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Scenario for the New Year's holiday in primary school "the fairy brought the holiday." Scenario for the New Year's holiday "New Year's adventures. The main characters of the New Year's scenario for children

New Year's holiday scenario

Ved. Here on the New Year's tree
We welcome everyone today!
Coming New Year,
He will bring joy to everyone!

Today you will find both fun and jokes,
You won't be bored here for a minute!

Let's joke and laugh

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Let's open our arms wider,

Let faces shine with kindness,

Let happiness settle in the world,

And joy will enter every home.

1 lesson Happy New Year
Both hosts and guests,
We wish everyone happiness and good luck
And nice clear days.

2 lessons Hello, New Year's holiday!

So we had to meet.

We all have fun today

Hello, Christmas tree, dear guest!

3 lessons Santa Claus knocks at the entrance and shakes the snow off his hat.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

How much joy everyone has!

4 lessons Near the Christmas tree today

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

5 lessons It will be joyful and bright

There will be dancing and a round dance.

There will be gifts for everyone,

In a word, it will be New Year!

Ved. Get into the circle quickly, songs and music are calling. Hold your hands tightly, let's begin the round dance.

(Music plays, the Evil Fairy appears)

Evil Fairy : I am very angry and cunning, mean and grumpy. I don't do good, and that's why I'm happy. A hundred devils! My grandmother Yaga told me that I can’t do magic today, but today I have to ruin the holiday. After all, I am the Evil Fairy. Need urgent advice. But with whom? Yeah! I'll call management now Evil spirits, friend Kikimora. She'll definitely come up with something.

Hello! Management of Evil Spirits. Call Kikimora.

Hello Kiki! Help me ruin the holiday! No, it doesn't fit. Help me, come up with something.

(Music sounds, the Good Fairy enters)

Kind fairy: Good afternoon, children! I am the Good Fairy. What are you doing here?

Evil Fairy: What do you care about that? What cloud brought you here on? I'm leaving, otherwise you'll mess with my head with your good ideas.

Kind fairy: Well, the Evil Fairy is gone, and we need to celebrate. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is.

Children's poems about the Christmas tree:

    Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up

Shine with lights.

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

    What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing

How elegant, how beautiful.

The branches rustle faintly,

The balls shine brightly.

    How good Christmas tree!
    Look how dressed she is!
    Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,
    Bright beads on her, confetti!

    How fun, how fun
    How joyful it is all around!
    We will greet the Christmas tree with song,
    We'll sing her a song!

(The Evil Fairy runs in)

I, I know the song about the Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, with only one needle. Water it or don’t water it – the harvest will still fail.

Kind fairy: Is it possible to sing such songs to children? Join us in a round dance and sing a good song.

Round dance near the Christmas tree.

Presenter: A telegram arrived.

Kind fairy: From whom? Let's watch!

Telegram (read by presenter)

The Snow Maiden is in a safe place.

You won't have a holiday! Ha ha ha!

Management of Evil Spirits.

Presenter: Kind fairy! What should we do now? New Year is coming soon, Grandfather Frost will come to us for a holiday, and if he doesn’t see his granddaughter, he will be upset. What is a holiday without the Snow Maiden? What to do?

Evil Fairy: What, did I ruin your holiday? But if you show how cheerful, dexterous, and attentive you are, then perhaps your Snow Maiden will appear.

Evil Fairy: I'll see how attentive you are.

Game "Confusion" (played by the evil Fairy)

You need to finish the line by choosing a word: girls or boys, girls or boys, boys or girls. You must answer in unison.)

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows,

We played hockey in the morning...

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark

All as one, they...

Evil Fairy: And dexterous, are you skillful?

Relay race (conducted by the presenter)

Presenter: Evil Fairy, release the Snow Maiden!

Evil Fairy: I also need to come to an agreement with my friends, with the robbers. They protect the Snow Maiden. And here they are!

1Robber: Hello, kids! Hello little ones! What do you want, Snow Maiden?

2 Rogue: Our friend was amused and we are amused. Come play with us. And we will see how cheerful, dexterous and skillful you are.

Games, relay race. (conducted by the presenter)

Rogue: Have a good holiday. Well done! We won't spoil it for you. Evil Fairy, let the Snow Maiden go.

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden.

Oh, so many kids:

And girls and boys,

And dear guests.


Happy New Year,

May fun come to you

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

Snow Maiden: Where are my snowflake friends - light fluffs?

Let's dance to warm up.

And we are not afraid of frost.

Dance of Snowflakes

Snow Maiden. Where is my grandfather? Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus comes out. How many familiar faces are there?
How many of my friends are here!
I feel good here, like at home,
Among the gray fir trees.
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see everyone again!

