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Should a man shave his pubic area? How to properly shave hair in the intimate area. How to avoid acne


Intimate hair removal for men. shaving the groin. Should men shave their genitals?!

You can be a smart person
And think about the beauty... of different places.
Almost Pushkin.

Are women comfortable with them?! Men love it when girls have everything or almost everything clean shaven in intimate places . And they can be understood. OK, when girl shaves her pubis- Beautiful.
Indeed, it is more beautiful, more erotic, and more hygienic. How to shave your pubic area and the men will sort it out. Nothing complicated!
It’s nice for them to look at you, kiss you, touch you wife's shaved pubis, girls, friends. What about yourself?

Many women would also like to see their partners' genitals clean-shaven or at least trimmed short. For many reasons.
Smooth shaved male genitals They also look more erotic. In any case, more interesting than when they look out from dense thickets.

Oral sex and shaved pubis

A oral sex! Men love oral sex. And for many women it would be more pleasant to give pleasure to their beloved without being periodically distracted by spitting out hairs, wouldn’t it?! And kissing something smooth, tender and pleasant to the touch is much more joyful than the same thing, but covered with hair. Think, kiss shaved pubis nicer than hairy.
So men could count on women being more enthusiastic about oral sex, if more attention was paid to the grooming of intimate places. At least to make women feel more comfortable with them when having sex.

Yes, and about grooming! Agree, shaved or short trimmed crotch immediately associated with grooming. At first glance, it is clear that the man takes care of himself, washes, and shaves. And this puts the girl in a more positive mood than when she sees thickets untouched by civilization, which it is unknown when a human hand touched.

Yes and for men shaving intimate areas there are undoubted advantages.
Have you ever thought that when smoothly shaved genitals, the penis looks 1.5-2 centimeters longer?! Shaved pubes of guys give them additional visual advantages. And if most men are so worried about whether their parameters are satisfactory or not, then shouldn’t they shave everything off and get a visually more long dick?! Guys, men! Shaved pubis makes the penis visually larger!

And in general - no pubic hair make a man courageous.
What makes a man a real man is his actions and attitude towards a woman.
A man is not necessarily something unshaven and not always smelling good.
A man is someone who is smart, reliable, decent, attractive, sexy and irresistible.

By the way, if you look at porn films filmed in last years, you will see that most of the handsome actors who play heroic lovers have not only attractive bodies, but also smoothly shaved crotch. They shave off all pubic hair.
Unlike girls, a man with some kind of strip of hair left on his pubic area would look a little strange. But it's clean smoothly shaved genitals, according to most women, they look very sexy and erotic. We agree that otherwise porn actors would not shave, but would grow hair in these places.

Of course, no one owes anyone anything. Everyone does as he pleases. But it is worth remembering that in the eyes of the opposite sex, both men and women who remove hair from intimate places look more attractive than those who can braid their hair there.
Vasilyeva Natasha especially for

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Injuries in men that occur while shaving hair in intimate area, rare, but they happen. Therefore, the issue of proper removal of hair in the groin is acute. How to shave a man's intimate area without causing damage to the skin or causing irritation? You need to select safe tools and carry out the procedure in the most comfortable environment.

Do you really need to shave your groin?

Indeed, it is quite difficult for men to come to a common decision on this issue. A woman knows for sure that she needs to shave the hair on her labia and folds, and leave it on her pubic area. It's just a matter of hygiene depending on critical days. What about a man?

If the hair in the groin is shaved, the penis looks longer and more massive than “hiding in the bushes.” This undoubtedly gives a man self-confidence and helps him prepare for successful sexual intercourse. You can also note the following advantages:

  • In the absence of hair, sweating decreases.
  • In the pool, hair does not stick out from under your swimming trunks, and aesthetics are maintained.
  • Hair does not get caught in the elastic bands of clothes and does not interfere with dressing.

A man may also notice the disadvantages of shaving. Firstly, this is a still complex and time-consuming procedure that requires concentration. Secondly, no matter how hard you try, you will still scratch the skin the first time, and there may be small, unpleasant cuts. And thirdly, stubble grows very quickly, which is completely unromantic and prickles during sexual intercourse, and even bothers the man himself. You have to shave very often to maintain normal skin condition.

And we must not forget about non-standard situations when a man learns how to shave his groin in order to cure a fungal disease or lice. You can't do without a razor here.

