All about car tuning

Scenario for Health Day. general camp.doc - scenario for a healthy lifestyle event “our health is in our hands. Health day in the camp Development about health in a children's camp

Attention! Attention!

November 7 – “Health Day”!!! At 10.00 am, a sports train departs for students of MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Murom on a journey around the country of health. Hurry to the train without delay, take with you your knowledge and good mood!

Sports festival scenario

"Health Day"


    popularization of physical education among school students;

    formation of sustainable interest in physical education and sports;

    instilling a healthy lifestyle;

    development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, cohesion.


2 teams - 2 school camp squads.



Determination of the winners:

The winning team is determined by the maximum points scored.


The winning team is awarded a certificate of honor.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, hoops, skittles, balls, books (sandbags), route sheets for each team, small rings, jump ropes.

The progress of the holiday

Songs about sports are played. Then the music becomes somewhat muted. The general formation of the athletes is announced.

The teams go to the sports ground. Teams are lined up one at a time.

Hello, dear children and guests of the school, we are very glad to see you at the festival of sports and health. How cheerful and energetic you are today! Are you ready to strengthen your immune system, become even stronger, more agile, and more friendly? Today we are going on a sports train to the land of health. We will have to go through five stations. At each stop you will score points for correct answers and completed exercises.

In our difficult century, in our stormy century

No one can live without sports forever,

There is a champion in every person

A person needs to believe in it.

The presenter introduces the jury members.

Teams take turns saying the name of the squad. The captains are given route sheets.

    Station "Daily Routine"

Teams are given random cards with daily routine items: getting up, exercise, breakfast, school, walk, homework, dinner, free time, sleep. Teams must place the cards in the correct order.

    Station "Attraction"

Rope walkers. The first team members put a book (a bag of sand) on their heads and, at a signal, walk to the pin (chair) and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

    Station "Relay"

The team that finishes the exercise the fastest wins. 10 points for the competition, points deducted for errors.

1) Running in hoops.

2) Competition “Riders”.

Sitting on a stick, we jump to the pin and back. Who's faster?

3) “Towing” competition.

At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue completing the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster.

5) Skittles competition.

There are 2 pins placed on the court, one for each team at a distance. One participant leaves the class. At the leader’s signal, the children must knock down the pin with the ball. The one who knocks down the pin the most times wins (each player has one attempt).

    Guess Station

Guess the riddle about what are the friends of health. Teams are given riddles (team 1 gets odd-numbered riddles, team 2 gets even-numbered riddles; if no one on the team guesses, then the turn goes to the next team to guess their riddle).

1. Two sisters are green in summer,

By autumn one turns red,

The other one turns black (Currant).

2. It is rich in carotene

And useful for the guys.

We can't drag it off the ground again

For her green tail (Carrot).

3. Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children ( Apple).

4. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan,

You will throw winter,

Will begin to fly upward ( Ball).

    Wooden horses gallop through the snow,

Don't fall into the snow

The kids ride them in winter (Skis).

    This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are 2 wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive ( Bike).

7.Bone back, hard bristles

Goes well with mint paste,

Serves us diligently ( Toothbrush)

8. He lay down in his pocket and kept watch - a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one,

They will wipe away streams of tears, and will not forget about their nose (Handkerchief).

    Station "Konkursnaya"

1) Competition "Jump rope".

One person comes out of each class, and a competition is held among them. The winner is the team whose members jump rope the longest. The team whose players all jump rope is considered the loser.

2) Competition "Good Habit".

In front of each team, on the opposite side of the court, there are pieces of paper and pens on a chair. You need to run to a chair, write on pieces of paper useful tips that help strengthen and maintain health. There are two marks for the competition: 1=10 points for speed; 2= ​​1 point for 1 valuable advice.

3) Competition "Path". All team players participate. Each person performs a standing long jump, the second one starts from the heels of the first one, the third one starts from the heels of the second one, etc. The team that jumps the furthest wins.

4 ) Competition "Laughter". Guys, what do you know about laughter?

Laughter is the real cure for all diseases. 5 minutes of laughter replaces 40 minutes of rest and relaxes 80 muscle groups. Laughter improves memory and helps you learn better. Laughter enhances creativity in a person and makes him more active, creative and cheerful. Laughter even helps the body protect itself from harmful, insidious respiratory tract infections and colds. So laugh your heart out! Let's try to make each other laugh in a good way? Whose team will laugh the most contagiously will win the competition.

Dear guys and guests! Our sports competition has come to an end! While the judges sum up the results, you and I will play a game. I will name some quality or habit, and you try to decide whether this quality is useful or not. If it’s useful, then you all raise your hands up and say YES, and if it’s not, then say NO:

do physical education;

eat porridge in the morning;

do exercises;

watch TV late into the night;

brush your teeth 2 times a day;

eat sweets before meals;

to walk outside;

help parents with housework;

wash once a month;

laugh a lot;

litter in the room;

to be absent-minded and not attentive;

go to bed in the morning;

wash your hands before eating;

go to school;

be grateful;

disobey traffic rules;


The chief judge announces the results of the competition. Certificates are awarded to the best teams.

We hope that today’s meeting was not in vain, and that you learned something from it. After all, “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything!”BE HEALTHY!

Schoolchildren leave the competition site in formation.

Snowman: Hello, adults and children! Let's start our sports festival!

We go out for a walk this winter evening,

We are not afraid of frost, let it frighten us with cold,

We are very close friends with him in the cold winter!

Winter has its caresses, there are cold days,

There are skis, skates, sleds - whatever your heart desires!

From her distant possessions she comes to visit us

The invited guest is Winter!

