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Sample menu for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester. Nutrition for pregnant women by trimester. Basic rules for nutrition in late pregnancy

Pregnancy is probably the most desirable time in a woman’s life; during this period she prepares to become a mother and continue her family line. But the final stage of pregnancy is the most difficult; it can be accompanied by various additional stresses on the body. What problems can arise at the final stage of pregnancy, the so-called third trimester?

For most pregnant women, heartburn becomes common in the third trimester, due to the fact that the abdominal muscles that previously prevented the entry of gastric juices relax. Another problem may be nausea in the third trimester; this happens due to the fact that your uterus begins to take up a larger part of your body. abdominal cavity while pushing the stomach up.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, alcohol is strictly prohibited, which will have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus, and it is also advised to refrain from eating sour and spicy foods, which could contribute to heartburn.

Another advantage will be a review of the daily diet, avoiding large portions of food, it is better to eat small portions, after which you need to take a walk in the fresh air. It is also important to maintain the level of water in the body; you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration.

During the 3rd trimester, the menu should be fractional, complete and nutritious.

It will not hurt to eat foods high in fiber, which mainly prevent constipation, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

In the third trimester, the internal organs of the child are intensively developing, and it is no secret that during this period a pregnant woman can gain up to 2 kg per week; during this period it is very important to provide a nutritious and healthy diet.

During the third trimester, you should add about 400 kcal to your diet, and you should never go on a diet or watch what you eat, you need to choose healthy food, but don’t limit yourself to it.

During the last stage of pregnancy, more than ever, a lot of protein foods are needed for the development of the child. Nutritionists recommend 5 to 7 servings of meat per day and about a liter of milk to meet the body's protein needs.

Should be consumed: meat, poultry, fish, dairy products. You should resist the temptation to eat exotic fish, which may contain a high mercury content, which can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

The body's needs during pregnancy are varied, and it does not ignore the need for additional vitamins, which partly form the child's immunity. Iron and folic acid are primarily needed and the need for these vitamins increases by about 50% during the third trimester.

While taking vitamins, it is also worth eating foods containing large amounts of vitamin C, foods containing high grains and fiber. Vitamin C is very important for the body as it promotes the absorption of iron. The diet should contain a lot of grain products, meat, legumes and green vegetables; they contain large amounts of iron and acid.

Choosing the right and healthy eating largely determines the future health of the child, choosing a healthy diet during the third trimester will not only benefit your child, but will also help you get rid of nausea and. Therefore, watch the food you eat and do not limit yourself during pregnancy - this will not be beneficial. After all, there will be plenty of time to go on a diet in the future.

Video about nutrition for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Menu for the first trimester of pregnancy

Menu for the second trimester of pregnancy

  • : Menu No. 1Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 2Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 3Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 4Download in PDF format

Menu for the third trimester of pregnancy

  • : Menu No. 1Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 2Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 3Download in PDF format
  • : Menu No. 4Download in PDF format

Last updated: January 2015Sign up for BabyCenter to receive weekly newsletters dedicated to your baby's development.Enter your baby's birthday or birthday Are you planning a pregnancy?

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farchik03/02/15 Everything is so delicious)) I am once again convinced that you can eat not only healthy, but also tasty during pregnancy. The only thing to ensure such variety during the day is to spend the whole day in the kitchen) cooking and eating, cooking and eating) but I will definitely include several dishes and products in my diet, especially since in the 3rd trimester you can even eat a muffin and cheesecake with kefir :) thanks to the authors.

Proper nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third and final trimester is the most exciting part of pregnancy; the expectant mother begins to fully feel her baby and prepare for his birth. At the same time, the baby himself at this stage of pregnancy is already practically formed. He begins to gain mass more intensively and increase in size, and his brain is in the final stages of its formation, while his lungs are just beginning to develop, preparing for their first breath. Based on the above, we can conclude that in the last months of pregnancy it is especially important to eat right so that the baby receives the highest quality and healthy foods, gaining the required body weight. To a certain extent, the baby’s strength and health depend on this.

What vitamins should you focus on?

The need for folic acid and iron increases especially strongly in the third trimester, so the consumption of foods containing these substances should be increased by half. In addition to this, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C, fiber and high grains. It is best to get beneficial microelements from legumes, grains, green vegetables, (almost all dark varieties) poultry and meat. Don’t forget about calcium, it needs to be taken regularly, but in moderation, since the load on bones and joints in the third trimester increases significantly, but at the same time, hypercalcification of the fetal head may occur. Vitamin K is vital, preventing bleeding and regulating blood clotting in a pregnant mother.

Diet for pregnant women 3rd trimester

There are no particularly strict dietary requirements in the last trimester. You should try to eat more fresh vegetables, ideally they should make up about sixty percent of your total daily diet. It is recommended to eat a small amount of natural dried fruits daily, but it is better to prepare them in advance at home. Can be consumed in moderation walnuts, but it is better to consult your doctor before doing so. And most importantly, reduce your salt intake, as it retains fluid in the body, which leads to increased blood pressure and bloating. It is advisable to increase the number of meals to seven times a day, but the portions cannot be increased. It is better to eat in small portions, but often.

If edema is present, you should completely limit your salt intake for several days and increase your consumption of clean water.

  • It is imperative to eat various berries and fruits (pomegranate, blueberries, blue grapes and bananas).
  • The food should contain beef and other types of meat (if you do not consume meat during pregnancy, then anemia may develop against this background).
  • Every other day you need to eat two yolks.
  • It is recommended to include pumpkin and beet dishes in your diet.
  • It is best to have oatmeal or buckwheat porridge for breakfast.

Improving muscle elasticity before childbirth

To do this, you need to regularly drink freshly squeezed carrot juice in moderate quantities with the addition of a small amount of cream or high-quality vegetable oil. This fresh juice increases the elasticity of all muscles, including the muscles of the perineum. About three to four weeks before giving birth, you should avoid consuming animal protein. If this is not done, then pain during pregnancy will be more intense, and the likelihood of rupture will increase significantly. In the last month of pregnancy, it is better to give up fatty, starchy and sweet foods. This kind of abstinence greatly facilitates childbirth.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast. One hundred and fifty grams of porridge with finely chopped fruit or one large piece of toast covered with butter and honey (can be replaced with jam if desired). You can additionally eat a fruit of your choice.
  • Lunch. About one hundred grams of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese, fruits and berries.
  • Dinner. Any soup of your choice, but always with bread.
  • Second lunch. Salad of fresh vegetables, about three hundred grams of boiled fish or boiled meat.
  • Afternoon snack. A handful of dried fruits and nuts. You can eat some sunflower seeds.
  • Dinner. Scrambled eggs with vegetable salad or fruit puree. You can exchange it for a side dish with a high carbohydrate content or for a fish and meat dish.
  • Second dinner. A small amount of protein with a fresh vegetable salad or fruit puree. Chicken or fish soup. For dessert, kefir or smoothie with natural fruits.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir and a couple of egg whites.

Menu for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. How to eat right

The menu of the expectant mother is a factor that affects the physical and mental development of the baby, and you should not forget about it. In addition, the growing uterus, which constantly puts pressure on the stomach and intestines, and digestive problems such as constipation and heartburn should also be taken into account when choosing food. We offer you the ideal menu option for the day, designed for women whose pregnancy is already coming to an end.

  • Porridge. Ideally, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. It is better to avoid semolina porridge during pregnancy - it is the most high-calorie porridge of all.
  • Muesli with milk or yogurt.
  • Cottage cheese preferably with grated apple or carrot.
  • Sandwich with a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato or cucumber.
  • A cup of green tea or a glass of juice. If you wish, you can drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk.
  • A salad of your favorite vegetables, seasoned with butter or sour cream, but not with mayonnaise.
  • First - soup.
  • For the second course - boiled or stewed meat and mashed potatoes, or vegetable stew and fish baked with vegetables.
  • Compote or fruit drink.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the child is already formed and viable, all he can do is gain weight, and the woman’s body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding. Nutrition during the third trimester should not overload the body, be light and at the same time balanced.

How to choose the right foods in the last three months of pregnancy

The daily set of products, calorie content and the need for basic substances is approximately the same as in the second trimester.