Hair removal at home

Calculate the time so that no one disturbs you during the hour you spend on an intimate haircut. Ideally, stay home alone. For the procedure you will need:

  • Electric razor.
  • Trimmer (for cutting hair in hard-to-reach places).
  • Small scissors.
  • A machine with a sharp razor.
  • Mirror.

Only certain tools can be used, depending on how you prefer to cut your hair. Everything that you use for haircuts in the intimate area should be used in the future only for these purposes or, in extreme cases, thoroughly disinfected. It is unacceptable to cut hair in the groin and then in the nose with a trimmer.

Stage one - haircut

The haircut is done dry, not even in the bathroom. The hair in the groin is very hard, if it is not shortened, it will clog the blades of the machine and quickly dull them. The trimmer is used to remove pubic hair and in the groin folds; the remaining hair length is no more than a centimeter.

Attention! Do not cut the area of ​​the scrotum and the piece of skin under the penis with an electric razor! The skin here is very thin and delicate, it can be damaged in three seconds; if an electric razor “bites” a hair and pulls, it will be very, VERY painful.

The trimmer is smaller than an electric razor, it is easier to operate, but you should also not bring the clipper to the testicles; use it to trim the hair near the root of the penis. A man, before shaving his balls, does not have to cut off the hair from them. The hairs here are very thin and can be removed more easily with a razor.

Another option is to use small scissors. On forums they sometimes advise taking manicure tools and using them. Don't take risks!! The sharply sharpened tips pierce the skin, scratch, and prick unpleasantly. Buy children's nail scissors, for babies, with thick blades and rounded tips. They are absolutely safe, but despite this, they cut perfectly and work well on pubic hair.

Stage two - preparing the skin

Take a warm bath, or better yet, a hot shower. Before shaving, the skin should be as steamed as possible. You can apply shaving foam to the hair in the groin, which you use on your face, if it does not contain “refreshing” ingredients - menthol, eucalyptus.

Remember, everything that cools the face, burns in the groin!

The best option is to lubricate the pubis, folds, and area around the penis with a special shaving gel in intimate places.

Stage three - shaving

Make yourself comfortable. If you are going to shave in a bathtub, place a mirror at the bottom, in which you can see the groin and scrotum. Men who often shave the groin area claim that it is most convenient to shave while lying down, on a bed or the floor.

Prepare napkins with which you will wipe the mirror and hands. You need to buy a completely new machine so that the blades are as sharp as possible. Shaving:

  • The area above the penis is shaved first. How to shave a man's pubic area? Only as the hair grows, this will help avoid ingrown hairs and reduce the likelihood of irritation. Hair is removed with light, gentle strokes. Don't press, or you'll cut yourself.
  • Then the hair on the sides is removed. The penis can be moved to the side with your hand, your legs can be slightly spread apart for convenience, taking a semi-squatting position.
  • To shave the area between the root of the penis and the scrotum, you need to elevate the penis. Proceed with extreme caution here.
  • When shaving under the scrotum, it is better to collect the testicles in your hand and lift them, observing the correctness of the procedure in the mirror.
  • If it is absolutely necessary to remove scrotal hair, take an ice cube and rub it on the area. The testicles will shrink and the skin will immediately become smaller, it will be harder, making it easier to shave.

All shaving strokes are directed from the middle - to the side. After each movement, it is necessary to wash off the shaved hair from the blades of the machine. Use hot running water, just leave the tap running. With “hot shaving,” the hair follicles open up better, and the hair is literally shaved off “at the root.”

A man, before shaving his groin, needs to think through a sequence of actions, which largely depend on anatomical features.

The skin on the pubic area and in the groin folds should be slightly pulled with the second hand, ensuring a smooth surface and increasing the glide of the razor. Ideally, shave with an erect penis, this way the skin will be stretched evenly on all sides, and it will be easier to rotate the penis.

After shaving, you need to take a shower, thoroughly cleansing the skin of the removed hair.. Remaining hair can be trimmed in the shower using small portions of shaving gel.

You should dry yourself with an old towel that has already acquired sufficient softness and does not scratch the skin. Moreover, do not rub the skin in the groin, but gently blot it, removing excess moisture. After shaving cream is applied to dry skin. You don’t need to rub it in, it’s better to wait 15 minutes for it to be absorbed. At the end of the procedure, you need to wear loose underwear (preferably cotton) that will not rub the skin in the groin.

