All about car tuning

Cool congratulations on the day of road workers. Script for a concert dedicated to the celebration of “Road Worker Day” of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Metroelectrotrans” Script for Road Worker Day, funny

Road workers
I want to congratulate you on the holiday today,
I remember you with kind, quiet words,
When I'm drawn into another hole.

I wish the roads were smooth,
Flowers to grow on the roadsides,
So that everything is in order in your life,
And the roads could make us happy.

I congratulate you
Road workers
I wish you all the repairs
Conduct you on time.

Road maintenance
Always keep in order
So that there are roads
Even and smooth.

I wish you new
They laid out the routes,
Indelible markings
Applied with paint.

So that your work is held in high esteem
And brought joy
I wish you success
Energy and strength.

Congratulations to all road workers on their professional holiday. May your work produce impressive results. Let straight and smooth roads lead to achieving goals and cherished dreams. Health and success to you.

Dear road workers!
You know how straight roads make us happy,
Green roadsides that shine with purity,
They delight our attentive eyes on the trip!

How pleasing the road markings are very accurate,
If necessary, you will carry out very urgent repairs,
This is why we, road workers, respect your work.
And today we heartily congratulate you on your holiday!

Congratulations to the road industry
And his many employees!
We wish you great happiness and peace,
Let your soul be joyful and light.

We wish you immeasurable health,
Good luck on all fronts.
Of course, tenderness with love
And so that life would be like in best dreams.

Your work is valuable and difficult,
Our roads are built,
All road workers,
Happy well-deserved day today!

May everything go smoothly for you,
In life, so that without overlaps,
Without bumps and without holes,
May you have a happy, glorious life.

Endless health to you,
Increase expected
Your service is not easy,
Happiness and goodness with interest!

Repairing roads is not an easy task,
You take on difficult work boldly,
Your holiday has arrived today,
Let it be full of bright colors!

Success to all road workers,
Cloudless days and laughter,
We will repeat thank you a hundred times,
After all, your work is invaluable!

I congratulate you on Road Worker's Day,
I wish you true happiness,
Many faithful, devoted friends,
And I wish you the right ideas.

Let the road flow without worries,
And at the crossroads happiness awaits.
Let the troubles in life pass,
Serve your Fatherland with faith.

I wish you kindness and strength,
And may God always protect you.
Let your wallet be small
After all, Road Worker's Day has come.

Those who build highways
And keeps them in order
Today we congratulate -
May the roads be smooth!

Let your nerves not spoil your nerves,
Correct everything - in the moment,
And let him pass first -
Our president is on Oka.

Your work is so important -
We need to celebrate this on a holiday!
May life be full of happiness,
Love, health, strong friendship!

I wish you smooth roads,
So that you reach your goals without obstacles,
Let the income be high
May everyone be very rich!

You are always ready to work,
May the roads be in order!
I wish you to be proud of your work
And always live in goodness and prosperity!

May your path be successful
May every moment bring joy!
It's time for you to relax on your holiday
To feel the surge of strength again!

The roads have neither number nor end,
No border bound them...
They lead us into the house, they lead us into the heart,
Because that's where they originate.

The road worker builds the joys of the road
And it doesn't cause grief to anyone.
Lays roads in any weather
Through fields, and rivers, and foothills.

So, a common holiday commands us
Raise your glasses with true joy -
For a land without borders, for peace, for friendship,
For our dear road union!

1.Congratulations to the planning department.
Quietly opening the door
The son asked with excitement:
1st: Mom, is a road worker an animal?
Or a plant?
2nd: a road worker is a person,
Although it doesn't look very similar.
on the road - in the heat and snow,
Morning, noon and night
3rd: he eats noodles
Salom and potatoes
Even though he looks big...
- eats quite a bit.
4th: Reproduces once a year
road worker budding
1st: Instead of sex, he sings
Even on a date!
2nd: He drinks vodka and wine...
3rd: ..if they give you a treat,
4th: If not, then it doesn’t matter
He's having a drink somewhere.
1st: can a road worker bite?
Pinch like geese?
1st: if you really ask -
- it might bite.
2nd: But you shouldn’t, friends
to be afraid of the road worker:
after all, the road worker is me..
3rd: Me too!
4th: It's all of us, brothers! (in unison)

2. It’s no secret that the work season begins in our organization depending on the weather. Our dear director is very concerned about the health of the office workers. Of course, it’s not easy to sit in an office all day doing paperwork. Therefore, as soon as the VA notices an unhealthy complexion among employees, it immediately takes measures to improve the health of its subordinates. This year, the season opened in April with a trip to paint the bridge on Lyubimskaya Road. It looked something like this: “Why are you all so pale,” said V.A. in a sympathetic voice, - you never spend time in the fresh air. Well, this matter can be fixed! On Saturday everyone is ready to go!”
Song to the tune of “Shaggy Bumblebee”:
Furry bumblebee
For fragrant hops,
Gray heron - into the reeds!
And our office people -
For feasible work
For health and for the soul!
Forget the day off
Follow me on the road
Where the shovel and broom are waiting for us!
And the eyes look with homeless melancholy
To abandoned affairs!

