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Role-playing game “Vaccination. Vaccinations: rules of the game Watch children's games about injections

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For a hundred years of vaccination campaigns, there has been a method of testing, fitting and selling behind them. Here's how it works: the game starts with the opening (inflate the numbers), continues with the middlegame (increase profits/number of doses) and ends with the endgame (take the winnings and start over). With high stakes, no amount of deception and no amount of lies will stop the vaccination games!
The vaccine industry currently has a turnover of $25.3 billion, growing by 23% annually on such huge emerging markets like India and is expected to reach $56.7 billion by 2017. Vaccine production has become one of the most profitable sectors of the pharmaceutical industry. How did this happen?

This industry has a unique product that is highly recommended and patronized by the government. Edward Jenner set the pace when he received a royal reward from King George III. Vaccine manufacturers have a customer base that is captive to them. Many of these customers truly believe that they need vaccinations, a belief based on a two-hundred-year-old marketing campaign that supports it. Those who have awakened or are in the process of awakening are being forced into rigid rules by the government. It is impossible even to sue the manufacturer if children were seriously injured or died from vaccinations - this is established by the 1986 law. This clever trick was recently adopted by the Monsanto company. Taxpayers and people whose lives were destroyed by post-vaccination complications must pay for the sins of the industry with their own money.

Pharmaceutical corporations have extremely dedicated sales forces. Here are examples:

  • “We are not at all willing to accept that autism may be a true side effect of vaccines.”. These were the words of Mary McCormick, then chair of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee, at the 2001 Institute of Medicine meeting on vaccine safety.
  • “You can give a child 10,000 vaccines at once.” Yes, you guessed it: Dr. Paul Offit, a certified pharmaceutical industry vaccine expert who is actively driving sales.
  • “Vaccines do not cause autism, they only cause autism symptoms.” Julie Gerberding, the previous head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in an interview with CNN.
  • “My mandate, as I am here in this group, is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 people are vaccinated.” Dr. John Clemens of the WHO at a June 2000 meeting in Simpsonwood, knowing that the Verstraeten study originally discussed there showed that just 25 mcg of thimerosal in a vaccine increased a child's risk of autism by 7.62 times.

What other industry can boast such supporters?

The vaccine industry's marketing strategy is the envy of everyone else. She has her own set of rules that she follows religiously. Take dengue fever for example. A vaccine for the disease is in development and the marketing arm is already flexing its muscles. It has already come into play according to the rules of the vaccine games.

Rule 1 - Blow up the numbers

The first rule is to make scary estimates and then help reduce the incidence, since it is very easy to reduce numbers that were never real. For example, 131 thousand cases of smallpox were reported worldwide, and the WHO report “Fifty Years of WHO in the Western Region” Pacific Ocean“The incidence of smallpox was estimated at 15 million. Recently, to impose oral polio vaccine (OPV) on developing countries, 32,419 real cases polio has become reported to be 350,000.

Similar to dengue, the latest estimate has risen to 390 million as vaccine readiness approaches, up from an earlier estimate of 50-100 million that was considered high at the time.

It has also become commonplace to take the worst incidence rate that applies to some corner of the world and extrapolate it to the entire population. This happened recently with the Haemophilus influenzae infection figures in India.

Rule 2 - Convert estimated data into reported indicators

For polio, the estimated 350,000 cases soon turned from reported to actual. The term “evaluative” simply disappeared. So now Bill Gates says he has reduced 350,000 polio cases to just a few hundred. Sometimes he says 400,000 for added effect.

When assessing dengue fever, the term “global burden” is used to imply incidence. This is just a small step away from the concept of “reported cases.”

Rule 3 - Make the danger global

The Wellcome Trust's study of estimates of dengue fever effectively made dengue a global phenomenon with the words “we hope the study will help initiate a wider debate about the significant global consequences this disease." The global impact could create a global vaccine market in the future. The Wellcome Trust was launched by American-born pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome, founder of the famous Burroughs Wellcome (now part of Glaxo Smith Klein).

Rule 4 - Involve “philanthropists” in vaccine distribution

In a truly topsy-turvy world, philanthropists can do the most damage! They take pride in spreading disease and hunger. No one in their right mind would ever champion the cause of vaccines and GMOs, but today's philanthropists enthusiastically engage in such activities. They even benefit from this by hiding their money in the very corporations whose product they are protecting, in what is known today as “leveraged charity.”

