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Meals while camping: what will we eat? What to eat on a camping trip How much grain to take on a camping trip

Summer is approaching - it's time for vacations, sunny weekends and relaxation away from civilization. Weekend tours, somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the city, are becoming more and more popular. And often, especially when preparing for the first long outing into nature, and even with children, we ask ourselves the question: what to feed this horde that has been running around in the fresh air?

Naval pasta has already become a symbol of camp life due to its simplicity and speed of preparation. But the menu is quite possible to diversify. So, everything in order.

Food storage

The duration and conditions of a summer vacation can vary dramatically, and along with them, the sets of products prepared for a hike or trip will also vary.

When leaving the city for a couple of days or the first days of a long road rally, it is quite possible to provide yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits.

Potatoes handle the road well and will be an excellent part of the diet. Late potato varieties do not germinate longer, so they will survive the entire holiday.

Liquid dairy products are poorly stored on the road, not only because of the temperature, but because of vibration from movement; it is better not to take them on the road at all. The butter, even if it has time to melt, will not spread if it is transferred to a container. Cheese for longer storage should be of the hard variety.

Meat products are also very unreliable ingredients; smoked products are best stored; for convenience, they can be cut or twisted in advance and transported in a container.

An excellent way to extend the life of fresh food are car refrigerators, thermal bags and thermal bags: if you put bottles of ice in them, they will last faithfully for up to three days than more ice, the longer the temperature lasts, at the same time this is a supply of cold drinking water.

When going into nature for a longer period, we cannot do without shelf-stable products: pasta, cereals, flour, powdered milk, egg powder, sugar, salt, canned meat, fish, vegetables.

For bread products, in addition to crackers, various slices and breads are suitable. Cookies, crackers and nuts are great snacks.

If there are certain requirements for the weight of food, the main helpers will be dry vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, peas), mushrooms, fruits and herbs.

And, since we are going to nature, we should not forget about its gifts. Many herbs growing under your feet can add vitamins to a salad or soup. We most often use the services of nettle, pine and clover.

Mushrooms and freshly caught fish are a good base for main courses.

For a delicious vitamin tea, raspberry and currant leaves, mint, bergenia, ziziphora are suitable...

And in almost all forests and all fields a wonderful healthy dessert grows.

Camp kitchen

Now let's figure out how to cook what we took with us. Usually the first association associated with camp cooking is a pot. But there are many other ways.

If you have a gas stove in your arsenal, then you can cook and fry anything, the process is no different from cooking at home.

Only in windy weather should the kitchen area be protected from the wind, for example, by protecting it from the stove on the leeward side with a case or moving it to the vestibule of the tent.

Another, less voluminous device for a camp kitchen is a grill grate. Any two supports are needed - and the universal slab is ready.

You can also place a pot or frying pan on the grill.
If you don’t have any supports at hand, it doesn’t matter either. We dig a hole in which we build a fire, and place a grate on top. In this case, even any four metal rods instead of a grate will do.

It is possible to cook a couple of dishes over a fire without having any utensils. Fish, sausages, bread are wonderfully fried on fairly strong branches... But if sausages and bread are fried quickly, and the process will become entertainment even for children, then it is better to fix the fish in the ground, tilting homemade skewers towards the fire, all that remains is to change them from time to time position.

Stones are used not only for arranging the hearth, but also as a kind of tile. The stones must be dry and uniform, otherwise there is a risk that they will crack when heated. If there are only small stones in the area, they are laid out flat side up, and the fire is built directly on them. When the fire burns out, the coals are swept off the stones and the stove is ready. Large cobblestones are placed directly on the fire, and then it is not necessary to wait until the fire burns out completely, the main thing is that the stone warms up enough.

While camping, you can even bake, and not just potatoes in ashes. You wrap any products according to your favorite recipes in baking foil, bury them in the coals, and - voila - you have a camp oven. Depending on the amount of coals, everything is cooked in approximately the same way as in a conventional oven. high temperature, or even faster.

Dishes on the go

We collect a minimum set of dishes in accordance with our menu and cooking method.

