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The essence of marketing activities of certain types of tourist territories. Regional tourism policy. Benefits associated with the development of tourism and recreation

In market conditions, competition for investments and qualified labor, sales markets and spheres of influence is becoming more intense every year. In such a situation, the use of marketing tools becomes a necessary condition for the activities of all business entities whose goal is to sell their product or service and strengthen their competitive position. Tourism services also require the use of marketing. Territorial marketing or place marketing can be successfully used to stimulate the development of tourism in a region.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the very concept of “territorial marketing in a tourist region”, reveal its essence and determine which of its concepts can be used to increase the level of tourist attractiveness of the region.

The concept of territorial marketing began to develop relatively recently. Many scientists consider territorial marketing as a tool for the development of various fields of activity, but do not pay enough attention to the tourism industry.

Marketing of tourist areas involves developing a strategy for attracting tourists to a certain territory and regulating tourist flows in order to prevent overload of ecological systems or a negative reaction of the local population to a high flow of tourists. A feature of the tourism industry is that it is tied to natural, historical and cultural resources, and therefore can develop within a specific territory.

Marketing of tourist areas is a system of measures of a marketing strategy for the development of tourism in a specific territory, aimed at attracting tourists, regulating tourist flows, taking into account the recreational load on the territory and the attitude of local residents towards visitors.

Territory marketing is used to develop the tourism market, to increase the attractiveness of the tourism industry, to increase the influx of tourists and investment in the territory.

Tourist expectations and demand in relation to a particular territory are largely determined by the following factors:

  • achieving a territory advantage over others;
  • identification of a potential investor market;
  • determining the benefits that investors will receive by investing in the development of the region;
  • focus on local and regional interests with simultaneous integration with national goals;
  • finding your own marketing strategy that would stand out in the market in a competitive environment;
  • integration of information technology into the marketing plan;
  • creating your own image, advertising and propaganda work and disseminating information.

Tourism marketing includes:

  • study of the potential opportunities and prospects for the development of the tourist region to attract the optimal number of tourists;
  • finding and applying the most effective methods and tools for territory marketing;
  • determining the types of services that are of greatest interest to the target audience and their volumes.

To successfully promote a territory in the tourism market, an effective marketing policy is necessary. To do this, the characteristics of the territory are determined, a communication policy is developed and implemented aimed at disseminating information about its competitive advantages among potential and existing tourists. Territories should know their strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities. It is necessary to accurately determine what tourism resources are available in competing territories and find ways to differentiate and position oneself in such a way as to stand out from competitors.

When developing and implementing marketing of tourist areas, it is necessary to take into account the stage of development of the territory. There are two main reasons economic downturn territories. Firstly, any territory is subject to internal cyclical growth and decline. Secondly, it is influenced by internal and external factors, which are not always controllable by stakeholders. As the attractiveness of the territory decreases, factors that strengthen this trend become more important. In such a situation, it is necessary to find and implement measures to prevent the decline.

It should be noted that territories are not always subject to influences leading to the decline of specific aspects of their development. An example is Europe, which from the very beginning of tourism has been and remains a leader in the development of the tourism industry.

Among the environmental factors influencing the territory, the following are particularly prominent at present:

  • rapid technological development;
  • globalization of competition;
  • political instability.

The desire to ensure a unique position and positive image of the territory in the tourism market is an important element of strategic marketing. Each region must develop a set of proposals and preferences that can satisfy the needs of a large number of investors and tourists.

Marketing of tourist areas consists of the following components:

  • development of an attractive image for the tourist area;
  • supply of products and services in an accessible form;
  • promoting the attractive and useful qualities of the territory in order to fully inform users about its advantages.

A prerequisite for successful marketing of tourist areas is diagnosis and planning, which must be carried out in cooperation between local authorities and the business community. In addition, the hospitality and cordiality of the local population are also not the last factors in shaping the attractiveness of the territory. The local population should be involved in promoting the cultural, historical and other values ​​of their region. Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the territory is facilitated by the pride of local residents in their city, knowledge of their history, traditions and customs. The smaller the territory and the more remote it is from the center, the more attractive it should be for tourists.

