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Extracurricular event in the library “Day of consent and reconciliation. One Hundred Years of the Great October Socialist Revolution." Extracurricular event "100 years of the February Revolution" Scenarios for the anniversary of the 1917 revolution

Extracurricular event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution

The hymn “God Save the Tsar!” is played.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear colleagues, students, guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our event dedicated to a memorable date in Russian history - the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution. The year 1917 was a turning point in the fate of Russia. The people, driven to despair, took up arms and put an end to the autocracy.

The reader comes out: Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Prediction” (excerpt)

The year will come, Russia's black year,
When the kings crown falls;
The mob will forget their former love for them,
And the food of many will be death and blood...

Waltz “Amur Waves” (3 pairs)

Dancing couples freeze in goodbye (remain on stage)

The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: The brilliant balls and measured lifestyle of the elite of Russian society were interrupted by the First World War, which turned into an unprecedented catastrophe for our country.

The couples leave.

Presenter 2: At the beginning of the war in 1914, the air was saturated with inspired, patriotic thoughts and a feeling of unity between the authorities and the people. The soldiers went on the attack with the words “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!”

On the slides are photos of the first days of the war.

Performance of a romance by Sofia Gorchakova (clip from the film “Hero”)

Reader 1

The Petrograd sky was clouded with rain,

The train was leaving for the war.

Without end - platoon after platoon and bayonet after bayonet

Filled the car behind the car.

On this train a thousand lives bloomed

The pain of separation, the anxiety of love,

Strength, youth, hope... In the sunset distance

There were smoky clouds in the blood.

Reader 2.

And, sitting down, they sang Varyag alone,

And others are not in tune - Ermak,

And they shouted hurray and they joked,

And the hand quietly crossed itself.

Reader 3

Suddenly a falling leaf flew up in the wind,

Swinging, the lantern began to blink,

And under the black cloud a cheerful bugler

The departure signal began to play.

And the horn cried with military glory,

Filling my heart with anxiety.

Reader 4

Don't save me, dear,
In a fatal battle,
You keep without leaving,
My homeland.
Give her glory, give her strength -
Here is my prayer.
I'll go to my grave without a murmur
I'll lie down if it's fate.

Watch the video (5:49)

Photos from 1916 - early 1917

Presenter 1: At the beginning of 1917, the situation in the country became explosive. Defeats on the fronts, rising prices, government miscalculations, criticism of the tsar led Russia to the inevitable - the idea of ​​overthrowing the monarchy.


A. Blok

Those born in the year are deaf

They don’t remember their own paths.

We are children of the terrible years of Russia -

I can't forget anything.

Sizzling years!

Is there madness in you, is there hope?

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -

There is a bloody glow in the faces.

There is muteness - then the sound of the alarm

He forced me to stop my mouth.

In hearts that were once delighted,

There is a fatal emptiness.

And let over our deathbed

The crow will screech, -

Those who are more worthy, God, God,

Let them see your kingdom!

Presenter 1: Petrograd was buzzing. There was not enough food, city residents destroyed shops and stores. On February 18, a strike began at the Putilov plant, workers demanded higher wages. The administration refused, and more than 30 thousand workers were fired. This became the reason for mass protests.

Demonstrations with slogans: “Bread!”, “Bring back your husbands!”

Presenter 2nd : On February 23, a column of demonstrators was led by women who demanded bread and the return of men from the front.

Demonstrations with slogans: “Down with the monarchy!”, “Down with war!”

Presenter 1: On February 25, economic strikes developed into a general political strike, held under the slogans “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with war!” More than 300 thousand people took part in it.

Demonstrators leave

Presenter 2: Emperor Nicholas II sent a telegram from Headquarters in Mogilev: “I command you to stop the unrest in the capital tomorrow!”

Scene. Nicholas II is sitting at his desk reading (with a thoughtful expression on his face, a slow, confused voice) a telegram from the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko

“The situation is serious. There is anarchy in the capital. The government is paralyzed (pause) There is indiscriminate shooting in the streets. It is necessary to entrust a person enjoying the confidence of the country to form a new government. We must not hesitate... I pray to God that at this hour the responsibility does not fall on the crown bearer... Answer (writes): “I command the State Duma to be dissolved!”

