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Puzzles about chemistry. Chemical and biological brain ring “Journey to the land of knowledge. Metals and non-metals

Chemical-biological brain-ring

"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Target: find out the level and depth of knowledge gained from studying a course in chemistry, biology: knowledge of terms, processes; continue the aesthetic education of students, continue to develop the ability to analyze information, quickly find an answer; increase motivation and interest in studying the subject.

Preparation for the event:

Divide the class into teams, give a name, prepare questions for the opposing team. This same activity can be done between classes.

Progress of the event:

1. Warm up - guess funny riddles and questions.

2. Guess the anagrams.

3. Both jokingly and seriously - a poetry competition.

4. Competition for captains and chooses an assistant

5. Guess the puzzle: “Chemical elements”

6. Race for the leader time one minute

1. Warm up – guess funny riddles and questions

1. Which chemical element does not have a permanent “registration” in the periodic table chemical elements? (Hydrogen)

2. Which chemical element is always happy? (Radon)

3. Which gas claims that it is not it? (Neon)

4. What names do trees include? (Nick spruce , oak niy)

5. What noble metal is made up of algae? (Pla Tina )

6. What chemical element do adults and children like to play with in their leisure time? (Zo lotto )

7. The names of two chemical elements include the drink of sea pirates. What are these elements? (B rum , X rum )

8. From what metal must one third be cut off to obtain a known skeletal or human bone? (Xie edge )

9. What kind of fluid in the body is approximately 5 liters. (Blood)

10. Which neurons transmit information to the brain. ( Sensitive)

11. A chemical element that is part of bones. (Calcium)

12. The part of the brain responsible for coordinating movement. (Cerebellum)

13. Defense mechanism body. (Immunity)

14. Lack of this vitamin causes scurvy. (WITH)

15. Where are the alveoli located? (Lungs)

16. The animal Pavlov studied on conditioned reflexes. (Dog)

2. Guess the anagrams:

The letters are on the table in front of you.

Arrange them so that they become words.

The first word is one figure,

In total, mind you, there are four corners.

Be able to collect the second word -

You should call it a red-brown liquid.

(Rhombus - bromine)

I am a flammable product

“I live” in the swamps.

But there is one letter

The title is short.

Her jump is fast -

And everything changed:

I have become an element.

So a miracle happened!


Twelve pairs - don't forget!

All the people in the world.

In another meaning - narrow edge, -

This is what children learn at school.

But if you add CE to me,

Then in an instant I will turn into metal.

To add to this,

That I will be in the first group.


3. “Both jokingly and seriously” - poetry competition.

It is necessary to arrange the right side of the poem in accordance with the left: the speed of completing the task is assessed logic and humor three points

Left side

Right part

Angry boar



Sat on a branch

Languishing in a cage

I sewed my own pants

I taught biology

I caught my tail

Sharpened his fangs

I was beeping

I set it for dinner

Usami moved his mustache

Flying under the clouds

Jumping in the yard

Gurgling on the fire

4. Captains competition.

(Chooses an assistant to help)

Depict this or that animal and its character.

· Happy cow

· Pensive Penguin

· Happy crocodile

· Scared chicken

The names of twelve chemical elements are encrypted in the puzzles. Decipher them.

1. Nickel 2. Iodine 3. Nitrogen 4. Boron 5. Manganese 6. Silicon 7. Arsenic 8. Carbon 9. Zirconium 10. Argon 11. Copper 12. Krypton