The song “If only there were no winter” sounds. E. Krylatova, words by Yu. Entin, Winter enters, dancing and spinning.

Winter: Hello guys, dear guests! I wish happiness and joy to all the children and guests! Let the fun come to us!

Snowman: We love, Zimushka, you, your frost and ice,

And fluffy snow on the branches, and a sled, and a skating rink!

Baba Yaga appears with a broom in her hands.

Baba Yaga: I'm nosey, I'm fanged! I fly on a broom and scare children! Now I'm going to ruin your holiday!

Snowman: Why, Grandma Yozhka is a bone leg, we won’t let you hurt your children! Why are you so angry?

Baba Yaga: Because no one loves me, no one respects me, no one plays with me! I'm bored in the forest alone!

Snowman: Stay with us! Let's start the winter holiday

There will be games, there will be laughter, a joyful holiday for everyone!

Fox: If only there were no winter in cities and villages,

We would never have known these happy days!

Snowman: Get ready, kids! There will be a game for you now!

Fairy-tale characters invite children and parents to playgrounds and conduct outdoor games. Teachers transfer children from one playground to another in accordance with the route sheet.

Snowman Playground:Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition!

There is a motto among children:

Coward does not play hockey!

Hockey players are rushing, cutting blue ice,

Sparks fly - the puck is at the goal!

Choose 2 teams of children and parents. Name the teams.

Relay race “Get the puck into the goal.”Carry the puck towards the goal, try to hit the goal, pass the stick to the next player.

Relay race “Take the bunny on a sled.”Carry the toy on a sled around the stand-limiter. Pass the baton.

Snowman: Help me guys, collect my portrait!

Relay race “Build a snowman”.Each player takes one piece of the module, runs to the signpost and everyone lays out a snowman figure.

Snowman: Now we will see how they throw snowballs at a target!

You guys aim so you don't get into trouble!

Relay race "Sharpshooters".The hoops are fixed vertically, from the pointer line the player must hit the target.

Relay race “Carry the snowball on a racket.”Players run around the counter, there is a snowball on the racket, it cannot be held with your hand.

The results are summed up, the Snowman awards certificates to the competition participants: Well done to our guys, strong and brave, friendly, skillful!

Winter's Playground. Guess the riddle: He grabbed me by the cheeks, the tip of my nose, and painted the window without asking. Who is this, that’s the question? All this does... (frost)

Aren't you afraid of frost?Let's play the game "Two Frosts".3 - 4 times (at the request of the children).

Fox's site. Outdoor folk games:

"Find yourself a mate" -run in all directions, at the signal of the tambourine, find a pair, stand facing each other, say a nursery rhyme:

I am a blackbird, you are a blackbird,

I have a nose, you have a nose,

I have red cheeks,

You have red cheeks (show)

we are two friends, we love each other (hug). Play 3-4 times, changing pairs, involving parents in the game, causing positive emotions in those playing.

Fox: To ward off the frost, you need to run and play!

“The goat went through the forest...”- children stand in a circle, go to the right, say:

The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

I found a princess, princess, princess in the forest.

The driver in the Goat cap walks in the center of the circle to the left, chooses a mate, and stands facing each other. All children perform the movements of a nursery rhyme with the words: Come on, Goat, let's jump, jump, jump,

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick,

And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands,

And we stomp our feet, stomp, stomp.

Then two drivers walk inside the circle and choose a pair, the game continues until everyone is in pairs, the children invite their parents to the game, dance in pairs to a cheerful dance tune.

Baba Yaga's site:Is there a fun game, let's play, kids?

Outdoor game “Take care of your feet on the forest path”- children and parents stand in a circle and jump as Baba Yaga’s broom approaches, and she sweeps the broom in a circle, trying to hit the players’ feet. Later replace the broom with a jump rope. 3 – 4 times. Whose feet are touched by the jump rope leaves the circle. Congratulations to the winner.

Outdoor game “One, two, three - freeze!”3-4 times. All participants dance to a cheerful dance song, and at the signal they “freeze.” Baba Yaga shows as if she is “casting a spell.”

The task of fairy-tale characters is to involve as many children and adults in the game as possible, to ensure that children do not get tired and do not stand, so that the game brings joy and fun. Duration from 40 to 60 minutes.

The snowman invites everyone to the playground.

Snowman: The holiday has a beginning, the holiday has an end,

Whoever played and laughed with us was great!

If you want to be skillful, dexterous, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes, skis, hoops and poles.

Winter: Never be discouraged, hit the target with snowballs!

In a sled, quickly rush down the hill and get on your skis!

That's the secret of health. Be healthy! Physical education...

All together: Hello!

We reward all participants of the holiday with souvenirs - postcards in the form of a Snowman or Bunny with the wish:

May you remember our holiday, may all adversity pass by, and may you all fall in love with physical education and become cheerful and familiar.

Scenario of Health Day at a summer recreation area for primary schoolchildren

Bykova Nadezhda Vasilievna primary school teacher of the MKOU "Nikolskaya Secondary School" of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region.
Description of work: I offer you a scenario for Health Day on the summer playground at the school. The scenario is designed for the whole day, so it is carried out first on the street, then in the gym, and after lunch the children go to the park. This material will be of interest to primary school teachers working at school recreation sites, counselors, and educators.
In order to diversify summer holidays, interest children, and create all the conditions for their physical development and recovery, I propose to hold a “Healthy” holiday with the involvement of mothers.
Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, organizing active recreation in a summer school camp
- improve children's health
- teach a healthy lifestyle in a playful way
- form an emotionally positive attitude towards each other;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism, the interest of parents in holding joint events, communicative qualities of the individual: goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance
Equipment: crayons, balls, hoops, 2 sets of autumn clothes, pine cones, 2 cardboard boxes, colored pencils, themed coloring books, tape recorder, a selection of children's songs, a blackboard, letters written on sheets of paper.
Preparation: a board with a crossword puzzle is brought outside in advance, printed letters are prepared for the game “Who is faster!”, presenters, readers, a selection of children's songs and emblems for team members are prepared
Organizing time:
The health day begins after breakfast with the joint formation of teams and the announcement of the event plan.

