 liters of water, 1 glass (200 g) of wood ash, leave for 1 hour.

Dilute potassium humate 1 tsp. for 50 liters of water. Easier first in 200 ml dilute 1 tsp., and then add 40 ml of the prepared potassium humate solution to a bucket of wood ash.

Thanks to the use of potassium humate, the development of soil microorganisms improves, fertility increases, humic acids in the composition of humate have a beneficial effect on soil microflora.

Why is it now better to use potassium humate rather than sodium humate, because the latter drug is used more for the development of the root system, and we need good setting and enlargement of the berries.

Mix the solution well and pour 0.5 liters of solution for each bush.

After such feeding, strawberries will delight you with an abundance of berries.

Video - Strawberries - fertilizing for enlarging berries

Wishing you great strawberry harvests!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Sweet and juicy strawberries are the weakness of many. It is tasty and healthy. Its cultivation is possible on different soils. For good fruit development, it must be fed. For this purpose, strawberry fertilizers are widely used to promote the growth of the berry crop and its active fruiting. Find out in what proportions, when and how to use fertilizer for it.

When to fertilize strawberries

You can prepare for the new gardening season already when the last snow melts. When fertilizer is introduced on time, new buds form faster. Not every garden or vegetable garden has fertile soil. If the soil has not been fertilized for a long time and is already depleted, you can’t even dream of a rich harvest. Regular feeding is necessary for both the soil and the bushes themselves. At the same time, special care is required when processing remontant varieties of berries. They are more susceptible to feeding than other species. For this reason, they are fertilized at weekly intervals.

Feeding stages

The fertilizer is used in three stages: after winter at the beginning of the gardening season, during the fruiting period and in the fall. For the first time, strawberries are fed in order to timely stimulate the growth of young shoots and first leaves. The procedure is carried out in late April - early May. The treatment is repeated in July. The second feeding of strawberries promotes the formation of new roots and buds. The first fruits will be in July. Fertilize for the third time in mid-September. Feeding during this period is necessary to prepare the crop for wintering.

How to feed strawberries

Fertilizers for berry crops are mineral, organic and complex. Mineral fertilizers are synthetic substances developed in laboratories. The most popular among them are urea, saltpeter, sulfates, and diammophos. They contain micro- and macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese). There are many enterprises involved in the production of mineral fertilizers (Gumi-Omi, Agricol, Fertika, Akron, KhimAgroProm).

Organic fertilizers for strawberries are substances of natural origin. These include:

  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • ash;
  • spoiled milk;
  • yeast;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • weeds.

It should be understood that using organic matter will not bring large fruits, but they are absolutely harmless to people. In addition, the application of such natural fertilizers does not require restrictions in proportions: they can be fed to the plant in any quantity. The fruit crop will absorb as many useful substances as it requires.

Complex fertilizers are designed to combine the effects of mineral and organic substances. Ready-made options are produced, including potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium (“Berry ovary for strawberries”, “Ryazanochka”, etc.). Among the wide variety of drugs of this type produced today, preference should be given to those in which the percentage of nitrogen is greater than all other components.

Organic fertilizers

Feeding with substances of natural origin helps to obtain a rich harvest without harm to human health, plants and soil. In addition, the use of organics will be much cheaper than the purchase of mineral or complex preparations. Each type of natural feeding has its own characteristics and advantages.

Manure (cow) is a mixture of straw, hay and animal excrement. It has long been used as a top dressing for soil and various crops (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Manure as a fertilizer for strawberries is the best option for feeding in the spring before the plant begins to flower. It is prepared as follows: dilute 2 cups of manure with 10 liters of water and add 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate. All components are mixed until smooth. The area under each bush is watered with this slurry (1 liter).

Benefits of using cow dung:

  • accessibility and low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • saturating the soil and berry crops with essential microelements and other beneficial substances;
  • reducing the acidity of clay soil under the influence of manure.

Humus is completely decomposed manure. It is considered the best top dressing in the spring. Humus is used at the rate of 5 kg per 1 square meter of bed area. It can be used during planting for subsequent crop care. To obtain humus, you should spread the manure with weeds. Fertilizer for strawberries will be ready in 7 months. The benefits of humus are:

  • saturation of plants with useful substances and microelements in an easily digestible form;
  • positive effect on the soil - soil saturated with humus creates a favorable environment for the rapid and proper development of berry crops;
  • long-lasting feeding effect - humus nourishes the plant and the soil throughout the year.

Chicken manure is used as nitrogen fertilizer. It is prepared as follows: take 20 parts of water for one part of poultry organic matter. The resulting solution is infused for 3 days and 0.5 liters of the mixture is poured under each berry bush. Chicken manure is widely used among gardeners due to its availability and effective effect on the growth and development of berries.

