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The most unfaithful zodiac sign: who is he? Sign language: how to recognize female infidelity External signs of an unreliable bride

Do you have doubts about the fidelity of your beloved woman? And you want to know if she's cheating on you? Then read this article. It reveals the main signs of female infidelity.

But first, a few words about the reasons for this behavior. Women are emotional and most often they cheat on their significant other if they are not satisfied with their current relationship, they lack attention, care, and affection. They feel resentful or empty. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of your beloved’s infidelity, be gentle and caring with her, say kind words, love her.

1. Increased homeliness. They become more economical, take better care of their children, and do more household chores.

2. As a rule, women who are not faithful to their other halves behave more coldly. They seem to emotionally distance themselves from their men. They are not interested in them. They don’t want to spend much time with their husband, don’t talk about their feelings, don’t want intimacy. They often find reasons not to make love. They avoid talking about how they spend their time.

3. One of the signs of female infidelity is a woman’s desire to spend time outside the home. She may stay late at work or leave early, she has a lot to do, interests, new friends, friends with whom she spends time without you. She doesn’t ask you to meet her; on the contrary, she says that you shouldn’t do this.

4. She doesn’t let you near her phone or her social network page. Deletes SMS and call logs. She gets nervous and may even start accusing you of not trusting her.

5. She becomes more nervous and irritable. She feels guilty and it puts pressure on her. More thoughtful.

How to test a woman for cheating

There are 2 ways to test your loved one for cheating tendencies. You can buy a SIM card and start correspondence. Or create a new account on a social network, but don’t rush here. A blank page brings up strange thoughts. First, format it correctly, update your entries for a week, post photos, and pay attention to having friends in your account. First, check her to see if she will communicate virtually; if so, then after some time, offer to exchange phone numbers, and then meet.

As a rule, a woman cheats less often than a male representative, this is due to the desire to gain a foothold, gain stability, and create a quiet, calm family atmosphere. There are 10 signs of female infidelity that are very easy to recognize.

A big role is played by stereotypes about the “unhappy lot”, that every girl dreams of a white dress, her calling to give birth to children and do household chores. Modern society more free in terms of choice, looks at things more realistically, assesses the situation sensibly and is not ashamed to truly live your life with your own mistakes, victories, defeats, without anyone’s advice. It is worth understanding that a woman is more whimsical in terms of betrayal. It is much more difficult to seduce her if she does such an act; most likely, behind this lies not only sexual attraction, but also something more that may make adjustments or even lead to the breakdown of the marriage.

Most guys are sure that sooner or later they will have to face such an unpleasant fact as adultery; it’s only a matter of time. Most often, husbands reveal a woman’s infidelity after this news has long been known to everyone close to them. Early or hasty marriages are rarely crowned with success; these things should be treated not only as a beautiful ceremony, celebration, but also as a great responsibility, which carries with it routine, responsibility and many responsibilities to another member of society.

It is generally accepted that a man is polygamous by nature. He needs a lot of ladies to get variety, new emotions, impressions, only pleasure on a physiological level, the logic is simple: no feelings - no betrayal, but when it comes to their halves, then, alas, this is an irreparable step, to which one cannot turn a blind eye . It doesn’t matter whether a guy or a young lady betrays, in any situation the outcome will depend only on the perception, character, temperament, and interests of both parties.

Naturally, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, but how can you determine if a woman is cheating? – In fact, it is extremely easy to recognize a woman who is cheating; for this you do not need to be a psychologist, use tricks, cunning, just show a little patience, observation, focus on the image and behavior of your other half. If she's cheating on you, there are common traits that strongly indicate signs of cheating.

