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Write the insert number in the work book. Insert in the work book: how to design and sew in (samples). Why do you need an insert in a work book?

A work book is the most important document for employees of any organization or enterprise. Its maintenance and completion must be accurate and comply with the Instructions approved by government decree. Also, some data should be verified with the Rules, which were approved in a similar way. Issues such as numbering in the work book insert must be resolved in accordance with legislative acts.

Rules for storing and maintaining labor documents

According to Resolution No. 225, the maintenance and storage of work books and the production of forms takes place on the basis of the Rules. Section 5 of these Rules provides information in the form of Articles 38 and 39 about the insert in the work book.

Article 38 states that if all pages of one section of the book are filled out, a special insert should be filed in it. It is drawn up by the employer in the same manner as the work book. The article also contains an indication that without the main document, a separate insert is not valid and cannot be presented in Pension Fund or to other organizations as part of a specific work record.

Thus, if an insert from your work book accidentally comes off, you should act immediately to avoid having to prove in court your right to seniority based on the insert.

When filling out the insert in the book, the numbering is sequential from the entries in the work record: when making an entry, the following number must be indicated in order from last entry.

Article 39 states that when each insert is issued, a note is made in the book in the form of a stamp with the entry “Insert issued.” In this case, the series and number of this document are indicated. This information is individual, like the series and number of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


When the insert is issued, a stamp is placed in the work book and numbering is affixed. This happens because some workers change jobs frequently. In this case, there comes a time when it is impossible to add another entry to the “Job Details” section due to lack of free space. What should and should not be done in such a situation?

The following actions cannot be performed:

  • change the title of the first page of “Information about the award” to “Information about work” and continue to maintain accounts;
  • hem or glue blank leaves;
  • tear out blank pages from empty books to make an insert in the work book - in this case, subsequent numbering will be considered invalid.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 69 of October 10, 2003, according to which the Instruction was approved. On its basis, work books and inserts are stored and filled out. It says that if one section of the book is completed, the HR department of the enterprise prepares an insert in the form in accordance with the Rules approved by law. When the insert is issued, a stamp is placed on the title of the work book in accordance with paragraph 3.2 of the Instructions.

The title of the insert is issued on the basis of the employee’s passport and educational document. Next is the actual date when the insert was filled out. Before stamping, you must fill out the insert. When filing an insert in a work book, mistakes may be made. Numbering must occur in a timely manner so that the correct data can be indicated on the stamp.

Numbering of entries in the bound insert

The numbering on the insert is carried out in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this case, a serial number is placed, following the one that was indicated when making the last entry in the book. Clause 27 of the Rules provides for corrections in the insert in the event of entering inaccurate or incorrect data. This must be done at the place of work.

Crossing out and putting an incorrect entry in brackets is not allowed. If you enter an incorrect serial number, you must make the adjustments allowed by the Instructions: you need to make a note that a certain item is invalid and enter the correct data on a new line.

How to sew an insert into a work book: Video

Any mistake or omission in their work can result in long red tape in collecting certificates and restoring seniority, which will bring significant inconvenience to all participants in this procedure.

An insert in the work record is a document that continues to take into account the employee’s length of service after his work is completed, that is, another entry was made in the column for entering information about the work, after which there is no space left to make the next one. In this situation it is unacceptable:

  1. Cross out the name of the column “Information about incentives (awards)”, rename it to information about work and continue making entries.
  2. Paste in blank sheets of labor forms and continue making entries.
  3. Create a new employment record and continue making entries. Read about why you can’t have 2 work books.

Similar options for continuing to enter information about the employee’s work activities are also unacceptable. The only correct, legitimate course of action in such a situation is to file the insert in the TC. Other actions of the personnel officer may be called into question as a whole, with the ensuing legal consequences.

Respectively, if you are an individual entrepreneur, head of the organization, chief accountant, head (employee) of the human resources department or a person authorized by order of the head (see), responsible for maintaining labor records - check the availability of inserts. Keep in mind that blank insert forms must always be available, as well as TK forms.

Having an insert is a necessity, because if an employee comes to work for you and does not have space left to make another entry, you will not be able to make it. But in accordance with the Rules (No. 225), the employer must make an entry no later than 5 days from the date the employee takes office.