Brief instructions for shaving the groin of men

How to prevent irritation?

You have very sensitive skin on your face, prone to rashes and irritations. It is possible that redness will also appear on the pubic area and in the groin folds after shaving. How to shave your groin without irritation? Adhere to the following rules:

  • Only sharp, fresh blades.
  • Shaving gel – with aloe (has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect).
  • Don't try to achieve super-smoothness by shaving against the direction of hair growth, as this will definitely lead to ingrown hairs into the skin.
  • After shaving, you can apply an antibacterial cream or wound-healing ointment, such as Bepanten, to the skin.

Do not wear synthetic underwear or tight swimming trunks after shaving.

Beauty Salons

If a man really wants to get rid of hair in the groin, but is afraid to shave his hair at home himself, he can go to a beauty salon. Nowadays, hair removal in beauty salons is carried out not only for women, but also for men.

You can not just shave the hair in the groin, but ask for an interesting intimate haircut. To achieve maximum smoothness, some men undergo photoepilation of the intimate area. Men rarely agree to wax hair removal. Although this procedure provides complete hair removal, it is very painful.

In beauty salons, hair in the groin of men is not removed using depilatory creams. They contain substances that can cause burns to the thin and delicate skin of the scrotum. If even a drop of the product gets on the head of the penis, the mucous membrane will be damaged, and even urination will be very painful.

If you decide to “remove” your pubic hair at home using a depilatory cream, protect the head of the penis by wearing a condom. And first conduct a sensitivity test by applying a little cream to the crook of your elbow for 15 minutes.

How do girls feel about the lack of hair in a man’s groin?

How do you know if a girl likes it when guys have a shaved groin? You just need to ask. Of course, not every girl passing by, but a sexual partner.

Some people consider hair removal mandatory for hygiene purposes. Lovers of oral sex definitely won’t want a man’s hair to “tickle his nose” during the process. But there are also girls who cannot stand the tingling of male intimate “stubble” in the bikini area and labia. Women may have scratches on their delicate skin from the “stumps” of recently shaved hairs, a rash, and irritation after sexual intercourse.

Hair in the intimate area is sometimes simply necessary, and not only for insulation. Groin hairs help distribute male pheromones responsible for sexuality. Many women take a man's natural hair for granted. Moreover, the shaved groin area is a little alarming: “Is the person of traditional orientation? Does he have pubic lice?

Therefore, if your woman is of the opinion that a man should be gloomy, powerful, smelly and hairy, and you are quite satisfied with the condition of the intimate area, you should not torture yourself. Leave your hair alone, otherwise it happens that you decide to surprise your beloved, shave your groin according to all the rules, but still the irritation appears, then apply wound-healing ointment for a month.

I am 16 years old. Recently my mother and I went on vacation to the Black Sea, where I met two girls - two years older than me. We became friends, they gave me different tips. Including the fact that it’s time for me to shave the hair in my groin and armpits. Tell me, is it too early for me to do this? Will I be overgrown in 10 years, like a monkey?

Marina, Nizhny Novgorod

NO, you won’t get hair if shaving becomes a habitual procedure in your life. Your new friends are right - it's time for you to start taking care of the intimate parts of your body. After all, it’s ugly when hair starts to break through the swimsuit area.

As soon as hair begins to grow in intimate areas, you should try to remove it. They appear, as a rule, during puberty - 13-14 years. And once you start sex life, you will act depending on own desire and the desires of your partner (if they are important to you). What if he wants to see you only in your natural look, and not clean-shaven?

We asked Natalya Shuvalova, a cosmetologist at the Medsi medical and health complex, to talk about the rules of intimate shaving.

EVERY woman solves the problem of hair removal individually. There are many ways. But the most optimal is shaving. Its main advantage is simplicity and accessibility. It can be easily done at home and does not require any expensive drugs. Its disadvantages are that after shaving, the hair becomes stiffer, grows faster, and skin inflammation is also possible. And to avoid all this, you need to follow the simplest recommendations.

Safety razors must be used. Now there are special women's razors with a moisturizing strip for a smoother shave. The machine must be strictly individual and stored in a clean and dry condition.