The anthem “Working Marseillaise” sounds (0:53)

Presenter 1: February 27. The rebels captured the Arsenal, train stations, the most important government institutions, and freed political and criminal prisoners from prisons. We took possession of the Winter Palace.

Reader 1.

Revolution is the roar of the streets,
it is the tramp of crowds read aloud.
Only in a revolution can you face bullets,
winnowing them away with my breasts like fluff.

Reader 2.

Revolution is souls wide open!
The heart has knocked down all the grievances,
and into empty ribs, no matter how blinding your eyes are,
the sky is filled with lumps of blue.

Reader 3.

Revolution is a holiday for the idle,
To those who were out of work - hello:
only in the revolution for the cause of execution,
There are no executions for idleness!

Presenter 1: On February 28, Nicholas II left headquarters for the Tsar’s village; on the night of March 1, he was informed that the railway tracks were occupied by rebel troops.

Presenter 2: “The situation apparently does not allow for any other solution,” the high military command responded to the question about the abdication of Nicholas II. The Emperor was shocked. On March 2, he signed an act of abdication in favor of his brother Mikhail.

The slide shows the distribution of newspapers with news about the abdication of Nicholas II

Wide wide, wide open
Royal Doors!
The blackness faded away, subsided.
Pure heat
The altar is burning.
- Christ is Risen,
Yesterday's king!

Fell without glory
Double headed eagle.
- Tsar! - You were wrong.
Will be remembered by posterity
More than once again -
Byzantine treachery
Your clear eyes.

Your judges -
Thunderstorm and storm!
Tsar! Not people -
God has sought you.

Presenter 1st : On March 3, Mikhail abdicated the throne and declared that the fate of the country should be decided by the Constituent Assembly.

Presenter 2: The monarchy has fallen. Nicholas II and his family were initially under arrest in Tsarskoe Selo, and in August 1917 they were sent into exile in Tobolsk. A dual power was established in the country: the Provisional Government headed by Prince Lvov and the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.


A mighty power, a boundless ocean!
Glory to the freedom fighters who dispelled the fog!
Long live Russia, a free country!
The free element is destined to be great!
Forests, fields, and fields, and steppes, and seas,
We are free and happy, the dawn is burning for us all!
Long live Russia, a free country!
The free element is destined to be great!

Presenter 1: However, the end of the February Revolution and the abdication of the Tsar did not mark the end of the tragic events in Russia.

Presenter 2nd. New shocks awaited Russia - the October Revolution, a bloody civil war.

Song " Prayer of the Royal Family"

9th grade students stand on stage with candles.

Presenter 1. Our event was honored by the presence of the rector of the Church of the Intercession in the village of Atyuryevo, Archpriest Father Sergius. We give him the floor.

Speech by Father Sergius

Presenter 2. Our event has come to an end. Thank you for your attention!

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Saratov region "Krasnokutsk Polytechnic Lyceum" Thematic concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. “We all come from the land of the Soviets!” History teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO "KPL" Shtyrenko Z.I. Red Kut 2017

Scenario for a thematic concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution “We all come from the land of the Soviets!” Author and presenter: Zulfiya Islyamovna Shtyrenko, teacher of history and social studies, Krasnokutsk Polytechnic Lyceum Goals:  to create for students a holistic picture of the events of the October Revolution;  promote correct moral and ethical understanding of the events of 1917;  development of historical thinking;  cultivate a sense of patriotism and respect for the historical past of our Motherland;  continue to develop information and communication competencies.  development of the need for spiritual and moral qualities and creative abilities;  formation of a harmoniously developed personality Objectives:  to promote the unity of student and engineering-pedagogical teams through the inclusion of all students and teachers of the lyceum in joint creative activities;  contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children;  develop initiative, reveal the creative abilities of students. Form: themed concert Design and equipment:

 photo slides  video accompaniment  musical accompaniment;  projector, screen, computer  pioneer paraphernalia