Signs of betrayal

It will not be difficult for an attentive partner to detect signs of female infidelity, or at least several of them. There are ten main signs, with their help you can declassify a woman’s infidelity. Primary aspects that indicate how to recognize betrayal:

  • Diversity in sexual relationships. Most often, a couple who has been married for a long time has managed to study the nuances and subtleties of each other, even if there is diversity, intimate experiments - a pattern of behavior is visible. Sudden looseness, desire, desire to comprehend new things, role-playing games, the innovation of poses may indicate the presence of a new chosen one in the life of your lady of the heart.
  • Of course, everyday life changes a person, it takes a lot of time and effort, he becomes tired and completely forgets about his appearance. It is extremely difficult to look perfect when you have a lot of things to do, responsibilities, and work. So the need disappears, because the hubby is always there, he saw it in any form: sleepy, not wearing makeup, tired, exhausted, but this did not stop him from loving less, because the main thing is not appearance, but a soul mate nearby. Changes in image: hairstyle, cosmetics, perfume, clothing style can mean that your beloved is trying to interest someone.
  • It's no secret that there are very persistent girls who must control every minute, know about the progress of actions, the slightest movements, changes, and well-being. Of course, this is pleasant, any of us will only be glad that someone is sincerely interested in him, wants to know, listens to everything in detail, details, but sometimes this goes beyond the scope of even the most multifaceted patience. The slightest misunderstandings, misunderstandings, or delays can end in a huge scandal, statements, hysteria, given the fact that no one can stand this, it will be very pleasing to see that such antics have stopped. It is important to make an emphasis - this is not always a reason for joy, pride because you have finally reached them, found peace, mutual understanding; sometimes, on the contrary, is this a cause for alarm if the madam is simply cheating on her husband and has no interest in him at all?

  • Each individual must have their own personal time and free space, it should not be disturbed, but the frequent absence under the pretext of friends, help, various meetings with old or new acquaintances makes you think, gives rise to jealous reasons. The easiest way is to remain calm and offer your help one day: to guide you, to let you down, to ask to be present at this meeting, or, at worst, to follow up.
  • If a girl returns and rushes to the bathroom, suspicions may creep in that she is emitting the scent of another man. The haste is explained by the desire to hide and mask odors. I wonder what the reaction will be when you meet me at the door with the offer of a romantic dinner with a continuation in the bedroom? – Watch the reaction carefully.
  • Dramatic changes are not always a reason for joy or pride. Ladies always need help and attention; if she refuses to go out together, she says that she will get to the destination on her own, and then she will be delayed on business, go to see a friend, meet an old acquaintance, most likely, someone else will accompany her spouse.
  • Young ladies have a more developed sense of jealousy, but sometimes this already goes beyond the boundaries, if suddenly the lady of your heart becomes very hot-tempered, sees competitors everywhere, then this may indicate that she herself has tried betrayal, and the feeling of guilt oppressing you does not leave you alone. Paranoia begins when a person himself is not completely honest and frank.
  • Perhaps excessive mystery makes a girl beautiful, but not when her own husband knows nothing about her, she stopped talking about her difficulties, work changes, where she was and who she saw. Ladies are very emotional; to calm down, they always need to talk it out to someone. She doesn’t answer questions, she doesn’t say anything, what should I think?

  • Irritability and indifference do not always indicate stress, depression or resentment; most likely, the feelings no longer exist.
  • Couples who have been married for a long time know each other so perfectly that even if they wanted to, they cannot deceive; they feel everything at the level of intuition, the subconscious. In this case, a direct question often leads to a stupor and the partner simply will not find an answer to it and will not be able to justify himself. Direct reasons and motives are not necessary, but the obsessive pursuit of thoughts about “going left” certainly has a chance of coming true, so it is worth understanding any details, clarifying unsaid things, misunderstandings, looking for answers to questions and coming to a common agreement.

