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The best bosses. The most difficult bosses in games. Sigma from Mega Man X

Creating the right boss fight is like making a complex alchemical potion: one extra ingredient, and you end up with a whole mess of unkillable arch-villains from Souls. But a decoction that is too weak will disappoint even the laziest gamers who don’t want git gud. It is precisely such unfortunate cases that we will talk about today. So, Gmbox presents to your attention the 10 most flimsy bosses whose grandmothers did everything except shove porridge into their granddaughter.

10. Shredder - TMNT 1

By the fourth part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder had matured and become stronger, but in the first he was a truly lame boss. Yes, Crank's main assistant has very impressive damage, but he is extremely vulnerable when jumping. It is enough to push Shredder off the main platform, and he falls into an algorithm error loop: he persistently tries to jump onto it, and the turtle no less stubbornly pushes the villain away with his foot. Victory.

9. Penguin - Batman: Arkham City

To be fair, it must be said that in the Penguin club, which is called Iceberg Lounge, there is still one very serious rival - the reanimated Solomon Grundy. But formally, he is not the final boss of this location, but the Penguin himself. However, this is just a humpbacked dwarf that fires fairly slow rockets. It is enough to dodge a few, get to the villain, and he will fall in two or three blows.

8. Werner Werman - Cuphead

Don't let the bright graphics a la "early Walt Disney in color" fool you: in Cuphead you will experience just as much anger, pain and disappointment in life as in Dark Souls. However, this hardly applies to the boss named Werner Woermann. During the epic battle with him, the arena constantly grows as he himself becomes larger in an attempt to crush the hero. But in reality, Werman provides much-needed wiggle room.

7. The Covetous Demon - Dark Souls II

Do you see this cute (well, almost cute) mixture of blob fish and waiter? This is a greedy demon, the boss from Dark Souls 2. Yes, the Souls franchise has always been positioned as an unshakable bastion of extreme difficulty, but the old woman can also fail. Despite his greed, the demon is too lazy, and laziness is one of the worst qualities of a game boss. All of this villain's attacks are at close range; he is extremely clumsy and only occasionally makes long jumps. This is the only thing you should be at least a little afraid of.

6. Honda Tadakatsu - Nioh

An ancient resurrected samurai, and even in the most successful and high-quality Souls clone - surely such a boss will make any gamer tremble, whose reaction time is even slightly behind the CPU. Yes, that’s right, Honda Tadakatsu is not to be trifled with... if you come face to face with him, as the samurai code dictates. But there is another way: find 3 crystal sculptures and destroy them. Koshchei's death in the egg occurs instantly.

5. King Knight - Shovel Knight

The King Knight sounds quite majestic, and to the uninitiated it might seem like it should be the final boss of Shovel Knight. However, King Knight is just one of the eight henchmen of the insidious Sorceress. In other words, an intermediate boss, and the weakest one at that. He just runs all over the screen, occasionally jumps and very rarely tries to strike with acceleration. A few successful jumps on your head with a shovel - and you're done.

4. Death - Dante's Inferno

And another deception - cleaner than in Shovel Knight. Death Himself in a game about hell (in general, for example) - yes, this must be the most difficult boss of all time! But no. Death moves majestically and relatively slowly, which means that all attacks soon become more than predictable - you can study it in a couple of minutes. The fight turns into a monotonous series of blocks and counterattacks, and in the end the boss also receives his own scythe.

3. Colonel Autumn - Fallout 3

In Fallout 3, Colonel Autumn acts from behind the scenes, constantly doing various dirty tricks to the main character. This is a masterful build-up on Bethesda’s part: irritation grows, you want to quickly meet the colonel and show him where the radioactive crabs spend the winter. The game provides this opportunity, but it ends in disappointment. What do you want? The Colonel is not a deathclaw, not a Brotherhood of Steel fighter in power armor, or even a super mutant. He a common person, and goes down with one good headshot.

2. Lucien - Fable 2

Perhaps, by now, Lucien has become a real legend among ordinary bosses. No, not even like that, but as in biology: it can be classified as a “protozoa”. The only “difficulty” in the “battle” (too many quotes, but nothing can be done) with Lucien is listening to his pompous and frankly boring villain dialogue until the very end. In principle, no one is forcing you to do this: the fatal blow can be delivered at any second.