To prepare hot food - a pot and/or pan, frying pan. If you accidentally forgot the frying pan, fold the baking foil 4-6 times, form a plate, it’s quite possible to fry something on coals in it.

You can take disposable plates, spoons, and forks, but then for some time after dinner you will have to carry them in a garbage bag until you find a place for the garbage. And in this case, you need to take at least one spoon or spatula with you for stirring, as plastic spoons will melt.

To save space, you can take a reusable one. plastic dishes. Various containers for storing food will also come in handy.

It is very easy to wash dishes using sand or soda and salt, you can also take mustard. But if you still intend to use your usual dishwashing detergent, do it away from the coastline so as not to disturb the ecosystem.

Camping recipes

By and large, if we know how to cook over a fire, exact recipes are not needed. You can cook any dishes for which you have enough imagination and ingredients. So I'll just share some ideas.


  • Eggs: omelet, scrambled, boiled.
  • Any milk porridge, you can add nuts and/or dried fruits. Milk porridges (except semolina) are first cooked in water, and then, when the water begins to be actively absorbed into the cereal, milk powder diluted in water is added.
  • Sandwiches: vegetable, with butter and honey/jam, egg sandwiches (a mass of boiled eggs with cheese and mayonnaise), hot toast with cheese.
  • Pancakes - American pancakes (something between our pancakes and pancakes): a glass of flour, a glass of milk, 1 egg or tbsp. spoon of powder, tbsp. spoon rast. oil, 1 tsp. slaked soda, salt, sugar to taste).

First meal

  • Mushroom soup made from fresh or dried mushrooms(mushrooms, potatoes, onions, greens).
  • Fish soup made from fresh or canned fish (fish, potatoes, onions, herbs).
  • Vermicelli soup (canned meat, vermicelli, potatoes, carrots, onions).
  • Rice soup (canned meat, rice, potatoes, carrots, onions).
  • Pea soup (smoked meats, peas, potatoes, onions).
  • Hunting soup (smoked meats, potatoes, carrots, onions, olives, tomato paste, greenery).
  • Kharcho soup (canned meat, rice, onions, prunes, tomato paste, herbs).

We often cook something between hunting soup and kharcho: smoked meats, rice, onions, olives, herbs.

Another idea is camp chili: canned meat, beans in tomato sauce, onions, herbs.

And we also have one extreme recipe in reserve, which has never come in handy yet, but we keep it in our heads for every firefighter - field cabbage soup: canned meat, potatoes, onions (if there are any left) and all the edible greens that can be found.

Since in camping conditions you are unlikely to cook first, second and compote, the soup can be cooked thicker.

Second courses

  • Potatoes in any form: boiled, stewed with canned meat, mashed (if you brought a potato masher), fried, fried with mushrooms, baked, potato pancakes.
  • Pasta: with stew (classic of the genre), with cheese sauce (butter, flour, milk, cheese), with tomato sauce(word butter, flour, milk, ketchup or tomato paste with spices), with smoked meats and fried onions, can be added cold to a vegetable salad.
  • Rice is even more versatile than pasta. Not so popular on hikes, most likely only because it takes longer to cook. But if you soak it in water overnight, then this drawback is eliminated. From rice you can prepare everything the same as from pasta, plus rice with any canned vegetables or fish, or mushroom pilaf.

In this article, I will tell you what food to take with you on a hike, namely, how to make the most optimal food layout. Creating a grocery layout is one of the most important elements of preparing for any hiking trip. If the hike is one-day, then you don’t have to worry about food; you can easily get by with sandwiches.

But if the outing is longer, say, 3-4 days, then you should think about how to properly create a grocery list. So that the weight is low and the diet is varied and nutritious.

So, what food should you take with you on a hike?

Layout weight

In my opinion, the most optimal weight of food per person is 700-800 grams per person per day. Many survivalists set themselves a much lower weight, but here I will not focus on how you can get by on a hike without food at all. I want to talk about a layout that will not be very filling, but not very hungry either.

That is, if you go hiking for 3 days, then you will need a little more than 2 kg of food per person. Calculating the weight of the layout is very simple - you take the total weight of the products, divide by the number of “man-days” and see how many grams you get.

