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Platonov across the river read summary

Page: [ 1 ] 2 Andrei Platonov's story The Potudan River tells the reader about the events of the early twentieth century.

The main characters of the story are Red Army soldier Nikita Firsov, his father and girlfriend Lyuba. Nikita returns from the war to his hometown. It’s a long walk and at noon he lies down to take a nap near the Potudan River, which flows along his city. By evening Nikita gets home. His father is sleeping at this time. He has lived alone since his wife died, two sons disappeared in the imperialist war, and the youngest, Nikita, was in the civil war. That night Nikita's father went to bed early; this had already become a habit since he lived alone. He wakes up from a knock on the window. The old man recognizes his son and runs to open the gate that was locked for the night. Nikita enters the room and sees that nothing has changed, it smelled the same as in childhood. Nikita himself became a head and a half taller than his father.

Several years ago, Nikita Firsov’s father wanted to marry the widow of a teacher, but soon he abandoned his intention. Twice he went to visit the teacher, taking Nikita with him. The teacher had a daughter, Lyuba, who always sat and read books. The teacher’s apartment, according to Nikita Firsov’s father, was too rich, and he never told her about his desire to get married. Now Nikita, having returned from the war, wandered around the city. He also passed by the house in which the teacher lived with her children. The house was empty and no longer seemed as beautiful as before. Then he went to the main street of the county - there was a party there. Suddenly someone calls out to him. Standing in front of him is a big, grown Lyuba. Nikita says that he has not forgotten her and, together with Lyuba, goes to her house. There is no trace of the former rich furnishings. Lyuba complains to him that she wants to eat all the time and, in order not to think about food, goes to bed. She tells Nikita about her life, says that her mother died a long time ago, her brother left with the Red Army, and she studies at medical academy. Nikita thinks that now she will go to Lyuba every day. Two days pass, he gets a job in the workshop and brings Lyuba a treat - fish and bread, his second course in the work canteen. Lyuba does not resist his visits and eats everything he brings her. After that, she usually reads notebooks on medicine, and Nikita lights the stove. Nikita's father cannot understand where his son goes in the evenings; he asks to take him with him because it is boring to live alone all the evenings, but Nikita refuses. One day Nikita asks Lyuba if she wants them to live together? Lyuba suggests waiting until spring.... Suddenly Nikita falls ill, lies delirious for three weeks and almost loses his memory. During the days of her illness, Lyuba comes to him for the first time. She puts him in a cab and takes him to her place. With a clouded consciousness, Nikita thinks that Lyuba spent her entire stipend on a cab driver. Nikita feels no better at the girl’s house. But Lyuba warms him with the warmth of her embrace and he forgets about the chill. After Nikita recovers, they decide to get married in the spring. Nikita's father is making a large wardrobe for the newlyweds' wedding. While making the wardrobe, he thinks that he himself could very well marry this girl Lyubka, but he understands that there is nothing to attract such a young girl to himself.

Andrei Platonovich Platonov (1899-1951) (real name - Klimentov) was born into a large family of a mechanic at railway workshops. He studied first at a parish school, then at a city school. From the age of 14 he mastered working professions. He showed early interest in technical invention and literature. In 1918-1921 took up journalism, while working for railway and studying at the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute. Beginning in 1921, Platonov became closely involved in creativity. He wrote stories on themes from village life (“In the Starry Desert”, 1921, “Chuldik and Epishka”, 1920), science fiction stories and novellas (“Descendants of the Sun”, 1922, “Markun”, 1922, “Moon Bomb” , 1926).

In 1927 Platonov moved to Moscow. Soon his story “Epiphanian Locks” appeared, which gave the name to the collection of stories (1927).

Platonov's work had difficulty gaining recognition from his contemporaries. After the publication of the essay “Che-Che-O” and the story “Doubting Makar” (1929), Platonov was accused of anarcho-individualism and was no longer published.

In 1928, Platonov completed work on the novel “Chevengur,” but the novel was published only in 1972 in Paris.

In the 1930s Platonov's talent manifested itself with the greatest force. During these years, the story “The Pit” appeared (1930, published in the USSR in 1987).

During the war years, Platonov was a front-line correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. His stories about the war retain the ambiguity of assessments, the atmosphere of internal conflict between man and the world.

The main character, Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, spent four years in the war and was demobilized. They say goodbye to him according to all laws, there is music, respect and love from his colleagues, after which he goes home. 8th grade

Magic ring

In one kingdom, in a village, there lived a peasant woman with her son. The son was single for now, and his name was Semyon. They lived very poorly, only once a month Semyon received one kopeck of pension. Once, returning from the city with a penny in his hand

Still a mother

In his work Another Mother, Andrei Platonov wrote about a little boy, seven-year-old Artyom, who went to school for the first time. The story begins with a dialogue between little Artyom and his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna.