Rule 5 - Target babies and other children

Teenagers and adults do not respond to calls to get vaccinated. Take, for example, the HPV vaccine, which never manages to get off the ground and take off. The “coverage” of these vaccinations among adults is dismal, as the CDC systematically points out. But parents can be easily manipulated into getting their children vaccinated. In addition, the latter are easily accessible during hospital births and medical examinations in clinics. The hepatitis B vaccine is intended for drug-using and promiscuous adults, but while this group of people ignored the vaccine, manufacturers now have a guaranteed market because this adult vaccine has become necessary for infants, even if they are not at risk.

Rule 6 - Change the definition of disease after a new vaccine is introduced

Once a new vaccine is developed, it must be shown to be effective in order to gain credibility and increase sales. After OPV became part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, the definition of polio was changed, not once, but three times, to show a decline in incidence in India.

Rule 7 - Instruct doctors how to diagnose disease

Regarding tetanus: “Tetanus is unlikely if the patient has been vaccinated against it.”

Regarding whooping cough: “If compression of the trachea causes a coughing attack, and if the patient has a history of exposure and no vaccinations against whooping cough, the doctor has everything he needs to make a preliminary clinical diagnosis.”

Regarding smallpox: “When evaluating a patient suspected of having smallpox, careful observation is of paramount importance. If the patient has a relatively recent, typical vaccination scar, smallpox can be ruled out with almost absolute certainty.”

Rule 8 - Give the disease a new name

Sometimes doctors find the disease in a vaccinated person. This dilemma is resolved by a new name for the disease. Polio turns into acute flaccid paralysis, whooping cough turns into croup, smallpox turns into monkeypox, measles turns into typhus, diphtheria turns into bacterial tracheitis or epiglotitis. Thus, dengue fever may well turn into myalgia with fever or even intense bone pain with high fever syndrome.

Rule 9 - Ensure that tests are carried out only in selected laboratories

For polio, stool samples can only be sent to WHO accredited laboratories for testing. Doctors in India are hinting that this may be the main reason for such a clear drop in the incidence of viral polio in the country. They also made it clear that a country's polio-free status could be manipulated.

Rule 10 - Increase the number of revaccinations

Antibodies created by vaccinations not only do not always protect against disease, but also do not last long. This opens up the possibility of booster doses. This is a fantastic marketing ploy. Anything may require revaccination, especially ineffectiveness or even side effects!

When in India it was noticed that children who received the OPV vaccine were suffering from paralysis en masse, there was only one piece of advice - to vaccinate more. Today, a child in India can receive 50 doses of this vaccine before the age of five. It is unknown what the consequences will be for children, other than an increase in the number of victims of paralysis, but this will certainly increase the manufacturer's profits.

Rule 11 - Play Prosecutor to Ensure Growing Consumption

When the OPV drama dragged on so long that it threatened to disrupt the work of polio vaccine teams, the WHO played a game of “who is to blame?” She developed the acronym PAIN. Note translation) for Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nigeria, countries where the disease was still rampant to confuse governments. Two vaccine promotion superstars in India are blaming parents for not bringing their children to vaccination tents. One community was targeted because its members were wary of vaccinations.

Rule 12 - Play on the fear that the virus might come back to save vaccinations forever

When a disease is eliminated through statistical manipulation and other methods listed above, people in richer countries are warned that the virus is still rampant in other countries and that it is just a plane ride away. This ensures that vaccinations never stop.

Rule 13 - Spread panic at the first opportunity

If a vaccine causes complications, as it often does, every effort is made to hide the fact. But if a single case of the disease is reported anywhere in the world, there is a hue and cry and vaccines are rushed to clinics and hospitals to vaccinate everyone, regardless of need.

Rule 14 - Have excuses ready to excuse yourself in case of side effects from vaccinations

Mothers have been breastfeeding their babies since Homo sapiens walked the earth, but if the baby dies after being vaccinated, the mother can be blamed for not breastfeeding properly and the baby choking. breast milk! The mother may also be charged with pinning down the child during co-sleeping with him. It is appalling that parents have gone to prison due to shaken baby syndrome, even though it has been proven that if a child is shaken to death, a broken neck should occur, while brain hemorrhage has been reported. Other excuses, such as coincidence or mass hysteria, are usually used when no other reason can be found.

