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Why water does not fill into the toilet tank: causes of breakdowns and ways to solve the problem. Which water freezes faster: hot or cold? What does it depend on? Impurities in the water as a factor influencing the outcome

Why does water freeze? Water is an amazing miracle of nature. It is necessary for all life on earth. It was in water, according to scientists, that life originated. It is surprising that water can exist in three states: liquid, solid and gaseous. At the same time, it can move from one state to another. The vast majority of water on the planet is liquid. The solid state of water is ice.

Why does water freeze in the cold?

The ability of water to transform into different states is affected by its composition. Water molecules are weakly bonded to each other; they always move and group, but at the same time they cannot form a certain structure. Water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is placed, but on its own it cannot hold any particular model. For example, we pour water into a pan, and the liquid will take its shape, but will not be able to hold it outside the container.

When heated, water molecules begin to move relative to each other even faster and more chaotically, losing connection with each other to a greater extent. In this case, the water becomes steam.

When low temperatures influence water, the movement of molecules is inhibited, the connection between them is strengthened, and then they can build a structure - hexagonal crystals. The state of transformation of moisture into ice is called crystallization, solidification.

In such a strong state it can retain the various forms it acquires for a long time. Water begins to freeze at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. Thus, the transition of water from a liquid state to a solid state, to ice, is determined by the physical properties of water, its composition.

Why does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

Speaking about the “transformation” of water into ice, curious phenomena are observed. A hot one freezes faster than a cold one, no matter how unlikely this may seem. This fact has been known for a long time, but for a long time it was not possible to reveal the secret of the mysterious properties of water. Only in the twentieth century did scientists around the world try to explain the reason why hot water freezes faster than cold water.

In 1963, a boy named Mpemba from Tanzania noticed while making ice cream that the delicious delicacy hardened faster if it was made from warm rather than cold milk. They started making fun of him when he shared his observations with his teacher and friends. Only one person, Professor Dennis Osborne, whom Mpemba met as an adult, paid attention to this fact.

Many hypotheses have been put forward about hot water freezing faster than cold water, but they all remained assumptions. The “strange” behavior of water is called the “Mpemba Effect”. Research is still being carried out. Scientists from many countries are trying to prove the “Mpemba Effect”, but so far to no avail.

Many researchers consider this fact not worthy of attention, since ice cream has different properties compared to hard water. Physicists from Singapore in 2013 theoretically proved the mystery of the Mpemba effect, but confirmation of laboratory studies of the incomprehensible phenomenon still does not exist.

Water freezes from above, not from below

Almost everyone knows that on reservoirs at low temperatures, a thin ice crust first forms, which becomes thicker and stronger as frost intensifies. And if it were not for this amazing property of water, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to skate, since the ice would simply sink to the bottom of the reservoir.

Water, like most similar substances, contracts and decreases in volume when cooled, but to a temperature not lower than 3 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, water, on the contrary, expands and its density increases. Ice is lighter than water, and this keeps it on top.

Why doesn't distilled water freeze?

Distilled water is called pure; it is “freed” from all impurities and oxygen. Impurities are the fragments to which water molecules attach. When transitioning from a liquid state to ice, the impurities present in the water are compressed. Distilled water, due to the absence of other substances, expands, and the distance between the molecules increases.

The resulting ice will float on the surface because it is lighter than water. Still, distilled water can freeze, but its freezing point is much lower than ordinary water. At the same time, it was noticed that if you hit, for example, a bottle of distilled water or shake it, the water will immediately begin to freeze. This is explained by the adhesion of molecules upon impact.

Freezing point of mineral water

Mineral water is saturated with salts and chemicals that are beneficial to humans. The freezing point of mineral water is lower than that of ordinary water. Striking or shaking a container of water will speed up the freezing process in the same way as with distilled water. Water molecules will adhere to each other and structure into crystals, accordingly, the water will freeze.

Does salt water freeze?

There are people who believe that it does not freeze. This statement is not entirely true. Salt water also tends to freeze, but its freezing point is significantly below zero. The explanation for this lies in the molecular composition of water.