When positioning a territory as a tourist zone, the available resources in demand among tourists (sanatoriums, historical and cultural monuments, unique values, etc.) and the developed tourist infrastructure come to the fore.

The peculiarity of marketing tourist areas lies in the specificity of the tourist product, its fixed™ in time and space. It is impossible to change the location of a tourist enterprise, because it is located near a tourist resource, to convey it to the consumer or to ensure favorable weather conditions. The demand for a tourism product may fluctuate every day, during the week or during the season. During the peak season, the influx of tourists increases, and in the off-season, tourist accommodation facilities (hotels, sanatoriums, tourist centers, etc.) may be empty. In accordance with the concept of territorial marketing, positioning strategies should be carried out at both the micro and macro levels, i.e. offer a total product (service) of the area, emphasizing the features of this region, highlighting the unique characteristics of the product (service), etc.

Lake Baikal is known all over the world - the deepest lake on the planet and the largest reservoir of fresh water. Tourists come to Baikal to see the beauty not only of the lake itself, but of the coastal zone, stunning views of the endless forest and beautiful mountains. The tourist flow to the Irkutsk region, where people come mainly to travel along the coast of Lake Baikal, is increasing every year. According to the Tourism Agency of the Irkutsk Region, the number of tourists during the period from 2014 to 2016 increased from 1.3 million to 1.5 million. Moreover, travelers mainly come here in the summer: in winter the climate in these places is quite harsh.

In order to intensify the tourist flow to Baikal in winter, since the early 2000s. With the support of the Government of the Irkutsk Region, the International Festival of Winter Games on Lake Baikal “Zimniada” began to be held. As part of the 2017 festival, events were held such as a 500 km dog sled race across the taiga, steppe and ice Baikal Race, a week-long ATV expedition “Ice of Baikal 2017”, an original concert of classical and modern music on the ice of Baikal near Olkhon Island “Blue Ice” and a unique historical reconstruction of the passage of Russian troops through Baikal in 1904-1905. Baikal Ice March(Baikal Ice March). Traditionally, the Winteriada ended with the Baikal Kamchatka ice fishing championship. This festival has become a popular tourist, sports and cultural event in the region, attracting both Russian and foreign tourists in the winter.

Tourism companies evaluate the hard and soft factors of a territory from the point of view of working with it and investing in it (Table 8.1). Hard factors can be measured by more or less objective indicators, while soft factors are difficult to measure and are more subjective characteristics.

Table 8.1

Hard and soft factors of territory attractiveness

Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the territory involves assessment.

  • its originality: its architecture, landscape, developing aesthetic qualities and values, contributing to the emergence of a special sense of place;
  • development of infrastructure, including technological (if it is compatible with the natural environment), social (protection of people and property, social protection and education, etc.);
  • logistics;
  • recreation and entertainment areas.

The tourism zone marketing strategy includes the following main elements(previously mentioned 7P) product, price, place, promotion, human factors, physical attributes and the service delivery process itself. The composition of these elements is shown in table. 8.2.

After determining the market segment in which the tourism enterprise will operate, prices are set depending on the willingness and ability of consumers to pay a particular price. For example, prices are reduced in the off-season to attract the attention of customers and thus cover the costs associated with maintaining the level of service and maintaining the level of qualifications of staff. Prices may depend on the location of the tourist enterprise, transport accessibility or the availability of entertainment near the center, etc. Large tourist complexes (for example, hotel chains) can afford below-market prices when relationships with new tourist centers are established. This method provides economies of scale both during product creation and the marketing process.