Presenter 1
In our camp today
Health Day, Health Day
We invite all the guys
Take part in it!
Presenter 2
We won't be bored all day,
Let's forget about everything in the world,
Let's run and play
And improve your health!
Presenter 1
The whole day is scheduled to the minute!
I assure you it's not boring
Will you spend the day today?
And you will find friends!
Presenter 2
Well, let's get started!
3 "A" class asks to give them the floor!
1 student
We study in 3rd grade "A"
Great together, friends!
We live a fun life!
We play, we jump, we sing
In any season
Great weather for us
2 student
Then we collect leaves,
Then we play badminton,
We rush down the hill on a sled -
How good it is for Romka and me!
3 student
We relax in the park in summer
And don't forget about sports!
Sun, air and water
They always help us -
Be healthy, laugh,
To play sports!
4 student
How good it is to be healthy
love your mommy
Play with my little brother
Sunbathing at grandma's
Everyone splash around in the river together,
To stay in shape!!!
5 student
How good it is to live in the world!
Go on different hikes,
Sit quietly by the fire -
When your family is with you.
Go to the sea, sunbathe
And celebrate every New Year!
6 student
How great it is to be healthy!
Wander through the forest with a basket,

Listen to the nightingale sing,
See a sparrow in the field!
7 student
Pick a bouquet of flowers in the forest,
Meet the red fox
Watch the bullfinch
Behind the hard worker - the ant,
See the morning dawn -
All in unison
And live for so many years!
8 student
This is how my classmates and I understand what a “healthy lifestyle” is!
How do you understand the meaning of these words? (children's answers)
9 student
That's right, well done! You remembered about vitamins, and about hardening, about the daily routine, about a good mood, about the need to be cheerful and kind, about walks in the fresh air, about proper nutrition! They didn’t forget anything, they said everything!
Presenter 1:
We invited you guys to remember a healthy lifestyle and celebrate Health Day! Are you ready to go to a country called “Healthy”? Then go ahead!!!
Presenter 2:

Station 1 – Artistic!

(pavement drawing competition: A healthy lifestyle is...)

Presenter 1:

Station 2 – Guess it – ka!

Do you like to scream loudly? Somehow I didn’t hear you! I'll ask again.
Do you like to scream loudly? Well, now it’s a different matter! Let's play the game Guess It!
Don't be silent, my friend,
Loudly - shout loudly!
My assistant helps
The letters open quickly!

1.For scratching girls
Everyone always takes………green stuff
2. Although it stings and stings the wound,
But only……… iodine will help me
3. All the fields turn green,
Clouds are floating in the sky,
Everything around is warmed by the sun
Everyone is invited to swim……. summer
4. To be healthy and strong
Early in the morning
I go out for……….exercise
5.White water –
It will be useful to all of us.
From white water -
Do whatever you want:
Cream, curdled milk,
Butter for our porridge,
Cottage cheese for pie.
Eat, Vanechka - my friend!
Eat and drink
Pour for the guests,
And don’t be sorry for the cat! …….milk
6. I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
………….. A, B, C.
7.Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not horses that carry me,
And the shiny…..skates
8. Like orange slices,
Only bitterness knocks you off your feet.
It is useful, although bitter,
And my name is... garlic
Presenter 1:
So what's the most important thing for everyone? What happened in the red cells? (in chorus - Health)
Presenter 2:
We were just warming up!
Do you still have strength left?
Well then let's go to the gym
And let's continue playing there!!!
Moms are not far behind us
They're coming to compete with us!

Presenter 1:

3rd station – Sportivnaya

To stay healthy,
You need to play sports
Run, jump, do push-ups,
Chase the ball faster!
Presenter 2:

1st relay race “Get dressed!

(The mother dresses the child in clothes that the team members take turns bringing. The team that dresses the fastest wins.)

Presenter 2:

2nd relay race “Pass the ball”

Don't hold the ball in your hands,
Pass it on and relax!
(Sitting on the bench, the players pass the ball to the next team member; when the ball hits the last member, he runs with the ball and sits forward. The team that passes the ball faster wins.)

Presenter 1

3rd relay race “Collect the chickens!”

Our mothers
Don't yawn
And count your chickens!
(Music is playing, everyone performs the movements shown by 1 presenter. Two mothers stand with hoops. 2 presenter distributes tokens to those children who will hide in their mother’s house when the music stops. Those “chickens” who find themselves in the house faster win. )

Presenter 1

4 relay race With balls, hoops and cones.

(We take the ball to the hoop, put the ball down, take the cone and throw it to the mothers in the box, then we take the ball, roll it back and pass it to the next participant. For each hit + 1 point. The team that scores more points in total wins).

Presenter 2

5 relay race With hoops.

Hold the hoop tightly
Don't let the players down!
(Mom rolls a hoop, and the players take turns getting into it. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.)

Presenter 1

Game "Who is faster!"

