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Rating of hot peppers. The hottest pepper in the world. Where is the best place to plant hot peppers?

In the world there are the most different types peppers Some have a neutral taste (these are the peppers we most often eat), while others are so hot that you can feel it just by approaching the plant.

The characteristic spiciness of peppers is provided by the substance capsaicin, which can be contained in different quantities in a particular plant. To determine pungency, there is a special scale developed by the American scientist V. Scoville. His specialty was the study of hot pepper varieties. Already in 1912, the pharmacist developed a special scale, which he named in his honor. Since then, indicators of the spiciness of peppers have been recorded in Scovilles.

Remember that if you intend to try a dish with peppers, the severity of which is measured in thousands of Scovilles, you can expect the most unpredictable effects

Tabasco, popular among spicy lovers, seems incredibly hot, however, there are peppers that are 200 thousand times hotter than it. For example, "cayenne pepper" or "Capsicum annuum". It is customary to identify hot peppers by the name of this plant, since the amount of capsaicin in it (as the name itself suggests) is very high.

The homeland of many hot crops is Latin America. Even before the complete development of the territory, local aborigines ate pepper as a main dish, and not as an additive, as is customary now.

In African cuisine there are sauces based on peppers, the spiciness of which reaches 150 thousand units. This sauce causes real “hellfire” in the stomach, so you should try it accompanied by medical professionals, just in case.

But in London restaurants, by prior arrangement, you can try the “Bollywood burner” dish - lamb meat with pepper from Indian Assam. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to sign some papers where you take full responsibility for the consequences solely on yourself. Perhaps this dish will appeal to true extreme lovers.

Thai dishes with pepper are not that spicy. For example, the degree of heat of crab soup does not exceed 100 thousand units. But American shrimp marinated in horseradish do not contain Scoville at all, however, they will make an indelible impression on lovers of spicy foods. These are the secrets of local cuisine.

Which pepper is the hottest? Top 5 hottest peppers in the world

5th place. "Habanero" or "Capsicum sinensis"

This pepper was discovered by the scientist N. Jacquin. Pepper is used as the main ingredient in Tabasco sauce. The growing area is Yukotan, as well as the countries of South America. The degree of heat of this pepper, calculated on the Scoville scale, is 100-350 thousand units.

"Habanero" is the king of national cuisine. It is indispensable in preparing pork and legume side dishes, which are definitely worth trying. Otherwise, how will you experience the Mexican flavor?!

4th place. "Naga Morich"

This type of pepper is native to Bangladesh. In its taste you can feel notes of citrus and pineapple. Agree, it's a rather strange combination. Naga Morich is harvested unripe to avoid too much pungency. They collect it in special protective clothing, otherwise the mucous membranes will be burned. The heat of this pepper is 800 million units.

3rd place. "Bhut Jolokia"

It was discovered in India, in the state of Assam. The degree of spiciness of this pepper is influenced by the place where it grows; the hottest type, “Bhut Jolokia,” grows in the north. And in the northeast of the country, the fruits are used to prepare a tincture that protects the home from wild animals. This species is not worth eating, although there were some, but now they can tell little. Gas is produced from pepper fruits, which is used for military purposes. This is how pepper can become a national weapon. The sharpness ranges from 800 thousand units. up to 1 million

The less pungent Bhut Jolokia fruit, which has a fruity flavor and is native to the southern regions, is used to prepare a traditional curry mixture.

2nd place. "Trinidad Scorpio"

Pepper grows on the island of the same name, Trinidad. Capsaicin contained in pepper is used in paint that is used to coat the bottoms of ships and boats. This is how pepper protects boats from shellfish and corrosion. In addition, the Trinidad Scorpion is used in the production of tear gas.

In 2011, this species was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most fiery pepper. But already in 2012 the palm went to the “Moruga Blend” variety. Contact with the Trinidad Scorpio can only be done in special clothing completely covering the body. Hotness of pepper – 1.46 million units.

