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I constantly want to write how to treat. Frequent urination in a child without pain: causes and treatment. Frequent urination in women after sex

A good half of the fairer sex in the world is familiar with frequent urination (pollakiuria). The process may be accompanied by a painful syndrome or without it. But here’s the paradox: mostly those patients who have this unpleasant condition accompanied by pain turn to a doctor for help, while the rest take a wait-and-see attitude. This approach to the problem is completely unacceptable, since in the future it may result in the development of completely undesirable consequences.

Let's consider the reasons for frequent urination without pain in women - when pollakiuria is a physiological manifestation, and when it is a consequence of pathological processes.

Frequent urination - how often?

How many times is considered normal?

Since each person is individual, it is difficult to say how many trips to the toilet for minor needs, for specific person, is considered the norm. There are only averages, which range from 6 to 10 urinations per day.

On different days, their frequency may be different, since the process itself depends on many factors - the individual physiological characteristics of the body, personal eating habits, the amount of fluid drunk and other factors.

At the beginning, women do not attach much importance to such changes, since they do not experience much discomfort, but when “physiological need” gets them out of bed several times a night, the search for the cause begins. It should be noted that if the “inconveniences” of this kind are short-term, appearing within 1 or 2 days, such symptoms should not be particularly alarming. But when the pathological process worsens and prolongs, you should think about why urination so often bothers you?

Possible causes of frequent urination without pain

The manifestation of frequent, painless urination in women is due to processes occurring in the body - physiological, not causing concern, and pathological, requiring urgent examination and treatment.

  • Physiology

Physiological problems that cause frequent urination include:

1) A large amount of provocative food in the diet (sour, spicy, or salty) and consumption alcoholic drinks, which themselves have diuretic properties. A single volume of urine excreted can exceed 200 ml. In this case, pain does not appear and the color of urine does not change; slight discomfort in the urethra in the form of tickling may be felt.

2) Stressful conditions, anxiety and tension - the number of urinations per day increases significantly, but one-time discharge does not exceed the usual amount. In this case, there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied and a desire to go again.

3) Effect of hypothermia. The effect of cold on the body is the most common reason for going to the toilet for several hours in a row, which is caused by spasm of the detrusor - the muscle layers covering the walls of the bladder.

4) Taking some medicines, prescribed against edema and hypertension, also causes painless pollakiuria, which is considered a normal manifestation in this situation. Many medicinal herbs can also provoke an unpleasant condition. Especially when in women the desire to quickly lose weight prevails over common sense, and the desire to get “everything at once” pushes for treatment with diuretic herbs in an arbitrary course.

You can normalize urination completely independently if you eliminate the influence of provoking factors on the body. But there are situations when violations are caused by the development of internal pathologies. At the same time, frequent desires to “urinate” exhaust women not only during the day, but also at night, even if they are not accompanied by pain.

Women wake up unrested, nervous and even more tired. It is possible to develop depressive states, depression, their memory and performance decrease. Only early identification of the root cause of such violations will give hope for quick and effective treatment.

  • Pathology

What pathologies can provoke frequent night urination without pain in women?

1) Diseases of the vascular and cardiac systems. The most common causes include acute and chronic processes in cardiac and vascular functions. Their functional insufficiency provokes the development of pathological processes in the kidneys, caused by a lack of blood supply, which is manifested by disturbances in the processes of urination, the formation of swelling in the limbs and lower abdomen, shortness of breath, pain in the heart and cardiac arrhythmia.

2) Endocrine disorders, manifested by diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. In the first case, symptoms are added by xerostomia (dry mouth), dry skin, itching and poor healing of wounds and cracks. With diabetes insipidus there are no such symptoms, but in both cases the woman is tormented by constant thirst. To suppress it, you can drink a huge amount of liquid, which is manifested by pallakiuria during the day, and nocturia (nocturnal diuresis) at night.

3) Prolapse of the bladder. Nocturnal diuresis is common in women who have given birth frequently. It is a consequence of constant stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the bladder in its anatomical position, as well as its excessive strain caused by childbirth. The descent of the bladder leads to shortening of its neck and the formation of a sac-like cavity into which the remaining urine collects, which provokes in women frequent urge to urination without painful symptoms.

4) Weakening of the muscle tissue of the bladder leads to weakening of its walls. Pathology can develop during puberty and even earlier, due to injuries or the development of tumor processes. Changes in urination are manifested by the release of a small amount of urine and strong false urges “in a small way.”

Why does pollakiuria bother women over 50?

  1. Physiological aging of the bladder is a deterioration in tissue regeneration (restorative functions), a decrease in its elasticity and muscle activity, functional changes as a result of thinning of mucous tissues, atrophy, degenerative processes of nerve fibers and roots, and deterioration of blood flow.
  2. All these processes, against the background of general aging female body, lead to an increase in the activity of the bladder organ - this is manifested by frequent deurination, false (imperative) urges and even urinary incontinence.
  3. The normal functions of the urinary system can be disrupted by many pathological processes, which more often appear in old age. Signs of frequent urination appear in “mature ladies” with strokes and heart attacks, in patients suffering from dementia syndrome and having in their arsenal diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s) that affect the brain functions that control the processes of urination.
  4. Diabetes, which is common among older women, is no exception. An uncontrolled increase in blood glucose causes the formation of large amounts of urine (polyuria and diuresis) and forced frequent trips to the toilet.