Salt, or rather its small crystals, does not allow water molecules to connect. The freezing of salt water depends on the concentration of salt it contains. The more salt in the water, the lower the freezing point. Why are Antarctic ice and icebergs reserves of fresh water? According to scientists, these are fragments of the continent that broke away millions of years ago. Their education was not facilitated by the place where they are located.

Sea water also freezes at very low temperatures. Ice crystals formed on the surface of the water push out salt crystals, so the deeper the brine becomes richer. If you take ice from the water surface of the sea and melt it, the melted water will be almost fresh.

Does Epiphany water freeze?

Epiphany water is called “holy”. There is an opinion that on Epiphany night and for the next three days, the water in all reservoirs becomes “holy”, possessing magical healing properties. It can indeed be stored for a long time without changing its taste, but it freezes. Anyone can verify this. Place in the cold 2 bottles filled with plain water collected on Epiphany night. The water will freeze equally in both bottles.

Does water in a well freeze?

People prefer to drink water from a well, considering it more beneficial and suitable for the body. Does well water freeze in winter? The answer to this question is obvious. If the well is deep enough, the water level does not rise above the freezing point of the ground, which means that the water in the well will not freeze. If the well is shallow, then the top layer of water may be covered with an ice crust or a significant layer of ice.

Water is an amazing substance that can change from one state to another due to its chemical composition. The freezing point of water varies. Water is probably the only exceptional substance that can expand at low temperatures.

frozen water

Everyone knows about the importance and benefits of water for life. It turns out that water thawed after freezing has healing properties on the human body. It changes its structure after freezing and thawing processes. Many people attribute the longevity of the mountaineers to their consumption of melt water from springs flowing in the mountains.

One of the common problems in the toilet is that the toilet tank simply does not fill with water. This kind of malfunction must be promptly eliminated due to the fact that it can cause a significant decrease in bathroom hygiene, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The sources of this problem can be a large number of different factors. To identify them, you first need to understand the design of the drain tank itself. Only after this will it be possible to talk about what needs to be done to fix this problem yourself.

General characteristics

The principle of operation of the cistern is entirely based on the law of gravity. It is due to this that the water collected in the tank, after pressing the release button, is released into the toilet at the required speed.

The mechanism that is responsible for the collection of water into the tank and the draining process is called shut-off valves. The largest element of this design is the float. It is he who is responsible for the flushing mechanism. It is necessary to control the water level.

After the release button is pressed, the amount of water inside the container decreases and the float lowers. Due to this, the shut-off valve opens, through which water is poured again.

At the same time, float valves vary in position in the tank. So, there are side and bottom options.

Also, such a device has a drain and overflow system, which is a whole complex of elements.

It does not allow water to accumulate more than the set value in order to prevent it from pouring out of the tank into the bathroom.

The drain mechanism works as follows:

  1. First, the required water level is reached, after which the float floats up, and the rocker arm rises behind it.
  2. During this, the rocker itself turns and presses the valve, which shuts off the flow of water. When the required amount is collected in the tank, the flow stops due to the tight blocking of the channel.

Take into account: To change the maximum level of liquid that will be collected in the drain system, simply bend the rocker arm a little.

The trigger mechanism is a button, most often located on the toilet lid, and in some models (especially old ones) it is a chain located in the body assembly. But the first option is more common, since it is both more convenient and compact.

There is also a third option, where the tank is built into the wall and a button simply peeks out of it. It looks very aesthetically pleasing and is economical in itself, but if it is necessary to carry out repairs, this option is extremely inconvenient.

Types of breakdowns

The most common reasons why water has stopped flowing into the toilet cistern are:

    1. No water supply. This is a very common reason when there is simply no water in the tap. Therefore, in this case, the tank mechanism will have nothing to do with it.
    2. Rust in the filter. The reason here is that over time, the filter in the system becomes clogged, after which the water flows more and more slowly, and then stops flowing altogether. This can be corrected simply by cleaning the filter, after which the water will flow again with the required force.
    3. Float misalignment. Most often it occurs in fairly old models due to the fact that the mechanism has already become loose and the float has moved to the side after flushing, thus, after the water has left, it does not go down. Here it will be enough to simply put it in its original place.

