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Position of the moon in the zodiac. Lunar birth horoscope. lunar day. Symbol - crown

There are two types: solar and lunar. Each of them represents 12 zodiac signs, the difference is only in the period of their influence.

In a solar horoscope, each sign rules for 30 calendar days, while the Moon travels from one sign to another every 3 days. Only once a month is the Moon in the same sign with the Sun, this is the time of the new moon and two days before it.

What does the moon sign say?

V astrological horoscope reflects the spiritual world and life values ​​of a person. It shows exactly how each sign will react in a specific situation. Some are quick-tempered, some are silent, one will get into trouble, and the other will be captive of his own thoughts throughout his life. The lunar horoscope shows how sociable, educated, talented and open to everything new a person is.

The moon represents the feminine principle in a person - it is caring and the desire to support one's neighbor. She is responsible for such qualities as intemperance, impressionability and the ability to empathize with people. Belonging to one or another lunar zodiac will tell you how others will treat a person. The lunar horoscope indicates what you should devote your life to, in what area success awaits, and what you should not get involved with at all.

The influence of the Moon is strongest in the signs of Cancer and Pisces, and weaker in Virgo and Capricorn. Everyone else got the golden mean. An unfavorable position of the planet may indicate a soft character, a lack of personal opinion and goals in a person. Such people throughout their lives need absolute care and if they cannot find a worthy companion, they wither and withdraw into themselves.

How to define it?

In order to determine your zodiac sign in the lunar horoscope, you need to know not only full date of his birth, but also the time and place. The time must be accurate because otherwise There may be an error in the calculations. Location is also important since the satellite's position in the zodiac signs will largely depend on latitude and longitude.

To calculate your moon sign you can use:

  • Table calculation of lunar days.
  • Lunar calendar for the year of interest, the cycle repeats every 19 years, so if you haven’t found the one you need, then add 19 to the year of interest and refer to this calendar.
  • Cosmogram calculating stellar latitudes using Ephemerides.


    Lunar Aries.

    A person born in this sign is very impulsive and emotional. It often seems to others that he is not at all familiar with such terms as restraint and rational approach. He makes almost all his decisions based on his instincts and instincts. They easily give in to new ideas, they can take on several things at once, but they do not give up what they start. They will try to the last, no matter how hard it is, until they achieve the desired result.

    In love, representatives of this zodiac very quickly begin to get tired of their partner. They constantly need new emotions and sensations, and not just one normal person is simply unable to endure such a rhythm of life. Therefore, they change companions quite often until they find someone who will unquestioningly tolerate all their antics.

    Lunar Taurus.

    People of this sign very calm and balanced. They are difficult to confuse or unsettle even in the most unusual situations. Throughout his life, Lunar will strive to feel absolutely safe. He is very stubborn, does not know how to admit his own mistakes, which makes making friends quite difficult for him.

    The life of Lunar Taurus is stable and measured. They have a negative attitude towards any risk, even justified, but it only benefits them.

    In his personal life this the sign is romantic and sentimental. Having met his soul mate, he will be infinitely devoted to her, which is why he himself often suffers. Few people are able to appreciate the love and loyalty of Lunar Taurus, since he is not used to sharing his thoughts and feelings with someone. This is a man of action. He will find a thousand ways to prove his love to you, but he is unlikely to tell you about it personally.

    Lunar Gemini.

    The most sociable and cheerful zodiac in the lunar horoscope. He will radiate optimism and inexhaustible energy 24 hours a day. Often does not finish what he starts because he is unable to fully concentrate on one activity. He is naturally inquisitive and can show irritation and whims with close people.

    Moon Geminis often are restless, which is why they have problems with nervous system . Sometimes they are cruel to others. Without hesitation, they break off relationships with people if something doesn’t suit them.

    In relationships with the opposite sex, they often choose a partner who strongly attracts them sexually. They may not pay attention to appearance, intelligence, character, and trust their first impression. They do not like to be bound by obligations; they are reluctant to get married. They will trust their loved one unconditionally, but are fickle in their love.

    Moon Cancer.

    Moon Cancer is an egoist. He is so immersed in his own thoughts and experiences that he may not consider the feelings of other people. The representative of this lunar sign always knows what he wants from life, is confident and purposeful.

    He cannot always achieve his goal, but not from a lack of diligence, but only because he raises the bar too high. Moon Cancer is the soul of any company when he is in a good mood. He has a wonderful sense of humor, is hospitable, and does not like global changes.

