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The scoop is in our heads: “reasons to be proud of Ukraine,” to which we have nothing to do. United country: ten reasons to be proud of Ukraine Artistic talent of Ukraine

All people are supposedly descended from apes, but some have a democratic ape as their ancestors.

And finally, man became the king of nature when he acquired properties unique to him. True, some of these processes of internal regulation of human activity are considered a mortal sin.
But let us agree, readers, that feelings do not reflect an objective, but a subjective, usually unconscious assessment of an object.

So the topic of the report is pride.
Please do not confuse it with arrogance, arrogance, pride, and delusions of grandeur. We are not talking about the country’s leaders - deputies of various trump suits, politicians, experts, ministers and other thieves in power, but “about the feeling of pride in being a Ukrainian.”
That’s what the new Banderaites, first-generation Ukrainians, say: “I’m proud to be a Ukrainian”!
And the country is also proud of its new heroes of the Maidan of Dignity. Leaders of the country! Without them, the current democratic, terribly rich, independent Ukraine. Yes, it’s also indivisible!

So, in Ukraine we see such a picture, as they say, in the spirit of Raphael. The whole country is proud of something. Even on some correct, and therefore permitted, TV channels we have the “Pride of Ukraine” section.

In the past, the country of Ukraine had places to be proud: a thousand-year history, Ukrainian pilots - Indian chiefs, commanders Bandera and Shukhevych, contributions of Ukrainians to world literature, painting, cinema, the invention of missiles, and so on...

It’s true about missiles, if anyone doesn’t know. The rockets were invented by General A.D. Zasyadko, the ancestor of the Minister of the Coal Industry of the banned USSR.

And now? Who, or what, are you proud of? The power that the Ukrainians of the Maidan themselves elected, and if necessary, they will cut off a kidney for it and give it to the elections, they will lie with their bones, but they will throw their vote into the ballot box for the heroes of the Maidan revolution to lead themselves again and again.

And again they will bring to power these billionaires on blood, who are still waiting for foreign investments, loans in order to steal, and their money received for the sale natural resources and any other way to steal, they laboriously store it in offshore companies, and what doesn’t fit is literally some crumbs, they indicate in the declarations.
It is impossible to understand the leaders of the Ukrainian state in a sober mind:

Carry out reforms and privatize everything that has been destroyed and not yet stolen, so that the state does not engage in production, because private owners do it more efficiently. The question is - more effective for whom? For the leaders of the country, selling once profitable enterprises to relatives?
The question arises: why then are the leaders of the country sitting on the neck of a Ukrainian? Why are there numerous parasites, all around in authority?

And so that their children, all of them living abroad, can be proud of them. And wives, mothers, fathers, mothers-in-law, who run damnably profitable enterprises, stolen, in the sense of successfully privatized, from the people.

Well, so that the mob does not arise and does not interfere with plundering the country, true stories are made up about Ukrainians who should be proud of, no, not the ministers led by their chairman, who all repeat the mantra - “I’m proud to be a Ukrainian.” And those Ukrainians, the mighty heroes about whom songs are sung and films are made in Ukraine.

Either they have Bandera as a hero or not, then they expose the Second World War, in which there would have been no victory without General Shukhevych.
Mazepa is a great Ukrainian, Orlik is the author of the first constitution, and so on... Polubotok's gold, the debts of the aggressors for the occupation, and other trinkets for the electorate...

All this is done with a great goal, to distract the herds of voters from today, all these arguments and voluntary statements by politicians, experts, deputies, about the benefits current moment, about the worldview, about the restructuring of characters and about the glorious days to come, pursue one goal - whoever is not proud of the military exploits of the great Bandera and Shukhevych, the nameless million-strong armies of the OUN-UPA, the first constitution in the world, is a bastard, an agent of the Comintern-GPU, a scoop, and has no right to wear proud title Ukrainian!

What are the rates?
What a miserable pension?
Why has crime increased exponentially?

Here the question is about the heroes, without whom the revolutionary gathering of the leaders of the Maidan does not see a new Ukrainian nation, and who, heroes, laid down their lives as a torch for the good of the people, in exile! And whoever is not proud of them will not be accepted into the bright future drawn by the country’s creditors.
So, brothers, we are proud that we have chosen power for ourselves, and they are already our heroes. And there is hope that the fighting mood to die for the current leaders of the country will not leave any of the Ukrainians who voted for a proud Ukraine!

The largest aircraft, the leader in rocket production "Yuzhmash", cool animated films - this is a small part of the list of "reasons to be proud of Ukraine." But many of these lists were created Soviet Union or even the Russian Empire. The factories served imperial needs, not Ukrainian ones. For 25 years, the country cannot boast of serious scientific and industrial achievements. The maximum is the revival of what was torn apart.

We have collected examples of imaginary reasons for pride. Mainly industrial enterprises. Their fates turned out differently: some are now successfully working, others have almost become bankrupt. But they are united by the fact that Ukraine has nothing to do with their creation. And they are regularly, like objects of adoration for a fetishist, pulled out from the storerooms of “Ukrainian achievements”, with or without reason.