Progress of the event The concert opens with a short video about the revolution. Screensaver on the screen Presenter: Good afternoon to everyone gathered in this room. I think you have already guessed why we have all gathered here today. Today, November 7, our country celebrates the centenary of the October Revolution. We are moving further and further away from this historical milestone. We call the Great October Revolution an event of the last century. And the further we move away from this event, the less we understand why and why the revolution was needed. Our event will be held today in an unusual way, in a new format. A sort of skit. We will all be leading today. After all, each of you has something to tell the younger generation about what kind of holiday this is, how Soviet people celebrated it in the country, how this holiday was celebrated in your family, because we all come from the Soviet Union! And everyone will find something to remember! And first I want to give the floor to Mikhail Yuryevich, a short historical excursion from him. The floor is given to the director

Poem (read by the student) Remember, comrade, the seventeenth year, And there was no more memorable year, When the war-weary people went into battle and freedom for truth, Then there were no barriers for the people, And neither the machinations of the Entente nor the furious hail led them astray from the right road , From bullets and shrapnel, and the hearts of the fighters were then harder than lead, After all, their hearts were made of steel, Their courage and hardness knew no end, They fought for you! Host: Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers entered life at different times. Some came of age in the first days of the revolution, others mowed down the White Guards with fire, flying on winged carts in the smoke of the civil war, erected the first power plants, built collective farms, others walked through the flames and cold of the Great Patriotic War. And now the next issue is about them! The song “Two Eagles”, on the screen a video clip with footage from the movie “Quiet Don” Presenter: After the revolution, the civil war continued for several years. Resistance on both sides. White and red... so many broken destinies, destroyed families... As in any war, this one had its partisans. And among them were children. And now we want to invite a hero from everyone’s favorite movie! Yashkatsygan comes out, Musical production, splash screen on the screen

Question from T.A. Fomina, did she recognize the hero and what movie he was from. Fomina T.A. tells about how the holiday was celebrated in her family. Host: The civil war is over, but Basmachi gangs are still operating in Central Asia, liquidated by Soviet power only in the 1930s, although individual battles and clashes continued until 1942. A little about that time in the next issue! The song “The East is a delicate matter, Petrukha”, with video accompaniment. After the song, the screen saver on the screen changes. Host: How did the country develop after the Revolution? New books, poems, songs, paintings, films appear. NEP, Pioneers, Komsomol. People were building a new life! And the leader of the proletariat was V.I. Lenin! An excerpt from S. Yesenin’s poem “Captain of the Earth” (read by Alikova O.Yu.) No one has yet ruled the planet, And my song has not been sung to anyone. As soon as he, with his hand raised, said that the world is one family. I am not seduced by Hymns to the hero,

I don’t tremble I lived through the blood pipeline. I am happy that in gloomy times I breathed with him and lived with feelings alone. Not like us, to whom everything is so close, - Even the elephants fall into wonder... How a modest boy from Simbirsk became the helmsman of his country. I. Kobzon’s song “And Lenin is so young,” back-up dancers of the revolutionaries Presenter: In Soviet schools, there was a tradition on the eve of the anniversary of the Great October Revolution, first-graders, yesterday’s preschoolers, were solemnly accepted into the first public organization in their lives, “Octobers.” A ruby ​​star with the image of V. Lenin was pinned on their chest. And now I want to ask our chairman of the veterans council, O.Yu. Shutenko. does she remember how she was received in October? What did Olga Yuryevna feel at this time? Tell us your childhood experiences. Word to the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the KPL Shutenko O.Yu.

Host: Yes, how long ago it was. Admit it, O.Yu., you probably want to go back at least for a moment to that time and again experience that feeling of pride when you are accepted as an October student? And now we will provide you with such an opportunity! I would also like to invite T.A. Fomina to be accepted in October. , Kusherova M.A., Dranichnikova P.G. To the sounds of the October March, KPL students put on October badges for labor veterans. Host: And for the young Octobers, the next issue! Dance “Yablochko” (prepared by Postnaya I.S.), splash screen on the screen. After the dance, the splash screen changes. Presenter: April 22 was considered not only V.I.’s birthday. Lenin, but also the birthday of the pioneer organization, which raised children on the principles of solidarity, patriotism, and high moral standards. The oath taken on the day you joined the pioneers is etched in your memory forever... It was a joyful day when they tied a red tie on you and you saluted: Always ready!