1. Quiet - Metal Gear Solid V

The sex symbol of MGS V does not immediately become your partner and friend. First you need to prove to the frivolously dressed girl what you are worth in battle. Knights and gentlemen will have a long and stubborn rifle duel. But MGS V, unlike the first part, is not a corridor experience, but a sandbox. Order a tank and bring the tank with you to the sniper duel. To put it mildly, not very honest and not at all noble. But Quiet has no chance at all. And armor-piercing cartridges, which in this case same.

Bosses in games are cool, they're epic. Huge, charismatic and strong.Today I have prepared a list for youthe most difficult bosses in games that forced you to tense up and go through all the mats during the battle with them. Absolutely all coincidences and absences of your favorite games are random.

General Draug from Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

Let's start with General Friend from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. An incredibly thick-skinned, healthy and armored brute. As an arch-ghost, Draug doesn't do anything on his own. The servants do everything. The servants are always ghosts and cursed spirits who refuse to rest in peace.

“The general never admitted defeat. Continued to fight even after death." - Description of the Draug card in Gwent

What is the difficulty in fighting him? Because of his power, witcher signs and bombs do not affect him. Therefore, in the battle with him, only the old witcher-grandfather method remains - a silver sword. Of all cgbcrf, this is the weakest boss, but nevertheless, it will be difficult to beat it the first time.

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

Albert Wesker from the game Resident Evil 5. I'm sure everyone knows this dude. By the way, he was not always so bad; his villainous plans did not begin from early childhood. He was quite unusual, gifted from birth with superhuman intelligence. Therefore, he passed the selection process and got into the Wesker Children project. The project is a long-standing dream of the Umbrella corporation to create a superman using a virus. Albert became that superman. For some time he was considered a long-liver of the series Resident Evil, few people have succeeded in fooling the main characters and death itself so many times. But he failed to survive the fight with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. The battle was long, a sea of ​​ammunition, grenade launcher salvoes and a mountain of QTE.

Virgil from Devil May Cry 3

In Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition, the main character Dante will have to fight with his brother Virgil 3 times. Each fight with him is more difficult and grueling than the previous one. And what a rape of a schoolboy of that time it was, because Virgil has health regeneration, he hits your magic swords using the power of your mind, one wrong move and you are dead. No tricks, only improving your skill will help you.

Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Next up is Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. When the Prince of Persia opened the hourglass and decided to play with the sands of time, he could not even imagine that this would awaken an ancient demon, whose goal would be to kill the one who opened that very clock. In fact, defeating him is not very difficult, it is much more difficult to achieve a battle with him. After all, you cannot kill him either during the game or at the end, if you did not receive a water sword. And to get it you need to collect all the caches with lives, which is not as easy to do as it seems. Go comb all the locations looking for them.

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will quickly drain your entire life bar if you are not prepared to face her. She's fast, has good weapons in her arsenal, and has the same skills as you. When the leader decides that you have spent enough of her health, he immediately begins to heal himself. Yes, she is regaining her health. But that's not all. It can reproduce by budding. So after a while you will have to fight two of them at once.

Ogre from Demon's Souls

Place in the list conquered the most dangerous opponent in Demon's Souls. His ability to fly and, so to speak, “multiply” makes him quite strong, do not forget what mechanics this game uses. Add here the fact that the place where you will fight is from yourself along a narrow path, along the edges of an abyss, which greatly hampers your movements. It is incredibly difficult to dodge his attacks, I advise you to immediately run to the island with the light, there is more space there.

The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3 is a real fiend. Trying to defeat this beast from a secret location in a fair fight, you will probably rip more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. Many people passed by the nameless king for several months, in general, we wish him a happy New Year and the same torment that he brought to us.

Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2

Second place was taken by the main negative character of Fallout 2, Frank Horrigan. A mutant cyborg with a huge and extremely durable body. He participated in excavations at the Mariposa military base, where he mutated and subsequently became a test subject in Enclave experiments, which did not have the most positive effect on his intellect. He leads almost all combat operations of the Enclave. Meets the Chosen One in scripted scenes, and also confronts him in the final battle. Strong, cunning, evil, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat

Emperor Shao Kahn sits on the throne of the most difficult boss. And he won this place in a fair fight. Actually, not really. In Mortal Kombat (2011), he continuously throws spears and hits with a giant hammer. He cannot be stunned, and special X-ray techniques take away a tiny amount of health from him. And if you die too much, the game itself will lower the difficulty level. And believe me, the way he fights in part 9 cannot be compared to the real nightmare in Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat III. In the second part, he demolished a quarter of your health with one blow, and he also blocks every attack you make, immediately moving to the point where he will smash you in 3 turns. In the third part, he was eating up health with incredible speed using a hammer and his fucking knee. It was very difficult to kill him, but in the end, after going through all the swear words, you still kill him. And how nice it is to sit with a gamepad that has turned into mush and understand that you have defeated it.