Features of the trek participants

Another important point What needs to be taken into account is to take into account the characteristics of the participants in the hike. Some participants may be vegetarians, some do not eat certain types of foods, others have allergies. Of course, for the sake of one participant, it can be quite difficult to redo the entire layout, but this must be done so as not to complicate the already difficult psychological situation during a difficult hike.

Diet variety

In order not to eat the same food every day, which really gets boring, the layout should be varied. Today we ate one thing, tomorrow we ate something else, believe me, it’s much more interesting and tastier. It is very important not to forget all sorts of little things, such as salt, various “nice things” for dinner, coffee for breakfast, spices. This will add great variety to your layout and keep your team happy. Otherwise, it will turn out that on the third day of the hike you will not get any pleasure from food, so do not forget about the variety of your diet.

Basic product layout

I would like to offer you my own version of the layout, which you can take note of or use as a basic one. It is designed for 10 participants on a 4-day trek. As you can see, the weight of the products is 687 grams per person per day or 2 kg 470 grams for all 4 days for each person. The menu is varied and new every day. There is breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Here is a list of foods that are consumed daily. This includes sugar, salt, tea, coffee, mayonnaise, all kinds of sweets and spices.

Complete list of products for the trip

And here it is full list products that you need to take with you on a hike. This is just my basic set (weight is indicated in grams), if you wish, you can remove something or add something of your own. I completely removed canned goods from this layout and replaced them with freeze-dried meat. As a result, the weight of the layout became less, and it was cheaper in terms of money. But you can still take canned food, both fish and meat. Each participant can add something of their own to this basic set of products and take with them what they like.

Well, that's basically all I wanted to say. After the products have been purchased, they should be distributed among the participants and placed in backpacks. It would be nice if one of the participants in the hike played the role of a supply manager and controlled food consumption. I wish you all a good trip, if you have your own thoughts about the grocery layout, leave your suggestions in the comments.

You can also watch an online video on the topic “Food on a hike - what to take with you on a hike”; experienced tourists will show you how to create a grocery layout and you will find out what other products you can take with you on a hike.

For a long time, during my hikes, I wrote a food layout for the entire hike and all participants.

What products to take with you

  1. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, freeze-dried mashed potatoes - now they sell even more or less tasty ones, millet, oatmeal porridge)
  2. Meat/fish: canned fish and stew, raw smoked sausage, sudzhuk, freeze-dried meat, dried meat.
  3. Butter (necessarily ghee!!! regular butter won’t stand it)
  4. Lots of different seasonings - so that the same buckwheat is different and tasty every day!
  5. A wide variety of dried fruits - for breakfast cereals, for snacks
  6. Hard cheese like Altai - lives well without any refrigerators for about 3 weeks
  7. Nuts can also be added to porridge and nutritious snacks
  8. Fry slices of black bread in butter with garlic, and simply dry breadcrumbs for white bread.
  9. Lemons for tea and as a snack for alcohol.
  10. Chocolate
  11. Tea, coffee, sugar, salt
  12. Dry soups in bags - you can also cook cereals on their basis, or cook them as separate soups, adding potato sublimate, a lot of seasonings, lemon juice, garlic - the result is a puree soup that tastes quite passable and tasty.
  13. Garlic.
  14. Dried vegetables in vacuum packages (carrots, onions, beets are sold).

It seems like I didn’t forget anything important. All of the above live for a very long time without cold. You can cook something new every day; we managed to not repeat a single dish from these products over the course of 10-12 days!
Such layouts are designed for live fire. (wood, fire)
Gas layout (for mountains or treeless areas) is a little different.
Fresh vegetables are not written because this is a camping menu. No normal person, if he had to carry a backpack for 2 weeks, would take with him a forkful of cabbage, beets or a kilogram of carrots.

What are we preparing from this?

