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Rye bran according to Dukan on attack. Dukan diet with oat bran. How to Use Oat Bran on the Dukan Diet

Bran: what are their benefits

First of all, let's define what bran is? Essentially, this is the shell of grain crops that remains after cleaning and processing the grain. Later, grains are made into cereal or flour, thanks to which we safely eat up those extra pounds. Bran is a secondary product of production that will not harm the figure. Of course, if you eat it correctly.

Bran can be wheat, oat, buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.

Approximate composition of bran:

  • dietary fiber, proteins, saccharides;
  • starch, ash, water; fatty acids.

This seemingly useless husk contains a number of minerals, vitamins B, E, carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fats, and fiber. It is a source of beta-glucan polysaccharide, which significantly reduces cholesterol levels and cleanses blood vessels.

Which beneficial features in bran:

  • Bran improves intestinal motility and helps normalize metabolism.
  • Adsorb toxins, reduce blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.
  • They saturate the body and help suppress the feeling of hunger. Bran has special properties: it absorbs an amount of liquid that is 25 times its own volume. It is a natural calorie blocker that helps you regulate the amount of food you eat and lose weight.
  • Improve condition skin, nails and hair.
  • They have virtually no contraindications.

The Dukan diet is not the only indication for consuming bran; all healthy people can eat it to prevent diseases and maintain weight.

Important! An excess of bran in food is unacceptable: the body simply does not have time to digest it, and the digestive system suffers.

Remember: bran is a powerful adsorbent that not only cleanses the body of toxins, but can also reduce the effectiveness of medicinal drugs. If you take medications with meals, consult a dietitian.

The main contraindications for taking bran are diseases gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage, because the husk fibers are too coarse for the inflamed mucosa.

Wheat, oat and other bran must be dry, without a pronounced smell or taste. They are sold in crumbly or granular form. They should be stored in a tightly closed container away from sunlight.

Read also: Dukan diet: stages and menu

The role of oat bran in the Dukan diet

The beneficial properties of bran are undeniable, but it is important to take them correctly. According to the Dukan system, at each stage you need to eat from 1.5 to 3 tablespoons of bran. The doctor recommends oat bran; wheat bran or any other bran should not be consumed in its pure form. Unless sometimes you can mix wheat and oatmeal for cooking.

  • Stage 1 “Attack”. Eat 1.5 tbsp every day.
  • Stage 2 “Alternation”. The norm is 2 tbsp.
  • Stage 3 “Consolidation”. Daily – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Stage 4 “Stabilization”. Your serving is 3 tbsp.

The maximum dose of flakes is 30g; oat bran is an additive to a dish, not an independent product; it is advisable to eat them with water or another drink (yogurt, kefir, sour cream).

Read also: Dukan diet: recipes for every day

What can be prepared from bran

Oat bran can become the basis for any dish; its beneficial properties are practically not lost during heat treatment. You can cook healthy and Tasty food(pizza, muffins, buns, bread, flatbreads, cookies, cereals, meatballs, rolls) and at the same time lose weight.

Healthy bread according to Dukan's recipe

Ingredients: oat bran (2 tbsp), cottage cheese (30g), 1 egg, wheat flakes (1 tbsp), 1 tsp. baking powder.

Grind the flakes into flour, add baking powder and egg, knead the dough thoroughly and leave for 40-50 minutes. Place in a mold and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees or microwave for 5 minutes.

Porridge with bran

Ingredients: skim milk (half a glass), oat flakes (3 tbsp), sweetener, vanillin to taste.

Pour into hot milk cereals and cook for 3-4 minutes over low heat, add sweetener and vanillin before serving. If you have fruits and berries, you can make a delicious syrup by straining them through a strainer and bringing to a boil.

Pizza “Lose Weight Easy”

Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp each of oat and wheat bran, 1 egg, boiled chicken (100g), canned tuna (half a can), 2 tbsp. kefir, 1 red onion, low-fat cheese (50g), 1 tbsp. ketchup.

Grind the flakes into flour, add an egg beaten with kefir, a little salt, knead and leave for 15 minutes. Cover the form with parchment and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes (180 degrees). Spread ketchup onto the finished crust, add chopped onion, pieces of tuna and chicken, and grated cheese. Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Serve hot!

You can make healthy and tasty pancakes from bran. See the video below for more recipes.