Yes, there are many more difficult bosses than are presented in this list, but you can’t list everything. Leave in the comments which bosses made you tense up, point your middle finger at the screen and go through all the obscenities.

Bosses have appeared in games since the dawn of their existence and are unlikely to ever disappear. It could be a dark copy of the hero, an exceptionally large bunch of weak enemies... or something lonely, huge and terrifying. We bet everyone will prefer the latter!

People are designed in such a way that size makes a strong impression on them. And, of course, game developers will never miss the chance to take advantage of this: in every self-respecting game there is a giant carcass, be it only twice the size of the hero or twenty-two. So we decided to get a ruler and see what game developers have the courage to do and how they offer such large deal with problems.

1st floor

Deadly bullfight

If the developers have even a modicum of gigantomania in their heads, they cannot do without a boss the size of a small house. In the case when the game tends towards realism (as in), this will be the most impressive hulk on the player’s path. And if the size of such bosses is quite liberal, then you can place them here and there.

And even alternate, as in Batman: Arkham Series: two-meter mutants, Killer Croc, Bane, Solomon Grundy - in different games in the series, they continually complicated Bruce Wayne’s life, each in their own way.

Of course, if the boss is healthier than our alter ego, he almost always relies on brute force. This means that he is clumsy, slow, and his skin is two meters thick - so know how to dance around him, biting him from all sides. If we are talking about some kind of mutant or monster, he will almost certainly also be stupid as a plug - which the player can turn to his advantage by forcing the reptile to ram walls, explosive objects, and electrified fences.

In God of War, such bosses are only needed to pose with them on camera. And at Prototype they make a good breakfast.

If gigantomania blooms and smells in the game, then one-story bosses are assigned the role of intermediate dummies - so, to disperse boredom. Nevertheless, smart developers can make one-story kids even more memorable than their larger comrades. Suffice it to remember the series Souls, so rich in wonderful opponents of all shapes and sizes. Guardians Ornstein and Smough can hardly boast of gigantic height, but this does not prevent them from regularly visiting the tops of the best and most difficult bosses in video games.

As they say, “seven are not afraid of one,” so these bosses attack in duets. Ornstein is sharp as a bullet and shoots lightning, Smough is very slow and incredible strong And when a player knocks the soul out of one, the other absorbs it... restoring all health and (as if that weren't enough!) becoming more more dangerous. It was never boring with these guys.

From Software has always had enough imagination for interesting bosses. One can only guess what horrors the coming Bloodborne!

5th floor

Sir, you are blocking my sun!

Now that's a different conversation! Here we already clearly see: it’s better not to get in the guy’s way... although this still cannot be avoided. And, of course, when the boss is so big, he will only take it with brute force.

IN Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones God of War's influence was particularly strong. We landed on this fat guy - and cut him to pieces in QTE.

The battle with such a child is traditionally turned into a real event, luxuriously furnished and presented with a twist. For example, for decades now, Hideo Kojima himself has been regaling us with battles with walking death machines - “metal gears”. Loyal fans of the series have already eaten the dog in this matter more than once, but the cunning Japanese does not let them get bored: “ Here's REX, let him throw missiles at you, and you manage to turn off his vision. Smog? Well, then keep RAY. Will you carry twenty pieces at once? No? Well, your problems" We think that Kojima-san will come up with something especially interesting in the upcoming one.

Almost always the key to killing a boss is to exploit its weaknesses, and this applies especially to giants. Often these are some vulnerable points, highlighted in bright colors for convenience. These may be yellow purulent clots, and blue containers. Usually the “Achilles heel” of a giant catches the eye, so you can’t miss here.

In other cases, you have to use the environment to get to the boss's weak spots or to equalize the forces. Sometimes we are given an alternative option: for example, it’s trivial to shoot at a freak from an RPG, as in.

Brumak from Gears of War and El Gigante from Resident Evil 4 They’re not too big, but there’s more than enough impressions from meeting them.

But the dragons in Skyrim They only threatened the player himself: one could naturally go crazy from endless clashes of the same type with them. By the end of the game they only caused irritation.

If the game comes from the eastern part of the world, and is also online, then the raid bosses will almost certainly have at least five floors. More than one MMORPG can be included here, but it is especially indicative in this regard: there, a ten-story boss is an everyday sight. And although the game does not offer any flirting with the environment to win, each boss still requires a personal approach: controlling a non target will not allow you to simply click a big guy to death with the mouse, and on high difficulty you have to study their habits and adjust their behavior to them.

