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Happy people don't sleep alone. “Lovers in books do not sleep alone” by Agnès Martin-Lugan. Download for free the book “Lovers in Books Never Sleep Alone” by Agnès Martin-Lugan

Book lovers don't sleep alone Agnès Martin-Lugan

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Title: Book lovers don't sleep alone

About the book “Lovers in books do not sleep alone” by Agnès Martin-Lugan

Loss, pain, suffering... All this was in the first part of Agnès Martin-Lugan's book, which told about the girl Diana. She lived in Ireland, where Edward's family helped her cope with her pain. In the second part, entitled “Lovers in Books Don’t Sleep Alone,” the girl decides to return to Paris again to start new life.

Diana even begins a relationship with Olivier, a young and promising doctor. She takes up her literary cafe again and, it seems, life is starting to get better. But things don't go according to her plan when one chance encounter turns her life upside down. And Edward appears again, and again Diana begins to torment herself with vague doubts and contradictions.

The book “Lovers in Books Don’t Sleep Alone” is more dynamic and intense than its first part. If in the first work everything is clear almost from the first chapters, then here the actions unfold spontaneously, you don’t know where fate will lead the main characters next.

Agnès Martin-Lugan writes truly heartfelt and sincerely. The feelings are conveyed so beautifully and realistically that, willy-nilly, you begin to cry, worry, and worry. Even when everything is fine with the characters, you start crying with happiness. And, believe me, few writers can boast of such real emotions from their readers.

The actions of the book “Lovers in Books Don’t Sleep Alone” take place in two countries, the atmosphere of which is also very well conveyed by the author. It’s as if you’ll be there yourself, see a beautiful Irish village, and feel the romance of Paris.

Diana has become a very strong woman who now knows what she wants and knows exactly how to achieve it. Now her life is in her hands. Agnès Martin-Lugan emphasized that the girl has matured and decides everything herself, although in her case this is quite difficult to do.

Edward is a very shady guy. Almost all girls love these guys. Bad guy. Well, he’s not that bad, of course, but at the same time he is always silent and does not show feelings. Yes, he says that he loves Diana and has loved all these two years, but at the same time he never told her that he needed her so that she would just stay with him. Perhaps this is precisely the author’s idea that love can melt even the hardest heart.

The book “Lovers in Books Never Sleep Alone” seems to show what our world has become. Girls are strong and courageous. Yes, they experience grief and loss, but at the same time they are able to give up everything, put all the dots and start a new life. Men are selfish. Why didn't Edward say he wanted Diana? Why should she seek his affection?

The book “Lovers in Books Don’t Sleep Alone” will not only give you a lot of pleasant reading moments good novel, but it will also make you think about who we really are, and has the world gone crazy? Agnès Martin-Lugan raised a much more serious question in the book than one might initially think.

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Agnès Martin-Lugan is a writer from France and part-time child psychologist. The author worked in a hospital for a long time and cared for her child; it was in these routine tasks that her first work appeared. Soon the writer broke through to fame and began to create much more often.

What is the work about?

Book Lovers Don't Sleep Alone was published in 2015 and is still popular today. The work is the second part of the story about a young girl, Diana, who moved to Ireland to cope with her loneliness and pain.

In the second book we see the same girl, but only now she already wants to return to her native Paris and start her new life, where there is no pain and suffering, quarrels and nerves. Moving to France, the girl begins a new relationship with the doctor Olivier, she takes over the cafe and it seems to her that life is getting better quickly and rapidly.

Unfortunately, over time, the woman realizes that all her plans are falling apart, she meets Edward, who has already broken her heart once. Diana again has to face pain and doubts, the girl begins to contradict herself and no longer knows whether to believe this person.

Diana has already matured, she has learned to get along with herself and arrange her own life. Edward is a rather unusual person, he doesn’t seem to be bad, but he doesn’t know how to show his feelings towards a woman. The man tells the woman that he loved her all this time, but at the same time he does not ask Diana to stay with him, to be close, he does not say that he needs her and this greatly upsets the woman. She doesn’t understand why she should strive for his affection and what should she do next? Will the girl be able to resist the charms of her former love? Will she be able to understand what a man feels for her?

You can listen to the audiobook “Lovers in Books Don’t Sleep Alone,” read online or download in fb2, epub and pdf directly on the website!