  1. “Merchant-style buckwheat” - at the bottom of a kettle/pan in melted butter, fry raw sausage in slices, cover with buckwheat, fry for one minute, add water (with a dry bag of soup diluted in it) and simmer until done. Eat with garlic croutons on black bread.
  2. Soup with rice.
  3. Potato soup
  4. Borsch (vegetables are dried, and potatoes are in powder form).
  5. Fish soup made from canned fish.
  6. Vermicelli (noodle) soup can be made with milk, if you like (with milk powder), it can be with fish, or it can be with meat.
  7. Soup with buckwheat and croutons, if you are not too lazy, take 300g of plain flour in a sealed bag for homemade croutons :-) (powdered eggs are also sold for the same purposes)
  8. all soups, first sujuk or freeze-dried meat is boiled in water, cook for a long time until the meat becomes soft, then cook the soup in this broth - very nutritious and satisfying.
  9. Buckwheat, rice, pasta, potatoes - with stew, with fried sausage.
  10. Potatoes with fish.
  11. Mashed potatoes with milk powder and egg powder+ ghee.
  12. Navy pasta sprinkled with cheese.
  13. In the morning you can have sandwiches with cheese or sausage, you can have oatmeal porridge with condensed milk with raisins, nuts, dried fruits and sprinkled with chocolate.
  14. etc. and so on.

I really like to cook stew separately as “meat with gravy” and add a handful of finely chopped walnuts.
And most importantly - a LOT of different seasonings! The taste will be different. I cooked rice - generously poured curry into it, buckwheat - all sorts of oriental seasonings, into pasta - usually an Italian set of spices.
I buy the seasoning not individually (this is for the home, for home gourmet), but in combined forms, such as “Italian herbs”. “Seasoning for pilaf”, “Seasoning for soups” - just right for nature! than dragging 25 bags separately and pouring a pinch from each.

Tips and instructions

Summer is the time to travel and hiking. After choosing and discussing the details of the route, the question naturally arises of what food to take with you.

In order to follow a route, carry a backpack, chop wood and still have time to admire the surrounding nature, a person constantly has to expend energy. Our body, as is known, receives it from food. At home we hardly think about proper nutrition- as long as there is something to eat. It’s a completely different matter on a hike, where there are no shops, no refrigerators, no cafes and restaurants, and the loads you have to endure are quite considerable. And here the question inevitably arises: how much and what products to take with you on a hike.

How much energy does a tourist spend on a hike? IN Everyday life men engaged mainly in mental activity, but at the same time periodically paying attention to physical training, spend up to 3500 kcal per day, women - up to 2500. Participants in weekend hikes and simple hiking trips along middle lane spend 2500-3000 kcal per day. In category hikes for adult athletes, the weight of the backpack ranges from 25 to 30 kg, they have to go off-road, on steep slopes, through thickets... As a result, energy consumption for hiking trips of I-III difficulty categories for adults and children is 3000-3500 kcal per day. In skiing and mountain hikes they reach 3500-5000 kcal.

Well, it seems there is very little left: knowing energy value products and upcoming energy costs, you can calculate the amount of food needed for the hike. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Firstly, not all products are suitable for hiking, and secondly, for multi-day difficult hikes, so many of them will be required that the group will not be able to move. And on very difficult hikes, tourists, especially those with little training, exhausted under the weight of a backpack, will not get any pleasure. But we go camping primarily to have fun.

So, you will have to reduce the number of products to reasonable limits. Of course, in this case it will not be possible to cover all energy costs, but many years of tourist practice have shown that this is not necessary. On simple trips, it is quite possible to limit yourself to one kilogram of food per person per day, but on complex trips, where the use of expensive concentrates and freeze-dried products is justified, 700-850 g will be enough.

Nutrition plays a special role in the mountains, at altitudes above 3000 meters. Here, the lack of oxygen in the air leads to various changes in the functioning of the body that occur during the process of acclimatization. At the same time, an aversion to certain types of food appears, the digestibility of fats decreases, and many biochemical processes become difficult.

Products for the hike

What products should you take with you on a hike? For weekend hikes, any food that will not spoil before the end of the route is suitable. The main thing is not to take food in glass jars or containers with loose lids. There is no point in taking concentrates and cereals on short hikes - fresh vegetables and fruits are much tastier. The passion for cereals and soups in their packets is justified only in winter, when it is difficult to peel and cut vegetables.