Snow Maiden: Let's sing and dance for Grandfather Frost. And you, Grandfather, stand in a circle with us.

Song "New Year"

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we also know poems about you.

Children's performances

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play and make Santa Claus happy.

Game, (relay races)

Santa Claus : Can you sing, play, and solve riddles?


SANTA CLAUS: Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,

All fluffy, covered in needles, and the guest’s name is... (Christmas tree)

SNOW Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because it’s outside... (Frost)

SANTA CLAUS: It’s snowing, the streets and houses are hidden under the white wool.

All the guys are happy about the snow - it has come to us again... (Winter)

SNOW Maiden: He comes first in the count, the New Year will begin with him.

Open your calendar soon and read it! Written... (January)

SANTA CLAUS: He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.

He starts a round dance - this is a holiday... (New Year)

Presenter : Santa Claus, haven't you forgotten anything?

Snow Maiden: Children! What did Santa Claus forget?

Santa Claus: Where are my gifts?

Snow Maiden. Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Much happiness to you today
We wish you, kids.
Father Frost . Be kinder, smarter, braver,
Give joy to everyone.
And now everyone: “Goodbye! It's time for us to leave!
See you again!

Presenter. Painted bells,The ringing is carried to all ends,Overflowing bell,He prophesies a new meeting.Happy New Year, long-awaited!Young, snowy and desirable!Everything is spinning like serpentine,Let the 15th come,Happy New Year, happiness, people!

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 50 Human

Snow Maiden: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Were you waiting for me? (answer) Haven't you started the holiday yet? (answer) Do you recognize me? (answer) Great and I recognized you. Has Santa Claus appeared yet? (answer) Apparently he got lost somewhere, he fell behind the Snow Maiden! ...

Scenario for a New Year's party for young children

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 79 Human

Looks around.
Oh... where is Santa Claus? Something that takes too long to come... Shall we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears
Santa Claus: I hear, I hear you calling...
Hello both adults and children!
There are so many of you! ...

Script for congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 38 Human

Santa Claus: (addresses the child and his parents, grandparents, when they are there).

Hello, girls and boys!
Put aside cartoons and books.
Answer me the question, who came to you?

Answer: Santa Claus!

Father Frost: ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Guidon, Sultan, and other fairy-tale characters

02.12.2019 | Looked at the script 374 person

...(At first, greedy and stupid. He brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give it to anyone...
Did you bring it for me or not...?”

(rummaging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | Looked at the script 1048 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magical thing!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up, I won’t give it up!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people ask riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I'll tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for Children's New Year

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2765 Human

A simple New Year's script for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Kind fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so do their parents! Grandmothers and grandfathers and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I am going to the forest, ...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1786 Human

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for family viewing "Incredible adventures in the city of the emerald dream"
Children's age is 6-10 years.


ELLIE – a modern, brightly dressed girl (girl), for example, in the “College” style
TOTOSHKA is a dog, friend...

Scenario of the New Year's production for children of the primary school "Yolochka"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1390 Human

two buffoons,
real tree
fake Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
Let's have fun honest...

Scenario for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1482 person

Hello adults, hello boy! I am the good winter fairy! That's my name, Winter Fairy! And what is your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
– Do you know who comes to the children on New Year’s Day?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him...

Scenario of the New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5409 Human

A winter's tale is all about miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us...

Scenario for the New Year's holiday primary school.

The melodies of children's New Year's songs sound.

Presenter-Fairy with class teachers arrange the children.

FAIRY - Hello, dear guests! New Year is knocking on the door,

In the New Year we believe in a fairy tale,

Happy New Year with a beautiful fairy

Miracles come to the house. We sincerely congratulate you

And we wish everyone good health

May everyone be happy

It will be this new year! Let's all say to each other together:

"Happy New Year!"

Three four!

The children speak together. Well done! Now let's say hello to our Christmas tree!

Let's say together, "Hello, our Christmas tree!"

Three four! The children speak together.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree!

So elegant!

Green needles

Snowflakes sparkle!

Let's sing a song about our beautiful Christmas tree! A song about a Christmas tree.

You were in a hurry for the holiday,

Santa Claus urged you on,

Browned on the way

Your cheeks and your nose. But this made you

And more beautiful and fresh

Now you need to warm up

Get into the circle on the field quickly! "New Year's Polka" is performed,

at the end of the “polishka” he runs into the hall

Brownie Kuzya with a chest in his hands.

KUZYA: Oh-oh-oh! Oh, trouble, trouble, grief!

Where did I fall? Or rather, did you hit it?

FAIRY: Who are you? KUZYA: And I’m Kuzma. We are brownies! I am, so to speak, the master of the house!