Of course, for most bosses you need a good balanced party - these machines are more powerful than the players in all respects, and each raid acquires elements of tactics. This is not for you to tear out the eyes of cyclops!

If every first boss barely fits on the screen, everything is fine: you're just playing TERA.

Ten floors

To hell with physics!

By and large, the rules are the same as with five-story creatures. But shooting luminous points is slowly losing relevance, and superweapons and the environment are taking over the baton. Although, of course, no one is stopping us from simply methodically throwing everything we have at the boss, as happens in older shooters. The approach is boring, but fair.

Big problems require a thorough approach. Big bosses mean more formidable weapons. In the case of Dagon from Call of Cthulhu it was a ship's cannon. Thirty meter Necrogiant from Painkiller towering over us like a tower crane. It is enough to hit him with everything in your arsenal, and then he will fall.

But in general, for some reason, ten-story bosses are not particularly popular in games - usually the final opponents are either larger or smaller. So we won’t stay here for long and will go up a couple of dozen floors higher.

FACT: In fact, the existence of such huge creatures on our planet is impossible - at least on land. And why? Here a two-part video that explains this using the example of Godzilla and the Jaeger robot from Pacific Rim.


Mohammed goes to the mountain

And yet, the real rampant fantasy begins at about sixty meters. When a boss is so huge, fighting him with regular weapons is simply pointless. Therefore, quite often you come across bosses that you have to approach in a roundabout way (Ugh-Zan III from, Leviathan from).

With this lady from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow you need to be delicate: first treat her with a hefty boulder, and only then climb on it.

An ordinary mortal is sometimes simply unable to defeat such handsome men.

It’s also very convenient to climb twenty-story bosses, and the use of the environment justifies itself even more here. More opportunities for organizing a protracted battle, with a whole algorithm of various mockeries against a walking skyscraper.

This mechanic is best implemented, of course, in the masterpiece. Sixteen giants, each more beautiful than the other, just walking puzzles! Not only is destroying them a difficult task to varying degrees, but you still have to figure out what to do! The developers managed to present battles with them so creatively that each one was given with hard work and turned into a real event.

The final boss may be Malus, but in reality the largest colossus is Phalanx. About two hundred meters in length versus sixty for Malus!

To the clouds and above

And my head is also behind the clouds

Why not? After all, it’s so flattering to one’s pride to destroy a creature the size of a city or two. Or, why bother, the size of a planet.

On the other hand, it opens up new horizons for level design. After all, if the size of the boss allows it, why not make it a level himself? And at the same time put his weak points... inside? This is probably the most spectacular and severe way to take down a colossus, simultaneously getting smeared in its blood and entrails.

In games, we find ourselves in the guts of every second gigantic boss. But especially noteworthy is the battle with the giant worm from. Although it was a malicious plagiarism on the level inside the Leviathan from: a baby the size of the Moscow region swallowed the brave soldiers led by Marcus Fenix.

Perhaps this worm is even larger than those that roam the sands of Arrakis.

The developers made sure that we naturally felt like we were inside a living being. There is solid meat everywhere, door-muscles are contracting, the path is blocked by thick films through which you need to break through with a saw at the ready. And something huge is pulsating above...

And in walking and living levels this is the norm. From the first second we are happily running around Gaia, and it won’t end there. Of course, Kratos also visited the titan, but we are interested in another walking level - Kronos. Before reaching the gastric juice, Kratos cuts the titan's stomach and climbs out while he tries to collect the falling out intestines.

The height of Kronos is a measly eight kilometers. Just think, the difference! And although Saints Row 4 didn't make as strong an impression as its predecessor, we truly fell in love with Paul's evil face.

With the advent of QTE, many bosses began to get punched in the face in semi-interactive cutscenes. Here the Japanese especially distinguished themselves - one of the local bosses, Weizen, exceeded all our expectations. When in the middle of the battle he gained the impudence and swelled to the size of a planet, we were stunned. We've never killed anyone larger than Weizen in a video game.

It would be interesting to see the battle between Wizen and Galactus in the next Marvel vs. Capcom.

* * *

A good boss is both a challenge and a reward for your hard work. This is the climax gameplay and the opportunity to feel your full power. There are many ways to make the battle with a gigantic monster interesting, and the power of modern consoles allows you to show truly irresistible monsters, the very presence of which in the frame is already a joy. How the developers of the new generation will surprise us is an open question. Which giants do you personally remember?