An excellent supplement is sour milk (sourdough). This fact is confirmed by the statement of experienced gardeners that slightly acidic soil has a beneficial effect on productivity. To normalize the acidity level of the soil, you can add sour milk to it. Its difference from other organics is the method of application: the fertilizing is not poured under the root, but a little further from it (about 7-10 cm from the bush) or the spraying method is used.

Fertilizer for strawberries is prepared as follows: the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2. Plants are fed at the beginning of the summer season, then after harvest and in the fall. Advantages of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of open ground with a storehouse of useful substances and microelements (sulfur, calcium, etc.);
  • significant increase in yield and fruiting time;
  • rapid plant growth;
  • increasing the protective forces of berry crops against pests and diseases.


Regular yeast is an affordable and easy-to-prepare fertilizer. This iodized product is beneficial for the plant. The feeding solution can be prepared as follows: 1 kg of yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting concentration should be diluted again with water before use. For 0.5 liters of yeast solution you need 10 liters of water. After re-preparing the mixture, it is necessary to treat the plant. For 10 bushes 0.5 liters of solution will be used. They pour it right under the bushes.

If you only have dry yeast in bags on hand, then prepare the solution as follows: take one bag of the product and two tablespoons of sugar for one bucket of water. To begin with, the yeast is diluted in a glass of warm water, then granulated sugar is added to the solution and stirred until completely dissolved. Afterwards, the contents of the glass are poured into a bucket of water. Let it brew for 2 hours. After this time, the nutrient solution is ready for use. The advantages of using yeast include:

  • valuable composition of the product (iodine, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.);
  • stimulating culture growth;
  • significant increase in plant productivity;
  • strengthening roots;
  • positive effect on the condition of the soil due to its saturation with beneficial microorganisms;
  • increasing plant adaptation to new conditions after transplantation and disease resistance.

It is advisable to feed the berries with yeast 2-3 times during the summer season. The product is used at the beginning of the season, again during the flowering period and after harvesting. For all its advantages, it also has disadvantages. It can only be used in warm weather. In cool weather, fermentation does not occur and the process stops.


Wood ash contains a significant amount of useful microelements. This folk remedy is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron and many other nutrients necessary for plant growth and development. To use it, you need to introduce dry ash into the furrows of the beds. Powder should be poured at the rate of 150 grams per 1 linear meter. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to mix ash with peat. This fertilizer has one drawback: ash cannot be used with urea. The advantages of using wood ash are:

  • availability;
  • stimulation of berry crop growth;
  • saturating the soil with nutrients and improving its structure;
  • increasing productivity;
  • improving the taste of fruits.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

The taste and external qualities of strawberries only benefit from the use of mineral fertilizers. The berries grow large, bright, sweet and juicy. The use of minerals requires caution and strict adherence to proportions. Excessive doses can harm not only the plant, but also human health. The deadline for introducing mineral fertilizers is 2 weeks before the plant fruits ripen.

Ammophoska and ammonium nitrate

Strawberries are “fed” in the second year after planting with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 100 g per 10 square meters. This fertilizer is considered the most effective. True, in cases where a lot of organic fertilizer was added to the soil before planting, ammonium will not be needed. If strawberries are planted for the third year in a row, then it is necessary to introduce 10 g of superphosphate, 150 g of ammonium nitrate and 100 g of potassium chloride into the soil.

This volume of fertilizer will be needed for 10 square meters of usable area. The prepared solution is poured under the bushes. The plant itself does not need to be watered. Typically, the soil is fertilized with half of the fertilizer in the spring, and the rest is introduced after harvesting. It is forbidden to increase the dose of nitrate. It is loaded with nitrogen and excessive use can lead to loss of sugar. The berry will be watery and tasteless. In the spring, you can use ammonium nitrate in combination with ammophoska in a ratio of 1:2. Water the product at the rate of 15 g per 1 sq.m. in a liquid solution with water.

Any mineral substance has its advantages and disadvantages. The vast majority of synthetic fertilizers are dangerous when used in large proportions. Nitroammophoska (azophoska) is no exception. It should be used in the correct doses. So, during the period of planting strawberries, two tablespoons of granules of this preparation should be sprinkled on each square meter. In cases where the plant is replanted, nitroammophoska is used immediately after harvesting. Prepare the solution as follows: add 1 tablespoon of fertilizer to 10 liters of water.

It should be remembered that, despite its effectiveness, nitroammophoska is considered one of the dangerous drugs. This synthetic substance must not be used uncontrolled, since this approach can lead to the formation of nitrates in the soil. The fertilizer belongs to the third level of danger: it is highly flammable. Granules of the product can explode. One should not forget about the short shelf life of nitroammophoska.

Complex fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

Ready-made fertilizer for strawberries “Ryazanochka” is very popular among gardeners. It contains micro- and macroelements (nitrogen, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, boron, molybdenum, cobalt). For root feeding, you should prepare a solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of “Ryazanochka” (4 g) per 10 liters of water. The plant must be fed in the morning and evening.