He forcibly snatched his chest with fairy tales and games from Baba Yaga.

FAIRY: Oh, Kuzenka, show the guys some fairy tale or game, riddle...

After all, today is a holiday - New Year!

KUZYA: What do they do at this holiday?

FAIRY: Guys, help me. Tell Kuza what they are doing on this holiday.

Children: “They sing, dance, play...” KUZYA: Games are good. I love that!

For the sake of the holiday, we can pamper you with a game!

Stand still, don't make noise. I'll start, and you watch. He opens the chest, “magic” music sounds. The game is called “Gifts of Santa Claus”: GAMES ARE HELD.

Santa Claus will be pleased when he finds out how well you played.

FAIRY: Well done, Kuzya! Guys, let's sing a song about the New Year for Kuzya! They sing a song: FAIRY: Guys, let's ask Kuzenka to show him some fairy tale? The children answer. Kuzya, show me!

KUZYA: Okay! You can show it! Opens the chest. “Magic” music sounds.

Queen Grella bursts into the hall, holding a stick with a thorn in her hands.

GRELLA: We are Queen Grella,

We rule very strictly

And twenty-eight dwarfs

They work for us

And if they don't listen,

And if they don't -

We are a stick with a thorn

Let's make you listen to us! (Turns around and sees Kuzya, who was following her.) Oooh! Why are not you working? Go to work immediately! (Tries to prick Kuzya with a thorn)..

KUZYA: Oh-oh-oh! Have pity on the homeless orphan. From an early age I lived among people

Didn't eat enough, slept without waking up...

GRELLA: What-o-o?!

KUZYA: That is... it's... I didn't get enough sleep.

GRELLA: Do you object?! Us?! Queen Grella?! Insufferable dwarf!

I'll show you!!!

KUZYA: Guys, help! (Hides behind the Fairy and whispers) Dear Fairy, save the chest. We need the heartless monster again

send to a fairy tale!

A game. Music. FAIRY: (Opens the chest)

Let this fairy tale return to its place in the chest

“Magical” music sounds. GRELLA: (To the children) What are you doing? I’ll give you a New Year now!

Oh-oh-oh... (He backs away, somersaults and disappears.)

KUZYA: (Climbs out from under the tree)

Eww! Who tells me such a bad fairy tale?

put it? Probably Baba Yaga tried her best.

FAIRY: Rest, Kuzenka! And the guys and I will dance and sing!

KUZYA: Thanks, guys! I have a surprise too!

Tell me, who are your most awaited guests today?

The children answer.

KUZYA: That's right - Snow Maiden!

Let's just all shout loudly and loudly together and call her!

Three four! The children are screaming.

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden runs into the hall.

SNOW Maiden: Hello, guys!

The children answer. I gathered it in my palm

Sparks of fiery blue stars

And today I’m giving them out to everyone,

And I sing magic songs

On this holiday with your friends!

FAIRY: What magic song will you sing with the guys, Snow Maiden?

SNOW Maiden: All the guys know this song. It is called: …………..

FAIRY: Let's sing it all together!

SNOW Maiden: Where is Grandfather Frost? After all, I was walking through the forest next to him!?

KUZYA: It’s my fault, Snow Maiden! I really wanted to look at you.

So I opened the chest ahead of time.

SNOW MAIDEN: You shouldn’t have done it, Kuzenka. Grandpa is probably already worried. (Takes out a mirror) My light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth.

I'm not laughing today

My grandfather didn't come

Lost me on the way

SNOW Maiden: Oh, my grandfather is already looking for me! Grandfather! Grandfather! I'm here! (Runs away).

KUZYA: Well, there you go! She ran away... I didn’t even look at her properly. What have I done? FAIRY: (Comforts)

We're on New Year's Eve

Here they gathered at the Christmas tree,

So with a perky smile

Sing, play and have fun!

KUZYA: Let your faces bloom with a smile

The songs sound cheerful,

Who knows how to have fun

He knows how not to get bored!

FAIRY: So let's dance and play! This is the Boogie-Woogie dance.

After the dance, Baba Yaga rides into the hall on a broom.

Looking for Kuzya.

BABA YAGA: Hello, Kuzenka! Son!

KUSYA: (Angrily) What kind of son do you think I am, grandma?!

You didn't see me, I didn't see you. We're not supposed to show ourselves.

BABA YAGA: Don't be angry, Kuzenka! I can’t be in the hut without a brownie.

Let's go, Kuzenka, let's go. Oh, what is this? (He takes a mirror under the tree)

Has anyone lost their magic mirror? My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth,

Am I smarter than everyone else in the world?

The prettiest and kindest of all?