July thunderstorm

This story is about the adventures of brother and sister, Natasha, nine years old, and Antoshka, four years old. In the hot summer, Natasha and her brother went to the neighboring village to visit their grandparents. The path was not far, but for small children


This story is about a kind and hardworking schoolboy Vasya Rubtsov. The boy loved to go to school, read books with pleasure and wanted to bring benefit to this world. He lived with his father and mother


The work Pit was started by Andrei Platonov in 1929, after the publication of Stalin’s article, which was called the Year of the Great Turning Point. The theme of the work can be taken as the birth of socialism in cities and villages

Love for the Motherland or The Journey of a Sparrow

An elderly musician regularly comes to the monument to perform his melodies on the violin in front of the townspeople. People always come to listen

Little soldier

The action took place during World War II. At the station near the front. The author made the main character of this story a boy, Seryozha, ten years old.

At the dawn of foggy youth

Olga is the main character, her parents died during the war, so she was left completely alone. The little girl is not used to the life of an orphan. Olga begins to do laundry and clean the house, imitating her mother

Unknown flower

Once upon a time there lived a small and inconspicuous flower; it grew in a dry wasteland without water or sufficient nutrition. He lived in poor conditions and tried to survive. This flower grew between two clenched stones, growing despite the bad conditions


The main character of the story is Nikita, a boy of about five years old. The baby is left at home alone every day: his father has still not returned from the front, and his mother is forced to work hard to feed herself and her son.

Sandy teacher

The young teacher Maria Nikiforovna is hired to work in a village near the desert. She is forced to fight the sands to win the favor of the residents.

colorful butterfly

Grandma Anisya lived on the sea coast. People around her don't know her age. She lives exclusively in anticipation of her own son Timosha, who once ran to the mountains for a butterfly.

Hidden Man

Foma Pukhov’s wife died, but he, it seems, was not upset about this: he cut the sausage on the coffin, getting hungry in the “absence” of his wife.

Dry bread

Third son

In one town, an old woman died. She lived a long life. Her husband informed different parts of the country where their sons lived about this misfortune.


The story “Ulya” by Andrei Platonovich Platonov has the subtitle “fantastic”, although its content is rather allegorical. It takes place in a village where a childless couple is raising a foundling girl.

Smart granddaughter

The main character of the writer Platonov’s work “The Clever Granddaughter” is seven-year-old Dunya, who lives with her grandfather. One day Dunya and her grandfather went to the city. There she met her neighbor, a merchant.

Doubting Makar

The main character of the work is Makar Ganushkin. He is opposed by another hero named Lev Chumovoy. The first of them is very talented, has golden hands, but is not strong in mind, and the other is the smartest among the village residents, but does not know how to do anything.


In the story the main character A twenty-five-year-old girl, Frosya, appears, but her relatives simply call her “Fro.” Frosya was married girl, whose husband left very far and for a long time.

Flower on the ground

The author tells the reader about the boring life of the boy Afonya. His father is at war, his mother works on the farm all day. Only grandfather Titus is at home. He is eighty-seven years old, and, due to his age, he sleeps all the time


The story begins with Zakhar Pavlovich, who, by the will of fate, was left alone in his village, while the rest fled from it from hunger. Zakhar Pavlovich was distinguished by his excellent ability to easily repair and restore any thing


1935 Andrei Platonov writes the story “Yushka”. The essence of the plot of the classic text is that Yushka - main character works as a blacksmith's assistant. He is sick with consumption. 7th grade

about the author

Andrei Platonov was born in 1899 in the city of Voronezh into a large working-class family. At the age of 20, Platonov began his creative activity, collaborating with various periodicals. The young author wrote poems, essays, and critical articles. In the years Civil War Platonov fought on the side of the Red Army as a war correspondent.

After the end of the war, famine struck the country, especially severe after the drought of 1921. Platonov works for the Land Committee as a land reclamation specialist, combining his main work with creativity. His collection of poems “Blue Depth” appears in print, approved by Valery Bryusov.

At the end of the 20s, Platonov moved to Moscow. The story “Epiphanian Locks”, dedicated to the transformations of Peter I, was written here. Through the prism historical events Platonov is trying to rethink his contemporary reality. The most significant works of Platonov are the novel “Chevengur” and the story “The Pit”. These philosophical works are difficult to understand and written in unusual language. The writer, in a satirical form, tries to rethink the events of the recent revolution and its results. Platonov's novels and stories were not accepted by his contemporaries.

In 1931, Platonov’s story “For Future Use,” dedicated to collectivization, appeared. He caused Stalin great displeasure, and after this Platonov was stopped being published altogether.