Table 8.2

Elements of the marketing mix in the tourism sector


  • Category;
  • quality;
  • brand name;
  • range of services;
  • compliance with the image of the territory;
  • uniqueness
  • Level;
  • discounts;
  • Commission;
  • terms of payment;
  • quality/price;
  • diversity;
  • customer acceptability
  • Accommodation;
  • availability;
  • convenience
  • Advertising;
  • publicity;
  • public relations;
  • personal selling;
  • propaganda



  • staff:
    • - education,
    • - qualification,
    • - initiative,
    • - behavior in a team,
    • - service,
    • - customer perception;
  • clients:
  • - behavior,
  • - level of attraction,
  • - contact,
  • - predictability
  • Environment;
  • interior furnishings;
  • comfort level
  • Policy;
  • procedures;
  • consumer demand;
  • activity;
  • attentiveness to the client

When setting a price, it is necessary to reconcile expectations regarding future profits with the quality expected by consumers of the product. For a specific territory, the price of tourist services is determined on the basis of the costs of providing these services, as well as on the basis of the uniqueness of resources, transportation costs, the level of local taxes, etc.

Costs associated with the production, promotion, distribution and sale of a tourist product, as well as standard profit, are included in the price of a tourist package. The level of competition in the tourism market and analysis of the pricing policies of competitors are also determining when setting prices.

Price acts as a controlling factor in the marketing policy of a travel company.

Thus, to increase the tourist attractiveness of the territory, the uniqueness of its tourist resources should be determined; use the latest information technologies; involve the local population in regional marketing policies that direct all efforts to the development of a specific location; use your strengths as an advantage over your competitors; set prices for tourism services, taking into account the capabilities of consumers in order to achieve the optimal level of tourist attractiveness.

“Winter Games 2017” will be held on Lake Baikal from February 17 to March 19 // Irkutsk region. 06.12.2016. URL:

  • Abramov R. A. Regional Economic Policy Based on Industrial Sector Clustering in the Context of Sustainable Development // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 7(2). P. 2100-2106.
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    6.1. The essence of territory marketing

    Territory Marketing– this is a specialized activity undertaken in a territory with the aim of creating, maintaining or changing the opinions, intentions and/or behavior of subjects about it, both those already existing and operating in a given territory, and its potential consumers. It is carried out in the interests of the territory, its internal subjects, as well as external subjects in whose attention the territory is interested.

    Territory marketing is a philosophy that requires the entire system of government and management to be oriented towards the needs of target groups of consumers of goods and services of the territory. Territory marketing areas:

    - prestige of the territory as a whole;
    - attractiveness of resources concentrated in the territory (natural, material and technical, labor, financial, organizational, social, etc.).

    Subjects of territory marketing:

    External and internal actors;
    - producers, consumers, intermediaries;
    - governing bodies, media, educational and scientific organizations, tour operators, travel agents, sports federations, etc.

    “Consumers” of the territory or target groups (markets) according to a number of characteristics (criteria) are divided into:

    Residents and non-residents;
    - individuals and legal entities;
    - local residents and potential employees; investors; tourists.

    Sometimes consumers of a territory can become subjects, whether or not interested in promoting the territory.

    Currently, an idea has been formed about the elements of the territory marketing complex 28:

    1. Territorial product– the range, quantity and quality of the territory’s resources demanded by consumers: geographical location, population (personnel), quality of life, infrastructure, raw materials, level of business activity, access to cheap money, level of development of business support, advertising market, etc.
    2. Territorial product price– these are the costs of consumers of the territory’s services. For residents, this is the cost of living, level of income and social benefits; for tourists - the cost of tour packages, the amount of daily pocket expenses; for corporate consumers - these are transportation costs, food and accommodation for groups of experts and company managers, time and effort to obtain the necessary information, the cost of the project (building materials and equipment, site preparation, construction); tax benefits, rules for sharing products and export of profits, the degree of comfort of a company’s stay in the region.
    3. Placement, distribution of territorial product– this is the placement of material resources, personnel or consumers, highly intellectual potential, the possibility of modern information technologies, network and virtual organizational structures in the region.
    4. Territory promotion is, first of all, an advertising and PR campaign, including the determination of addressees and channels for promoting information, its optimal forms, media, volumes, and time modes for its presentation.

