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Presentation for the lesson "Civil War and Intervention" presentation for a history lesson (grade 11) on the topic. Presentation "Civil War in Russia" On the main front - Eastern

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Lesson Plan 1. Concept Civil War and periodization. 2. Causes of the Civil War. 3. The beginning of the Civil War. 4.White movement. 5.Creation of the Red Army. 6.The course of the Civil War. 7. Reasons for the defeat of the white movement. 8. Results of the Civil War.

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The concept of the Civil War What is the Civil War? A period of acute class clashes. A method of resolving contradictions between the parties with the help of armed forces. Confrontation of class and social groups.

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Periodization of the Civil War Different approaches to periodization February 1917 – October 1922 Spring 1918 – Autumn 1920 October 1917 – October 1922: October 1917 – Spring 1918 – “soft Civil War” Spring – Summer 1918 – the beginning of the “front” stage of the Civil War December 1918 – June 1919 – confrontation between the regular Red and White armies. "Year of the Whites" The second half of 1919 - Autumn 1920 - the period of military defeat of the white armies. The end of 1920 – 1922 – the period of the “small Civil War”

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Causes of the Civil War The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk offended the patriotic feelings of officers and intelligentsia Dispersal by the Bolsheviks Constituent Assembly The desire of the landowners and the bourgeoisie to preserve their property. The policy of the Bolsheviks in the countryside: the creation of committees of the poor, surplus appropriation.

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The beginning of the Civil War In the spring of 1918, dissatisfaction with the Bolshevik policies became widespread. Intervention has become a reality - the violent intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state. Germany occupied Ukraine, troops of the Entente countries landed in Arkhangelsk. The economy was falling into chaos. Repressions against the opposition and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk provided massive social support to opponents of the Bolsheviks. British troops in Arkhangelsk

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Beginning of the Civil War May 1918 - mutiny of the Czechoslovak Corps, stationed in Siberia and the Urals. By the end of the summer of 1918, a significant part of the territories of Russia came under the rule of anti-Bolshevik governments: in Samara - KOMUCH, in Yekaterinburg - the Ural Regional Government, in Tomsk - the Provisional Siberian Government. September 1918, a unified government of “democratic counter-revolution” - the Ufa Directory - was created in Ufa. Czechoslovakian train in Siberia.

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White movement On the Don, Ataman Kaledin declared his disobedience to the Bolsheviks. In December 1917, the formation of the Volunteer Army began here from officers. It was headed by Gen. M. Alekseev. Participants in the movement wanted to revive the former power of the empire and set the task of fighting all socialist parties. The population reacted favorably to the Soviets. Kaledin was forced to shoot himself. Soon Alekseev died and was replaced by General L. Kornilov. General M. Alekseev General L. Kornilov

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White movement In the spring of 1918, under the influence of rumors about the forced redistribution of land on the Don, anti-Soviet protests began to arise. When German troops appeared on the Don, the Cossack elite entered into an agreement with them. Here the Don Army was formed, led by General Krasnov. The Soviets formed the Southern Front and stopped the Cossack advance in December. Soon all the White Guards came under the banner of Denikin. General P. Krasnov

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White movement Kornilov died in April 1918 during an unsuccessful assault on the capital of the Kuban, Ekaterinodar. And General A. Denikin became commander-in-chief. In the Southern Urals, resistance to the Bolsheviks was led by Ataman A. Dutov, and in Transbaikalia by Ataman G. Semenov. The first anti-Bolshevik protests were spontaneous and scattered. But gradually two centers of struggle emerged - in Siberia, where wealthy peasants predominated, dissatisfied with the activities of the Podkom, and in the south with its Cossack population, accustomed to freemen. Volunteer Army.

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Creation of the Red Army Lenin believed that the army should be replaced by the general arming of the people. But the fight against counter-revolution forced him to reconsider his approach. By decrees of January 15 and 29, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the Red Navy were created on a voluntary basis. But in conditions of a protracted war, there were not particularly large numbers of volunteers. Therefore, on May 30, universal conscription was introduced. People's Commissar for military affairs N. Krylenko

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Creation of the Red Army This made it possible by 1920 to increase the number of troops to 5 million people. Courses were organized to train commanders, and in March 1918 a decree was issued to recruit “bourgeois specialists” into the army. To control them, the positions of commissars were introduced. In September 1918, a unified army command structure was formed. At the head of the fronts was a revolutionary military council consisting of a commander and 2 commissars. They were subordinate to the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, headed by L. Trotsky. L. Trotsky among the members of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Eastern Front.