1 place. "Carolina Reaper" - the hottest pepper

The pimply hybrid was developed by specialist E. Curry in South Carolina in 2013. No one knows exactly why this was done. Perhaps for military purposes, or perhaps completely by accident. The heat of pepper ranges from 1.15 to 2.2 million units.

The high degree of spiciness of this pepper does not allow its fruits to be eaten. This is strictly prohibited!

Now you know exactly which pepper is the hottest. When eating hot peppers, it is important to remember to be careful so as not to fall victim to their hot fruit. To avoid burns, it is recommended to eat any pepper with dairy products or drink beer. This will help create a protective barrier for the mucous membrane.

So that you understand the difference between the spiciness of each pepper, we will evaluate them using Scoville scale units. The world-famous chemist Wilbur Scoville suggested that the whole world compare the hotness of peppers by analyzing the quantitative content of capsaicin (a hot substance). So we will start from this world-famous scale.

When determining which one is the most hot peppers in the world, they used an assessment based on the content of the sum of capsaicinoids and capsaicin determined using liquid chromatography. But over time, this method was abandoned for the reason that the spiciness and heat of pepper is determined only by the amount of capsaicin.


Carolina, in the Guinness Book of Records this particular pepper is named the hottest in the world. It is an excellent choice between the red Habanera pepper and the Pakistani Naga pepper. This pepper is not only very hot, but also very aromatic. Of the entire rating of our peppers, this is the one that will cause severe pain in a person.

This variety was developed by a gardener named Edom Curry, who owned the PuckerButt company in South Carolina USA. Capspicin, which is extracted from this pepper variety, is used for medicinal purposes, as well as in the production of pepper spray for self-defense. The hottest pepper on the Scoville scale has 2,200,000 SHU units.

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

This type of pepper was found relatively recently in Trinidad, when you bite into it you are immediately greeted with intense heat and you will feel this heat for a very long time after the bite. Its pungency is 2,009,230 SHU. Back in 2011, this particular pepper was the hottest, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

This pepper variety gets its name partly from the tip of the pepper and the name of its creator, Butch Taylor, which is very similar to a scorpion's sting. I would like to note that in order to grow and process this pepper, workers have to wear gas masks and special protective clothing (very similar to chemical protective suits). In Trinidad, this hottest pepper in the world is also used in the military industry, in the production of tear gas.


This is the only hot pepper that is not red; it is brown and very hot. Douglas pepper is available not only in fresh, but also in dried and in the form of ground powder.

Its pungency is 1,800,936 SHU units according to the Scoville table. The fruit of the chili pepper is quite herbaceous and juicy. Externally it has a heart-shaped shape, inside there are many small grains, it is used in the preparation of spicy but fragrant dishes.

Pot Primo

This type of pepper was bred by Tony Primo, in whose honor this pepper variety was named. It is very similar to the Carolina variety, but not as spicy. Don't be mistaken and think that he is weak. People who bit him experienced extreme pain, their eyes began to water and sweat poured out like hail. The heat of the Primo pepper is 1,460,900 SHU. After crossing and obtaining stable genetics, the fruits received a bright red color and sharp noses (like the sting of a scorpion), the plant itself is quite powerful and large in height, reaching up to 1.3 meters. Juicy fruits have the famous 7 Pot aroma.

Naga Viper

It is nothing more than a hybrid of several other varieties of hot peppers; its creation took many years. It does not have a consistent pungency, as it turns out that this could not be achieved through crossing, so some specimens may be sharper than others.

This variety was bred by an ordinary spicy lover from the UK named Jarald Faule, who grew up on a farm. In an interview with one of the local newspapers, the hottest pepper in the world was awarded the phrase: “Eating this pepper is quite painful, it numbs the tongue, and burns everything it comes into contact with on the way to the stomach. But it releases a huge amount of endorphin, which improves your mood.”

Bhut Jolokia

This variety of pepper is also commonly called ghost pepper. Many consider this pepper to be the hottest in the world. Ego acuity is 1,041,427 SHU. Many YouTube users have eaten it on camera, it is very spicy and it is quite interesting to watch the reaction of those who eat it.