    Territory marketing involves a comprehensive study of factors influencing the development of tourism in the region. All these factors are usually divided into external and internal 29 .

    External factors (exogenous)– these are factors of the natural anthropogenic environment that have a certain independence from the tourism system of the region and form the conditions for the development of tourism. They can both stimulate it and restrain it. These include natural-climatic, geographical, environmental, cultural-historical, economic, financial, political-legal, technical-technological, and global factors.

    Internal factors (endogenous) form and act in the field of tourism: material and technical (development of accommodation facilities, transport, catering establishments, consumer services, recreational services, retail trade, etc.), consumer awareness, changes in their preferences, coordination of activities in the field of tourism, integration, personnel provision of tourism, development of tourism business, etc.

    6.2. Types of territory marketing

    Based on the levels of objects, territorial marketing is divided into different types: marketing of the country, region, city and other local places.

    Country Marketing focused on improving (maintaining) its image, competitiveness, attractiveness for other countries and their economic entities, other social institutions, population, prestige in international organizations. The main arguments are increasing the standard of living and well-being of citizens and firms, creating sophisticated domestic demand, active government policy aimed at maintaining these changes while maintaining the openness of the country's economy, incl. for international competition.

    Region Marketing largely solves the same problems and uses the same means as country marketing, but at the appropriate level 30. One of its most important tools is regional goods, which, on the one hand, bring income to the territory, and on the other hand, promote the region in markets external to it. Some regions purposefully form in their minds purely regional product brands and their associations with the names of the regions.

    City Marketing studies the potential capabilities of the city in the interests of both its territory and internal and external entities that are in its sphere of interests. Marketing activities should be aimed at promoting city products and services and based on the formation of an effective system of relations between city government structures and target groups representing non-district users of city products. City marketing is the process of planning, coordinating and monitoring direct communications between city government and various partners and target groups.

    The city as a marketing object is:

    Promotion object (product);
    - object of relationship formation.

    Specific features of city marketing: high population density, high cost of living and land, concentration of business and transport infrastructure, location of local and higher authorities, environmental tension, saturation of the information and educational environment, concentrated provision of modern urban amenities.

    Marketing of resorts and health centers difficult to organize, because is based on the use of specific types of natural resources, a special medical base, qualified personnel, and constant scientific research. The main goal of marketing resorts and health-improving centers is to satisfy the recreational needs of people through the use of various healing factors of resorts and health-improving areas. It is necessary to form a special resort culture - compliance with certain norms and rules of behavior of people on vacation, taking into account the age and health status of vacationers.

    How a special type of territory marketing is distinguished attractions marketing, which is also part of the marketing of the territory’s image. Attractions form the image of the territory and are the basis for positioning the territorial tourism product. From a marketing point of view, an attraction is an information-rich display (demonstration) that forms an attractive image of a tourist area and is the basis for the development of tourism activities.

    6.3. Territory Marketing Strategies

    Traditionally, there are four groups of territory marketing strategies.

    Image Marketing– creation, development and dissemination, ensuring public recognition of the positive image of the territory. This is the lowest cost strategy because... does not require radical changes to the infrastructure, but concentrates on improving communication aspects, information and promoting existing benefits.

    Attraction Marketing is aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the territory for people, developing special features that provide the competitive advantages of the territory. For consumers, these are usually historical and architectural objects. The attractiveness of the territory is ensured by its improvement, the creation of pedestrian, museum, historical, and shopping areas, the development of architecture, culture, and sports.

    Infrastructure Marketing– activities to ensure the effective functioning and development of the territory as a whole. Arguments that make it possible to manage long-term interest in the territory on the part of consumers are divided into two groups:

    1) operating arguments:

    Ensuring personal safety and maintaining public order;
    - condition and operation of the housing stock (including hotel);
    - condition of roads, transport services, water, gas, heat and electricity supplies;
    - garbage collection;
    - availability of parks, landscaping;
    - availability and development of schools, preschool institutions;

    2) arguments for development (prospects):

    The emergence of new and development of old industries;
    - dynamics of production and market infrastructure, communications;
    - level of employment and its structure;
    - level of well-being;
    - dynamics of investments;
    - development of higher and postgraduate education.