Happiness is in the details

One of the items on the list is not yet a reliable basis for accusations of infidelity, so excessive suspicions also do not lead to good consequences. It also happens that one of the spouses is very afraid of losing the other half and begins to look for deliberate reasons to find fault. In addition to the main reasons indicating adultery, there are secondary nuances such as:

  • Panic obsession with perfection appearance starting from an elastic athletic body and ending with endless additions to the wardrobe.
  • Stupor at a basic question, confusion, secrecy.
  • Desire, search for excuses to leave home.
  • Pickiness, reasons for quarrels, irritability, speaking out about any little thing may be caused by the desire to break off the relationship.
  • Living together moves sexual satisfaction to the background, of course, sex becomes more rare, this is normal, but its complete absence already indicates the appearance of someone else in life, interest and need for a husband as a partner automatically disappears.
  • Covering up with work. The most banal, common excuse is work, constant tardiness, delays for no apparent reason are a serious cause for concern.
  • Not a minute without your phone. Why carry it with you all the time, run away every time someone calls, or look at the screen for a long time and smile?
  • Excessive jealousy or lack thereof. If this feeling manifests itself, then all is not lost; the spouse is very tormented by guilt for the actions committed, and she fears the same actions on your part. When jealousy is completely absent, there is only one conclusion - you are no longer interesting, she has plunged headlong into her lover, who will easily soon become a new legitimate replacement.
  • A cheater always devotes little time to her close circle and family, this is due to the fact that she feels mistakes, responsibilities, is afraid of exposure, seeing them, constantly scrolls through situations in her head, often falls into depression, stress, and becomes more withdrawn.
  • Imaginary friends, weekly delays, meetings, celebrations, bachelorette parties, which is typical: on the same days.
  • Secrecy is very alarming; the cheater tries to disguise herself and not leave personal belongings unattended: phone, open social media pages. networks. This all looks at least very strange and immediately catches the eye, so the usual reaction to such behavior is: what’s the matter, what happened? – The answer was only awkward fear, excitement, embarrassment.

  • Using a variety of perfumes. Some favorite perfumes can be replaced by several aromas at once. Thus, you can easily confuse and mislead, there will be no questions about extraneous aromas, because everything is quite understandable.

Way out

The main thing is to treat everything with a positive attitude and understand that everything in the world comes and goes. Perhaps it's just paranoia, the fear that you can be easily replaced by someone else? It is logical that no one wants to walk around “horned”, so there are only two solutions: the first is to figure it out, understand the reason, have a heart-to-heart talk and, perhaps, improve relationships. The second is to understand that the resentment will not go away, demand a divorce. Whatever the decision, both will have their pros and cons. It is worth coming to conclusions only in a calm state, when emotions recede and give vent to glimpses of common sense.

Each of us has the right to make a mistake, but at the same time we are obliged to admit it, and not place the blame on everyone except ourselves. You shouldn’t force yourself, listen to outsiders’ advice, it’s important to do as you want, the only adviser is your own heart. 10 signs of female infidelity can only serve as an indirect accusation, do not panic, do not rush into clarifications, there are ordinary coincidences. Everyone needs individual approach, think, talk, find out and find a common compromise, because often both spouses are to blame for the current conditions.


It is worth noting that the number of signs, “punctures” in the behavior of a cheating woman varies depending on the “quality” of the betrayal itself. If the basis of adultery is simply sex, the lady may never give herself away. However, once she falls in love and, God forbid, allows herself to fantasize about a possible marriage with her lover, the number of “signals” in her behavior in one day can reach ten.


This phase of changing a woman’s relationship with her chosen one, as a rule, precedes the appearance of a lover. At this stage, everything is still reversible, the woman is simply trying to compensate for the lack of warmth. And the first thing she does is to happily get on the World Wide Web, that is, go to the Internet! Dating sites, active life in in social networks, chatting long after midnight...

Smart, and most importantly, loving husband This behavior of the spouse should alert you! At this moment she just wants warmth! And if her husband doesn’t give it to her, then among the billions of Internet users there will definitely be a romantic who is close in spirit! First - conversations, and then the meeting is just around the corner...


“Hear me,” the spouse will say repeatedly before going “in all seriousness.” She will complain about lack of attention, cooled down ardor, ask you to tell her words of love, bring her a gift... She has not yet physically cheated on you, but often such conversations are the last “straw” that she grabs at in order to keep her feelings for you . Anyone who hears his woman at such a moment will not only keep her from cheating, but will also rise several steps up in her eyes at once!