Rule 15 - Blame criticism of vaccines on the “anti-vaccine lobby”

There is no anti-vaccine lobby. There is, however, a vaccine lobby that is committing billions of dollars to save existing myth about vaccinations and increase sales. But anyone who points out that vaccines can cause harm is immediately labeled an “anti-vaxxer.” This word is being spread to prove that there is a conspiracy to denigrate vaccines, although this label fits perfectly those who push vaccinations despite the fact that they can lead to death, illness and disability.

Rule 16 - Share “success stories”

India is now a success story for the polio eradication initiative, although the number of cases of paralysis in the country has increased from 3,047 in 1997 to 61,038 in 2012. Celebrating this is a real perversion. Campaigners are also encouraged to write blogs about how they are convincing reluctant populations to sacrifice their children at the altar of vaccination.

Rule 17 - Laugh on the way to the bank

In the vaccination game, the only losers are those parents who pay exorbitant prices to harm their children with vaccinations, to which they are mercilessly pushed by the entire mechanism that is created to make a profit from vaccinations. From research scientists to patent holders, vaccine manufacturers, lobbyists, medical organizations, doctors and politicians, everyone is making great money from this highly lucrative enterprise.

Rule 18 - Start over

The game of eradicating smallpox caused smallpox to spread like wildfire and cause deaths around the world. Polio eradication campaigns leave behind paralyzed and sick children. Now a third attack could be launched, as politicians have said. This game never stops. Another story is that the vaccine industry creates an endless chain of deaths and disabilities - victims who are in turn hunted by the vampires of the pharmaceutical industry.

The high growth and lucrative business of vaccine manufacturers comes at a cost to society, but it involves many stakeholders who put self-interest above all else and whose only concern for the future is how many new “promising” vaccines are in various stages of readiness. Parents would do well to understand these tricks and protect their children. Vaccines, like any other corporate product in a cutthroat market, are primarily about money, profits and shareholder returns.

Innessa Ashashaeva
Role-playing game “Vaccination”

Role-playing game "Vaccination".

The game scenario helps children learn more about vaccinations, not be afraid of them, and introduces the work of medical workers.

Target: expand knowledge about the work of adults, teach not to be afraid of seeing a doctor, vaccinations, and understand their importance.

Equipment and materials: doctor and nurse costumes, a set of “doctor” tools, sheets of paper folded into a book, colored pencils, pieces of paper with numbers (coupons).

Preliminary work: conversations about the work of a doctor and a nurse, a tour of the medical office kindergarten, conversations about methods of disease prevention.

The game is played in the “Doctor”, “Medical” or “Polyclinic” corner.

1. Organizational moment:

The teacher says:

Guys, today we are going to the clinic for vaccination.

Distributes roles:

You, Katya, will be a doctor. What does the doctor do? (treats, prescribes medications)

What can a doctor do to prevent children from getting sick? (prescribe vaccination)

Well done.

Kira will help Katya. Kira, who will you be? (nurse)

What does a nurse do? (writes prescriptions, prescribes tests, gives injections)


The rest of the guys are divided into “parents” and “children”.

2. The teacher introduces the children to the situation:

Today moms and dads brought their children to the clinic for vaccinations. A doctor works in this office. ( shows) She will examine the patient and, if he is healthy, refer him to the nurse for vaccination. Who is a patient? (the one who came to the doctor)

When there are a lot of patients, what is created to avoid chaos and noise? (queue)

The doctor conducts the appointment using coupons, which will help us organize this very queue. They can be obtained from the registration desk, which is located here. (shows coupons on a separate table) There are numbers on the coupons. They will help you find out where you stand in line to see a doctor.

3. Progress of the game:

Children take coupons and go into the “hall” to sit on chairs.

The doctor and nurse put on their scrubs and take their places.

The first to arrive was mother and boy Yegor.

The teacher in the role of mother shows by example how an appointment with a doctor goes. Then he offers to try to implement his plans himself, helping them and guiding them. Then he moves away, observes and adjusts the course of the game. (prompts phrases, reminds game actions, stimulates the activity of indecisive children)

The game continues as long as it generates interest and desire to play.