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Progress of the Civil War 1. The fight against Kolchak in 1919 On November 28, 1918, Kolchak announced the introduction of sole power to fight the Bolsheviks. After the victory, he planned to convene a National Assembly. In the spring of 1919, 400 thousand. the army launched an offensive and approached the Volga. Kolchak’s plans included the capture of Moscow with the help of Denikin’s army. But in April, the Eastern Front under the command of M. Frunze defeated the Kolchakites near Samara and Ufa. In July, Yekaterinburg was liberated. In November, Omsk, the capital of Kolchak, fell. A. V. Kolchak

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Progress of the Civil War 1. The fight against Kolchak in 1919 Under the blows of the Red Army, the White Guards retreated to Irkutsk. On December 24, an anti-Kolchak uprising broke out here, the Czechoslovak corps declared neutrality, and in early January 1920 they arrested Kolchak and handed him over to the leaders of the uprising. Kolchak was shot. The Red Army's offensive soon stopped. On April 6, 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was proclaimed in Verkhneudinsk - a “buffer state” headed by the Bolsheviks. Siberian partisans

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Progress of the Civil War 2. Defeat of the army of N. Yudenich In the spring of 1919, the Russian political committee in Finland, headed by general. N. Yudenich formed an army on its territory and in May launched an attack on Petrograd. The front between Narva and Lake Peipsi was broken through. On June 13, a rebellion began in a number of Petrograd forts. The Bolsheviks, relying on Baltic sailors and units of the Red Army, suppressed the rebellion and went on the offensive. At the beginning of 1920, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk were liberated. The Russian north became Soviet again. N.N. Yudenich

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Progress of the Civil War 3. Liquidation of the Volunteer Army In May-June 1919, Denikin’s offensive began in the south. The White Guards occupied Donbass, Belgorod, Tsaritsyn and announced the start of a campaign against Moscow. The Bolsheviks mobilized and launched a counteroffensive in October. The First Cavalry Army under the command of S. Budyonny cut the White Guards into 2 parts - Caucasian and Crimean. At the beginning of 1920, the Volunteer Army ceased to exist. Before being sent to the Southern Front

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The remnants of the Volunteer Army moved to Crimea. Wrangel, trying to gain social support, issued on May 25 the “Law on Land”, which transferred it to those who worked on it. Local power passed to the volost zemstvos. Cossack self-government was restored, and workers were promised protection of their rights. But time was lost. After Wrangel’s first successes, the Bolsheviks began transferring a significant part of the Red Army to the South. Progress of the Civil War 3. Liquidation of the Volunteer Army First Cavalry Army.

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Units of the Red Army were transferred to the south and began an assault on the Perekop Isthmus, but they failed to immediately capture the powerful fortifications. On November 8, one of the detachments crossed the Sivash and struck the White Guards in the rear. Soon the fortifications on Perekop and Chongar passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks. The remnants of the White Guards rushed to Sevastopol in the hope of fleeing abroad, but the blow inflicted by Frunze eliminated the remnants of the Volunteer Army. Progress of the Civil War 4. War with Poland. The defeat of P. Wrangel. M. Samsonov. Crossing Sivash.

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The leaders of the White movement were unable to offer the people an attractive program. They restored previous laws, returned land and enterprises to their former owners, and supported the idea of ​​​​restoring the monarchy. Residents of the national outskirts could not accept the slogan “United and indivisible Russia.” Reasons for the defeat of the white movement. The White generals refused to cooperate with the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries and split the anti-Bolshevik front. They have stained themselves by collaborating with the interventionists. They failed to achieve unity in their ranks. Defeat of the white armies in the south.

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Results of the Civil War By 1921, the population of Russia compared to the fall of 1917. decreased by more than 10 million people; industrial production decreased by 7 times; transport was in complete disrepair; coal and oil production was at the level of the late 19th century; the area under cultivation has sharply decreased; gross output Agriculture was 67% of the pre-war level. The people were exhausted. There were not enough clothes, shoes, and medicines. In the spring and summer of 1921. A terrible famine broke out in the Volga region, more than 5 million people died. In February 1921, 64 factories shut down. The workers found themselves on the street. Child homelessness has increased sharply. Many representatives of the officers, Cossacks, and bourgeoisie were forced to leave the country. About 2 million people immigrated by the end of the war. By the end of the war, a command-administrative system had been established economic system. The war left a bloody mark on people’s souls; many were never able to get used to peaceful life.