Often hungry for male attention married women, fall in love even before the actual betrayal. The chemical process in the blood just begins - and that’s it! And she will definitely talk about the subject of her love, and probably with her husband too. He will start talking about how good and wonderful this “someone” is, and talented, and kind... Here he would suspect something was wrong with his attentive spouse and eliminate his rival with a portion of love, attention and affection for his soul mate! A smart and loving person will do so. And for the rest - sure signs of adultery that has already happened.


There's no escape, we'll have to talk about the main thing - that is, about sex. If a woman cheats on her husband, this, like in a mirror, is reflected in their marital bed. Most often, a lady who has received satisfaction “on the side” no longer needs intimate pleasures with her husband. She is simply “full.” This behavior is especially typical of girls who think in stereotypes and do not like much variety in bed.

Another scenario is also possible - the wife “suddenly” awakens her sexual appetite, and she begins to show such “aerobatic maneuvers” in bed that her husband had never dreamed of before! Well, as they say, every coin has two sides!


Has she stopped being annoyed by your delays at work? Does she no longer throw tantrums when you arrive somewhat drunk? She stopped looking at the list of your calls in the phone book, and the late SMS messages that came to you from “Sergei Alexandrovich” amuse her and provoke her to make witty jokes like “protect yourself”? Do your business trips, trips to your parents’ dacha, corporate parties without your wives suit her?

This is because her own life is now literally in full swing and she now has a completely different object to show emotions. In some cases, the wife stops preparing food for her husband. This is an alarming signal, indicating that she no longer sees him as a successor of her kind. And therefore, why feed him?


No woman, most driven by life and beaten down by her husband, will ever allow herself to appear in front of her lover in old panties! There is a type of man who allows himself to appear before his mistress in family panties, but there is no such type of woman! It is not at all necessary that the wardrobe of a newly-made mistress be filled with lingerie from a sex shop, but the fact that just new lingerie will regularly appear in it is a prerequisite! The price of purchases and the level of eroticism will depend on the level of the lover, because now she really wants to please him, and not her husband!

Not only men are “caught” by the persistent aromas of their mistress’s perfume! Women whose partners love expensive, and even more so niche, fragrances take no less risk! The concept of “give your wife and lover the same perfume” is adopted by many smart ladies! Well, whoever didn’t guess it, blame yourself!


Here, the risk of being caught in treason is approximately the same for men and women. Most spouses find out about their spouse’s betrayal precisely “thanks” to accidentally read SMS messages! And the question is, why store them on your phone? But lovers are sentimental, and it’s so nice to read a few words from your loved one...

Experienced lovers kill all SMS messages and even clear their call list before returning home. This, by the way, should also alert an attentive spouse. In my practice, there was a case when an unfaithful wife was caught by her husband, who accidentally read an angry SMS sent by her lover’s wife! The question is, why did you need to store this in your phone if you weren’t going to leave your spouse? It's stupid, that's all!


Psychologists know that a woman who is in an active sexual search signals this at least with her gait. She walks, swaying her hips expressively. He doesn’t “scratch” forward, “hammering the sleepers”, he doesn’t skip, but moves, attracting everyone’s attention! The length of the skirt, of course, can suddenly “jump” up, but only some ladies will allow themselves such a “signal”. The rest will put on sexy lingerie under their usual skirt, and, exuding myriads of pheromones, will proudly parade around the city with their heads held high, attracting greedy male gazes with their alluring gait.


Changes in wardrobe are necessarily accompanied by changes in appearance. “If a man only needs to buy champagne and a condom for a date, then we need to do his hair, manicure, pedicure, hair removal,” the beauties assure. Naturally, minimal preparation for a date requires a lot cosmetics in jars, tubes, bottles, which begin to occupy the entire space of the bathroom and bedroom. A successful woman emits a lot of delicious aromas... Beware, husbands whose wives suddenly began to smell fragrant!