Since we have been on the road more than once this season, everyone’s complexion is normal. In addition, the office workers successfully mastered the basics of painting bridges, pouring roadsides, laying asphalt by hand in Yaroslavl courtyards and much, much more. In general, almost everyone is happy. Except for a few. Those whose status is not supposed to engage in physical labor. These are our bosses, our most important ones. Well, due to their status, they are not supposed to paint bridges. But I really want to! Words cannot describe it! With what eyes they saw us off on the road! How they wanted to be with us! But today is a holiday, so all wishes come true. VA, come out, VP, don’t be shy! SI, pull yourself up! Svetlana Igorevna, why are you sitting there, drinking coffee together in the morning and having to work together, come up and we’ll find a brush for you!
Today you will have to work a little, but we will evaluate your work.
(4 Whatman paper are attached to the wall, showing a schematic diagram of a fence, scribbled in pencil)
Sorry, dear bosses, but we successfully dealt with all the bridges on our own. All you have left is the fence.
A good team has assembled, don’t you think? (to guests)
There is not enough foreman. Nadezhda Nikolaevna, would you agree to work a little? The brigade seems okay. (the foreman who will supervise the work comes out and gives everyone gloves, newspaper hats, a brush and a jar of paint - gouache).
Where do you start, dear ones? (preparation, surface cleaning)
There were no spatulas today, here's an eraser for you, prepare the surface.
Then painting. The foreman and spectators encourage and make comments.
The winner is the one who completes the job faster and better. As a reward he receives a medal “for valiant work for the benefit of his native enterprise.”

SHE : And now, dear guests, let me congratulate you... (an old man enters) just a minute... Are you looking for someone?
STAR: Ass?
SHE: Do you have trouble seeing?
STAR : Thank you, I'll stand.
SHE: He's also deaf!
STAR: Dashing, dashing, how about it! When Kolchak came, I was just a kid. So my mother told me to hide our stallion in the forest.
SHE: What did you want, grandfather?
STAR: Young woman? And of course, not alone! I remember once during haymaking with three!
SHE: No need to talk about this!
STAR : Herd? There was a big herd! We ourselves had three cows: Nochka, Mike...
SHE: What do cows have to do with it?
STAR : Healthy, healthy. Only my legs let me down a little. And so, thank God, I’m not complaining. But my grandmother is quite ill. That’s why I came here to look after a woman.
SHE: Grandfather's holiday is here!
STAR: Dusya? Come on Dusya! If only there was something here and there to hold on to.
SHE: Come on, grandpa, all the ladies here are serious and married.
STAR : So you can’t hold on?
SHE: In no case!
STAR: Well, at least it’s possible to congratulate you, since it’s your holiday?
SHE: Here it is please!
STAR: So that you always have
And clothes and food,
May you live richly
How great gentlemen.
So that the forest is full of mushrooms,
And in the village - men.
So that the girls this year
We caught suitors.
So that women's husbands don't drink
To be loved more deeply.
And who can no longer
I can always help!
Goodbye, good people! (leaves)

The road calls to everyone and anyone,
But not everyone understands the road.
If you once became a road worker,
You have become forever, not for a year.

The rain is raging and the blizzard is singing,
The willow fluffs up and the maple flies around.
Salary again and the day is not enough,
Again, a lot of work.

He will summarize everything and say: “Good! —
Strict boss, - It's time to update,
Where would new cars come from?
Of course - from the Diesel Bureau.

5. Our holiday today is the most important of the year, even more important than New Year. The accounting department pleased us with a salary and bonus. But I would like to present a few more awards. VA, I hope you don’t mind?
So, the first award is for the youngest member of the team. Who is this? Help us determine.
So, the honorary title “YOUNG-GREEN” is awarded to... Applause!
Now the team member whose work experience at our enterprise has the longest is awarded. Remember, dear guests, who got a job at this enterprise in what year.
So, the honorary title “AKSAKAL” is awarded to...

Now we have to choose Miss Avtodor and Mister Avtodor. Dear ladies, which of you has a birthday closest to today? (same with men).

And of course, how could one not present a medal to the Father of all times and peoples - our respected, all-understanding, most responsive and so on and so forth director, Father Vladimir. He was awarded the "MOST IMPORTANT" award

6. Accounting. Poem.
It all starts with the road -
avenues, streets, houses.
It all starts with the road -
And a new day, and life itself.
While your feet are carrying you around the world,
We will not stop repeating:
It all starts with the road -
And that means living is worth living!

7. Song
There are central streets,
Tall and important
With mirrored display cases,
With garlands of lights!
But they beckon us, road workers,
One-story houses,
We walk along the narrow streets,
Where it is more remote and dark!

Let's walk along Perekopannaya,
Let's turn onto Besfonarnaya
On Crime Street we will stand in the shadows.
And there are also wine ones,
Where the lines are long
It’s as if they are accomplices with the hooligans!

And maybe someday
Along Uritsky Street,
Or maybe according to Kirov,
We will outline our own repairs,
And with Zimin we will march,
Or maybe with Abramova,
In the lights of illumination,
On the smooth pavement!

We'll walk along Lenin,
Let's turn onto Volodarsky
And we’ll climb along it all the way to the cultural center,
And beauty on the streets
Let's see the perfect one
And the life of road workers will be pleasant and easy!

8. Song
To the tune: “Through the valleys and over the hills the division marched forward”

So that everyone can safely get into their own car
And roll around freely, raising a cloud of dust.

Well, if rain and wind create obstacles for us,
Our boss will give the command - everything on the list is right there.

The secretary got a manicure, the chief boo got a pedicure,
The HR department is in a miniskirt, and the director is right there.

Everyone is equal before the order - go sunbathe on the road!
To deliver volumes to our customers on time.

Avtodor is not in danger of social divisions,
Russia has two problems, Avtodor will eliminate them!

Avtodor does not hire Fools
And he builds roads firmly: there was no word of reproach!

We will always be at work, because it happens that sometimes
Diesel drivers drive on asphalt - our people are dashing.

And then he immediately writes our complaint to the newspaper.
And now Avtodor is flying forward under the red flag!

Avtodor moves forward through the valleys and hills,
So that roads are built so that the people are happy.