    When communicating with his significant other, he often resorts to manipulation. Before committing himself to a serious relationship, he tries to thoroughly study his partner in order to protect himself and his life from any surprises. Lonely Moon Cancer completely trusts the organization of his personal life to friends and relatives. Rarely shares personal experiences with anyone, even if it’s a loved one.

    Lunar Leo.

    Lunar Leo simply cannot live without the attention of others. In a large company he feels like a fish in water, easily makes new connections and uses them without a twinge of conscience. This zodiac is a born leader and this can be seen in all areas of his life.

    For Lunar Leo the material aspect is very important. To ensure complete prosperity for himself, he can work for days, forgetting about his family and personal life. Representatives of this sign are very proud and independent people. It is difficult to force them into any framework; they will always try by any means to adjust the rules to suit themselves.

    Love is not easy for Lunars. They practically do not accept compromises, often do not take into account the opinions of others, and try to control their partner in everything.

    They will never open feelings if they are not sure of their reciprocity. They behave reservedly and sarcasticly with their loved one, sometimes their jokes are inappropriate, but you shouldn’t even try to explain this to them. But at any difficult situation this sign will become support and support for your soulmate.

    Moon Maiden.

    In the lunar horoscope of Virgo very down-to-earth natures, have an analytical mind, neat and attentive. Before taking on any business, they can spend weeks weighing the pros and cons, comparing desires with possibilities and assessing risks. Moon Virgo seeks simplicity and harmony in her life.

    She often seems indifferent and insensitive to others, but this is only due to her enormous self-control.

    In relationships with a loved one, this zodiac has a very difficult time. They tend to trust no one but themselves, so the partner has to put up with their jealousy and frequent discontent. But if the Moon Virgo truly falls in love, she will become a devoted, gentle and caring life partner.

    Lunar Libra.

    In communicating with others, representatives of this sign like to argue. Any little thing can be the subject of discussion; the process itself is important to them, during which they will foam at the mouth to defend their point of view as the only correct one.

    They often feel insecure about own strength, which is why they suffer from sudden mood swings. They don’t know how to control their emotions, everything is immediately reflected on their face. Lunar Libra is a born family man. Only next to their partner do they feel at ease.

    They will provide their companion with all possible support and care as long as they see that their efforts are not in vain. Aggression and any pressure in relationships are not acceptable. They never enter into open conflicts; they immediately withdraw into themselves, and if you manage to offend them, they will act on the sly.

    Lunar Scorpio.

    Scorpios in the lunar horoscope are emotional and liberated people. They perfectly sense the mood of those around them, which is why they are prone to manipulation and intrigue. They are very active in life, like to take initiative and are maximalists. They categorically do not accept half measures; they often experience feelings of envy, which is why they have rather difficult relationships with loved ones.

    In their personal lives, Lunar Scorpios are jealous, but soft-bodied. Having fallen in love with a person, they will seek his attention in every possible way. They conquer their soulmate with unprecedented diligence and physical attractiveness. This zodiac has an almost mystical sexuality, which it often uses in relationships with a loved one. A storm of emotions is constantly raging inside him; every minute next to his partner he will analyze and calculate his behavior.

    Lunar Sagittarius.

    A very cheerful zodiac sign. Such a person loves to improvise, so he never plans anything. Not an idealist or a romantic. In communicating with loved ones he is straightforward and impatient to the point of rudeness., but with unfamiliar people he tries to be as sociable as possible.

    They often like to brag about their own merits to others. Can become two-faced and secretive, if personal benefit requires it. In relationships with a loved one, Lunar Sagittarius rarely takes a leading position.

    He loves peace and simplicity, will rely on his soul mate in everything until he receives a kick from her in the appropriate place. That’s when he begins to act and fuss, but having settled the next situation, he again plunges into a kind of hibernation, allowing everything to develop as usual.

    Lunar Capricorn.

    Lunar Capricorn is man of moods. Within one day he may become depressed, and after a couple of hours he will laugh and joke. Throughout their lives, they strive for the approval of others and always try to look respectable.

    They prefer an organized approach to work and are pedantic in financial matters. They categorically do not accept negativity from the outside and are even afraid of it, so they avoid conflicts and disputes by any means.

    In their personal lives, Lunar Capricorns are very patient. Treat your loved one with respect, show care and attention to his interests and goals. They never forget about their own needs, however, if they run counter to joint plans, they can easily sacrifice them. They seek trust and devotion from their companion, and often become participants in love triangles.

    Lunar Aquarius.