Gordon Freeman should be given his due: without further ado, he does what he does best - once again saving humanity. But we are sure that even the fearless and talented physicist said a few swear words to himself when he first saw the final boss of the first Half-Life - Nihilanth.

An overgrown flying toddler can really spoil a gamer's nerves, thanks to an army of minions, homing attacks and invulnerability until you destroy two energy crystals. And if suddenly this is not enough for you, then Nihilanth has an additional ace up his sleeve - teleporting the player to other locations. Well, at least it doesn’t send it into outer space, and thank you for that.

9. Shadow of the Colossus – Colossus #15

The cult game by Fumito Ueda is a real hymn to bosses in games. 16 centuries-old giants with a bored look greet the tiny giant conqueror. After all, why should they be afraid, a blow from a sword is like a prick of a toothpick on an elephant’s skin? But each colossus has its own Achilles heel, finding which will be the main difficulty when fighting the stone titans. No hints, just trial and error

Among all the variety of bosses, I would like to separately mention the humanoid giant at number 15. I’m ashamed to admit, but the author of this text even had to scour guides on the Internet to find correct sequence actions for a triumphant victory over the colossus.

8. Albert Wesker – Resident Evil 5

An athlete, a genius and just a handsome man, Albert Wesker could build a career as an outstanding scientist, curing the whole world from the T-virus infection. But why, when domination over the world is a much more interesting activity. And for the Napoleonic ones to come true, Wesker did not forget to inject himself with a massive dose of the virus, mutating into one of the most difficult bosses of the Resident Evil series.

Superhuman speed, Neo-style dodges and invulnerability - Albert became a real Chuck Norris from the world of video games. To be honest, it seems that Sheva, the main character's partner, is in a secret conspiracy with Wesker, since it is she who is required to make the final finishing feint to kill Wesker. But more often than not, Sheva, at the decisive moment, seems to forget about her purpose, which further complicates the already difficult final boss fight.

7. Castlevania Lords of Shadow – Satan

For the sake of his beloved, a man is ready to do anything: undergo the most difficult tests, cope with feats worthy of Hercules himself, and even fight Satan. This is exactly the path Gabriel Belmont takes to return his beloved from the Kingdom of the Dead in Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

And if the game might seem difficult, it is only when you meet Satan that you begin to think about the game developers as maniacs with sadistic tendencies. Satan cannot boast of outstanding strength or dexterity, but the magical barriers that require constant switching between the magic of light and darkness to overcome can infuriate even monks who have comprehended Zen.

6. Metal Gear Revengeance – Stephen Armstrong

Japanese game makers always treat the creation of bosses with special sophistication. And Metal Gear Revengeance was no exception, so be prepared to smash your gamepad to pieces when you meet Stephen Armstrong, and if you are playing the game on a PC using a keyboard mouse, then God help you.

Stephen Armstrong dreamed of completely rebuilding the social structure of American society, leaving room only for the strongest, the so-called super-people. While Armstrong's clichéd ideas may only make you chuckle, his nanomachine-enhanced physical strength and supersonic speed will make you hate the self-proclaimed President of the United States.

5. Mortal Combat 2 – Shao Kahn

Fighting a character who holds the title of "Emperor of the Outer World" is hardly a lazy exchange of blows. Add to everything else divine power, a penchant for cruelty and a craze for black magic, and you get the most difficult boss in the history of Mortal Combat - Shao Kahn.

In the second MK, Shao Kahn was listed as the final opponent and could, after just a few hits, begin performing fatality, tearing the player in half. But against Shao Kahn, one strategy is correct - a continuous hail of blows, forcing the boss to constantly be in a defensive stance, but remember: one mistake and you are dead.

4. Dark Souls 3 – The Nameless King

When going through the Dark Souls series, even ordinary opponents can cause problems, and what can we say about the bosses, about whom you can already create legends. All of them are epic, strong, tenacious and insanely complex. Among all the variety of bosses in the Souls series, special mention should be made of the Nameless King.

The giant knight, without further ado, unleashes the power of his dragon on the player and treacherously waves his long sword, hiding behind the thick skin of a flying monster. However, after killing a fire-breathing beast, you should not rejoice prematurely. The Nameless King, even without the support of his faithful little animal, will be able to trample even the most hardcore gamer into the ground within a few seconds.