Naturally, a violation will arise that you cannot avoid. And if you refuse to hire an employee without any reason, then Other unpleasant results may occur:

  1. You will lose a good specialist due to your own lack of foresight.
  2. Having refused an employee, you may come across a situation of unlawful refusal being considered by the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court.

Based on this, we can conclude that the insert is far from a trifle in personnel records management.

Its presence may be taken for granted and not given serious importance. And its absence can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The appearance of the liner differs from the labor one, in particular, The form of this document has the following characteristics:

  • 36 pages;
  • cardboard cover;
  • format 88x125 mm;
  • with security elements.

The title page resembles a title work document, and inside all the columns completely coincide with the columns in the Labor Code.

Purchasing an insert form

Forms of inserts, as well as employment forms, can only be purchased by legal entities.

An employer is prohibited from:

  1. Receive a blank insert form from the employee.
  2. Demand from him a blank insert form.

Every specialist involved in personnel work must understand that insert forms, like employment forms, are a document of strict accountability. The insert can be purchased from intermediaries specializing in the sale of products manufactured by the State Sign of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, who have a special power of attorney for its sale, indicating the serial numbers of the books or inserts.

Such firms must have a license and certificate confirming the competence of the transactions they carry out. In other places, their acquisition may lead to serious problems, even to the point of raising the issue of falsification of labor documents.

Insert forms are purchased by the organization under an agreement with distribution companies. The person purchasing them from the organization must be provided with a power of attorney.

After their acquisition, the forms are stored in the accounting department or with an authorized person. The accounting department, after entering the purchased forms into the register of the receipt and expenditure book, transfers them to work against the signature of the person keeping the labor records.

Each organization, when issuing an insert to an employee, relies on the Rules approved at the government level dated April 16, 2003, No. 225. The employer has the right to the following conditions for their issuance:

  1. Issue free of charge, taking the acquisition costs under your own responsibility, in accordance with clauses 44 and 48 of the Rules.
  2. By charging proportionate compensation not exceeding the cost of the form, based on clause 47.

If by the time the entry is made in the insert, the forms from product sellers have increased in price, the employer has the right to charge a fee only equal to that which was paid when purchasing this particular form. Inflating the cost indicated in the invoice for the purchase of the form will be a gross violation.

You can compensate part of the cost of the form, then the employee will pay its partial cost. But this moment needs to be formalized by a special order. If it is made public, it can become an interesting and not burdensome marketing ploy for the employer.

Making an insert: step-by-step instructions for making an entry

The question of whether it is necessary to file an insert in a book may arise:

  • from an employee during employment;
  • from the personnel officer;
  • at the employer.

To understand where to get the insert and who should buy it, i.e. pay, know that having a record in the employment record is the responsibility of the employer. Therefore, the employed person does not need to show anxiety, fussiness regarding the need for an insert, or worry about this.

It is the employer who is obliged to make an entry in the Labor Code, and also decide how it is convenient to do this. He can offer options for how to order an insert:

  1. Pay the cost of the insert form against the invoice in cash.
  2. Write an application for an insert in the book.

Both actions will be legal, in addition, he can accept the work book without explanation and file the insert, without demanding payment and without introducing the employee to the nuances of personnel operations.

If the employee was asked to write an application for the provision of an insert, then the employer will deduct from it wages cost of the form. The fact is that the employer or accounting department do not have the right to make deductions from wages without an application or other written request from the employee.

It is also possible that at an enterprise, applications for the issuance of inserts and technical documentation are an additional form of accounting and control of these forms, which also makes sense.

The application is written in any form addressed to the manager, but can be submitted to the chief accountant, accountant or HR department employee. The statement requests:

  1. On the issuance of an insert form for filling out information about the work.
  2. About deducting the amount of payment for the form from earnings.

If an offer to write an application has not been received from the employer or an authorized person, the employee should not take the initiative to write an application. But provided that he insists on this, the refusal on the part of the employer will be unlawful. In this case, the insert must be issued upon application, and the application must be filed in a personal file.

It is quite possible that at the previous place of work he wrote a statement regarding any documents, and the employer convinced him that this should be in accordance with the standards.

If you provide work to citizens or maintain labor records, keep in mind that employees may impose their opinions, as they consider themselves knowledgeable and informed on many issues.