If you are at least approximately familiar with the weight loss system from nutritionist Pierre Dukan, then you should know what is in the diet great importance has a certain daily norm of bran. They are necessary for a variety of reasons. First of all, Dukan included them in his diet because he considers this product one of the healthiest existing on the planet. this moment. Despite the fact that this is stated quite clearly in the rules of the system, many still ask the question of what bran is needed for the Pierre Dukan diet. We will not just answer this question, but will also analyze several specific manufacturers and types of bran, and based on this, you can purchase the most suitable product for yourself.

At each stage of Dukan weight loss, it is recommended to eat oat bran throughout the day. During the Attack, their quantity is limited to 1.5 tbsp, but at each stage daily norm increases. As a result, at the end of the diet you should already be eating 3 tablespoons of oat bran and stick to this habit for the rest of your life.
It was oat bran, and not any other bran, that was selected by the nutritionist for a reason. This product has amazing benefits both for weight loss and for human health in general. For example, bran is an indispensable part of the diet during cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Bran reduces cholesterol levels in the body, and, in addition, interferes with the absorption of excess sugar into the blood.
When losing weight, especially during protein diets, such as the Dukan system, bran performs irreplaceable functions. First of all, they cause a quick feeling of fullness. Bran swells when in contact with liquid. As a result, just one spoon can fill the volume of an adult’s stomach by almost half.
In addition, bran actively participates in the digestion process. Once in the stomach, they act as a cleansing sponge for the stomach and intestines, removing all sorts of debris in the form of waste and toxins from their walls.
Essentially, bran is pure plant fiber, which is mostly found in cereals, vegetables and fruits. During protein diets, all these foods are prohibited or limited. Accordingly, our body lacks the required amount of healthy food hair. Regular consumption of bran will easily solve this problem.
The Dukan diet is designed for long-term weight loss, which means that its goals are not only weight loss, but also the complete absence of harm to health. It is for this reason that oat bran has become an indispensable part of the system.

Review of manufacturers of the most popular bran for the Dukan diet

Sometimes the question of what bran is needed for the Pierre Dukan diet implies a choice between specific manufacturers. Today the choice of this product is very large, but not all bran has the same benefits. Below are the bran that followers of the Dukan diet most often purchase.

Many note that bran from this manufacturer has a softer and more neutral taste. Therefore, this product is suitable for everyone who does not particularly like the natural taste of oat bran.
The grinding of the product is exactly as needed with the system, not too fine, individual grains are visible. One of the advantages of this manufacturer is the correct packaging. The bran itself is in a separate closed bag. For instructions and more attractive appearance extra paper box is used.
The product is produced in Ukraine, but it is not very difficult to find them in other CIS countries. The price of the product is very attractive, although it cannot be said that other types of fiber are much more expensive. average cost packages of 250 g - 70 rubles. This amount is enough for some people for almost the entire main stage of weight loss.

Another representative of Ukraine. For some reason, the bran from this country is different best quality and are more popular during weight loss according to the Dukan system.
They already have a finer grind and a pronounced taste. By the way, the latter produces higher quality raw materials used in production. Such oat bran is distinguished by a large number of useful substances.
True, fine grinding does not quite suit the Dukan system. A rough cage is what is needed, but there is an exception to every rule. if you have serious problems stomach, it is best to choose this bran. They do not have a harsh effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The peculiarity of the Dukan diet is that it is suitable for almost everyone. Even people with serious stomach problems can lose weight with their help. True, in this case it already changes what bran is needed for the Dukan diet.
For gastritis, ulcers and increased acidity, you should definitely consult with a specialist about whether you can go on the Dukan diet. If you receive permission, then you need to add some restrictions to the standard weight loss rules. First of all, you will have to completely abandon coarse fiber. In this case, bran from Kobuz is simply ideal. They have the finest grinding of the entire list, so there is no negative effect on the walls of the stomach.
It is also worth paying attention to more convenient packaging. After opening, you can store the bran directly in it, nothing will spill out or be saturated with unnecessary aromas.
Depending on the size of the package, bran can cost from 30 to 10 rubles.

Above were presented loose bran, which is recommended for the most part to be added to dishes or drinks. If you prefer to eat bran just like that, then it is best to choose granulated types, such as Sante Otreby. This product is just perfect for a quick snack.
The line offers several flavors. There is bran with the addition of fruits and vegetables. They cannot be eaten during the Attack on the System, Pierre Dukan. Therefore, when choosing, always pay attention to the composition.
The cost of one package weighing 200 g starts from 90 rubles.