For shaving, special foams and gels are best suited, preferably for sensitive skin, since the bikini area is the most delicate. Creams are not recommended. It is better not to use soap at all, because it dries the skin and reduces its natural bactericidal power, which can lead to unwanted inflammation. Antibacterial soap is especially dangerous. It completely destroys the natural protective layer of the skin.

Women's and men's shaving products are not fundamentally different. The only difference is in the aromatic additives.

Russian shaving products are not inferior in quality to Western ones. There is no fundamental difference between them.

It is better not to use disposable machines. As a rule, they have one blade that is far from the best quality without a softening strip. Therefore, there is a greater chance of cutting yourself and causing inflammation. Don't skimp on health and safety.

Whether to shave all hair in the bikini area and labia majora is an individual matter. From a hygiene point of view, it is better to cover the entire area where the hair grows. You can leave a narrow strip of pubic hair - not so much for reasons of hygiene, but for the sake of aesthetics.

After shaving, it is imperative to treat the skin with lotion, milk or cream, which have softening, disinfecting and even inhibitory (preventing hair growth) properties, which allows you to increase the interval between shaving sessions.

To epilate or depilate hair in the bikini area is up to each woman to decide. But it is still preferable to depilate, that is, shave. Because with waxing and electric hair removal, the threat of ingrown hairs is much greater than on the whole body, since this is an area of ​​increased sensitivity. Traumatization of the skin provokes the occurrence of folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicles.

If you cut yourself or the follicle becomes inflamed, you need to immediately treat the area with any disinfectant. For example, hydrogen peroxide or herbal tincture with alcohol. You need to treat it pointwise - only the affected area, and then use baby powder: it has a drying effect and will prevent the further development of inflammation. It’s just better to use domestic powder, because it does not contain any fragrances or deodorizing agents that irritate damaged skin.

The armpits are also an intimate shaving area. And it is also better to shave them than to epilate them: after all, there is not only very sensitive skin, but also an accumulation of lymph nodes. And inaccurate electrolysis can lead to severe inflammatory reactions. Care for the armpits is the same as in the bikini area - gels, foams and subsequent treatment. Just immediately after shaving, you should never use deodorants or antiperspirants; you need to wait at least three hours.

His passions are real!

SMOOTH, like a Barbie doll, skin on female body Not all men are attracted to it. Some of them are simply indifferent to the condition of his chosen one’s intimate toilet. And some are true fans of everything natural and pristine. Just like Eva: naked and with natural hair from crown to toes.

Today's Europe is literally obsessed with naturism. A complete idyll - no one is embarrassed by anyone, complete unity, as they say, the soul wide open. The body too.

Of course, most naturists at their beach parties are in a state of not only complete nudity, but also complete “unshavenness”. No, many men do not have a beard, which they are forced to shave, if only because official etiquette requires it. But the female half of naturists generally do not touch their beautiful bodies with a razor at all. Even those whom nature has “rewarded” with abundant hair growth on the legs, arms and bikini area.

It is the “womb of love” in its untouched form by civilization that most attracts men - adherents of naturism. Moreover, some of them do not necessarily like nude parties. These “someones” adore sex with a “hairy” woman. For example, the Germans are such fans of hairiness.

It turns out that both naturism and shaving have their pros and cons.

There is no need to spend money on expensive razors, foams, gels.

You don’t have to worry about whether the hated bristle has broken through in the most visible place and whether your lover has felt it with the palm of your hand.

You know that you are always desirable to your partner, whenever he wants you. You are calm because you are in “the right form” around the clock.

You have to carefully select intimate deodorizing products to ensure a good smell on your intimate parts of the body.

It is impossible to wear miniskirts because there is always hair on your legs, which looks unaesthetic in society.

If you fall in love with someone, and your husband only wants to see you with hair all over your body, you may be hesitant to contact a new friend.

Mine, but not to the holes!

An intimate toilet is a necessary thing, like brushing your teeth. And there are still several misconceptions about how to do this, how many times a day and by what means. The head of the gynecological department of Medsi, Eleonora Khujadze, will help us debunk them.

Misconception No.1. You need to wash from front to back - from the vulva to the anus.

If you washed the anus first, then there is no fundamental difference in the washing technique. But the trick is to ALWAYS wash your anus first. Otherwise, there will be a risk of bacteria from the anus getting into the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, which will lead to the development of infection, itching, and even worms (if there are any in the intestinal flora).