9.Comic lottery forecast.
1. You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (peanut)
2. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (banana)
3. While the boss is taking the “shavings” off us, calmly brew a mug of tea (mug)
4. When you drink cranberry jelly, forget about the merry-go-round of the world,
let the world, as they say, wait, and you will be healthy all year round! (jelly)
5.You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue working. (soap)
6. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you!
7. You will have to live with the work of grief, and forget about the days of the calendar. (calendar)
8. A treat for your heart awaits you - a big increase in salary (Uslada yogurt)
9. You, friends, will continue to burn with creative work. But you won’t burn your wings, take care of your health (lighter)
10. And a lot of household chores and household chores await you. But in your family and in your personal life everything will work out great! (sponge)
11. Many adventures and many thrills await you, but everything will end perfectly, because it is no coincidence that the pepper is red! (red pepper)
12. Love will brighten your days and make them bright. Your whole life in winter and summer will be illuminated with magical light! (felt pens)
13. What does Alenka chocolate mean? A year of baby awaits you! Who needs what tests - birth or upbringing.
14. Everyone will pay attention to you, you will find understanding everywhere, and your fresh breath will ensure your prosperity! (rondo)
15. Your health will become stronger, your second youth will come. You are destined to live to be a hundred years old without any storms or troubles! (vitamins)
16. This sharpener will help you sharpen your mind and your humor too! Career and success await you, as well as jokes, humor, and laughter!
17. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! (coffee bag)
18. Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! (beer)

10. Song
to the tune of the song "For such a small company"
It’s no secret: it’s an honor to work at Avtodor,
There's a lot to know
We can maintain the bridge and pave the road,
If only the snow had waited to fall.

Under cell phones beeping, under printers whirring,
Under the fax chirping is born
A big budget for a small, small company,
For such a modest company such a huge budget.
If only we could have winter, if only we could have winter,
Just to get through the winter.

We have the most important engineer in the office,
A very strange person at times:
Then gloomy, like a cloud, he shouts and argues,
It shines like sunlight.

Under a menacing growl, under a booming moo,
To the sound of friendly neighing, he knocked out more than once
A big order for a small one, for such a small company,
This is a huge order for such a modest company!
If only there were enough strength, if only there were enough people,
To fulfill such a large order!

It's no secret that our director is the best,
He bought us exercise equipment.
And we will have to torture our bodies on them,
So that a flood of clients will come to us.
Under a menacing growl, under a pitiful moo,
to the sound of friendly neighing we will pump up our abs
jumping on exercise machines, running around your office
native enterprise so as not to let us down!
to the tune of “Slavyanka’s Farewell”

We are walking along the bright path
Across the endless expanses of our dear ones,
And the Danilovsky region is selfless
We want to glorify you with love!
We want to live better!
And serve the Motherland!
And the Motherland must
Give us the volumes in full!
Glory, glory, our State Unitary Enterprise "Avtodor"!

We've seen a lot of good things
In the Yaroslavl forest expanses,
And we built a lot of roads
Both in your own and in other areas!
And wherever you are,
And wherever I am,
Friends live everywhere
They need the road of life!
Glory, glory, our State Unitary Enterprise "Avtodor"!

With our smart and strict director
We are ready to go all the way!
And the road is beautiful, bright
In this harsh world to find!
And wherever you are,
And wherever I am,
Friends live everywhere
Our roads are always waiting!
Glory, glory, our State Unitary Enterprise "Avtodor"!

The time will come and come,
The Phoenix bird will fly one day,
And money will fall from the sky for us,
The bad time will pass!
And wherever you are,
And wherever I am,
Friends live everywhere
Our roads are always waiting!

To the tune of “Wide is my native country”

I can fix all this!

1.The spring wind is blowing over the country,
Every day it’s more and more joyful to live,
And no one in the world can
It's better to neither paint nor scrape us
We will not frown sternly,
If sent to the site,
We love dear Avtodor dearly,
Together we will implement any project!

From February until June
Our chief engineer is shedding tears,
That there are no volumes, and there are unlikely to be,
Our highway will go around the world!
From summer until the snow
Zimin's whole White light not nice:
A hundred objects at once, and not enough
No people, no equipment, no forces!

Work doesn't scare us at all,
Let's roll up our sleeves together,
Let our wise director decide
Where it's time for us to work!
If they promise us money,
We can master them completely,
And the new asphalt will sparkle,
Whether in Antarctica or on the Moon!

But for now all this is not important to us,
We have more important tasks:
Let's conquer the remote Verkhovazhye -
Three hundred miles from my homeland!
In general, we can do a lot,
The team has come together!
We will quietly pray to God,
Let's conquer all countries and cities!
Etc. Oh, my Russian road!
There are seven bends in you for a mile,
And there are also a lot of potholes...
I can fix all this!

to the tune of the Bremen Town Musicians song.

There's nothing wrong with this
Soon he will let us around the world
The road network we maintain is
But there is still hope
But there is still hope.

La la la la la
La la la la la eeeee

We will not forget our calling
What joy we bring to people:
Snow, blizzard - the roads are not dangerous -
We worked day and night not in vain

La la la la la
La la la la la eeeee

Every year we knock out objects,
God is the only helper, he knows everything
But there are still nightmares -

La la la la la
La la la la la eeeee

And the office is a friendly team,
Fresh air is your reward!
We forgot our affairs for a long time,
We put the brush and paint in our hands,
We put the brush and paint in our hands.

La la la la la
La la la la la eeeee

Maybe this whole song is not an anthem,
The main thing is that we are together today
We solve two main problems:
Fight drunkenness! We are fixing the roads.

La la la la la
La la la la la eeeee

1. Today is Friday, Friday, Friday,
The minutes drag on, drag on, drag on,
I want something, I want it, I want it.
Just don't get into trouble!
Let's pass away quietly somehow
Time from nine to six,
Let's dream about all the good things,
And then fly, soul, fly!
Today is Friday, problems are moving away,
Problems are moving, moving, rolling,
hiding out of sight.
Friday is coming, it's time to relax
And everything will get better, get better, smooth out
we're here tomorrow!