In women over 50 years of age and older, urinary problems are often caused by:

  • Changes in the anatomical position of the vaginal walls, uterus or bladder as a result of prolapse (prolapse, prolapse).
  • Long-term estrogen deficiency during menopause, causing disturbances in the muscular contractility of the bladder membrane.
  • “Rich baggage” of diseases that have accumulated over the years, affecting the functions of the central nervous system and blood vessels - pathologies of cerebrovascular disorders or atherosclerotic processes in large vascular branches.
  • Various medications that, with age, women have to take simply as needed. Certain groups of medications (diuretics, sedatives, sleeping pills, narcotics containing and many others) affect the contractile function of the bladder, causing women to urinate frequently without pain or manifest as a complication in the form of increased urge.

Among other pathologies that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the urinary organs in old age, the influence of an infectious lesion should also be noted, regardless of where in the urinary system the infection is localized. In any case, urination processes will be disrupted. The immune system, weakened over the years, is not able to properly resist a harmful infection, so it easily settles in the female body, causing urological pathologies.

Many of them can occur secretly, without pain or particular discomfort, but as the process worsens, additional symptoms may appear in the form of pain, burning, nagging and sharp pain in the pubic and lumbar area, disruptions in menstrual cycles and hemorrhage.

It is these signs that you should pay attention to in order not to miss the development of more serious diseases and to prevent them from becoming chronic.

Physiological and anatomical reasons

For a woman, pregnancy is a special condition that is accompanied by additional stress on the body. After all, he is now responsible for the life support of not only the woman herself, but also her fetus. During the period of bearing a child, many expectant mothers may experience special, unusual signs that cause concern. One of them is frequent urination.

There may be several reasons for this. Some relate to physiological factors associated with metabolic processes, others are caused by anatomical changes in the configuration of organs and their relative position.

Changes in the frequency of urination are observed in pregnant women in the first period (trimester) and in the last.

Physiology. As for the physiological factor, the main reason lies in the increase in general metabolic processes. After all, for the development of the fetus, the body requires more expenditure, both energy and substances, to ensure the life activity of the future person.

At this time, there is an increased load on the female kidneys. Despite the fact that the fruit is still absolutely tiny, its biological activity is at high level. This requires rapid cleansing of the environment in which it is located, from the waste products it secretes, and renewal of the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid).

In addition, pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in blood volume in the female body, which affects the functioning of the kidneys, which are forced to increase the filtration rate. The result is an increase in the amount of urine to maintain the level of concentration of released harmful substances (waste) and prevent them from damaging the walls of the urethral system.

Physiological factors also include changes in hormonal synthesis. With the onset of pregnancy, the women’s body synthesizes a very important hormone (chorionic hormone), the level of which in the body of pregnant women is very important indicator successful development of the fetus. But it has a great effect on increasing the frequency of urination.

Anatomy. Anatomical factors include an increase in the size of the uterus and the nature of its location. In the first period of pregnancy, the uterus increases slightly, since the size of the fetus is not yet large. In this case, its pressure falls on the neck of the bladder (its back part), bringing reflex mechanisms into action - this is reflected by frequent urination or tenesmus (false urge).

With the enlargement of the fetus - in the second trimester, the body of the uterus moves into the peritoneal cavity, reducing pressure on the bladder tissue. In the last period (third trimester), the child, who has grown greatly in the womb, already squeezes the top of the bladder, again provoking increased urination. If this is also accompanied by his movements, the urge to urinate may be sudden.

Such changes in the condition of pregnant women are not accompanied by pain, causing only some discomfort, as they are a natural process. What should cause concern is the addition of other pathological symptoms, the elimination of which and the solution of all problems is only within the competence of the doctor.

What situations require urgent medical attention?

Frequent daytime or nighttime painless urination is a signal of a change in the usual rhythm of life. And the addition of other pathological symptoms is a good reason for emergency examination and treatment. The indications for visiting a urologist are very clear:

  • sensations of burning and cutting during urination;
  • pain in the pubic area;
  • loss of strength or inability to fully empty the bladder;
  • detection of hemorrhagic vaginal discharge;
  • severe indifference to food.

The combination of any of these symptoms with repeated visits to the toilet may indicate the development of a serious pathological process. Delay in treatment can have serious consequences for women Health and negatively affect reproductive functions, depriving a woman of the opportunity to become a mother.

Treatment is based on the identified root cause.

  1. Inflammatory processes require individual selection of antibiotic therapy, taking into account the detected pathogen.
  2. For endocrine disorders, hormonal and sugar-lowering drugs are prescribed.
  3. Drugs that activate blood flow and improve the adaptive and contractile muscle activity of the bladder may be required.
  4. The diet is being adjusted.
  5. Exercises are prescribed to help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs and train the bladder organ by setting a schedule for urinary processes, which helps control urination.
  6. Physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of UHF procedures, electrophoresis and therapeutic mud.

If urination is not painful, patients receive a number of recommendations from the doctor:

  • in order for urination to be complete, during the act of urination it is necessary to slightly tilt the torso forward;
  • limit drinking regime in the afternoon;
  • remove urine at the first physiological need;
  • exclude from consumption dishes that cause a strong need to quench thirst;
  • limit intake of foods and liquids that have a diuretic effect.