The wind flew into the hall towards us,
I scattered everything, scattered it,
Scared our mothers!
Who is brave and courageous,
Quickly come out into the circle,
Put things in order, what happened -
Show us!
(Children collect words and sentences from letters)

Presenter 2
Our Healthy Day continues!
Everyone is heading to Tantsevalnaya station!
You guys are great!
We haven't been let down anywhere
Now let's get together
Sing songs everyone knows,
And, of course, dance
Well, let's get started!
(Children sing and dance)

Presenter 1
Danced from the heart
All the kids are good
Let's break for lunch now,
Let's all gain new strength
And let's continue our holiday!
Is everyone ready?
Well, then march!
Presenter 1(after lunch)
Have you refreshed yourself?
Well done!
Kids, don't relax
Let's all go to the park quickly!
Let's lie down, sunbathe,
And then we'll play!
(in the park, children play their favorite games, color pictures, relax)

April 7 - Health Day established by the World Organization
healthcare. Over the years, this holiday was held in the form
conference, and in the form of a round table, theatrical performance.
Getting ready to celebrate Health Day, we fill this event every year
new content, we involve students in its preparation and delivery and
teachers: someone is responsible for the design, musical accompaniment,
inviting guests, issuing leaflets. This unites the teacher's
parent and student teams, does the work of students as
personally and socially significant, helps strengthen connections
schools with parent community. It is personal participation and
involves children in preparing the holiday: they love to write scripts,
play different roles, play, prepare costumes, create images. We are not
we limit children, give them complete creative freedom, make edits
only of a substantive nature.
Health Day plan:
1.Opening of the holiday
2.An hour of laughter therapy for grades 1-4
3.Game - train journey Health for grades 5-7
4. Class hour Healthy nation - happy Russia for students 8 - 11
5. Closing of Health Day (awarding, speech by the propaganda team)
Scenario for the Health Day holiday
Goal: to show children the irreplaceable value of human health, to inspire
They have a desire to preserve and strengthen it.
- to intensify the cognitive activity of students;
- promote a healthy lifestyle;
- to interest students in studying health issues; - develop
children's creative abilities;
- contribute to strengthening the connection between the school and the parent community.
Preliminary preparation:
- writing a holiday script;
- making costumes for the characters of the propaganda team;
- decoration of the hall, stations; attracting teachers and students to work,
school health worker;
- production of leaflets;
- preparing the speech of the propaganda team;
- preparation of videos and photographs from the lives of schoolchildren.
- posters and signs for decorating the stage, hall, stations;
- literature on a healthy lifestyle;
- computer and video equipment;
- costumes for members of the propaganda team;
-inventory for each station.
Opening of Health Day: (On the street in the school yard, everyone is present
students, their parents, teachers)
Attention! Attention! Guests and our company!
Happy Health Day to everyone
And we wish you great success.
Today, April 7, people all over the planet celebrate Health Day. Why
does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing
a person has. But what is health?
(Students come out and say in turn what this word means to them)
- Health is when you feel good.
- Health is when nothing hurts.
- Health is beauty.
- Health is strength.
- Health is flexibility and harmony.
- Health is endurance.
- Health is harmony.
- Health is when you wake up in the morning cheerful and cheerful.
- Health is when you can easily climb to the 4th floor.
- Health is when you happily do whatever you need to do.
It is necessary to take care of your health, because health exceeds
all other benefits that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king - from
statements by A. Schopenhauer.
A word from the school nurse, she talks about the importance of management
healthy lifestyle during the development of the body.
The school principal addresses words of congratulations to all participants
To be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It's not
They say for nothing: Movement is life. I offer you all some
move, stretch your body.
(A melody sounds and the children, scattered around the playground, perform
exercises. They are helped by the guys from the Health brigade. Under the words
the leader performs the movements)
We go out onto the site, charging begins,
One step in place - two forwards, and then vice versa.
We raised our hands higher, lowered them - we breathe clearly.
Exercise two. Hands to the side, legs apart
It's been that way for a long time. Make three downward bends
Get up to four!
Everyone in the world needs flexibility, let's bend over, children.
One to the right, two to the left, squats every day,
Drives away sleep and laziness.
Squat lower and you will grow taller.
In conclusion, in good time we will jump now.
One, two, three, four - we live in friendship and in peace.
Well done boys! Now I see that we can continue the holiday.
We invite children from grades 5 to 7 to take an extramural trip to
on the Health train, an exciting hour awaits you for elementary school children
laughter therapy, we invite high school students to a serious conversation about
health and fate of Russia, and we are waiting for our parents and teachers in the master-
class Simple and effective health recipes. We wish everyone the best
spend time. We are waiting for you after the closing events of Health Day in
assembly hall.
(Everyone, accompanied by guys from the squad, disperses to the venues
An hour of laughter therapy. (grades 1 - 4)
They say that 10 minutes of laughter extends a person's life by several years.
You guys have probably heard about this? Let's get charged today too
cheerfulness and fun. Look at funny shots from your life.
(Slides of photographs depicting funny
moments from the life of students, both in class and in extracurricular activities: in
hiking, at competitions, at home. The photographs were
made during the school year specifically for laughter therapy hour.
Children watch, recognize themselves, laugh).
Indeed, sometimes you can laugh harmlessly from the heart, remembering with
enjoy the pleasant moments of our life. Now watch the fairy tale
The goldfish that the guys from the theater have prepared for you
(The stage is designed in the form of a village hut, not far from it there is
Since childhood, we all love fairy tales,
Adventures, miracles.
In them, goodness tears off its masks, beauty wins in them.
Sometimes we suddenly see our life in a good fairy tale.
And from it, as if from a hint, we will instantly understand who is the enemy and who is the friend.
Come and see us, friends, you can't miss this.
Our Golden Fish invites you from the bottom of our hearts.
(The music of the Sea by Yu. Antonov sounds)