Bhut Jolokia comes from the northeast of India, unfortunately, in the territory former USSR This pepper is almost impossible to buy. It must be handled very carefully: stored out of the reach of children, not handled with unprotected hands, and avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. It should be remembered that it is most effective to extinguish a “pepper fire” with milk, this also applies to the eyes. In case of contact, rinse eyes generously with milk or fermented milk product.

Red Savina Habanero

Just a few decades ago, this one was considered the hottest variety of pepper, but due to constant creation new varieties he lost his title. The pepper has a rich aroma; within a few seconds after the bite, severe pain and burning are felt; its pungency is 500,000 SHU units.

It is generally accepted that the Red Savina chili pepper was artificially bred through selective breeding in California. The exact method of growing conditions and selection of strains is not known, but the result has been achieved and pleases lovers of spice. Between 1994 and 2006, this pepper variety was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest pepper in the world.

Red Giant

It got its name due to the fact that one such pepper is easily enough for seven dishes; its size is much larger than that of other representatives of our TOP. If you want to try this pepper, keep water nearby, or better yet milk, it certainly won’t help you, but it will at least slightly reduce the pain and burning sensation in your mouth.

Red Giant peppers have a heat rating of 1,000,000 Scoville units. Most large pepper chilli that you have seen in your life, when this variety is fully ripe it will delight you with fruits up to 50 cm (20 inches) in length and weighing up to 200 grams (7 ounces). The fruits will be bright red with a sharp and very spicy taste.

In conclusion, we ask you to be very careful and attentive when using and consuming these varieties of hot chili peppers, because this food can be dangerous to your health.

The spicy taste of hot pepper will complement any dish. There is a widespread belief that growing this vegetable crop is more difficult than other vegetables.

Breeders are creating new varieties that can be easily planted in any strip. All that remains is to choose the name of the hot pepper variety and find out the features of agricultural technology.

The annual homeland is South America. Pepper was brought to Europe by colonialists. Today it is an integral part national cuisines all over the world.

Residents of India, Thailand and Mexico assign the vegetable healing properties. In addition to its original taste, pepper has many beneficial properties:

Capsaicin can cause pain strong burning sensation and swelling. It thins the blood and disrupts its clotting. While cooking, do not scratch your eyes and nose: hot substances can burn the mucous membranes.

Hot pepper varieties

What is the name of hot pepper? There are many options. Peppers differ among themselves in taste, color and size of the fruit. Before purchasing certain seeds, you should decide for what purpose the vegetable is needed.

Peppers with a mildly spicy taste are good to eat raw. Medium-spicy fruits are used in canning. Hot varieties are most often dried and ground to add a pinch to food.

The timing of ripening plays an important role. On average, peppers reach full ripeness after 100 days. The following are popular varieties and types of hot peppers.

Dragon tongue

One type of hot pepper

The variety that ripens the earliest: 105 days pass from planting seeds to harvesting. The bush reaches 70 cm in height. During the season, about 90 fruits are formed on it.

Ripened peppercorns have a rich color. Fruiting continues for several months. In the south on the ground.

IN middle lane Russia's "Dragon's Tongue" is being planted in a greenhouse. Pepper is good both fresh and as a seasoning.

Che Guevara

Another variety with a short ripening period. One pepper can weigh 90 g. The pulp has a pleasant aroma. The bushes develop well in open ground. The variety is valued for its appearance: the red fruits of an elongated conical shape are very impressive. Because of its pungent taste, pepper is most often used as a seasoning.


The hybrid variety contains many vitamins. From each bush you can collect 600 g of harvest. A ripe vegetable has a conical shape and a pointed tip. "Tula" is grown in open ground throughout Russia.

Astrakhansky 147

Hot green pepper called Astrakhan 147 is a mid-season variety that is particularly hot. Growth is unlimited: the crop can be harvested before frost. Both red, finally ripened, and green fruits are picked.