    Specific infrastructure marketing tools are exhibitions and fairs; theme parks; decades, months of culture and art; hospitality and tourism; conferences, symposiums; transport, communications, banking system, tax policy; institutions of education, culture, healthcare, recreation and sports.

    Marketing of the population, personnel– this is working with the residents of the territory. The goal is to support the marketing activity of the territory from the inside. The objectives of this strategy include:

    1) formation of local patriotism;
    2) the formation and maintenance of benevolent motivation within the region in relation to visitors and their attraction to the region.

    The mood of the residents is an important part of the region as a marketable product. Territories choose different personnel marketing strategies:

    Territories with low levels of employment and cheap labor put forward this argument to attract entrepreneurs to the region in order to create new jobs;
    - territories with an excess of jobs and a shortage of workers, in order to attract new workers, can advertise positive living opportunities, growth prospects, high wages, the opportunity to choose a profession, etc.;
    - to attract people of specific professions and skill levels, you can use targeted marketing;
    - counteracting marketing is used if there is an overabundance of, for example, visitors or students seeking income in the region, etc.

    Stages of territory marketing strategy:

    1. Research: comprehensive analysis and collection of information on the tourist destination:

    Demand analysis: tourist flows, main markets, etc.;
    - analysis of the destination image;
    - offer analysis.

    Tools for assessing a territory as a commodity or product:

    - SWOT analysis(analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the territory);
    - STEP analysis(analysis of the influence of social, technological, economic and political factors);
    - topochronous analysis(gives an idea of ​​the quality of historical and cultural heritage);
    - resource analysis(assessment of the level of commercialization of resources);
    - ratings and lists(assessment of the perception of the territory by consumers).

    2. Development stage: formation of a marketing strategy:

    Development of new tourism products;
    - plan for increasing competitiveness;
    - Internet marketing plan;
    - brand and advertising campaign development.

    3. Implementation: implementation of marketing strategy.

    The marketing strategy of the territory must have specifically expressed goals (for example, as a result of the implementation of the marketing strategy, a significant increase in inbound and internal tourist flows into the region is predicted from ... in 2011 to ... by 2015).

    The scheme for analyzing a tourist territory can be presented in the form of Table 10:

    Table 10

    Segmentation variables for the tourism market (for any variables) 31

    What is of interest Types of markets (where we find them, where we attract them from, transport accessibility) Client characteristics Advantages
    - sea, sun, skis...;
    - beauty of nature / solitude;
    - recreational holidays;
    - gambling;
    - culture/history/heritage;
    - events/sports;
    - theme parks;
    - unique products: wine, beer, perfume, clothing, watches
    - in Europe;
    - not in Europe;
    - In your country;
    - in the region;
    - local residents;
    - seasonal/year-round;
    - language
    - age;
    - income;
    - families/groups/singles;
    - professionals;
    - life style;
    - ethnic/religious groups
    - uniqueness;
    - authenticity;
    - price;
    - convenience;
    - quality;
    - nutrition;
    - service;
    - material base;
    - transport;
    - hospitality

    Algorithm for an integrated approach to the formation of a marketing strategy for the development of a tourist destination:

    1. Research of the territory’s image in the markets, formation of the image and branding strategy.
    2. Analysis of the tourism potential of the destination, analysis of supply and demand, formation of competitive tourism products.
    3. Development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of a tourist destination.
    4. Formation of an Internet marketing system for the territory.
    5. Development and implementation of a marketing plan, implementation of the practical implementation of marketing strategy measures.

    Formation of a marketing plan includes:

    Marketing analysis of the territory.
    - Definition of priorities, criteria and performance indicators.
    - Selection of target audience.
    - Designing competitive advantages.
    - Development of primary and secondary activities.
    - Determination of implementation stages and criteria for evaluating results.