KUSYA: (From under the Christmas tree) You are terrible, no doubt about it...

BABA YAGA: What?! Are you being rude to me? (affectionately) Well, tell me quickly,

Is there anyone sweeter than me?

KUSYA: (From under the Christmas tree) The Snow Maiden is dearest to me! (Jumps out)

Yes! The Snow Maiden is my favorite!

BABA YAGA: Ah-ah-ah! So she lost the mirror...

KUZYA: Put the mirror in place! Tetekha is incomprehensible.

BABA YAGA: Why are you being rude, yachtie?

Here's my condition: either you move to live with me,

or I'll take this mirror (Pauses)

Come with me, Kuzenka! I'll bake some pies!

KUZYA: What do the pies come with?

BABA YAGA: With cabbage, cottage cheese, apples...

KUZYA: I love pies...

BABA YAGA: That's okay! Good! KUZYA: Granny Yagulya, don’t rush! Do you know what day it is today?

BABA YAGA: Oh, oh, oh! Well, which one? Of course I know...

Today is Leshenka's Jam Day.

KUSYA: Grandma! What are you doing, absolutely?! Guys, let's help Baba Yaga and tell him what today...

Children: "New Year!!!"

KUZYA: And everyone is waiting for the Snow Maiden and Father Frost! Let's wait too! (Persuades).

BABA YAGA: Okay, okay... Oh, look, Kuzya, a magic mirror

shows Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

FAIRY: Guys, let's say everything together:

"Father Frost! Snow Maiden! We are waiting for you!" Three four!

Everyone is calling. Music. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, guys! (Children answer).


There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn

But the kindest holiday in the world is

New Year!


He gives us faith in good chance,

To a new day and a new turn,

Helps you become better

Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

SANTA CLAUS: And on the dear New Year's holiday,

We are happy to congratulate you, friends!

TOGETHER: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

FAIRY: Grandfather Frost! Look how fluffy and elegant our Christmas tree is!

And the New Year's lights don't burn.

Help the guys light the beautiful Christmas tree!

SANTA CLAUS: With great pleasure!

May the cheerful laughter of children never cease,

I'm lighting the Christmas tree for my dear friends!


Let no one be bored

Let everyone rejoice!

Let the Christmas tree shine

In all its glory!

SANTA CLAUS: Let's all say it together. One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The children scream in unison.

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, yes, a Christmas tree! Oh, what a miracle!

How slim and how beautiful!

SNOW Maiden: Let the merry round dance

The first one will celebrate the New Year!

Song and dance.

SANTA CLAUS: I'm glad to laugh with you,

I'm glad to play with you. Games are being held.

1. Game “Find the key”.

2. Game "Snowflakes"

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, what daredevils - all the guys are great!

FAIRY: Santa Claus, what is your favorite dance or song?

SANTA CLAUS: Of course, friends! My favorite is:

Children are dancing.


Let the decorated Christmas tree shine merrily,

Let your laughter and songs sound incessantly,

So let this whole year be joyful

For you - nice, cheerful people!

FAIRY: Guys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden say goodbye to you

and give you their wishes.

SANTA CLAUS: We wish you all happiness,

May you live for many, many years!

SNOW MAIDEN: And until the next meeting, you will avoid all sorts of troubles!


No matter how time flies,

Remember books, school, class,

You'll rest - and then get to work,

There is time for business, an hour for jokes.

Holiday scenario for the preparatory group

Fairy presenter: Old Man Hottabych:

Santa Claus: Emelya:

Snow Maiden: Bag:

Fairy: How nice it is that our guests came here today

And, regardless of worries, everyone found a free hour.

Happy New Year, I wish you health and happiness to everyone!

Our children invite the best fairy tales in the world.

Open the doors wider! Come in, little people!

(to the music, a girl, boy, etc., holding hands, enter the music hall in a chain and dance around the Christmas tree).

Dance "How many boys and girls look"

(built in front of the tree in a semicircle)

Fairy: Hello my friends!

I, the fairy fairy, gathered everyone around the Christmas tree today,

Because today is a holiday, a noisy New Year holiday.

Let him come to us today like a magical fairy tale!

1st child: The holiday of Christmas tree and winter has come to us again today

We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday.

2nd child: How the costumes and masks shine! You can't recognize everyone today.

In this New Year's hall we will sing and dance!

Fairy: Happy New Year to everyone who came to this hall!

Let's start with a ringing song

All children: New Year's carnival!

(girls take three steps forward, boys remain in place,

built in two rows).

Song "Happy New Year!" Oliferova

(while standing still they sing with movement, at the end the girls stand in their places,

then everyone sits down on the chairs).