2. The working week is coming to an end,
And instead of dots in the eyes there are ellipses.
But there is still salvation in the world -
Saturday with Sunday!

3. And Monday is crazy - work again,
work is waiting again, work is waiting.
Hanged again and a lot to do,
There's a lot to do, because there's a lot to do.
And my head is in turmoil for five long sad days,
Five long sad days, well, just sad days.
How will we survive until Friday and everything will be okay!
and everything will be okay!

To the tune of “How my own mother saw me off”

The day of the road worker has come - what luck!
Finally got it - damn it!

Here we are sitting at the table - fun!
And the wine flows like a river - damn it!

And our outfits are beautiful!
Let's make some more money - damn it!

Here the bosses are sitting - knocked off their feet!
Into the fire, into the water with them, we are a fucking fly!

Our VET department is not a simpleton!
He'll wrap it in the estimate like it's a fucking fly!

And our dispatcher is jealous,
With supplies on a first-name basis, damn it!

The road foreman is feeling relaxed,
Engineers scrape and paint, damn it!

And then we come to the department - it’s a mess,
We've been raking it all week, damn it!

So the season is over - weeping away,
We've worked hard, damn it!

We believe that next year will be a blessing!
Let's work some more, damn fly!

October is a month greedy for warmth,
It has an abundance of cold winds.
But no matter how bad this month is,
We have the best reason to smile!
And also a reason to remember yourself,
As creators who give the world coherence.
Our whole life is a chain of small victories,
Victories that bring clarity to the chaos of life.
Rivers and forests have conquered us -
Labor embodied in long kilometers.
Let others build miracles
And we’ll just build roads to them!

Using riddles, I choose people to whom I give out lottery tickets (8 pieces).

1. Consists of three letters,
Starts with "X"
When it works, it's worth it,
When he finishes, he bows (choir)

2. About 40 million. people do THIS at night. What it is? (Internet)
3. If he gets up, he will reach the sky (rainbow).
4. Crawling downhill, running uphill (snot)
5. What can't you eat for breakfast? (dinner and supper)
6. Who doesn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (bald)
7. Without arms, without legs, jump on a woman (yoke)
8. He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother (sex)

Hangover lottery.
1. If a hangover is depressing, life is not nice to you in the morning, what we hand over will help. This is a liter of milk!
2. Better means can’t be found, everyone knows this, drink the world’s pickle, it always helps!
3. If you feel sick after drinking, take an infusion of alcohol, but you don’t need to drink it, just sniff it through your nostrils!
4. If you can barely get up in the morning and “bom-bom” sounds in your head, it means you’ve had too much, eat the whole lemon!
5. If in the morning the light is not nice, life is like hell, and where is heaven?, forget what you drank before, quickly pour some tea!
6. You're lucky, my friend, your prize is simply top class! Only a bottle of beer can cure you the next morning!
7. If you got up at an early hour, there is no room for a smile, with a kind word you will remember us after drinking mineral water!
8. We give a pack of aspirin, and goodbye to trouble! Hello, light, friends, car, hello beloved wife! (Hello, love, I'm alive)

I call everyone into a circle. I’m showing a photo from the road worker’s last day, where the mirror was broken.
Everyone will probably agree that this year's season has been very strange. No, it's not bad, but there have been better ones. I found the reason for some of the failures that beset us during this construction season. Look at the photo. This is the holiday "Road Worker's Day - 2007". Don't you notice anything? That's right, we managed to break the mirror, and this is a very bad omen! We angered our road god, and he sent us trials for this. In order for us to be lucky next season, we need to appease the road god today, on a big holiday. So, let's pray, friends, let's do some shamanism.
I give several people the task of pronouncing different sounds at the same time (umtsa, bom-bom, tumba, etc.). We move in a circle in the manner of African tribes, stop from time to time, raise our hands to the sky with the words “Oooh, dear god!” Shamans - heads of departments - take turns going out into the circle and pronouncing their wishes to God, starting with the words “Oh-oh, dear god! Hear me!”
1. Oh, dear God, hear me!
Listen to the accounting department
We would modestly like
So that the sun shines
And there would be enough money
For everyone, and for everything,
And may there be more left!

2. Oh, dear God, hear me!
Listen to the chief engineer:
Brothers of customers,
To take bribes
Accepted volumes
Didn't create any problems
And the skin of their faces,
May it be whiter!

3. Oh, dear God, hear me!
Listen to the mechanics too,
Anywhere without panic
Spare parts were issued
And they wouldn't take any money.
And there are five per month
New cars were brought in!

4. Oh, dear God, hear me!
Listen to HR:
Of course you are very cunning
But I want him to come to us
A huge crowd of people.
So as not to be a drunk and not to be a thief,
So that the positive pop
The working class is worthy!

5. Oh, dear God, hear me!
Listen to the senior dispatcher!
I want fuel and lubricants
On all days there was enough for everyone,
So that my drivers
We were sober all the days!

Today is your holiday again!
Let your dreams become more possible,
Luck will serve as your basis.

We congratulate you, Road Workers,
Happy day of faith in the best, in hope and success.
Find new sources of happiness!
Let the only reason for tears be laughter!

We congratulate you, Road Workers,
Live in peace and harmony with yourself!
Good health to you! And be careful
On all roads, and especially in winter.

Dedicated to people in orange jackets

The roads are intertwined into a web,
Rus''s boundless expanse,
Bringing nations together
From Sakhalin to the Caucasus Mountains.

I am sure that at any time of the year,
Once again riding the iron horse,
I will get there through snow and bad weather,
To the places where fate calls me.

And I won’t forget to say “Thank you!”
For those who are in the heat and February frost,
I watched the road painstakingly,
Without fear of snowfalls and thunderstorms.