An old man lived with his old woman. They lived exactly 50 years and 3 years. (Entered
old man) The old man was catching fish with a seine. Once he threw a net into the sea... (Old man
throws a net, behind the scenes a man hooks onto it what is needed
scenario) A net arrived with unprecedented food. (The old man pulls out
bottles, cans, he laments and puts everything in a bucket) He will do it another time
threw a net...... (Throws the net into the Sea) A net came with incomprehensible
things. (Pulls out bags and wire) The third time he threw
seine......... (Throws out the seine) The seine came with one fish, but not with
simple, but with gold. (A golden fish comes out with a net in his hands, and in the net
all sorts of things: bottles, etc.) Fish: let me go, old man, into the blue sea.
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself: I will pay off with whatever you want. Author:
The old man was surprised and frightened. He released the goldfish and told her
sweet Nothing.
Old man:
God be with you, golden fish, I don’t need your ransom, go to your blue
sea, walk there in the open space.
(Music plays, the fish swims away)
The old man returned to the old woman. (The curtain opens. An old woman sits at the table
(so fashionable) with girlfriends, eating fruit, eating and frowning, they don’t like it
food. An old man enters.)
Old man:
Listen to me, old woman, what happened to me. I caught it today, it was
a fish, and not a simple one, but a gold one. In our words, the fish said, go home, to the sea
I asked for blue. I bought it at a high price. I didn’t dare take a ransom from her,
released her into the blue sea.
Old woman:
You fool, you simpleton! Failed to take ransom from the fish. I wish I could have asked
she has pure products, it’s impossible to eat ours at all (pushes aside
plate with fruit aside), solid nitrates. God, shame on you
girlfriends, I can’t treat you to delicious apples.
(The old man spreads his arms, sits down on a chair and turns on the tape recorder. It sounds
song Petersburg by B. Moiseev)
Old woman:
Why did you sit down? Go to the fish and ask for clean food! To St. Petersburg for him
I wanted it. Maybe you’ll also go to Leningrad? Go, go
(shows him off to the fish), while we are with my girlfriends
let's have fun. (The old man leaves)
Well, darlings, let's have some fun?
(Music plays and the old woman and her friends sing ditties)
- Previously, we ate what we wanted,
We didn't think
And now from all food
We are running like the plague.
- Why aren’t you happy now?
Eat a beautiful tomato? (shows tomato)
Because it contains nitrates,
You will be running all day.
- We ate eggs today
And they were upset to tears,
They told us on TV:
Salmonellosis lives in them.
- They took the sausage from the co-op
To eat, not to eat, I'm afraid again.
I need it fresh now
The cat will check.
- We sang ditties for you,
They wanted to protect you
So that you don't eat too much,
If you want to live.
(The old man returns)
Old man (lowering his head, dejectedly):
Nothing worked out for me, grandma. I failed to ask the fish for clean
products, my conscience tortured me. What does the fish have to do with it, it’s not her fault
the fact that all our products are stuffed with harmful substances. It's all of us
What people do is poison the water, the soil, and so we get what we create.
Old woman:
You fool, you simpleton! You can’t do anything in life, it’s obvious
to be my own breadwinner. And you... (the song of Lolita Little plays)
lie down on my lap, I’m probably tired of going to the fish (rocks the old man on
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Good fellows have a lesson.
(All participants come out and read poems)
1.Look at this world:
How wonderful it is to live in the world!
How many stanzas and sonorous lyres,
How cute our children are in it.
2. The globe is our native home,
He is the same from century to century,
He himself is in great danger from human actions.
3. Nature gave us
Intelligence, strength and skill.
Let us reward her in full,
May she be alive!
4. Let's save the seas and air,
The depths of the forest and silence,
So that there is work and rest,
As it used to be in the old days.
5. To eat - not to get sick
Drink water without fear
So that nowhere, nowhere do you dare
Spoil the Earth from birth!
6.Our life and our future depend on each of us.
And we must act today, we must act now!
Traveling by train Health (grades 5 - 7)
Preparation for the event:
- Classes are given the task to prepare for the game;
- Prepare the names of stations, tasks for each station, route
command sheets.
Equipment: Station signs, pictures. Classes are divided into teams according to
8 - 10 people.
Today we are going on a journey on the Health train. Each
the team is accommodated in one carriage, our train consists of 8 carriages
(by number of teams). Our journey will be like any children's
railway - along the ring. Each team is located at a station in
for 10 minutes, then (transition) and our composition moves from one
station to another. The order of movement of teams from station to station
indicated in the route sheets. Team captains receive route tickets
sheets. Team route sheet:
Station name
Penalty points
1 Green pharmacy
2 Ambulance
3 Cafe Robinson
4 Sports
5 Neboleyka
6 Hardening Club
7 Bad habits
8 Health in the garden and on
garden bed
Overall score: Penalty points are expected to be introduced for:
1.noisy behavior at competitions and on the road. The stations are located in
offices, in the gym. There are nameplates on the doors, in offices
2 presenters each. Assignments are graded from 1 to 3 points.
1. Green Pharmacy Station
Equipment: herbarium of medicinal plants, pictures and illustrations.
Poster. Dandelion, plantain, cornflower, sage and mint.
Here is the green pharmacy
Helps you guys!
You have arrived at the Green Pharmacy station.
With the help of green plants, many diseases can be cured.
You need to answer questions, for each correct answer - 1 point.
1) What grass do cats like, what disease is treated with this grass? (Valerian,
heart disease).
2) Which plants have fruits used as medicinal raw materials?
(Blueberries, rose hips, rowan, currants, raspberries, sea buckthorn).
3) Name poisonous plants, which at the same time are also
4) (Datura datura, wormwood, spotted hemlock, May lily of the valley).
5) Why do you steam in a bathhouse with a birch broom? (Birch leaves
kill pathogenic microbes).
6) The unusual leaves of this tree secrete phytoncides that kill
microbes, treated for scurvy, used for soothing baths. Name
him... (Pine).
7) Which plants have flowers used as medicinal raw materials?
(Linden, calendula, chamomile, tansy).
8) Name what other medicinal plants you know, and what
diseases can be treated with their help.
For each name you will receive 1 point.
2. Ambulance station
Equipment: bandage, splint, green plants.
Poster A Friend in Need. Help quickly! Herbs and vegetables will help you!
1) Imagine that you injured your leg while hiking. I don’t have a bandage with me, but
What plant can help stop bleeding? (Plantain,
yarrow, nettle).
2) What plants are used as antipyretics? (Raspberries,