    The concept of territory positioning can be schematically presented in Table 11:

    Table 11

    Territory positioning concept

    Planning a marketing campaign includes the following steps:

    1. Development of primary and secondary activities.
    2. Determination of implementation stages and criteria for evaluating results (increasing the loyalty index...).
    3. Determination of priority channels.
    4. List of events and basic projects (2-3) (event projects can be image and product ones).
    5. Determination of organizational tools and partnerships (set the rules of the game: for example, 50x50 financing).

    Control questions

    1. What is territory marketing?
    2. Give a description of the subjects of territory marketing.
    3. Name the external and internal factors influencing the development of tourism in the region.
    4. List and describe the types of territory marketing.
    5. What groups of strategies does territory marketing use?
    6. Name the stages of formation of a territory’s marketing strategy.

    28 Dzhandzhugazova E.A. Marketing of tourist territories. - M., 2006. – P.78-79.
    29 Arzhenovsky I.V. Marketing of regions. - M., 2011. - P.58-60; Dzhandzhugazova E.A. Marketing of tourist territories. - M., 2006. - P.28-30.
    30 Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing of the region // Guild of Russian Marketers. - URL:
    31 Materials of the seminar “Marketing of tourist territories”. - Yaroslavl. - November 29, 2011

    As in the previous question, when speaking about the marketing of regions and tourist centers, we mean first of all the fact that the goal of the overall marketing strategy is to attract tourists to a given region or tourist center. It should also be noted that by tourist region we mean a separate territorial unit based on a community of natural, cultural or historical-architectural resources, united by a common tourist infrastructure and perceived as an integral object. Tourist region is an intranational category that may correspond to a specific administrative-territorial division (for example: the Polotsk region), occupy part of an administrative-territorial division, or represent a territory located on several administrative-territorial divisions (“Belovezhskaya Pushcha”) - Tourist center-totality tourist facilities, compactly located on the same territory, united by a common infrastructure and serving for the purpose of serving tourists. Sometimes the marketing of regions and tourist centers is called “place marketing”.
    One of the specific features of marketing regions and tourist centers, in contrast to the national level, is attracting tourists not only from abroad, but also within the country. Therefore, speaking about the tourism product represented by a region or a tourist center, we can talk about two of its varieties, where marketing efforts in the foreign market are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with national strategies and with the coordination of NTA, and work in the domestic market is carried out independently. Another specific feature is that marketing serves not only to attract tourists, but also to regulate tourist flows to a particular region or tourist center. Such marketing strategies are restraining in nature and may arise due to overload of the ecological system or

    negative reaction of the local population to the high flow of tourists.
    To promote a tourist region or tourist center in most countries, administrations of these objects are created, as a rule, on the principle of public organizations with the participation of local authorities. Such examples include the so-called tourist offices available in many countries around the world.

    A tourist center is a collection of tourist facilities compactly located on one territory, united by a common infrastructure and serving for the purpose of serving tourists. Marketing of regions and tourist centers is sometimes called “place marketing.”

    One of the specific features of marketing regions and tourist centers, in contrast to the national level, is attracting tourists not only from abroad, but also within the country. Therefore, speaking about the tourism product represented by a region or a tourist center, we can distinguish two of its varieties, where marketing efforts in the foreign market are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with national strategies and with the coordination of NTA, and work in the domestic market is carried out independently. Another specific feature is that marketing serves not only to attract tourists, but also to regulate tourist flows to a particular region or tourist center. Such marketing strategies are restraining in nature and may arise due to overload of the ecological system or a negative reaction of the local population to a high flow of tourists.

    To promote a tourist region or tourist center in most countries, administrations of these objects are created, as a rule, on the principle of public organizations with the participation of local authorities. Such examples include the so-called tourist offices available in many countries around the world.