Frequent urination processes should not be ignored, even if they are not accompanied by a painful syndrome. Any problems that cause imbalances in health should be carefully considered. Only timely identification of pathologies will help find an effective solution.

For a healthy person, the normal frequency of urination is one to eight times a day. If you feel the need to do this more often, or wake up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself, you need to think about problems with urination.

An exception can be made for elderly people. For them this is considered the norm.

This article describes the causes of frequent urination, as well as the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with it.

If you constantly want to write, the reasons for this feeling are quite extensive. Often these sensations indicate the onset of a disease. Moreover, such symptoms can appear in men and women. They can suffer from the same or completely different diseases.

You can get rid of this unpleasant condition. To do this, you need to determine the reasons for its occurrence. Only a doctor can do this. He will prescribe special studies that will allow you to choose the right treatment. You can, of course, try to treat yourself, but you don’t know what this will lead to.

Let's list the main reasons why you constantly want to write:

  • taking diuretics;
  • eating foods that contain substances that promote urination. Such products include some fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • infection of the urinary organs;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • which is associated with damage to the nervous system;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland (occurs only in men);
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs in women;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the bladder can act as irritants on its walls;
  • urolithiasis disease. also act irritatingly on its walls;
  • overactive bladder syndrome (often abbreviated).

All inflammatory diseases are caused by opportunistic microflora of the reproductive system or pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of certain factors, their number increases, which causes health problems.

Smoking and other bad habits are common causes of bladder inflammation.

Factors leading to the development of the inflammatory process are:

  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases.

In men

The phenomenon that a man constantly wants to write is quite common.

The feeling that you constantly want to write may arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of infections (you want to pee often, even after the bladder has completely emptied);
  • diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Only a qualified specialist can diagnose such diseases. Since the symptoms of all diseases are similar, a full medical examination is required to determine the exact cause. It is necessary to take blood and urine tests.

As men age, they visit the toilet more often for minor needs. They have night urges. The male body begins to work differently in old age. It processes fluid in its sleep. However, if a man wants to pee more than twice during the night, he should think about it and pay close attention to this problem.

Among women

Women are just as susceptible to urinary problems as men. If there is a feeling that you constantly want to pee, in women without pain or with it, the cause is often all kinds of infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

In urology, there are a number of reasons why women constantly want to write:

  • bladder prolapse;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • presence or ;
  • neoplasms in the urinary tract or bladder.
You should immediately consult a doctor if problems with frequent visits to the toilet worsen during menstruation.

During pregnancy

The female body has several features that are directly related to the possibility of having children.

During pregnancy, changes occur that affect all internal organs, including the urinary system.

If you constantly want to pee during pregnancy, this is considered a normal condition for a pregnant woman.

Although if they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate some violations. After childbirth, all processes return to normal and urination is restored.

Symptoms to watch out for

Only a doctor can make a specific diagnosis. Before this, he will carry out diagnostic measures. In addition to the constant desire to pee, there are also certain accompanying symptoms that may serve as a warning about problems with internal organs.

If you constantly feel like you want to write, you should definitely be wary in the following cases:

  • present;
  • the presence of false urges;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of blood and

Pain in the lower abdomen

The appearance of urine can also tell a lot. If blood is present, consult a doctor immediately. This symptom indicates serious problems.


What to do if you constantly want to write? High-quality treatment is provided only by professionals. Both private and public medical institutions there are such specialists - .

They will diagnose the disease, prescribe effective treatment, and carry out a set of rehabilitation measures. Without preliminary diagnosis, it is impossible to select effective treatment or prescribe medications.

Inflammatory processes necessarily require the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed by a doctor. After taking them, medications are prescribed that normalize the microflora in the body.

Doctors may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce body temperature, have an analgesic effect and eliminate inflammation. Antispasmodics (Papaverine or) will help relieve pain.

Painkiller tablets Papaverine

It is used for urolithiasis. It is carried out using surgery, ultrasound or medications.

When benign tumors appear in the bladder, conservative treatment (taking medications) is used, but this method is ineffective and leads to relapses. Only patients who have contraindications to surgery are treated this way.

The surgical method has shown the best results in the treatment of tumors.

Sometimes not only the tumor, but also part of the organ is removed.

If the tumor is malignant, then an additional course of radiation and chemotherapy is prescribed. This will help prevent relapses and the occurrence of metastases.

When independently determining the causes of frequent urges, you need to analyze which medications were taken in Lately. You need to look at the instructions for use to see if they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth paying attention to foods in your diet that may also have a diuretic effect. After such an analysis, excluding the above factors, you need to pay attention to whether the urges are real or false.


As preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the genitourinary system, you must adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

  • drink more clean water;
  • exclude from the diet harmful products;
  • toilet the genitals every day;
  • lead healthy image life without bad habits;
  • refuse to visit suspicious bathhouses, swimming pools and other similar establishments;
  • periodically conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

Video on the topic

Causes of frequent urination in women:

It is important to remember that you can get rid of frequent urination only after eliminating the causes of the disease. As a result of self-treatment folk remedies or inadequate therapy in the case of inflammatory diseases, urinary incontinence or persistent muscular hypotonicity of the bladder may develop.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Concept of frequent urination. Physiological norms

The frequency of emptying the bladder per day is not a constant value. The amount of urination depends on many factors, both physiological and external. The normal number of urinations during the day is determined with a high degree of convention, and averages from two to six times.