You should choose lean meats such as beef, chicken, duck, rabbit, and turkey. It is good to boil or stew the meat, bake it, after cutting out the fat from it. You can eat meat and fish not every day, but 4 times a week. Do not use meat broths as food; they impair liver function. Two weeks before giving birth, the portion of meat can be reduced by two to three times or abandoned altogether: the baby is already formed, mature, and this will not harm him, and the woman’s body will relax, the muscles of the perineum will prepare for childbirth, without meat they will be more elastic and the baby It will be easier to pass through the birth canal.

Vegetables and fruits

It is better to eat potatoes young and with their skins, carrots and beets fresh and boiled, any cabbage can be used, but broccoli is healthier, greens must be consumed daily. You should not get carried away with tomatoes, because they can cause allergies, but cucumbers can be eaten; they also have a mild diuretic effect. When choosing fruits and vegetables, it is better to take domestic ones, all for the same reason: so as not to put the unborn child at risk of allergies. They should be eaten according to the season: in summer and autumn there are fresh, and in winter and spring, keep fresh only what can be stored well (carrots, beets, potatoes), or take the rest out of the freezer (pumpkin, green pea, berries), or dried. The berries can be frozen for the winter, dried, rubbed with sugar, or made into five-minute jam. Nature provides everything, and in winter it is more difficult for the body to cope with allergens from fresh vegetables and fruits. You should not buy eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes in stores in winter, because they contain more nitrates and other chemical compounds than nutrients.

Interesting to know! Among the pregnant women examined in Russia, deficiency of B vitamins was detected in 20–90% of women, and vitamin C deficiency in 45%.


Drink about a mug of milk per day, up to 1/2 liter of fermented milk products. It’s better to make homemade yoghurt or buy plain low-fat yoghurt without additives, and at home add berries, dried fruits or top it with muesli, and you can also cook cottage cheese from fresh milk (add a couple of spoons of sour cream or kefir and bring to a boil), cottage cheese, like meat, before birth, it can be limited or eliminated so that the baby’s bones do not harden excessively. When choosing dairy products, it is better to choose simple ones, without additives, with a short shelf life. It is better to eat hard cheeses; it is advisable to place restrictions on soft cheeses and blue cheeses.


It is better to buy whole grain cereals: flakes have fewer beneficial properties. Semolina and white rice are undesirable from cereals; they remove beneficial substances from the body. To prepare porridge, the cereal should be soaked in water in advance and then boiled well. You can add vegetable oil and dried fruits to porridge. It is better to take coarse bread, rye, and even better with bran and seeds. Use not the highest grade flour.


Boil eggs hard; if possible, it is better to use quail eggs.


There is controversy regarding fluid limitation in the third trimester: those who adhere to the old Soviet rules recommend limiting it to 1–1.2 liters. Representatives of modern European views recommend drinking as much as you want, without restrictions, in order to remove toxins from the body. As a result, if 75% of the liquid you drink is excreted in urine per day, there is no excess weight gain - everything is fine and you should not limit yourself. It is important to avoid eating mushrooms.

Interesting to know! American scientists believe that the nutritional pattern and diet of a pregnant woman can affect the brain of the unborn child. It is known that a pregnant woman’s diet and lifestyle affect the health of the unborn child. American scientists (Yale School) believe that with an emphasis on fatty foods, especially in the third trimester, changes occur in the child's hypothalamus, which leads to metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes). And scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), in turn, have already proven that children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy increased the risk of bronchial asthma by 65%.

Menu for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester

When creating a menu, pay attention to:

  • The daily menu should contain at least three servings of foods that are rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fresh herbs) and iron (meat, spinach, berries, cabbage, buckwheat).
  • At least once a day you should eat a food rich in folic acid (greens, beans, lentils).
  • Eat foods containing vitamin C every day.
  • In the first half of the day, focus on protein foods; in the second half of the day, eat only light foods that are well and quickly absorbed: dairy products, salads, cereals.
  • Do not combine solid and liquid foods - you can eat soup, and after a couple of hours the second.

Sample menu diagram

  • Porridge with butter – 100 g/cottage cheese – 100 g/omelet or scrambled eggs,
  • Fruit/toast with jam,

You can skip porridge or tea with cookies, but don't give up soup. Let it be simple noodles cooked in meat or chicken broth, your stomach needs hot food and no drink can replace it. The general principle of nutrition during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester, is to eat more often, but make smaller portions. If you really want something, eat a little, because most often during pregnancy you want something that the body lacks, for example, zinc, which ordinary seeds are rich in.

Good to know! IN last month During pregnancy, it is better to exclude light carbohydrates from the diet: sugar, flour, jam and honey, and avoid fatty foods. This will allow you to prepare for childbirth, reduce the weight of the fetus and facilitate its birth.

One more nuance that should not be forgotten. No matter how fully organized the diet is during pregnancy, it is impossible to get all the necessary substances from food alone, so doctors prescribe special vitamins for pregnant women and preparations containing iodine, magnesium and, if necessary, iron. This precaution reduces the risk of the fetus not receiving vital vitamins, micro- and macroelements tenfold.

A video about nutrition during pregnancy will briefly talk about nutrition and give useful tips:

Pregnancy is a special condition female body, which is associated with various changes in hormonal levels, metabolism and even the physiology of internal organs.

Due to the restructuring of all systems during this period, a woman often experiences discomfort– nausea, heartburn, constipation. It is impossible to predict their occurrence, but you can reduce the risk of occurrence to a minimum. To do this you just need to follow a diet.

Morning sickness:

Morning sickness, as one of the manifestations of toxicosis, can be caused not only by changes associated with the restructuring of the body. You can reduce the risk of these sensations. To do this, after waking up, you don’t need to get up immediately and abruptly. Lie down for a few minutes, wake up completely, and only then get out of bed.

Another simple recipe - you should eat no earlier than an hour after getting up, and in the evening avoid overeating (if possible, do not eat hearty meat dishes at night).

Heartburn during pregnancy:

The cause of heartburn is increased acidity stomach. To avoid the unpleasant bitterness of heartburn, exclude black bread, fresh white bread, fried foods, sour and spicy foods, and kefir from the menu. Low-fat milk will help relieve heartburn that has already appeared. Under no circumstances should you drink soda diluted with water!

Constipation during pregnancy:

Constipation is an unpleasant phenomenon to which a pregnant woman is especially susceptible in the third trimester. The grown fetus compresses the intestines, making it difficult for processed food to pass through. In addition to discomfort for the mother, constipation is dangerous for the baby, since if the intestines are not cleaned in a timely manner, toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood, inevitably ending up in the fetus, and can cause intoxication (poisoning).

  • cabbage,

Proper nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. What pregnant women should not eat.

Hello dear readers of the site “Newborn Baby and Mother”. Today in an article from the “Mom’s Nutrition” series we will talk about “ Proper nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester“, about what pregnant women should not eat: what should be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet, and what is recommended during pregnancy? , and also provide a table with slag-free diet and nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.


1. Plastering the body with harmful substances can lead to gestosis. Preeclampsia is most often detected in the 3rd trimester (after 28 weeks). It occurs due to changes in the pregnant woman’s body, as a result of which substances are formed in the placenta that can create microholes in the vessels. Through these “holes” from the blood, plasma protein and liquid penetrate into the tissues, hence the pressure increases, sometimes up to 140/90 mm, so the kidneys cannot cope with the resulting load, and protein appears in the urine, which is why edema forms. To avoid the occurrence of gestosis at its first or minimal manifestations, such as: swelling of the fingers (inability to wear rings), slight swelling of the legs in the evening, occasional rise in blood pressure, the appearance of traces of protein in the urine, it is recommended to switch to a special slag-free diet.

2. Next serious problem, associated with poor nutrition, is a pathological weight gain of a pregnant woman. Everything is obvious here - it is necessary to exclude bread, bakery products, high-calorie foods, and carbohydrates from the diet.

3. Vaginosis. The disease is a consequence of a disruption in the interaction of bacteria inhabiting the vagina. Vaginosis of yeast origin occurs when you abuse food containing yeast, such products as kvass and yeast bread.

4. To avoid the formation of an allergic predisposition in a baby, it is not recommended to completely exclude allergens from the diet; it is much more correct to act according to the principle of homeopathy - on the contrary. That is, eat a little allergens every day.