The variety adapts well to aggressive conditions environment. Due to its high irritant content, pepper is often used for medicinal purposes.

Ukrainian bitter

Medium late variety. Ripening time is 120 days. The fruits are small, small in size and cone-shaped. The bushes are neat and compact. The pulp of the vegetable does not burn; it is eaten raw. In the eastern and northern parts of the country it is grown indoors.

flying moth

The small hot pepper with this name is popular due to the unusual shape of the fruits, which resemble a bell. The hybrid is resistant to many fungal diseases. The fruits are added to salads, dried and canned.

It can be grown not only in the country, but also in an apartment. Indoors, pepper helps destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Queen of Spades

The dwarf variety will enliven the garden bed with the variegated colors of peppercorns. At the end of the season, you can transplant the bush into a pot and move it to your apartment. In pot culture it grows as a perennial.

The plant reaches a height of 20 cm. As the fruits ripen, they change their color from purple to deep red. The variety bears fruit abundantly, completely satisfying the need for pepper.

In November the plant sheds its leaves, and at the end of winter it comes back to life.

Where is the best place to plant hot peppers?

Certain conditions, as well as proximity to certain vegetable crops, allow not only to increase the amount of harvest, but also to improve the taste.

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the thermometer does not drop below 18 °C at night. In areas with sharp changes in day and night temperatures, the beds are covered with non-woven covering material or bushes are grown in a greenhouse.

Pepper needs good lighting. In shaded areas, the foliage turns pale and the side shoots become fragile. The soil should not be acidic.

The bushes feel good on loamy and sandy soils. Regular watering has great importance. During the period of fruit formation, plants are watered frequently and abundantly.

When planting, you need to add organic fertilizer. In total, three times fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is required per season.

Fertilizers are applied by spraying or by watering. If necessary, treatment against pests and diseases is carried out. The bushes are affected by potato ladybugs, aphids and spider mites.

Tall varieties need staking. Besides:

  • for better branching, the crown is pinched at a height of 20 cm;
  • remove weak side shoots and stepsons, leaving a few strong ones;
  • The first flowers are cut off so that all the energy goes to.

At high temperatures the plant is shaded. To avoid cross-pollination, plant separately from the spicy one.

Hot peppers grow well next to eggplants and tomatoes. These vegetables belong to the same species and require the same conditions.

Spicy herbs growing nearby give the pepper a spicy flavor. Dill, marjoram, thyme and basil are planted between the beds of peppers.

Many varieties ripen faster next to nettle, chamomile and dandelion. However, large numbers of weeds will choke the plant and take away nutrients.

Regular weeding is necessary. Fennel has a negative effect on hot peppers. It oppresses the bushes and can cause their death. Beets and potatoes make bad neighbors.

Seedlings of a crop called hot pepper are very sensitive to cold. Therefore, before transplanting plants into open ground, you need to harden them and leave them outside for several nights. It is important that the seedlings do not look lethargic in the morning.

Organic fertilizers can only be used if they are well rotted. It is better not only to fertilize the soil, but also to disinfect it before planting. A solution of manganese, boron, or just boiling water is suitable for this, which can be poured over the holes an hour before planting.

After planting, it is better to water the plants with slightly warm water. It is better to mulch the soil under the pepper with peat or plant the seedlings on agrofibre.

The mole cricket is also a dangerous pest. This insect eats the roots of hot peppers, after which the aboveground part quickly dies. To protect plants, you can prepare porridge to which an insecticide and a large amount of vegetable oil. Among the drugs we recommend Regent, Aktaru, Konfidor, Bi-58.

The resulting mixture is placed in a groove to a depth of 2-3 cm, which is dug around the bed. You can simply lightly sprinkle the boiled cereal with soil. It is important that the porridge is covered with something, otherwise the birds may die, and not the described unpleasant pest.


Essential oils and pungency perfectly stimulate the appetite. Fresh pepper is added to salads and sauces.

The small fruits are used entirely in pickling; they add an original flavor to other vegetables.