The main criterion for subjectively determining the presence of such an abnormal condition as frequent urination, is the degree of personal comfort. This means that for one individual, eight urinations per day may be the norm, since it does not cause any inconvenience. For another individual, the number of urinations per day should not exceed three or four so that such a person can feel comfortable and not experience physical or psychological discomfort. Thus, normal frequency urination is a very subjective concept, and is determined by the person himself.

Due to such variability of reference values, it is advisable to define the term frequent urination as an increase in the frequency of trips to the toilet for minor needs relative to previously observed average values ​​characteristic of this particular person. During one trip to the toilet to urinate, the average person produces 200-300 ml of urine.

Physiological norms of urination frequency in children of different sizes

However, similar norms and concepts apply to an adult, and in children the number of urinations differs significantly from the norms of a mature organism, and depends on the age of the child. Thus, newborns up to three to four months of age pee 15-20 times a day, children from three months to one year urinate 12-16 times, children aged 1-3 years feel the need to empty the bladder up to 10 times within one day. From three to nine years of age, urination begins to become less frequent; the number of trips to the toilet is 6-8 times. And children who have reached the age of 9 experience the need to urinate with the same frequency as adults, that is, no more than 2-7 times a day.

The concepts of nocturia and pollakiuria

The phenomenon of frequent urination can occur during the day and at night. In relation to frequent urination at night, a special term is used nocturia, and to frequent daytime - pollakiuria. When nocturia is present, a person gets up to urinate four to five or more times in one night. Usually, nocturnal urination occurs once, maximum twice, during the dark time of day.

The main reasons leading to the development of frequent urination

Frequent urination can be caused by various physiological phenomena, such as pathologies of the kidneys or other organs and systems, in which frequent urination is a consequence and symptom of an underlying disease.

There are four main groups of factors leading to the development of frequent urination:
1. Physiological factors
2. Pathology of the urinary system
3. Pathology of various organs and systems, leading to the secondary development of the symptom of high frequency of urination
4. Taking drugs that increase urination

Physiological factors that provoke frequent urination

Let's look at each group of factors in more detail. Physiological factors that increase the frequency of urination are, first of all, diet, as well as stress, anxiety or any tension in the body. Under the influence of physiological factors, pollakiuria develops, that is, frequent urination during the daytime.

Dietary features include abundant fluid consumption, especially caffeine-containing drinks, alcohol (beer, champagne), carbonated drinks, and consumption of foods with diuretic properties (watermelon, melon, cranberries, lingonberries, cucumber, etc.). In such a situation, an increase in the frequency of urination is not a sign of any pathological condition, but is only a natural reaction to excess fluid consumed, which is subject to increased excretion. In a state of stress, excitement or tension of any other nature, vasoconstriction occurs and the amount of oxygen delivered to the body’s tissues is reduced. In such a situation of oxygen starvation, the human body compensatory produces more urine, which also causes more frequent trips to the toilet to urinate. You shouldn’t be afraid of this phenomenon, because even a healthy athlete visits the restroom every 15-20 minutes before the start of a competition.

If, in an adult or child, tension of any nature (psychological, physical) persists for a long time, then frequent urination begins to cause discomfort. In this situation, you need to understand and identify the cause of the tension, which, if eliminated, will automatically relieve the problem with the frequency of going to the toilet. Physiological factors that increase the frequency of urination also include pregnancy, especially the first and last trimesters. A pregnant woman in this case does not need special treatment. Sometimes severe hypothermia leads to a short-term urinary disorder such as an increase in its frequency, however, in the absence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, this condition quickly goes away on its own without special treatment.

The nature of urination in various physiological conditions

Differences in the nature of frequent urination under various physiological conditions of the body are presented in the table.

Pathologies of the urinary system, accompanied by frequent

excretion of urine Pathologies of the urinary system can also manifest themselves as symptoms of nocturia and pollakiuria, with the latter being more common. This group of diseases has an unfavorable prognosis, and it will not be possible to eliminate frequent urination using simple physiological methods. If you have diseases of the urinary system, it is necessary to undergo a thorough comprehensive examination and undergo a course of full treatment.
Frequent urination may be caused by the following diseases of the genitourinary tract:

  • weakness of the muscles of the bladder walls;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • overactive bladder.
When the muscular wall of the bladder is weak, urine is released frequently and in small portions. This pattern of urination is established due to the fact that the weak wall of the bladder is not able to withstand the pressure of even a small portion of its natural contents, so a very strong urge to urinate immediately arises. With this condition of the muscular walls of the organ, it is necessary to perform a set of special exercises, supported by the use of special medications that relax the muscles of the bladder and exclude the action of the peripheral nervous system. However, such a complex of conservative measures does not always lead to a cure, which entails the need for surgical intervention.

Overactive bladder is a symptom complex that occurs as a result of disorders in the peripheral nervous system, as a result of which nerve impulses cause the organ to contract strongly. It is the strengthening of nerve signals that provokes frequent emptying of the bladder. This condition is characterized by the presence of an imperative urge to urinate that cannot be ignored.