A feature of the recommended diet is not limited fluid intake, but limitation and, possibly, exclusion of salt intake. As for the liquid, its consumption is necessary just to avoid intoxication. That is, the liquid should have a slight diuretic effect - green tea with lemon, rosehip, lingonberry leaf.

In addition, after 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, calcium intake is not recommended, including in milk and cottage cheese. Since this can lead to hypercalcification of the fetal head, in this case, childbirth may be difficult, especially if the pregnant woman has a narrow pelvis.

In the last trimester, it is worth paying more attention to vegetables and fruits, especially since during the first months of lactation you need to be very careful with them (see diet for a nursing mother).

It is recommended to eat more seafood, fatty, lightly salted fish, and caviar. Since they contain a large amount of vitamin E, which promotes good ripening of the cervix before childbirth. You should eat little and often, giving preference not to quantity, but to the quality of food.

There will be much more benefit from a dish prepared with love, with thoughts of the baby, beautifully decorated and eaten leisurely and with pleasure!

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

Slag-free nutrition (from 34 weeks of pregnancy - 3rd trimester), table

Healthy nutrition for a pregnant woman during the trimesters contributes to the best distribution of nutrients for the baby. At the beginning of pregnancy, preference is given to foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. At the end of pregnancy, the baby is formed and gains weight by accumulating fatty tissue under a thin layer of skin.

How to choose the right foods in the last three months of pregnancy

remains in one pore. Varying from +100 g and – 100 g

In the last three months of pregnancy, the number of daily calories reaches 2500 IU, which is not much different from the second trimester.

For the right choice products you need to know their energy value and amount of vitamins:

  1. Meat. If you imagine a pregnant woman’s nutrition by week, then meat products should be consumed from 1 week to 37. Starting from the 38th week, meat should be abandoned, as it does not have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the perineum and birth canal. The varieties should be low-fat: chicken, turkey, beef.
  2. Fish. Source of phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids- This sea ​​fish. A pregnant woman must have on her menu fish cutlets, baked or boiled fish 2 times a week. Heat treatment fish products must be exposed, that is, raw fish, for example in sushi, cannot be eaten.
  3. Vegetables. The main source of fiber is fresh vegetables. Starting from the 28th week of gestation, the amount of vegetables consumed increases. It is important that vegetables should be consumed in season, for example, tomatoes in winter are an artificial product, like cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini. Allowed vegetables: beets, boiled potatoes in their skins, cabbage (stewed, boiled), carrots - all these products can be prepared in warm weather.
  4. Fruits– the main source of vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits. Consumption of foods in the 3rd trimester compensates for the lack of vitamin and accumulates it for further distribution. Frozen berries do not lose their “vitamin content”; in addition, berry jam is an excellent immune stimulant. Fruits allowed in the last trimester of pregnancy include: apples, bananas, plums, and, to a limited extent, pears.
  5. Dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir, milk jelly are a source of calcium necessary for normal development support system fetus Throughout the entire gestation period, control over the amount of dairy products consumed is necessary, but at the end of pregnancy, after 3 weeks, they should be abandoned to prevent early ossification of the fetal skull.
  6. Porridge. There are no restrictions on porridges. Preference is given to whole grain cereals. Exclude rice and semolina cereals.
  7. Eggs– another source of calcium, but it is not recommended to consume it every day, since egg white causes allergies and can cause congenital diathesis.

At the end of gestation global changes observed in . The liquid consumed should vary from 500 ml to 1000 ml, taking into account unsweetened drinks.

You should not drink brewed rose hip tea, as rose hips contribute to the deposition of uric salts.

To properly monitor fluid output, you can keep a diary. It indicates the approximate amount of liquid drunk and the amount of urine excreted.


In the 3rd trimester of the gestational period, the number of meals is six.

  1. Breakfast is required, making up 20% of the diet.
  2. Second breakfast - 10 parts of the diet.
  3. The share of afternoon tea and lunch accounts for 15 and 30%, respectively.
  4. Dinner should be low-fat and easily digestible - about 10%.
  5. 2 hours before bedtime – a glass of dairy product.

Basic food elements from 26 to 38 weeks of pregnancy:

  • eat no more than 300 g of carbohydrates per day;
  • for the share of fats – 80 g (with the exception of excess weight of a pregnant woman);
  • protein products– 100 g.

Carbohydrates should be slowly digested from 30 weeks until the end of pregnancy.

Complex carbohydrates are characterized by low glycemic index.

Prohibited carbohydrates: sesame seeds, nuts, chocolate, pasta, buckwheat, muesli.

Sample menu diagram

The daily menu for a pregnant woman at 26 weeks of gestation is as follows.

Table 1.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
breakfast 2-3 pancakes with sour cream Curd and berry mass Porridge: wheat or pearl barley Buckwheat with milk Curd Herbal tea with rye bread and a piece of cheese Buttered toast, no more than 2 pieces
snack Snacks include: dates, nuts, drinking yogurt, muesli bars
dinner Vegetable soup with sour cream,

mashed potatoes with stewed chicken, sauerkraut


boiled beet salad, fish cutlets and millet porridge

Lenten borscht, buckwheat with beef in tomato sauce Rassolnik, potato casserole with minced meat Chicken noodles, macaroni and cheese and carrot and tomato salad Mashed potatoes with beef pieces, meatball soup Borscht with meat and sour cream, chicken pilaf and vegetable salad of beets, carrots and nuts
snack After lunch, drink a glass of compote, kefir or fruit drink (optional). For a snack: banana, apple, sandwich, cookies
dinner Pasta with vegetable salad Boiled white chicken meat with vegetables Minced meat with cabbage ( lazy cabbage rolls) Baked fish with carrots Vegetable salad with butter and buckwheat Wheat porridge with beef chop Chicken pie
After dinner (2 hours before bedtime) Ryazhenka Herb tea Dried fruits compote kefir Fruit drink or compote Chamomile and mint decoction kefir or yogurt

This rough plan nutrition for a pregnant woman, compiled for a week.

It is also important not to exceed the permissible standards for the quantity of food - 1 dish should not exceed 150 g.

Pregnancy weight

In the second half of pregnancy, the main weight change occurs, upward.

Starting from 26-27 weeks, the increase is 550 g weekly. By 36-37 weeks of gestation, weight reaches the expected maximum and remains unchanged until the time of birth.

So in the last trimester, the maximum weight gained should not exceed 15 kg.

Is it possible to follow a diet to lose weight during pregnancy?

To reduce weight in the 3rd gestational period, diets with mandatory fasting days.

If the permissible weight is outside the limits, pregnant women. Prohibited diets: fasting, citrus diet and bean diet.

Diet during pregnancy consists of introducing mandatory fasting days.


  • diabetes mellitus, except;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy;
  • . In this case, the diet will not be beneficial and the weight will not decrease.

Diets for weight loss during pregnancy for medical reasons

Self-control of weight at the last “stage” of pregnancy is the key to easy labor.

According to statistics, fat women It is more difficult to endure the birth process due to the large amount of fat deposits.

In obese women, since adipose tissue is not capable of fusion.

Doctors have developed and proposed the following diets or fasting days:

  • Curd;
  • Apple;
  • kefir;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Vegetable.

On one day of the week, you should only consume one product from the list above.

For example, when choosing a buckwheat method of fighting extra pounds, 1 day a week you should eat only buckwheat and dishes made from that product: porridge, soups.

On the second day after the fasting day, a large meal is unacceptable.

If the cause of weight gain is swelling lower limbs, then a complete refusal of salt, hot and spicy foods. The amount of fluid consumed decreases.

Consultation with a doctor

Any condition that deviates from the normal course of pregnancy should be reported to the attending obstetrician-gynecologist. The specialist will identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Fasting days do not have a negative impact on the pregnant woman or the child she is carrying, but it will not be superfluous to obtain permission from the doctor. In addition, the specialist will explain all the rules and select an individual menu plan.

Video: diet in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the unborn baby. Therefore it is especially important proper nutrition. When planning a menu, you need to take into account the timing of pregnancy.

Let's look at the features of building a diet in the third trimester.

You will learn about the features of the diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, the basic principles of proper nutrition during the last (7, 8 and 9 months) of pregnancy by week, as well as sample menu for every day of the third trimester.