The work “Lovers in Books Do Not Sleep Alone” by Agnès Martin-Lugan shows readers the realities of relationships between a man and a woman. The author tries to show readers that there are people who will not put up with prohibitions, even if they come from a loved one. For some, this behavior is normal, while others believe that they need to give in.

Agnès Martin-Logan showed in her book the realities of the modern world, where girls are courageous, responsible and multitasking. They can suffer, worry, but if necessary, break off the relationship and never return to the past, looking only to the future. Men have become weak, they need to be pushed into action, groomed and cherished, while their weak character is repelled. The selfishness of male nature in modern world no longer surprises anyone, and the girls’ courage is taken for a flaw. How then to build relationships?

Who is the book intended for?

“Lovers in Books Don't Sleep Alone” is intended for readers over 16 years of age. This limitation is due to the semantic load of the book and the general theme, which becomes available to teenagers from the moment they themselves begin to build relationships and have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Diana - 2

The normal end of mourning is in no way the oblivion of the departed, but the finally acquired opportunity to place him in that place in the completed history that rightfully belongs to him, the ability again to fully participate in life, to make plans and experience desires that give meaning to existence.

Don't worry. Life is easy.

Where do I go with my GoPro? “I probably misunderstood something,” he abruptly interrupted the story.

Oh damn... It turns out I was thinking out loud. I'm tired of being the bitch who can't seem to care what anyone tells her and wonders what she's doing here, so I decided to rip the band-aid off the wound in one decisive move.

Listen, you're very sweet, but you're too... serious relationship with your camera and I don't want to intrude on them. I'll do without dessert and drink coffee at my place.

What's the problem?

I got up and so did he. Saying goodbye, I just waved my hand and headed to the cashier: I wasn’t so wild as to blame him for paying the bill for a disastrous date. I took one last look at him and hardly suppressed a crazy laugh. Now I myself wouldn’t mind using a GoPro to capture the whole range of feelings reflected on his face. Poor guy...

Yes, Felix,” I muttered into the phone.

So, you won..?

Shut up.

His chuckle got on my nerves.

I’ll meet you in an hour, you know where,” he said with difficulty through laughter and hung up.

Sitting in bed, I stretched sweetly, like a pampered cat, and took the watch. 12:45. Could be worse. On weekdays, I had no problem getting up early to open “Happy People” in the morning, but I needed a long Sunday sleep to restore my strength and clear my mind of worries and heavy thoughts. Sleep remained my secret refuge - it dissolved and softened both great sadness and minor problems. I got up, went to the window and was happy to see that the weather would be excellent: the Parisian spring had come for a date.

Having got ready, I, although with difficulty, held on and left the keys to “Happy” at home: today is Sunday, and I promised myself that I would not look there on the weekend. I took a leisurely walk to Arshiv Street. I wandered lazily, looking at the shop windows, taking a drag from my first cigarette of the day, and waving to the regular customers of “Happy People” walking towards me. When I approached the terrace of our Sunday cafe, Felix rudely ruined the peaceful charm:

Where have you been? I almost got kicked out from our table!

Hello my precious Felix. - I planted a resounding kiss on his cheek.

He narrowed his eyes:

You're too affectionate, you're probably hiding something from me.

Not at all! Tell me what you did last night. When did you return?

When I called you. I'm hungry, let's order!

He motioned to the waiter and asked him to bring the brunch. This is his new hobby. He decided that after Saturday night madness, a full morning meal was better than a reheated slice of dry pizza.

Current page: 3 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

Over the next month, I rediscovered life together. We met every day except Sunday; there was no talk of skipping brunch with Felix. As a rule, I stayed overnight with Olivier; he visited me less often. It was still difficult for me to fully open up to him, but he was not offended: he waited, as before, for me to come to him when I was ready.

Summer has come, and I told Olivier that I will not close the cafe. If he was upset that we wouldn't spend our vacation together, he didn't show it. That evening in early July, we were sitting on the terrace over a glass of wine, and then I offered him an alternative option:

- Let's go away together for a long weekend. How are you?

“I thought about it myself, but I said to myself, what if a trip together doesn’t tempt you,” he winked.

- What a fool!

He laughed and continued:

– Seriously, I know that you don’t like to be parted from “Happy People” for a long time.