It’s hard to imagine adjika, Mexican sauces and oriental dishes without pepper. Dry pepper seasoning is added to meat, hot appetizers and seafood dishes.

IN folk medicine There are many recipes based on hot pepper. It has a warming effect.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract add a piece of pepper to warm milk and drink it before bed.

An alcohol infusion based on red pepper stimulates hair growth and strengthens its structure. The juice is added to the massage oil. This composition is used in the fight against cellulite.

While watching the video you will learn about.

Hot peppers are one of the popular vegetable crops. New varieties appear regularly, characterized by cold resistance and original appearance fruits Every summer resident will find a variety that he likes.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

“Playing with fire” in the daily diet is very useful - the active substances of hot peppers contribute to the production of hormones, fight depression and strengthen the immune system. But some varieties of pepper are so unbearable that it seems as if they are actually burning with fire! Hot top of the hottest peppers in the world.

1 place

Carolina Reaper - The brainchild of South Carolina. The lumpy surface and tail make it scary even in appearance, but tasting it is an even more dangerous task - the human mucous membrane is not adapted to such extreme doses of pungency. The degree of pungency is determined in chemical laboratories organoleptically, that is, by taste, but not of the pure product, but of the extract. Therefore, it makes sense to conduct experiments with this type of pepper only at your own peril and risk.

The record holder owns 2,200,000 units on the special Scoville scale. In comparison, Chili, aka Cayenne pepper, has only 50,000 units on this scale, which evaluates heat based on the amount of the “hot” alkaloid, capsaicin. It is its content in one quantity or another that makes pepper more or less spicy.

2nd place

– this is the name of the pepper, which back in 2012 was the Guinness record holder for the hottest pepper in the world. This name was given to the pepper because of its round shape and tail, like a scorpion. Pepper fruits are used to make tear gas and pepper spray. You need to use autojack workwear whose price matches the quality.

On the Scoville scale, the severity of Scorpio Trinidad ranges from 1.5 to 2 million units.

3rd place

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T . The predecessor of the first two types, which until 2011 was the first among the hottest peppers. He was raised through crossbreeding different varieties. Professional chefs who have had to deal with this type of pepper claim that the numbness of the fingers lasts for several more days, despite the fact that the dishes are prepared using gloves, a mask and a suit.

Sharpness: 1.46 million Scoville units.

4th place

- another pepper obtained artificially thanks to a breeder from Britain. It held the title of the hottest pepper for only two weeks, but don’t let that fool you – its heat will be enough to make even the most prepared person cry. In appearance, it has a lumpy surface and pleasant colors from orange to dark red.

Sharpness – 1.17 million units on the Scoville scale.

5th place

Spanish Naga . Despite the name, this type of pepper has nothing in common with Spain, except that its bright red color may be reminiscent of the Spanish bullfight. It was grown in the harsh conditions of UK breeding laboratories. Its pungency on the scale is 1.08 million units.

6th place

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia . Contrary to the rather “sweet” name, the reason for it is only the color of the pepper. India is considered to be its homeland, where it is popular in preparing a variety of curry dishes.

Sharpness – 1 million units.

7th place

Red Caribbean Habanero . This type of pepper is native to the Amazon and is quite popular in Mexican cuisine. Its spiciness is almost twice that of a traditional habanero and amounts to 457 thousand units.

8th place

Tigerpaw NR . An artificially bred pepper variety originally from a US agricultural laboratory. Its origin does not allow it to be used as food, however, many extreme lovers use it for cooking to add to their list of tried-and-true insanities.

Sharpness – 331 thousand units.

9th place

Devil's tongue . This type of pepper really resembles a tongue in shape and has a pleasant yellow tint. Tasters claim that its fruits have a nutty flavor; believe it or not - it’s up to every gourmet. The heat of this pepper is 270 thousand units.

10th place

Madame Jeanette . Pepper from Suriname, which with its pleasant yellow color and smooth shape can mislead you, but you should not trust the first impression - it is a frequent guest in the cuisines of Suriname. And the traditions of this cuisine are incomparably hotter and sharper than ours.