What it is

Pregnancy, which lasts 9 months (40 weeks), is usually divided into three equal periods called trimesters. One trimester lasts three months (about 13 weeks).

The third trimester is the period of 7-9 months or the time from 26 to 41 weeks. At this time, the fetus is already formed and continues to actively develop, preparing for birth.

It’s not easy for a pregnant woman at this time: the stomach increases, puts pressure on internal organs, swelling and late toxicosis are possible. Therefore, nutrition should be aimed at improving her condition.

Features of proper nutrition for women by week

Starting from week 26, the diet should become more varied than before. For full growth and development, a child needs a full range of minerals.

At such periods (28, 29, 30, and 31st weeks of pregnancy), expectant mothers often suffer from heartburn, so in their diet (diet) It is recommended to limit carbonated drinks, coffee and other products that can lead to it.

By 8 months (32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks of pregnancy), the child’s brain is finally formed, so it is important to ensure a sufficient supply of fatty acids and phosphorus in the diet. They are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and red meat.

In the last few weeks of pregnancy (37, 38 and 39th) nutrition should be aimed at supporting the body expectant mother, since she faces such a difficult stage as childbirth.

At this time, the importance of carbohydrates in the form of cereals and vegetables, which will help support the body.

Basic principles

The diet in the third trimester should be based on the following rules:

  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Snacks are allowed between main meals.
  • Dinner should be light and no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • It is recommended to steam, boil, and bake food. It is better to limit fried foods.
  • The optimal calorie intake is about 2000 kcal.
  • It is worth giving up fast food and processed foods.
  • You need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of fluids per day (if there are no kidney pathologies).
  • Limit the amount of salt to 5 g per day.

Effect on the body

Proper nutrition is extremely important - both for the pregnant woman and for the fetus. Lack of nutritional components in the third trimester can lead to developmental delays.

A balanced diet is important so that the expectant mother suffers less from heartburn, flatulence and other characteristic problems.

Excessive amounts of carbohydrates and fats in the diet along with physical inactivity can also lead to severe weight gain. Therefore, proper nutrition is necessary to improve a woman’s well-being and the proper course of pregnancy.

Several Yet useful tips You will learn about the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester from the video:

Advantages and disadvantages, contraindications

Proper nutrition during pregnancy really helps normalize the mother’s condition and improves the development of the fetus. It can be quite balanced and tasty.

Among the shortcomings - any harmful products, to which many are accustomed are prohibited, Alcohol is also strictly prohibited. But all restrictions are temporary and only for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.

Products may have individual contraindications and cause an allergic reaction Therefore, it is recommended to create a diet together with your doctor.

Sample menu

Let's look at a sample daily menu for a pregnant woman in the third trimester:

  • Breakfast: 100 g of porridge with butter (can be replaced with 100 g of omelette or cottage cheese), toast with jam or fruit, warm drink.
  • Lunch: 100 g of yogurt, fruit or berries (150 g).
  • Lunch: soup with a slice of dark bread, a glass of juice or compote, 70 g of dried fruit.
  • Second lunch: 200-300 g of lean meat or fish, vegetable salad or side dish of legumes, dessert.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of nuts, seeds, dried fruits.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with a slice of bread or cream soup, fruit or fruit and milk smoothie.
  • At night: an apple, a glass of kefir or milk.
  • The daily diet should not contain less foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products, fish, fresh herbs), iron (berries, cabbage, buckwheat, spinach, meat).
  • Eat foods rich in folic acid (beans, greens, lentils) every day.
  • It is important to include foods rich in vitamin C in your menu.
  • In the first half of the day, you should focus on proteins, in the second half, eat light meals that are quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Try not to combine liquid and solid foods. It is better to eat the first and second ones with an interval of a couple of hours.
  • You should neither overeat nor allow yourself to feel hungry. Hence the importance fractional meals. If you want to eat, have something light to eat.

Many foods can trigger allergies.

Permitted and prohibited products

The diet in the third trimester consists of the following products:

  • fiber-rich fruits and vegetables;
  • fresh colorful fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • fatty fish;
  • lean types of meat;
  • cereals;
  • seafood;
  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits (sources of potassium and other useful minerals);
  • nuts and seeds - in small quantities;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • natural juices and compotes.

  • any alcoholic drinks;
  • mushrooms. They are useful, but they are too heavy for a pregnant woman’s body. And any mushroom can be poisonous;
  • products containing artificial colors and GMOs;
  • fast food;
  • fried foods. It is recommended to replace them with boiled, stewed or baked food;
  • spicy, pickled, fatty, salty. These products lead to fluid retention in the body and provoke edema, which pregnant women are prone to;
  • store-bought sweets that contain a lot of sugar and artificial ingredients;
  • sparkling waters;
  • Flour should be limited. Choose bran or whole grain bread;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, honey are strong allergens, so they should be limited during pregnancy;
  • parsley. Although these greens are healthy, they can cause uterine hypertonicity and increase the risk of miscarriage. But other greens - dill, spinach, lettuce - can be used.

Appropriate nutrition should be continued immediately until birth.

After childbirth, a different diet intended for a nursing mother may be indicated. It is worth making up your diet taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy helps normalize the condition of the expectant mother and promotes the proper development of the baby.

In the later stages, its importance is especially great, since the pregnant woman’s body must be ready for childbirth.

In contact with

Is it possible to do fasting days during pregnancy? What sports should I do while expecting a baby? How can a pregnant woman avoid gaining extra pounds? These and other questions are answered in the article!

Obstetricians and gynecologists urge pregnant women to be attentive to their diet, recalling that the main focus of the diet during pregnancy is to provide the mother and child with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The emphasis should be on the quality of food rather than quantity. The permissible increase during pregnancy is 9-15 kg. The task of every expectant mother is to keep weight under control, since excess body weight negatively affects the baby’s health and complicates the birth process.

According to statistics, about 40% of women gain excess weight during pregnancy. It's not only aesthetic defect, but also a risk factor contributing to the development of various diseases.

The main thing is to remember: regardless of the period, pregnant women should choose a menu that will allow them to lose excess weight without compromising their own well-being and the health of the child!

Dangers of being overweight

We can talk about excess body weight during pregnancy if, starting from the 16th week, the increase exceeds one kilogram in seven days. A solid layer of fat on a pregnant woman’s body makes it difficult for doctors to assess the condition of the fetus and leads to the following consequences:

  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • dysfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • hypertension;
  • hypercoagulation (increased activity of the blood coagulation system);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • increased load on the spine;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • indications for emergency caesarean section;
  • post-maturity of the fetus;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • birth of a child with overweight bodies.

Excess weight of the mother harms the health of the unborn child. The following developments are allowed:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • dissymmetry between the pelvis and head;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • tendency to gain extra pounds in the future.

Balanced diet for weight control

When carrying a child under her heart, a woman is obliged to follow the basic “food” rules of her situation:

1. Control the quality of the products consumed, paying attention to their diversity.

2. Restore mineral and vitamin reserves. In addition to using seasonal vegetables and fruits you need to take vitamin complexes:

  • "Elevit" - contains magnesium, folic acid. It is recommended to take it together with iodine-containing medications. Take one tablet with meals;
  • "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" is a multivitamin preparation containing minerals. Additionally contains iodine. Take one tablet;
  • "Vitrum Prenatal" - contains vitamin A, iron, folic acid, magnesium. Take one tablet.

3. Consume foods to maintain normal bowel function.

4. Take care of a balanced diet.

Providing the body of the expectant mother and fetus with all the necessary substances is a balanced diet. The daily energy value of foods in a woman’s diet should be distributed as follows:

  • 30% of the daily value comes from breakfast;
  • 10% is reserved for second breakfast;
  • 40% shown at lunch;
  • 10% comes from afternoon tea;
  • 10% should be consumed at dinner.