How I want to wish you health!
And success in your hard work!
Taking care of the roads with love,
You save people's lives!

State regional autonomous

professional educational institution

"Lipetsk College of Transport and Road Management"



teacher of special disciplines
Tatarinova Galina Aleksandrovna
Multimedia support:

teacher of special disciplines
Shkatova Oksana Petrovna
Artistic director:

Smolyaninova Valentina Ivanovna







driving, automotive teachers who have dedicated their lives













history of the lyceum;

develop students' creative activity in various

types of art: music, literature, performing arts.


multimedia computer, projector;

audio recordings of musical excerpts;








were used




Gavryushkin "To the Day of the Motorist".

For Motorist Day
The cars are all dressed up - Today is an unusual day. Even if on the multi-row avenue we do not see a shadow of a lush crown: Those leaves that, spinning, fell, All suddenly turned into words, And sparkled with congratulations In the autumn gold of October. On this beautiful autumn day, Steel horses will be waiting for their native owners, congratulations, trembling with impatience. And all drivers, of course, will be cultured for no reason. It’s a pity the holiday won’t last forever - Just one short day... A strict traffic cop won’t fine you on this day for a trifle, What you did on the road, But he will smile just like that... Iron horses will be saddled Perhaps thousands of people. Today we wish them to return Home quickly. May success and abundance come to all people with a car, forever connected with Fate, To a cottage, an apartment and a hut. Nikonov Evgeniy Good afternoon, dear spectators, guests, as well as those who became heroes of the occasion on this day. Tatarinova G. A. Good afternoon! Traditionally, the last Sunday in October is the Day of Road Transport Workers. Nikonov Evgeniy One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. And an important professional achievement that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps.
Tatarinova G. A. You drive different cars, but you are all on the same road. The reliability of passenger service and the timeliness of cargo transportation depend on your skill. Your hard and responsible work deserves well-deserved respect. Amateur performance number Evgeniy Nikonov Today we celebrate Driver's Day. Despite the fact that cars appeared more than 100 years ago, the holiday began to be celebrated only in the second half of the 20th century, when they realized how important road transport is. Tatarinova G. A. To become a good driver, that is, a Driver with a capital D, you need not only to be able to drive a car, but also to know the structure of the car and its history. The first wooden carts appeared in the 2nd millennium BC. Then there was a musk rover, a steam cart, a single carriage, a bicycle, Steam engine, scooter Nikonov Evgeniy And in 1872, having fallen off his horse once again, young Henry Ford decided to create a car that would replace capricious and unreliable horses, and as we know, he did it perfectly. More and more cars every day, literally the whole country was flooded . How hard it is to work behind the wheel in fog and slush, at night and during the day! Bus drivers, taxi drivers, it’s not easy for you to serve now. We would like to congratulate you on your holiday and wish you a safe journey. And those who help you in your work - Repairing cars, sending you on flights - We also congratulate you on this holiday, We wish them to work conscientiously. Amateur performance number Nikonov Evgeniy The profession of a driver is considered by many to be one of the most accessible. Tatarinova G. A. But not everyone, after completing the courses, will be able to become a driver, much less a pro. According to experts, 30% of the working age population is not suitable for this work at all. Despite all the apparent “ease,” this is one of the most responsible and dangerous professions. Nikonov Evgeniy But despite all the difficulties of this profession, especially in the modern world. Thanks to real professionals, the profession of a driver has been and remains a dream for many boys, where there is a place for romance, courage, and adventure...
Tatarinova G. A. Therefore, on this day I especially want to congratulate the mentors and instructors who help fulfill the boy’s dream of becoming a Driver. Thank you for your work, for your patience. The mentor, smelling of gasoline, calmly gets behind the wheel, and teaches us about cars - The road patrol is not scary. We are with you through thick and thin. We are proud and love you. We will master ZILs and KamAZs in thick and thin weather. Number of Tatarinov's amateur performances G. A. Evgeniy, you know that there are such sciences as astrology and numerology. Nikonov Evgeniy Well, this type of beneficent Jupiter will influence the sector of the symbolic horoscope of Taurus, which is responsible for education and long-distance travel. But what does this have to do with the car? Tatarinova G. A. And despite the fact that by the car number and its color you can determine what kind of car it is and what kind of owner it has. Nikonov Evgeniy Nuda! Tatarinova G. A. But look. In the garage of our lyceum there is a car with number 64-73 NK, master p/v Ovechkin Nikolai Vasilievich This is a bright car - a leader on any track, powerful, despite the technical data. passports. Never goes unnoticed in traffic. This is a fast, impetuous, but at the same time business car. The person who drives this car always achieves outstanding success. He is characterized by generosity, pride, the desire to create something new, physical and spiritual strength, authority, the desire for power, initiative, a sense of responsibility, unconditional justice, and practicality. Well, what does it look like?
Nikonov Evgeniy Tatarinova G. A. Yes, there is something in this. This means, according to the science of numerology, cars with license plates: E 014 NK master, p/v Nazarenko Sergey Vladimirovich A 852 TT, master p/v Aleksey Anatolyevich Golubyatnikov Very lively and resourceful cars. Unreasonable rearrangements are about them. The second one will never leave the intersection, but he will never slip through the red light either. Despite its wayward nature, the car easily gets along with other road users and very rarely gets into accidents. The owner often has an unstable financial situation, he has great thoughts, but he rarely follows through with his plans. Inclined to gambling. This is a subtle, highly sensitive nature, merciful and sensitive to the mood of others. Does not accept quarrels and conflicts. E 102 OM master driver Deniskin Sergey Vladimirovich 64-70 NK master driver Polyakov Sergey Aleksandrovich A calm, balanced car that smoothly blends into the traffic flow and does not stand out in any way. The weak link of such a car is the body. It is often susceptible to corrosion in the most unexpected places. Routine is alien to the person inside this machine. Everything is in full swing in his hands, he is impetuous in everything, thinks quickly, draws conclusions, works. The ability to express his thoughts is of great importance to him. He is overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, critical, resourceful, but quickly becomes despondent from failures. We are loved and popular, but not very economical, but curious and charming. Amateur performance number
Nikonov Evgeniy Tatarinova G. A. S 082 AE master p/v Korabelnikov Sergey Dmitrievich K 484 AN master p/v Tormyshov Sergey Sergeevich Optimistic car - fast, light, bright. Does not accept driving too fast or too slow. He has a unique gift for avoiding accidents and traffic police officers. This car is simply made for travel, and there is always a jack and a wheel wrench in the trunk. And the stylish design on the board is exactly what it lacks. The owner of such a car is always positive. Full of a sense of responsibility, strives for self-improvement, is influenced by idealism, indecisive, acts openly, striving to benefit for himself. In 159 RR, foreman Shkatov Semyon Yuryevich Inside this seemingly cold and slow machine lives a real fiery engine. Unfortunately, she does not know how to show everything she is capable of. But it holds the road well. The driver behind the wheel of such a car loves order and security. He gets everything with difficulty, he achieves everything on his own. His lifestyle is characterized by consistency. He is a pragmatist, prudent, careful, punctual and methodical in everything, very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals and ideas.