“You’re right, I was afraid of this, but now there is you, and besides, we won’t be leaving for long.” I hope Felix will keep an eye on everything...

Olivier spent that night with me.

The long weekend on the occasion of July 14th could not have come at a better time. I'll be leaving Happy People for four days, which means I need to brief Felix in detail. Olivier organized everything himself: he chose a place, booked train tickets and a hotel. Actually, in his opinion, I had too few days off. So two days before we left, they conspired with Felix and forced me to leave the cafe for the entire afternoon “for a control check,” as they called it. To my greatest joy, they got along perfectly, finding kindred spirits in each other: Olivier laughed at all of Felix’s antics and did not perceive our close friendship and complete mutual understanding either critically or jealously. As for Felix, he saw Olivier as Colin’s successor, appreciated his humor and especially the fact that Olivier never asked persistent questions about my dead family.

During the “staycation test,” Olivier took me to stores I had been ignoring for the past few years, and I took advantage of the sales to update my summer wardrobe. I followed him, not bothering with the chosen route, and he led me through the Parisian streets, holding my hand. At some point, Olivier stopped in front of the spa. I turned to him. There was a question written all over my face.

- Present!

- What are you talking about?

“You will be pampered for the next two hours.” Vacation relaxation starts today.

- It’s in vain that you...

- Shhh! This will give me pleasure. Then you will return home, get ready, and I will come at seven in the evening. I found an exhibition here that you should like, and then we will have dinner at a restaurant.

I threw myself on his neck. After Colin, no one ever took care of me like he did.

I released the tension, my skin became soft like a baby's, and for the first time I wore a new beautiful black dress and platform sandals that I bought that same day. Before going down to “Happy” to wait for Olivier, I stopped in front of the mirror. I was glad that I was so beautiful, and I hoped that he would appreciate it. The look he gave me half an hour later did not disappoint.

In the subway, I held his hand, without looking away, looked at him, kissed his neck, like a schoolgirl in love. I had drawn a line under so many things and could not imagine what could interrupt the peaceful charm of my life that Olivier had given me. I gradually admitted to myself that I was in love with him, and a blissful feeling overwhelmed me.

We got off the metro in Montparnasse. I followed Olivier without asking questions and feeling excited at the thought that I had an interesting exhibition ahead of me. He kept the intrigue until the end. When we were there, he made me turn my back to the door to delay the moment when I would find out what awaited me. Irish music sounded behind me: the music of the Celts in the “Breton quarter” 6
“Breton Quarter”- this is the name of the Parisian district of Montparnasse.

– quite logical!

– I was looking through Pariscope and suddenly came across this exhibition. It was about to close, we had to be in time. – Olivier was pleased with himself.

- And what's in there?

- Come in and see.

I pushed the door. It was an exhibition dedicated to the sea and its influence on British, Scottish and Irish cultures. The organizers created a pub atmosphere: they served not champagne and cakes, but Guinness, whiskey and chips with vinegar. My excitement faded, giving way to deep confusion.

“You said that Ireland had a beneficial effect on you, and I thought you might like it.”

“Yes,” I squeezed out with difficulty.

Olivier put his arm around my waist and we began to walk around the gallery. There were a lot of people here, we had to squeeze through the crowd. I did not dare to look up at any painting or photo, for fear of seeing a familiar landscape, catching my mood, or allowing my emotions to surface. I answered Olivier’s questions in monosyllables and refused the offered mug of Guinness.

“It seems my idea was not the best,” he said finally.

I took his hand and squeezed it tightly.

– It’s my own fault, I said that I liked this country and life on the seashore, and it’s true... But I have not only good memories. I wasn't in the best shape there.

-Then let's leave. The last thing I wanted was to hurt you, that's for sure. I'm very sorry that this happened.

- Don't scold yourself. But still I would prefer to leave. Let's continue the evening somewhere else.

We headed towards the exit, I pressed myself against him and looked at my feet. We were almost out when a voice emerged from the music and general hum. The voice that paralyzed me. Bringing me back to Mullaranny. A voice that brought the taste of water dust to my lips. A tobacco-smelling, hoarse voice that I thought I would never hear again.

“Wait,” I asked Olivier, tearing away from him.