In unprincipled situations, it is better not to enter into an argument with them, otherwise they will demand lengthy explanations about the structure of your personnel records.

A entering into a debate about this with subordinates is ineffective. All your actions in the eyes of the employee should look like the actions of a competent person. But in fact, they should be.

Filling out the insert is carried out in the context of continuing to enter information into the Labor Code. Keep in mind that these are the same document. An insert without labor is invalid. Therefore, the main rule and purpose of filling out the insert is This is the transfer of information from the labor report into it. To do this, the entries on the title page of the insert must fully correspond to the information on the title page of the book.

All information must be entered correctly, in accordance with the Rules, Instructions and nomenclature documents defining general rules for conducting TC. It is necessary to be guided by the fact that all the requirements established for maintaining books are fully applicable to maintaining inserts. Below you can see an example.

Numbering or serial number

Numbering plays an important role. Please note that the serial number of the first entry in the insert is one greater than the last serial number in the book. That is the sequence of serial numbers continues to be observed, and the information entered continues those included in the labor document.

The complex should create a semantic unity of all data entered into the document. Situations often arise in which the last entry in the Labor Code is the employment entry, and the dismissal entry is already included in the insert.

This is a normal situation and quite common.

In addition, the associative and legal unity of the document is created in a special way, when preparing an insert in the work book. Without a registration record, a sewn-in insert (see how to sew in an insert) is invalid. Registration is done in two ways:

  1. By placing a stamp: “Insert issued.”
  2. By making a note that the insert has been issued.

Both methods are identical. The employer, if it is not possible to put a stamp, makes the entry manually. Both the stamp and the entry are placed in the same place: in the upper right corner on the title page of the work. In general, the design looks like this:

  1. A stamp is placed or a note is made “the insert has been issued.”
  2. Below is the series and number of the insert.
  3. At the end of the work, an insert is sewn between the last page and the cover.

The number of the insert is its identifier, that is, it must certainly match the one written on the title page of the TC. So you need to transfer it very carefully, carefully checking every letter and number. The number of inserts that can be issued to an employee is not limited. Accordingly, if there is already a mark on the issue of the insert in the designated place, make a new mark a little lower.

Errors: how to correct them?

Please note the importance of observing the following algorithm of actions when designing an insert:

  1. The insert is filled out completely - the title page and the entry.
  2. The entered information is double-checked, the information on the title page must completely match the data on the title page of the work report, the entry numbers must be in order, and the entry must be entered correctly.
  3. On the title page of the work report, you need to enter information about the issue of the insert (in the upper right corner), that is, make a note about the issue and put the series and number.
  4. Hem the liner.

This algorithm is important to avoid making and correcting errors. If an error is made when filling out the insert on its title page or when making an entry, then in accordance with the Rules (No. 225), it is written off and destroyed.

Note, if a blank insert is filed and its identification number is entered on the title page of the work- you will have to correct the mistake on the title page, tear out (remove) the insert. The employee may try to classify these actions as damage to the document.

Therefore, it is advisable to file and record the issue only after filling out the insert. This point concerns its initial filling.

After the insert is successfully filed and the first entry is made in it without errors, filling it out continues in the same way as filling out a labor document, without any exceptions. It and the work book are one document. Respectively, Error correction is done in the same way:

  1. If the next entry in the insert was made by mistake, with blots or typos, correcting it by crossing out or erasing it is unacceptable.
  2. Leave it as is, with the mistake made and not corrected.
  3. Under the following serial number, make an entry: “The entry by number (specify) is considered invalid.”
  4. Following this wording, without a new serial number, enter the information correctly and accurately.

Features of changing information when filling out the insert

Before filing the insert in the work book, the employee uses it for many years. Not surprisingly, changes may occur in his life. A woman can get married and change her last name, her education can change, her qualifications can improve. These nuances should be reflected in the owner's work report.

Therefore, it is quite advisable to offer the owner a labor write an application for issuance of an insert. It is also appropriate to invite him to fill out a questionnaire. This will allow you to determine what changes have occurred and understand how to fill out the insert most competently and adequately.

If the employee graduated from a university, which was not reflected on the title page of the employment contract, in the insert in the line “education” you write “higher”. If the specialty in which a citizen works has changed, then you have the right to indicate the specialty in which you are hiring him when providing the necessary documents.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the last name of the work owner. The entry in the insert must match:

  • with passport data;
  • with information in TC.