Misconception No.2. When using the intimate toilet, you need to use soap.

Wrong. Any deodorizing soap can cause dryness of the vulvar mucosa, as a result of which a woman or girl will be bothered by itching. It is best to use neutral soap, preferably baby soap or special gels for intimate hygiene.

Misconception N3. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the entrance to the vagina and inside it with soap or shower gel.

Under no circumstances should you “wash” your vagina. Soap and gel can cause burning and itching of the vulva and labia, as they contain alkali.

Misconception N4. Washing without douching is useless.

Not at all. You need to know that there is a certain flora in the vagina that does not require frequent “invasion”. You can douche only in case of urgent need, when, for example, discharge begins to bother you or after unprotected sexual intercourse. If this happens, it is better to douche with a solution of chamomile, calendula, or oak bark.

Misconception N5. Underwear can be washed with anything.

This is wrong. It is not advisable to wash laundry with powder, because the skin, and especially the mucous membranes, can react to it with irritation. And neutral or baby soap is best suited for this.

Misconception N6. If you are not sexually active, you only need to wash yourself once a day.

Wrong. In any case, this should be done twice a day - morning and evening. And in the evening - with soap, in the morning - just water.

Intimate styling is becoming increasingly popular among men and women, but achieving smooth and sexy skin in intimate areas is not so easy - it is a delicate matter and requires certain skills and abilities. It doesn't matter whether you're a woman or a man, it's important to shave your hair without risking injury or causing skin irritation, and in this article we'll show you how.


Preparing to shave

    Trim your pubic hair first. Razors are designed for shaving short stubble and quickly become clogged and dull when used on long hair. To cut the hair, gently pull it up and away from you, and then trim it with small, sharp scissors or a clipper with an attachment. You can even use an electric trimmer without rotating heads. You should leave only half a centimeter of hair length or less.

    • If you've never had an intimate haircut, you might want to leave short hair for a few days - this will allow you to get used to the new sensations.
    • If you lack dexterity, it is better to keep the scissors away from such a vulnerable area of ​​the body. You will have to bring the cutting surfaces very close to the skin. Therefore, if the thought of this makes you nervous, it is better to use an electric trimmer, with which you can trim your hair without hurting your skin.
  1. Take a hot shower or bath to soften your hair and hair follicles. This will make coarse pubic hair much easier to shave. This may seem like an extra step, but a hot bath or shower will make shaving much easier.

    Lather your hair to avoid irritation. You can also use unscented shaving foam or gel. It is best to choose a foam or cream that is designed for shaving hair in the intimate area, and not on the face, because these products have significant differences. remember, that Shaving hair without cream or foam is not recommended.

    Maximum shaving performance

    1. Take a razor. It's new to you, isn't it? The newer the blade, the better it will shave. It is recommended to use machines with multiple blades and gel pads on both sides, which will allow the machine head to slide. It makes no difference whether your razor is pink or blue. If it is sharp and has 3-4 blades, shaving will not only be easier, but also safer.

      • Don't want to keep buying new razors? In this case, you should take good care of the ones you already have. Dedicate one machine to caring for your intimate area and always rinse it thoroughly after use. Also, keep your razor dry because water can accelerate the corrosion of the blades, causing them to become dull faster.
    2. Pull the skin tightly. If you drag a razor over relaxed skin, you can cut yourself. Razors cut hairs best on a straight, smooth surface. Free hand Pull the skin tightly and continue to hold it - this will make it much easier for you.

      • To make it easier, start from the navel. Pull the skin above the hairline and move in any direction. The type of intimate hairstyle depends only on your desires. You can shave it all off, or you can leave a small section or do something more elaborate. Your body is the canvas and you are the artist. However, if you lock yourself in the bathroom for several hours to create a masterpiece, people will start asking you questions.
    3. Shave with soft and smooth movements. Important things to remember: shaving By hair growth will help avoid irritation, and shaving against hair growth will make the skin smoother. Don't forget about this, but act according to your body's characteristics. If you have very sensitive skin, it is better to shave along the hairline, even if it takes you twice as long as shaving against the grain.