6. Race for the leader (time one minute)

1. Organ that perceives the taste of food. (Language)

2. What teeth do rodents lack? (Klykov)

3. How to determine the number of electrons in the last damage. (Group number)

4. The number of chromosomes in the egg. (46)

5. Wild striped horse. (Zebra)

6. What does the period show? ( Number of energy levels)

7. The outer covering of the human body. (Leather)

8. Sounds that are not perceived by the human ear. (Ultrasound)

9. What properties do metals exhibit? (Recovery)

10. Gland that produces adrenaline. (Adrenal glands)

11. The largest mammal. (Blue whale)

12. What letter indicates the amount of a substance. (n)

13. Lack of this vitamin leads to rickets. (D)

14. The most highly organized primate. (Human)

15. Who studied reflexes. (Pavlov)

16. Simple substances. (Consist of one type of atom)

17. Marsupial bear. (Koala)

18. A set of human bones. (Skeleton)

19. What gas do living organisms breathe? (Oxygen)

20. What properties do nonmetals exhibit? (Oxidative)

21. Animal Science. (Zoology)

22. Liquid metal . (Mercury)

23. Substance covering the tooth. (Dentin Enamel)

24. An animal that eats animals. ( Predator)

25. Gas exhaled during breathing. (Carbon dioxide)

26. Reflexes that are inherited. (Congenital)

27. An animal that looks like a surgical instrument. (Lancelet)

28. Neurons through which information goes to the working organ. (Motor)

29. How does a lion differ from a lioness in appearance? (Mane)

30. What is at the center of an atom. (Core)

31. With cones we perceive ________ (Color)

32. How many chambers are there in the heart of a mammal. (Four)

33. Where is the stirrup? (Middle ear)

34. What does a bear eat in winter. (He doesn't eat, he sleeps)

35. Chemical element number one. (Hydrogen)

36. Gas exchange takes place________ (In lungs and tissues)

38. How many teeth does a person have? (32)

39. The strongest oxidizing agent, non-metal. (Fluorine)

40. Sheep's milk cheese. (Brynza)

41. What can change its curvature. (Lens)

42. How mushrooms reproduce. (Spores, mycelium)

43. The most active metal. ()

44. What kind of salt is added to food. (Cooking)

45. What are gametes. (Sex cells)

46. ​​A variety of atoms of a chemical element. (Isotopes)

47. Gland that regulates the amount of iodine. (Thyroid)

48. Where does blood flow? ( By vessels)

49. Hormone of fear. (Adrenalin)

50. The process of transferring pollen from one plant to another is called. (Pollination)

51. A person has them. (46)

Score table:

brain ring

1 team

2nd team

Team 3

4 team

1. Warm up - guess funny riddles and questions.

2. Guess the anagrams.

3. Both jokingly and seriously - a poetry competition.

4. Competition for captains and chooses an assistant

5. Guess the puzzle: “Chemical elements”

6. Race to the leader time one minute




Rebuses are drawings, images or symbols that need to be solved or deciphered. Rebuses encrypt individual words, sayings, proverbs, excerpts from works, etc. To solve the rebus, you need to determine the meanings of the given pictures or symbols and write them down one after the other without spaces or punctuation marks. After that, the resulting series of letters is divided according to their meaning into individual words, which make up a phrase. When composing puzzles, they use certain techniques for encrypting text or individual words. For example, the picture shows a house, and to the left of it there is a comma. This means that one initial letter of the word HOUSE is discarded, and the remaining part is written OM.

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- the sphere of social and government activities in society. — radar installation. - a segment lying at the intersection of the faces of a geometric body. - a program-controlled machine that performs complex operations related to movement in space. — the rotating part of an electric motor or turbine. - a linear measuring instrument in the form of a flexible tape made of metal or fabric. - pet food in...

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The game involves 2 teams of players (grades 8–9). A week before the game, teams are tasked with choosing a captain, coming up with a name for their team and emblems for the players, and making signs with the team name. 3 days before the game, both teams become familiar with the rules of solving puzzles and practice solving charades, anagrams, and metagrams.

To play the game you need 2 presenters. The 1st presenter must work with the slides, read the conditions of the tasks chosen by the players. The 2nd leader must lead the entire game. In addition, you need 2 people who must demonstrate entertaining experiments and tricks.

Anyone from grades 8–9, 11 can be invited as spectators to the event.

Tricks are demonstrated after “Anagrams 30” and “Charades 20”.

After answering “Rebuses 25” it is shown entertaining experience“Fireproof scarf.”

After answering “Metagrams 50”, the entertaining “Volcano” experiment is demonstrated.

Goals: to develop educational, cognitive and information and communication competencies of students, cognitive interest in the subject of chemistry; develop organization, responsibility, and ability to work in a group.

Equipment: electronic presentation “Kaleidoscope of chemical mysteries”, plates with team names, emblems for players, a stage table, a heating device, paper with the inscription “Good luck” (the inscription was made the day before with dilute sulfuric acid using a glass rod), a crystallizer with water, a crystallizer with ethyl alcohol, handkerchief, glass rod, ammonium dichromate (crystals), for tricks: the periodic table of chemical elements, a poster with the signs of the elements Na, O, H. The teams were given on the tables: the periodic table, a printed playing field, sheets of paper for each player, pens.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We are starting the game “Kaleidoscope of Chemical Riddles”. Today we have 2 teams in the game. Let's welcome our players! (Introduction to teams and captains.)