I left him at the door, returned to the hall, the echo of the voice, sounding like the singing of sirens, beckoned me and hypnotized me. But this is impossible! I came up with everything under the influence of the flood of memories that surged in these halls. Still, I have to figure it out. I peered into the figures, faces, listened to conversations, pushed away those who prevented me from passing, and suddenly froze in place. Yes, I didn’t hear it, it was his voice. Just a few centimeters separated us. Here he is, with his back to me, tall, casually dressed and unkempt, without a jacket, with a cigarette clutched between his fingers, waiting for a lighter to be brought to it. If I suck in air, his scent will fill my nostrils and bring me back into his arms. I was trembling, my mouth was dry, my palms became wet, I felt hot and cold.

“Edward...” I bleated, without meaning to.

It seemed to me that everyone present heard me. But only he, alone of all, mattered. His body tensed, he lowered his head for a second, clenched his fists and nervously flicked his lighter several times in a row. And only then turned around. Our gazes locked on each other. Mine radiated surprise and question. At first he ran over me from head to toe, and then he was overwhelmed with coldness and arrogance. His facial features remained as hard and arrogant as in my memories. Stubble, as before, covered his cheeks and chin. Several white threads appeared in the hair, still disheveled. He looked exhausted, with a stamp of something that I couldn't quite articulate.

“Diana,” he finally said.

- What are you doing here? – I asked in a trembling voice, the most naturally switching to English.

– I’m posting my photographs.

– How long have you been in Paris?

- Three days.

I felt a fist hit my heart.

-You were going to come...

Questions swarmed in my head, but I was unable to ask any of them coherently. His hostile and distant behavior robbed me of my will. Edward's gaze moved somewhere behind me, and I felt a hand on it.

How could I forget about him? I tried to smile and turned around:

- Excuse me, please... I... As I was leaving, I noticed Edward and...

He extended his hand to him:

– Nice to meet you, I’m Olivier.

Edward shook his hand silently.

Edward doesn't speak French.

- Oh, I beg your pardon! I never thought that you would meet someone you know here! – Olivier smiled, pronouncing this phrase in perfect English.

– Edward is a photographer and...

“I was Diana's neighbor when she lived in Mullaranny.

If I wanted to characterize him, I would certainly choose a different definition. He was not just a neighbor. Who was he to me? The heartbeats sent conflicting signals on this score.

- Incredible! And you meet here by pure chance, just think! If I knew... Diana, do you want to stay? You probably have so much to tell each other!

“No,” Edward objected. - I have things to do. It was nice to meet you, Olivier.

Then he looked at me:

- Be happy.

Realizing that he was about to leave, I panicked:

- Wait a minute!

I grabbed his hand. He stared at my palm. I quickly pulled it away.

- How long will you stay here?

– I have a plane tomorrow evening.

- Oh... you're already coming back... Will you give me some time?

He ran his hand over his face.

- Don't know.

– Please come to “Happy People”. I beg you very much...

“I don’t understand why,” he muttered into his stubble.

“We definitely have a lot to say to each other.”

He held the extinguished cigarette in the corner of his mouth and looked into my eyes:

- I do not promise anything.

I frantically rummaged through my purse in search of a “Happy” business card.

- There's an address and a plan on the back. Call if you don't find it.

He took one last look at me, nodded to Olivier and left.

- Let's go to? – asked Olivier. – Is dinner at the restaurant still possible?

- Certainly. Nothing changed.

At the door I turned around. Edward was talking to someone and looking at me intently.

Half an hour later we were sitting in an Indian restaurant. Each swallowed piece was painful, but for Olivier’s sake I forced myself to eat. His attention and courtesy remained unchanged, despite my antics. But he didn't deserve it. I had no right to continue to leave him in the dark. At the same time, one had to choose one's words carefully.

“I’m sorry for what happened,” I began. “I shouldn’t have left you... But it’s so strange to suddenly bump into a person... I ruined your surprise.”

- No, it’s nonsense. If I was upset, it was only because it was a shock to you.

– It will pass, don’t worry. Immersing myself in the Irish atmosphere took me back to a less than ambiguous period of my life.

“He, as he said, was my neighbor.” I rented a cottage next to his house from Edward's aunt and uncle, Abbie and Jack. Amazing people... And I was friends with his sister Judith, the second Felix, but in the heterosexual version.