The Antonov aircraft plant was revived only after the Revolution of Dignity

"Antonov" provided the USSR with military transport aircraft and passenger airliners, producing 2.5 thousand aircraft and 3 thousand "corn trucks". In addition, prototypes of equipment were built at the plant.

After the collapse of the USSR, the plant began to produce. If airplanes were built, they were built one by one. The enterprise is getting bigger; a full-fledged production cycle has not yet been created in Ukraine.

After the revolution, the authorities paid attention to the plant - it concluded supply contracts and signed a letter of intent with companies from Saudi Arabia and Germany - they are going to build an aircraft factory in the Arab kingdom.

The largest aircraft in the world has existed in a single copy since Soviet times.

Another aviation symbol of Ukraine is Mriya, the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world. The aircraft weighs 600 tons and lifts 200 tons of cargo. To imagine its dimensions, see.

It was created in 1988 not to transport goods, but as a transport for space shuttles. At the same time They began to build a second plane.After 1991, airplanes were forgotten for a decade. And if about the first "Mriya" in the early 2000sremembered and converted into commercial transport, then for the completion of the second aircraft 300 million dollars.

An 225 "Mriya". Photo

The Motor Sich plant depends on Russia

During the Soviet era, the Zaporozhye enterprise was one of the main manufacturers of aircraft engines. Since 1953, it has been producing aircraft engines, later adding engines for helicopters. Zaporozhye engines for combat helicopters of the most common Mi and Ka series. Thanks to such popularity, Motor Sich successfully survived the collapse of the USSR. In 2014, the company received one and a half billion hryvnia in profit and employed 26 thousand people. The plant produces and maintains strategic importance.

True, there is one nuance. “Without Ukrainian engines of the Russian Federation” sounds cool, right? But Ukraine also depends on Russia in this matter. We do not produce finished helicopters, only engines. This is such a legacy of the Soviet economy: enterprises of the same cycle were scattered throughout the Union. Previously, Ukraine did not notice the difference, because the Russian Federation was a partner. Now the loss of ties with the Russian Federation threatens Motor Sich with losses. There is no one to buy engines within the country. Finding alternative sales directions is possible though. But there is nowhere to buy helicopters for our army. After all, Ukraine did not build its own aircraft industry, but helped others do it.

In the 90s, adventure cartoons became popular all over the world, but Kievnauchfilm remained “out of business” even at the Ukrainian level. While the United States was making money from cartoons, Ukrainians were left with the government and translation of imported animation. The first full-length cartoon appeared in Ukraine. But for Ukrainian animation to come to life and generate income, cartoons need to be produced continuously.

Plant "Yuzhmash" - from nuclear weapons... to trolleybuses

Since its founding in 1951, the plant has been called a “factory of fear,” because Yuzhmash produced ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. 13 models of combat missiles were assembled in Dnepropetrovsk, and their number still remains a secret. Until 1991, peaceful technology remained a by-product.

Ukraine abandoned nuclear weapons, and the plant began producing launch vehicles. Since independence, Yuzhmash has completed and launched into orbit 238 spacecraft different countries of the world. Ukraine actually abandoned space exploration, so the main customer of Yuzhmash became... you guessed it, Russia. And if in 2011 Russian orders brought the company, then in 2014 - only 28 million. Yuzhmash incurred a 700 million dollar debt and the enterprise was on the verge of closure.

Now the plant produces grenade launchers and trolleybuses.

Plant named after Malyshev - created in the Russian Empire

Founded in 1895, it was one of the largest locomotive factories in the empire. He also built engines, agricultural and coal mining equipment, tractors, tanks and tractors. The plant produced all types of USSR vehicles, and repaired another 500 vehicles. Unlike many Soviet enterprises, the Kharkov plant is capable of building full-fledged armored vehicles, and not individual parts. But Ukraine in the 1990s had no time for tanks, and in 23 years it transferred only 85 Bulat to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But this is not a new car, but a modernization of the Soviet T-64 tank.

Even despite exports, the plant could not pay salaries to employees. To pay off the debts, it was necessary, but the enterprise still turned out to be.

After the start of the war, the Malyshev plant received orders, workers work in 3 shifts for a good salary by Kharkov standards - 6 thousand hryvnia. But due to the indifference of the state, the enterprise might not survive until this time.

Tank "Oplot" produced by the Malyshev plant. Photo

Kryukov Carriage Works - Ukrainian answer to Hyundai

The lobby between the escalators at Arsenalnaya. Photo

Radar station "Kolchuga" - Ukraine may still need it

The station detects air and ground targets, therefore it is useful both in air defense and for tracking ground targets.

At first, the Kursk Military Institute of the GRU worked on the project. Later, the development was transferred to the Donetsk plant "Topaz", which created the complex. They managed to build it before the collapse of the USSR.

