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Order t1 sample filling. Order for hiring. Hiring a part-time worker

Unified forms of primary accounting in the field of accounting and remuneration were developed in connection with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Resolution Goskomstat of the Russian Federation No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004). Since January 1, 2013, the unified T-1 form for personnel records is not mandatory, but its use significantly standardizes and streamlines work in this area.

Application area

The unified form T-1 “Order (instruction) on hiring an employee” is used for hiring and registering new employees. The order is issued after signing an employment contract with the employee and is signed by the head of the organization. Drawing up the order is the responsibility of an employee of the HR department, whose list of official responsibilities includes the registration of new employees.

Form of the unified form T-1

Sample filling

In the upper right corner of the form contains two codes - the OKUD code, which is always filled with the value “0301001”, and the OKPO code (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations), which must be indicated along with the full official name of the organization.

The text of the order specifies the period for which the employee is hired, in the format “from... to...”, while if the employment contract is open-ended, then the date is not indicated in the “to” column. Next, the full last name, first name and patronymic of the hired employee, as well as the personnel number assigned to him, are indicated. The personnel number must contain no more than six digits.

The text states:

  • name of the structural unit to which the employee is hired,
  • his position,
  • class, category or rank and qualifications for those professions where these classifications are applicable.

It is also necessary to indicate the conditions for employment, for example, in connection with a transfer from another department, as a result of reorganization, part-time work, for project work, to replace an employee on maternity leave, etc.

The order must also contain information about tariff rates in the case of piecework wages or the amount of salary, existing allowances.

Next, the basis for hiring an employee is indicated, which is an employment contract. It is necessary to indicate the date of its signing and the contract number. If the main contract was signed for a certain period with the possibility of automatic extension, for example for a year, and in subsequent periods an additional agreement is signed with the employee, then an order on this form is issued only once upon the initial hiring of the employee and is not duplicated along with the additional agreement.

The order must be signed by the head of the organization, after which the employee being hired puts his signature, a transcript of the signature and the date in the column “The employee is familiar with the order (instruction).”

An order for hiring a new employee is filled out using the unified T-1 form. It was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You do not have to fill out the order using the unified form of the T-1 form; you can develop it yourself and fill out the order using the form that you approve in the accounting policy of your company. However, keep in mind that the forms you develop must contain all the necessary details (name of the organization that compiled the document, date of preparation, etc.) A complete list of requirements can be found in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ

If you nevertheless decide to use the forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, then you will have to draw up an employment order using Form No. T-1.

An employee must be registered for work in the following order:

  • Allow the new employee to familiarize himself with local regulations that are related to his work function, against signature. These documents can be job descriptions, labor protection instructions, etc.;
  • Draw up and sign an employment contract with the employee;
  • Issue an order to hire a new employee (form T 1);
  • Make an entry in the employee’s work book about his new place of work;
  • Fill out the employee’s personal card.

The information set out in the employment order must fully comply with the conditions set out in the contract that you entered into with the employee (including the start date of work). However, keep in mind that it is not critical not to issue an order for employment on the very day when the employment contract is signed: it can be issued later. Labor legislation also does not require that the date on which the order was issued and the date on which the employee actually began work coincide, but it is recommended that the order be prepared before the new employee begins to perform his job.

The employee must be familiarized with the executed order within three days from the day he actually began performing the work. If a citizen is applying for a job with you not under an employment contract, but, for example, under a civil law contract, then an employment order is not needed. In this case, the performer is not included in the organization’s staff and is not an employee, therefore this norm of labor legislation does not apply to him

Sample of filling out the unified form T-1

In the header of the form, you need to fill in the name of the company, the OKUD, OKPO form, the serial number of the order and the date of its preparation. The main part of the order consists of the following points:

  • Employment date;
  • Employee's full name and personnel number;
  • Structural unit, employee position;
  • Nature of work;
  • Tariff rate (salary) and allowance;
  • Probation;
  • The number and date when the employment contract, which is the basis for drawing up the order, was concluded;
  • Signature of the head of the company;
  • Date and signature of the employee, which indicates that the employee is familiar with the order.

Please note that according to the law, you must store personnel documents in the archive. Orders on hiring, transfer, and dismissal must be kept for 75 years.

Any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership, type of activity, number of staff, is obliged to conduct personnel records, part of which are orders on hiring, firing and relocation, remuneration, and rest of employees.

Employment: primary documents

The basis for the applicant’s employment and enrollment in the staff are the primary documents:

  • employment contract,
  • hiring order.

All documents must be drawn up in the prescribed form and registered in special log books (for each type). The original application, a copy of the contract and an extract from the employment order are filed in the employee’s personal file.

Registration of an order for employment: templates and samples

The employer should pay special attention to the issue of correct execution of documents, since they are the object of close study by inspection services - the State Labor Inspectorate, employment and social protection services, in the event of labor disputes and claims.

An order for hiring an employee can be drawn up:

  • according to the model recommended by the State Statistics Committee in Resolution No. 1 of 01/05/04;
  • in any form provided for by the internal document flow of the enterprise.

Hiring: contents of the order

For an order for employment, a sample of filling out the document should be available in each personnel department. And although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly regulate the forms and samples of internal personnel document flow, and the unified form of the order is not strictly mandatory, the content of the order is stipulated by the administrative documents of the Ministry of Labor.