And now I want to ask, does any of the masters and teachers present here in the hall remember how they joined the pioneer organization? Let's tell our students how it was! The floor is given to N.G. Isniyazova. and Tumanova V.N. (they talk about how they were accepted into the pioneers) Host: To join the ranks of the pioneers, it was necessary to study well, be polite, hardworking, responsible, etc., that is, have many positive qualities! And today I offer to join the pioneers to those who did not have time to do this at one time, but have all these positive qualities! Representatives of the younger generation of engineering and teaching staff of our lyceum, who at one time did not have time to join the ranks of pioneers, are invited to the stage: Akhmedova A.S., Mishchenko I.S., Gabdusheva E.A., Kotunova I.P., Zhandalieva D.U. ., Karpova O.A., Ilyasova D.B., Bystritsky N.N., Maltseva A.N. While the above-mentioned colleagues take the stage, the screensaver changes. The oath of pioneers is read in chorus. Presenter: And now I invite you to tie pioneer ties for young pioneers counselors on stage: Kovalenko I.V., Karamyshev E.V., Pavlova O.A., Tumparova E.V., Filatova S.A., Zhandalieva Z.M., Isniyazova S., Postnaya I.S., Burmistrova N.E., and we appoint Gabdusheva A.G. as chairman of the council of the pioneer squad of the KPL.

The counselors put on caps and tie ties, one participant takes the drum, the second participant takes the bugle. The remaining 10 participants tie ties to the young pioneers. The presenter reads a poem, the pioneers answer: Always ready! Pioneer! Always be brave, don’t throw words to the wind, and test your words with deeds. Be prepared! Always ready! Be cheerful, swim, jump, Light fires among the bushes, But bend your face over a book Be ready! Always ready! Develop both your mind and your hands. Remember: labor will not bear fruit without study, without science. Be ready! Always ready! Marching into life on a victorious march, In the noise of battle and labor, Give a change to the elder heroes. Be ready! Always ready! With a clear and fearless gaze, be able to distinguish between enemies. Stand bravely for your friends Be prepared! Always ready! Always be ready to intervene

For the crippled, orphans and widows And for the truth to stand up like a knight, Be ready! Always ready! Be ready to give all your strength to the glorious Cause of your fathers, to serve your dear Fatherland. Be ready! Always ready The song “Soar with fires”, on the screen there is a video accompaniment with a clip. After the song the screensaver changes. Presenter: And the next step was the Komsomol. Now I want to invite our Komsomol members to the stage: Romanov A.D., Zinchenko M.Yu., Alikova O.Yu., Burmistrova N.E., Kriklivoy A.B., and we appoint Koshkina V.A. as chairman of the Komsomol cell of the KPL. Tell us how you were accepted into the ranks of the Komsomol. The summoned Komsomol members tell their memories and show their Komsomol tickets. Presenter: In our hall there are people who were pioneers, but did not manage to become Komsomol members. Let's give them this opportunity, maybe this is someone's unfulfilled dream! And to join the Komsomol, I invite the following comrades: O.A. Pavlova, I.S. Postnaya, S.A. Filatov, O.V. Vorobzhanskaya, A.S. Ermakova, and I myself would like to join the Komsomol, because I didn’t have time to become one either. Of course, we won’t read the charter now, but

We'll get Komsomol tickets! Now the mentors from our Komsomol cell will give them to us! The presentation of Komsomol tickets is underway to the sound of a bugle. Presenter: and for young Komsomol members the next number! The song “Love, Komsomol and Spring”, a video clip on the screen. After the song the screensaver changes. Presenter: USSR, so much in this one word! International, collective farms, state farms, five-year plans, Stakhanovites, Tselina, BAM, First in space, first in sports, science, first in everything! I suggest watching the video and returning to the Soviet Union for a while, at least not for much longer. I think many sitting in this room will be pleased to remember! And at the same time, we will show the younger generation what this great country was like! Video clip “Made in the USSR” After the clip, the screensaver changes: Poem (read by teacher of Russian language and literature Martynova E.S.)