Now let's get acquainted with the rules of the game. Before us is the playing field. It consists of 5 nominations: “Simply riddles”, “Anagrams”, “Rebuses”, “Charades”, “Metagrams”.

Presenter 2: Each nomination is represented by 5 tasks of varying difficulty. The difficulty of a task can be judged by its code number: the larger the number, the more difficult the task and, accordingly, the more points the team will earn if they answer correctly. Teams choose a task in turn, naming the nomination and the task code number (sum of points for the correct answer), for example, “Rebuses 10”. You are given 1 minute to think about each task. If the team can answer before this time, then the captain gives a signal and the team answers ahead of schedule. An early answer, if correct, will earn each team member a surprise prize, which players will receive at the end of the game. If the early answer is incorrect, the right to answer the riddle question passes to the opposing team. The teams have paper playing fields on their tables. Please mark those tasks that have already been selected so that there are no repetitions.

We will determine which team will choose first by drawing lots. (captains participate in the draw).

Presenter 1: Now let's get acquainted with the nominations. The easiest nominations are “Simply riddles” and “Rebuses”. The nominations “Anagrams”, “Charades”, “Metagrams” are presented with more complex tasks, but if successful they will bring the teams an impressive amount of points.

The “Simply Riddles” category presents 5 simple chemical riddles in a classic form. They talk about chemical elements and simple substances. In the “Rebuses” category, players will be offered images that hide the names of chemical elements.

Let us remind you that Anagrams are riddles whose answers consist of the same letters.. For example, the words flask and glass can form an anagram. Having guessed one word in the riddle, you need to rearrange the letters so that you get a new word. You must include both words in your answer.

Presenter 2: In the nomination “Charades” you will hear riddles, the answers to which are solved in parts. For example, two words MOUSE and YAK, when combined with each other, form the whole word ARSENIC. Metagrams are riddles in which different words consisting of the same number of letters are encrypted. Having solved one of the words of the metagram, you need to replace one or more letters in it so that you get a new word according to the meaning of the riddle.

Dear players! Note! If you see a “Smile” emoticon on the question sector, then after completing the task you will be shown a trick. Tasks are marked with a red cloud on the playing field, after which you will be shown an entertaining experience. And our tenth graders Ilya Konstantinov and Fedor Samarkin will do this for you (bow to the audience)

Konstantinov: Friends! Yesterday I found an unusual envelope in our school's mailbox addressed to our teams. There is no return address on it. But the most amazing thing is that the envelope contains a blank sheet of paper!

Samarkin: Nothing special! It's just a letter written with chemical ink. To read such a letter, it needs to be heated. Look! (Demonstration of the “Secret Letter” experiment.) The inscription “Good luck” appeared on the sheet. I join the unknown letter writer in wishing all the players good luck in today's game.

Just riddles 5

Found application in alloy technology
Like a durable and lightweight metal
And in aircraft manufacturing
Important place occupied. (Aluminum)

Just riddles 10

Metal in salts is the support of many,
And without him our legs would not carry us. (Calcium)

Just riddles 15

He is called lifeless,
But life cannot be created without it. (Nitrogen)

Just riddles 20

He is not afraid of oxidation,
Plasticity is not surpassed,
In acid without dissolution
He may be there.
To make it easier to guess,
I'll tell you that he
Can only dissolve
Whole in “royal vodka”. (Gold)

Just riddles 25

He's just like a brother to people
Many thousands of years ago
Lighting up the interior
Their primitive caves,
He was already burning in the fire.
And he was happy to decorate
Ladies and knights attire,
What shone at court...
If he decides to be soft,
He will write that in his notebook. (Carbon, diamond, graphite, coal)

Anagrams 10

I am a flammable product
“I live” in the swamps. (Peat)
But there is one letter
The title is short.
Her jump is fast -
And everything changed:
I have become an element.
So a miracle happened! (Fluorine)

Anagrams 20

Born in a bright flame,
I am plain and gray. (Ash)
If you rearrange the letters,
I will become a flexible stem. (Vine)