3. God of War – Queen of the Valkyries (maximum difficulty)

Santa Monica Studio developed its masterpiece with a clear eye on the Souls series. This is noticeable both in the combat system and in the difficulty level, which requires superhuman reflexes from the player. And if the first three difficulty levels are still quite manageable for most players, then the maximum, called God of War, provides a real hardcore challenge.

The Valkyrie Queen in God of War is the final boss, thanks at least for being optional. To defeat her, the tactic that works best is constantly spamming runic attacks: first light, then strong, change weapons, repeat - and so on until you tear off the wings of the evil beast. But again, the slightest mistake and miscalculation will force you to watch the loading screen.

2. Metal Gear Solid – Psycho Mantis

If you still doubt that Kojima is a genius, then Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid is coming to you. He does not amaze with his gigantic size, outstanding strength or vitality; his trump card is completely different - extrasensory abilities, for example, mind reading. If you play Metal Gear Solid on the first Playstaton, you won’t even be able to hit Psycho Mantis; he will guess all your actions in advance.

Such an unfair fight raises only one question: “How the hell can I defeat you?!” The solution to the problem feels non-trivial and innovative even 20 years after the release of the first MGS. To prevent the boss from reading minds, you will have to connect another gamepad to the console, and only in this case will Nostradamus in a gas mask be vulnerable to the player’s attacks.

1. Punch-Out!! - Mike Tyson

The first place among the most powerful bosses in games is taken by Mike Tyson from the imperishable fighting game Punch Out. The game came out more than 30 years ago, and it’s probably even better that modern gamers are unlikely to ever face Tyson in the electronic ring.

In Punch-Out, Mike Tyson was dubbed invincible for a reason, because only one missed uppercut can send a player into a deep knockout. To defeat the legendary boxer, it was necessary to dodge, counterattack and block attacks with mathematical precision. In general, the developers perfectly conveyed the feeling of a fight with Mike Tyson, forcing you to train hard in the art of contact sports to achieve the championship title. Everything is just like in real life.

See also r. True, they are not distinguished by their complexity, but they compensate for this with unprecedented scale, epicness and cruelty.

Fighting bosses in video games is the crown of it all, the crown of all the work that went into completing the game. That’s why they pay so much attention. But not all battles are equal, there are both “light fluffy bunnies” and mega battles with the most difficult bosses in video games. And here are the top most difficult bosses!

Final Fantasy VII

Ruby and Emerald weapons - even at level 99 you die instantly. This is one of the most amazing and exciting fights that requires maximum concentration, attention and increased reaction.

God of War II

The battles in God of War 2 are much more difficult than in God of War 3. And Zeus is one of the hardest bosses in video games, because he is the Supreme God, the god of gods. And you need to carefully plan your actions, because any wrong step and your opponent will be completely healed!

Guitar Hero III

While overall this game is fun, easy-going and uncomplicated, your opinion will change dramatically when you get to Lou the Devil. His middle name, the Devil, itself tells you that the task ahead is not an easy one. To beat this boss on Expert difficulty, you'll need to master the guitar.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

This boss requires perfect dodging skills, athletic skills and an ass of steel to try again, and again, and again, and again... And again. And again. The attacks can kill in one hit, so a half-second delay can result in death.


To deal with this brat, you will have to learn how to dodge blows, as well as learn one of the many strategies designed specifically for fighting him. And if you want to kill the boss yourself, without resorting to ready-made solutions, you will also have to reserve time... to finally defeat him.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Dark Samus is a hiber mod, she clones herself, and the clones attack at the same time as Samus Aran herself. It's like fighting against yourself, amplified 300 times!

Kingdom Hearts

Sephiroth. One hit from this boss can reduce your health to 1HP. And this is at a time when there are more HP than grains of sand on the beach. And even if you have leveled up decently while going through the game, you will have to “forget everything you were taught” and spend a huge amount of time killing the main villain.

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Baal from Diablo 2 is one of the most difficult bosses, the developers were obvious sadists: the ability to split into several copies, suck mana, teleport... And all these tentacles? This slowing wave that does a little more than a ton of damage!

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

The Nazgul King, the battle with him made the Lord of the Rings game worthy of being on this list. It took many players over two hours to kill him the first time, and some were unable to kill him without watching videos of him being killed.

Mushihime-sama Futari

Top boss in the TOP 10 most difficult bosses in the game! You probably haven't seen a more difficult battle. Every time you get close to him, he will shower you with a myriad of purple phase missiles! You will die at least 2-3 times before you can defeat him! Or maybe you can’t =)

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