  1. Exhaust valve wear. In cases where the age of the tank is significant, this may mean failure of the entire mechanism. To solve this problem, it is necessary to completely replace the exhaust valve.
  2. Contamination of the mechanism. Over time, mucus and plaque form on the internal elements of the tank, which prevent them from properly performing their respective functions. To resume operation of the device, you need to remove the mechanism and completely clean it.
  3. Setting up the intake tract. If, during the assembly of the system, the elements in it were fastened too tightly, the water will flow very slowly and for a long time. This issue can be resolved by simply loosening certain fasteners.

If you think that certain parts are faulty, there is no need to try to repair them or call repairmen. The fact is that shut-off valves are inexpensive, so by purchasing new ones, you can save a lot of money that would have been spent on the work of a plumber.


To replace fittings, it is advisable to first select the correct option. In this case, you need to take into account the features of your current mechanism and try to choose a similar one.

If you have any doubts, you should ask the seller for advice.

After purchasing all the parts, you can begin the installation process itself:

  1. First you need to turn off the water either at the riser, or specifically at the pipe from which the hose goes to the toilet.
  2. Next, the button is removed, and then the tank lid.
  3. Now the liner and drain column are disconnected. All this needs to be done in parts.
  4. After this, the tank itself is removed, to do this, its fasteners are unscrewed and taken to a convenient place where further work will be carried out on it.
  5. Next, we remove all the insides of the old mechanism from it, clean the walls with hot water and install new elements.
  6. At the end, we mount the tank back to the place where we connect it to the water supply and toilet.

It is worth noting: if the installation and connection of the new mechanism was carried out correctly, everything will work, otherwise you need to call a specialist, who will connect everything correctly himself.

Such malfunctions in the operation of the tank are far from a tragedy and a problem that requires large expenses to solve. However, if you do not have experience and skills in working with such mechanisms, you should not try to fix the system yourself; it is better to immediately call a plumber so as not to cause even more damage.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail what to do if water does not fill the toilet tank:

“The simplest stable compound of hydrogen and oxygen,” is the definition of water given by the Concise Chemical Encyclopedia. But, if you look at it, this liquid is not so simple. It has many extraordinary, amazing and very special properties. A Ukrainian aquatic researcher told us about the unique abilities of water Stanislav Suprunenko.

High heat capacity

Water heats up five times slower than sand and ten times slower than iron. To heat a liter of water by one degree, 3300 times more heat is required than to heat a liter of air. Absorbing a huge amount of heat, the substance itself does not heat up significantly. But when it cools down, it gives off as much heat as it took in when heating up. This ability to accumulate and release heat makes it possible to smooth out sharp temperature fluctuations on the surface of the earth. But that's not all! The heat capacity of water decreases as the temperature rises from 0 to 370C, that is, within these limits it is easy to heat it, it will not take much heat and time. But after the temperature limit of 370C, its heat capacity increases, which means that more effort will have to be made to heat it. It has been established: water has a minimum heat capacity at a temperature of 36.790C, and this is the normal temperature of the human body! So it is this quality of water that ensures the stability of the temperature of the human body.

High surface tension of water

Surface tension is the force of attraction and cohesion between molecules. It can be visually observed in a cup filled with tea. If you slowly add water to it, it will not overflow immediately. Take a closer look: you can see a thin film above the surface of the liquid - it prevents the liquid from spilling out. It swells as it is added, and only at the “last drop” will this happen.
All liquids have surface tension, but it is different for everyone. Water has one of the highest surface tensions. Only mercury has more, which is why, when spilled, it immediately turns into balls: the molecules of the substance are tightly “attached” to each other. But alcohol, ether and acetic acid have much lower surface tension. Their molecules are less attracted to each other and, accordingly, that is why they evaporate faster and spread their odor.

High latent heat of vaporization

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It takes five and a half times more heat to evaporate water than to boil it. If it were not for this property of water - to evaporate slowly - many lakes and rivers would simply dry up in the hot summer.
Globally, a million tons of water evaporate from the hydrosphere every minute. As a result, a colossal amount of heat enters the atmosphere, equivalent to the operation of 40 thousand power plants with a capacity of 1 billion kW each.


As the temperature decreases, all substances contract. Everything, but not water. Until the temperature drops below 40C, the water behaves quite normally - becoming slightly denser, it reduces its volume. But after 3,980C it behaves, or rather, it begins to expand, despite the decrease in temperature! The process goes smoothly up to a temperature of 00C until the water freezes. As soon as ice forms, the volume of already solid water increases sharply by 10%.