At the beginning of this year, Ukroboronprom promised stations.

Radar "Kolchuga". Photo

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine began to be ruled by those who saw it as a tool for personal enrichment. Quickly, before anyone has time to understand what is happening, sell scrap metal - our rulers know how to do this. They may be able to create a factory and give people jobs, but they don’t want to. After all, you have to think about others... But the profit will only come in a few years. In general, “not profitable”.

Although it cannot be said that nothing cool has been created in Ukraine over the years of independence. There is Bogdan, there is the Interpipe plant, the Elektron tram, stadiums for Euro 2012... But such examples are depressingly few. Therefore, we instinctively cling to what we have nothing to do with. Maybe stop living in the past? It's time to finally create your top ten and even more reasons to be proud.

Journalists of the Kyiv weekly “New Time” Lesya Vladzievska and Taras Ilkiv, in honor of the 24th anniversary of the country’s independence, found (invented?) 24 reasons to be proud of Ukraine

Their colleague Ruslan Vesnyanko decided to join them, and this is what came of it (we present the most interesting parts of the article).

1. Patriotism and unity

The Russian invasion made Ukrainians more united than ever before... creating a boom in patriotism.

No, well, of course there is patriotism! What a great one! Only it looks more like complete nationalism, developing into Nazism and intolerance towards any “Muscovite” or simply having a different, “unpatriotic” point of view. In Kharkov, “patriots” almost lynched a man who just dared to wear a T-shirt with the inscription “USSR.” And with “unity” it’s even more fun! Just need to clarify who we are talking about unity: the oligarchs led by Poroshenko and starving pensioners or the Donbass “vatniks” and the Ukrainian military shooting at them?

© RIA Novosti, Vitaly Belousov | Go to photobank

2. Professionalism and scientific achievements

Ukrainians have developed an aircraft with the world's largest payload capacity - the An-225 Mriya. The famous nuclear missile “Satan” was also invented in Ukraine. Ukraine is the birthplace of 6 Nobel laureates: Zelman Vaksman, Ilya Mechnikov, Roald Hoffman, Semyon Kuznets, Georges Shrapak and others.

Ukrainians are even overly educated! Therefore, starting next year, it was decided to make all higher education paid. Touching care is also shown for schoolchildren - their childhood is extended through 12-year education and extended vacations.

Now about the great “Ukrainians” and their achievements. “Satan” was created in the 1970s, and An-225 - in 1988 in the “occupier” USSR. American microbiologist and biochemist Zelman Waksman was born in 1888 in the Podolsk province Russian Empire, died in 1973 in the USA. Russian and French biologist Ilya Mechnikov was born in 1845 in the Kharkov province of the Russian Empire, died in 1916 in Paris. American chemist Roald Hoffman was born in 1937 in the Ternopil Voivodeship of Poland. American economist Simon Smith Kuznets was born in 1901 in the Minsk province of the Russian Empire, died in 1985 in Cambridge. French physicist Georges Charpak was born in Dombrowice, Poland in 1924, and died in 2010 in Paris.

P.S. Dear colleagues, at least you correctly spell the names of the “Ukrainians” you are so proud of...

P.S.S. You announced 6 “Ukrainian” Nobel laureates, but named 5. So who is this sixth “other”? Be injected, schemers!

4. Music of the Ukrainian soul

The best Ukrainian opera singer is Salome Krushelnitskaya. In the 1970s, the American singer of Ukrainian origin Kvitka Tsisyk conquered the United States. The world-famous performer Lenny Kravitz is jokingly called Leonid Kravets.

There is no point in arguing here! After all, Krushelnitskaya, born in Austria-Hungary, is an Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR! And Tsisyk was born and died in New York, but she was in Ukraine once! Leonard Albert Kravitz's father is a New York Jew, and his mother is from the Bahamas. And what does Ukraine have to do with it, you ask? It turns out that his Jewish great-grandfather was born in Kyiv. Well, this changes everything!

© RIA Novosti, Vladimir Rodionov | Go to photobank

5. Ukrainian theater and cinema

Maria Zankovetskaya is the queen of the Ukrainian stage. It is with her name that the concept of “Ukrainian theater” is associated. The film “Earth” by Alexander Dovzhenko was noted among the best films of all times. Our country can also be proud of modern actors such as Bogdan Stupka. It’s worth remembering Ivan Mykolaichuk, who was a movie star in the 1960s and 1970s.

There is no doubt about Zankovetskaya - she is a Ukrainian actress! But there is, of course, a fly in the ointment: after all, she is a People’s Artist of everything that is disgusting for today’s Ukrainians of the USSR! As well as the truly great actor Bogdan Stupka. But Mikolaichuk only earned the title of “Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.” As for Dovzhenko, then... You see, he is a laureate of the Lenin and two Stalin Prizes, and he is buried in Moscow. It’s somehow unpatriotic of him...