We come from the country of the Soviets, Where everyone had enough joy and light, Where everyone had enough peace and kindness, And tomorrow seemed better to us than yesterday! There we believed in communism as in God, little by little we walked in step with it. And let them laugh that we were naive, But we sincerely loved from the bottom of our hearts... We needed friendship like air. That’s why it warms us even now! And neither money nor fences will separate us - We know: “A friend is hope and support!” And if life suddenly hits you, an old friend will always lend a shoulder. Soviet children were taught this way in school, so that friendship would be valued from childhood! Host: Yes, we all come from the country of the Soviets! The experience of 1917 taught us to strive for the best, through hard work to build a highly developed, modern democratic state, the main goal of which is to improve the lives of citizens. The history of the country has both light and dark pages. And although this holiday has not been celebrated in our country recently, we must not forget the past! And now there will be a song that you all know! Sing along and don't be shy! The song “My address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union.” Video accompaniment on the screen. Screensaver after the song

Presenter: I would like to express my gratitude to everyone present in this hall for their attention, to everyone who performed, both students and teachers, special thanks, and of course, I would like to express special gratitude to all those who helped in organizing this concert, namely: Matveeva A .IN. and Tumparova E.V. for sewing suits in such a short time, Postnoy I.S. for choreographing dances, Chernyshova S.V., to the golden voice of our lyceum for staging vocals. To our sound engineers and photojournalists, to everyone who provided details for the productions, and of course to the director of the lyceum for moral and financial support! And according to tradition, at the end of the concert we give him the floor! The floor is given to the director of the lyceum.

concert dedicated to the 56th anniversary

Great October Socialist Revolution

Kremlin Palace of Congresses

The lights in the auditorium slowly go out. The orchestra performs a symphonic solemn overture. The main curtain of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses opens.

A fluttering scarlet banner covers the entire mirror of the stage.

Against the background of the banner is a male choir.

An invisible brass band and a male choir perform the 1905 song “Boldly, comrades, in step.”

While the last verse of the song is still being heard, a poetic text about 1917 - the Great October Revolution - is heard on the radio.

The number “1917” appears on the banner at the full height of the stage.

End of song and lyrics. A volley of guns.

A scarlet banner flies upward. The legendary Aurora is on stage. Baltic sailors are lined up along the side. A revolutionary song is being sung.

A special curtain in which the screen is mounted is lowered, and on the screen there is a large slide: “Decree on Peace.”

Against its background, a singer and a group of women’s choirs perform a song dedicated to the decree of peace, the Great Lenin. This theme is continued by a scene from the play “Man with a Gun” (Reading of the Decree). The scene is in costumes and makeup. The background will be the silhouette of Smolny.

On the curtain covering this scene is a slide of the Kremlin's Kutafyev Tower (the image is black and white). There is a double-headed eagle on the spire. A poetic text begins about the move of the Soviet government to the new capital of the state - Moscow...

On the screen there is a memorial plaque: “In 1918, the Great Lenin entered the Kremlin through these gates.” The black and white image of the Kutafyev Tower is replaced by a color image, and now there is a ruby ​​star on the spire.

The moss folk choir itself sings a song about Moscow.

On the screen, in the rhythm and character of the song, landscapes of old Moscow in black and white are replaced by color photographs of modern MOSCOW.

For example, the old Okhotny Ryad (black and white image) - Marx Avenue (color image).

And again the text says that Moscow has been guarding the world for many decades and the voice of our Party can be heard far beyond the Kremlin.

Quotes are read from the law prohibiting war propaganda. On the screen is a slide of the first page of the Pravda newspaper with the decision of the XXIV Party Congress.

There are film documents on the screen telling about the popular support for these decisions.

Following the film documents of our country are film documents of manifestations, meetings and demonstrations of supporters of peace throughout the world, and excerpts from the speeches of delegates of the Congress of Peace Forces are broadcast on the radio.

In the background of the recording is S. Tulikov’s song “We all peoples take an oath for peace...”

On stage, a group of masters of artistic expression performs a montage of poems by Soviet poets. Montage theme: Peace on earth is the main achievement of the era. Peace on earth is the happiness of nations. Peace on earth is the flourishing of national cultures and brotherhood of peoples.