3) What plants are used to treat abscesses? (Aloe, Kalanchoe,
plantain, calendula, cabbage).
4) What plants are used to relieve toothache? (Garlic).
5) Provide first aid for a fracture.
6) What help should be provided to a person if he has been poisoned?
carbon monoxide? (Take the victim outside to drink).
7) What help should be provided for heat and sunstroke.
3. Station Cafe Robinson
Postcards, pictures, drawings with the image and name are distributed
plants. Students must name dishes that can be prepared from
Postcards with images:
1. Nettle - nettle soup, leaf salad.
2. Bird cherry - jam is made from the berries, pies are baked, the juice is used for
3. Onions, garlic - used as seasonings and vitamins.
4. Oak - porridge is cooked from acorns and flat cakes are baked.
5.Dandelion - leaf salad, roots are brewed instead of tea.
6. Burdock - the root can replace carrots and parsley. You can eat
7. Hogweed - a dish made from it resembles Chicken broth, leaves to taste
similar to carrots, the rhizome replaces the sweet fruit.
8.Give your examples of using wild plants for food.
4. Sportivnaya station
Equipment: tape recorder
Poster Blame yourself for looking sick and gloomy,
Apparently you don't do physical exercise
Sport has a good effect on health. Let's do it
exercises for arms, back, neck, legs, eyes.
To the music, children perform a light set of exercises together with
5. Neboleyka station
Poster Sore throat and cough occur in those
Who looks at skis and snow with fear?
1) Often in winter, many of you get sick with flu and colds
diseases. What flu prevention measures do you know? (For every
example - 1 point)
2) Name the diseases of Dirty Hands (Hepatitis, gastrointestinal,
3) Why did aristocrats previously wear gloves at any time of the year?
(To avoid contracting tuberculosis or, as they called it then, consumption,
as well as other diseases of dirty hands).
4) Why can’t you drink cold water immediately after physical exercise?
(Because sudden cooling against the background of general warming up of the body
can cause sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract).
5) How to avoid head lice? (Wash your hair at least once every
week, do not use other people’s combs or other people’s clothes).
6) Why can’t you pet unfamiliar dogs and cats? (Possible infection
worm eggs, lichen, fleas).
7) How to avoid sunstroke? (Wear a hat).
6. Station Hardening Club
Equipment: sponge, towel, water, brush, terry mitten
towels, signs Water procedures:
1) Washing with cold water up to the waist.
2) Pouring cold water over the entire body.
3) Contrast shower.
4) Swimming in a pond.
5) Wiping down with snow up to the waist.
Each team chooses (like a ticket) inverted sign-drawings
Water procedures. Then selects the ones required for the procedure
objects and talks about the rules of the hardening procedure.
Then he answers questions.
1) If you decide to strengthen your body, where do you start? (On doctor's advice).
2)Who are walruses? Is it possible to swim in a pond in winter without preparation?
(Walruses are people who swim in an ice hole in winter. In order to
to become a walrus, you need to start training in the summer).
3) Is it possible to compete in hardening? (No, everyone should have their own
mode and rhythm).
7. Station Bad habits.
A poster of a neatly dressed and combed man and overhead
drawings. When answering the question, bad habits are removed, and what remains is
just a drawing on a poster.
Leading. Before you is the image of a sloppy man. Let's try to find out what
bad habits led him to this appearance.
1) Why shouldn’t you chew the tip of a pen? (The teeth will be uneven).
2) Why can't I smoke? (Yellow teeth, bad breath, cough, etc.)
3) How often should you wash your hair? (1 time every 5-7 days).
4) Why shouldn’t you bite your nails? (There are pathogens under the nails
various diseases).
5) Why can’t you exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats?
(You can become infected with skin, infectious, fungal diseases).
6) How does alcohol affect a person’s health and appearance? (Expanding
blood vessels - red nose, various diseases develop).
7) How can you guess that a person is using drugs? (Red color
faces, dilated pupils, aggressiveness, pallor, jumping pupils).
8. Station Health in the garden and on the bed
Equipment: pictures, dummies, photographs of vegetables and fruits.
Poster If someone has a cold, their head hurts, their stomach hurts.
So we need to get some treatment, so we’re off to the garden.
We'll take some potion from the garden,
Let's go to the garden for a pill.
Let's quickly cure a cold.
You will be happy with life again!
Students are asked to name what vitamins vegetables and
fruits, what diseases a person can develop if they are deficient.
1) Black currant. 5)Apple. 2) Cabbage. 6) Salad. 3) Beets. 7) Beans.
4) Carrots. 8) Onions, garlic.
Class hour for students of grades 9 - 11 Healthy Nation -
happy Russia
Equipment: computer, projector, pens, leaflets, films, pictures
symptoms of diseases.
Films on electronic media, pictures taken from the Internet -
sources. (Students form groups as desired)
Good day to all! We want to start our meeting with a parable: In the same house
there lived a man. Living with him were his wife, his elderly sick mother and
his daughter is already a grown girl. Late one evening when everyone
The household had already gone to bed; someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and
opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold of the house. What is your name? - asked
man. They answered him: Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let me in
us to your house. The man thought about it. You know, he said, in our house
There is only one free place, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my family,
which of you can we welcome into our home? Who do you think they are
let you into your house? The daughter offered to let in Love, the wife - Wealth,
and the sick mother asked to let Health in. And it's no wonder
since each generation has its own values, and people
begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it. Human can
live up to 100 years, said academician I.P. Pavlov. - We are our own
intemperance, its disorderliness, its ugly
By treating our own body we reduce this normal period to
much smaller figure. In my opinion, it’s an ugly way to address one’s
health is most often expressed in the presence of bad habits -
alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Think about it: in Russia - 80%
murders, 60% of traffic accidents with fatal
outcome occurs due to alcohol consumption. Alcohol
penetrates all organs, affects the brain, delays mental development,
growth leads to organ paralysis. While intoxicated
immoral acts and crimes are committed. Look what
occurs in the human body under the influence of alcohol. (Going
watching a fragment of the film Children's Alcoholism, after which with everyone
there is a discussion of the film among those present). - Tobacco consumption - more
one of the most important causes of premature death in humans.