8. Poets and writers of Ukraine

Ukraine is proud not only of the world-famous genius Taras Shevchenko. Our country is worthily represented in Europe and the world by such talents as Yuri Andrukhovich, Oksana Zabuzhko, Vasily Shklyar, Sergei Zhadan, Maria Matios, Andrey Kurkov, Irene Rozdobudko, Luko Dashvar and others.

Let me remind you, by the way, that out of 47 years of his life, Taras Shevchenko spent only 15 in Ukraine, and two-thirds of it creative heritage deliberately written in Russian.

During the “Orange Revolution,” 55-year-old Andrukhovich signed a collective letter from representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia directed against the Russian language in Ukraine, which was called “the language of thieves and pop culture”; I am convinced that “Crimea and Donbass are politically part of the Russian nation, so these regions must be given the opportunity to separate from Ukraine.”

64-year-old Shklyar refused to translate his novel “Zalyshenets” into Russian; in February 2011 he spoke out for the separation of Crimea and Donbass from Ukraine.

52-year-old Rozdobudko has a stormy biography: she was a telegraph operator, proofreader, editor-in-chief, waitress, sprechstalmeister, Snegurochka at the Svyato company, and head of a video salon.

57-year-old Irina Chernova (Dashvar) mainly wrote her works based on the life stories of readers sent to the newspaper, where she was the editor-in-chief; The writer's husband and children do not read her works.

11. Ukrainian language

Not so long ago, almost half of Ukrainians spoke Russian, but now the situation has begun to change. More and more young people are beginning to speak their native Ukrainian language.

Much more than half of the residents of Ukraine spoke, speak and will speak Russian, and in Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Nikolaev the overwhelming majority. And no amount of “patriotism” can change this - you won’t be nice by force!

© RIA Novosti, Alexander Maksimenko | Go to photobank

13. Embroidered shirt

National clothing, embroidered shirt, is not just an element of the Ukrainian traditional system, but also a full-fledged symbol of independence and the richness of cultural heritage.

Embroidery has become a kind of fetish, a symbol of the Maidan and ostentatious patriotism, when not only patriots, but also ethnic Russians, Jews, Georgians, etc., wear it appropriately and inappropriately, thereby leveling the significance of the outfit.

14. Ukrainian cuisine

Traditional Ukrainian cuisine is rich in great variety vegetable dishes. This includes borscht, cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, and sauerkraut, and pickles, and pumpkin porridge. Ukrainians also love a variety of lard dishes.

Colleagues forgot something about dumplings! But they took credit for the cabbage rolls, but oh well.

15. Most beautiful women

Ukrainian women are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Among the best memories of foreign tourists about Ukraine, you will always find words about the beauty of local ladies.

There can be no doubt about the beauty of Ukrainian women! The only caveat is that sometimes some Ukrainian ladies use this beauty in a very ignoble manner both at home (foreigners have long laid sex routes to Ukraine) and in many European countries.

© RIA Novosti, Sergey Averin | Go to photobank

17. IT sphere

Behind last years Ukrainian IT specialists have made a real breakthrough, showing themselves on the world stage as industry leaders. The reason for pride is jobs in large and medium-sized cities in all regions and the flow of foreign currency into the country, which in volumes is comparable to the export of mineral fertilizers and remittances of labor migrants.

And where, I don’t hesitate to ask, is this currency flow?

20. Treasures of Ukrainian architecture

Sophia of Kiev, Pechersk Lavra, the fortress in Kamenets-Podolsky, and the center of Lviv are included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. No less unique from an architectural point of view are the Tauride Chersonesos national reserve, the historical centers of Kyiv and Chernigov, as well as many ancient castles of Transcarpathia and Galicia.

But what do Polish Lemberg and Kamenets-Podolsky, Greek Chersonesos, Austro-Hungarian Transcarpathia and Galicia have to do with Ukrainian architecture?

23. Ukrainian army

The victories of brave Ukrainian soldiers run through the history of our state, starting from the times of Kievan Rus and ending with the war in Donbass. Both the princely squads, Cossacks, and UPA in the past, as well as the volunteer battalions today, evoke admiration.

Were there Ukrainians in Kievan Rus?..

© RIA Novosti, Stringer | Go to photobank

24. Tolerance and endurance

The protracted war in the east and stalled reforms, corruption scandals and lack of justice have not broken the majority of Ukrainians. They still believe that their children will be able to grow up in a developed, full-fledged and free state. And the fact that young fighters become heroes of the new Ukraine, very young police officers fine deputies, and an official can be fired the day after a riot on Facebook shows that the country is slowly, but still moving in the right direction. And it depends on each of us how quickly the young Ukrainian state will move towards its dream.

Yes, the Ukrainian state continues to wage war on its own citizens; corruption flourished after the elimination of the “corrupt power of Yanukovych”; justice and common sense in actions, power disappeared as concepts.