If the passport and TC have different surnames of the owner of the documents, then you need to request a document that reflects the reason for the change of surname, for example, a marriage certificate. After submitting the document that affected the change of surname, you:

  1. Make a copy of this document or offer the employee to do so.
  2. File a copy in your personal file.
  3. Based on your passport, enter your new surname on the title page of your work permit.

When changing your last name:

  1. On the title page of the work document, you need to carefully cross out the old name.
  2. Below write down the last name that is relevant at the moment.
  3. On the inside cover of the employment record, make a note about the change of surname.

The entry is made as follows: “The last name has been changed to (insert new last name) on the basis of (passport, enter passport details). Keep in mind that without providing a document confirming the reason for the change of name, you do not have the right to accept the book of a newly employed person, since he has not confirmed its authenticity.


An insert in the TC is needed to continue making entries.

If the book is completed, but the citizen continues to work, he needs to file the insert. The insert is as important a document as a work book, but without it it is not valid.

Insert forms refer to strict reporting documents, are purchased from special trading companies on the basis of an agreement and powers of attorney for sale and purchase. They must be stored out of direct access, in a protected place. Entries must be made as carefully and correctly as in the work book.

It’s rare for a person to work in one place for a long time, or even his whole life. In most cases, people have a fairly long track record in their work history. And since the number of pages for recording about places of work is limited, you have to purchase How to make a record correctly? We will consider these and other nuances in this article.

Document form

Sometimes you may encounter the fact that the pages in the work book where records of the place of work are kept run out. And this does not mean that you need to change your employment and start a new one. For such purposes, a special form was developed - an insert, which continues to count the employee’s length of service.

The form of the insert in the work book is established at the legislative level. The title page is filled out in the same way as a work book. For records about the place of work, the insert has 9 spreads, for awards - 8 spreads.

The insert is sewn into the labor sheet and filled out in accordance with the regulated rules (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003).

Purchasing an insert

Where do you get the form? The insert in the work book, as well as the books themselves, must be purchased directly by the employer from the unitary enterprise Goznak. The employer cannot:

  • accept a blank insert from an employee;
  • require you to bring the insert yourself.

Any career employee knows that the insert in the labor document is therefore it should be purchased only from those companies that have entered into an agreement with the Goznak enterprise. A company engaged in the distribution of inserts and labor must have a license, as well as a certificate that confirms the authority to sell.

The person purchasing the inserts must have a special power of attorney. Further, after acquisition, the inserts are stored in the accounting department. The accountant must enter all numbers of purchased forms in the receipt and expenditure book and transfer them against signature to the personnel department.

The employer must always have the required number of strict reporting documents available. The issuance of an insert in a work book can only be carried out in accordance with the rules established by the government of the Russian Federation.

The fee for the insert form is charged by the employer in the following cases:

  • when registering it for the first time (that is, the pages of the required section have run out in the labor document);
  • when issuing a duplicate work book.

The insert can be issued free of charge if this item is provided for by local regulations. The law also provides for several more cases when the insert form is issued free of charge:

  • when issuing a duplicate if the main document was lost due to the fault of the employer;
  • when re-filling out an insert form that was damaged due to the fault of a personnel employee (the person responsible for maintaining work records).

If by the time the entry is made in the work book insert, its price has increased, then the employer cannot take monetary compensation from the employee that exceeds the purchase price of this particular form. IN otherwise this would be a legal violation. The cost of the insert today is approximately 180 rubles.

Sewing rules

The HR department employee must independently take care of sewing the insert into the work book, because it is a direct continuation of the main work document. Sewing the liner consists of several steps:

  1. The personnel officer makes a note on the title page of the labor report about the issuance of the insert. The series and insert number are written next to the mark, which must match those indicated on the form itself.
  2. The first sheet is filled out in accordance with the documents provided by the employee. The date of completion may coincide with the date the employee was hired.
  3. Sewing the liner into the work piece. This must be done in a timely manner to avoid penalties.