Understanding what bran to eat on the Dukan diet is not everything. You also need to find the right products. Typically, such bran is sold in the diabetic sections of large supermarkets, as well as in specialty stores. proper nutrition.
If you couldn't find bran near your home, don't worry. You can make them yourself. To do this, you will need the most ordinary oatmeal, or as we more often call it rolled oats.
A small amount of it needs to be placed in a blender and slightly chopped. Don't overdo it and make the bran into flour. The grind should be medium. In the total mass of good bran, individual particles are clearly visible.

All people are individual and for many, perhaps, for one reason or another, oat bran is simply not suitable. In this case, the nutritionist allows you to replace them with buckwheat, maintaining the daily norm. As a last resort, you can eat the same buckwheat, after first soaking it a little in water or kefir.
Please note that oat bran was selected for this system for a reason. When compiling the system, the nutritionist took into account all the features of the body’s functioning and selected oat bran as the only remedy that can solve all possible problems with long-term weight loss. Therefore, if you do not like the taste of oat bran, there is no need to replace it with buckwheat. This can only be done in case of intolerance or full-fledged allergy. If you are not happy with oat bran, it is best to simply add it to your dishes so that you do not feel the taste, and then you can lose weight quickly, while eating tasty and varied.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Many women, in order to lose weight, are ready to make many sacrifices - refuse food or eat foods that are not at all intended for this. Naturally, this gives its results, but, as a rule, they do not last for a long time. After finishing the diet and achieving the desired effect, they are “hungry” and pounce on food, and this food is high-calorie foods, which contribute to the rapid return of weight.

This cannot but affect your health - rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain greatly affect the digestive system and the functioning of the heart.

Today you can find a lot of diets that are based on moderate weight loss and maintaining it for many years. An example of this is the Dukan Oat Bran Diet, which was introduced in 2000.

Its essence is not fasting, but on the contrary, you need to eat and eat a lot, but only the right foods. based on the consumption of protein foods, it allows you not only to lose extra pounds, but also to increase muscle mass, as a result of which the fat layer decreases, and muscles appear in its place.

This system is mainly used by athletes, but this does not mean that people far from sports cannot use it. On the contrary, with the help of it you can easily remove fat from the abdomen and sides, make your buttocks elastic, and at the same time, you will need a minimum of time for physical exercise.

A little history

This weight loss technique appeared long before everyone knew about it. Pierre Dukan was not a nutritionist at all; his real profession was a neurologist. He began his career as a nutritionist, not at all unexpectedly for himself, when he decided to help his friend, who had been trying to lose weight for many years, but to no avail.

Pierre read a lot of literature, because he needed to answer many questions regarding nutrition, or rather the process of losing weight. As a result, he created his own method, which was based on eating protein and water. But the most surprising thing for many was that his diet included the consumption of oat bran, which was originally intended for feeding livestock. Below we will take a closer look at how oat bran ended up in the Dukan diet and how to use it correctly.

But he also faced another task - to help his close friend maintain the results achieved. As a result, he developed a nutrition program that consisted of 4 phases, which we will talk about below.

So, briefly about the 4 phases of the Dukan diet:

  • Phase 1: is called "". The duration of the phase depends on excess weight, which needs to be thrown off and lasts from 2 to 10 days. During this period, it is necessary to focus on protein products, while it is necessary to completely eliminate carbohydrates and minimize fats;
  • Phase 2: is called "". Lasts until the desired result is achieved. Includes eating pure protein and vegetables in a 60:40 ratio (60% protein, 40% vegetables);
  • Phase 3: called "". The duration of the stage depends on the kilograms lost. For every 1 kilogram lost, there are 10 days of the stage. That is, if you have lost 4 kilograms, phase 3 should last 40 days. Here, the gradual introduction of those foods that were consumed before the diet is allowed, but in limited quantities;
  • Phase 4: is called "". This period lasts throughout life and includes compliance with certain nutritional rules. 6 days a week you should eat the way you are accustomed to, and 1 day exclusively protein foods, while eating oat bran every day.

So, with the help of such a diet you can lose up to 20 - 25 kg. Now let's move on to the most important thing: how to eat bran on a diet and how do they generally contribute to weight loss? Let's figure it out.