– It must be something special!

- Yes, she is extraordinary...

- And after you left?

“Something hit me in the head, and I ran away from Ireland, saying goodbye in a hurry, and never communicated with them again. Today I am ashamed that I was so shameless.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” he objected, taking my hand. “They could have called themselves.”

“They are not the type to intrude into other people’s lives.” And they always respected my silence. And my departure did not change anything in this sense.

“Is that why you want to meet him tomorrow?”

“He’s not very talkative, do you think you’ll be able to get anything out of him?”

How can you not laugh at his remark?

- Well, yes, it will be short, I will hear only the most necessary, but still it’s better than nothing.

I sighed and stared at my empty plate.

– Maybe today you prefer to sleep alone?

He sought my gaze.

- No, let's go to you.

When we lay down, Olivier did not make love, but simply kissed and hugged me. He fell asleep pretty quickly, but I didn’t sleep a wink all night. I relived every moment of this unexpected meeting. Just a few hours ago, Ireland was a turned page, a closed book of my life. This is how she should remain. If Edward shows up tomorrow, I'll hear news about everyone, then he'll leave and my life will go back to normal.

I got up very carefully, but still woke Olivier.

- Yes. Sleep. Enjoy your vacation. “I touched his shoulder with my lips.

- I'll come to you at the end of the day.

One last kiss and I'm gone.

Forty-five minutes later, I opened “Happy” without having eaten the traditional croissant. The stomach refused to accept food. The morning customers, in all likelihood, sensed my bad mood and did not touch me, allowing me to digest the thoughts that were overwhelming me at the counter. When Felix appeared at the door closer to noon, I guessed that this number would not work with him. I had no choice. If Edward pays me a visit, Felix will be the most privileged viewer of this show. And try to forget that they fought when they first met!

- Well, what a sight you have! Did Olivier misfire or what?

He immediately went on the attack. I also decided to act directly:

– Edward is in Paris, I ran into him by chance last night.

He collapsed onto the nearest chair.

“I’d like to think I’m still on ecstasy!”

Without meaning to, I giggled:

- No, Felix. This pure truth, and maybe he will come here today.

He knew from the expression on my face that this was not a joke. He stood up, walked around the counter, and hugged me:

- How are you?

- Don't know.

- And Olivier?

“I didn’t tell him what happened between us.”

– Did he come because of you?

– Judging by the reaction, it doesn’t seem like it... He exhibited his photographs and is leaving today.

- Well, well, it could have been worse. Today I work hard from morning to evening. Don't deprive yourself of such a spectacle!

I burst out laughing.

This was my longest working day. All I did was wait. Felix watched me out of the corner of his eye or clowned around to distract me. Time passed, and I repeated to myself more and more often that he would not come. And that in fact, perhaps this is not the worst option. There are things that are dangerous to stir.

I was returning change to a client when he showed up at the door with a travel bag slung over his shoulder. Instantly the cafe seemed small to me: Edward took up all the space in it. He shook hands with Felix, who had the tact to avoid making dubious jokes, leaned his elbows on the counter and looked around my world in the most attentive manner. This went on for a long, long time. His green-blue eyes slowly slid over the books, glasses, photographs on the counter. Then he fixed his gaze on me, still silent. So much came to the surface: our quarrels, several kisses, my decision, his declaration of love, our separation. Felix couldn't stand the tension any longer and spoke first:

-Would you like a beer, Edward?

- Do you have anything stronger? – he asked in response.

– Is ten-year aging suitable?

- Don't dilute it.

– Would you like some coffee, Diana?

“With pleasure, thank you, Felix.” Can you serve customers if necessary?

- They pay me a salary for this! – He winked at me encouragingly.

Edward thanked Felix and took a sip of his whiskey. I knew him well enough to understand that if I didn’t start a conversation, he wouldn’t say a word for a whole hour. Besides, it was I who asked him to come.

– It turns out that you are exhibiting in Paris?

– Such an opportunity has arisen.

He rubbed his eyes, which were circled in black. Where does this fatigue that cannot be ignored come from?

- How are you doing?

- Work a lot. And you?

- I'm fine.

- That's good.

What can I tell you about myself? And how to get him to talk?

- Judith? What can she hear?