There are no fixed rules on how to draw up an insert in a work book. But in practice, experienced personnel workers have proven that the best option Sewing the liner is the following algorithm:

  • it is necessary to expand the work between the last page and the cover;
  • open the insert form in the middle;
  • make two holes with an awl - in the work and in the liner;
  • Using a needle and white thread, sew the insert to the book (the ends of the threads should remain inside the insert).

Errors when sewing

Even though sewing in an insert seems to be not particularly difficult, inexperienced personnel officers still manage to make mistakes.

The main mistakes include:

  1. Sewing the form until it is filled out. This may cause the information on the cover pages of the two documents to differ. The consequence of this will be the unfastening of the form and correction of the data. In this case, a special report is drawn up for the damaged insert upon the fact of its destruction.
  2. Tearing the cover from the insert. This is not just a mistake, but a gross violation. The form is a document approved by law, and any modification of it, in addition to fines for the employer, entails a refusal to issue a pension for an employee who provides such a work permit with a damaged insert.

For a new insert form, as mentioned above, the manager must charge the employee a fee. But if the insert is damaged due to the fault of the HR department, a duplicate form is provided free of charge.

Filling algorithm

Experienced personnel officers know that the inserts are filled out in the same way as a work book. Nevertheless, you can keep before your eyes samples of entries in the work book so as not to make unnecessary corrections. The filling algorithm is as follows:

  1. The insert begins to be filled out by the organization that, during its work, ran out of fields for entries in the work book.
  2. The date on the insert is placed according to the fact of completion, and not according to the start date of the work experience.
  3. The insert should contain only those data that are relevant at the moment.
  4. The title page must bear the signature of the person who issued the insert and the seal of the organization.
  5. There can be as many forms of insert in the labor document as you like; the legislation does not limit their number.

Nuances of filling

Filling out the insert requires compliance with a number of principles:

  • the insert form is maintained in the same way as the work book itself;
  • without labor insert is not valid;
  • the numbering in the form continues the one started in the labor form;
  • if the mark in the work book is broken, then it is continued on the first page of the insert;
  • when changing the surname, corrections are made both in the work record and on the new form;
  • if the insert does not bear the seal of the organization in which it is registered, and the citizen has already changed his place of work, he needs to contact his former employer to have it affixed.

How to fix the error?

A personnel employee may inadvertently make a mistake when filling out the title page of the form. IN in this case it will need to be written off, drawing up a special act.

If you make a mistake in writing the series or insert number in the work book, you must make a note about making an erroneous entry and enter the data again.

If an error was made when filling out fields about the place of work, then corrections are made in the same way as in labor. The entry is not crossed out or corrected. Under it, a note is made about the invalidity of the entry, a serial number is placed and a new entry is made.

In any case, this does not mean that mistakes can be made in the documents. To be on the safe side, you can keep in front of you sample entries in your work book.

What can't you do?

It’s clear how to fill out an insert in a work book and how to keep records. Let's look at what is strictly forbidden to do when maintaining the insert form:

  1. Use a new labor document instead of filling out the insert form.
  2. Hem or glue blank sheets of paper instead of liners.
  3. Make corrections in the “Information about awards” section, that is, change the last word to the word “about work.”

For actions of any nature that are not specified in the instructions, the employer may be fined.

Is the form valid without a work book?

The Labor Code clearly regulates the use of work books and their inserts. And if the former are valid in themselves, then what about the inserts? Can they be presented separately from labor documents?

According to the basic Rules and instructions for maintaining and filling out these documents, the insert separately is invalid, and even more so, it is impossible to use it without a work book.

Taking into account the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer or HR specialist does not have the right to take actions of the following nature if a citizen presents only an insert:

  • register this citizen for work;
  • dismiss a citizen from a given place of work;
  • make any entries on such insert form;
  • perform other actions with the form.

A document has weight and can be taken into account only when it is sewn into the work book according to all established rules, and on the title page there is an entry indicating the registration of this document.

The work book records almost the entire professional life of an employee. Errors when filling it out can lead to loss of insurance or special experience, which in some cases is important.

If this happens, a person will have to spend time and significant effort on restoring documents. To prevent this from happening, you need to be well aware of the rules for filling out the document and, if possible, independently monitor the correctness of the entries.

What is it and when should it be used?

When your professional life is active and varied, sooner or later your work book (LC) may end. It can include not only records of hiring or dismissal from work, but also the following:

  1. Internal transfers.
  2. External transfers.
  3. Incentives that should be included in the employee’s personal document.
  4. Other entries.