As proof and confirmation - on stage is the State Folk Choir of the Belarusian SSR; Kazakh artist B. Tulegenova with a group of musicians; Ukrainian group "Tavria"; masters of Soviet ballet from the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR; Georgian song and dance ensemble; vocal quartet of the State Academic Choir of the Estonian SSR and other performers representing the art of the peoples of our country.

Carrying out the decisions of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, Soviet people are working - each at his post.

Carrying out the tasks of the third decisive year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, we are fighting for peace.

Our Party fights for peace, tirelessly and hourly.

A flying plane appears in the center of the screen, inscribed in the relief of the map of the Soviet Union. He smoothly lands on the ground. On the ladder L. I. Brezhnev. Jubilant masses of people welcome the distinguished guest.

Again the center of the screen, again the plane. N.V. Podgorny gets off the plane. Another plane - this is A. N. Kosygin arriving on a friendship visit.

And again the people meeting them, again banners and posters with greetings written in different languages ​​of the world.

The concert ends with a song about Lenin's part, performed by the united choir of all its participants.

Extracurricular event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution

The hymn “God Save the Tsar!” is played.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear colleagues, students, guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our event dedicated to a memorable date in Russian history - the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution. The year 1917 was a turning point in the fate of Russia. The people, driven to despair, took up arms and put an end to the autocracy.

The reader comes out: Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Prediction” (excerpt)

The year will come, Russia's black year,
When the kings crown falls;
The mob will forget their former love for them,
And the food of many will be death and blood...

Waltz “Amur Waves” (3 pairs)

Dancing couples freeze in goodbye (remain on stage)

The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: The brilliant balls and measured lifestyle of the elite of Russian society were interrupted by the First World War, which turned into an unprecedented catastrophe for our country.

The couples leave.

Presenter 2: At the beginning of the war in 1914, the air was saturated with inspired, patriotic thoughts and a feeling of unity between the authorities and the people. The soldiers went on the attack with the words “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!”

On the slides are photos of the first days of the war.

Performance of a romance by Sofia Gorchakova (clip from the film “Hero”)

Reader 1

The Petrograd sky was clouded with rain,

The train was leaving for the war.

Without end - platoon after platoon and bayonet after bayonet

Filled the car behind the car.

On this train a thousand lives bloomed

The pain of separation, the anxiety of love,

Strength, youth, hope... In the sunset distance

There were smoky clouds in the blood.

Reader 2.

And, sitting down, they sang Varyag alone,

And others are not in tune - Ermak,

And they shouted hurray and they joked,

And the hand quietly crossed itself.

Reader 3

Suddenly a falling leaf flew up in the wind,

Swinging, the lantern began to blink,

And under the black cloud a cheerful bugler

The departure signal began to play.

And the horn cried with military glory,

Filling my heart with anxiety.

Reader 4

Don't save me, dear,
In a fatal battle,
You keep without leaving,
My homeland.
Give her glory, give her strength -
Here is my prayer.
I'll go to my grave without a murmur
I'll lie down if it's fate.

Watch the video (5:49)

Photos from 1916 - early 1917

Presenter 1: At the beginning of 1917, the situation in the country became explosive. Defeats on the fronts, rising prices, government miscalculations, criticism of the tsar led Russia to the inevitable - the idea of ​​overthrowing the monarchy.


A. Blok

Those born in the year are deaf

They don’t remember their own paths.

We are children of the terrible years of Russia -

I can't forget anything.

Sizzling years!

Is there madness in you, is there hope?

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -

There is a bloody glow in the faces.

There is muteness - then the sound of the alarm

He forced me to stop my mouth.

In hearts that were once delighted,

There is a fatal emptiness.

And let over our deathbed

The crow will screech, -

Those who are more worthy, God, God,

Let them see your kingdom!

Presenter 1: Petrograd was buzzing. There was not enough food, city residents destroyed shops and stores. On February 18, a strike began at the Putilov plant, workers demanded higher wages. The administration refused, and more than 30 thousand workers were fired. This became the reason for mass protests.

Demonstrations with slogans: “Bread!”, “Bring back your husbands!”