How did oat bran get included in the list of healthy foods for humans?

We are all accustomed to the fact that oat bran is food for livestock, but not for humans. However, American scientists back in the 80s of the last century proved that oat bran is useful product, especially for those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

In addition, scientists have also proven that this product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract and can lower the glycemic index, which is very useful for people with diabetes. But most importantly, oat bran reliably protects the colon and rectum from cancer.

You can learn more about the effects of oat bran on the body from the following video:

The dietary properties of oat bran amazed all doctors and scientists. They can help a person lose weight and improve their health at the same time. But it’s all in their composition, or rather in fibers, which are rich in beta-glucan molecules. Once in the body, they act at two levels of the digestive tract.

Firstly, oat bran has the ability to absorb liquid on average 25 times its own volume. Thus, when they enter the mouth, they absorb saliva and only then enter the stomach in a completely different volume. Let's say if you eat 15 g of bran, then 375 g of ready-made bran will enter your stomach, which quickly saturates and satisfies hunger.

Secondly, when they travel along the esophagus along with bolus food, they are chemically attacked by stomach acid, which leads to the conversion of bran into acids, amino acids and glucose, thereby starting the process of weight loss.

This is how oat bran acts on the human body. It remains only to answer one more question: how to prepare oat bran for the Dukan diet?

Probably, you, like any person losing weight, are interested in the question: where to buy oat bran? Of course, it is unwise to use ordinary bran, which is sold in buckets at all markets. It is necessary to find special dietary oat bran. This will be extremely difficult to do, especially in small towns. However, nothing is impossible in the world.

Oat bran can be purchased in pharmacies, but they are very rarely available there. You can try to find them in any diet food department or purchase them in an online store. The price of dietary oat bran is not so high, so you can immediately order a couple of packs.

So, now let's move on to preparing oat bran. They can be added to dishes, as well as baked into various pastries. For example:

  • Dukan bread;
  • cupcakes;
  • cookie;
  • pizza.

At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the fact that baking will harm your figure and give you a couple of extra pounds. You can also make vanilla porridge or diet pancakes from oat bran.

They can also be used as a breading for cooking meat or fish. If you add oat bran to the minced meat, you can also prepare diet cutlets, meatballs or meatloaf.

There are many options for using oat bran. They can also be simply consumed in dry form with water, but not more than 15 g (1 tablespoon).

Dukan oat bran bread

To prepare this dietary baked product you will need:

  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat liquid cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - ½ sachet.

Prepare bread in microwave oven approximately 4 minutes at 750 W. But first you need to make the dough, and for this you need to grind the oat and wheat bran into flour, add the rest of the ingredients to them and knead the dough. Then place the finished dough in a square pan (you can use a microwave-safe dish) and bake.

After the bread is cooked, you need to give it time to cool completely and only then remove it from the mold and cut it into small pieces.

You need to mix 3 tbsp in a bowl. l. oat milk, 150 ml skim milk, sweetener and 2 tsp. vanilla. Mix everything well and heat in the microwave for just a minute. Then let the bran brew, and when it swells, the porridge can also be heated, after which it is ready to eat.

Oat bran pizza

You will need:

  • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat kefir - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tuna in its own juice - 1 can;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • low fat processed cheese- a couple of slices;
  • ketchup - 1 tbsp. l.

First you need to prepare the crust. To do this, you need to grind oat and wheat bran into flour. Then take a mixer and start beating the egg with a small amount of salt, gradually adding flour, and then you need to add kefir, you just need to constantly beat the mixture. Then let the bran swell, and then place this mass in a mold covered with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven until done.

Then grease the finished crust with ketchup, cut the onion into thin rings, and sprinkle it on the pizza base. Tear the tuna into small pieces with your hands and place it on top of the onion. You can grate the cheeses or cut them into thin slices or cubes and sprinkle them on the pizza. Then we put everything back in the oven and bake until the cheese is completely melted.

These are the goodies you can make from oat bran. If you wish, you can find many recipes on the Internet and cook yourself a variety of different ones every day. delicious dishes. And then the process of losing weight will be easy for you and will not present you with any health problems.