“Good lovers are usually generous, otherwise, why are they needed?” - this is how a good half of unfaithful wives reason. And it is generosity in all respects, including financial ones, that is so attractive in adultery! A husband who is used to feeling like the financial ruler of a woman’s happiness suddenly discovers that his woman can easily do without handouts from him! And at the same time, her trips to beauty salons have become more regular, and her wardrobe is updated at an enviable speed!


So, you suspect your spouse of cheating. They even found an SMS with unambiguous content in her phone, new perfume on the dressing table, constantly high spirits and even an empty condom package in her pocket completed the picture. But you don’t know who he is, because the SMS came from someone who is registered in her phone under the name “Allochka”?

Then you, at a minimum, need to re-read and watch our video on video about the signs of female sexual arousal, and, at a maximum, try to identify her lover among your friends. Otherwise, when you come home one day, you risk finding empty cabinets and a note with a certain content. So, what signals will tell you that it's "he"?

Firstly, they will communicate little in your presence, but will exchange short, eloquent glances several times. She will regularly straighten her hair, tug at it, and shake her “mane.” Look carefully at her feet - she will definitely point her knee or the toe of her shoe in his direction (even if she never looks at him!).

If your opponent came with his own wife (and she also guesses about their affair), then his wife will carefully examine yours, trying to figure out “what is there in her that I don’t have”; will become clearly nervous and at some point will definitely come between them (most likely, turning his back to your wife) - this is the typical behavior of a jealous female primate, but no one has canceled physiology! And at this moment, look at yourself, at her, and think how much you will lose if she leaves you. And remember, it’s never too late to fix everything, and you shouldn’t give your woman to a stranger so easily!

Anna Solntseva, "Today"

Despite the fact that it is impossible to evaluate the fidelity of women only by their belonging to a certain Zodiac Sign, many still show a desire for betrayal more often than others.

Astrologers have identified 6 Signs whose representatives cheat most often. The stars have distributed everything so that in each element there is at least one or two Signs, belonging to which can show that a woman is more predisposed to cheating. From this article you can find out which ladies are most difficult to call the most faithful.

Sixth place - Capricorn

Despite the fact that Capricorn is an earthly sign, women and girls born under this constellation are not distinguished by fidelity. More precisely, they will always be with you if everything suits them. For example, they have a rich husband and stability. Once that's gone, they'll leave. No matter how much they swear their loyalty to you, they are not marrying your soul and character, but rather your money, position or something else. They themselves will not like what they do, so Capricorns choose their husband very carefully. Many men will say that Capricorns are the most faithful ladies in the world. This is true, but only because you did not have a chance to test their love for strength and themselves for this very loyalty.

Fifth place - Taurus

The second earthly sign on our list of the most unfaithful wives and girls. Taurus are ambitious ladies who have a clear predisposition to cheating because they are always looking at other men. While they are in love, they belong to one man, but then they become more susceptible to compliments and attention from others. They have a love of dynamics in their blood. Taurus women do not stay long with rich but boring men. They are not interested in consistency. The only way keeping a Taurus woman means constantly stirring up her interest. You need to show that you are easy to lose, then the Taurus lady will be with you. True, there is one big disadvantage in this method of retention - jealousy. Taurus is a bundle of jealousy. They can fight, scream, be hysterical. These are perhaps the largest owners in the world. Having children will also help keep Taurus, because family comes first for them.

Fourth place - Pisces

This is a typical representative of the Water Signs of the Zodiac. Pisces may not cheat on you in the literal sense of the word, but they will definitely flirt. Girls born under this Sign can cheat on a man with whom they do not have a very long relationship or are unclear in some way. If Pisces are not confident in their partner, then a violation of fidelity cannot be avoided. Of course, some factor may hold them back, but this is unlikely. If it consoles you, then representatives of this Sign do not feel anything towards those with whom they cheat on you. It's not normal for them, no. They are simply monogamous, but cannot restrain themselves from the forbidden fruit. Mostly Pisces do this quite carelessly, because they do not know how to lie well enough, so you will immediately find out about their lies. A little more observation will help you understand that the girl of this Sign wanted the attention of another man.