4. Summary:

Children sit in a circle.


Guys, where did we go today? (to the clinic, to the doctor, for vaccination)

Why did we go to the clinic (get vaccinated)

What did the doctor do? (examined)

What did the nurse do? (injection, vaccination)

Why are vaccinations needed? (so as not to get sick)

Did you like the game? (Yes)

Who would you like to be next? (.)

How else can you play? (.)

So tomorrow we'll play again.

Running nose again, nasty cough, annoying headache And heat. Hurray, you don’t have to go to school and stay at home with all rights! You can already imagine how you lie in bed all day, read a book, or play your favorite computer games. Mom prepares you a delicious broth, offers you to replenish your body with vitamins with fresh juices and your favorite fruits, and pampers you with goodies. But what is this in her hands? Is it really a bitter mixture instead of sweet baked goods and juicy vitamins? But she is not alone - there is someone in a white coat behind her. Doctor!? Oh no not this! And it was necessary to ruin such a pleasant day. Now it will begin - breathe, don’t breathe, show your tongue, cold thermometer in the armpit, prescribe injections, tablets, herbal infusions and inhalations. It’s better to sit at school in a boring chemistry lesson. Being sick is disgusting, painful and tasteless. And it’s better to save own health is normal, and you can only get sick virtually during the hospital game for girls.

Trying on a white coat while playing Hospital games

Here you yourself will become a doctor and test your tricks on patients, which supposedly can alleviate suffering. How, one might ask, can a painful injection ease the suffering of a patient? He’s already feeling bad, but he’s also being tortured and tortured. It would be better if they held your hand, stroked it, treated you to something delicious, told you a fairy tale, and also they gave it better watch cartoons and movies. But for some reason medicine does not take into account the patient’s opinion and does not recognize soft methods of treatment.

Virtual treatment methods

Playing free games hospital, you can radically change the situation and create medicines from caramel candies, chocolates, Coca-Cola, forfeits, juices, cakes, berries and fruits. When you find a universal remedy for all diseases, people will be happy to come to see you so that your genius will return them to full health. While playing the hospital for free, a line of patients will line up for you, and the longer they do not receive help, the less strength they have left. If you have not yet discovered the formula for a tasty medicine, use what is available, but most importantly quickly, if you do not want to hear the nurse screaming: Doctor, we are losing the patient! At our workplace we improve the process of healing patients. The online hospital game knows many difficult cases that can put you in front of the need to set a dislocation, apply a plaster cast to an open fracture, pull out or treat a tooth, remove appendicitis, or transplant a heart and kidney. Patients are different - patient and not very patient, but it is pleasant to deal with those who do not ask unnecessary questions and do not deafen you with their screams, that is, with those who are under anesthesia.

Medical care for pets

And it can be not only people, but also animals. The hospital game is a game where shaggy, feathered, fanged and clawed creatures come to the appointment and turns into a veterinary hospital. Pets, unfortunately, also sometimes get sick, and I demand emergency care. Bandage the paws, remove damaged fangs, cover the wound with brilliant green.

Employee romantic relationships

There are a lot of fun things that happen in clinics, but the work isn't always the most fun. For example, you met a young, handsome doctor and you fell head over heels in love with him. It seems that he is favorable to you too. A little more, you have lost your head and are already hugging and kissing at every opportunity. The business is, of course, young, but don’t forget where you are, because if the head of the department or the chief physician catches you, there may be trouble. Any child in very early childhood is afraid of getting sick. This illness, or even its simulation, will become an opportunity to take a week or two off from boring school, to lie around at home with your favorite books, cartoons and computer games. But younger children have the most negative feelings towards people in white coats. They are a source of pain and fear for them. And for those who have ever spent a long time in the hospital, there is also the threat of separation from their parents. And sometimes it’s difficult to find the words to explain to the baby that everything is done for his own good. And that the doctor cares about his health and feeling good, and not out of harm, prescribes tasteless medicines and unpleasant procedures.If you are desperate to convey these simple truths to your child, we offer you another remedy. Let him become a doctor himself. With the help of colorful children's online games on the topic of treatment. From all corners of the global network, we have collected an extensive collection of hospital games for girls. And not only. Playing games or downloading them for free from the site will also be absolutely no problem for you.