    Professionally structured advertising and information activities play a special role in attracting tourists to a particular destination. Advertising plays a leading role, but is not the only marketing tool at all levels of tourist destinations. A significant role in their promotion is played by public relations activities, as well as direct marketing tools (personal selling), which take the form of various types of negotiations. Particularly important are the general territorial constants, which can be classified as elements of branding (coats of arms and state flags for states, coats of arms and generally accepted symbols of cities, logos, advertising slogans, myths, traditions, legends, etc.). In many countries, great attention is paid to creating images of cities, regions, and the country as a whole that are attractive to tourists. For example, in the USA, which cannot boast of a centuries-old history, in all states every place where one or another more or less famous event took place is “promoted” in order to attract tourists and is given a certain image: Texas is “the land cowboys", Tennessee - "the birthplace of country music", Georgia - "the heart of the American south", etc.

    Logos and advertising slogans often act as identification codes in the promotion of tourist destinations. Thus, one of the most famous trademarks in the world is the tourist logo of Turkey - the tulip flower. It is an invariable attribute of advertising and propaganda events to promote Turkey as a country favorable for tourism, carried out using the slogans: “Feel the rhythm of life in Turkey!”, “Feel the rhythm of civilization in Turkey!”, “Feel the rhythm of life in Istanbul!” and so on.

    In the promotion of tourist destinations, the importance of product placement is increasing, that is, the presentation of a specific destination in films and other works of art, which allows one to reproduce in sufficient detail certain features and competitive advantages of a particular tourist region.

    In marketing communications to promote tourist destinations, event marketing, major international events (for example, the Olympic Games), national, regional and local holidays, sports competitions, and unique natural phenomena in a specific area are also widely used. a certain time, specially organized competitions in exotic sports (for example, streetball, extreme cycling), etc.

    Ratings are also used as one of the tools for promoting tourist destinations. Widespread coverage of the progress and results of the rating in the press, excitement and a certain scandalousness when the results are announced become additional communications that positively influence the image of the destinations included in the rating.

    At the macro level, individual countries act as objects of promotion in the international tourism market. A state entering the international tourism market enters into a system of competitive relations with other states and entire world regions. The tourism marketing strategy is reflected in the adoption of relevant legislation, government long-term programs and plans. The role and place of a particular state in the global tourism market depends on how correctly and effectively the tourism marketing strategy is constructed and implemented.

    Marketing of attractions and entertainment complements image marketing. The territory uses either natural attractions (embankments of rivers, lakes, seas, mountains), or historical heritage (museums, architectural monuments, temples), or famous personalities, or cultural and recreational facilities (stadiums, cultural and shopping centers, parks).

    The more individual and famous the attractions, the better. Sightseeing strategies, further, differ depending on whether there are many or few of them and how many days it usually takes to see them. But any attraction of the territory cannot be the only object of attention in regional marketing. The integrated design of the territory as a single whole increases its attractiveness, uniqueness, and aesthetic merits. But if the region does not have its own attractions, they certainly need to be created. The most important component of marketing tourist areas is the marketing of attractions. It, in turn, is inextricably linked with image marketing, since it is the attractions that are the components of the positive image of a tourist region. Unfortunately, this type of marketing has been little studied; the influence of the attractiveness of individual attractions on the image of the entire region has been practically not studied. At the same time, there is no doubt about the exceptional influence of individual unique objects on the image of the territory, which sometimes become symbols of cities and tourist centers (Eiffel Tower in Paris, Taj Mahal in India, Tower Bridge in London).

    Of course, the value and attractiveness of attractions depends primarily on their historical and cultural significance, which is indisputable for well-known objects, but this does not mean that new objects are not attractive to tourists.

    Examples include the quite successful marketing of a relatively new tourist center of Russia - Veliky Ustyug, known as the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost, or a new attraction on the outskirts of St. Petersburg - the village of Shuvalovka, which is positioned as an ethnic village, a center of folk arts and crafts in combination with an extensive program recreation, entertainment and Russian folk entertainment.

    In fact, such an image policy creates new brands of territories, a set of unique distinctive features of the region. As you know, branding is the most important area of ​​marketing communications. There are different types of brands: product, service, personality, organization, event, and geographic.