All essential nutrients must be supplied in certain proportions relative to each other and controlled in volume:

  1. Proteins are the basis of the diet, an important “ construction material", participating in the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus. Daily norm ranges from 90-130 g (2 chicken eggs, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 0.1 kg of fish or meat).
  2. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They affect the speed of metabolic processes and increase the level of internal glucose. The daily norm should not exceed 400 g. Excess leads to the growth of the subcutaneous fat layer. The lower limit is 350 g per day.
  3. Fats are one of the most important components of food, the “golden reserve” of energy resources. Their contribution to the organization balanced nutrition significant. The daily norm is 90-130 g (60 g butter, 0.4 kg lean meat, 8 chicken eggs, 0.2 kg sour cream). Excess fat is dangerous because it is the main cause of weight gain during pregnancy, being stored in the body as a reserve.
  4. Microelements. Particularly important is calcium, which is consumed by the body very intensively during pregnancy. This is due to its active participation in the construction of the child’s bones. The daily norm is 1.3 g. The diet during pregnancy should also contain iron. The daily norm is 18 mg. Among other things, zinc, magnesium and sodium are important.
  5. Fiber is essential for the normal functioning of the intestines. Its presence in the diet becomes especially important in the late stages of gestation.

Required points:

  • You should include dairy products in your diet: up to 200 g of milk (in the absence of allergies), about 200 g of yogurt or kefir, approximately 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • The menu should include porridge made from cereals and pasta made from the highest grade of flour. Their consumption will reduce the amount of bread on the menu;
  • you should eat meat daily and fish several times a week;
  • dishes must contain vegetable oils: olive, mustard, flaxseed;
  • The lower limit of liquid consumed per day is one and a half liters. A woman should consume more than just water – it’s allowed Herb tea. It is useful to include freshly squeezed juices, homemade fruit drinks and compotes, and rose hip decoction into the menu.

It is better for a pregnant woman to eat at strictly prescribed times. It is recommended to have breakfast 1.5 hours after waking up. The last main meal should occur at least 3 hours before bedtime. A clear regimen will improve digestion and prevent you from gaining extra pounds. You need to eat in equal parts from four to six times a day. This will eliminate the feeling of hunger, prevent you from overdoing it and reduce the desire to snack on junk food. It is better for a pregnant woman to undereat a little than to overeat!

From fatty foods, animal products, pickles, flour products and shortbread and yeast dough, cakes with fatty oil creams, it is appropriate to avoid sweet carbonated drinks.

Women who were overweight before pregnancy should opt for lean meats and low-fat dairy products. It is appropriate to replace “simple” carbohydrates found in rice, white pastries and sweets with “complex” ones by switching to brown rice, dried beans, and whole grain bread. Salt retains fluid in the body, so its consumption should be kept to a minimum.


The following products prevent a woman’s body from excessive weight gain, and therefore should be present on her table every day:

  • zucchini;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • green onions.
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • apples.

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots.
  • cherries;
  • cherry;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • grape;
  • kiwi.

Lean meat:

  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken.

How to cook

Weight loss products must be prepared in safe ways. The most acceptable is for a couple. It’s good if you have a special device that allows you to save everything beneficial features food. Oven-baked dishes are no less healthy. You can bake anything. For this purpose it is used special paper or foil. Extinguishing is also shown. Useful way cooking involves keeping food on low heat for a long time in a container under a lid. It’s very tasty to cook meat and potatoes this way. You can't do without boiling.

Before each meal, a pregnant woman needs to drink a glass of clean water. This will improve the digestion process and allow you to eat less.

Calorie content

For healthy fetal development, a woman needs 300-400 kcal more than before pregnancy. It is by this amount that the energy expenditure of her body increases. On average, a pregnant woman should receive from 2000 to 2800 kcal/day. A larger quantity does not mean good and is completely unnecessary for normal course pregnancy.

If a woman in an “interesting situation” is prescribed bed rest, the daily calorie intake is reduced by an average of 20%.

Menu for excess weight

  • In the morning on an empty stomach: a glass of still water.
  • After 10 minutes: apple.
  • For breakfast: salad of sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, kefir or milk porridge (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat) with berries.
  • For second breakfast: green or herbal tea, biscuits or a piece of cheese.
  • For lunch: light soup, fish baked with vegetables or low-fat borscht with a piece of lean boiled meat.
  • For an afternoon snack: a glass of juice and a couple of walnuts or a glass of kefir with an apple.
  • For dinner: boiled chicken fillet and a light salad with olive oil dressing or low-fat cottage cheese with kefir and berries.
  • Before bed: grated apple and carrots without sugar.

Can pregnant women go on a diet?

In case of excessive gain of extra pounds, modern medicine does not exclude the use of diets by pregnant women that help stabilize weight and prevent its rapid growth. At the same time, doctors draw attention to the fact that bearing a child is not the right moment for bold experiments and the use of popular diets Absolutely forbidden:

  1. Severe food restrictions, fasting and mono-diets are harmful for the woman herself and her child. Excluding certain foods from the diet may result in the fetus not receiving enough vitamins and other important substances.
  2. Citrus diets, the menu of which is based on the consumption of tangerines, grapefruit, oranges and their juice, develop the likelihood of allergic reactions in a newborn. The chocolate regime, which involves the consumption of chocolate, coffee and cocoa derivatives, works on the same principle.
  3. Regimes based on legumes (soybeans, beans, peas) help increase protein in the body. Its breakdown products sometimes cause toxic reactions. They act similarly protein diets, on which it is permissible to sit only medical indications and under the watchful supervision of doctors.
  4. A diet based on blood-thinning berries (currants, wild strawberries, strawberries, viburnum, raspberries) can harm the fetus and even cause bleeding.
  5. During pregnancy, the use of fat-burning cocktails and drinks to speed up metabolism is unacceptable. They can cause a miscarriage.

The diet can be recommended for a pregnant woman if higher level salts in the body (established by clinical analysis), which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and the appearance of edema. The doctor may also prescribe a diet for pregnant women, aimed at solving a specific problem for a particular woman.

The benefits of diet during pregnancy

  1. Proper nutrition is important for having a healthy baby.
  2. A special regime helps maintain the endurance of the expectant mother.
  3. A special diet helps in the fight against a number of diseases.
  4. A weight loss diet helps normalize weight.

Diet by trimester

During certain periods of pregnancy, the mother's body behaves differently. It is important to adhere to a diet for pregnant women for weight loss that is appropriate for the period of fetal development. This will prevent the development of health problems and avoid gaining excess weight.

1st trimester

Women gain extra pounds before the 12th week of pregnancy, while the emphasis should be placed not on quantity, but on the quality of food. The diet should be based on proteins and vitamins. You should consume no more than 2000 kcal daily.

The diet for pregnant women to lose weight should include:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • green pea;
  • white cabbage and seaweed;
  • low fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • liver;
  • fresh juices.

It is wise to refuse:

  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • instant food products;
  • crackers and chips;
  • coffee;
  • mustard and vinegar.

Menu by day


  • 8:00 – muesli with the addition of medium-fat milk.
  • 11:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 – soup with lean broth.
  • 16:00 – vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • 19:00 – boiled rice and stewed cabbage.
  • 8:00 – oatmeal milk porridge.
  • 11:00 – sandwich with a piece of butter.
  • 13:00 – soup with low-fat fish broth.
  • 16:00 – 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 – liver with boiled pasta.
  • 21:00 – some seaweed.
  • 8:00 – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.
  • 11:00 – tea with biscuits.
  • 13:00 – soup with vegetables.
  • 16:00 – pear.
  • 19:00 – chicken steam cutlet and puree.
  • 21:00 – low fat yogurt.
  • 8:00 – buckwheat milk porridge, freshly squeezed juice.
  • 11:00 – yogurt.
  • 13:00 – broccoli and cauliflower soup, a slice of bread.
  • 16:00 – apple.
  • 19:00 – salad of tomato, avocado and spinach leaves, a piece of tuna.
  • 21:00 – cranberry juice.
  • 8:00 – a glass of fermented baked milk, bread with a piece of cheese.
  • 11:00 – orange.
  • 13:00 – boiled pasta, steam cutlet, salad.
  • 16:00 – a couple of walnuts.
  • 19:00 – baked potatoes with sour cream, fish and tea.
  • 21:00 – a handful of dried apricots.
  • 8:00 – cheesecakes, herbal tea.
  • 11:00 – a handful of dried apricots.
  • 13:00 – chicken broth soup, bread.
  • 16:00 – apple and carrot salad.
  • 19:00 – salad with tomatoes and soft cheese with olive oil.
  • 21:00 – a glass of skim milk.