Presenter 2nd : On February 23, a column of demonstrators was led by women who demanded bread and the return of men from the front.

Demonstrations with slogans: “Down with the monarchy!”, “Down with war!”

Presenter 1: On February 25, economic strikes developed into a general political strike, held under the slogans “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with war!” More than 300 thousand people took part in it.

Demonstrators leave

Presenter 2: Emperor NicholasIIsent a telegram from Headquarters in Mogilev: “I command you to stop the riots in the capital tomorrow!”

Scene . Nikolay II sitting at his desk reading (with a thoughtful expression on his face, a slow, confused voice) a telegram from the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko

“The situation is serious. There is anarchy in the capital. The government is paralyzed (pause) There is indiscriminate shooting in the streets. It is necessary to entrust a person enjoying the confidence of the country to form a new government. We must not hesitate... I pray to God that at this hour the responsibility does not fall on the crown bearer... Answer (writes): “I command the State Duma to be dissolved!”

The anthem “Working Marseillaise” sounds (0:53)

Presenter 1: February 27. The rebels captured the Arsenal, train stations, the most important government institutions, and freed political and criminal prisoners from prisons. We took possession of the Winter Palace.

Presenter 2: 28th of February. The Admiralty fell. The Tsar's ministers were arrested.

Reader 1.

Revolution is the roar of the streets,it is the tramp of crowds read aloud.Only in a revolution can you face bullets,winnowing them away with my breasts like fluff.

Reader 2.

Revolution is souls wide open! The heart has knocked down all the grievances, and into empty ribs, no matter how blinding your eyes are, the sky is filled with lumps of blue.

Reader 3.

Revolution is a holiday for the idle, To those who were out of work - hello: only in the revolution for the cause of execution, There are no executions for idleness!

Presenter 1: February 28 NikolayIIleft headquarters for Tsarskoe Selo, on the night of March 1 he was informed that the railway tracks were occupied by rebel troops.

Presenter 2: “The situation apparently does not allow for any other solution,” the high military command responded to the question about Nicholas’s abdicationII. The Emperor was shocked. On March 2, he signed an act of abdication in favor of his brother Mikhail.

On the slide there is a distribution of newspapers with news about Nicholas’s abdication II

Wide wide, wide open
Royal Doors!
The blackness faded away, subsided.
Pure heat
The altar is burning.
- Christ is Risen,
Yesterday's king!

Fell without glory
Double headed eagle.
- Tsar! - You were wrong.
Will be remembered by posterity
More than once again -
Byzantine treachery
Your clear eyes.

Your judges -
Thunderstorm and storm!
Tsar! Not people -
God has sought you.

Presenter 1st : On March 3, Mikhail abdicated the throne and declared that the fate of the country should be decided by the Constituent Assembly.

Presenter 2: The monarchy has fallen. NikolayIIand his family were initially under arrest in Tsarskoe Selo; in August 1917 they were sent into exile in Tobolsk. A dual power was established in the country: the Provisional Government headed by Prince Lvov and the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.

Reader .

A mighty power, a boundless ocean!Glory to the freedom fighters who dispelled the fog!Long live Russia, a free country!The free element is destined to be great!Forests, fields, and fields, and steppes, and seas,We are free and happy, the dawn is burning for us all!Long live Russia, a free country!The free element is destined to be great!

Presenter 1: However, the end of the February Revolution and the abdication of the Tsar did not mark the end of the tragic events in Russia.

Presenter 2nd. New shocks awaited Russia - the October Revolution, a bloody civil war.

Song "Prayer of the Royal Family"

9th grade students stand on stage with candles.

Presenter 1. Our event was honored by the presence of the rector of the Church of the Intercession in the village of Atyuryevo, Archpriest Father Sergius. We give him the floor.

Speech by Father Sergius

Presenter 2 . Our event has come to an end. Thank you for your attention!

Scenario of the Soldier's Song Festival during the 1917 revolution and the Civil War.

1 Presenter. Good afternoon dear friends. We have gathered with you for the third festival of soldiers' songs, dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland. The theme of our festival today will be songs from the times of the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War.