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Prerequisites for the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 First Russian Constitution was adopted at the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets on July 10, 1918, and from the moment of publication on July 19 it came into force. However, even before this, constitutional searches were underway in Russia. IN Russian Empire there was no document called “constitution”, but there was a Code of Basic State Laws, and in it there was a section “Basic State Laws”, which in a truncated form performed some of the functions of the constitution. But the liberal public actively fought for the introduction of a constitution and constitutional freedoms in the country. This is becoming one of the key slogans of the revolution being prepared in Russia.

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IN AND. Lenin said that the Soviet Constitution “... was not copied from other constitutions. There have been no constitutions like ours in the world. It records the experience of struggle and organization of the proletarian masses against the exploiters both within the country and throughout the world.” Lenin, thus, points to the main source of the Basic Law of the RSFSR - the experience of struggle and organization of the proletariat, embodied in Marxism-Leninism. Really, theoretical basis The Constitution was the teaching of Marx, developed and enriched in the new conditions by V.I. Lenin, especially the doctrine of state and law. IN AND. Lenin said that the Soviet Constitution “... was not copied from other constitutions. There have been no constitutions like ours in the world. It records the experience of struggle and organization of the proletarian masses against the exploiters both within the country and throughout the world.” Lenin, thus, points to the main source of the Basic Law of the RSFSR - the experience of struggle and organization of the proletariat, embodied in Marxism-Leninism. Indeed, the theoretical basis of the Constitution was the teaching of Marx, developed and enriched in the new conditions by V.I. Lenin, especially the doctrine of state and law.

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The Constitution of the RSFSR not only assigns certain rights to workers, but also imposes basic responsibilities on citizens of the republic. The rights and responsibilities of citizens are inextricably linked. The Constitution of the RSFSR not only assigns certain rights to workers, but also imposes basic responsibilities on citizens of the republic. The rights and responsibilities of citizens are inextricably linked. The Constitution fixes only the most important duties of Soviet citizens. Among them, we must first of all note the universal duty to work. Article 18 of the Basic Law states: “The Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic recognizes work as the duty of all citizens of the Republic and proclaims the slogan: “He who does not work, let him not eat!”

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The absence of a national qualification is also interpreted very widely. In development of Art. 20 specifically emphasizes that not only citizens of the RSFSR, but also foreign workers enjoy voting rights. The absence of a national qualification is also interpreted very widely. In development of Art. 20 specifically emphasizes that not only citizens of the RSFSR, but also foreign workers enjoy voting rights. The Constitution specifies the concept of “worker”, giving an exact list of citizens who have voting rights. This includes workers and employees of all types and categories, peasants who do not use hired labor for the purpose of making a profit, military personnel, and workers who have lost their ability to work.

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CONSTITUTION - a single, normative, with special legal properties legal act, through which the people establish the basic principles of the structure of society and the state. 1918 - Constitution of the RSFSR. 1924 - Constitution of the USSR. 1936 - Constitution of the USSR. 1977 - Constitution of the USSR. 1993 - Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918

It used normative material accumulated since October 1917 - “Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People” - V. I. Lenin made some adjustments to the draft, in particular, on the issue of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. On July 3, 1918, the finished draft Constitution was published in Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. -July 19 The Basic Law was published in Izvestia. All-Russian Central Executive Committee" and came into force from that moment.

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Constitution of 1918.

FEATURES: 1.Determined the structure of the state. 2. It erased all previous Russian experience. 3. Had a class character. a) Dictatorship of the proletariat. b) The people were not the source of power. 4.Federal structure, in the actual absence of subjects. The coat of arms of the RSFSR in 1918, adopted by V.I. Lenin.

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Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR, 1918

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    Basic principles of the Constitution: The basic principles of the Constitution were formulated in its six sections: I. Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People; II. General provisions Constitution of the RSFSR; III. Construction of Soviet power (organization of Soviet power in the center and locally); IV. Active and passive suffrage; V. Budgetary law; VI. About the coat of arms and flag of the RSFSR.

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    The structure of government and management bodies according to the Constitution are the basic principles of the Soviet federation. voluntariness of association, national-territorial principle of formation of the Russian Federation, system of authorities and management

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    There are a total of 24 presentations in the topic