  • 8:00 – oatmeal with milk, apple, juice.
  • 11:00 – banana.
  • 13:00 – chicken broth soup, tomato salad, tea.
  • 16:00 – fruit.
  • 19:00 – chicken cutlet, steamed vegetables.
  • 21:00 – glass of yogurt.

2nd trimester

During active growth The woman's fetal body needs additional nutrition. The daily diet for pregnant women is 2500 kcal. Starting from the 14th week, you should limit your consumption of sugar and confectionery products. Vitamins D and E are important.

  • spinach;
  • dairy products;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • raisin;
  • sea ​​fish liver.

Should be excluded:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • spicy and smoked;
  • sausages.

Menu for the week


  • 8:00 – boiled egg, sandwich with cheese and tomato.
  • 11:00 – cottage cheese and raisins.
  • 16:00 – yogurt.
  • 19:00 – vegetable and avocado salad.
  • 21:00 – a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • 8:00 – milk oatmeal.
  • 11:00 – nuts, banana and apple.
  • 13:00 – soup with chicken broth and cauliflower.
  • 16:00 – 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 – stew with lean meat.
  • 21:00 – glass of yogurt.
  • 8:00 – omelet.
  • 11:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 – fish soup.
  • 16:00 – apple.
  • 19:00 – porridge with milk.
  • 21:00 – fruit.
  • 8:00 – cheesecakes with sour cream and raisins.
  • 11:00 – a handful of walnuts.
  • 13:00 – lentil soup.
  • 16:00 – apple.
  • 19:00 – boiled rice and a piece of baked skinless chicken, tea.
  • 21:00 – glass of yogurt.
  • 8:00 – omelet and a slice of bread with tomato.
  • 11:00 – tomato juice.
  • 13:00 – stew with a piece of lean meat.
  • 16:00 – seasonal fruit.
  • 19:00 – boiled pasta and tomato juice.
  • 21:00 – tea.
  • 8:00 – 100 g of cottage cheese, berries.
  • 11:00 – a piece of hard cheese, some bread.
  • 13:00 – buckwheat, a piece of baked beef, vegetable salad, tea.
  • 16:00 – freshly squeezed juice.
  • 19:00 – baked fish, tomato.
  • 21:00 – a glass of low-fat milk.


  • 8:00 – corn porridge with milk, a handful of dried apricots.
  • 11:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 – cabbage soup, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • 16:00 – a handful of nuts or raisins.
  • 19:00 – zucchini pancakes, sour cream, rosehip infusion.
  • 21:00 – glass of yogurt.

In the second trimester, a woman should be careful with allergenic foods. Their consumption should be rare. Exotic fruits, citrus fruits and strawberries can be consumed, but in modest portions if possible.

3rd trimester

During this period, it is better not to overeat. Despite the need for carbohydrates, you should not indulge in foods that are too high in calories. The energy value of food should not exceed 2800 kcal per day.

  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable soups;
  • steamed fish;
  • boiled meat.

Should be excluded:

  • fats and lard;
  • fried foods;
  • yolk;
  • pickles;
  • gravies;
  • vegetable and butter.

In the third trimester, you need to limit your water consumption - no more than a liter per day. The rule also applies to liquid foods, including soups. It is useful to have fasting days several times a week. This will restore tone to the body and prepare it for the upcoming birth.

Weekly menu


  • 8:00 – porridge with milk.
  • 11:00 – dried fruits.
  • 13:00 – soup with vegetable broth.
  • 16:00 – kefir.
  • 19:00 – steam chicken cutlet, buckwheat porridge.
  • 21:00 – fruit.
  • 8:00 – dry cookies, tea.
  • 11:00 – fruit.
  • 13:00 – boiled pasta, salad.
  • 16:00 – tomato, olives, spinach.
  • 19:00 – dietary pilaf.
  • 21:00 – kefir.
  • 8:00 – sandwich with butter, tea.
  • 11:00 – salad of 1 egg and seaweed.
  • 13:00 – fish soup.
  • 16:00 – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 – a piece of baked lean meat, mashed potatoes.
  • 21:00 – juice.
  • 8:00 – boiled egg, bread, a piece of butter, herbal tea.
  • 11:00 – fruit.
  • 13:00 – borscht.
  • 16:00 – pear.
  • 19:00 – salad with egg, tuna and rice.
  • 21:00 – fruit.
  • 8:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with berries.
  • 11:00 – freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • 13:00 – beef stew with vegetables, tea.
  • 16:00 – dried fruits.
  • 19:00 – rice with carrots and onions.
  • 21:00 – kefir.
  • 8:00 – oatmeal porridge and dried apricots.
  • 11:00 – sandwich with salmon.
  • 13:00 – pumpkin soup, a piece of baked chicken breast.
  • 16:00 – fruit juice.
  • 19:00 – rice and a piece of baked fish.
  • 21:00 – fermented baked milk.


  • 8:00 – cheesecakes and sour cream.
  • 11:00 – a handful of nuts.
  • 13:00 – pasta, steamed fish cutlet, vegetables.
  • 16:00 – fruit.
  • 19:00 – cabbage rolls with low-fat sour cream.
  • 21:00 – milk.

Special diets for pregnant women

While pregnant, a doctor may recommend a woman a special diet based on her health. The diet of each diet for pregnant women for weight loss is balanced, so nutritional systems help to monitor the number of kilograms gained.


The diet involves eating a high amount of protein. Indicated for pregnant women with rapid weight gain, as it helps control their gain and reduce excess weight. It is important for the expectant mother to eat milk, meat, eggs, consuming about 120 grams of protein per day. Carbohydrates are also shown - up to 400 g per day.


  • sugar;
  • condensed milk;
  • cakes;
  • chocolate;
  • fresh bread.

The intervals between meals are about three hours.

Chicken and quail eggs– an irreplaceable source of protein. During pregnancy, boiled “in a bag” is better absorbed. There is no need to cover your daily protein needs with eggs - they can cause allergies.

A protein diet for pregnant women has obvious advantages:

  1. No strict dietary restrictions.
  2. Improved metabolism.
  3. Burning fat reserves.
  4. Strengthening the uterus and placenta.
  5. Sufficient saturation.

Sample menu

It is recommended to prepare the diet for pregnant women in such a way that the morning begins with carbohydrates, which perfectly saturate and give the body energy to digest food. Lunch is good to consist of high-calorie dishes that can relieve hunger for a long time. In the evening, exclusively protein foods are preferred.

  • 1st trimester: bran flakes with milk, a piece of rye bread, tea.
  • 2nd trimester: apple, muesli and yogurt, chamomile tea.
  • 3rd trimester: curdled milk, milk porridge.
  • 1 t-r: milk and biscuits.
  • 2 t-r: fermented baked milk, prunes.
  • 3 t-r: a piece of cheese, whole grain bread.
  • 1 t-r: soup with weak chicken broth, a piece of baked fish, yogurt.
  • 2 t-r: lentil soup, boiled meat, seaweed salad, juice.
  • 3 t-r: soup with weak vegetable broth, tuna salad, a piece of baked chicken breast, rosehip infusion.
  • 1 t-r: biscuits and tea.
  • 2 t-r: almonds and banana.
  • 3 t-r: yogurt and apple.
  • 1 t-r: rice, a piece of baked meat, milk pudding.
  • 2 t-r: grilled fish, tomato, yogurt.
  • 3 t-r: rice, boiled fish, fermented baked milk.

Before bedtime

  • 1 t-r: kefir.
  • 2 t-r: low-fat kefir.
  • 3 t-r: low-fat kefir.

The diet can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, since excessive protein consumption and the desire to lose weight can result in increased stress on the liver and kidneys.

When to stop

The protein diet is stopped when:

  • unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased sweating;
  • cloudy urine;
  • skin itching;
  • increased irritability;
  • dizziness.

Remarkable! A protein-plant diet is a type of protein diet. In some cases it is easier to tolerate. The regime involves alternating fish, meat and vegetable days. As a rule, protein foods are consumed for several days, and vegetables and fruits should be eaten for the next two days. The benefits of the nutritional system are based on a greater intake of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants into the body, necessary for a woman and the baby. The diet is suitable for minor weight correction of a pregnant woman.