      • If you want to achieve a smoother look, try shaving across the grain of your hair. For example, if your hair grows downward, shave left or right. Learn to feel the hairs by touch instead of trying to see them. Not having to look at the skin up close will speed up the process.
      • Don't shave for too long. Shave each area just long enough to remove hair. If you move the razor too much, it will cause your skin to become inflamed.
      • At first, you will notice that if you shave your intimate area for two days in a row, the skin will develop red bumps and/or itchiness. In this case, simply take a few days off between treatments until your skin gets used to the changes.
    4. Don't forget the area between your buttocks. If you've ever had your bikini area waxed, you probably remember how you thought it was all over, but then the waxer asked you to turn over to the other side. Exactly. She needed to get to that part of the body that you had completely forgotten about. In the case of shaving, everything is exactly the same if you want to get rid of unnecessary hair everywhere.

    5. Clean up after yourself. Save yourself the embarrassment, show respect for others, and clean up the drain after yourself.

      • The easiest way to cut your hair is over the toilet, and to shave your hair in the shower (at least when it comes to cleaning). Once you're done, carefully inspect the drains, floor, towels, and razor. There should be no traces left anywhere.

    If you are cutting pubic hair, use separate scissors. This means that those scissors you use to cut your bangs and the ones you use to open a carton of milk in the kitchen should not do the job below the waist. “There are certain bacteria and fungi that live in the groin that you don’t want to spread to other parts of the body,” says Anthony Rossi, a dermatologist at Weill Cornell Medical College (USA). Before starting the procedure, wipe the scissors with alcohol and wash your hands and groin thoroughly. This way you are less likely to get an infection during the process.

    Lay the foundation

    The results of a study conducted last year in the United States show that about half of women prefer complete or partial absence of hair in the groin of their partner. If you want to get rid of vegetation, then first you need to prepare everything. You should not immediately demolish your bushes - this can cause skin irritation and itching. Long, stubborn hairs get stuck in the razor and can cause painful cuts. “If you have thick growth, trim it first with scissors,” advises Rossi. “Because pubic hair is coarser and curlier, it often becomes ingrown.” Cut them short, but not to the skin, but to about 2 mm. This way they won’t be able to curl and grow in.

    Take a hot shower

    Shaving dry pubic hair is a bad idea. It's better to do this after a hot shower. Warm water softens the skin and washes away dirt and grease. The water also wets the surface being treated, preventing the razor from pulling out hair. You shouldn't use your regular soap: it's better to take shaving gel, it moisturizes better. “Buy an alcohol-free gel that contains aloe extract,” advises Rossi. This will prevent irritation.

    Brave in the right direction

    “If you want to achieve perfect smoothness, you need to shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it,” says Rossi. Look in which direction the hair is sticking out, and shave with even movements in the same direction. This will avoid stubble and getting caught in ingrown hairs. In addition, there is less chance of irritation after shaving, since the razor will not pull the hair in an unusual direction.

    Be careful with your testicles

    The skin on the scrotum and base of the penis is wrinkled, which means it can be easily cut with a razor. “There are a lot of bacteria living in these areas, and the slightest cut can lead to infection,” warns Brian Steixner, director of the Institute of Men's Health in Atlantic City (USA). Panniculitis, abscesses, Fournier's gangrene - believe me, you don't want to look at this, so don't even look for pictures on the Internet. So, caution and caution again. “Use your other hand to stretch the skin before shaving or cutting,” advises Rossi. And to see all corners clearly, stand over the mirror in a well-lit bathroom.

    Wash the cut

    Even if you're super careful, you can still cut yourself. This is the most common injury from genital shaving. Do not panic. “The main thing is to wash the cut area with warm water and soap and wipe with rubbing alcohol,” advises Rossi. If the cut is shallow, simply press a piece of toilet paper into the area to stop the bleeding. Hold for 10–15 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop or if it is pulsating, call an ambulance. Deep cuts may require stitches.

    Complete the procedure with moisturizing

    Irritation and itching are common after shaving. "It's connected with hypersensitivity the skin of the genital organs, as well as with the curved structure of the follicles,” explains Rossi. Moisturizing with aftershave lotion will help prevent these sensations. “Choose a lotion with aloe extract or camphor,” advises Rossi. But if the problem does not go away within a few days, you may have an infection or inflammation of the follicle. Go to a dermatologist to prescribe treatment.