The presence of inflammatory genitourinary diseases is also accompanied by the development of the symptom of increased bladder emptying. When cystitis is combined with frequent urination, a person suffers from a painful and painful urge to urinate. It is possible to develop urinary incontinence at night. In addition to the frequency of trips to the toilet, urethritis is accompanied by a painful process of urination. Pyelonephritis combines frequent, slightly painful urine output with lower back pain in the kidney area. The urge to urinate increases, the frequency increases when walking, cooling, strong physical and emotional stress.

The genesis of the development of frequent urination in urolithiasis is a combination of factors of chronic inflammation of the walls of the bladder and chronic stretching of them by stones. Due to a combination of these reasons, urine is excreted quite often and in small portions, which is due to severe irritation of the inflamed walls of the organ and its small volume. Due to the presence of stones, the bladder is not able to fully contract, so there is almost always a small amount of unreleased urine left in it.

The nature of urination and accompanying symptoms for various
pathological conditions of the urinary tract

The symptom of frequent urination in diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature is not a single symptom - as a rule, it is combined with other signs of any pathological condition of an organ or system. Information about the characteristics of urination and accompanying symptoms is presented in the table.

Pathology of the genitourinary system Pattern of urination Associated symptoms
CystitisFrequent, in small portions with strong urges. Pollakiuria.Pain when urinating, possible presence of blood and pus in the urine, increased body temperature.
UrethritisFrequent, small portions, with the desire to urinate after urination. Pollakiuria.Pain when urinating, pus or red blood cells in the urine.
Urolithiasis diseaseFrequent, in small portions, with incomplete emptying of the bladder, the color is changed. Pollakiuria and nocturia.Pain in the lower abdomen or along the urinary tract, hyperthermia, salts in the urine, desquamated epithelium.
Muscle weakness
urinary walls
Frequent, in small portions, normal color. Pollakiuria and nocturia.Abdominal tension.
PyelonephritisFrequently, in small portions, color unchanged. Pollakiuria.Lower back pain, pain in the lower abdomen, admixture of red and white blood cells in the urine, high temperature.

Frequent urination in pathologies of various organs and systems

Unfortunately, the development of frequent urination is possible not only against the background of pathology of the urinary system, but also with diseases of other organs and systems.
The main diseases leading to the development of secondary frequent urination:
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • prostate tumors in men;
  • pelvic floor injuries.

So, diseases of the genitourinary area are characterized mainly by the development of pollakiuria. Pathologies of other organs and systems that lead to the secondary development of the symptom of frequent urination are mainly manifested by nocturia. To such pathological conditions include diseases of the cardiovascular system with the development of failure. With such diseases, during the daytime, during walking and vigorous activity, the formation of hidden edema occurs, which begins to subside at night, when the body is at rest. Pathology of the cardiovascular system provokes the development of nocturia in both women and men.

In men, there is another reason why frequent night urination may develop - prostate adenoma or any other tumor localized in this area. With prostate adenoma, the tumor compresses the urinary tract, preventing the bladder from completely emptying. This incomplete emptying of the bladder leads to frequent urination.

In women and men, frequent urination, not associated with diseases of the urinary system, can be caused by anatomical features, injuries to the pelvic area, previous surgeries in the pelvic floor, bladder, etc. With the development of prolapse of the internal genital organs, women also develop the symptom of frequent urination.

Classic diseases that cause frequent bladder emptying are diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Diabetes insipidus develops as a result of damage to one of the parts of the brain – the neurohypophysis. Due to a violation of the nervous regulation of the urinary system, the process of urine formation in the kidneys is disrupted, which leads to frequent urination with the loss of a large amount of fluid from the body. In such a situation, a person drinks a lot in order to compensate for the loss of the liquid component. With normal diabetes mellitus, there is a triad of symptoms - diabetes (frequent and copious urination), constant thirst and dry mouth. Patients with diabetes drink a lot, excrete a lot of urine, but they are tormented by a constant feeling of dry mouth. Itching may develop in the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra and genitals due to the irritating effect of sugar.

In the situations described above, the symptom of frequent urination is secondary, so its therapy is reduced to treating the underlying disease.

Increased urination when taking medications

Increased urination with increased number of visits to the toilet is also caused by many medications. In the first place are diuretics, which have a targeted diuretic effect. Diuretics are used in complex therapy of hypertension, relieving tissue edema, and in the treatment of toxicosis and gestosis in pregnant women. If excessive fluid loss occurs when using medications, the drug should be replaced or the dose reduced.

For any manifestation of the symptom of frequent urination, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo a preventive examination in order to find out the true cause of the development of the pathological phenomenon.

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Frequent urge to urinate in women is a reason to consult a specialist, since this seemingly harmless symptom can mask quite serious diseases.

Urination is the process of releasing urine from the bladder through the urethra into the external environment. The number of urinations varies from person to person and averages 3-9 times a day.

Taking this into account, we want to tell you about the reasons for the frequent urge to urinate in women, as well as what to do and how to get rid of this problem.

Urine formation occurs in the kidneys, which act as a filter. Regulates the process of urine formation nervous system. In 24 hours, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys, which consists of water, salts, sugar, and other substances. But the daily volume of urine in an adult is only one and a half liters. This can be explained by the fact that primary urine undergoes secondary filtration, during which water and the above substances are absorbed back into the blood.