We invite class 7 “B” to the stage with the revolutionary song “Internationale,” which later became the first anthem of the USSR.

2 Presenter. Today, in all the media, there is a lot of talk about the need to raise the prestige of our Fatherland before the entire world community, about the cultural traditions of the Russian nation, about the spiritual revival of Russia.

1 Presenter.

And rightly so. Because only those people who remember their past can create a worthy future.

We invite class 8 “A” to the stage with the revolutionary song “Varshavyanka”

2 Presenter. Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who is the defender? In the broad sense of the word, every person, each of us, in a certain sense, is a defender of the Fatherland - a doctor, teacher, musician or simple worker, if he lives and works for the benefit of his country.

1 Presenter. But celebrating this holiday today, I would like to say first of all about such a profession as the military. After all, their service to the Motherland is great.

We invite 8th grade “B” to the stage with the song “The Red Army is Stronger than All”

2 Presenter.In the February days of 1918, when the First World War was going on, the troops of the Kaiser’s Germany rushed to Petrograd, creating a real threat to the capital of the Russian state. The old Russian Army could not stop the enemy; it practically ceased to exist. In this situation, mass mobilization was launched in the country with the aim of creating a new army.
We invite class 9 “A” to the stage with a song“Orders have been given to him to go west.”

2 Presenter.. On February 23, 1918, the Day of Defense of the Socialist Fatherland was held in St. Petersburg. The newly created Red Army regiments were sent to the front.
We invite class 10 “A” to the stage with the “Cavalry” song.

1 Presenter. With honor and dignity, the soldiers of the Red Army defended their lines, they managed to stop the German troops in the area of ​​​​Narva and Pskov. So February 23 became the birthday of the new army, but what army would be without a song, daring, dashing, which called for heroic deeds.
We invite class 7 “B” to the stage with a revolutionary song"Song about troubled youth."

2 Presenter. And the main feeling that moved people was a feeling of patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, the desire to protect it from enemies, to serve its interests with their deeds - a great, necessary and beautiful feeling.

Patriotic songs have always been based on the historical past of our country. The patriotic song reflects the history of the people.

1 Presenter. They began to be singled out as a special genre during the formation of Soviet power, patriotic songs telling about new heroes.

We invite class 10 “A” to the stage with “Budyonny’s March”.

2 Presenter. Many decades separate us from the battles of the Civil War. Much is seen differently. But, as before, the images of the red heroes, commanders and soldiers, remain surprisingly visible in our memory. How were they, yesterday's peasants and workers, able to win and create the Great Soviet Army, to whose banners so many generations of defenders of the fatherland swore allegiance.

1 Presenter. One of these defenders of the Fatherland was Nikolai Aleksandrovich ShCHORS, a hero of the Civil War in Ukraine, commander of the Red Army.

2 Presenter. During the First World War he served as a military paramedic. In 1918-1919, he was the commander of a detachment of Red Army soldiers in battles with German invaders, Petliura and Polish troops. Killed in battle.

1 Presenter. We invite class 5 “A” to the stage."Song about Shchors".

2 Presenter. They say “War does not have a woman’s face,” but... the worst thing that can happen is children in war. As young patriots, they also took risks and died, and later songs were written about them.

We invite class 6 “B” to the stage with a song"Eaglet".

1 Presenter. Since 1923, February 23, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, began to be celebrated in our country as Red Army Day. Many young lives were lost for the restoration of justice, for a peaceful life during the Civil War. We invite 7th grade "A" to the stage."Out there beyond the river"

2 Presenter.And since 1995, according to the law of the Russian Federation “On the Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, this day is celebrated as “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. The main task of the Russian army was and remains to reliably defend the fatherland from external threats.

1 Presenter. Songs about war were born not only during the war period. People still devote their creativity to this topic. A new generation gives birth to new songs . The battle song of the young defenders of the revolution and civil war - “Pursuit”,from the movie "The Elusive Avengers", will be performed by 5 “B” class.

2 Presenter Our festival of military-patriotic songs is coming to its logical conclusion. And today, through songwriting, we were able to feel and understand what our grandfathers and ours experienced during difficult war times, and our generation would not want to experience this in real life. We vote for peace on earth!