Anagrams 30

I am the rarest gas on Earth. (Radon)
Radium and lead are close to my heart.
But you will rearrange the letters for me,
And I am a history maker. (People)

Anagrams 40

The letters are on the table in front of us.
Let's arrange them so that they become words.
Here is the first word - one figure,
Note that there are four corners in total. (Rhombus)
And they managed to collect the second word,
We had to find it in the halogens. (Bromine)

Anagrams 50

What a miracle - an anagram!
Four words – a whole series!
One makes us laugh throughout the program. (Clown)
The second one will split everything. (Cleaver)
The third one goes out of his way:
He tries to reject everyone. (Slope)
And the fourth one can immediately
Measure current and decorate. (Pendant)

My first syllable means collapse. (Crash)
My second syllable is tiny. (Small)
I am born only in green plants.
Think about who I am? (Starch)

My first syllable is a big cart. (WHO)
Moral strength is my second syllable. (Spirit)
In general, fulfilling the most important role,
Although invisible, I am always with you. (Air)

My basis is dry grass (Hay)
There are consonants on both ends. (K, n)
In general, I am a gas, dear friends.
And who I am, I think, is clear to you. (Xenon)

My first syllable is a preposition, (from)
The second syllable is a message. (News)
So that you can call me,
Remember the connection. (Lime)

Metagrams 10

The ships are passing me;
The pilot knows it by heart. (stranded)
If L is replaced by D,
Then I’ll turn out to be metal. (Copper)

Metagrams 20

I am a mountainous region on our planet,
My riches are known everywhere. (Ural)
But if you replace L with N for me,
Look for me among the actinides. (Uranus)

Metagrams 30

Two chemical elements
In the metagram I wished for you:
C X – metal element, (Chrome)
Well, with B – I’m already non-metal. (Bromine)

Metagrams 40

Mendeleev was the first to predict me,
The French scientist gave it the name. (Gallium)
If you replace the first letter in it,
You can quickly change my place in the system. (Thallium)

Metagrams 50

S M – unit; (Mole)
S B – I’m in the hospital; (Pain)
S R – I’m on stage; (Role)
And SS is on the table. (Salt)
Who are we? Tell me!

Presenter: (After anagrams 30 ) Dear friends! Now before your eyes Ilya Konstantinov and Fedor Samarkin ( come out) will conduct a session of transmitting thoughts at a distance through words.

Konstantinov: To conduct a session, you need one person from the audience, preferably one who can count well orally. Does anybody want?

(Meeting an eighth-grader, Samarkin is blindfolded)

Konstantinov to an eighth grader: Think of some chemical element and silently show it with a pointer in the table.

Konstantinov to Fedor: Fedor!

(Approaches Samarkin, waves his hands above his head). Concentrate your thoughts on receiving the telepathic signal.

Konstantinov to the eighth grader: find the serial number of the element in the table, but do not say the numbers out loud.


Multiply it by two


add 5 to the product


Multiply the resulting amount by 5


Now say the final result loudly 2 times

(Unties Samarkin’s eyes, Samarkin approaches the table)

Samarkin: an element was conceived...(names the element and shows it in the table) To determine the intended element, the last digit is discarded from the number named by the viewer, and then subtracts 2 from the remaining number. Having calculated the serial number, he finds the desired element in the table and shows it to the audience with a pointer

Presenter 1. (After charades 20) A poster with signs of chemical elements is placed on the board: H, Na, O.

Konstantinov: Dear friends! Now you will see that a telepathic signal can be transmitted not only through a word, but also through the warmth of a hand (blindfolds Samarkin’s eyes).

Anyone want to test Fedor's telepathic abilities?

(Meet the audience)

Go to the poster and silently point to any of the three chemical elements with your pointer. (Unties Samarkin's eyes)

Samarkin : touches various signs on the poster with his hands, as if trying to feel something, and at this time listens carefully to Konstantinov. Focus Code: ABOUT - what element? Na- well, what was planned? N – now guess!

Konstantinov: (says the code for Samarkin depending on the situation)

O - what element

Na – well, what was planned?

N - now guess!

Samarkin: ( The code determines the intended element. He holds his hand on it longer and calls it out loud.)

Heat comes from this element... It was conceived... ( Names the element)

The final. Winner's reward ceremony.