As we have already said, the amount of urination is individual for each person, which directly depends on age, gender, physiological state, the climate where he lives, as well as dietary habits. But the norm is considered to be 3-9 urinations per day, and urination at night should be no more than once.

If the number of urinations per day is more than 10, then this symptom is called polyuria. Frequent urination at night (more than once) is medically referred to as nocturia.

Polyuria or nocturia is a reason to pay attention to your health and make an appointment with a urologist.

It is also important to note that a healthy adult should normally produce between 200 and 300 ml of urine at a time.

With frequent urination, the single amount of urine in most cases decreases, but can also be normal or even increase.

The causes of frequent urination can be both physiological factors and various diseases. It should also be said that with frequent urination in women caused by physiological factors, there will be no pain, itching and burning in the urethra, fever, pathological impurities in the urine, etc.

Let's look at why women experience frequent urination without pain or other unpleasant symptoms.

Frequent urination in women without pain: causes

  • Diuretic therapy. When taking diuretics, the number of urinations increases, and the volume of urine increases.
  • Pregnancy. We will talk about this factor in more detail below.
  • Nutritional features. Eating large amounts of spicy food, pickles, animal and vegetable fats irritates the bladder receptors and contributes to increased urination.
  • Abuse of caffeinated drinks such as coffee and alcohol, especially beer.
  • Hypothermia of the lower extremities. Many people probably noticed that when they were cold, the urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” became more frequent. This can be considered a normal reaction of the bladder after hypothermia.
  • Psycho-emotional shocks. During stress, the body's cells suffer from oxygen starvation, one of the manifestations of which is frequent urination.
  • Period. Before menstruation, fluid is retained in the female body, so with the arrival critical days it begins to be excreted in the urine, causing urination to become more frequent.
  • Climax. During the period when a woman’s reproductive function fades, hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body, which contribute to increased frequency of urination.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

Diseases of the urinary system are the most common cause of frequent urination. Let's look at these diseases.

Cystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Women suffer from cystitis more often than men, since the female urethra is shorter and thicker than the male urethra, which facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder from the external environment.

With cystitis, there is pain in the lower abdomen, and urination becomes more frequent and is accompanied by pain and burning. Also, after going to the toilet, a woman experiences a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and the urge to urinate. In addition, there may be urinary incontinence and the appearance of pathological impurities in it, causing it to become cloudy.

Urethritis. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary canal that is caused by various pathogens.

Urination with urethritis becomes more frequent, accompanied by itching, pain and burning in the urethra.

Pyelonephritis. This disease is an inflammation of the renal pyelocaliceal system, which is caused by pathogens. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis. Women also experience lower back pain, body temperature rises, shivering, and the urine becomes cloudy due to the admixture of pus and blood.

Urolithiasis disease. Frequent urination with blood is often a sign of urolithiasis, since stones can damage the lining of the urinary tract, causing pain and bleeding. Also, symptoms of this disease may include interruption of the stream of urine, pain in the lower abdomen and along the urinary canal, which radiate to the inner thigh and genitals.

Atony of the bladder. With this disease, the walls of the bladder have weakened tone. Atony of the bladder is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate, during which a small amount of urine is released.

Overactive bladder. This condition is a complication of other diseases of the urinary system, in which the activity of the nerve receptors in the walls of the bladder increases, which is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Uterine fibroids. In the initial stages of the disease, only menstrual irregularities, lower abdominal pain, and metrorrhagia are present. After the tumor reaches a significant size, it begins to compress the bladder, which is expressed by a frequent urge to urinate.

Prolapse of the uterus. This condition leads to displacement of all organs that are located in the pelvis, in particular the bladder. Therefore, patients suffer from heavy periods, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding, as well as frequent urination and urinary incontinence.

Frequent and excessive urination in women can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Diabetes. With this disease, the body does not have enough insulin, resulting in increased sugar levels in the blood and urine. Glucose is able to carry water molecules, so when it is actively excreted from the body in urine, it takes water with it, causing frequent urination.

Diabetes insipidus. This disease is characterized by severe thirst and an increase in daily diuresis due to a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Cardiovascular diseases

The appearance of frequent urination in diseases of the heart and blood vessels is explained by the fact that during the day fluid accumulates in the body tissues, which is actively excreted at night, causing nocturnal nocturia.

Painful and frequent urination in women: causes

Frequent urination in women with pain, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (cutting and burning in the urethra, lower back pain, the appearance of blood and pus in the urine, increased body temperature, general weakness, increased sweating, etc.) may indicate inflammation of the organs genitourinary system.

Most often, the above symptoms are observed in diseases such as:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Frequent urination in women with sexually transmitted diseases is explained by the fact that the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems are closely connected. Therefore, an infectious process that has developed in the bladder or urethra can spread to the genitals and vice versa. For example, many women experience a combination of inflammation of the urethra and vaginal mucosa.

The infection can enter the genitals through an ascending route, that is, from the urethra to the vagina and further to the uterus and appendages. And also from the vagina to the urinary canal, bladder and even kidneys.

The reason for frequent and painful urination in women may lie in irritation of the vaginal mucosa, for example, if the rules for using hygienic tampons are not followed.