    At first glance, Lunar Aquarius is unremarkable, but this is a mistaken impression. It is created from the fact that representatives of this sign are excellent pretenders. They, like the ocean before a storm, can remain calm and indifferent for hours, and then explode in a storm of emotions in one moment.

    It is difficult for others to understand Aquarius, so they have a rather limited circle of friends, which makes them very upset. Always feel a strong need to be independent, both from others and from circumstances. But if in the first case they can do it easily, then in the second they have to work hard.

    They are proud of their loved ones. Lunar Aquarius has few of them, so they deeply value everyone. In love, this sign will always protect its personal space. He rarely discusses personal topics with his significant other and pays more attention to everyday problems.

    Lunar Pisces.

    Moon Pisces can easily predict other people's actions and decisions. They have almost extrasensory intuition, which is why others treat them with suspicion and distrust. They are easily attracted to new ideas, but quickly lose interest in them. By nature, Lunar people are dreamers. They tend to idealize close people, which often results in them being disappointed in them.

    In love, people born under this sign everyone possible ways trying to escape routine. They will constantly pamper and surprise their partner; their imagination may seem inexhaustible. But, without receiving reciprocal attention, they quickly fall into a depressed state and withdraw into themselves.

The Moon, being in Aries, gives a person quickness of mind, self-confidence, an adventurous spirit, openness and reluctance to obey demands. The confrontation between the active, hot sign Aries and the cold, passive Moon gives rise to nervousness. Therefore, lunar Aries are easily excited, quickly react to changes and never doubt the correctness of their opinion, while ignoring any objections.
Such people are impatient, their time is always valuable, and they do not want to waste it on a thorough analysis of trifles. Many of them are characterized by the desire to rush forward without thinking in advance about the consequences.
Being in the sign of Aries, the Moon gives its wards charm, mental alertness, and the ability to achieve from others what they need. These people have enthusiasm and energy, but at the same time they are able to give up their goal if it requires hard and long work to achieve it. Striving for something new, they can quickly change their focus, abandoning the old project. However, if the lunar Aries is really interested in something and completely captures his soul, he will give it all his strength.

Owners of the Moon in Aries do not tolerate any kind of restrictions. They strive to act according to their desires, rarely listening to the advice and opinions of others. This character trait can get in the way in some cases, but in situations where quick decision-making is required, no one compares to lunar Aries.
Lunar Aries resist other people's power in the sphere of personal relationships - it is they, and not their partner, who should dominate. Needing freedom, they do not always like to give it to others. These people want to be loved faithfully, to have an exciting relationship, and if life with a partner becomes routine, they quickly become disillusioned and often start looking for a new relationship.

Feelings of uncertainty may prompt you to solve problems faster than necessary. Don't rush as if there is a deadline for completing a task. Try to calmly decide what actions need to be taken and calmly continue on the intended course.

Calmness and confidence largely depend on stability, the need for which is not so easy to satisfy now. The main task is to find a sense of self-respect within yourself, and not to look for this stability in material values. When you accept yourself for who you are, it will be easier to find a reflection of this stability in the world around you.

The Moon in Gemini evokes a desire for change and spontaneity. You should think more about your feelings, share your thoughts with others. You can be more talkative and speak with ease these days. It’s easy to think in cold blood, but be careful - don’t allow this coldness in your heart - it will alienate those around you. Try to find a balance between reason and feelings.

The feeling of security these days is associated with home, family environment and household chores (cooking, cleaning, gardening). You may be subject to mood swings. You need to learn to forgive and forget so as not to become depressed from constantly thinking about past grievances. The perception of the world is becoming more subjective; we must remember to periodically distance ourselves and look at everything from the outside. The positive thing is the rich emotional palette available to you now. She will help you “fit in” the world, having felt it.

A feeling of confidence comes when you have the opportunity to impress someone and achieve praise and admiration. But sometimes, when you find yourself in the spotlight, you may feel overwhelmed. Maybe you should admit to yourself that you are afraid of criticism and are not always able to accept it. Try to listen to what others have to say and use this knowledge constructively.

Confidence and comfort now primarily depend on clarity and order - not only in things, but also in thoughts and emotions. There may be a desire to restore order in those places and areas of your life where there is no order, where everything is chaotic. Try to be more tolerant of imperfections in this life. Trust her and let everything flow as it should. Not everything in this life happens according to our expectations.

What you need most now is harmony and balance. Most likely, there is no desire to delve deeply into some serious topics and discussions, so as not to disturb this balance. You need to learn to share both good and bad feelings. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, and not who others expect you to be.

The Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into all your feelings and experiences. Now you really want deep and strong emotions, you are drawn to fundamental changes, even if this is sometimes difficult. Superficial relationships will not satisfy you due to a lack of catharsis.

Now you are drawn to search for yourself, the meaning of life, some higher goal. A feeling of confidence and comfort will come if you find this goal, mission, philosophy that will give meaning to existence. The Moon in Taurus gives you optimism, the ability to look forward with hope, despite any difficulties.

Blue, .
Metal: Silver.
Day: Monday.
Color: White.
Direction: North-west.
Abode: .
Exaltation(Elevations): .
Exile: .
Falls: .
Friendly planets: , .
Hostile planets: None.
Organs: mucous membranes - eyes, lungs, stomach, intestines, in women - gynecology.
Diseases: nervous disorders, stomach diseases, acidity disorders, gastritis, colitis.
Events: changes (positive and negative).
Symbols on the map:W

The mysterious and mystical image of the Moon has always attracted the attention of people. For creative and gifted people, she was a source of inspiration; the Moon helped people in love to tell each other all the secrets and mysteries of the heart.

This celestial body is very clearly visible to an earthly observer, and since ancient times people have noted the relationship between the lunar phases (, and) and health, mood and reproductive cycles. Knowledge made it possible to predict the ebb and flow of tides, as well as increase plant productivity. Ancient healers focused on when collecting and processing medicinal plants, and healers, using astrological knowledge, successfully determined the favorable time for medical procedures and operations.

Moon in the horoscope

Most people know theirs, that is, they take into account the position at the time of their birth. The solar horoscope will tell you a lot about a person, her worldview and aspirations. Meanwhile, the Moon, its location at the moment of a person’s first breath and its other characteristics are also very important. The moon will help reveal the features of a person’s personal life, understand his individual qualities, habits and preferences. Analysis of the position of the Moon, among other things, will clarify the following points:

  • The image of the mother in the horoscope;
  • Native's attitude towards children;
  • Attitude towards home and family;
  • The image of a beloved woman in a man's horoscope;
  • Characteristics of a woman as a mother and wife in the women's horoscope;
  • Ability to adapt and restore vitality;
  • Taste preferences;
  • Rhythm and lifestyle.

According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms, psychological, symbolizing the subconscious, social, determining human behavior and response, biological, being associated with nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation.

What is adaptation from the standpoint of individuality? This is the ability and desire (not intention, as in the case of the Sun, but a desire that has an emotional connotation) to optimally realize in the external world all of its internal capabilities, all its (individuality) properties and qualities. In other words, adaptation is a process of implementation.


Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why it symbolizes specific tasks everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on.

To realize individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) manifest one’s uniqueness, the creative solar principle.


The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse an external form of expression, determining the specifics of the emotional state and behavior, and their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes content, and the Moon symbolizes form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Consequently, the role of the Moon can be defined as an appearance, a form of manifestation.

Significator of organs and diseases

The moon shows a person’s ability to adapt and is responsible for the absorption of substances. Associated with the stomach, uterus, mammary glands, endocrine system, in particular the pancreas (together with Venus, Neptune and Pluto), responsible for the mucous membrane of any organ, cerebellum, lymph, leukocytes and blood plasma. Gives nervous disorders, stomach diseases, acidity disorders, gastritis, colitis, oversaturation with fluids, endocrine disorders as a result of inflammation of the glands, visual defects, allergies and women's diseases.

Huber classification

The most common problems in natal chart associated with the Moon - difficulties in establishing personal contacts, correctly perceiving the feelings of the environment, joining small or large groups, communities.


Understanding and sympathy from others are extremely important for a person. Inner needs and desires are strong. Reactions are largely determined by mood, which is constantly changing. Need cares for those who are worse off. Soulfulness, but, on the other hand, impressionability, mental fickleness, capriciousness.


Absence of serious essential needs and social claims for the subject. Emotional underdevelopment. Lack of intuition.


A bad relationship with the mother, a difficult childhood, obstacles for unknown reasons, and other, seemingly “undeserved” burdens and grief are likely. Anxiety, an abundance of complexes, doubts, distrust.


Almost complete mental comfort in almost any circumstances. Ability to learn easily, good memory, ability to listen.


Developed intuition, subtle perception, impressionability.

The moon is a symbol of femininity and motherhood

Everyone imagines the movement of the Moon. She always accompanies the Earth on its journey around the Sun and does not leave it without her attention for a second. Isn't it true that this relationship is reminiscent of maternal care and guardianship over a child? This comparison is not accidental. The phenomena of the cosmic world are always reflected in earthly reality, and therefore each planetary interaction in the natal chart creates a unique code for an inhabitant of the Earth.

So, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine principle, which is called upon to protect, care, protect, nurse and feed. In the horoscope of the natal chart, she will describe the feminine and maternal image inherent in the consciousness of the individual, talk about the attitude towards children, as well as towards the home and family as a whole.

For example, is a very strong position for her. Such a person will be distinguished by a strong attachment to home, concern for the comfort and well-being of all members of his family. The Moon in Cancer will always feed, warm, listen and hug.

But a mother with the Moon in airy Gemini will take care of children and loved ones differently. For her, the main thing is to create conditions for the child’s intellectual development and make family members’ time fun, interesting and varied.

So, the Moon in a woman’s natal chart describes a woman as a wife, mother and mistress of the house, keeper of the hearth. An astrological analysis of the Moon in a man’s horoscope will not only allow him to recreate the image of his mother and identify the specifics of his relationship with her, but will also help determine the type of woman he considers attractive.

Moon and the unconscious

Everyone knows that the Moon always faces the Earth with only one of its sides. The other side is always invisible to the earthly observer. That is why this heavenly body is responsible for the human psyche, or rather, for the unconscious part of it. If the Moon in the horoscope is strong in status and has favorable interactions with others, then the subject feels harmony in the soul, and even if some difficulties arise in life, he easily overcomes periods of trouble.

For owners of the Moon located in conjunction with other planets (for example, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter or Uranus), if stressful situations and depressive conditions, you should pay attention to relaxing procedures and practices (yoga, meditation, balneological procedures, massage and swimming), take time off in a timely manner and, of course, visit specialists who can provide the necessary psychological assistance.

Moon and health

If we talk about the work of the body, then the functions of the Moon include the distribution of energy in the human body. It is also responsible for fluid circulation, food absorption processes, reproductive function and child feeding.

People with a strong and harmonious principle of the Moon in the horoscope (for example, the Moon in Cancer or Taurus, the Moon in angular houses, in good aspects, etc.) are distinguished by good memory, rapid recovery from illness, good adaptation to changing conditions, resistance to stress, good women's and men's health).

Ruling planet of zodiac sign R yby: Neptune.

Talismans R yby: knot, daffodil.

Pisces Personality: good-natured, patient, reserved, loving, fickle, pious. If defeated, he is lazy, sleepy, and has little self-confidence.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. These people are gentle in nature and are not averse to daydreaming in their spare time. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter and this adds to them such character traits as a sense of justice and a rich imagination.

It is much easier for them to live in their own fictional world than in the one we all live in. The ruler of the sign of Pisces, the planet Neptune, rewards its wards with a very extraordinary nature. Representatives of this zodiac sign usually selflessly cater to the desires of others.

Pisces are very dependent on the people with whom they are in close relationships, they are very trusting, and therefore can be easily deceived. However, if Pisces realize that they have been deceived, they become unusually suspicious and secretive. It is generally accepted that Pisces gets a weak body with a slow recovery of strength.

The main diseases include the intestines, digestive system, foot damage, gout, as well as colds, swelling and the danger of poisoning. Cases of alcoholism and drug use are very common among Pisces. There is also a risk of obesity, liver disease, and diseases associated with the hormonal system. Little Pisces may develop flat feet in childhood, and to prevent this, it is recommended to engage in prevention and exercise.

Pisces are idealists and strive to make the world around them the same. They are completely in their own little world and sometimes get out of it only to be horrified and come back. These are born people of art, and therefore among Pisces you can meet many musicians, artists and poets. To achieve their goals, they rely solely on the coincidence of circumstances, inspiration and favor of God, and at the same time do not try to apply their own strength.

When talking with her, do not forget that you are dealing with a subtle nature who can easily sense falsehood. If Pisces tells you a clear “yes” or “no,” even if they wanted to, they are unlikely to be able to clearly justify their answer. Pisces have an excellent memory, but their knowledge is a mysterious mixture of guesses, insights and very real facts, and it is almost impossible to separate one from the other, and Pisces itself does not feel the need for this.

IN family life Pisces are valued for their calmness, ability to listen and help with reasonable advice in difficult times. They try with all their might to achieve harmony, peace and tranquility in the house. They do not have the task of becoming the main member of the family and issuing instructions to everyone and forming the family budget. It is more important for them to surround each family member with warmth and care, but they only want to receive the same in return.