When choosing food for a long summer hike, first of all you need to pay attention to ensuring that the food does not spoil in the heat. Milk, sour cream, and boiled sausage will spoil on the second day, and boiled eggs will go rotten on the third day, especially if you store them in a plastic bag. Various products that we usually take on the road (soups in plastic cups, instant noodles, etc.) are also not the most the best choice for a long hike. It is better to take a variety of canned meat, fish and vegetables. On short hikes you can take fresh vegetables and fruits.

In sports hikes, starting from category III. complexity, it is very important to reduce the weight of the backpack. In mountain tourism, this problem is typical for all hikes lasting more than 7-8 days. Therefore, tourist-athletes place quite stringent demands on products.

Now specifically about some products:

  • Dry soups (in bags). Nowadays there is a wide variety of dry soups on sale, from which you need to choose 3-4 types to diversify the menu.
  • Stew. You need to approach the purchase of stewed meat very carefully, because... V Lately There are a large number of fakes of very poor quality. Before buying a large batch of stewed meat for the entire trip, you need to carry out test purchase- purchase several cans from different manufacturers, open them and evaluate the quality of the product. Please ensure that the stew is produced in accordance with GOST.
  • Sublimated and dried meat. For challenging hikes this is the ideal product. True, here it is also necessary to carefully evaluate the quality of the product.
  • Chocolate. You should not take porous chocolate with you. Otherwise, any will do. It must be remembered that in hot weather chocolate melts quickly, so you should be careful when storing it.
  • Cheese. In summer it is better to choose hard varieties of cheese, and in winter processed cheese is a good alternative.
  • Pasta. Hard horns are preferable.
  • Dry greens. You can dry the greens (parsley, dill, basil) yourself in advance.
  • Sweets (lollipops and caramels). Take a few with you different varieties. And, of course, the candies must be in wrappers, otherwise they will stick together into one big candy.
  • Halva. It is more convenient if it is in packs or jars. It is more difficult to store and divide by weight.
  • Egg powder. An important source of protein.
  • Black crackers. You have to prepare it yourself. Cut a loaf of black bread into 1 cm thick slices. We dry whole slices or halves in air, and then put them in the oven and keep them at a temperature not exceeding 150°C. Rusks can be salted and soaked in vegetable oil. Cutting bread into small pieces (croutons) is unprofitable, since they take up a lot of space and crumble.
  • Dried foods (meat, vegetables) you can buy ready-made ones. Some vegetables can be dried in ovens at temperatures below 100°C or on central heating radiators.

Product layout

The layout is the quantity and range of products for each day. Of course, if you are going to take a walk in the forest for one day, you can get by without any layout with sandwiches and other snacks. For a simple multi-day hike, they usually use a simplified method of creating a layout: first, a menu is written out for 3-4 days, then they figure out how many and what products will be needed for each dish for 1 person, and finally, the number of products is multiplied by the number of participants in the trip. These 3-4 menu options will be repeated cyclically throughout the trip. This means that we need to calculate how many times each dish will be cooked and, thus, determine the amount of food for the entire trip.

Here is an example of such a layout:

Rice 60-80 Buckwheat 60-80 Millet 60-80
Powdered milk 20 Meat filling 30 Powdered milk 20
Oil 15 Oil 15 Oil 15
Crackers 15 Crackers 15 Crackers 15
Tea Tea Tea
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Sugar 50
Candy 30 Candy 30 Candy 30
Baranki 50 Cookies 50 Waffles 50
Lunch (snack)
Smoked sausage 60 Korean 60 Lard 50
Crackers 15 Crackers 15 Crackers 15
Sherbet 50 Halva 50 Kozinaki 50
Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50 Dried fruits 50
Cookies 50 Gingerbread 50 Baranki 50
Horns 60—80 Vegetable soup 60-80 Rice soup 60-80
Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30 Meat filling 30
Oil 15
Crackers 15 Crackers 15 Crackers 15
Tomato 5 Cheese 50 Tea
Tea Tea Sugar 50
Sugar 50 Sugar 50 Waffles 50
Total: 640—680 Total: 680—720 Total: 660—700

And finally, a few useful recipes:

These recipes are for 10 servings. All soups are boiled in 6-7 liters of water.