In addition, there is frequent urination after sex, which is also associated with irritation of the vaginal tissue. This condition is transient, so pain and burning in women goes away the next day. But it should be noted that at this time defense mechanisms irritated mucous membranes are weakened, so there is a risk of pathogenic microbes entering the body.

If frequent and painful urination after sexual intercourse bothers a woman for several days, then it is necessary to visit a urologist to be examined for a urinary tract infection.

Frequent urination in women at night can also be caused by both physiological conditions and various diseases.

The appearance of nocturnal nocturia can be caused by menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

If we talk about diseases, frequent night urination in women is most often a symptom of urethritis, cystitis, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Frequent painless urination in women during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, a woman may experience many inconveniences, such as nausea, drowsiness, general weakness, back pain, as well as painless frequent urination, which is normal.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, and an increase in the volume of circulating blood, which creates additional stress on the urinary system. For example, amniotic fluid are updated every 2-3 hours, which cannot but affect the pregnant woman’s diuresis.

But the most significant factor that provokes very frequent urination in women during pregnancy is the increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, forcing it to empty. There is also a tendency - the longer the period, the more frequent urination. Moreover, frequent night urination is also typical for pregnant women.

In addition, during pregnancy, troubles such as spontaneous release of small portions of urine during coughing and laughter can also occur. But even this is considered the norm while waiting for a baby.

Frequent urination during pregnancy, which causes pain in the lower back and/or lower abdomen, bloody or purulent discharge from the urethra, increased body temperature, burning in the urethra, require immediate consultation with a urologist. The listed symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the genitourinary system and can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

Estrogens in the body are responsible not only for the possibility of egg fertilization, but also for the muscle tone of the vagina and urethra. These hormones promote active blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system, including the urethra. Due to this, the normal tone of the muscular lining of the urinary canal is maintained.

Therefore, when hormonal levels change dramatically in women during menopause, a weakening of muscle tone is observed in the urethra, which is manifested by increased urination. In addition, during menopause, many women suffer from urinary incontinence.

Also plays an important role in the occurrence of frequent urination in women who lack menstrual cycle, plays the fact that estrogens affect the secretion of immunoglobulins, the sensitivity of the receptors of the bladder and urethra.

During menopause, women may complain of frequent urination at night and during the day, urinary incontinence and a feeling of bladder fullness. Also, after the decline of reproductive function in women, the risk of developing infectious processes in the urinary tract increases significantly. Therefore, it would not hurt for women with this problem to be examined by a urologist.

Frequent urination in women: treatment

The choice of treatment tactics for frequent urination directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment.

  • Antibacterial therapy. Antimicrobial drugs are used for inflammatory processes of the urinary and reproductive systems, which are caused by pathogenic microbes. For example, for cystitis, the drugs of choice may be Furamag, Norfloxacin, Gentamicin and others, and for pyelonephritis - Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Metrogyl and others.
  • Uroantiseptics. This group of drugs includes Furadonin, Furazolidone, Uronephron, Canephron, Urolesan and other drugs that are used both for cystitis and urethritis, and for pyelonephritis.
  • Pre- and probiotics. Since in many diseases that are accompanied by frequent urination there is a change in the normal microflora in the urinary and genital tract, a mandatory component of therapy is the administration of pre- and probiotics. IN in this case Tablets Laktovit, Linex, Yogurt, Biogaya, Bifiform and others are highly effective.
  • Antispasmodic therapy. This type of therapy is indicated for urolithiasis, since stones irritate the urinary tract and cause spasm, which is manifested by pain and frequent urge to urinate. Patients can be prescribed No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Riabal, Drotaverine and others.
  • Insulin therapy. This type of therapy is used for diabetes.
  • Surgical treatment. For urolithiasis, tumors of the uterus or bladder, bladder atony and other diseases, surgery may be the only effective treatment method.

If frequent urination is associated with cystitis, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible. Doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of water a day for cystitis to “wash” the infection from the bladder. Antibiotics and herbal medicines are also often prescribed. Herbal remedies can enhance the effect of antibiotics.

Folk remedies for frequent urination in women are effectively used as a complement to the main treatment.

Let's look at the most effective traditional methods treatment of this problem.

  • Decoction: 10 grams of the dried plant are poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered through a sieve. The decoction should be taken 15 ml 3-4 times a day for 12 weeks. A decoction of boron uterus allows you to normalize hormonal levels during menopause and eliminate the frequent urge to urinate.
  • Rosehip root decoction: 40 grams of crushed rosehip root are poured into two glasses of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered. Drink 100 ml of medicine before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves: 5 grams of fresh or dried lingonberry leaves are poured with one glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink the prepared and strained infusion throughout the day, several sips for one month.
  • Yarrow infusion: 7-8 grams of the dried plant are poured with boiling water and left for 30-40 minutes, then filtered and drunk 50 ml 3-4 times a day before meals. Important! Medicines prepared from lingonberry leaves, rosehip root and yarrow effectively eliminate inflammation in the bladder and urethra.
  • Corn silk infusion: Pour 10 grams of crushed corn silk into one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The finished infusion must be filtered through a sieve. I take the medicine 100 ml twice a day for urolithiasis.

Any folk remedy can be used to treat frequent urination only with the permission of the treating doctor.

Be attentive to your health and listen to its signals, one of which is frequent urination, since any pathology of the urinary system can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

In this topic, we examined in detail what causes and how to treat frequent urination in women using traditional and folk remedies. We will be glad if our article is useful to you. We would appreciate your comments under this topic.