Nikonov Evgeniy Tatarinova G. A. Nikonov Evgeniy 64-71 NK master p/v Filonov Evgeniy Valentinovich A very impulsive car that is ready to conquer the road. Doesn't accept objections: if she changes lanes, she must be allowed through; if she's driving, the traffic light doesn't matter. Always the first to leave the intersection. Tends to get into accidents. The driver of such a car has courage and willpower and, thanks to these qualities, achieves success. Often weighs his forces incorrectly and does not distribute them rationally. Problems often arise in love and partnership - the result of excessive pride. He has good organizational skills and categorically cannot stand a subordinate position. Amateur art number 64-68 NK master p/v Nagaytsev Vladimir Mitrofanovich A car with such a number is stubborn and capricious, never drives on a track laid before it. Strive to change the road situation. Cars are very mobile, due to their nature, which is why they are prone to get into accidents, which, fortunately, only end with a broken headlight. The driver of this car is a humane, internally independent person with an unconventional lifestyle. He strives to make as many friends as possible, shows interest in spiritual life and loves to admire nature. Not closed or lonely, company oriented. 64-75 NK master p/v Kruchinin Anatoly Pavlovich A noticeable car. It can easily withstand any weather conditions and is very well controlled: it easily goes around obstacles and over holes. But sometimes minor breakdowns happen. Despite its visibility, the car is unlikely to be stolen. Traffic police officers do not stop such a car often. The driver of such a car is homely, family-oriented, loyal, sensitive, and never takes risks. Often friendly, but closed in his inner world with a rich imagination. This person is characterized by responsibility and a desire for independence.
Tatarinova G. A. E 101 OM master p/v Maslov Boris Aleksandrovich Beautiful and sensual car. Due to his charm, he is rarely stopped by police officers. He has a gentle character and always allows the car in front to change lanes. This car will always take the driver and passengers to their destination. She is very hardworking, which is why breakdowns often occur. The driver of this car gets everything easily, but you should be especially careful when handling money. He loves everything beautiful, has a cheerful disposition, and is often a very attractive person. Sometimes arrogant, puts too much emphasis on appearance. He keeps up with the times, is enterprising, sociable, and has a knack for the arts. Number of amateur performances Tatarinov G. A. To find out how competent our future drivers are in their future profession, we conducted testing. There was only one question: “Which component is the most dangerous in a car?” And here are the test results: 38% answered that it was a faulty brake system, 36% steering, 11% fuel system, and 15% answered that the most dangerous component of the car is the DRIVER. And indeed, safety on the road largely depends on the driver. Nikonov Evgeniy In fact, the driver must take care of himself and the condition of his car and other participants traffic. What if he doesn't do this? Tatarinova G. A. Then it becomes a dangerous unit in the car. And to prevent this from happening, the driver must have certain qualities: Evgeniy Nikonov 1. A modern driver must have good health. Tatarinova G. A. 2. Must be able to drive a car well. Nikonov Evgeniy 3. Must know the rules of the road well and be able to apply these rules in practice. Tatarinova G. A. 4. Must have high level legal consciousness, to be a socially mature person, to observe road ethics. Number of amateur performances Nikonov Evgeniy A strange letter from G. A. Tatarinov arrived at the address of the lyceum. What’s strange?
Evgeniy Nikonov (G. A. Tatarinova) It is congratulatory and accusatory: Drivers don’t consider us pedestrians to be people at all. For them we are just
long-eared fraers
. It seems that drivers, just as they were offended by the phrase “Pedestrians are the best part of humanity” in 1931, are now taking revenge, and don’t like dear, gullible pedestrians, and carry us like cordwood, and at every opportunity they crush us, as if by chance... It’s good to see that the majority of motorists are quite normal people: they drive carefully, respect each other and do not break the rules. Some even allow pedestrians to cross the road. So motorists are certainly a special part of humanity: strong, confident, self-sufficient. To be honest, there’s not much to love about us. We cross the street at a red light, dragging our children with us, run to the middle and begin to twitch back and forth, stomp along the highway with bags and wheelbarrows, ask to stop in the wrong places, and also write insulting sentences like “Wash me” on dirty windows ! And despite everything, we really want to congratulate all motorists, as well as city aviation - minibus drivers - on the holiday and wish them a good road, excellent weather, kind traffic cops, and so that they do not offend us, pedestrians, and leave at least a little space in the sun . Here's a congratulation. Amateur performance number of Tatarinov G. A. A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. This truth has been known to everyone for a long time. Today, driving a four-wheeled horse is not only a purely male prerogative. More and more representatives of the fair sex are cutting through the streets of our cities in shiny cars, and according to statistics, women are much more careful drivers than men. A woman driving looks very impressive, and many men are happy to give way to the lady. Evgeniy Nikonov On Motorists Day, it is customary to congratulate male drivers, but they forget about female drivers, so we would like to congratulate all female motorists on this day. By the way, there are quite a few of them in our lyceum: Vlasova Oksana Aleksandrovna, Shkatova Oksana Petrovna, Tatarinova Galina Aleksandrovna, Sviridova Nadezhda Vasilievna, Yarikova Galina Vladimirovna Dmitruk Galina Viktorovna Filonova Liliya Nikolaevna Zubareva Valentina Aleksandrovna
And these orderly ranks are constantly replenished. Good luck and bon voyage! May the road be easy, the “iron horse” strong, and may you always be welcome at home! Amateur performance number of G. A. Tatarinov. Thank you guys for your congratulations and wishes! Despite the fact that the number of women driving has increased sharply, the number of men still exceeds women drivers, and it is men who set the mood on the road. Therefore, on behalf of all female drivers, I would like to wish masculine behavior on the roads, and this, in my opinion, is respect for your colleagues and a very kind, attentive, condescending attitude towards us female drivers, in general, we wish you to be real men and gentlemen on road. Nikonov Evgeniy In our lyceum, driving skills are taught not only by our respected masters. To learn how to drive a car correctly, we study an interesting subject: Traffic Rules. And Oksana Petrovna Shkatova and Galina Aleksandrovna Tatarinova, Mikhail Petrovich Fedorov teach us this subject. We wish our teachers patience and one hundred percent passing the exams in the traffic police. sketch Nikonov Evgeniy Motorist is a special profession, with its own romance, its own traditions, character and way of life. It’s not for nothing that people have written so many wonderful songs and stories about her. Tatarinova G. A. Driver is a very intense and at the same time honorable work, requiring high physical and emotional dedication, professionalism, and talent. It is among motorists that concepts such as mutual assistance, honor, pride in one’s profession, and a sense of comradeship are of particular importance. Nikonov Evgeniy On this holiday, please accept my warmest words of gratitude for your conscientious work. May you only be able to overcome time and space on your life and road routes! Tatarinova G. A. We wish you good health, family well-being, easy roads, accident-free, successful and stable work. How many of them are there, behind the wheel of drivers, on the roads of our native Earth, who have overcome both valleys and mountains through snow, water and dust? How many are there? Endless loads, endless nights without sleep.
Work for them is no longer a burden, work for them is a novelty for long routes. And they simply don’t need anything else (even if their loved ones are waiting). Our dear guys, God give you only bright moments. Fate and hope will protect you, and guide you with one desire: to remain the same as before, to do what was decided long ago. Song: Trofim “Long-Range” performed by: _____________________________________________________