Borsch- the most favorite first dish on a hike. The borscht mixture is prepared before the hike as follows. The following components are poured into liter glass jars (according to the number of preparations):
  • dried cabbage 10 tbsp. l.,
  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried beets 3 tbsp. l.,
  • greens (mixture) 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried leeks 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cereals"Hercules" 10 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with potatoes),
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (black pepper, white root, Bay leaf, paprika) to taste,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g,
  • dry tomato paste 10 g.
After picking, the soup mixtures from the cans are carefully poured into plastic bags.

During cooking, pour the contents of the package into boiling water with continuous stirring. Cook the borscht over low heat for 12 minutes and leave for another 10. ready dish You can add half a tablespoon of butter per serving. Rusks are served with borscht.

Vermicelli soup:

  • small vermicelli 10-15 tbsp. l.,
  • soy meat 50 g,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 7 tbsp. l.,
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cumin 1 tsp,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black pepper to taste.
Before cooking, lightly heat the vegetable oil in the cauldron, and then carefully pour in the water in which the soup will be cooked (refined oil can be left unheated and added to the soup at the end of cooking). When the water boils, pour the contents of the package into it and cook for 10 minutes. As with all soups, take 7 liters of water for 10 servings.

Onions, sorrel, rhubarb, wild garlic and others grow in many areas edible plants. They are a wonderful addition to these soups.

To give soups a piquant taste, you can add various mixtures of spices and dried herbs.

Pea soup. There are two recipes for making this high-calorie soup. The first is when the peas do not undergo pre-treatment. Before cooking, 0.5 kg of peas are soaked for 2-3 hours and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Then pour the following mixture into the water:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (white root, dill seed, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • fried flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • ascorbic acid 1 g.
Cook everything for another 10 minutes. Add 0.5 tbsp to each serving. l. creamy or vegetable oil.

You can soak peas while camping directly in a plastic bag. It is enough to pour 200-300 ml of water into a bag with a portion of peas and tie it tightly. This can be done in the morning. The peas will be ready by lunchtime.

In the second option, peas are prepared in advance and added to the mixture. This soup is cooked over a fire for less than 10 minutes.

To prepare 0.5 kg of peas for the mixture, they need to be washed and soaked in warm water for 1-2 hours. After soaking, the peas are washed again and cooked until tender for 30-40 minutes. Then they are thrown into a colander, allowing the water to drain. Boiled peas are mixed with 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil, and place on a baking sheet to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees.

Bean soup. Beans are valuable food product. It contains a lot of protein and microelements important for life support. But to cook this on the go useful product, you need to soak the beans in warm water for at least 4-6 hours and then cook for more than an hour.

To quickly prepare dishes with beans, you can process them at home. It is advisable to use white beans. After sorting and washing, 0.5 kg of grains are placed in a jar and filled with warm water. After 6 hours, the beans are washed and boiled in water with the addition of 1/3 tsp. baking soda. Soda makes the shell of the grains soft and promotes more quick cooking. Instead of cooking for an hour in ordinary water, the beans are cooked in alkalized water for 20-30 minutes. When the beans are ready, place them in a colander and allow the water to drain. Then they are dried in the oven or in the air. The dried beans are then mixed with the following ingredients:

  • dried carrots 5 tbsp. l.,
  • dried onion 1 tbsp. l.,
  • potato flakes 5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • spices (dried garlic, bay leaf, black pepper) to taste,
  • fried flour 2 tbsp. l.,
  • beans 0.5 kg.
During the hike, the mixture is poured into boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and left for another 10 minutes. Add 0.5 tbsp per serving. l. butter.