- Yes, everything is still the same.

– Has a man appeared in her life?

He simply must respond to such a question.

“A few,” he sighed.

This was the wrong question.

– What about Abby and Jack? How are they feeling?

This time, it seems, I was not mistaken. For the first time ever, Edward tried to avoid my gaze. He scratched his chin, turned around in his chair and fished the cigarettes out of his pocket.

-What happened, Edward?

- Jack is fine...

- And Abby?

- Be right back.

He went out and lit a cigarette. I took a cigarette and joined him.

“You didn’t quit either,” he noted with a grin.

– I don’t see the point... Besides, we didn’t seem to be talking about our addiction to tobacco.

I stood in front of him.

- Edward, look at me.

He obeyed. I realized that I was about to hear some unpleasant news.

- Abby? She's okay, right?

It cannot be otherwise, she is standing before my eyes, on a bicycle, as in our first meeting, just as bursting with life, despite her age.

- She is ill.

- But... will she recover?

I pressed my hand to my mouth. Abby is the foundation of the family, so motherly, caring, friendly and generous. I remembered how, having decided that I was too thin, she began stuffing me with carrot cake, almost forcing the slices into my mouth. I almost physically felt her last hug when I said goodbye to her; and she asked: “Let us know about you.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but Abby actually had a profound impact on me—it was largely because of her that I began to recover. And I left her.

I tried to regain my composure, and at that moment Olivier appeared next to us. Edward noticed that I was distracted and turned around. The men shook hands, and Olivier modestly touched my lips.

- Not good. Edward just told me some terrible news: Abby is seriously ill.

“I sympathize with you,” he turned to Edward. - Okay, I’ll leave you, you probably need to talk in private.

He stroked my cheek and went to Felix’s cafe. I watched him go, then turned to Edward, who was watching me. A ball of snakes swarmed in my stomach, I kept my head thrown back and took deep breaths to keep from crying, and only after a while I was able to turn to Edward again:

- Tell me please…

He shook his head and said nothing.

- This is impossible... I can’t believe that you are now...

“She’ll be happy to know that you’re okay.” She worries about you all the time.

– I would like to do something... Can I find out how she feels?

He looked at me with a gloomy look:

“I’ll tell her I saw you, and that’ll be enough.”

He looked at his watch:

- I have to go.

Edward entered the cafe, leaving the door open, took his bag, said goodbye to Felix and Olivier and returned to me. I gathered my courage:

- While you're still here, I need to ask you one question.

– I’m listening.

“This has nothing to do with Abby, but I need to know.” A few months ago, I tried to call you twice and even left a message. Did you receive it?

He lit a new cigarette and looked at me point-blank:

- Why don’t you...

– Diana, there has been no place for you in my life for a long time...

He gave me no more than five seconds to process what he heard.

- Olivier, it seems good man. You did the right thing by rebuilding your life.

- I don’t know what to tell you...

-Then don't say anything.

I took a step towards him, but at the last moment I caught myself.

- Goodbye, Diana.

Without giving me time to answer, he turned around and left. I didn't move until he disappeared around the corner at the end of the street. I fought back tears. The utopian picture gradually made its way through real memories: here I am again in Mullaranny, and nothing has changed. Abby is still cheerful, Jack is healthy and strong, Edward is lonely, he has no one except his dog and photographs. Why did I assume that life would stand still without me? Am I that self-centered? But the thought of sick, condemned Abby was impossible to accept. I wanted to cry over her, over her pain, over her impending loss. And over Edward, who was now different. And over the realization that my Ireland is no more. Everything was as if until that moment I was hoping in my soul for a joyful meeting, for good news...

And now it's all over. I now have Olivier, a woman has appeared in Edward's life. Each of us started new chapter. But Abby... How can you not think about her?

Chapter Five

Our romantic trip couldn't have come at a better time. Olivier, perhaps, did not even suspect how successful his idea was to take me to the sea, to a cozy cove surrounded by rocks. The sun, the heat, the melodious intonations of the locals, the cool rose wine and my new swimsuit helped return everything to its place.