But Maidonophiles still believe that our “friends”, the Americans, will help us; that by harassing (and even killing) dissidents, Ukraine is moving towards Europe, which is not waiting for us at all; that the young policemen, chasing the homeless in a gang, will be able to resist the bandits from the so-called. volunteer battalions; that by wearing embroidered shirts, glorifying Bandera’s followers and painting everything in yellow-black colors, one can achieve spiritual and material well-being.

Blessed is he who believes... on Youtube

Molchanov: Will the Rada be able to pass the “anti-Kolomoisky law”? - video

According to the survey, 86% of Ukrainians consider themselves patriots

Hundreds of outstanding Ukrainians were and remain creators of world history. Artists and scientists, volunteers and composers, actors and writers - thanks to them, each of us abroad or just at home can proudly say: I am Ukrainian

In honor of Ukraine's Independence Day, NV has collected 24 reasons to be proud of your country:

1. Patriotism and unity

The Russian invasion has made Ukrainians more united than ever. The external threat in the form of Putin’s aggression has created a boom in patriotism. For many Ukrainians, this word is no longer an empty phrase, but real action.

2. Professionalism and scientific achievements

The world's largest aircraft is Mriya. Photo: GP Antonov

Ukrainians are among the most educated citizens in Europe. Thus, in 2013, Ukraine became the only country in Eastern Europe that was included in the top 25 ranking of the best systems higher education. Ukrainians, for example, have developed an aircraft with the world's largest payload capacity - the An-225 Mriya. The famous nuclear missile Satan was also invented in Ukraine.

Ukraine is the birthplace of six Nobel laureates. Among them are the outstanding microbiologist Zelman Waksman, bacteriologist and immunologist Ilya Mechnikov, chemist Roald Hoffman, American economist of Ukrainian origin Semyon Kuznets, as well as French physicist of Ukrainian origin Georges Shrapak and others.

3. Ukrainians are a strong nation

Ukrainians have always been famous not only for their intelligence, but also for their physical strength. Winner of the title Most strong man world was born in Ukraine - Vasily Virastyuk - multiple world champion in all-around strength, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine.

4. Music of the Ukrainian soul

The best Ukrainian opera singer, whom the whole world applauded, is Salome Krushelnitskaya. In the second half of 1890, her triumphant performances began on the stages of theaters around the world: Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Austria, Egypt, Argentina and Chile.

Ukraine and its descendants in other countries glorified it. In the 70s of the last century, the American singer of Ukrainian origin Kvitka Tsisyk conquered the United States. She has had a successful career in four different musical genres: popular music, classical opera, Ukrainian folk music and advertising jingles for TV and radio. Another confirmation that music is in the blood of Ukrainians is the Ukrainian roots of the world-famous performer Lenny Kravitz, who is even jokingly called Leonid Kravets. As it turned out, Lenny’s great-grandfather was a native of Kyivian.

5. Ukrainian theater and cinema

Ukrainians can also boast of acting skills. Perhaps the best example is Maria Zankovetskaya, the queen of the Ukrainian stage. It is with her name that the concept of “Ukrainian theater” is associated. If we talk about cinema, the film Land of Alexander Dovzhenko was noted among the best films of all time in different countries and continents, rightfully taking its high place in the history of world cinema. Interestingly, in Woody Allen's 1979 film Manhattan, the characters go to the cinema to watch Dovzhenko's creation.

Our country can also be proud of modern actors such as Bogdan Stupka. The master performed about 100 roles on the silver screen and more than 50 on the theater stage. During his film career he was awarded about 15 film awards and prizes. It’s worth remembering Ivan Mykolaichuk, who was a movie star in the 60s and 70s of the last century. “I don’t know a more national folk genius... Before him it was Dovzhenko,” the great Sergei Parajanov said about Mikolaichuk.

5. Ukrainian hospitality

Photo: EPA/UPG

Ukrainians are famous throughout the world for their hospitality. This is evidenced not only by the ability to welcome guests at a lavish table, but also by a sense of unity and friendliness, which Ukrainians clearly expressed to the world during the Maidan (when Kiev residents hosted protesters from all over Ukraine) and the war in Donbass (when volunteers and caring people Along with the army, they also helped the displaced).

7. Artistic talent of Ukraine

Painting by Ivan Marchuk

Ukrainians have given the world the most talented artists. Among them is Maria Prymachenko, a brilliant Ukrainian folk artist without proper education. Pablo Picasso admired her paintings. Her works were exhibited with constant success at exhibitions in Paris, Warsaw, Sofia, Montreal, and Prague. The year 2009, according to the decision of UNESCO, was recognized as the year of Marie Primachenko.

Another bright representative Ukrainian heritage in world art - Ivan Marchuk, painter, People's Artist of Ukraine. In 2007, the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph included him in the list of one hundred geniuses of our time. He does not sell his paintings - and there are more than four thousand of them - despite great demand.

8. Poets and writers of Ukraine

Ukraine is proud not only of the world-famous genius Taras Shevchenko. Our country is worthily represented in Europe and the world by such talents as Yuri Andrukhovich, Oksana Zabuzhko, Vasily Shklyar, Sergei Zhadan, Maria Matios, Andrei Kurkov, Irene Rozdobudko, Luko Dashvar and many others.