Natural tobacco contains 250 compounds and substances, of which more than 30
have a detrimental effect on the body, causing such terrible diseases as
lip cancer, premature birth or miscarriages in girls, birth
sick children, etc. (there is a demonstration of photographs of sick people with
symptoms of these diseases through the projector). Students are asked the question:
What associations do the photographs you viewed evoke in you? Answer
unambiguous: Scary! We urge all students who smoke: Stop
smoke!. (All lecture participants are given leaflets Quit the cigarette!). -
Currently, drug addiction has invaded modern Russia, in
as a result of which a large number of young people die every year.
(We suggest watching a fragment of the film Children's Drug Addiction). Problem
behavioral diseases, bad habits remains relevant for
modern society, especially for the younger generation. The cult of health and
a healthy lifestyle is now in fashion among new Russians, among the wealthy
of people. Nowadays in Russia it is considered good form to pay great attention to
attention to health and appearance: fitness clubs, fitness centers are opening
bars, swimming pools. Walking and jogging in the fresh air, avoiding alcohol
and tobacco are becoming the norm for people in this circle. But you need to do this
so that taking care of your health - physical and mental - becomes a concern
not only new Russians, but also every young Russian from the very
childhood, so that taking care of your health is not a fashion, but really
necessity, the primary need of people. We know that many
my peers lead a healthy lifestyle. Meanwhile, in Russia there is also
a large number of young people with bad habits that
do not think about the consequences of this lifestyle. What benefit to yourself and
will they be able to bring it to their state?! We are convinced that only healthy
a person can build a strong, developed state. Not included in
maintaining one's health, a person begins to use all his energy aggressively
use against oneself - hence alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, and
aggression. We think that health today should be considered as
national value. At the same time the media
They are doing their best to promote the opposite. Heroes of TV series and talk shows are not
embarrassed to demonstrate a completely wrong lifestyle!
Energetic bravado coupled with media recognition and popularity
bad habits does its dirty work: if the heroes of these TV shows
successful, why can't we do that? - many young people think
People. In this regard, I would like to remind everyone present of the words
famous Russian film actor Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov,
which he wrote, already being terminally ill, from his clinic
colleagues and which I would never have written in my life before my illness: I conjure
you - don't smoke! This kills! And remember: love not yourself in art, but
health in yourself!. Every person knows everything about himself: how many hours of sleep does he get?
us cheerful, what food our body does not accept, what habits
ruin our health. To be healthy is, first of all, to love yourself and
Treat yourself wisely. We urge all young people: - find something to do
to your liking, and then you will have no reason to kill time. - Practice
sports, physical labor! - Take a walk before bed,
spend as much time as possible not in front of the TV screen, but in the fresh air!
It is probably no coincidence that it is very popular in Japan.
rule: every day - 10,000 steps. With their usual punctuality
and with discipline, the Japanese carefully measure out this
daily norm. It is quite possible that 10,000 steps is one of the conditions
The fact that Japan ranks 3rd in the world in terms of life expectancy.
We understand that the development of our country depends on us. To raise
The life expectancy of Russians is, perhaps to some extent, sufficient
adhere to the simplest rules in relation to your own health.
We invite all groups to develop rules for health axioms. (Work in progress
in groups for 5 minutes) As a result of the work, students compiled
the simplest axioms of Health: 1. Give up bad habits.
2. Wish yourself and all people Good, Beauty, Health. 3. Know everything
measure: in work, rest, nutrition. 4.Learn to control your negativity
emotions, passions, anger. 5.Smile! A smile is the best antidote to
troubles and stress. 6. Lead a healthy lifestyle!
In his message to youth V.V. Putin said these words: Every
a young man must realize that a healthy lifestyle is success, his
personal success, and therefore the success of the entire country. You, the younger generation
Russians must understand that we need healthy people, a healthy nation.
Only a healthy nation is guaranteed to be able to strengthen and develop
the country's potential, ensure the stability of its upward course
welfare. The future belongs to a healthy and, therefore, happy Russia.
Attachments: leaflet Quit the cigarette.
If you want to be healthy -
Quit, quit, quit smoking!
- smoking seems fashionable and harmless, but in fact consumption
tobacco is one of the most important causes of premature death in humans
- natural tobacco contains 250 substances harmful to health;
- nicotine is considered a weak drug, but it causes great
addiction that is difficult to give up;
- as a result of smoking, blood vessels narrow, and blood access to all parts of the body is impaired.
organs, increases blood pressure, weakens immunity, deteriorates
teeth, a cough appears...... cancer of the lower lip Folk wisdom for a long time
says: Smoking is harmful to health! Let everyone who smokes
he will be silent for a moment, listen to his heart beat! Let your heart give
Advice for you: Should you continue smoking or not?!
Closing of Health Day
Everyone gathers in the assembly hall, where the results of all events are summed up,
awards are given to teams that have distinguished themselves in different
nominations. After which, to the attention of all participants and spectators
a theatrical performance by the propaganda team about the harm is provided
smoking Listen to your heart. Everyone creatively working
The teacher can make adjustments to the course of the holiday.
Health Day truly becomes a holiday for everyone: both students and
teachers, and parents. Children prepare for this day for a long time.
time, they bring to life the ideas they themselves have conceived. And this and
there is the most important thing - through living one’s own affairs develop
everyone's success, this matter becomes significant for children. During
In preparation for Health Day, students will learn a lot of new things about
maintaining health and receiving useful information. During the
During the holiday they develop their creative and communication skills,
improve their oratory skills, school skills
self-government, learn to compete with each other with dignity. The most important
moment of this big Case is that students think about
their own health, its strengthening, many of them lead a healthy lifestyle
life. In addition, the connection between the lyceum and the parents is strengthened