Frequent urination in women is common. It may be associated with any pathology or manifestation of a special physiological condition. Frequent urge to urinate is termed “pollakiuria.”

With such a delicate problem in modern world Quite a lot of women face this. The reasons for frequent urination in women without pain can be very different, and therefore there is no need to compare your case with a similar one from a friend. This condition does not cause any particular inconvenience, so women do not always rush to visit the doctor, which is a mistake.

Normally, a woman visits the toilet for minor needs 10-13 times per day. If this figure is much higher, then this is the first signal for concern. You should be especially wary when urination is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

In this article we will look at why women experience frequent urination, the causes of this condition, and modern methods diagnosis and treatment.

Are there standards?

Each female body has its own standards, so it is impossible to say unequivocally how much each person should walk small every day. There are many factors. How much fluid you consume during the day depends on how many trips you take and your urination rate increases or decreases.

As a rule, if frequent urination is pathological, it is accompanied by one or more symptoms:

  • burning, pain or itching in the urethra when emptying the bladder;
  • a small volume of urine released during urination (normally 200-300 ml);
  • if the frequency of urination disrupts the normal rhythm of life (creates discomfort at work or at night).

If you go to the toilet up to 10 times a day and 1-2 times at night, and do not experience other unusual symptoms, then there is nothing to worry too much about.

Causes of frequent urination in women

In women, frequent urination without pain often occurs in situations that are associated with natural processes in the body. In particular, these are the following factors:

  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics;
  • the use of infusions or decoctions of herbs that have a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • bearing a child;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations or extreme anxiety;
  • in older women.

Pathological disorders in a woman’s body can also cause a frequent urge to urinate, which may or may not be accompanied by pain:

  1. . Signs of frequent urination in women without pain can appear in diabetes mellitus, when blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. The thirst that arises in this case leads to the fact that the woman drinks a large amount of liquid, as a result of which she goes to the toilet copiously and often “in small ways.”
  2. . Acute cystitis characterized by frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the bladder and perineum. These symptoms are also observed in the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation. The most common pathogen is Escherichia coli. The bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra, attaches to the walls of the bladder and begins to eat away the mucous membrane.
  3. . Frequent urination and prolonged aching pain are symptoms of pyelonephritis. During an exacerbation, weakness, chills, nausea, and a sharp increase in temperature are observed. Pyelonephritis takes a long time to be treated. Painkillers, antispasmodics, and antibacterial therapy are prescribed.
  4. Dysfunction of the pelvic muscles of a neurological nature. With neurological disorders, problems arise with the innervation of the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder, because of this the regularity of urination changes.
  5. . As salt conglomerates increase, painless frequent urination is gradually complicated by increasing pain.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Frequent urination causes problems with blood vessels and heart failure. The process worsens at night. Vigorous activity during the day can lead to swelling. They go away at night and are expressed in frequent urination. Therapeutic measures are etiological in nature, they must compensate.
  7. Gynecological diseases. One of the common pathologies that causes this symptom after 35 years is advanced uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor that puts pressure on the bladder. In younger girls, the cause of frequent urination may be STDs, as well as vaginitis of various etiologies, etc. Sometimes the problem becomes a consequence of uterine prolapse.
  8. Chronic renal failure. It can develop due to some chronic ailments of the excretory system. The most common cause is glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, renal amyloidosis, polycystic disease and other defects in the development of this organ. One of the early manifestations of kidney failure is frequent urination at night, as well as increased urge during the day.
  9. Injuries spinal cord . The fact of any mechanical impact on the spine cannot be ignored.
  10. Genital infections. They lead to inflammation of the urethra, and its irritation provokes a frequent urge to urinate. Even simple thrush can lead to the need to visit the toilet more often than usual.

It is important to understand that without proper treatment for frequent urination in women, the symptoms of a possible disease can develop into a chronic form, and in the future negatively affect the reproductive system, or lead to severe consequences for overall health.

How to treat frequent urination in women?

We can talk about treating frequent urination in women only after the disease that caused it has been discovered. After all, the schemes for combating various pathologies differ significantly, and sometimes even radically, from each other.

Therefore, when a frequent urge to urinate begins, you first need to exclude physiological causes of this phenomenon:

  • a diet that is enriched with foods or drinks with a diuretic effect, abuse of coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • stressful situations;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

Main indications for going to the doctor are the following:

  • general weakness in the body;
  • urinary retention or incontinence;
  • discharge (bloody) from the genitals;
  • lack of appetite.

Depending on the identified cause, After undergoing the examination, a woman may be prescribed:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • pre- and ;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • uroantiseptics;
  • sedatives;
  • physiotherapy, including UHF, iontophoresis, electrophoresis, inductothermy, etc.;
  • Exercise therapy, including Kegel exercises;
  • herbal medicine.

However, even frequent urination without pain, which bothers you for a long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience frequent urination, you need to consult a therapist and undergo an initial examination: take blood and urine tests, and undergo an ultrasound of the urinary tract. If you have kidney diseases, you should be treated by a nephrologist, and if you have bladder pathology, you should be treated by a urologist. Diabetes (sugar and non-diabetes) is treated by an endocrinologist.

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