Many world awards, participation in literary festivals and translations into dozens of foreign languages- Ukrainian writers and poets managed to achieve all this during the independence of Ukraine.

9. Book publishing


The queen of Ukrainian books is the Ostrog Bible dated 1581. This is the first complete printed edition of all books of the Holy Letter on Church Slavonic language. The book was published by Ivan Fedorov. There are about three hundred such first-print publications left in the world.

One of the symbols of the Ukrainian nation is the Peresopnytsia Gospel - an outstanding handwritten monument of the Old Ukrainian language and art of the 16th century. One of the first Ukrainian translations of the canonical text of the Four Gospels. The President of Ukraine takes the oath on this book.

10. Ukrainian churches

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: EPA/UPG

Ukrainians can also be proud of their generous cultural heritage in the form the most beautiful temples and churches. Only six monasteries in the world have Lavra status, three of them in Ukraine. These are the Kiev-Pechersk, Pochaev and Svyatogorsk Lavras.

A special place among Ukrainian shrines is occupied by the Church of the Tithes, a temple erected in Kyiv at the end of the 10th century. It is considered the first stone church of Kievan Rus. The remains of the foundation of the Tithe Church, together with the city of Vladimir, are monuments of national significance.

11. Ukrainian language

The Ukrainian language has been regularly oppressed over the past few hundred years. But like a “branch of a vine” it made its way and grew more and more. Not so long ago, almost half of Ukrainians spoke Russian, but now the situation has begun to change.

More and more young people are beginning to speak their native Ukrainian language. Moreover, Ukrainian language becomes “fashionable”, and its popularity is growing largely due to Russian aggression and the associated boom in patriotism.

12. Coat of arms and flag

Photo: EPA/UPG

Brilliant simplicity is probably how these two Ukrainian symbols can be characterized. In difficult times, it was the flag and coat of arms of their country that became one of the main sources of inspiration in the struggle for sovereignty and indivisibility. The history of the blue and yellow flowers of the Ukrainian state goes back more than 600 years. This flag inspires not only Ukrainians, but also friends of Ukraine who empathize around the world - blue-yellow flash mobs and actions are held in all corners of the world, and even in Moscow.

No less important for Ukrainians is the eternal symbol of their statehood - the National Coat of Arms, the trident. This is one of the oldest signs of our land. The trident was depicted on the coins of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, and then Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh. Despite the fact that today there are more than 40 versions explaining the origin and essence of the trident, the National Coat of Arms is a serious and integral reason for the pride of every Ukrainian.

13. Embroidered shirt

National clothing, embroidered shirt, is not just an element of the Ukrainian traditional system, but also a full-fledged symbol of independence and the richness of cultural heritage. She truly passed into urban Ukrainian culture, and served as an inspiration for many designers.

The art of embroidery in Ukraine has its roots in the pre-Christian period. Today, embroidered shirt has become not only fashionable, but also an integral part of appearance modern Ukrainian. Many people apply traditional embroidery patterns not only on shirts, but also on T-shirts, dresses, blouses, shoes and even on cars. It is not uncommon to see embroidered shirts among foreigners in developed tourist centers.

14. Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian folk cuisine is a source of pride for every Ukrainian. It originates from easy-to-prepare rural dishes based on cereals and vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage, beets and mushrooms. That's why traditional cuisine Ukrainian is rich in a wide variety of vegetable dishes. This includes borscht, cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, sauerkraut, pickles, and pumpkin porridge.

Ukrainians also love a variety of lard dishes. Since in Ukraine, from time immemorial, the hearth of the home was the stove, our ancestors cooked mainly boiled, stewed and fried food. Even the Chumaks, who carried salt from the Crimea and the Azov region, and the Zaporozhye Cossacks, during their campaigns, made temporary stoves in the ground - in which they cooked kulesh and porridge, mush and dumplings.

15. The most beautiful women

Ukrainian Yulia Levchenko took gold at the Youth Olympics last year

Ukrainian women have always been famous throughout the world for their beauty, and with it they won not only hearts, but also entire states. Now Ukrainian women are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Our country constantly ranks among the leaders in various beauty rankings.

Among the best memories of foreign tourists about Ukraine, you will always find words about the beauty of local ladies. “Kyiv is, without a doubt, home to the most beautiful women in the world! A visit to Kyiv is truly awe-inspiring. You may have to pinch yourself to believe that such beautiful women even exist,” says Traveler’s Digest.

16. Ukraine is the breadwinner of Europe

Ukraine is one of the largest producers of agricultural products. Our country is listed among the leading exporters of grain, barley, sugar beets, eggs, vegetable oil and potatoes. At the same time, Ukrainians take not only quantity, but also quality - due to the favorable ecology and black soil, Ukrainian products are in demand all over the world. The agricultural industry is booming, and foreign investors are hunting for fertile land.