Fairy: Our Christmas tree is sad, let's light the lights on the tree.

Once! Two! Three! Christmas tree shine!

(words are spoken with the children, the Fairy waves her wand and the Christmas tree lights up)

That's how fun our Christmas tree is shining,

But where is Santa Claus, maybe someone knows?

Let's call him, let's say together:

“Grandfather Frost, come and have some fun with the guys!”

(children call Santa Claus in unison)

I'll look outside the door, maybe he's coming, friends!

(walks up to the door, takes a jug from behind the door, rubs it or looks at it like

smoke flows, the lights go out, oriental music sounds)

(The light comes on, old man Khattabych in oriental attire is standing by the tree, and

on top of the coat).

Khattab.: May there be peace to this house! Hello, most educated of

well-mannered, most lovely of lovely children and highly respected


Fairy: But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!

Khattab.: ABOUT! How, tibidah! Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes I will transform you

into the desert sand!

Fairy: Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?

(Khattabych takes off his coat)

Why, this is old Khattabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Khattab.: Right! O wisest of the wisest fairies! You recognized my name. Where

did I get it? Whose is this? beautiful house, where are there so many children?

Children: Kindergarten!

Khattab.: How beautiful and bright it is here. I want to ask..

On the streets everything is covered with a white carpet

Your carpet is so wonderful, but it is unknown to me.

Fairy: Guys, it turns out that Hottabych has never seen snow.

Sit down Khattabych, look, the guys will show you a dance

and you will find out who covers everything with a white carpet.

Dance "Ice Ceiling"

Khattab.: Well done, oh, wisest of the wisest. Now I know what it is

the carpet on your street is snow and Winter is preparing all this.

Fairy: Outside the window everything is silver, and there is a chaos of snowflakes.

Winter-winter is having fun with us.

Tell me, guys, what can you do in winter?

Children: play snowballs, sledding, skiing, skating, etc.

Khattab.: I also want to play snowballs. Fuck-chibi-doh, tibi-doh,

Let everyone have a snowball!

(parents throw pre-prepared snowballs into the hall)

We need to transfer the snowballs on a spoon first to the girls, then


Khattab.: I enjoyed playing. Thank you, oh wisest of

the wisest.

Fairy: Khattabych, our children love fairy tales very much, and you probably know a lot of them?

Khattab.: Well, okay, a fairy tale is a fairy tale! Where is my book of fairy tales?

(The fairy hands the book to Khattabych, he leafs through the book). Can tell you

about the kolobok?

Fairy: No, this is a fairy tale for the little ones, and our children are already big.

Khattab.: Well, then I'll tell you this one. In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth

once upon a time in the state... Do you want me to take you straight into a fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Khattab.: I will take you to a fairy tale about a princess, about the Nesmeyan princess.

Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh! Fairy tale, fairy tale appear, show yourself to our eyes!

(music sounds)

And it’s time for me to return to warmer climes. You have a very cold.

Goodbye to the wisest of the wisest and the most beautiful of the most beautiful Fairies!

(He bows and leaves. The lights on the tree go out. Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter. Father Frost pulls Snow Maiden by the hand, she resists and breaks free).

Snow Maiden: I don't want to go to kindergarten! I want to go home!

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, what happened to you? Are you sick?

Snow Maiden: Don't worry! I don't want to go to kindergarten! Let's go home!

Father Frost: What are you saying? Look, you and I are going to the kids

holiday trees have arrived! Let's say hello to them soon.

(The Snow Maiden sits down on the chair, dissatisfied)

Father Frost: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Happy New Year and wish you good health!

I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see you all again!

Fairy: Hello, Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Granddaughter, now say hello to the guys.

Snow Maiden: I don't want to! Why did you bring it here? I'm bored!

Fairy: Santa Claus! Look, our Christmas tree is sad again, with lights

does not burn.

Father Frost: Disorder! We will correct that mistake,

Let's make the lights burn!

Let's say together: “Surprise us with your beauty, shine on the Christmas tree!”

(repeat the words together).

Our tree sparkled with golden lights,

Start the round dance, kids, quickly!

Song "A blizzard is blowing along the street"

Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of frost? Then hang in there.

Game "I'll Freeze"

Well done! You are so clever and fast. (children sit down)

Father Frost: Granddaughter, the children played so happily, but you didn’t even smile.

What happened to you? (throws up his hands, surprised). When we were getting ready for the Christmas tree in the morning, she was so cheerful, laughing and singing songs all the time. How did you approach

your kindergarten, suddenly tripped and cried. And you’re wearing not the Snow Maiden, but

Some kind of Princess Nesmeyana!