In order for an order (instruction) on hiring an employee to be accepted by the accounting department for further work, it must contain:

  • employee identification data – full name, tax identification number;
  • position (name according to the staff list, OKVED code), rank, category, class;
  • subdivision
  • work period
  • for permanent employees - only the date of acceptance, for employees under a fixed-term employment contract - the date of acceptance and the end date of the contract;
  • salary or tariff rate,
  • types and amounts of allowances
  • information about the employment contract (if provided).

In addition to this data, for persons whose work involves financial responsibility, the order to take up a position must contain the wording “accept for position (name) with full financial responsibility.” A copy of the agreement on liability, as well as an extract from the order, is filed in the official’s personal file.

Admission order: informative access for employees

In order for each employee, when signing in the column for familiarization with the employment document, to be sure that the order for employment was correctly drawn up in relation to him, a sample of the order form in force at the enterprise should be posted on the information board of the personnel service. As an example of an order for employment, the sample order on the information board must be completely filled out.

In addition, it should be noted that for familiarization the employees of the enterprise are issued an order for employment, a sample of which corresponds to the nominal form that is used in the personnel document flow of the enterprise.

The order of acceptance to work drawn up by the organization when hiring a new employee. There are standard order forms - form T-1 and T-1a. The first is convenient to use when hiring one employee, the second when hiring several employees.

In this article we suggest downloading order forms T-1 and T-1a. As an example, we filled out an employment order using the T-1 form; the completed sample can be downloaded below.

Download the employment order form

The order is filled out based on the employee’s application, a sample of which can be downloaded, as well as an employment contract concluded at the initial stage of employment.

It is not necessary to use standard forms; you can develop your own order form, not forgetting to include all the necessary details typical for administrative documents.

As a rule, a representative of the personnel service is involved in filling out the order form, as well as completing the form.

Order for employment (Form T-1). Sample filling

At the top of the form is written the name of the organization in which the employee is employed. The order form is assigned an individual and unique number, and the date of registration is written.

In the “hire” line, you must indicate the date from which the employee begins to perform the job duties assigned to him - the first working day.

In the “to” line, the end date of work is filled in if the contract is concluded with the employee for a certain period.

Below is written the full name of the person being accepted into the staff.

Each employee is assigned an individual number, called a personnel number, this number is retained by the employee throughout his entire career with this employer. This number is written in the corresponding field on the T-1 order form.

Below is written the name of the structural unit (department) into which the new employee is being hired, as well as the position.

In the line below you must indicate the nature of the work and the conditions of employment.

If the conditions of employment require a probationary period, then its duration must be entered in the field specially designated for this.

The basis for drawing up an order is its number and date.

The order completed in this way is signed by the head of the organization and given to the employee for review.

The latter checks the correctness of the information specified in the form and signs the document, setting the date of signing.

The executed and signed order is stored at the enterprise and serves as the basis for filling out a personal file, if necessary, etc.

Example of an order for employment (form T-1)

Download the employment order (form T-1). Sample, form

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

As soon as a new employee at the enterprise has passed all kinds of professional suitability tests and all job responsibilities have been agreed upon with the employer, it is the turn of official employment. One of the documents used to register an employee for a vacant position is the Order for Employment in Form T-1. If a group of people is hired at once, the order is drawn up in form T-1a.

Sample and form of an order for employment in the T-1 form


The employment order can be drawn up by an employee of the personnel service, or by the employer himself, if the enterprise is small. The document is signed by the relevant official (or manager), and only after that is presented to the new employee for signature.

An entry in the work book (or registration, if the employee receives it for the first time) is made after drawing up and signing the T-1 form.

The employment order signed by both parties goes into the archives of the enterprise and is stored there for the entire duration of the employee’s presence in a particular position. Sometimes a situation arises when an employee may need this order; in this case, he makes a request to the accounting department, and it issues him a certified copy of the document. The copy must bear the company's seal.

Stages of filling out an employment order according to form T-1

When starting to fill out, remember: there should be no errors, clerical errors or corrections in the document. You can correct what you have written, but you must put the seal of the company and write “believe the correction”, and also sign for the official responsible for personnel or the manager. But it’s easier, if a mistake is made, to order to destroy and create a new one.

What you need to fill out in the employee’s hiring order is highlighted in the images below with a yellow marker. The remaining fields are present in the sample order by default and do not need to be adjusted.

So, the first thing to do is enter the name of the organization, in our case - Great Forest LLC.
Further - Document Number and him date.

These documents can be numbered in any way, but, of course, any personnel service does this in order.
In our case, the order was drawn up on February 14, 2017, document number 24.

Count "recruit" contains two input fields. Moreover, the first field must be filled in in any case. This is the date from which the employee will begin his job duties.
The second field most often turns out to be empty, since the company, by default, accepts workers for an indefinite period. However, if the final period of the employee’s presence at the position is established by the employment contract, it must be reflected in this column.

Attention! Filling out all fields of the order for hiring an employee must comply with the previously concluded employment contract between the employee and the employer.

Fill in the field “ salary" And " bonus" If there is no bonus provided (as in our example), we leave the last field blank.

Also, if the employment contract contains a probationary period condition, this must be reflected in the order. The default form says “month(s)”, but you can change it to “weeks” if you need a shorter period. In the example, we did just that.

Field " base” is a component of the order, which must contain the date and number of the document on the basis of which this order was drawn up. In our case, an employment contract.

After drawing up the order, the official or manager puts his signature, its transcript, and enters his position. Then he gives an order for review by the employee, who must make sure that all the information in the order corresponds to the previously concluded employment contract. If no discrepancies are noticed, the employee boldly puts his signature and can begin his duties on the appointed date.