Game program “Health is life!”

Goal: to popularize a healthy lifestyle among young people.

Children read poetry

So that the songs can be sung louder,

To make life more interesting

You need to be strong and healthy!

These truths are not new.

Sport is good for health.

Stadium, pool and court,

The hall, the skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.

Reward for effort

There will be cups and records.

Your muscles will become hard.

Just remember, athletes

Every day is yours without fail

They start with physical exercises.

Don't play hide and seek with your sleepy sleep.

That's the secret of health!

Hello to all physical education friends!

Leading To the sports ground

We invite you, children.

Celebration of sports and health

Starts now.

HEALTH is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Without it it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.

Popular wisdom says:

“IF YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING” Do you agree with this wisdom?

On whom does human health primarily depend?

Well, let's start our holiday.

Presenter: - Now the teams will introduce their team and name their mottos.

Jury presentation.

Not a single competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (introduction of jury members).

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle.

And now, before the start of the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

Be faithful to the sport forever:

We swear!

Maintain health from youth:

We swear!

Don't cry and don't be sad:

We swear!

Don't offend your opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be first in games

We swear!

Attention! Attention!
A sports train sets off on a journey through the country of health. Hurry to the train without delay, take your knowledge with you!

Before leaving on the train, teams must answer questions (one point for each answer)


1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)

2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)

3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)

4. How many years later do the Summer Olympics take place? (Four years later)

5. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to in Ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)

6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)

7. What is awarded to the champion of the modern Olympic Games? (Olympic gold medal)

8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)

9. Who initiated the start of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)

10. What was awarded to the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) 10

11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (At least 6 grams)

12. In what year will the Olympiad be held in Russia? (2014)

13. In which city will the Olympics be held in 2014? (Sochi)

14. Do children under 16 years old take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)

15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)

Today we will have to go through 5 stations







Station: “Daily routine.”

The teams are given random cards with daily routine items (`Wake up`, `dinner`, `free time`, `breakfast`, `exercise`, `homework`, `walk`, `school`, `sleep`.) Teams must line up in the correct order.

Station “Attraction”.

Rope walkers. The first team members put a bag of sand on their heads and, at a signal, walk to the chair and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

Relay station.

1 Running in hoops.

2 "Horsemen"

Sitting on a stick, we jump to the chip and back. Who's faster?

3 Competition "Towing".

At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue completing the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster.

4 Skittles competition.

There are 2 pins placed on the court, one for each team at a distance. One participant leaves the class. At the leader’s signal, the children must knock down the pin with the ball. The one who knocks down the pin the most times wins

Station “Guess”

Guess the riddle about what are the friends of health. The teams are given riddles. If no one from the team guesses correctly, then the turn goes to the next team.

1.Two sisters are green in summer,

By autumn one turns red,

Another turns black (currant)

2. It is rich in carotene

And useful for the guys.

We can't drag it off the ground again

For his green tail (carrot)

3.Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children (apple).

4. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan,

You will throw winter,

The ball will begin to fly upward

5. Wooden horses gallop through the snow,

Don't fall into the snow (skis)

6. This horse doesn’t eat oats,

Instead of legs there are 2 wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive the wheel (bicycle).

7.Bone back, hard bristles

Goes well with mint paste,

Serves us diligently (toothbrush)

8. He lay down in his pocket and kept watch - a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one,

They will wipe away streams of tears, and will not forget about their nose

Station “Konkursnaya”.

Competition "Jump rope"

Several children come out of each class, and a competition is held among them. The winner is the one who jumps rope the longest.

Competition “Good Habit”.

In front of each team, on the opposite side, there are pieces of paper and pens on a chair. You need to run to the chair, write on pieces of paper useful tips for other teams that help strengthen and maintain health

Contest "Track".

"Track".10 people from the class participate. Each person performs a standing long jump, the second one starts from the heels of the first one, the third one starts from the heels of the second one, etc. The team that jumps the furthest wins.

Competition “Laughter” American scientists have found that when a person laughs, almost three times more air enters his lungs. In addition, laughter perfectly trains the vocal cords. So laugh your heart out!

Whose team will laugh the most contagiously will win the competition

Presenter: - Dear guys and guests! Our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

We hope that today’s meeting was not in vain, and that you learned a lot from it. After all, “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything!”

So be healthy!