When space in a book runs out, the question arises of what to do with it in the future. The legislation does not provide for maintaining the second or third volume of the document. For this situation, the use of a special attachment is provided. It is a strict reporting form that has a series and number, as well as high level protection against counterfeiting.

The rules for making entries are regulated by the instructions for filling out personal forms for recording experience, which were introduced by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 69. It was approved on October 10, 2001. This document is called “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books.”

How to design an insert?

When the book runs out, the employee does not need to do anything about it. The registration procedure is carried out at the enterprise where he came to work. During admission to the team, he, in particular, submits his document to the personnel department. The preparation and signing of a package of documents occurs with minimal participation.

The step-by-step instructions are as follows: next:

  1. The company purchases forms from a specialized printing house, if necessary.
  2. The cost of the insert is deducted from the employee's salary. He must be notified of this in advance.
  3. Although there are no strict rules, the attachment is usually inserted between the last page and the cover.
  4. The liner needs to be hemmed. To do this, use an awl to make several holes along the fold. A thread is threaded through them in such a way as to tie its ends tightly inside the document. Some holes are made with an awl directly on the fold, while others are made parallel to it a couple of millimeters to the right.
  5. There is no need to glue or seal the thread used to stitch the document.
  6. After it is secured, the front part is filled.
  7. On the first page of the work report there is a clearly visible entry indicating the presence of the attachment, indicating its series and number.

Any errors during registration are unacceptable. In this case, the old instance is deleted and a new one is inserted in its place.

After pasting the new form, filling is carried out in the same way as before.

Filling the front part

The very first page of the insert provides for filling out information about the employee.

Here you need to enter the following information:

  • Full Name;
  • indicate your existing education;
  • there is a special column for indicating a profession or specialty;
  • the employee’s date of birth is written;
  • a line is provided to indicate the date of completion;
  • The signature of the owner of the document is placed at the bottom of the page.

At the bottom, put the seal of the company and the signature of the person who is responsible for completing the filling.

Do I need a note in the main labor document about the presence of an insert?

Since such a form is a document of strict accountability, it has a series and number, and it also provides protection against possible forgeries.

After the additional attachment is filed and filled out without errors, a clearly visible entry about the series and number of the issued form is made on the initial page of the work report. It is usually formulated starting with the phrase: “Insert issued.” Then write the number, series and date of completion.

This entry may be made either manually or using a stamp.

Numbering of entries

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the book is the main way to certify insurance and professional experience. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not mention that one person can have two or more forms with records of places of work.

The appearance of an attachment after the space in the first part of the work book has been exhausted does not interrupt the logic and sequence of maintaining the document. Continuous numbering of records continues the one that was started from the first day of work.

The legislation does not provide for maintaining a second or subsequent work books after the previous ones have been exhausted. To increase document space, the use of an insert is highly recommended.

If we assume that after this the space in the document will run out, then it is allowed to file the next form. Their total number for one employee is not limited by law.

Common Mistakes

Despite the fact that pasting a new application does not seem difficult, in practice errors may occur due to incorrect design:

  1. Some people believe that the cover must be removed before the form is filed. In fact, it needs to be filed in the form in which it was received.
  2. It must be remembered that an unfiled insert in itself does not have legal force. To use it, it must be correctly attached to the work book.
  3. The date of completion on the new form refers to the moment the insert was issued, and not to the main book.
  4. It is possible that an employee’s personal data has changed since the first records were made. The most common situation is when the employee has a different last name. When applying for a job, the data must be correct at the time of filling out the form. If they have changed, you must indicate those that are currently correct.
  5. Some, in order to get additional space for entries, manually correct the inscription “Information about awards” to “Information about work” and continue to make further entries in this place. This is not allowed. In this situation, it is necessary to add a liner.
  6. It is not allowed to file a new work book instead. Also, you cannot glue separate new sheets.

Key points and nuances of filling out, maintaining and recording inserts

Although a new form is often filed at the end of the work, there are no legal restrictions on choosing a place. Some people find it more convenient to attach attachments before the first page of information about awards or in the middle of the work.

Errors may be made when filling out. If this happens, you do not need to make corrections, but take a new liner and reissue it. Therefore, it is more convenient to fill it out first and then file it in his book.