The finished product is used depending on the period of development of the berry crop. So, at the beginning of the vegetative development of strawberries, the solution is watered at the rate of 5 liters per 2–3 sq.m. area. During budding, at the beginning of flowering and active fruiting of the berry, 10 liters of product are consumed for the same area. The last time the plant is “fed” is 2–3 weeks before harvesting.

“Ryazanochka” can also be used using the foliar method. Only in this case, the solution is prepared differently: ½ teaspoon (2 g) is added to 10 liters of water. The resulting product is sprayed on the berry crop in the morning and evening in cloudy but not rainy weather twice during the summer season. The advantages of “Ryazanochka” include the following properties:

  • positive effect on the taste and external qualities of fruits;
  • increasing the yield of berry crops through the use of complex fertilizing;
  • beneficial effect on the resistance of berries to diseases.

Features of feeding in spring

Strawberries should be fertilized in the spring. The further development of the plant and the harvest result largely depend on how correctly this procedure is carried out. It is important to know the feeding scheme for berry crops, and that feeding young strawberries in the spring differs from feeding their adult “relatives”.

How to properly fertilize young plants

There is no urgent need to fertilize young strawberries planted in autumn in early spring. If desired, you can give her additional nutrition, and for this you need to prepare the following solution: add 0.5 liters of manure or bird droppings and 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate to 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is poured under each strawberry bush, 1 liter, no more.

How to feed adult strawberries

Adult plants are fertilized with the same means as young crops, only when loosening the soil, the soil is sprinkled with ash at the rate of 2 cups per square meter of area. An excellent biofertilizer is nettle infusion. Fill a bucket with it, add water and leave for a week (less is possible). The resulting solution is sprayed on the plant at the beginning of the formation of bushes and after harvesting. The use of mullein is effective: for 1 part of it take 5 parts of water and 60 g of superphosphate and 100–150 g, 1 bucket of water. The resulting solution is poured into grooves made along the beds 4–5 cm deep.

Fertilizer for strawberries when planting

The first feeding is carried out in mid-April. For these purposes, mullein or bird droppings are used. When re-feeding, already during the flowering period of the plant, the strawberries are fertilized with mineral agents. And finally, the third, final feeding is carried out using an infusion of weeds. In summer, feeding with liquid manure is good. In autumn, you can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.


Fertilizer for strawberries for feeding

Cultivated large-fruited varieties of strawberries require the closest attention. To get the maximum number of berries from each bush, it is not enough just to plant and water a well-proven variety. Without fertilizing and proper care, the berries will sooner or later become crushed and lose their inherent sweetness.

How often and how much fertilizer should be applied?

The most frequent fertilizing is required by young strawberry bushes that are just preparing for their first fruiting. Even before planting them, it is recommended to add 20–30 g per square meter of complex fertilizer intended for use in the soil. This is done during digging, usually in the fall: from late August to early October.

Depending on the growing region, the first berries may fall at the beginning or end of April, when the leaves have not yet fully blossomed. This time should be used to remove unwanted growth remaining from the fall, old dry leaves.

If the soil on a personal plot is extremely poor, fertilizing will be required throughout the entire growing season: during planting, in early spring, during the appearance of flower stalks, during flowering, fruiting and after its end. When the soil is sufficiently fertilized and the strawberries have already yielded fruit several times, you can limit yourself to three main feedings: in April, July (after fruiting) and September.

How and what to fertilize

Industry today produces a variety of complex fertilizers, but none of them compares with organic matter. The berry needs both mineral and organic supplements. It is only important to know at what time to apply them so that it benefits the plant. So, at the beginning of the growing season, strawberries will need nitrogen for growth and flowering. Additional application in the fall will allow you to get a good harvest next year. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are also applied twice: deeper in the fall (for digging), and in the spring, covering them shallowly. Potassium promotes the production of sweet berries, and superphosphate is necessary for the full development of the root system.

Wood ash can be successfully used as a replacement for potassium mineral fertilizer (urea). It is permissible to mix ash with nitrogen fertilizer immediately before application, but storing them in a mixed state is harmful. This will destroy nitrogen. Any mineral fertilizers can be replaced with manure or chicken droppings, which are diluted with water. Poultry manure requires a dilution of 1:10, and cow manure 1:4. With a low organic content, you can get deformed berries, which is a sign of boron deficiency.

During the period of active flowering and fruiting, mineral supplements are completely useless. At this time, it is necessary to promptly remove the whiskers, which take the lion's share of nutrients from the berry, weed, loosen the soil and water. It is better if strawberries are watered at the root throughout the entire growing season. Sprinkling leads to gray mold disease. From above you can spray the bushes with a 2% solution of Bordeaux mixture. This will eliminate or prevent pest infestations.

It is important to comply with the norms of applied fertilizers, because excess nitrogen in the fall can negatively affect the winter hardiness of strawberries, and excess potassium fertilizers can contribute to an increase in chlorine in the soil, which is also detrimental to the berries.