Ukrainians can also be proud of the unique collection of Massandra wines they have created, which includes about one million bottles. This is the largest collection of wines in the world and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The industrial Donbass can also boast in this regard - it traditionally leads in the production and export of edible salt.

17. IT sphere

In recent years, Ukrainian IT specialists have made a real breakthrough, showing themselves on the world stage as industry leaders. Now Ukraine shows itself not only as one of the leaders in providing programming outsourcing, but also in many ways as an independent global player.

The reason for pride is jobs in large and medium-sized cities in all regions and the flow of foreign currency into the country, which in volumes is comparable to the export of mineral fertilizers and remittances of labor migrants. A high-quality Ukrainian programming school contributes to the development of the industry, but there is still a shortage of specialists on the market.

18. Territory of Ukraine

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. It is impossible not to notice our country on any map of the Old World. It is located on strategic trade routes from Europe to Asia, has access to the sea, and smoothly transitions from north to south from forest to steppe. It is in Ukraine, in the town of Rakhiv, surrounded by the picturesque Carpathians, that the geographical center of Europe is located.

Such land has always been a tasty morsel for neighboring aggressors, but Ukraine eventually achieved territorial sovereignty and was able to defend its position. Now our country is going through a difficult moment due to another encroachment on territorial independence, but, as history shows, the aggressor always remains defeated, and Ukraine remains united and indivisible.

19. Traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people

The colorful customs of Ukrainians are primarily associated with the traditional worldview, which was formed over many centuries and has retained many signs of pre-Christian beliefs. It influenced the formation of an original and unique environment of traditions and the intersection of different ethnic groups and Christian movements.

Nowadays, Ukrainians should also be proud of their rich family rituals. Moreover, each traditional calendar holiday is closely associated with the folk beliefs and superstitions of Ukrainians, such as the bewitching of Andrew or the search for fern flowers on Ivan Kupala.

20. Treasures of Ukrainian architecture

Photo by Quotsu on Wikipedia

The architectural tradition on the territory of Ukraine has gone through a long historical path of development, being under all sorts of influences from European and world styles. The country has more than 125 thousand historical and archaeological monuments, many museums storing more than 10 million exhibits, 14 thousand architectural monuments, more than a thousand park art objects, 46 historical cultural reserves.

Some objects are of global significance. Thus, Sophia of Kiev, Pechersk Lavra, the fortress in Kamenets-Podolsky, the center of the city of Lvov (and these are about 200 architectural monuments) are included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. No less unique from an architectural point of view are the Tauride Chersonesos national reserve, the historical centers of Kyiv and Chernigov, as well as many ancient castles of Transcarpathia and Galicia.

21. Ukrainian nature

Ukraine has extremely promising recreational potential

Ukrainian nature is another reason to be proud of your country. Our country has vast expanses for domestic tourism for every taste. All this is multiplied by the not yet completely corrupted environmental situation and ordinary enthusiasts who are engaged in popularizing the riches of the Motherland unknown to ordinary Ukrainians.

Almost no other European country has such a number of natural landscape zones as in Ukraine: two seas, the Crimean peninsula with its unique natural, climatic and medicinal properties, mountain ranges of the Carpathians and Crimean mountains, forests, canyons, the only desert in Europe - Oleshkovsky sands, the Askania Nova steppe reserve, Shatsky lakes and the salt mines of Donbass.

22. Thirst for change

Ukrainians have learned to change their lives for the better / Photo: EPA/UPG

The Ukrainian people are unique. He survived despite the fact that he existed on the edge of two worlds - Asian and European. Few nations have experienced such a level of occupation, persecution and ethnic cleansing in world history. With all this, Ukrainians not only survived, but also began to establish themselves as a state. Ukrainians have been fighting for justice throughout their history, and were ready to defend it at any time. time, anywhere and most importantly - not always violently.

The changes that Ukraine's thirst for freedom and justice brought were proven by the mass protests that swept the country in 2000 during the Ukraine without Kuchma action, in 2004 during the Orange Revolution and in 2014 during the Revolution of Dignity. Many compatriots complain about the lack of real changes, but do not forget that change begins with every ordinary Ukrainian - with a rejection of bribes, with professionalism, with a culture of behavior and the desire to change the people around you.

23. Ukrainian army

The victories of brave Ukrainian soldiers run through the history of our state, starting from the times of Kievan Rus and ending with the war in Donbass. Both the princely squads, Cossacks, and UPA in the past, as well as the volunteer battalions today, evoke admiration. Both the decisive contribution of Ukrainians to the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, and the contribution of the Ukrainian army to restraining the aggression of Putin’s Russia, which crossed out all previously written norms of international law and decided to redraw the map of Europe.

The war in Donbass revived the Ukrainian armed forces from the ashes and gave us another reason to be proud. The endurance and courage of the ATO fighters silenced even the most ardent skeptics. Probably, the strength of Ukrainians lies not only in boundless courage and patriotism, but also in truly popular resistance - ordinary citizens, yesterday's top managers and today's students turned out to be professional volunteers and logisticians who provide the army.