For normal well-being, a person needs to consume up to 5 g of table salt daily. Most people exceed the norm several times. As a result, fluid accumulates in the body, weight gain occurs, and diseases of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system develop. For pregnant women, excessive salt consumption is fraught with high blood pressure and the appearance of edema. Salt should be limited during pregnancy, and in some cases a salt-free diet is indicated.

The essence of the diet is to avoid foods high in salt. With the correct selection of the components of the diet menu for pregnant women for weight loss, a lack of salt in the body will not occur.

Can be used:

  • fruits;
  • greenery;
  • bread (no more than 200 g);
  • eggs (no more than 2);
  • butter (about 10 g);
  • lean beef;
  • fish;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • kefir with a small percentage of fat;
  • jam;


  • roast;
  • spicy;
  • smoked;
  • fat;
  • sour;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • pork and lamb;
  • confectionery.

Menu for the day

  • Morning: 100 g of porridge, scrambled eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese, fruit drink.
  • Snack: 150 g yogurt with fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked meat or fish, vegetable salad with legumes, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g baked apples or dried fruits.
  • Evening: pureed vegetable soup (or stew), a piece of bread, a smoothie.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir.

At first, a salt-free diet may seem too harsh. To rid food of blandness, you can use sea ​​salt, adding salt to dishes at the very end of cooking or just before serving.


According to experts, allergies are formed in the child already during his stay in the mother’s body due to her intolerance to certain foods. A doctor can determine a woman’s hidden allergies by the presence of extra pounds, gestosis and edema. If there are such problems, the pregnant woman is prescribed a special hypoallergenic diet.

The following are subject to exception:

  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • milk;
  • fish;
  • red and black caviar;
  • tomatoes;
  • chocolate;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • citrus;
  • chicken;
  • sweets;
  • pickles;
  • spicy dishes;
  • canned food

Permitted for use:

  • lean meat;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits of dull color (cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, yellow and green apples, pears);
  • mushrooms;

It is allowed to consume sour cream, pasta and bakery products made from premium flour in limited quantities.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with water, a piece of wheat bread, an apple.
  • Snack: a glass of plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetarian soup, steamed rabbit meat cutlet, cauliflower salad, compote.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Dinner: salad of permitted vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil, stewed potatoes, a piece of boiled beef, tea.
  • Before bed: kefir.

A decrease in hemoglobin (anemia) during pregnancy can be caused by various reasons. In any case, iron deficiency is dangerous, as it negatively affects the body of the mother and fetus. To normalize the condition of a pregnant woman, a special diet is useful. Its essence is a varied healthy diet, rich in vitamins and microelements. It is impossible to imagine the diet of this diet for pregnant women without proteins. Fat intake should be reduced. Carbohydrates – no more than 500 g per day.


  • almond;
  • apricots;
  • pork and veal liver;
  • turkey meat;
  • veal;
  • cocoa;
  • spinach;
  • egg yolk;
  • stale bread.

A pregnant woman's appetite with low hemoglobin may be somewhat suppressed, which is why it is recommended to take vegetable, meat and fish soups. It is recommended to add various sauces and salt to main dishes. You can take about 40 g of butter and 30 g of vegetable oil, no more than 50 g of sugar.

Should be excluded:

  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • raspberries and strawberries;
  • chocolate;
  • mushrooms.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled meat or fish, soft-boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: beet and carrot salad, rosehip infusion.
  • Lunch: soup with turkey heart and meat broth, bread, cottage cheese, fruit.
  • Afternoon snack: berries.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, a piece of baked meat, tea.
  • Before bed: fermented milk product.

Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of eating under-processed meat and offal with low hemoglobin, such experiments during pregnancy are unacceptable!


Carbohydrates are a source of energy that a pregnant woman’s body needs for normal gestation and an important element of a healthy diet. They are perfectly absorbed and prevent the accumulation of toxins and fatty deposits.

The essence of the nutritional system is the consumption of “complex” carbohydrates, that is, fiber and pectins. They contain few calories, but promise satiety. The diet helps normalize a pregnant woman’s weight by accelerating metabolic processes.

“Simple” carbohydrates are excluded from the diet for pregnant women:

  • confectionery;
  • non-whole grain cereals;
  • sweets;
  • white flour bread;
  • grape;
  • bananas.
  • legumes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • Brown rice;
  • wheat durum honeycomb pasta;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Menu for the day

  • Morning: milk porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), egg, sandwich with cheese, fermented baked milk.
  • Snack: peach or apple.
  • Day: cabbage stewed in meat broth, vegetable salad with low-fat sour cream, apple juice.
  • Snack: 100 g cherries or gooseberries.
  • Evening: boiled fish, cottage cheese with fruit, compote.

For toxicosis

Toxicosis occurs due to the fact that the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign object and forms antibodies to its own cells. As a result, the functioning of important organs and systems is disrupted, and health deteriorates. Also prone to the development of toxicosis chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver. The problem often affects emotionally unstable women.

There are several degrees of toxicosis:

  • I – the urge to vomit occurs up to five times a day. Weight loss is up to three kilograms;
  • II – vomiting about ten times a day. Weight loss over a two-week period is up to four kilograms;
  • III – vomiting occurs up to twenty-five times a day. Weight loss is over ten kilograms.

Toxicosis can be early, manifesting itself in the first trimester, and late (preeclampsia), occurring after the 35th week of pregnancy.

Diet in the early stages

  1. Meals should be fractional. The stomach better accepts small portions that do not cause it to stretch. Frequent meals do not overstimulate the hunger center.
  2. Toxicosis imposes a ban on fatty, high-calorie foods. Products should be easily digestible, without requiring significant effort from the digestive tract.
  3. Breakfast is required. At the same time, it’s not worth eating fully. The ideal solution is fruits that are easily digestible and provide sufficient levels of glucose needed for wellness.
  4. It is advisable to avoid soups, especially those prepared with meat broth. Combining liquid and solid food at the same time will cause vomiting. Tea as a snack with cookies is excluded for the same reason.


  • vegetables: tomatoes, pickles, fresh cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, beets, eggplant, potatoes;
  • fruits: lemons, cherries, strawberries, apples, oranges, plums, cranberries, kiwi;
  • protein: boiled chicken fillet, boiled eggs, lean fish, hard cheese;
  • fats: butter and vegetable oil;
  • porridge: rice, buckwheat, millet.

You can eat the bread a little at a time, after drying it in an oven or toaster.

Nutrition for gestosis

The best prevention of late toxicosis in pregnant women is moderate food consumption. Pickles, marinades and smoked foods are strictly not recommended. When choosing a nutrition system, doctors recommend following the following rules:

  • the amount of salt cannot exceed 5 g;
  • no more than 800 ml of liquid should enter the body;
  • the diet should be rich in proteins;
  • food must contain natural vitamins; in winter and spring, it must be enriched with vitamin complexes.

Sample daily menu

First breakfast:

  • boiled fish (150 g);
  • boiled potatoes (200 g);
  • fresh carrots (80 g);
  • 1 boiled egg;


  • cottage cheese (150 g).
  • beetroot soup with sour cream (300 g);
  • buckwheat porridge (200 g);
  • steam cutlet (60 g);
  • 200 ml compote.
  • seasonal berries (300 g).
  • boiled fish (200 g);
  • vinaigrette (300 g).

Before bedtime:

  • 200 ml kefir.

Up to 200 g of rye or 100 g of wheat bread is allowed per day.

Fasting diet menu for pregnant women

Fasting days are usually called periods during which the volume and variety of products are limited. The emphasis is on low-calorie foods, which rid the body of toxins and waste and help correct weight. Short-term dietary restrictions during pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor to stimulate metabolic processes and increase the consumption of fat reserves. They help restore the functioning of the digestive system, speed up metabolism, and reduce swelling. In one fasting day, a pregnant woman can lose up to 800 grams of weight.

A fasting diet is indicated for pregnant women with:

  • swelling of the legs;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • shortness of breath while walking;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys.

Rules for unloading

  1. Dietary restrictions are permissible only after the 28th week of pregnancy.
  2. The stomach needs rest once a week or ten days.
  3. To avoid a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, it is recommended to combine different fasting options.
  4. Unloading should occur on the same day of the week.
  5. Chewing food should be thorough and slow.
  6. The daily portion of food should be divided into several doses (5-6).
  7. It is important to eat at clearly defined time intervals, which will help avoid feelings of hunger.
  8. You need to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.
  9. In the evening before the start of unloading, you should refrain from heavy food. Have dinner no later than seven o'clock in the evening.