Sharpness – 225 thousand units.

Once upon a time, in the Moruga region of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, located in the southern Caribbean, a pepper was grown that was destined to become the hottest capsicum in the world. According to the scale proposed by chemist Wilbur Scoville for comparing the degrees of spiciness of capsicums, the fruits of Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend can have more than 2 million units.

Because of the incredible heat of this pepper, scientists worked in gas masks, two pairs of latex gloves and protective suits during its study. However, according to one of the researchers, a slight burning sensation was still felt on the skin of the hands.

If you decide to bite into a piece of Trinidad Scorpion Moruga pepper, in the first minutes you will think that it is not spicy at all. However, after just a few minutes, the degree of burning sensation will begin to rapidly increase, and you will feel as if your tongue, throat and esophagus are on fire! Your blood pressure will rise, your face will turn red, and your eyes will start to water a lot. Some who tried this pepper even experienced bouts of nausea.

However, not all the fruits of this pepper can achieve such pungency. Most often, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga fruits measure just over 1.2 million Scoville units. The degree of spiciness of pepper depends, first of all, on the conditions in which it was grown. If, for example, a plant lacks water and the ambient temperature is too high, then its fruits will be hotter than the fruits of those plants that were grown in more favorable conditions.

In addition to its spiciness, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend is notable for its delicate fruity aroma, thanks to which its fruits, added to food in very small quantities, give the dish a piquant and, at the same time, pleasant taste.

Interestingly, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend was voted the hottest pepper as recently as February 2012. Until this time, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T was considered the hottest pepper, the heat of which reaches about 1.4 million Scoville units.

In March 2011, the "Trinidad Scorpion Butch T" variety was listed in the Guinness Book as the hottest pepper in the world. On the Scoville scale, its heat is 1,463,700 units.

In 2012, this record was broken by the “Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend” variety; on the Scoville scale, its heat varies from 1.2 to 2 million units.

To grow and process this pepper, you must wear gas masks and protective clothing similar to chemical protective suits. In its homeland, the Trinidad Scorpion is used in the military industry to produce tear gas. Also, capsaicin obtained from it is added to the paint that covers the bottoms of ships to protect against shellfish.

In order to better imagine the spiciness of this pepper, we present the following table (type of pepper, number of units on the Scoville scale):

Bell pepper – 0;
Pepperoncini, pimenta – from 100 to 500;
Anaheim pepper – from 500 to 1000;
Tabasco Sauce (green pepper) – from 600 to 800;
Poblano Pepper – from 1000 to 1500;
Rocotillo Pepper – from 1500 to 2500;
Tabasco sauce – from 2500 to 5000;
Jalapeño – from 2500 to 8000;
Tabasco Sauce (Habanero) – from 7000 to 8000;
Wax Pepper - from 10,000 to 11,000;
Serrano Pepper - from 10,000 to 23,000;
Cayenne pepper, Ají pepper, Tabasco pepper – from 30,000 to 50,000;
Thai pepper, Malagueta Pepper, Chiltepin Pepper – from 50,000 to 100,000;
Jamaican hot pepper – from 100,000 to 200,000;
Habanero - from 100,000 to 350,000;
Scotch Bonnet – from 100,000 to 350,000;
Red Savina Habanero – from 350,000 to 577,000;
Dorset Naga - from 876,000 to 970,000;
Naga Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T – from 855,000 to 1,463,700;
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red, pepper spray (USA) - from 2,000,000 to 5,300,000;
Nordihydrocapsaicin – 9,100,000;
Pure capsaicin – from 15,000,000 to 16,000,000;
Tiniatoxin – 5,300,000,000;
Resiniferatoxin – 16,000,000,000.

According to experts, a person who tries this pepper will not notice its pungency for the first seconds, but after a few minutes the burning sensation will begin to rapidly increase, and it will seem to you that your whole mouth is on fire. In addition, your blood pressure will increase and your eyes will start to water a lot. Some people even experienced bouts of nausea.