24. Tolerance and endurance

Ukrainians have learned to trust each other. Photo: EPA/UPG

The protracted war in the East and stalled reforms, corruption scandals and lack of justice have not broken the majority of Ukrainians. They still believe that their children will be able to grow up in a developed, full-fledged and free state. And the fact that young fighters become heroes of the new Ukraine, very young police officers fine deputies, and an official can be fired the day after a riot on Facebook shows that the country is slowly, but still moving in the right direction. And it depends on each of us how quickly the young Ukrainian state will move towards its dream.

All people are supposedly descended from apes, but some have a democratic ape as their ancestors.

And finally, man became the king of nature when he acquired properties unique to him. True, some of these processes of internal regulation of human activity are considered a mortal sin.
But let us agree, readers, that feelings do not reflect an objective, but a subjective, usually unconscious assessment of an object.

So the topic of the report is pride.
Please do not confuse it with arrogance, arrogance, pride, and delusions of grandeur. We are not talking about the country’s leaders - deputies of various trump suits, politicians, experts, ministers and other thieves in power, but “about the feeling of pride in being a Ukrainian.”
That’s what the new Banderaites, first-generation Ukrainians, say: “I’m proud to be a Ukrainian”!
And the country is also proud of its new heroes of the Maidan of Dignity. Leaders of the country! Without them, the current democratic, terribly rich, independent Ukraine would not have taken place. Yes, it’s also indivisible!

So, in Ukraine we see such a picture, as they say, in the spirit of Raphael. The whole country is proud of something. Even on some correct, and therefore permitted, TV channels we have the section “The Pride of Ukraine”.

In the past, the country of Ukraine had places to be proud of: a thousand-year history, Ukrainian pilots - Indian leaders, commanders Bandera and Shukhevych, contributions of Ukrainians to world literature, painting, cinema, the invention of rockets, and so on...

It’s true about missiles, if anyone doesn’t know. The rockets were invented by General A.D. Zasyadko, the ancestor of the Minister of the Coal Industry of the banned USSR.

And now? Who, or what, are you proud of? The power that the Ukrainians of the Maidan themselves elected, and if necessary, they will cut off a kidney for it and give it to the elections, they will lie with their bones, but they will throw their vote into the ballot box for the heroes of the Maidan revolution to lead themselves again and again.

And again they will bring into power these billionaires on blood, who are still waiting for foreign investments, loans in order to steal, and they are busily storing their money, received for the sale of natural resources and other methods of stealing, in offshores, and what does not fit, some crumbs literally, they indicate in declarations.
It is impossible to understand the leaders of the Ukrainian state in a sober mind:

Carry out reforms and privatize everything that has been destroyed and not yet stolen, so that the state does not engage in production, because private owners do it more efficiently. The question is - more effective for whom? For the leaders of the country, selling once profitable enterprises to relatives?
The question arises: why then are the leaders of the country sitting on the neck of a Ukrainian? Why are there numerous parasites, all around in authority?

And so that their children, all of them living abroad, can be proud of them. And wives, mothers, fathers, mothers-in-law, who run damnably profitable enterprises, stolen, in the sense of successfully privatized, from the people.

Well, so that the mob does not arise and does not interfere with plundering the country, true stories are made up about Ukrainians who should be proud of, no, not the ministers led by their chairman, who all repeat the mantra - “I’m proud to be a Ukrainian.” And those Ukrainians, the mighty heroes about whom songs are sung and films are made in Ukraine.

Either they have Bandera as a hero or not, then they expose the Second World War, in which there would have been no victory without General Shukhevych.
Mazepa is a great Ukrainian, Orlik is the author of the first constitution, and so on... Polubotok's gold, the debts of the aggressors for the occupation, and other trinkets for the electorate...

All this is done with a great goal, to distract the herds of voters from today, all these reasonings and voluntary statements of politicians, experts, deputies, about the benefits of the current moment, about the worldview, about the restructuring of characters and about the glorious days to come, pursue one goal - who is not proud military exploits of the great Bandera and Shukhevych, the nameless million-strong armies of the OUN-UPA, the first constitution in the world, he is a bastard, an agent of the Comintern-GPU, a scoop, and has no right to bear the proud title of Ukrainian!

What are the rates?
What a miserable pension?
Why has crime increased exponentially?

Here the question is about the heroes, without whom the revolutionary gathering of the leaders of the Maidan does not see a new Ukrainian nation, and who, heroes, laid down their lives as a torch for the good of the people, in exile! And whoever is not proud of them will not be accepted into the bright future drawn by the country’s creditors.
So, brothers, we are proud that we have chosen power for ourselves, and they are already our heroes. And there is hope that the fighting mood to die for the current leaders of the country will not leave any of the Ukrainians who voted for a proud Ukraine!