Ducan's diet

The Dukan diet was developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan and is based on the consumption of low-carbohydrate foods. This diet is followed for several months, but if desired, it can be taken as the main nutrition system, since it is varied, not burdensome, and in addition to losing weight, it also makes it possible to cleanse the body and normalize its metabolic metabolism.

Dr. Dukan's diet consists of four stages, which have their own rules.

However, there are several general rules for the entire technique:

  1. throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily;
  2. eat oat bran every day (but in varying quantities);
  3. go for a walk every day (at least 20 minutes in the first phase, and 30 in the second and third);
  4. do light exercise.

The Dukan diet is very effective, weekly weight loss ranges from 3 to 5 kg. However, this is only possible with clear implementation of all four phases of the technique.

4 phases of Dr. Dukan's diet:

Phase 1 of the diet – Attack.

Weight loss – 2-6kg.

In the first phase, the process of breaking down adipose tissue begins, so at first it may be a little uncomfortable, however, dry mouth, and even a slight smell, indicate that everything is going right and the diet is starting to work.

The duration of the attack phase is determined individually, depending on the current weight and the one you plan to have.

It is calculated like this:

Excess weight 10-20kg – duration 3-5 days;

Excess weight 20-30kg – duration 5-7 days;

Excess weight of 30 kg or more – duration 5-10 days.

The first phase is not observed for more than 10 days!

The “attack” menu is dominated by protein foods. During this phase, it is recommended to eat: turkey and chicken meat (without skin), lean ham, veal liver, any fish (boiled, steamed, grilled) and seafood. You can also eat eggs, low-fat dairy products, add spices, vinegar, seasonings, onions and garlic, salt to food in small quantities. In more detail - 72 protein products for the “Attack” phase. In addition, it is imperative to eat 1.5 tbsp/l of oat bran.


Sugar (use substitute);

Boiled: goose, duck, rabbit, veal, pork, beef, lamb.

Phase 2 of the diet – Alternation (“Cruise”).

The duration is individual, depending on how quickly the required weight is achieved.

During the “cruise”, two diets alternate – protein and vegetable. The alternation is different and also depends on the amount of weight lost:

Less than 10 kg – proteins/vegetables 1/1 day (optionally, 3/3 or 5/5);

More than 10 kg – alternating 5/5 days.

During this phase, you need to eat 2 tablespoons of oat bran daily. Also, the “cruise” allows you to eat: any vegetables, except starchy ones (avocado, lentils, beans, peas, potatoes). Vegetables can be baked, boiled, or eaten raw. You should not eat rice and grains, as they also contain a lot of starch.

For variety, the Dukan diet allows in the second phase the consumption of: spices, adjika, hot pepper, milk, gherkins, garlic, gelatin, a tablespoon each of ketchup and starch, 3 tablespoons of white or red wine, 1 teaspoon each of 3-4% cream and low-fat cocoa. However, only two products per day are selected from this list.

Phase 3 of the diet – Consolidation.

At this stage, the weight achieved during the diet is consolidated.

The duration of the third phase depends on the number of kilograms lost. For every kilogram there are 10 days of consolidation.

As already mentioned, the Dukan diet is not strict, and this is clearly visible in the third stage. The “fixation” diet is quite varied:

All products from the first stage are suitable;

Vegetables from the second;

One serving of fruit daily (excluding cherries, grapes, bananas);

Bread (2 slices);

Mature cheese (40g);

Starchy foods (potatoes, rice, maize, peas, pasta) – 2 times a week.

At this stage, the amount of oat bran consumed per day should increase to 2.5 tbsp/l.

The “consolidation” phase allows you to do “soul holidays” twice a week (1 meal each), at which you can eat whatever your heart (or rather stomach) wants.

Phase 4 of the diet – Stabilization.

Eat 3 tbsp/l of oat bran every day;

Have a clean protein day once a week.

Otherwise, the nutrition of the final phase does not imply any restrictions or exceptions.

Like all weight loss methods, the Dukan diet has its pros and cons.