Third place - Libra

This airy Zodiac Sign is very emotional, very dynamic, jealous and prone to affairs on the side. Libra girls do not consider cheating a problem, unless, of course, their man finds out about it. The overwhelming share of Libra's infidelities occurs during the premarital period. If you are not married to a Libra, then such ladies will constantly look for another man. Of course, this does not happen on purpose, but automatically. It’s just that Libra is very susceptible to flattery and compliments. If you don't do them, someone else will do them. Do not suggest testing the relationship, separating, separating for a while. During this period, Libra women will not waste time. They, like Taurus, are stopped from cheating only by marriage, children, increased control and constant love. If you are ready to work for such a relationship all your life, then get ready for difficulties. You'll have to keep your fire burning.

Second place - Scorpio

The Scorpio girl is something. Of course, they are beautiful and charismatic, emotional, but their betrayals defy logical explanation. There are, undoubtedly, representatives of this Sign who will never lie to their man, but among the Scorpio ladies there are more than half of those who can cheat just like that, without any second thought. Sometimes they test their feelings in this way, which makes no sense. Scorpio women are very dangerous players in love, because they lack the acuity of feelings and lightness. Astrologers and astropsychologists do not undertake to give a clear answer to the question “why?” and for what?". You won't understand Scorpios, you can only love them.

Honored Leader - Gemini

Geminis can get tired of the game of love at any time. These ladies are so unpredictable that you are simply amazed. They can change at any stage of the relationship, even if you are married or just been together for a long time. If you have children, then know that this will not stop Gemini girls from searching for new adventures and sensations. They come back, and not only to you. It feels like they want to own all the men at the same time. When they are abandoned, they fill everything with tears. They take revenge, do nasty things, but then they can still come back to you if you want them to. Loyalty for such women and girls is a temporary and very fragile concept. They are smart and interesting, but this is not something you should focus on for yourself. Don't expect honesty from them. They will lie to your face and think everything is fine.

Other Signs

You can put in sixth or fifth place those you didn’t see on the list Sagittarius and Aries. These fire Signs are mistakenly perceived by many people as not very true, but this is not so. Fire Signs, especially women, are people of principles. Although they are flighty and independent, they will not lie to you. They will tell you straight up that they don't want to see you or that they don't like you. Of course, not everyone has the courage to do this, which is why they are located almost in the same place as Capricorns, but still a little lower. The men of these Signs are a different matter. And Leos, and Aries, and Sagittarius are still ladies' men, womanizers and "Don Juans".

Leo and Cancer- the most faithful wives and girlfriends, because the former believe that “queens” should not look for love on the side, and the latter simply love their men too much. Cancers will never be able to change on an emotional level. These are pathological family men. You can trust these women, as well as Lionesses, without any problems.

Virgo They respect their time too much, so they will not date those men who, at least theoretically, can be cheated on. Virgos walking to the left are like water flowing back into a faucet. Aquarius in this regard, they are similar to Virgos, because they can only flirt with other men, but they will not touch someone else’s property even at gunpoint.

The main reason for adultery is the lack of understanding of your other half. When there is no mutual understanding, discord begins, which is why betrayal becomes so harmless at first and painful later. Learn to put yourself in your spouse's shoes. Be diplomatic and flexible, and also remember that love should inspire you, give you something, and not only demand return. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Experts named the names of women with whom you should not connect your fate. In their opinion, a number of individual character traits of owners of certain names are associated with adultery and seem to program for infidelity. Such women can subconsciously break the marriage bond some time after the wedding, according to bioenergeticists and name experts.

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She is prone to cheating due to the constant search for a man stronger than herself.">

Prone to cheating due to constant search for a man stronger than herself


In search of a brutal partner with a pronounced masculinity, Catherine (by the way, they themselves are quite power-hungry) often make mistakes when choosing favorites, overestimating them. The subsequent disappointment pushes Katya to betrayal and a new search for a man worthy of her, believes Boris Khigir, an expert in studying the influence of a name on fate.