If we are talking about congratulating road workers, then good ideas Difficulties may arise. After all, it’s not so easy to organize a celebration and come up with gifts for road workers - most of them are harsh and serious men- on their professional holiday. It is worth approaching this carefully, since the holiday, although not as big and widespread as the New Year, is still important and special in its own way.

Briefly about the holiday

The holiday began in 1996. Then a decree was issued ordering it to be celebrated together with Motorist Day annually on the last Sunday of October. But in 2000, they decided to divide the holidays, moving Road Workers Day to the third Sunday in October. So the road workers received a separate day and a separate holiday. Every year you need to count the date of Road Workers Day again.

Not only builders themselves are involved in the holiday, but also repairmen, engineers, designers and people working at enterprises where materials are manufactured. It can also be celebrated by students and their teachers at specialized universities.

Road work requires specialists to have both a large amount of knowledge about construction standards and technologies, and the ability to work well with their hands, so this profession is very complex and deserves due attention and respect. Although, unfortunately, road workers are often treated exactly the opposite. Therefore, on this holiday, it is important to show that their hard work is truly appreciated.

How to spend a holiday

To take a break from tedious and quite harmful road work and gain strength, you need to make the most of the holiday Sunday.

In Russia, the best way to spend Road Workers Day is to spend it all together in nature, go hunting, fishing or spend the night in the forest with a fire, barbecue, songs with a guitar and interesting storytellers with a baggage of exciting stories. If the weather is close to winter, then you can go airsoft or go karting. Ideal for men's company.

Well, to organize gala event especially for road workers, you will need:

  • decorate the room by hanging protective clothing, helmets, laying a road cut out of paper on the floor and placing cones and warning signs;
  • prepare a delicious feast dominated by;
  • prepare a script.

The script for Road Workers Day should contain poetic and cool congratulations, jokes and anecdotes on the topic of road works and stupid motorists and remake songs, as well as fun competitions and quizzes that even serious male road warriors will be interested in participating in, for example:

  1. Big races. If there is enough space indoors or the event is outside, organize a race and give out children's tricycles to participants. The winners will receive small themed prizes and souvenirs.
  2. Problems with roads. Make an obstacle course by selecting a small area and placing different objects on it - “pits and bumps.” Take toy cars and tie very long ropes to them that will cover the entire strip. Task: standing at one end of the obstacle course and holding the rope by the end, safely drive around all the “pits and bumps” with the car, which is on the other side.
  3. Rescue of drowning people. Something incredible happened: someone knocked over a barrel of tar, and now a huge puddle is slowly spreading along the road. There were several people nearby who could not get around her. And the puddle surrounds people from all sides. We need to save them before they get stuck. Participants must place several of the lightest people on themselves in any way - on the neck, on the arms, etc. - and move them to a safe place.
  4. Pantomime. A universal option for any celebration, only the theme changes. It’s the same here: you need to depict, for example, a skating rink or an accident without words.