The properties of water never cease to amaze scientists. Water is a fairly simple substance from a chemical point of view, but it has a number of unusual properties that never cease to amaze scientists. Below are a few facts that few people know about.

1. Which water freezes faster - cold or hot?

Let's take two containers with water: pour hot water into one and cold water into the other, and place them in the freezer. Hot water will freeze faster than cold water, although logically, cold water should have turned into ice first: after all, hot water must first cool to the cold temperature, and then turn into ice, while cold water does not need to cool. Why is this happening?

In 1963, a Tanzanian student named Erasto B. Mpemba, while freezing an ice cream mixture, noticed that the hot mixture solidified faster in the freezer than the cold one. When the young man shared his discovery with his physics teacher, he only laughed at him. Fortunately, the student was persistent and convinced the teacher to conduct an experiment, which confirmed his discovery: under certain conditions, hot water actually freezes faster than cold water.

Now this phenomenon of hot water freezing faster than cold water is called the “Mpemba effect.” True, long before him this unique property of water was noted by Aristotle, Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes.

Scientists still do not fully understand the nature of this phenomenon, explaining it either by the difference in supercooling, evaporation, ice formation, convection, or by the effect of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.

2. It can freeze instantly

Everyone knows that water always turns into ice when cooled to 0°C... except in some cases! An example of such a case is supercooling, which is the property of very pure water to remain liquid even when cooled to below freezing. This phenomenon is made possible due to the fact that the environment does not contain centers or nuclei of crystallization that could trigger the formation of ice crystals. And so water remains in liquid form even when cooled to below zero degrees Celsius.

The crystallization process can be triggered, for example, by gas bubbles, impurities (contaminants), or an uneven surface of the container. Without them, water will remain in a liquid state. When the crystallization process starts, you can watch the super-cooled water instantly turn into ice.

Note that “superheated” water also remains liquid even when heated above its boiling point.

3. 19 states of water

Without hesitation, name how many different states does water have? If you answered three: solid, liquid, gas, then you were wrong. Scientists distinguish at least 5 different states of water in liquid form and 14 states in frozen form.

Remember the conversation about super-chilled water? So, no matter what you do, at -38 °C even the purest super-chilled water will suddenly turn into ice. What will happen as the temperature drops further? At -120 °C something strange begins to happen to water: it becomes super viscous or viscous, like molasses, and at temperatures below -135 °C it turns into “glassy” or “vitreous” water - a solid substance that lacks crystalline structure.

4. Water surprises physicists

At the molecular level, water is even more surprising. In 1995, a neutron scattering experiment conducted by scientists yielded an unexpected result: physicists discovered that neutrons aimed at water molecules “see” 25% fewer hydrogen protons than expected.

It turned out that at a speed of one attosecond (10 -18 seconds) an unusual quantum effect takes place, and the chemical formula of water instead of H2O becomes H1.5O!

5. Water memory

An alternative to conventional medicine, homeopathy states that a diluted solution of a drug can have a healing effect on the body, even if the dilution factor is so high that there is nothing left in the solution except water molecules. Proponents of homeopathy explain this paradox with a concept called “water memory,” according to which water at the molecular level has a “memory” of the substance once dissolved in it and retains the properties of the solution of the original concentration after not a single molecule of the ingredient remains in it.

An international team of scientists led by Professor Madeleine Ennis of Queen's University of Belfast, who had criticized the principles of homeopathy, conducted an experiment in 2002 to disprove the concept once and for all. The result was the opposite. After which, scientists stated that they were able to prove the reality of the “water memory” effect. However, experiments carried out under the supervision of independent experts did not bring results. The debate about the existence of the “water memory” phenomenon continues.

Water has many other unusual properties that we did not talk about in this article. For example, the density of water changes depending on temperature (the density of ice is less than the density of water)

water has a fairly high surface tension

in the liquid state, water is a complex and dynamically changing network of water clusters, and it is the behavior of the clusters that affects the structure of water, etc.

You can read about these and many other unexpected features of water in the article “Anomalous Properties of Water,” authored by Martin Chaplin, professor at the University of London.