These four days became a magical escape from reality, and I became even more attached to Olivier. He guessed all my desires, every action, every gesture was gentle, and his words were extremely tactful. He was determined to make sure I got plenty of rest, so we abandoned our diligent exploration of the surrounding area. I was rediscovering the meaning of the word “vacation” - thanks to the long siestas that I allowed myself, swimming in the sea, dinners in restaurants. The two of us lazed around as much as we liked, and it gave us pleasure. I almost forgot about “Happy People”.

We must leave tomorrow. We're having lunch on the terrace, and then suddenly my thoughts for some reason take a different direction: I'm worried about whether Felix is ​​coping.

– What are you thinking about, Diana?

“About Felix,” I laughed.

– Are you worried?

- A little…

- So call.

- No, I can wait another day.

– You’ve already earned a jury prize for only remembering it now! I expected this to happen much earlier. Don't deny yourself for me.

- Thank you! I'll call him from the beach, let him get angry!

Olivier laughed:

“I had no idea that you had sadistic tendencies.”

- He loves it, what can you do... Let's have another drink!

An hour later I was baking in the sun and Olivier was swimming. He chose a corner for us among the rocks, inaccessible to children, in order to save me from attacks of despair. I felt my skin warming up and I loved it. And I especially liked the tan, which gave me a healthy, radiant look - the last time I looked like this was after our family vacation. And one more thing made me especially happy: the lack of guilt. I was simply jubilant!

– Happy people don’t do shit in July, I listen to you!

I’ve almost lost the habit of mentioning “Happy People”...

– Felix, you should see me now! I am rosy-cheeked like a crispy pie, slightly plump after a few glasses of properly chilled Provençal wine, and will soon go swimming in the sea with my beloved man.

– What kind of stranger is calling me?

– The one and only is your mistress!

- So, are you now indulging in madness?

- And how! What do you have? “Happy people” haven’t collapsed yet?

“I managed to avoid a fire, a flood and a robbery, so I can say I’m coping.”

“In other words, it’s time for me to go back.” A big inspection is scheduled for tomorrow evening.

- Give it your all. It's very nice to hear you like this.

- That's what I'm going to do.

“I was afraid that after the appearance of this pepper and especially after the news of Abby’s illness, you would withdraw again.

- Everything is fine. Let's say goodbye, Olivier waves to me.

I turned off the phone and threw it at the bottom of my bag. I restrained myself and didn’t get angry at Felix for the last remark. I did my best not to think about Abby and enjoy Olivier's company. I will continue in the same spirit. I took a deep breath, took off my sunglasses and entered the water. I swam up to him, grabbed him by the shoulders, he smiled at me and touched the hand that wrapped around his neck with his lips.

- Everything is fine? - he asked.

- Let's not talk about Paris.

Last night at the hotel. We had just made love - tenderly, as always - and I was overcome with fear. Fear of losing something precious after this short vacation, fear of losing peace of mind, to put it simply. Olivier pressed himself against my back. He hugged me. I absentmindedly stroked his hand and looked out the open window.

– Diana, you’ve been somewhere far away for several hours now...

- No, what are you...

– Problems with “Happy”, with Felix?

- Not at all.

“Tell me what’s tormenting you.”

Enough! Let him shut up! Why is he so attentive and insightful? I don’t want him to pierce the ball, inside of which we feel so good and calm!

- Nothing, I swear to you.

He sighed and rubbed his nose against my neck:

-You don't know how to lie. Are you worried about this woman, your Irish owner?

– And every day you know me better and better... Yes, it’s true, I remember her and can’t believe it. She did so much for me, I only now understand it... And to imagine that she... no, it’s impossible. I want to do something. But what?

- First, call her.

– I’m not sure I can.

“You’ll have to be brave, but you’re much stronger than you think.” When I met you, you seemed incredibly fragile to me. But then I saw your inner strength, great reserves of strength. You can do it.

- I will think.

I turned to him and kissed him. I needed him to stay close all the time, I wanted to cling to him and not let go, and I was not going to weigh possible consequences call to Ireland.

It took me more than a month to decide to dial Abby's number and choose a convenient moment for this. In “Happy” Felix was always there, the rest of the time I spent with Olivier and could not imagine how I would talk to Abby in his presence. In reality, I was just delaying this moment because I was so afraid of what I might hear. At the end of August, I took advantage of Felix’s absence, gathered my strength and made up my mind.

- Hello!.. Who's speaking?

- Abby... it's me...

- Diana? Is it really you?