You can also conduct various thematic quizzes, for example, on knowledge of rare car brands. To do this, you need to find and print the emblems.

You can end the scenario with a joke. Tickets are bought with a fictitious currency, which is given out for achievements in competitions, funny stories at the table, and apt statements. In general, for everything that is worthy of an award. Then guests will have an incentive to take an active part everywhere.

To make the scenario even richer, alternate entertainment program from the dance room.

Special gifts

Often road workers do not expect any serious gifts for them, and this allows you to make a surprise. But to make it truly enjoyable, you need to know what the heroes of the occasion will like:

On Road Workers Day, congratulations are given to people not only by their colleagues and acquaintances, but also statesmen relevant ministry. They make congratulatory and encouraging speeches, note achievements and difficulties encountered, and present awards to deserving employees.

If you want to make the professional holiday of road workers truly enjoyable and special, give them gratitude throughout the day. They will definitely appreciate your attention.

It all starts with the road -
Avenues, streets, houses...
It all starts with the road -
And a new day, and life itself.

While we carry our feet around the world,
We will not stop repeating:
“It all starts with the road-
It all starts with the road -
And this means it’s worth living!”





Group 1111

Teacher, class teacher

groups 1111

Podgurskaya E.Yu.

It all starts with the road -

Avenues, streets, houses...

It all starts with the road -

And a new day, and life itself.

While we carry our feet around the world,

We will not stop repeating:

“It all starts with the road-

It all starts with the road -

And this means it’s worth living!”

Dear teachers, staff, guests, in a word - ROAD WORKERS! Today we have gathered here so that you can welcome the younger generation represented by the 1111 group into your large and friendly family.

The road industry is at a great age - this year it turned 260 years old. Back in 1746, in pursuance of the decree of Peter I, the construction of the first road from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a length of over 700 km was completed. This event wasbeginning in the history of the formation and development of the Russian road industry.

By decree of the President of Russia dated March 23, 2002. No. 556, a professional holiday was established - Road Workers Day.

Dear road workers! May all roads always be open to you - the roads of happiness, love, mutual understanding. There is no future without roads. The road is life.

The floor for greetings is given to the teacher, the hostess of the technical school museum...

No, what don't you tell me?

And I'm sure that's true

Have a construction profession

How to wear a badge of honor!

Everyone builds their own destiny little by little,

He chooses a lane, preparing for his takeoff... And the road worker spends his whole life building a road... And therefore he only steps forward!

The words of greeting are given by the head of the department...

No, nature, which carved the continents, did not foresee a special kind of people named bridge builders. The word for greeting is given to the teacher...

Where the gray river is covered with bridges,

Where the asphalt on the road is laid,

The imprint was left by the native BDT,

For our own people it’s just a road trip.

During the years of their lives, many people

You have tied me up with open friendship.

In the wide expanses of my homeland

I tied them up with a responsible service.

The word for greeting is given to the student of the group...

Within its walls there is history, in its halls there is peace,

Hundreds of personalities, thousands of destinies;

And my life is connected with you,

And there will be no other beginning.

I am grateful to you for better days,

I don’t regret giving them away, I don’t regret it at all, B

They will be kept in good memory

And in old age they will warm your soul.

I ask: never grow old, BDT,

Grow up, newly arrived tribe.

Here's a parting hand for you, as a friend.

We will settle with you, just give us time.

A question is asked to the class teacher road worker ELENA YUREVNA PODGURSKAYA.

“How do you feel about the statement - in Russia there are two troubles - roads

and fools?


“You put me in a difficult position. But on the other hand, the list of statements can be continued: “In Russia there are no roads, in Russia there are only directions,” “A fool can’t take seven miles.” But I do not agree with any of these statements, believing that they were invented by people who in this way tried to somehow justify their inaction. Agree, how can you put two completely different concepts side by side - “roads”, “fools”?

Do you think a fool can create anything worthy of the attention of mankind? Yes, he can’t even put two words together, much less he can’t (even if thousands of fools gather togetherand create some kind of organization) to create such a complex

engineering structure like a road.

A road is not just a lane for traffic. A road is a complex system that ensures safe and

uninterrupted movement of any transport. There must be roads

beautiful, elegant, so that driving along them was not only

convenient, but also pleasant.

Roads can be compared to transport arteries connecting vessels - populated areas. Roads are an engineering marvel. They cannot be built without knowledge modern technologies construction, without having the ability to operate new heavy-duty vehicles, without the ability to establish contacts between customers and contractors.

If you have at least a little idea of ​​what a road is like from an engineering point of view, then we would like to initiate you, freshmen, into road engineers.








Anthem of the road workers

We can’t raise Russia without roads, We can’t travel around Russia without roads, And I couldn’t even find a friend Whenever there were no roads.

Without roads, we cannot embrace the Russia of our loved ones. We simply cannot approach them without roads. And the world would probably be lonely If there were no roads.


Road workers, brothers, let's try.

Our world without roads is lonely. Road fraternity in any state is the guarantee of first-class roads.

When there were no roads in Russia, the adversary could not get through to us. Neither the French nor the German could take us, no matter if there were roads.

Now we have different times, We invite all flags together with the world. And it would be possible for the guest to be satisfied. We will build many roads.


Let just a few years pass.

Let's connect our friends along the way. And so that my son can be proud of his country, We will build many roads.

Classroom teacher:

“And at the end of our event, on behalf of all the experienced road workers present, I would like to wish you not only health, success in your studies, good luck in life, but also that you grow up to be worthy road workers, that you do not regret your chosen specialty and that the weather is always good for you both in the shower and on the track!

Be happy!

Thank you for your attention."