Fairy: It seems that I understand Grandfather Frost. Old man Hottabych was here recently,

He cast a spell, promised to take us into a fairy tale, and by mistake he bewitched the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Ah, that's it! It was he who turned the Snow Maiden into Nesmeyana, and what should we do now?

Fairy: I think that the Snow Maiden will break her spell,

I need her to laugh!

Snow Maiden: I can't do anything! I do not want anything!

Oh, I'm hot, I can't! (waves at himself)

Fairy: Come on, snowflakes, come on, fluffs,

Spin around the Christmas tree like ballerinas!

Help the Snow Maiden, cool her down at least a little!

Dance of snowflakes

Father Frost: Well, my granddaughter, didn’t the snowflakes freeze you?

Snow Maiden: I'm bored! (turns away from the children)

Fairy: No, it’s not fun at all, you still have to work hard. Maybe we should read some poetry?

Father Frost: Of course it is necessary. Snegurochka and I will listen.


Dance of snowmen boys with brooms


(music “Chime”)

1 boy: “Tick-tock, tick-tock!” - the clock is knocking, and the arrows are rushing forward.

Boy 2: I’m ready to come visit you at the strike of the clock on New Year’s Day.

Dance "Clock"

Father Frost: Granddaughter, the children prepared good poems, but you didn’t even


Fairy: What if we invite Emelya? But in the fairy tale, it was he who made Nesmeyana laugh.

Father Frost: And that's true! We urgently need to call Yemelya! (hits with staff)

At the behest of the pike, at the will of Santa Morozov,

Wherever you are, friend Emelya, hurry here quickly!

(Emelya comes in under a cheerful r.n.p., on her shoulder is a yoke with buckets, filled with Christmas tree decorations, pike, puts the buckets)

Emelya: Big hello to an honest company!

That the holiday here didn’t know in advance,

Otherwise I would have come here a long time ago and had a lot of fun.

Fairy: Eh, Emelyushka, our Snow Maiden has forgotten how to laugh, it’s the old man’s fault

Khattabych cast a spell by mistake.

Emelya: Well, I’m not averse to helping you!

I have Christmas toys, let's play a game

"Dress up the Christmas tree"

(two dads put on a Christmas tree costume, three guys decorate each tree

toys. The winner is those who quickly and beautifully decorate the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: Well, my granddaughter, did we cheer you up?

Snow Maiden: Ah-ah-ah! Nooo! (shakes his head)

Emelya: I'll ask the pike to help.

(takes a pike out of the bucket and whispers to it).

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

We want a surprise!

(the symbol of the year, the monkey, appears to the music)


Hello my friends, do you know who I am?

Children: answers

I am a lively, mischievous monkey, everyone knows me, everyone is waiting for me,

Because adults and children on the planet know

I am the symbol of the year, friends, you can’t live without me!

May the new year bring you a lot of joy and happiness!


Monkey, help us make Snow Maiden laugh.

Monkey: With pleasure. Will the guys help me?

Fairy: Monkey! Our children are the funniest in the world.

They will definitely help to cheer up the Snow Maiden.

Shall we help you guys?

Children: answers

Monkey: Can you make faces? How about doing weird poses?

Children: answers

Father Frost: Guys! Help out! Do as she says!

Monkey: Right! Listen carefully and do everything I say!

Emelya: And you get the game “Monkeys”

Fairy: Emelya, don’t interrupt.

Emelya: I’m silent, beauty, I’m silent... Continue!

Monkey: We begin! (children stand up scattered)

We are funny monkeys! We're playing too loud!

Let's all clap our hands! Let's all stomp our feet! Let's puff out our cheeks!

Let's jump on our toes! And we’ll even show each other our tongues!

Let's stick out our ears! Ponytail on top!

Let's put our finger to our temple! Let's jump to the ceiling together!

Let's open our mouths wider and make all the grimaces!

How do I say the word “Three!” everyone freeze with grimaces! Once! Two! Three!

(The children are playing, the Snow Maiden begins to laugh, the children do not sit down).

Emelya: Finally, the Snow Maiden was made to laugh. Good monkeys!

Fairy: Thank you, Monkey.

Father Frost: Thank you guys! Helped us out! We tried!

Monkey: I'm glad I helped. It's time for me to join the other guys. Until next time. (Leaves)

Fairy: And now on our Christmas tree

We'll dance for joy!

Endless polka

Emelya: Oh yes, kids, well done! Danced from the heart

And the Snow Maiden became more beautiful and stopped crying altogether.

And it's time for me to go home.

Fairy: Guys, let’s say thank you to Emelya and the pike for their help.

Children: Thank you!

(Emelya says goodbye and leaves)

Snow Maiden: It's so good that everything ends well!

And now - attention!