It is possible that the number of the last entry has been entered, but there is not enough space for the text. In this case, it can be continued on the insert as if it were just the next page of the form.

If, after completing the document, the employee’s last name has changed, then it will need to be corrected both in the book itself and in the added insert.

Sometimes a situation may arise when, upon joining a team, a stamp was not affixed to the new form. Even if the employee is already working in another place and finds out about this, he must still return to his previous employer and make an imprint. However, on new job this cannot be done. To complete the application, you need to contact the employer who filed the investment.

There is a special book for recording the movement of work books. In its absence, a fine may be imposed on the enterprise (in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). It relates to recording the receipt of work books and their issuance to dismissed employees. In the sixth column of this book they indicate not only the series and number of the book itself, but also the insert data.

Blank forms must be purchased by the enterprise. It is unacceptable when an employee offers his own blank form.

Errors are not allowed during the initial filling. However, if they nevertheless crept in when making entries, an algorithm for correcting them is provided.

In this case, the erroneous inscription is not crossed out or attempted to be erased. It is left in an erroneous form. Further, under the next number, they indicate that the previous one is considered invalid. Then enter the correct information.


Although the employer company handles the paperwork, the employee must control the main aspects of maintaining his personal data. If errors are made when making entries, this may subsequently lead to some problems due to the fact that part of the length of service will not be taken into account.

The author of the following story will tell you how to practically file additional pages to the main document on professional experience.

A work book is the most important document for employees of any organization or enterprise. Its maintenance and completion must be accurate and comply with the Instructions approved by government decree. Also, some data should be verified with the Rules, which were approved in a similar way. Issues such as numbering in the work book insert must be resolved in accordance with legislative acts.

Rules for storing and maintaining labor documents

According to Resolution No. 225, the maintenance and storage of work books and the production of forms takes place on the basis of the Rules. Section 5 of these Rules provides information in the form of Articles 38 and 39 about the insert in the work book.

Article 38 states that if all pages of one section of the book are filled out, a special insert should be filed in it. It is drawn up by the employer in the same manner as the work book. The article also indicates that without the main document, a separate insert is not valid and cannot be presented to the Pension Fund or other organizations as part of a specific work record.

Thus, if an insert from your work book accidentally comes off, you should act immediately to avoid having to prove in court your right to seniority based on the insert.

When filling out the insert in the book, the numbering is sequential from the entries in the work record: when making an entry, the next number in order from the last entry must be indicated.

Article 39 states that when each insert is issued, a note is made in the book in the form of a stamp with the entry “Insert issued.” In this case, the series and number of this document are indicated. This information is individual, like the series and number of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


When the insert is issued, a stamp is placed in the work book and numbering is affixed. This happens because some workers change jobs frequently. In this case, there comes a time when it is impossible to add another entry to the “Job Details” section due to lack of free space. What should and should not be done in such a situation?

The following actions cannot be performed:

  • change the title of the first page of “Information about the award” to “Information about work” and continue to maintain accounts)
  • hem or glue blank leaves)
  • tear out blank pages from empty books to make an insert in the work book - in this case, subsequent numbering will be considered invalid.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 69 of October 10, 2003, according to which the Instruction was approved. On its basis, work books and inserts are stored and filled out. It says that if one section of the book is completed, the HR department of the enterprise prepares an insert in the form in accordance with the Rules approved by law. When the insert is issued, a stamp is placed on the title of the work book in accordance with paragraph 3.2 of the Instructions.

The title of the insert is issued on the basis of the employee’s passport and educational document. Next is the actual date when the insert was filled out. Before stamping, you must fill out the insert. When filing an insert in a work book, mistakes may be made. Numbering must occur in a timely manner so that the correct data can be indicated on the stamp.

Numbering of entries in the bound insert

The numbering on the insert is carried out in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this case, a serial number is placed, following the one that was indicated when making the last entry in the book. Clause 27 of the Rules provides for corrections in the insert in the event of entering inaccurate or incorrect data. This must be done at the place of work.

Crossing out and putting an incorrect entry in brackets is not allowed. If you enter an incorrect serial number, you must make the adjustments allowed by the Instructions: you need to make a note that a certain item is invalid and enter the correct data on a new line.

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