Disadvantages of the Dukan Diet

When following a diet, the body produces ketone bodies, which help reduce appetite, but cause increased fatigue in the first few days;

The technique is not sufficiently balanced, so there may be a deficiency of vitamins and microelements;

Bran is very important in Pierre Dukan's diet. important place. If you are already familiar with this system, you should know that during it special preference is given to products with a high content of plant and animal proteins. The amount of carbohydrates is sharply reduced. For the most part, when losing weight, such restrictions only bring benefits, but our body needs plant fiber every day for normal functioning. In order to fill this need, every day at all stages of weight loss and even after achieving the goal, the French nutritionist recommends eating several tablespoons of oat bran. They will become the source of fiber during the diet. The task is complicated by the fact that the taste of any bran (not just oat bran) is not the most attractive, and many are looking for a way to eat oat bran according to the Pierre Dukan diet so that it brings not only benefits, but also pleasure. Let's look together at examples of how bran is commonly used by other people who are on the Pierre Dukan diet.

How to eat bran correctly while dieting?

It’s worth noting right away that there is no single correct way to use oat bran. Each of you can choose the most suitable method for yourself. It is recommended to use all the tips to understand in what quality the bran will be most useful and palatable for you.

The easiest and fastest way is to consume bran in its pure form. Most often it is recommended to do this in the morning. Even before breakfast, but do not immediately eat the entire amount of fiber allowed. Instead, the daily intake should be divided into two parts. Eat one of them in the morning, and the second before lunch. It is recommended to drink fiber with plain water or tea. In this case, it is easier to swallow, and, in addition, it will immediately swell in the stomach.
There are several advantages of bran in its pure form. First, you can control exactly how much fiber you eat per day. Usually, the more bran per day, the better, but not with the Dukan system. It greatly reduces the amount of carbohydrates and mainly because of this it bears such fruits. The amount of fiber is strictly controlled. The amount per day that will allow you to get all the necessary benefits is recommended, but will not in any way affect the intensity of weight loss.
Secondly, if you eat bran before your main meal, you can reduce the amount of food you consume without any problems. By the time you sit down at the table, part of your stomach will already be full.
Some people recommend eating bran as a snack between meals. Of course, this method has its place, but it has several disadvantages. Bran can be considered a complete meal, and the number of meals in the Dukan diet is also standardized. If you use bran in this capacity too often, you can reduce the speed of achieving the goal.

In the instructions for the bran itself, it is often written that it is best to consume it with drinks. The recipe is quite simple. You need to take a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, juice, protein shake and add a glass of fiber to it. You should drink it immediately so that the bran does not have time to swell in the glass.
The choice of drink depends on the stage of weight loss. During the Attack, it is best to drink only kefir with minimum percentage fat During other stages of weight loss, the choice of possible drinks increases significantly during protein-carbohydrate days.
For those who don’t really like bran and simply can’t eat it in this quality, this method of use will be just the ideal solution.

You can still smell the bran in drinks, so if you really want to hide from your taste buds that you regularly eat fiber, you should add it to your dishes. Recipes for many dishes according to the Dukan system indicate a certain amount of bran. Moreover, they are used not only to maintain health, but also as a complete ingredient that gives ready-made dish a certain taste and consistency.
Bran is simply irreplaceable for baking according to the Dukan diet. They are used to make so-called Dukan bread, one of the few that you can eat while losing weight.
Fiber is often included in casseroles, side dishes, and soups. Look at the ready-made recipes and in any case you will find the one that suits your taste the most.
The advantages of this method of eating oat bran according to the Dukan diet are to hide the taste of the bran itself, as well as to create a certain variety of diet while losing weight. The disadvantage is that during the cooking process the bran already has time to swell somewhat, which is why they lose some of their properties.

When losing weight, it is important not only how to eat bran, but also how much of it you need to eat. During the first stage of the diet, which is called Attack, the amount of bran is limited to 1.5 tbsp. l per day. This volume will be enough to more safely prepare your body for further weight loss, as well as reduce the harm from the most difficult phase of Dukan weight loss.
In each of the further stages, the amount of bran increases by 0.5 tbsp. As a result, at the Stabilization stage you should eat 3 spoons daily. This recommendation will have to be followed for the rest of your life if you want to avoid gaining weight and never resort to dieting again.

Bran is a source of carbohydrates, for this reason you cannot eat it at any time. While losing weight, you should eat protein-rich foods for dinner. It is also recommended to consume fiber in the form of vegetables, but you should not eat it in its pure form. Especially if you leave the entire daily norm for the evening.
This recommendation is due to the fact that in the evening our body begins to gradually prepare for sleep. All metabolic processes slow down and you no longer need a lot of energy to maintain them. Most of it will go into the fat layer. The main source of energy is carbohydrates. For this reason, they are limited in the evening.