Kulesh "March". In terms of thickness, this dish resembles a cross between soup and porridge. It is useful to cook it for dinner, especially when cooking dinner was missed due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • rice 0.6 kg,
  • dried carrots 5-7 tbsp,
  • dried onion 2 tbsp. l.,
  • paprika 1 tbsp. l.,
  • dry tomato paste 10 g,
  • soy meat 100 g,
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.,
  • red pepper to taste,
  • dried herbs 2 tbsp. l.,
  • bay leaf 3 leaves.
Pour rice into 7 liters of boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then add the mixture and leave the pot on low heat for another 10 minutes. Add 0.5 tbsp butter to the finished dish. l. per serving.

Instead of rice, you can use millet or buckwheat.

If for some reason lunch was missed, then any soup and half of the cereal prepared for evening porridge can be used for kulesh.

Updated 02/01/2020 Views 500398 86 comments

Almost every tourist who starts hiking is faced with the question of what food to take on a hike. Because the more you take, the heavier the backpack, and the less, the more likely you are to stay hungry. It is clear that this optimum is different for everyone, but still I want to share my layout of food that my friends and I went to. This layout was told by an experienced hiker friend, but I modified it a little for myself, since I eat more than him and love sweets.

I would like to make a reservation right away: the layout is partially vegetarian, but this does not in the least prevent anyone from using it. Or, as an option, remake it for yourself.

What food to take on a hike - all the nuances

  • The food we take on a hike is not exactly the same as what we are used to eating at home. The main criterion is weight. For example, instead of bread you can take crispbread, instead of regular cheese - dried cheese or at least a harder one, instead of vegetables and fruits - dried vegetables and dried fruits. That is, preference is given to everything dry, since it is lighter.
  • I recommend to everyone the Italian mixture of dry vegetables (onions, carrots, parsley, celery), which is sometimes sold in supermarkets. It’s good to cook buckwheat or some soup on its basis.
  • It is better not to take semolina and pasta, because this is the most useless food.
  • Instead of oatmeal, it is convenient to take oatmeal muesli, because it is already with nuts and dried fruits, as well as sugar. All that remains is to add water, and, for example, milk powder.
  • You should think 10 times whether you should take canned food, they are heavy. In addition, the cans should ideally be taken with you and not burned, which is also not very convenient.
  • It makes sense to take spices with you on a hike, packed in plastic bottles for some vitamins or for photographic film. I would also recommend taking not a metal bowl, but Plastic container with a lid, it's more versatile. You can always close something, and hold it comfortably with your hands, not too hot. Read more at the link.
  • Porridge and all bulk items need to be placed in several plastic bags (3 pieces), otherwise you will end up collecting everything in your backpack. And even better suited for this plastic bottles 0.5 and 0.6, or hard non-disposable bags from under clothes, or even rag bags (in the sense of putting plastic in a rag bag).
  • If you are going in a group and are going to cook together, then discuss the list of food in advance so that the main part coincides on the spot.
  • Despite the fact that being in nature is considered to require a lot of calories, I eat a little less on a hike than at home. Because at the computer you can grind a lot of things and not notice.
  • If the hike is short, 3-5 days, and not very difficult, then you can worry less about what food to take on the hike and carry as much food as you want.
  • To save cooking time, the porridge can be soaked in advance. For example, if you leave buckwheat soaked in water overnight, then in the morning you don’t have to cook it at all, just warm it up at most. At the same time, gas/firewood is also saved.

What food to take on a hike - dry bread

Travel food list

The basic layout is this - about 400 grams of food per person per day + optional treats (extra sweets, squash caviar, fruits). This is enough for me, but accordingly, I don’t eat to the fullest, but in such a way that I remain slightly hungry. If you eat meat, then you can add another 100 grams of stew per day (you can remove some of the sweets, or you can leave them).

Here's my layout. To recalculate to the required number of days, you just need to change the cell with days. The column “per day, kg” does not mean actual consumption per day, since today you eat buckwheat in the evening, and tomorrow you eat rice. The same goes for sweets and other items.

Standard meals in our company are as follows:

  • In the morning, rolled oats with dried fruits + tea/coffee.
  • During the day, only snacks in the form of cookies, snacks, chocolates, dried fruits, nuts with water or, less often, tea.
  • In the evening, buckwheat/rice with dry vegetables or lentils/soy (or mushrooms, if found along the way) + cheese with bread + tea/coffee.