In the year of the Great Patriotic War Platonov again found himself at the front. His military essays caused another wave of criticism. The writer was accused of slandering the victorious Soviet soldier.

IN last years During his lifetime, Platonov was seriously ill and engaged in menial literary work. He translated and retold fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

The books of Andrei Platonov were appreciated only 40 years after they were written, during the years of perestroika.

Andrei Platonov's story The Potudan River tells the reader about the events of the early twentieth century.

The main characters of the story are Red Army soldier Nikita Firsov, his father and girlfriend Lyuba. Nikita returns from the war to his hometown. It's a long walk and at noon he lies down to take a nap near the Potudan River, which flows along his city. By evening Nikita gets home. His father is sleeping at this time. He has lived alone since his wife died, two sons disappeared in the imperialist war, and the youngest, Nikita, was in the civil war. That night Nikita's father went to bed early; this had already become a habit since he lived alone. He wakes up from a knock on the window. The old man recognizes his son and runs to open the gate that was locked for the night. Nikita enters the room and sees that nothing has changed, it smelled the same as in childhood. Nikita himself became a head and a half taller than his father.

...Several years ago, Nikita Firsov’s father wanted to marry a widowed teacher, but soon he abandoned his intention. Twice he went to visit the teacher, taking Nikita with him. The teacher had a daughter, Lyuba, who always sat and read books. The teacher’s apartment, according to Nikita Firsov’s father, was too rich, and he never told her about his desire to get married. Now Nikita, having returned from the war, wandered around the city. He also passed by the house in which the teacher lived with her children. The house was empty and no longer seemed as beautiful as before. Then he went to the main street of the county - there was a party there. Suddenly someone calls out to him. Standing in front of him is a big, grown Lyuba. Nikita says that he has not forgotten her and, together with Lyuba, goes to her house. There is no trace of the former rich furnishings. Lyuba complains to him that she wants to eat all the time and, in order not to think about food, goes to bed. She tells Nikita about her life, says that her mother died a long time ago, her brother left with the Red Army, and she is studying at the medical academy. Nikita thinks that now she will go to Lyuba every day. Two days pass, he gets a job in the workshop and brings Lyuba a treat - fish and bread, his second course in the work canteen. Lyuba does not resist his visits and eats everything he brings her. After that, she usually reads notebooks on medicine, and Nikita lights the stove. Nikita's father cannot understand where his son goes in the evenings; he asks to take him with him because it is boring to live alone all the evenings, but Nikita refuses. One day Nikita asks Lyuba if she wants them to live together? Lyuba suggests waiting until spring... Suddenly Nikita falls ill, lies delirious for three weeks and almost loses his memory. During the days of her illness, Lyuba comes to him for the first time. She puts him in a cab and takes him to her place. With a clouded consciousness, Nikita thinks that Lyuba spent her entire stipend on a cab driver. Nikita feels no better at the girl’s house. But Lyuba warms him with the warmth of her embrace and he forgets about the chill. After Nikita recovers, they decide to get married in the spring. Nikita's father is making a large wardrobe for the newlyweds' wedding. While making the wardrobe, he thinks that he himself could very well marry this girl Lyubka, but he understands that there is nothing to attract such a young girl to himself. In March, Lyuba and Nikita sign for marriage in the Council. They return home and don’t know what to do. Dusk falls and the newlyweds go to bed. In the morning Nikita gets up early, cleans the room and thinks bitterly that now Lyuba is probably telling him to go to his father forever, because all his strength beats in his heart, rushes to his throat, not remaining anywhere else. Lyuba wakes up, looks at her husband and thinks about the fact that she will be an eternal girl with him.

Life goes on as usual - evening wanders at night, and night wanders in the morning. One night Nikita wakes up crying. His wife Lyuba is crying, buried in her pillow. Nikita decides to drown himself in the Potudan River so as not to torment his wife. But then he changes his mind and goes to the Kantemirovka settlement. Here he gets a job as a bazaar cleaner. The market watchman who gives him this job mistakes Nikita for a mute tramp and feeds him with scraps from his table. After living for some time in the suburban bazaar, Nikita first lost the habit of speaking, and then remembering and began to suffer less. Work helps him forget his old life. But one day Nikita runs into his father, who came to the settlement to buy groceries. Seeing him, the father cries, and then says that he and Lyuba mentally buried Nikita long ago. And Lyuba even went to drown herself in the Potudan River, but the fishermen pulled her out. The weather was cold then and she is now sick. When Nikita asks why Lyuba drowned, her father replies that she was very upset and missed Nikita. Nikita's heart is filled with grief and strength, and he decides to go to Lyuba. The emaciated and pale Lyuba immediately recognizes him. He hugs his wife and understands that strength has come to him, and the heart dominates the whole body. Nikita understands that he is happy.

This concludes A. Platonov’s story The Potudan River.