The energy value of a pregnant woman's diet during unloading should not be less than 1500 kcal.

Universal diet for weight loss

  • Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, fresh pear, Cup of tea.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g low-fat yogurt, fresh berries.
  • Lunch: light broth soup, steamed minced chicken cutlet, fresh cucumber.
  • Afternoon snack: half a glass of light yogurt, a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled lean fish, vegetable salad.
  • Before bed: a couple of prunes, half a glass of kefir.

“Nourishing” fasting days

It is permissible to carry out fasting diets on nutritious foods once every 7 days, but for medical reasons it is sometimes allowed to repeat fasting every 4 days. The energy value of the diet does not exceed 1000 kcal.

Diet options for pregnant women for weight loss, indicating the food needed per day:

  1. Meat and vegetables: 400 g lean meat, 800 g fresh vegetables. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  2. Seafood and vegetables: boiled seafood in the amount of 0.5 kg, stewed vegetables in the amount of 800 g. Unsweetened tea is allowed.
  3. Potatoes: 1 kg of boiled potatoes and several glasses of low-fat kefir.
  4. Yogurt and fruits: 1.5 kg of domestic fruits, low-calorie yogurt (300 g).
  5. Berries and cottage cheese: 800 g of any berries, 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can drink unsweetened decaffeinated coffee once.

Monoload for weight loss

A mono-fasting day involves eating one product. The goal is to give the digestive system complete rest. The energy value of the diet is low, so mono-unloading can be repeated only after 10 days and only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Vegetable or fruit: during the day you are allowed to eat 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables or fruits. A little vegetable oil can be used as an addition to salads.
  2. Compote: during the day you can drink 1.5 liters of compote from 100 g of dried fruits and 1 kg of fresh apples. No more than 3 tablespoons of sugar can be added to the finished product.
  3. Dairy: per day you can drink 1.5 liters of milk, yoghurt or fermented baked milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5%.

Interesting to know! The milk diet (unloading) is very good for pregnant women who suffer from lack of appetite. Milk is both food and liquid. A delicious milkshake will fill you up and lift your spirits.

Buckwheat unloading

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest grains. Its grains contain iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium and a whole range of vitamins. In addition, buckwheat contains lysine, an amino acid not synthesized by the body, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium. Buckwheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels well, cleanses the intestines of heavy deposits and toxins.

For pregnant women, a fasting day on buckwheat is very useful: in addition to getting rid of excess weight cereal promises to replenish the body's reserves of microelements, raise hemoglobin levels and improve digestion.

To preserve the beneficial properties of buckwheat, it is recommended to avoid cooking it. Place a glass of cereal in a thermos and pour boiling water over it, let it brew overnight. The next morning, the porridge is divided into portions and consumed throughout the day. To make it easier to endure an unusual regimen, pregnant women can supplement the menu with a glass of kefir or a couple of apples.


A fasting day on kefir allows you to get rid of everything unnecessary and normalize your stool, which is especially useful for pregnant women suffering from constipation. You can only use fresh kefir. Take 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink with a fat content of 1.5% and 600 grams of cottage cheese per day. It should be consumed in 6 doses. If you feel a noticeable feeling of hunger, you are allowed to eat a few tablespoons of wheat bran.

What to eat the next day

Eating large amounts of food the day after fasting is unacceptable. After “cleansing,” the pregnant woman’s menu should be light, otherwise the lost grams will return and discomfort will arise again.

  1. It is best to have low-fat yogurt, boiled eggs or a serving of milk oatmeal for breakfast.
  2. For lunch, you should eat protein-rich foods: lean beef or lean fish. You need to combine protein foods with fiber, so a vegetable salad is recommended as a side dish.
  3. Boiled meat or grainy cottage cheese are suitable as an evening meal.


Fasting days are contraindicated for pregnant women with the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • food allergies;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Healthy recipes

Vegetarian soup


  • cabbage (three hundred grams);
  • celery root (one piece);
  • carrots (one piece);
  • potatoes (two pieces);
  • onions (one piece);
  • parsley;
  • vegetable oil (four tablespoons);
  • liter of water;
  • a little salt.

Chemical composition of 100 grams:

  • proteins – 0.72 g;
  • fats – 4.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.8 g.


  1. Chop the cabbage, peel and chop the potatoes, cut the remaining vegetables into cubes (onion into half rings), finely chop the greens.
  2. Place carrots, onions, and celery root in a frying pan with oil, add water, and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Add cabbage and potatoes to the pan and continue to simmer.
  4. Place the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them and add salt. Cook for no more than five minutes after boiling.
  5. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Potato-curd casserole


  • potatoes (two hundred grams);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (thirty grams);
  • a quarter of an egg;
  • butter (five grams);
  • sour cream (twenty grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins – 10.5 g;
  • fats – 12 g;
  • carbohydrates – 35.7 g.


  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into slices. Boil until done. Drain the water and wipe the potatoes.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese, combine with potatoes, add egg and butter. Mix.
  3. Place the potato-curd mass on a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Smooth and brush with sour cream. Bake until golden brown.

Beet and green pea salad


  • beets (two hundred grams);
  • canned peas (sixty grams);
  • vegetable oil (ten grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins – 2.4 g;
  • fats – 5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 11.7 g.


  1. Boil the beets (one hour), put them in for half an hour cold water, then peel and grate.
  2. Remove liquid from peas.
  3. Mix beets and peas, season with oil.

White and sea cabbage salad


  • frozen seaweed (thirty grams);
  • green onions (ten grams);
  • white cabbage (thirty grams);
  • fresh cucumber (thirty grams);
  • vegetable oil (five grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins – 1 g;
  • fats – 5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2.7 g.


  1. Place the seaweed in cold water until completely defrosted. Slice thinly. Boil in lightly salted water for about 15 minutes. Cool.
  2. Chop the white cabbage, chop the cucumbers into strips, chop the onion.
  3. Combine ingredients, add vegetable oil.

Corn milk porridge


  • corn grits (sixty grams);
  • milk (seventy grams);
  • water (seventy grams);
  • sugar (five grams);
  • a little salt;
  • a little butter.

Chemical composition:

  • proteins – 6.8 g;
  • fats – 7.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 51.6 g.


  1. Pour the cereal into boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. Drain off excess liquid and add milk.
  2. Add salt and sugar to the porridge. Cook until thickened.
  3. Add butter before serving.

Sports to keep fit

It has been proven that children of mothers who exercised during pregnancy develop faster. Physical activity is also beneficial for the figure of a woman expecting a baby: sedentary lifestyle The life of a pregnant woman can lead to a rapid increase in body weight and the development of edema. Another issue is the permissible load.

The following activities are unacceptable for expectant mothers:

  • aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • skiing;
  • diving;
  • a ride on the bicycle.

Exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, inverted yoga asanas, swings and strong back bending are dangerous.

To feel good and maintain your figure, experts recommend that pregnant women take more frequent walks and take a closer look at one of the following areas:


Useful for pregnant women throughout the nine months. During swimming, blood circulation improves, the lungs are trained, and muscles are strengthened. The load on the spine is minimal, which is especially necessary in the second half of pregnancy. Swimming is a great opportunity to keep your body in good shape.

Important! When visiting the pool, it is important for pregnant women to use tampons, especially if there is a predisposition to inflammatory diseases of the vagina.


If you can find an experienced trainer, Pilates will become better preparation to childbirth. In addition, this is the first step to quickly regaining your figure after the birth of a child. Thanks to exercises, flexibility increases and the back is strengthened. A woman learns to feel her body and hear it.


Special groups for pregnant women offer special exercises that not only prevent excess weight gain, but also help with toxicosis. A half-hour session relieves nagging pain in the lower back, eases the load on the back and prepares the breasts for lactation.


Yoga is especially necessary for women who were familiar with it before their “interesting situation.” You need to choose exercises adapted for pregnant women, and do them only under the supervision of a trainer.

Before starting any training, it is important for a pregnant woman to obtain permission from the supervising gynecologist!

Video review from a nutritionist