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A woman with a complex and contradictory character. Sometimes she doesn’t know which partner is right for her.”>

A woman with a complex and contradictory character. Sometimes she doesn’t know which partner is right for her


Unlike its namesake from ballads Zhukovsky, cannot tolerate separation from his loved one and can afford to betray him. But only for yourself! Svetlana will severely punish her partner for similar attempts.

Names expert Boris Khigir explained that Svetlana is spoiled by self-doubt. Her personality and character take a long time to form, her self-esteem is poor. She is trusting and vulnerable, worries about trifles, but ignores serious problems, for example, shortsightedness and susceptibility to the influence of others. She attracts the attention of men like a magnet, which she actively uses to raise her self-esteem. But he rarely lets anyone deep into his soul, fearing no less deep love wounds. But if Sveta becomes seriously attached to her chosen one, she will not allow any more betrayal.

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Alla is extremely not indifferent to opposite sex">

Alla is extremely indifferent to the opposite sex


Alla's nobility in matters of fidelity does not work. Although she does not make a cult out of sex, she loves experiments and gives life to this area great importance. Alla's motto is to walk like that! - says name specialist Boris Khigir. - She - has a broad soul and loves to go out in grand style. Because of this, her numerous marriages fall apart.

Alla is extraordinary, energetic, persistent and powerful. She is confident, but slightly boastful. Loves to be the center of attention and compete with men in work and love. For the sake of spontaneous sex, Alla will easily postpone an important meeting. She is very impulsive, which is why she often makes mistakes in relationships, and she herself is very jealous. If, nevertheless, Alla settles down or restrains herself, all her sexual potential will turn into fantasies of great and all-consuming love.

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Maria, Bella and Karina are vengeful people">

Maria, Bella and Karina are vengeful people

Acting out of spite, they are even capable of casual sexual intercourse">

Acting out of spite, they are even capable of casual sexual intercourse


Less susceptible to this type of betrayal is Masha, who prefers to immediately “hack and cut” or be content with the role of the victim... However, not for long - dependence on male attention literally consumes Maria. Neither Bella, nor Karina, nor Maria can stand monotony, and therefore often change partners.

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Zhanna, Zhanetta">

Zhanna, Jeanette

In the company of men she can be shy and childish, but the shyness quickly passes when Zhanna is overcome by a whirlwind of passion."

In the company of men she can be shy and childish, but the shyness quickly passes when Zhanna is overcome by a whirlwind of passion


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Evgeniya, Alexandra, Yana, Yulia">

Evgeniya, Alexandra, Yana, Yulia

"> content

Women's names, derived from men's names, leave a brutal imprint on the fate of their bearers, including in matters of fidelity, betrayal and sexual behavior. According to expert Boris Khigir, due to the excessive rigidity initially inherent in these names, their owners are not able to fully express and realize their feminine side in relationships, which is why they are constantly in active search.

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Having a penchant for betrayal, he prefers short holiday romances in the style of ">">

Having a penchant for cheating, he prefers short holiday romances in the all-inclusive style - relationships with gradual development


More often than others, Valentina, Irina, Valeria, Tatyana, and Lyudmila remain faithful. Psychologists also remind us of mutual responsibility in case of adultery. After all, the desire to change can be provoked. In order to avoid evil fate and not lead to betrayal, experts recommend that bearers of potentially “dangerous” names and their lovers should not get married at all and not register the relationship until they pass the test of strength and fidelity.

The crises of many marriages are associated with the very fact of registering unions that have not yet been strengthened. I have conducted more than one study on the influence of a name on fidelity in marriage and the tendency to lie. I believe that a lot also depends on the patronymic,” says Boris Khigir

According to the expert, modern marriages are being destroyed by the burden of responsibility associated with formalizing official relationships and the unpreparedness of couples for serious and lasting connections. For such couples, the bonds of marriage literally become chains.