Always on New Year's Eve, parting gifts, who gives you?

Children: Father Frost!

Snow Maiden: Right. Grandfather, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, how the Snow Maiden began to cry, I completely forgot about the bag of gifts.

Fairy: Don’t be sad, Santa Claus, the guys and I will help.

(takes a “magic wand”, waves it, repeats the words with the children)

Wand, help me, create a miracle.

Let's say together: “One, two, three, the bag appears!”

(the bag comes on to the music)

Snow Maiden: Oh oh oh! Grandfather, the bag is alive!

Look, he’s standing there, moving his hands, running away somewhere,

You should walk with Santa Claus, be next to him.


I must play, jump and gallop.

(“bag” jumps, gallops, eats candy)

Father Frost: The question became interesting: Am I Frost or not Frost!

The bag doesn’t listen to me, it stands there, eats candy.

(“bag” dances, shows “nose”)

Father Frost: I don’t understand anything, is it all in a dream or in reality?

I am tormented by the question: Am I Frost or not Frost!

Fairy: Frost, of course, Frost!

Father Frost: And the bag forgot that I am Frost,

Look, he's showing his nose.

(“the bag” teases Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden: Dear bag, you should still be with Santa Claus

walk, be next to him!

Bag: Since today is New Year, it means everything is the other way around,

I must play and run away from Frost.

(“the bag” runs out the door, Santa Claus follows him and comes in

with a bag of gifts).

Father Frost: My sack quickly ran away,

but still I caught up with him and brought you gifts.

Fairy: Santa Claus, look how smart the guys are.

(The girls come out first. The Snow Maiden dances a Tatar dance with them,

Improvisation, souvenirs are awarded for costumes, then Santa Claus dances with the boys to an incendiary, for example, they perform any cowboy movements, they are also given souvenirs.)

(distribution of gifts and sweets)

Fairy: Have you received all the gifts? Have we forgotten anyone?

Raise your gifts and say “thank you” to Santa Claus.

Children: Thank you.

Father Frost: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday,

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

Snow Maiden: So that you grow big, so that you don’t know worries,

Well, we will come to visit you again in a year.



Fairy: Our New Year's ball has come to an end.

It's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree and return to our group.

Children: “Goodbye, Christmas tree!”


New Year is coming! Holiday in kindergarten begins!

3 fairies run out into the hall - laugh, play catch, then, tired, sit on the bench.

Fairy 1:
Three little fairies.

Fairy 2:
We sat on a bench.

Fairy 1 and Fairy 2:

Fairy 3:
They gobbled up the seeds!

Fairy 1:
Three little fairies.

Fairy 2:
We sat on a bench.

Fairy 1 and Fairy 2:

Fairy 3:
Knitted brooms!

Fairy 1:
Three little fairies.

Fairy 2:
We sat on a bench.

Fairy 1 and Fairy 2:

Fairy 3:
They hissed like snakes!

Fairy 1:
We've played and that's enough. It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Fairy 2:
We sisters know how to play rhymes, and what about guys?

Fairy 3:
So let's check it out!

Fairy 1:
This winter mistress

Fairy 2:
Everyone is afraid, even the bunny

Fairy 3:
Only April is not afraid

Fairy 1:


Fairy 1:
We didn't eat!

Fairy 2:
We didn't drink!

Fairy 3:
Snow Baba...

They sculpted!

Fairy 1:
It's frosty outside

Fairy 2:
Stings cheeks

Fairy 3:
It stings...


Fairy 1:
Well done! We did it!

Fairy 2:
Anyone can play rhymes.

Fairy 3:
Yes! Here's a whole congratulatory verse to remember!

Fairy 1:
let's have fun

Fairy 2:
Spinning near the Christmas tree

Fairy 3:
Join the round dance

All Fairies:
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Dance with fairies.

Fairy 1:
Phew! Let's dance! But we still haven’t found out, do you know the poems for the New Year?

Children read poems.

Fairy 2(jumping joyfully):
They know! They know!

Fairy 3:
Let's play, guys!

Fairy 1 and Fairy 2(look at each other and say together):
Let's throw snowballs at each other!

Fairies and children play snowballs (balls are made from newspaper, which are then covered with cotton wool or white paper). And in the game, one of the fairies ends up in a den (either you can draw it or you can simply throw a white cloth over two chairs).

Coming out of the den Bear:
Who's being naughty here? Who's stopping me from sleeping?

The children run up and sit down in their places.

Fairy 1:
How can you sleep on a day like this?

Fairy 2:
If it weren't for us, I would have slept through the New Year!

Fairy 3:
Join us. We'll see you off together Old year and meet the New.