- Yes. Sorry I didn't...

- Be quiet, my dear girl. I'm so glad to hear from you. When Edward told us he saw you...

- Did he tell you?

- We're lucky! He said that everything was fine with you, that you had met a guy. This is wonderful!

Well, everything is clear, no uncertainty.

- Thank you... And you, how are you feeling?

- I'm in shape!

“Abby,” I muttered. “Edward didn’t go into detail, but he...

“He’ll get in trouble for this, he shouldn’t have upset you...”

It suddenly seemed to me that we broke up just yesterday.

- He did the right thing. What's wrong with you?

- The old lady’s heart is tired, you know...

-You're not old!

- Diana, you are lovely. Don’t worry, this is life... I’m very glad to hear from you, I miss you.

- Mutually, Abby.

- Oh, if I allowed myself, I would ask you for something.

– Ask for whatever you want, Abby!

- Come visit us.

    Rated the book

    Unlike the self-published first part of the incredible adventures of the beautiful Diana, the sequel feels a more or less decent editor worked. At least the plot is no longer so lame, the dialogues resemble real speech, and the characters at least from a distance resemble people, and not walking stereotypes.
    The editor's hand is visible. Here the editor asked to write an essay, here to add a little flashback, here the editor sighed and rewrote three paragraphs himself.

    But, be that as it may, the editor is not a magician, and Agnès Martin-Lugan is not a writer, and therefore I had to read the novel diagonally. Most of the plot consists of the endless movements of the characters across several locations, from house to house, from the second floor to the first, from the bath to the kitchen, etc. Constant small household activities with annoying detailed description actions. This, by the way, is the problem of all non-writers who were brought up on melodramas and try to write on the pages of their creations. recreate a sequence of frames from movies:

    “I brought in a pot of soup, and then Judith came into the living room. She stood there, watching the three of us bustle around the table, looked at me intently, then turned her gaze to her brother, and then shook her head.”

    Inability to work with intonation forces the author again, as in the first book, to resort to using words that describe time, and this again makes the book look like fan fiction:

    “Half an hour later he said goodbye to me on the threshold of Happy.”
    “After probably an hour, Edward carefully moved away, stood up and helped me up, pulling me by the arm. »
    “Twenty minutes later I walked into the living room and was shocked to see Edward in a suit and tie.”
    “After an hour and another bottle, I felt the first signs of fatigue.”

    The plot, in fact, is predictable, like runaway milk, and the conflict touches with its Bollywood passions. I kept waiting for the cutie doctor abandoned by Diana to rush to Ireland and, according to the law of the genre, fall in love with Edward’s sister. I didn't wait. I think that’s what the author wrote at first. :))) But then the editor looked at her sternly, and she, pressing her head into her shoulders, immediately deleted this chapter.

    If you are reading my review to decide whether or not to read this book, my advice is: don't read it.

    Rated the book

    The continuation of the book “Happy People Read Books and Drink Coffee” simply blew my mind. Considering that I read the first part while in the hospital, it undoubtedly captivated me with its plot and lively writing style.
    This book contains the continuation of Diana's adventures, her more responsible attitude to work, her friendship with Felix, the year she lived after returning from the Irish village of Mullaranny, away from Jack, Abby, Edward and Judith. Also, Diana, already in Paris, has new personal relationships that help the main character fight her fears about the future. She tries to surround herself with those people and things with which she is more comfortable. Diana proves her responsibility to her parents by buying back the rights to her cafe from them. What more could she want? Life is slowly getting better, everything is fine, but Olivier (her other half) to please her, takes her to a photo exhibition dedicated to Ireland. And who do you think she meets there?) Of course, him, the one with whom it was so bright and good, free and clear at a glance, Edward. He tells her the sad news about Abby's illness, Diana cannot stay away from those who helped her survive the grief and get back on her feet, so she is going to Mullaranny to visit and support a dear person, and this is where the fun begins!
    I really liked this piece! I was inspired by the sparkling humor, liveliness and style of writing. Readable in one go, you just can't put it down. Some will say that this is “Pop”, quite possibly, but I assure you, for me this is the very book that made me at least a little distracted from life’s problems and troubles, believing for a split second in a fairy tale.
    Therefore, I advise all fans of the genre - be sure to read!)