This is possible, but in order for me to wake up I need to listen to a song, please sing it.

Fairy 1:
My sisters and I can only read poetry and come up with rhymes. Let's play rhymes!

Then (yawns), I won’t wake up without a song (gets ready to go back to the den).

Fairy 2:

Fairy 3:
We'll figure something out!

Bear, we will sing!

Fairy 1:
Can you sing too?


Children perform the song “” (words by A. Kovalenkov, music by L. Knipper).

It's about me! Thank you! Awoke! Where is Santa Claus? I know one song, he will hear it and will definitely come!

Fairy 1:

Fairy 2:
What about us? Shall we make fairies?

Fairy 3:
We also want to help, but we don’t know how to sing.

I will sing with the guys, and you dance along.

Fairy 1:

The bear and children perform the song “” to the words of P. Sinyavsky, music by A. Zhurbin, fairies dance.

Footsteps are heard.

I told you so! Let's meet him!

All in chorus:
Hello, Santa Claus!!!

Enters the hall Baba Yaga:
Hello Hello!

Fairy 1:
Where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Until I get married, no one will see this grandfather. I sent him to distant lands.

What are you doing?! After all, the New Year is coming! Who will bring gifts for the children? Who will light the Christmas tree?

Baba Yaga(approaches one boy):
Hey, honey, will you marry me?
What? Don't you want it? How can you not?!

Approaches another boy:
Maybe you will marry?
What? Again? And you don't want to?

He walks along the children and stops near the third boy:
How good are you, killer whale!
Will you be my husband? What? Don't you want it?!

What is the reason?!
Is there a single man in the room?!

He goes to his parents.

Fairy 1:
There husbands are not for you!

Baba Yaga(looks at the men present, feels them, sits down on one’s lap):
Admire my figure, tan...
Eh! My beauty is wasted!!!

Bear(calling to the fairies):
We need to do something, because we can’t do without Santa Claus.

Fairy 1:
Let's call the Snow Maiden!

Bear(calls on a mobile phone):
Snow Maiden! Baba Yaga sent Father Frost to distant lands! Already know? Did you go to the rescue? Does not exceed? Do you still need to find a groom for Baba Yaga? Where can I get it?! So. Understood! Thanks, we're waiting!!!

The Bear and the Fairies stand in a circle and the Bear tells them something.

Baba Yaga! Free the man's knees! Now we will find you a husband!

Baba Yaga:
I don’t need anything! I am no less than a prince on a white horse! As a last resort, in a white Mercedes!

It will be, everything will be now! For now, go sit down. You can powder your nose.

Baba Yaga(offended):
I have no need to embellish myself!

Three blank posters are attached to the easel (wall). A fairy stands next to everyone. Fairies will hold markers (crayons). Children are divided into 3 teams. The bear asks a riddle. The first team to give the answer goes to draw the prince. The bear asks a second riddle. The first team to give the answer goes to draw a horse. And the third one remains to draw a car. To prevent children from jostling, the fairies take turns giving each of them a felt-tip pen.

Your prince is ready! With a horse and a car!

Baba Yaga(admiring the portrait):
What a beautiful portrait! I've been dreaming about this for a thousand years! How can we revive him now?

Fairy 1:
Bring back Santa Claus! And we will tell you where you can get living water. If you drop this kind of water on the portraits, the prince will come to life, the horse will neigh and the car will start!

Baba Yaga:
Won't you deceive me? Do you give your word of honor?

Bear and Fairies:
We give!

Baba Yaga(starts to spin around, mutter something under his breath, then loudly):
Excel-moxel, trendy-brandy! All! Now we need a dance of snowflakes, the blizzard will pick them up and bring them to Santa Claus and they will show him the way from the distant kingdom! Give me living water, I want it down the aisle!

Fairy 1(throws a ball):
Run after him, he will lead you to a magical spring.

Baba Yaga(runs away after the ball):
I'm running my dear husband! We will meet you soon!

. After the end of the dance, the sound of a blizzard turns on and the snowflakes fly away.

So-so. Let's hope that Baba Yaga did not outwit us.

Fairy 2:
No, I didn’t deceive you! Look! Father Frost!

Fairy 3:
Snow Maiden!

Father Frost:
Hello, my dear kids!

Snow Maiden:
Thank you! Without you, Santa Claus would not have found his way to the children!

It's time to light the Christmas tree and give out gifts!

Fairy 1:
We'll meet you with a cheerful song

Fairy 2:
Glorious New Year

Fairy 3:
Near the decorated Christmas tree

Let's start a round dance!

The Christmas tree lights up. Children and leaders lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden takes away their round dance one child at a time, and Father Frost gives him a gift.

Irina Nagibina